  •                         NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court."
    Although it is posted on the internet, this opinion is binding only on the
    parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R.1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-5714-14T1
    Argued October 27, 2016 – Decided           February 15, 2017
    Before Judges O'Connor and Whipple.
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Atlantic County, Docket No. L-
    Oliver T. Barry argued the cause for appellant
    (Barry, Corrado & Grassi, P.C., attorneys; Mr.
    Barry, on the briefs).
    Stephen A. Rudolph argued the cause for
    respondent (Rudolph & Kayal P.A., attorneys;
    Mr. Rudolph, on the brief).
    Michael J. Epstein argued the cause for amicus
    curiae New Jersey Association for Justice (The
    Epstein Law Firm, P.A., attorneys; Mr.
    Epstein, of counsel and on the brief; Michael
    A. Rabasca, on the brief).
    New Jersey State Bar Association, attorneys
    for amicus curiae New Jersey State Bar
    Association (Miles S. Winder, III, of counsel
    and on the brief; Lauren D. Fraser, John E.
    Gregory, Liana M. Nobile and Michael R.
    Paglione, on the brief).
    In this automobile negligence action, plaintiff Jacqueline
    Heredia appeals from a September 2, 2015 judgment and an August
    7, 2015 order denying her motion for new trial.1           Plaintiff
    contends the trial judge erred when he failed to ask prospective
    jurors open-ended questions, as mandated by Directive #4-07, (the
    Directive) depriving her of the opportunity to conduct meaningful
    jury voir dire.   Additionally, plaintiff argues the trial judge
    erred when he declined to charge the jury with the aggravation of
    injury charge found in Model Civil Jury Charge 8.11F.
    It is an abuse of discretion for trial courts not to ask at
    least three open-ended questions of prospective jurors during jury
    Plaintiff originally filed a Notice of Appeal of the June 23,
    2015 jury verdict of no cause of action; however, she subsequently
    filed an amended Notice of Appeal to reflect she was appealing
    from the September 2, 2015 final judgment denying her motion for
    a new trial.
    2                            A-5714-14T1
    selection, as mandated by the Directive; therefore, we vacate the
    judgment, and reverse and remand for a new trial.
    In her complaint, plaintiff alleged she and defendant were
    involved in a car accident, during which plaintiff sustained bodily
    injury.2   The limitation on lawsuit option (the so-called "verbal
    threshold") applies in this case.    See N.J.S.A. 39:6A-8.    Before
    trial, defendant stipulated liability.    In preparation for jury
    selection, plaintiff submitted five open-ended questions to be
    asked of prospective jurors:
    1.   What are your feelings regarding the
    proposition that accidents resulting in
    serious damage to a vehicle may result in no
    bodily injuries and accidents resulting in
    little damage to a vehicle may result in
    serious bodily injuries?
    2. Describe by way of an example an experience
    in your life that illustrates your ability to
    be fair and open-minded in this case.
    3.   Who are the two people that you least
    admire and why?
    4.   What would you do about the homeless
    5.   What would you do about those without
    medical insurance?
    Nicole Torres was a passenger in plaintiff's car at the time of
    the accident. Torres also filed a complaint against defendant but
    ultimately settled before the trial was over.
    3                           A-5714-14T1
    The   trial   judge   declined   to     include       any   of     plaintiff's
    proposed open-ended questions in the list of questions.                   The judge
    found the first question "redundant."          As for the second question,
    the judge stated he would be asking many open-ended and non-leading
    questions when asking prospective jurors seated in the box about
    their   biographical   background;        therefore,       the   judge    found    it
    inappropriate to ask the question.          The judge rejected the third,
    fourth, and fifth questions because the questions did not "add to
    anything" or were irrelevant.
    As the array entered the courtroom for jury selection, each
    prospective    juror   received    the      Civil        Model   Jury     Selection
    Questions, as promulgated by the Directive, without any open-ended
    questions.    The judge asked each juror seated in the box multiple
    biographical questions required by the Directive.3                     During jury
    selection,    plaintiff    used   only      two     of    her    six     peremptory
    challenges.    See R. 1:8-3(c).       Plaintiff's counsel advised the
    court on four separate occasions the jury was satisfactory.
    Trial commenced on June 18, 2015.            Plaintiff called Dr. Young
    Lee, an anesthesiologist specializing in pain management.                   Dr. Lee
    testified plaintiff told him she had never been in a motor vehicle
    These questions included, among others, how they received their
    news, what their favorite television shows were, if they have any
    bumper stickers on their car, how they spend their time, and if
    there was anything else they thought the lawyers should know.
    4                                     A-5714-14T1
    accident prior to June 3, 2011.        Dr. Lee also testified plaintiff
    had disk herniation and while pain management could control the
    pain, the herniation was permanent.                Plaintiff also called Dr.
    James   Panaia,   a   chiropractor,    who     testified     plaintiff     had    a
    permanent disk herniation.        Lastly, plaintiff called radiologist
    Dr. Ralph Dauito, who stated MRIs taken after the accident revealed
    disk herniation that would never heal to function normally.
    Defendant called orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Robert Ponzio.                   Dr.
    Ponzio testified plaintiff suffered a cervical strain and sprain
    injury, and opined plaintiff's injuries were permanent. Dr. Ponzio
    testified   plaintiff    had    disc   bulging,      but    he   considered    her
    condition to be unrelated to the accident.             Because plaintiff had
    no prior history of pain, Dr. Ponzio conceded on cross-examination
    it was possible to have degeneration in the spine without symptoms
    of pain or discomfort, and a single traumatic event could cause
    previously asymptomatic conditions to become symptomatic.                      Dr.
    Ponzio testified disc herniation is a permanent injury.
    At trial, plaintiff argued the judge erroneously denied her
    request     to    charge       Model       Civil     Jury        Charge    8.11F,
    aggravation/activation     of    preexisting        asymptomatic     conditions,
    based upon the testimony of Dr. Ponzio.               The trial judge denied
    the request because neither Dr. Ponzio nor any other expert witness
    5                                  A-5714-14T1
    testified an underlying condition was aggravated as a result of
    the accident.
    The jury returned a verdict of no cause of action on the non-
    economic    losses     but   awarded   plaintiff        economic      damages    of
    $18,534.41, representing the full value of plaintiff's outstanding
    medical bills.       Plaintiff filed a motion for new trial on July 9,
    2015, arguing the trial judge should have asked the open-ended
    voir dire questions she proposed, as well as charged the jury on
    aggravation of preexisting injury.               After hearing arguments on
    August 7, 2015, the trial judge denied the motion.                    This appeal
    On    appeal,    plaintiff   argues        the   trial   court    improperly
    disregarded the Directive by failing to ask open-ended questions
    during voir dire.        We agree a trial judge must ask open-ended
    questions pursuant to this Directive. We are therefore constrained
    to vacate the judgment, and reverse and remand for a new trial,
    to be conducted in accordance with the Directive.
    The Directive provides direction from our Supreme Court about
    how to conduct the voir dire process. See Administrative Directive
    #4-07, "Jury Selection – Model Voir Dire Questions Promulgated by
    Directive #21-06 – Revised Procedures and Questions" (May 16,
    6                                  A-5714-14T1
    The purpose of the Directive is to "empanel a jury without bias,
    prejudice, or unfairness."    Gonzalez v. Silver, 
    407 N.J. Super. 576
    , 596 (App. Div. 2009) (citing State v. Morales, 
    390 N.J. Super. 470
    , 472 (App. Div. 2007)).   Among other things, pursuant to the
    Directive, the trial judge is required to ask each juror at least
    three questions that require answers in narrative form.    
    Ibid. Specifically, the Directive
    directs, in pertinent part, the
    In addition to the printed questions, the
    judge shall also inform the jurors in the box
    and the array that jurors will also be
    individually asked several questions that they
    will be required to answer in narrative form.
    . . . .
    The judge will then ask [the] juror each of
    the open-ended questions, to which a verbal
    response shall be given and for which
    appropriate follow up questions will be asked.
    . . . .
    Some open-ended questions must be posed
    verbally to each juror to elicit a verbal
    response. The purpose of this requirement is
    to ensure that jurors verbalize their answers,
    so the court, attorneys and litigants can
    better assess the jurors' attitudes and
    ascertain any possible bias or prejudice, not
    evident from a yes or no response, that might
    interfere with the ability of that juror to
    be fair and impartial. Open-ended questions
    also will provide an opportunity to assess a
    juror's reasoning ability and capacity to
    7                          A-5714-14T1
    remember        information,      demeanor,
    forthrightness or hesitancy, body language,
    facial expressions, etc.
    . . . .
    The judge must ask at least three such
    questions, in addition to the biographical
    question and the two omnibus qualifying
    questions.   This is a minimum number and
    judges are encouraged to ask more where such
    action would be appropriate.
    The Directive is binding upon all trial courts.                   See 
    Gonzalez, supra
    , 407 N.J. Super. at 598.
    Here, the trial judge asked what he considered open-ended
    questions; he defined open-ended questions as "questions that call
    for something other than an yes or no response."                  However, the
    questions    the    judge    referred       to    were   either   the   required
    biographical or omnibus questions.               Such questions may offer some
    insight into the perspective of prospective jurors, but they do
    not satisfy the mandate to ask open-ended questions. The Directive
    unequivocally states the trial judge must ask at least three open-
    ended questions.      While the trial judge was within his discretion
    to reject plaintiff's proposed open-ended questions, it was an
    abuse of discretion not to ask any other open-ended questions as
    8                                A-5714-14T1
    directed by the Directive.4
    We next turn to the question of whether the error warrants
    reversal of the trial judgment of no cause for action and the
    denial of a motion for new trial.      We have previously said judges
    have   an   affirmative   obligation   to   adhere   to   administrative
    directives governing the voir dire process, but counsel also has
    a duty to raise objection to the jury selection process. 
    Gonzalez, supra
    , 407 N.J. Super. at 596.     We have also said there must be a
    "miscarriage of justice" that resulted from the failure to follow
    the Directive in order to reverse a judgment.        
    Ibid. Rule 2:10-2 provides
    "[a]ny error or omission shall be disregarded by the
    appellate court unless it is of such a nature as to have been
    clearly capable of producing an unjust result . . . ."         Plaintiff
    here requested voir dire questions ultimately rejected by the
    court, with assurances open-ended questions would be asked.
    Accordingly, we apply the harmless error rule to determine
    whether the trial court's failure to ask additional open-ended
    questions was of "such a nature as to have been clearly capable
    Appended to the Directive are examples of open-ended questions
    that may be used. The New Jersey Judiciary Jury Selection Manual
    contains additional questions.    The examples are not the only
    questions that may be used.    The court and parties may create
    their own questions. See Administrative Directive #4-07, "Jury
    Selection – Model Voir Dire Questions Promulgated by Directive
    #21-06 – Revised Procedures and Questions" (May 16, 2007),
    9                             A-5714-14T1
    of producing an unjust result."      R. 2:10-2.   Based upon our review
    of the record, we cannot conclude the voir dire was sufficiently
    comprehensive    to   ensure   an    impartial    jury   was   ultimately
    empaneled; the omission of required open-ended questions was not
    Plaintiff also argues the trial judge erred by refusing to
    instruct the jury pursuant to Model Civil Jury Charge 8.11F.             We
    Model Civil Jury Charge 8.11F states in relevant part,
    If you find that [plaintiff's] preexisting
    illness/injury(ies)/condition was not causing
    him/her any harm or symptoms at the time of
    the accident, but that the preexisting
    condition combined with injuries incurred in
    the accident to cause him/her damage, then
    [plaintiff] is entitled to recover for the
    full extent of the damage he/she sustained.
    [Model Jury Charge (Civil), 8.11F "Aggravation
    of the Preexisting Disability" (1997).]
    For an aggravation charge to be appropriate, plaintiff must provide
    evidence to support aggravation of a pre-existing injury.              See
    Edwards v. Walsh, 
    397 N.J. Super. 567
    , 572 (App. Div. 2007).
    However, if defendant raises the issue on cross-examination, the
    charge would also be appropriate.         
    Ibid. It is therefore
    plaintiff's burden to "prepare for comparative medical evidence"
    or be "at risk of failing to raise a jury-worthy factual issue
    10                            A-5714-14T1
    about whether the subject accident causes the injuries."                     Davidson
    v. Slater, 
    189 N.J. 166
    , 188 (2007).
    The    failure      to   instruct    the    jury     correctly    constitutes
    reversible error, Velazquez v. Portadin, 
    163 N.J. 677
    , 688 (2000)
    (citing Patton v. Ambio, 
    314 N.J. Super. 1
    , 10 (App. Div. 1998));
    however,    the    trial      judge   here    correctly     charged     the     jury.
    Plaintiff's witnesses testified plaintiff did not have a prior
    condition   and    the     injuries    she    incurred     were     caused    by   the
    accident.    Additionally, plaintiff's counsel stated prior to jury
    selection plaintiff was not making a claim of aggravation of a
    pre-existing condition.
    During       trial,      plaintiff's       counsel     asked     hypothetical
    questions during cross-examination of Dr. Ponzio to which he
    responded it is possible to have degeneration of the spine without
    symptoms, and it is possible for a single incident to cause the
    conditions to become symptomatic.                Dr. Ponzio did not testify
    plaintiff had a preexisting condition exacerbated by the accident.
    Counsel's questions merely elicited from Dr. Ponzio that it was
    "possible."       Additionally, plaintiff presented no evidence of
    having a preexisting condition. The trial judge therefore properly
    denied plaintiff's request to charge the jury with Model Civil
    Jury Charge 8.11F.
    11                                   A-5714-14T1
    Because we reverse on other grounds, we need not address
    plaintiff's arguments about the cumulative effect of the trial
    court's errors.
    Judgment vacated.    Reversed and remanded for a new trial
    consistent with this opinion.
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