Brunswick Bank & Trust v. Affiliated Building Corp. ( 2015 )

    DOCKET NO. A-5225-12T2
    March 17, 2015
    Argued January 6, 2015 – Decided March 17, 2015
    Before Judges Fisher, Nugent and Manahan.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Chancery Division, Middlesex County,
    Docket   Nos.  F-30990-10   (A-5225-12)  and
    F-21231-13 (A-2109-13) and Monmouth County,
    Docket No. F-26278-10 (A-1893-13).
    Philip R. Kaufman     argued   the     cause   for
    Anthony B. Vignuolo argued the cause for
    respondent (Borrus, Goldin, Foley, Vignuolo,
    Hyman & Stahl, P.C., attorneys; Mr. Vignuolo
    and Anthony T. Betta, on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    FISHER, P.J.A.D.
    In these three appeals of orders entered in three separate
    foreclosure actions, we consider, among other things, the impact
    caused by the plaintiff-lender having first sought and obtained
    a   money   judgment   in   the   Law   Division    –   before   seeking
    foreclosure – for the purpose of determining whether plaintiff
    has been fully compensated.        Because we can draw no certain
    conclusions from the convoluted and unsettled factual record, we
    The record generated in these cases reveals that between
    September 2007 and July 2009, plaintiff Brunswick Bank & Trust
    made five construction and development loans to defendants Heln
    2                             A-5225-12T2
    Management,        LLC,      and    Affiliated     Building         Corp.,    that      were
    guaranteed by Jeffrey Miller, a principal of both entities, and
    his   daughter       Melanie       Miller.       Each       loan    was   secured       by   a
    mortgage on one of four properties, which we will refer to as
    Matthew Manor, Beacon Hill, Loren Terrace and Baldwin Street.1                               A
    table identifying the five loans is set forth below.2
    In     May     2010,    plaintiff      filed      a    complaint       in   the    Law
    Division against Heln, Affiliated, and the two guarantors, on
    four of the five loans.3              On August 18, 2010, the Clerk of the
    Court      entered    a   default     judgment     in       favor    of   plaintiff      and
    against Heln for $1,884,141.84, against Affiliated for $175,000,
    To be more specific, Matthew Manor consists of seven lots in
    East Brunswick; Beacon Hill, Loren Terrace and Baldwin Street
    consist of single lots in Marlboro, East Brunswick and New
    Brunswick, respectively.
    Borrower                 Loan Date         Loan Amount                Loan
    Heln               Sept. 18, 2007         $1,500,000              Matthew
    Heln                May 22, 2008             $289,900           Beacon Hill
    Heln               Sept. 10, 2008            $100,000               Loren
    Heln               April 20, 2009            $300,000             Baldwin
    Affiliated              July 28, 2009             $175,000             Baldwin
    The complaint did not seek relief on the $300,000 loan                                      to
    Affiliated that was secured by a mortgage on Baldwin Street.
    3                                    A-5225-12T2
    and   against       the   guarantors    for         the   entire   amount         of    the
    indebtedness, $2,059,141.84.              The judgment also declared that
    plaintiff     was     entitled     to   "post-judgment         interest"          and     an
    attorney fee.
    After filing the Law Division complaint, but a few months
    before default judgment was entered, plaintiff commenced three
    foreclosure     actions;     a   fourth       was    filed    three    years       later.
    Specifically, plaintiff filed a complaint in Monmouth County on
    May 10, 2010, against Heln seeking foreclosure on Beacon Hill,
    and two foreclosure complaints in Middlesex County on June 8,
    2010 – one against Heln seeking foreclosure on Matthew Manor and
    the   other   against      Affiliated     seeking         foreclosure       on    Baldwin
    Street.     The fourth complaint was filed in Middlesex County on
    June 19, 2013, against Heln and Affiliated seeking foreclosure
    on Loren Terrace.
    Defendants4 did not respond to the first three foreclosure
    complaints, and judgments were entered foreclosing on Matthew
    Manor,    Beacon      Hill   and    Baldwin          Street   on      May    2,        2012,
    September 5, 2012, and February 22, 2013; the judgments set the
    For clarity's sake, we refer to all defendants either
    individually or collectively as "defendants" even though not
    every proceeding involved all defendants.
    4                                      A-5225-12T2
    redemption           amounts        at        $1,679,400.19,              $297,590.10,          and
    $330,777.83, respectively.5
    In    July     2012,      after        entry    of    the    foreclosure          judgment
    regarding Matthew Manor, defendants applied for a stay of the
    sheriff's sale scheduled for certain lots within Matthew Manor.
    In     his   supporting          certification,             guarantor          Jeffrey     Miller
    asserted       that       Heln     had    contracted           to       sell    one      lot    for
    $1,000,000,          which     would      result       in     a     $500,000       payment          to
    plaintiff, and that Heln had also contracted to sell another lot
    for $1,735,000.           In September 2012, the Chancery judge permitted
    the    sales    to       continue      with     respect       to    all      the   lots    within
    Matthew Manor except the lot for which there was an existing
    contract; as to this excepted lot, the judge ordered the sale to
    go forward if a closing did not occur by the end of October
    Later, the judge considered defendants' application for a
    stay    of     all       further    foreclosure             proceedings         based     on    the
    contention that the loans were "over-collateralized."                                      In his
    written decision, the Chancery judge recognized he was empowered
    to    "prevent       a    potential       double       recovery         or     windfall        to   a
    judgment     creditor,"          MMU     of    N.Y.,    Inc.       v.    Grieser,       
    415 N.J. 5
    These sums included awards of counsel fees of $7,500, $3,094.95,
    and $3,434.43, respectively.
    5                                        A-5225-12T2
    Super. 37, 40 (App. Div. 2010), but he found the matter too
    muddled by the other pending matters and recognized the exercise
    of his power to prevent a windfall had to wait until "a full and
    complete      factual   record    [could]       be    established."         Later,   by
    order entered on March 6, 2013, the Chancery judge denied a
    motion to vacate or stay the pending sheriff sales but the right
    of redemption was extended until March 1, 2013.6                      The judge also
    denied a request to consolidate the various lawsuits.
    Defendants thereafter moved for an order declaring the Law
    Division judgment satisfied.               Defendants argued plaintiff had
    received $2,517,063.01 – consisting of $1,217,063.01 in cash7 and
    $1,300,000 in property – which exceeded the amount due on the
    money judgment even when interest of $113,534.88, running from
    August 18, 2010, to March 1, 2013, was added.                       On July 1, 2013,
    the Chancery judge discharged8 the Law Division judgment "without
    prejudice to the legal rights and position of the parties as
    have   been    asserted   or     remain"       in    the   Beacon    Hill   and   Loren
    Terrace foreclosure actions.
    The final date for redemption is inexplicable in light of the
    date of the order, but we assume the order memorialized an
    earlier oral decision.
    Defendants allege that plaintiff was paid $717,063.01 in 2011
    and received another $500,000 upon sale of a Matthew Manor lot.
    The order was entered in both the Law Division action and the
    Matthew Manor foreclosure action.
    6                                  A-5225-12T2
    No appeal was filed regarding any of these orders.                           Those
    circumstances, however, set the stage for entry of the orders
    under review in these three appeals.
    A.    The    first    appeal.     Prior         to    his   disposition   of    the
    motion that led to the July 1, 2013 order described above, the
    Chancery judge heard argument on defendants' motion for a stay
    of a sheriff's sale of Baldwin Street.                      A temporary stay was
    granted   to    allow     the    parties       to    be    heard     on   defendants'
    contention      that     the    $175,000       Baldwin      Street    mortgage      was
    subsumed within the Law Division judgment and had therefore been
    satisfied and, also, with regard to defendants' assertion that
    they had found a buyer for the property that would generate
    $335,000, which would more than satisfy the mortgage.                      Plaintiff
    responded that the contract price would not satisfy the amount
    still owed as reflected by the foreclosure judgment.                          Without
    conducting an evidentiary hearing to resolve this dispute, the
    judge denied the motion for a stay of the sheriff's sale.
    Defendants' notice of appeal in A-5225-12 seeks review of
    the May 21, 2013 order that memorializes the judge's ruling.
    B. The second appeal.            In November 2013, defendants moved
    for a stay of a sheriff's sale of Beacon Hill in the one matter
    pending in another vicinage.           In adhering to the approach taken
    7                                  A-5225-12T2
    in the other matters, the judge in the Beacon Hill matter denied
    defendants' application by order entered on November 22, 2013,
    and plaintiff purchased Beacon Hill at the sheriff's sale that
    followed.          Consequently, defendants filed their second appeal
    C.        The     third     appeal.    As      noted       earlier,     plaintiff's
    foreclosure            complaint    regarding       Loren     Terrace   was     not    filed
    until June 19, 2013.                 Defendants responded to that complaint,
    asserting among other things that the underlying debt had been
    satisfied and plaintiff was otherwise estopped from foreclosing
    on the mortgage.
    Defendants moved for dismissal, and plaintiff cross-moved
    for summary judgment.               On November 18, 2013, after hearing oral
    argument,          the     Chancery       judge     granted        plaintiff's    summary
    judgment motion and struck defendant's answer to the foreclosure
    complaint;         the    order,     however,       also    declared    that    its    entry
    "will       be    without        prejudice    to    [d]efendants'       right     to    seek
    damages in the event of a reversal of this decision by the
    Appellate Division."                In addition, the order directed that the
    case    would           thereafter        proceed     on     an    uncontested        basis.
    Defendants, however, filed their third notice of appeal (A-2109-
    13)    on    January       2,     2014,    before     a    final    judgment     could   be
    8                                  A-5225-12T2
    A few months later, when the property was sold by mutual
    agreement    of   the   parties   –   and    with   defendants'       payment     to
    plaintiff of the proceeds under protest – the judge entered an
    order, declaring that "subject to the appeal of the order . . .
    striking the [a]nswer of [d]efendants [] the within matter be
    and hereby is dismissed with prejudice" but that "this dismissal
    shall be without prejudice to the issues now on appeal."                        The
    order additionally declared that "in the event [d]efendant[s]
    shall prevail on appeal, then [their] remedy shall be limited to
    money damages."9
    Defendants present the same three arguments in all three
    appeals, namely: (1) whether plaintiff, by filing suit for a
    money judgment prior to seeking foreclosure, is bound by the
    money judgment as to the amount due on the underlying notes; (2)
    whether   the     mortgages   were    satisfied     by   the    payment   of    the
    underlying      obligation,    and     (3)    whether,     in     a   commercial
    transaction, mortgagors are entitled to a fair market credit for
    property taken in foreclosure.
    Our disposition of these appeals makes unnecessary our
    determination of whether defendants mistakenly filed a notice of
    appeal before finality was achieved in this matter in the trial
    9                                  A-5225-12T2
    We commence our examination of these issues by mentioning a
    few    legal   principles     that   illuminate         the    way.        To   start,    a
    mortgage is simply a form of "security for the payment of a
    debt," J.W. Pierson Co. v. Freeman, 
    113 N.J. Eq. 268
    , 271 (E. &
    A. 1933), and full payment of the underlying debt, by operation
    of law, will extinguish a mortgage, Valley Nat'l Bank v. Meier,
    437 N.J. Super. 401
    , 404-05 (App. Div. 2014), certif. denied, __
    N.J. __ (2015); see also Shields v. Lozear, 
    34 N.J.L. 496
    , 503
    (E. & A. 1869) (holding that a mortgage "is annihilated by the
    extinguishment of the debt secured by it").                           Furthermore, a
    "mortgagee is not entitled to recover more than full amount of
    [the] mortgage debt."         79-83 Thirteenth Ave., Ltd. v. De Marco,
    79 N.J. Super. 47
    , 54 (Law Div. 1963), aff’d, 
    83 N.J. Super. 497
    (App. Div. 1964), aff’d, 44 N.J 525 (1965).                        In addition, we
    have    held   that,   even    in    a   commercial        setting,        courts    have
    "inherent      equitable    authority         to   allow   a   fair    market       value
    credit   in    order   to   prevent      a    double    recovery      by    a   judgment
    creditor against a judgment debtor."                   MMU of N.Y., Inc., supra,
    415 N.J. Super. at 40.           In that case, the plaintiff purchased
    the defendant's property at a sheriff's sale for nominal value
    and then quickly sold it for approximately $1,200,000.                            Id. at
    41.     We affirmed the trial court's ruling that the defendant,
    who owed the plaintiff $1,600,000 on a Law Division judgment,
    10                                  A-5225-12T2
    was entitled to a credit based on the property's fair market
    value.       Id. at 41-43.       What these authorities illustrate is that
    plaintiff was entitled only to recover the amount of its loan –
    together with accruing interest and other damages permitted by
    the loan agreements – and defendants were entitled to a fair
    market credit for any property acquired by plaintiff in the
    collection of its debt.
    Of further interest is that the "foreclosure first" rule,
    N.J.S.A. 2A:50-2, which acts to avoid the type of convoluted
    circumstances         presented     here,    requires           that    foreclosure      be
    sought first when collecting on a debt secured by a mortgage.
    Only    if    the    eventual     disposition      of     the    foreclosed     property
    fails    to    "bring       an   amount   sufficient       to     satisfy      the   debt,
    interest, and costs," may the lender commence an action on the
    deficiency.         Ibid.
    Although      the     "foreclosure        first"    rule        was   intended    to
    prevent the possibility of multiple actions for the recovery of
    such a debt, Light v. Granatell, 
    171 N.J. Super. 557
    , 561 (App.
    Div. 1979), the Legislature created exceptions and determined –
    for    reasons      apparently     "based    on    efficiency          and   respect    for
    arms-length business transactions," Bus. Loan Ctr., L.L.C. v.
    331 F. Supp. 2d 301
    , 309 (D.N.J. 2004) – that when the
    debt is secured "for a business or commercial purpose," such as
    11                                   A-5225-12T2
    here, the lender is not obligated to foreclose first.                           N.J.S.A.
    2A:50-2.3(a).    As we have seen, plaintiff chose the alternative
    route   permitted     by    this    exception,        thereby         convoluting     the
    circumstances now before us.10
    In any event, as made clear by First Union Bank v. Penn
    Salem Marina, 
    190 N.J. 342
    , 344-45 (2007), by fixing in the Law
    Division the amount due on four of the loans, plaintiff is now
    estopped from claiming a greater amount was due on the same
    items of damages then adjudicated.                   As the First Union Court
    held, "[e]xcept for amounts accruing after the first judgment
    and   for   different      categories      of   damages,        the    amount    of   the
    judgment    entered   in    [both    the     Law    Division      and    foreclosure]
    action[s] should be identical."            
    Id. at 345
    Because of the lack of clarity in the record as to how the
    application of these principles impact the parties' rights and
    obligations, we remand for further proceedings.                           Despite the
    Chancery    judge's   accurate      comment        early   in    these    proceedings
    regarding    defendants'      claims    of      "over-collateralization"              and
    overpayment of the debt – that "a full and complete factual
    A further complication arises from the fact that the Law
    Division action sought a money judgment on only four of the five
    loans.   Plaintiff's rights and remedies regarding that fifth
    loan are, therefore, not capped by the Law Division judgment
    except to the extent plaintiff may have already collected more
    than owed on the total of all five loans as a result of its
    efforts on the first four loans.
    12                                      A-5225-12T2
    record" was required – uncertainty and unresolved fact disputes
    continue to plague an understanding of the parties' rights.                          The
    parties are entitled to a consideration of these issues after
    the creation of "a full and complete factual record."
    We note that certain pieces of the puzzle are already in
    place.      First, the Law Division judgment fixed the total amount
    of    the   principal   indebtedness    on    four       of    the    five   loans   at
    $2,059,141.84, as of August 18, 2010, the date judgment was
    entered; the certification submitted by plaintiff in support of
    the entry of that default judgment designates – and caps – the
    amount due on each of the four loans involved.                         That default
    judgment also awarded plaintiff post-judgment interest on the
    adjudicated principal, thus fixing the accrual of interest on
    any    unpaid   portion   of   that   judgment       –    for    however     long    it
    remained unpaid – at the rule-based interest rate contained in
    Rule    4:42-11(a).11     Those   determinations          in    the    Law   Division
    precluded the awarding of additional damages on those categories
    in    the   later   Chancery   Division      actions.          First    Union    Bank,
    The judgment also found defendants liable for an "attorney
    fee," but no amount was fixed.      The judge should determine
    whether plaintiff's failure to quantify its attorney's fees when
    applying for the default judgment in the Law Division
    constituted a waiver of that category of damages in the Chancery
    Division matters or whether it is more equitable to permit the
    later determinations in the foreclosure judgments to constitute
    awards for the unspecified attorney fee permitted by the Law
    Division judgment.
    13                                     A-5225-12T2
    190 N.J. at 355
    .          On the other hand, plaintiff's right to
    seek relief on the fifth loan was not so limited.
    We further observe that a certification, which was filed in
    support   of    defendants'      motion         to       dismiss     the       Loren    Terrace
    foreclosure action, asserted that plaintiff was paid $717,063.01
    "[b]etween March 30, 2011 and December 28, 2011," and another
    $500,000 was paid to plaintiff on or about January 21, 2013.                                   It
    is not clear from the record whether plaintiff disputes these
    payments.      If so, then there must be an evidentiary hearing to
    resolve that dispute; if not, then the amount due on the Law
    Division judgment should have been reduced and the amount of
    interest accruing on the remainder should have been adjusted
    accordingly.      In addition, defendants contend plaintiff received
    property through sheriff's sales that would further reduce – or,
    if   defendants      are   correct        as    to       the   property's        fair     market
    value,    fully      satisfy     –    the       amount         due   on    the     judgment.
    Defendants     are    entitled       to   a     credit         against    the    outstanding
    indebtedness for the fair market value of the property obtained
    by   plaintiff.        And     plaintiff            is     entitled       to    recover       any
    reasonable     sums    for     expenditures              properly     incurred         but    not
    adjudicated by way of the Law Division action, such as – if
    applicable or permitted by the loan agreements – real estate
    taxes, insurance or property preservation.
    14                                       A-5225-12T2
    In short, the questions posed in these appeals cannot be
    properly or clearly answered without a full accounting of the
    cash and property collected by plaintiff applied against the
    amount     of   the   Law   Division    judgment      and    the   interest      that
    accrued on that judgment, as well as expenditures in "different
    categories of [permissible] damages" not adjudicated in the Law
    Division action.        First Union Bank, 
    190 N.J. at 345
    Although we are unsure of the practical effect of reversing
    the orders under review in A-5225-12 and A-1893-13,12 we reverse
    those orders as well as the order granting summary judgment in
    favor of plaintiff under review in A-2109-13.                      And, we remand
    for further proceedings in conformity with this opinion.                       These
    proceedings      should     be   conducted     by    the    Chancery     judge     who
    presided over most of these lawsuits even though one of the
    matters – that which is before us in A-1893-13 – was adjudicated
    in   a    neighboring     vicinage;    to    avoid   inconsistent        rulings    or
    further delay, the matter requires a global resolution by a
    single judge.
    Reversed and remanded.       We do not retain jurisdiction.
    Those orders denied defendants' applications                      for    stays    of
    sheriff's sales that eventually went forward.
    15                                  A-5225-12T2