  •                         NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court."
    Although it is posted on the internet, this opinion is binding only on the
    parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-4867-15T3
    Argued September 25, 2017 – Decided October 11, 2017
    Before Judges Sabatino and Whipple.
    On appeal from the New Jersey Department of
    Labor and Workforce Development, Division of
    Workers' Compensation, Claim Petition No.
    Anne M. Hammill-Pasqua argued the cause for
    appellant   (Capehart   &   Scatchard,  PA,
    attorneys; Jammie Jackson and Stephen T.
    Fannon, on the briefs).
    Christopher R. Shea argued the cause                for
    respondent (R.C. Shea & Associates,                 PC,
    attorneys; Mr. Shea, on the brief).
    Life   Care   Services,     doing    business    as   Harrogate     ("Life
    Care"), appeals a June 30, 2016 order of the Division of Workers'
    Compensation granting petitioner Andrea Elias certain additional
    temporary disability benefits and awarding her a penalty and
    counsel fees.         Life Care contends that the compensation judge's
    rulings are erroneous in numerous aspects.                     We disagree, and
    Elias worked as a home health aide for Life Care. She injured
    her   lower    back    on   December   3,     2010,    while   getting   up   after
    showering a patient.
    After the accident, various diagnostic tests and epidural
    injections were administered and Elias submitted to a functional
    capacity examination.         The testing showed that Elias had suffered
    certain lumbar injuries, but that she would still be able to
    perform light duties.         Meanwhile, Life Care terminated Elias and
    did not offer her a light duty position.                Elias retained counsel
    and filed a claim for temporary disability and wage loss benefits
    under the Workers' Compensation Act, N.J.S.A. 34:15-1 to -142.
    The matter originally settled on June 22, 2012, with an order
    issued    by    Compensation      Judge       Eugene    Mulvaney    approving     a
    settlement that awarded Elias 20% of permanent partial total
    disability for residuals of lumbar sprain and strain, subject to
    a 5% credit to the employer for her prior functional loss.                      The
    parties stipulated at that time to a compromised average weekly
    wage rate of $345 and a compensation rate of $241.50 a week.
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    Elias   made   attempts    to   return     to   work   without   success,
    including working part time as a cashier twenty-six hours a week
    for about six months through December 2011. That job ended because
    she was unable to endure the back pain.
    Because Elias' pain had increased significantly in intensity
    and duration, she moved to reopen her claim.                    Ultimately she
    underwent an L5-S1 spinal decompression and fusion surgery with
    Dr. Ramil S. Bhatnagar on January 29, 2014.             On July 11, 2014, Dr.
    Bhatnagar      concluded   that   Elias     had    reached    maximum    medical
    improvement, although he did acknowledge she had a permanent
    restriction of lifting no more than ten pounds.                 He also relied
    on a functional capacity evaluation, which concluded that she
    performed all the protocols "with significant submaximal effort."
    Another examining physician, Dr. Robert R. Bachman, likewise
    opined that Elias remained at maximum medical improvement.                 Elias
    was also examined by another physician, Dr. Cary Skolnick, who
    diagnosed a decrease in Elias's range of spinal motion to about
    55%.   Dr. Skolnick found a "material lessening" of Elias's working
    ability.       He did not comment on the issue of maximum medical
    Elias sought another medical opinion.              An orthopedist, Dr.
    Jason Cohen, evaluated her for that purpose.             Dr. Cohen found that
    the fusion surgery had not been entirely successful in that the
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    bone around the discs had not completely fused.              He disagreed with
    Dr. Bhatnagar's conclusion that plaintiff had reached maximum
    medical    improvement.     Dr.     Cohen     recommended    more   treatments,
    including    epidural     steroid       injections,    a    facet   block,    and
    radiofrequency denervation.
    The    reopened    matter    was    presented    to   Compensation      Judge
    Salvatore Martino. Judge Martino was dissatisfied with the clarity
    of the medical evidence provided on the papers, and asked that Dr.
    Cohen be made available to testify via a telephonic conference.
    Dr. Cohen thereafter provided that testimony, without objection
    by Life Care's trial counsel.                The expert generally supported
    Elias' contentions that she was still having problems stemming
    from the lower back injury.
    Meanwhile, Elias again attempted to obtain employment.                   She
    worked briefly as a cook at a banquet hall for about two weeks,
    but left the position because she could not handle the lifting
    duties imposed by the chef.
    On June 14, 2016, Judge Martino issued a ten-page opinion
    awarding Elias additional temporary disability benefits for the
    timeframe of July 11, 2014 to June 14, 2016, which results in a
    total computed benefit of $24,322.50.
    Judge Martino specifically found that plaintiff's testimony
    at the reopened hearing was credible and "inherently believable."
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    He concluded that Dr. Bhatnagar's finding in July 2012 that Elias
    had reached maximum medical improvement was "premature."                         In
    addition, Judge Martino imposed on Life Care a 25% penalty because
    of what he determined to be its "unreasonable and negligent delay"
    in failing to provide benefits to Elias sooner.                 The judge also
    assessed a 20% attorneys' fee pursuant to the statute.
    Life Care demanded a hearing on the claimant's proposed form
    of   order    because   it     wanted   to   get   full   credit,   against    the
    temporary disability award, for two "voluntary tenders" it made
    to Elias, each in the amount of $6,360.               Judge Martino rejected
    the employer's argument that these voluntary tenders should be
    offset against Elias' temporary award, which would still allow
    that to be offset against any enhanced permanent award she may
    receive in additional proceedings.1
    On     appeal,    Life    Care    raises     several   arguments,     which
    primarily are as follows:          (1) Elias failed to meet her burden of
    proof at the reopened hearing, and it was improper for Judge
    Martino to call Dr. Cohen sua sponte as a witness to help Elias
    bolster her case; (2) the judge erred in concluding from the
    evidence that Elias had not reached maximum medical improvement;
    (3) the judge misapplied Cunningham v. Atlantic States Cast Iron
    At oral argument on appeal, counsel acknowledged that further
    proceedings to reopen a permanent award are anticipated.
    5                                A-4867-15T3
    Pipe Co., 
    386 N.J. Super. 423
     (App. Div. 2006), in providing Elias
    with wage loss benefits because she did not sufficiently attempt
    to find work; and (4) the judge's imposition of the penalty and
    attorneys' fees was unjustified.           Having duly considered these and
    Life Care's other arguments, we decline to set aside any of the
    judge's rulings.
    Our scope of review of a compensation court's decisions is
    limited.    In general, we consider whether the findings made by the
    judge of compensation "'could reasonably have been reached on
    sufficient credible evidence'" in the record, "considering 'the
    proofs as a whole,'" giving due regard to the judge's opportunity
    to   observe    and    hear    the   witnesses    and   to   evaluate     their
    credibility, and to the judge's expertise in the field of workers'
    compensation.     Close v. Kordulak Bros., 
    44 N.J. 589
    , 599 (1965)
    (quoting State v. Johnson, 
    42 N.J. 146
    , 162 (1964)); see also
    Brock v. Pub. Serv. Elec. & Gas Co., 
    149 N.J. 378
    , 383 (1997);
    Perez v. Capitol Ornamental, Concrete Specialties, Inc., 
    288 N.J. Super. 359
    , 367 (App. Div. 1996).
    Further, a reviewing court must defer to the findings of
    credibility made by a judge of compensation, as well as to the
    judge's    expertise    in    analyzing    medical   testimony.    Kaneh       v.
    Sunshine Biscuits, 
    321 N.J. Super. 507
    , 511 (App. Div. 1999); see
    also Kovach v. Gen. Motors Corp., 
    151 N.J. Super. 546
    , 549 (App.
    6                                A-4867-15T3
    Div. 1978) ("It must be kept in mind that judges of compensation
    are regarded as experts."). In the presence of sufficient credible
    evidence, a compensation judge's findings of fact are binding on
    appeal, and those findings must be upheld "even if the court
    believes that it would have reached a different result."     Sager
    v. O.A. Peterson Constr., Co., 
    182 N.J. 156
    , 164 (2004) (citations
    Viewed through this prism of review, we conclude that the
    compensation judge's rulings in this case were legally sound and
    are amply supported by the record.   We only briefly comment on a
    few of the main points presented by Life Care.
    Life Care argues in its brief that the compensation judge
    unfairly elicited testimony from Dr. Cohen, and unduly relied on
    that testimony.    As we have already noted, and as the judge
    underscored in his July 14, 2016 letter submitted pursuant to Rule
    2:5-1(b), Life Care's trial counsel failed to object to the record
    being reopened to allow for Dr. Cohen's testimony.    We need not
    reach Life Care's claim of error on that score, which was not
    raised below.   Nieder v. Royal Indem. Ins. Co., 
    62 N.J. 229
    , 234
    Even if we did reach the issue, the judge had clear authority
    and justification to request Dr. Cohen's testimonial clarification
    of the findings contained in his written reports.    Handleman v.
    7                          A-4867-15T3
    Marwen Stores Corp., 
    53 N.J. 404
    , 411 (1969) (confirming the
    "inherent power" of a compensation judge to call and examine expert
    witnesses who, in the judge's "sound judgment," he or she "deems
    . . . necessary for a proper determination of the case"); see also
    N.J.R.E. 614 (analogously recognizing that authority of a judge
    in Superior Court cases).            The judge also had the prerogative as
    fact-finder to consider Dr. Cohen more credible than Dr. Bhatnagar
    concerning Elias' post-surgical medical progress, even though the
    latter physician had performed the surgery.                  See Ramos v. M&F
    Fashions, Inc., 
    154 N.J. 583
    , 594 (1998).
    We     are    unpersuaded      by    Life   Care's   argument   that   the
    compensation judge misapplied the principles of Cunningham, 
    386   N.J.    Super.     at   432
    ,   respecting     a   workers'   compensation
    petitioner's ability to be employed.               In Cunningham, an employee
    suffered a compensable injury, but later returned to work and was
    terminated due to excessive absences unrelated to his injury.                
    Id. at 424-27
    .         After his termination, Cunningham received treatment
    from a doctor who concluded he could not work due to his work-
    related injury.        
    Id. at 426
    .        Cunningham then filed for benefits.
       However, because he had already been terminated, due to his
    absenteeism, he suffered no actual loss of wages from his employer.
    Id. at 428
    .        Consequently, Cunningham needed to show that he would
    have been working elsewhere, but for the injury.                   
    Id. at 432
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    Because of the novelty of the legal issue, we remanded the case
    to afford Cunningham an opportunity to present such other proofs
    of actual wage loss.          
    Id. at 433-34
    Here, Life Care contends that Elias has not shown any actual
    wage   loss,   and   therefore     is   precluded    under   Cunningham      from
    obtaining benefits.           Life Care overlooks, however, a critical
    factual distinction that sets this case apart from Cunningham.
    Elias, unlike Cunningham, was terminated by her employer for a
    benign reason, and not because of any misconduct on her part.                 She
    lost her job because of the very work-related injury that underlies
    her claim.
    Life Care asserts that Elias should be denied benefits because
    she    has   not   made   a    sufficiently     diligent   effort   to    obtain
    replacement work.         The compensation judge had ample grounds to
    reject that assertion.          The judge, who explicitly found Elias to
    be a credible witness, accepted her explanation that she could not
    obtain other cashier jobs because it was too uncomfortable to sit
    and stand for long periods of time.            Elias also credibly testified
    that she was impeded in finding other suitable work due to her
    medically-imposed lifting restrictions.             The record exhibits the
    good faith attempts by Elias to work despite her pain, first as a
    cashier, and later as a cook.            In sum, the record sufficiently
    supports the judge's assessment that Elias was available and
    9                                A-4867-15T3
    willing to work, and that she would have been working but for her
    The balance of Life Care's arguments, including but not
    limited to its claims that the 25% penalty and attorneys' fees the
    judge imposed are unjustified, lack sufficient merit to warrant
    discussion.   R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(D),(E).
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