Martha C. Ptaszynski, Etc. v. Atlantic Health Systems, Inc., D/B/A Mt. Kemble Rehabilitation at Morristown Memorial Hospital , 440 N.J. Super. 24 ( 2015 )

    DOCKET NO. A-0245-12T3
    individually, and as
    executor of the ESTATE                          March 20, 2015
    INC., d/b/a MT. KEMBLE
    Argued November 18, 2014 – Decided March 20, 2015
    Before   Judges       Yannotti,      Fasciale      and
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Middlesex County, Docket No.
    Anthony Cocca argued the cause for appellant
    (Bubb, Grogan & Cocca, L.L.P., attorneys;
    Mr. Cocca and Michael S. Bubb, of counsel;
    Katelyn E. Cutinello, on the brief).
    Barry R. Sugarman argued the cause for
    respondent (Sugarman Law, L.L.C., attorneys;
    Mr. Sugarman, of counsel and on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    Defendant        appeals    from   a     judgment    entered      by    the    Law
    Division awarding plaintiff damages, prejudgment interest, and
    attorney's    fees    and   costs,     on    claims    arising   from      the    care
    provided to Regina Ptaszynski ("Mrs. Ptaszynski") at Mt. Kemble
    Rehabilitation       at   Morristown        Memorial    Hospital      ("MKR").      We
    reverse and remand the matter to the trial court for further
    This matter arises from the following facts. On June 13,
    2006, following a fall at her home, Mrs. Ptaszynski was admitted
    to St. Peter's Hospital ("St. Peter's") with a fractured left
    hip and left elbow. She was eighty-six years old at the time.
    Prior to her fall, Mrs. Ptaszynski had been suffering from heart
    disease,     high-blood        pressure,      an   abnormal      heart      rhythm,
    diabetes, hypothyroidism, and peripheral vascular disease, which
    is a disease of the arterial blood vessels.                Mrs. Ptaszynski had
    triple-bypass surgery in 1998, and she suffered a stroke in 2000
    that left her weakened on her left side.
    While at St. Peter's, Mrs. Ptaszynski suffered a severe
    heart attack which delayed the surgery required to repair her
    fractured    left    hip.   Mrs.   Ptaszynski      remained      at   St.   Peter's
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    until    June    24,    2006,     when    she    was    transferred    to     MKR.    Mrs.
    Ptaszynski developed pressure sores and a fever at MKR, and on
    July    19,     2006,     she    was     transferred        to   Morristown    Memorial
    Hospital ("MMH"), where the doctors discovered that one of her
    toes     was    infected        with    methicillin-resistant          staphylococcus
    aureus      ("MRSA"),       a    bacteria        that       is   resistant     to     most
    At   MMH,    the    doctors       treated    Mrs.     Ptaszynski's     infection
    with antibiotics, but on July 30, 2006, her infected toe was
    amputated. Apparently, Mrs. Ptaszynski's condition worsened. On
    August 2, 2006, she was placed on a ventilator; however, in
    accordance with Mrs. Ptaszynski's advance directives, her family
    members elected to discontinue life support. She died the next
    On September 18, 2007, plaintiff, who is Mrs. Ptaszynski's
    daughter and the executrix of her estate, filed a four-count
    complaint in the Law Division against defendant. In count one,
    plaintiff alleged that defendant was negligent in the care that
    it provided to Mrs. Ptaszynski. Defendant's negligence allegedly
    included the failure to comply with New Jersey's statutes and
    regulations        relating      to    the   care      of   nursing-home     residents;
    comply with federal regulations applicable to MKR; prevent the
    development        of     pressure       sores;     and      prevent   and/or        treat
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    infections in a timely and appropriate manner. Plaintiff claimed
    that,    as    a     "direct      and    proximate     result"        of     defendant's
    negligence, Mrs. Ptaszynski suffered personal injuries, endured
    physical      pain    and    suffering       and   a   loss      of        dignity,    and
    ultimately died.
    In counts two and three, plaintiff asserted claims under
    the Nursing Home Responsibilities and Residents' Rights Act (the
    "NHA"), N.J.S.A. 30:13-1 to -17. The claim in count two was
    asserted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2 and alleged that MKR
    violated      N.J.S.A.      30:13-3h,     which    requires   nursing          homes    to
    comply with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules and
    regulations. The claim in count three was asserted pursuant to
    N.J.S.A.      30:13-8a   based      on   defendant's     alleged       violations      of
    Mrs. Ptaszynski's right under N.J.S.A. 30:13-5j "to a safe and
    decent living environment and considerate and respectful care
    that    recognizes          the    dignity     and     individuality            of     the
    In addition, in count four, plaintiff asserted a claim on
    behalf of Mrs. Ptaszynski's survivors under the Wrongful Death
    Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:31-1 to -6. Plaintiff alleged that, as a result
    of defendant's wrongdoing, Mrs. Ptaszynski died prematurely and
    her survivors had sustained economic losses.
    Defendant filed an answer in which it denied liability and
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    asserted generally that the complaint failed to state a claim
    upon   which    relief     could      be    granted.      Defendant      also   asserted
    various      defenses    and     claimed,         among   other    things,      that   the
    provisions of New Jersey's Charitable Immunity Act (the "CIA"),
    N.J.S.A.      2A:53A-7     and    -8,      either     barred      plaintiff's      claims
    entirely or limited her right to damages. In addition, defendant
    asserted that the NHA was not applicable because MKR was not a
    "nursing home."
    On November 3, 2011, plaintiff filed a motion for partial
    summary judgment, seeking a determination that MKR was subject
    to and was required to comply with certain federal and state
    statutes     and   regulations        that     apply      to   skilled    nursing      care
    facilities      and     long-term          skilled     nursing     care     facilities.
    Defendant opposed the motion, and argued that these statutes and
    regulations did not apply to MKR because it is not a "nursing
    The    trial     court    granted      plaintiff's         motion.    The    court
    determined      that     MKR    met    the    "very       broad   definition"       of    a
    "nursing home" in N.J.S.A. 30:13-2c. The court also determined
    that MKR was a "skilled nursing facility," and was subject to
    state and federal regulations that applied to those facilities,
    as well as the statutory and licensing standards for long-term
    care facilities.
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    Defendant thereafter filed a motion in limine in the trial
    court seeking, among other relief, a determination that, if MKR
    was considered to be a nursing home, defendant was entitled to
    complete charitable immunity under N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-7 for non-
    profit entities organized "exclusively for religious, charitable
    or educational purposes[.]" Alternatively, defendant argued that
    if MKR is considered to be a hospital, it is entitled to the
    limited     charitable         immunity    under          N.J.S.A.      2A:53A-8,       which
    provides a $250,000 cap on damages caused by the negligence of
    non-profit     entities          "organized           exclusively         for       hospital
    purposes[.]"       The   judge     denied       the    motion      without         prejudice,
    ruling that defendant could file a motion after the trial and
    seek to mold the verdict on this basis.
    The     matter       was    tried     before      a    jury,     which      found    that
    defendant    was    negligent      and     its     negligence        "was      a   proximate
    cause of harm" to Mrs. Ptaszynski. The jury also found that
    defendant was liable under the NHA because defendant violated
    "one or more of the rules, regulations, or State or Federal
    statutes applicable" to Mrs. Ptaszynski's care, and that such
    violation "was a proximate cause of harm" to her.
    The     jury     awarded      plaintiff        $250,000        on    the       negligence
    claim, and $250,000 on the claims asserted under the NHA. In
    addition, the jury awarded Mrs. Ptaszynski's survivors $50,000
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    on   the    wrongful       death          claim.       The   judge     granted        defendant's
    motion and dismissed plaintiff's claim for punitive damages.
    Thereafter, defendant filed a motion to cap the damages
    award      at   $250,000        pursuant         to     N.J.S.A.     2A:53A-8.          The   judge
    denied      the   motion.        The       judge       ruled    that      the    limitation         on
    damages in N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-8 only applied to the damages awarded
    on   the    negligence      claim,          and       that   award     did      not   exceed     the
    $250,000 statutory cap. The court entered a final judgment for
    plaintiff, which included an award of attorney's fees pursuant
    to the NHA.          This appeal followed.
    Defendant argues that the trial court erred by permitting
    plaintiff       to    pursue     a     claim       under       N.J.S.A.      30:13-4.2        for    a
    violation of defendant's "responsibility" under N.J.S.A. 30:13-
    3h to comply with applicable state and federal statutes and
    regulations.         Because     this       argument         was    not    raised       below,      we
    consider the argument under the plain error standard in Rule
    The NHA was enacted in 1976 to declare "a bill of rights"
    for nursing home residents and define the "responsibilities" of
    nursing homes. L. 1976, c. 120, § 1, codified at N.J.S.A. 30:13-
    1.   The    "rights"       of    nursing         home    residents        are     set    forth      in
    N.J.S.A.        30:13-5a    to       n,    and     include      a    resident's         right    to:
    7                                      A-0245-12T3
    manage    his   or    her     own    financial     affairs,       unless      a   guardian
    authorizes      the    nursing       home    to   do   so;    privacy;        retain     the
    services of his or her own physician; unrestricted communication
    and   personal       visits    at    a   reasonable      hour;     food       that    meets
    religious dietary requirements; and "a safe and decent living
    environment and considerate and respectful care that recognizes
    the dignity and individuality of the resident[.]" 
    Ibid. Furthermore, the responsibilities
            of   a    nursing        home   are
    defined    in     N.J.S.A.          30:13-3a      to    j.     They       include        the
    responsibility        to:   maintain        complete   records       of   a   resident's
    funds and personal property; provide for the spiritual needs and
    wants of residents; admit only the number of residents for which
    it could safely provide care; ensure applicants and residents
    are not subject to discrimination based on age, race, religion,
    sex or national origin; ensure that drugs are not employed as
    punishment or for the convenience of staff; permit access by
    legal    services     staff;        ensure    compliance      with    all     applicable
    state    and    federal       statutes,      rules     and    regulations;         provide
    residents with a written statement of services and charges; and
    provide the resident or family with a copy of the admissions
    Ibid. As initially enacted
    in 1976, the NHA provided in N.J.S.A.
    30:13-8a that:
    8                                     A-0245-12T3
    [a]ny person or resident whose rights as
    defined herein are violated shall have a
    cause   of   action    against   any   person
    committing such violation. The Department of
    Health and Senior Services[1] may maintain an
    action in the name of the State to enforce
    the provisions of this act and any rules or
    regulations promulgated pursuant to this
    act. The action may be brought in any court
    of competent jurisdiction to enforce such
    rights and to recover actual and punitive
    damages for their violation. Any plaintiff
    who prevails in any such action shall be
    entitled to recover reasonable attorney's
    fees and costs of the action.
    (Emphasis added).]
    Thus, under the NHA as initially enacted, a person could
    only bring a claim for a violation of a nursing home resident's
    "rights"   as    defined   in   the   law.    The   provisions    of   N.J.S.A.
    30:13-8a   did    not   authorize     a   person    to   bring   an   action   to
    enforce the nursing home's "responsibilities" as defined in the
    law. Under N.J.S.A. 30:13-8a, only the Department of Health (the
    "DOH") could bring such an action.
    The NHA was amended in 1991, adding two statutory sections,
    which are codified in N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.1 and N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2.
    L. 1991, c. 262, §§ 1, 2. These statutes apply when a nursing
    home requires a security deposit before admitting a person to
    The Department is now known as the Department of Health. See
    L. 2012, c. 17 (reorganizing and renaming the Department as the
    DOH and transferring certain programs to a newly created
    Division of Aging Services).
    9                             A-0245-12T3
    the facility. Among other things, N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.1 establishes
    requirements      for       the     investment            of     security         deposits       in
    interest-bearing           or     dividend-yielding                accounts,         notifying
    residents about the investments, and the return of the deposits
    with   the    interest       or     earnings,           less    allowed      deductions         for
    administrative expenses, when the resident no longer resides in
    the nursing home.
    In    addition,      N.J.S.A.         30:13-4.2         provides      that    a    person
    "shall have a cause of action against the nursing home for any
    violation of this act." (Emphasis added). Under N.J.S.A. 30:13-
    4.2, the DOH is authorized to bring an action to enforce the
    provisions      of        "this     act      and        any     rules       and    regulations
    promulgated pursuant to this act." 
    Ibid. (Emphasis added). As
    we stated previously, in count two of her complaint,
    plaintiff asserted a claim under N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2, based on
    defendant's      alleged         violation         of    its     "responsibility"           under
    N.J.S.A.      30:13-3h      to    ensure          "compliance      with      all    applicable
    State and federal statutes and rules and regulations."                                   We must
    determine whether N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2 allows a private party such
    as   plaintiff       to    pursue      a    cause       of     action   for       this   alleged
    violation of the NHA.
    Our   "paramount         goal       when    interpreting         a    statute"      is   to
    ascertain the Legislature's intent. DiProspero v. Penn, 
    183 N.J. 10
    477, 492 (2005). In general, the "best indicator of that intent
    is the language of the statute." 
    Ibid. We must give
    the words
    of a statute "their ordinary meaning and significance, and read
    them in context with the related provisions so as to give sense
    to    the   legislation     as   a    whole[.]"       
    Ibid. (internal citations omitted).
    If the statutory language may lead to more than one
    plausible      interpretation,        we    will    examine    extrinsic     evidence
    such as legislative history and committee reports to determine
    the Legislature's intent. 
    Id. at 492-93.
    The plain language of N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2 and the context in
    which the phrase "this act" is used in N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.1 and
    N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2 indicate that the Legislature intended the
    phrase to mean the amendatory legislation enacted in 1991, not
    the    whole    of    the    NHA.         For    example,     N.J.S.A.      30:13-4.1g
    authorizes     the    Commissioner         of    Banking    (the   "COB")    to   adopt
    "rules and regulations with respect to the establishment of the
    method of computing the interest due . . . pursuant to the
    provisions of this act. . . ." (Emphasis added).
    The authority granted to the COB pertains solely to the
    computation      of   interest       on    security    deposits     under     N.J.S.A.
    30:13-4.1, not to other provisions of the NHA. The amendatory
    legislation also states that "this act" shall take effect on the
    first day of the sixth month after its enactment. L. 1991, c.
    11                                A-0245-12T3
    262, § 3. The term "this act" as used in this section of the
    legislation obviously refers to the statutory amendments, not
    the NHA as a whole.
    There is no indication that, in enacting the amendments to
    the NHA, the Legislature intended to confer upon nursing home
    residents the ability to bring actions to enforce any violation
    of the NHA. The 1991 legislation imposed upon nursing homes new,
    specific      requirements     pertaining       to   security    deposits,       and
    allowed       residents   to      bring      actions     to     enforce       those
    requirements, not other responsibilities that nursing homes have
    under the law.
    Even if we viewed the phrase "this act" as ambiguous when
    read in the context of the entire NHA, the conclusion that the
    phrase "this act" in N.J.S.A. 30:13-4.2 only applies to the 1991
    amendments is supported by the legislative history of the bill.
    The Statement of the Senate Senior Citizen and Veterans Affairs
    Committee to Senate, No. 1560, dated January 25, 1990, which was
    later enacted as L. 1991, c. 262, provides in pertinent part
    that "a person shall have a cause of action against a nursing
    home    for    any   violations    of     the    provisions     of   the    bill."
    (Emphasis added). The Statement of the Assembly Senior Citizens
    Committee to Senate, No. 1560, dated June 17, 1991, included an
    identical statement. These legislative statements indicate that
    12                                 A-0245-12T3
    the amendatory legislation was intended to allow individuals to
    assert a cause of action for a violation of the provisions of
    the "bill" relating to security deposits, not for a violation of
    any other provision of the NHA.
    We     therefore   conclude      that     N.J.S.A.    30:13-4.2    does     not
    permit plaintiff to assert a cause of action for the alleged
    failure     by   defendant    to     fulfill    its      responsibility       under
    N.J.S.A.    30:13-3h   to    comply     with    all    applicable     state     and
    federal statutes, rules and regulations. The trial court erred
    by permitting plaintiff to pursue the claim in count two.
    As noted previously, in counts two and three, plaintiff
    asserted two claims under the NHA. The jury returned a single
    verdict on both NHA claims. Because the claim in count two is
    not permitted by the NHA, the verdict on the NHA claims and the
    award of counsel fees pursuant to that law must be set aside.
    The matter is remanded for entry of an order dismissing with
    prejudice    the   claim    asserted    in    count   two,   and    for   further
    proceedings on count three, as discussed later in this opinion.
    Defendant      also     argues     that    the    verdicts     rendered     for
    plaintiff on the negligence and wrongful death claims should be
    reversed on several grounds. We agree for the following reasons.
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    A. Expert Testimony of Plaintiff's Nursing Expert
    At    trial,      plaintiff       asked   the     court       to   qualify     Ilene
    Warner-Maron ("Warner-Maron") as an expert in various nursing
    care standards, the federal and state statutes and regulations
    that apply to MKR, and the treatment of pressure sores. The
    judge granted plaintiff's application.
    The judge also told the jury he was "satisfied" Warner-
    Maron   was   qualified       as   an   expert   "in       the    field    of   nursing
    standards of care, the nursing law, clinical requirements for
    treatment of pressure ulcers in a nursing facility," and that
    Warner-Maron       could    testify     and   offer    her       opinions   on     these
    subjects.     In   his     final   instructions       to    the    jury,    the    judge
    reiterated that Warner-Maron had been called as an expert in
    "nursing law."
    Generally, expert opinion testimony on matters of domestic
    law is not admissible. State v. Grimes, 
    235 N.J. Super. 75
    , 80
    (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    118 N.J. 222
    (1989). Rather, the
    trial judge has the exclusive responsibility to instruct the
    jury on the law to be applied to avoid the "danger . . . that
    the jury may think that the 'expert' in the particular branch of
    the law knows more than the judge[.]" 
    Ibid. (quoting Marx &
    v. Diners' Club, Inc., 
    550 F.2d 505
    , 512 (2d Cir.), cert. denied
    434 U.S. 861
    98 S. Ct. 188
    54 L. Ed. 2d 134
    14                                     A-0245-12T3
    Although it was permissible for the judge to allow Warner-
    Maron       to     cite        specific        federal       and        state    statutes        and
    regulations         as       support       for     her    opinions        on    the    applicable
    standard of care, the judge erred by permitting her to testify
    extensively as an expert in "nursing law."
    The judge also erred because he permitted Warner-Maron to
    provide her opinion of the meaning of the word "dignity" in
    N.J.S.A.         30:13-5j.           Defense       counsel        had     objected       to     this
    testimony on the ground that it improperly allowed Warner-Maron
    to    interpret          a    statute.       The     judge    overruled          the    objection
    because plaintiff's claim for damages included the loss by Mrs.
    Ptaszynski of the enjoyment of life. The judge observed that
    "dignity can play a role in loss of enjoyment of life." Warner-
    Maron's      testimony         was     specifically        directed,           however,    to    the
    meaning of the statute, not plaintiff's damage claim.
    The       judge       told    the    jury    that     it    was    not    bound    by     the
    testimony of an expert, but he merely read N.J.S.A. 30:13-5j to
    the jurors and did not provide any guidance to the jury as to
    its     meaning.         The        jury    was     left     with       only     Warner-Maron's
    interpretation of the statute to guide its deliberations.
    We    are     convinced             that     the    judge's        erroneous       rulings
    regarding        Warner-Maron's            testimony       had     the    clear       capacity   to
    affect the jury's decisions on the negligence and wrongful death
    15                                     A-0245-12T3
    claims, and the errors required reversal of those verdicts.
    B. Mrs. Ptaszynski's Pre-Existing Conditions
    At the charge conference, defense counsel asked the judge
    to instruct the jury to consider Mrs. Ptaszynski's pre-existing
    conditions in determining liability on the negligence claim. The
    judge determined that the charge was not warranted because there
    was no evidence indicating that Mrs. Ptaszynski had suffered
    from pressure sores, an infection "or other things that were
    claimed to be the cause of death" before she entered MKR.
    To sustain a cause of action for negligence, a plaintiff
    must   prove     that   the   defendant's      negligent   conduct    was    the
    proximate cause of the asserted harm. Skripek v. Bergamo, 
    200 N.J. Super. 620
    , 633-34 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    102 N.J. 303
       (1985).    However,    "'a    defendant    whose    acts   aggravate     a
    plaintiff's preexisting condition is liable only for the amount
    of    harm   actually   caused      by   the   [defendant's]      negligence.'"
    Scafidi v. Seiler, 
    119 N.J. 93
    , 110 (1990) (quoting Ostrowski v.
    111 N.J. 429
    , 439 (1988)).
    In a negligence case with a single alleged cause of harm,
    the jury is instructed on proximate cause in accordance with the
    standard "but for" instruction. Anderson v. Picciotti, 
    144 N.J. 195
    , 202 (1996). The instruction allows a plaintiff to recover
    only if the plaintiff can establish that the injury would not
    16                            A-0245-12T3
    have occurred "but for" the defendant's negligence. Verdicchio
    v. Ricca, 
    179 N.J. 1
    , 23 (2004). However, in cases where there
    is sufficient evidence to show within a reasonable degree of
    medical   probability         that    the    alleged    negligent       treatment      may
    have increased the risk of harm posed by an individual's pre-
    existing injury, the jury must be instructed to consider whether
    the increased risk was a substantial factor in producing the
    ultimate result. 
    Scafidi, supra
    , 119 N.J. at 108-14. See also
    Model    Jury    Charge      (Civil),       5.50E,     Pre-Existing      Condition        –
    Increased Risk/Loss of Chance — Proximate Cause (2014).
    In this case, defendant presented testimony from an expert
    in   geriatrics     and      internal    medicine.      He     testified       that   Mrs.
    Ptaszynski       had     been    taking       blood-pressure       medication.           In
    addition, a study at MMH showed that both arteries in her leg
    were    blocked.       The   expert    testified       that,    with    "no    blood    or
    little blood going to the heels," eventually a person "would
    develop a bedsore there." He further testified that, in his
    opinion, given Mrs. Ptaszynski's other health problems, she "was
    a little bit of a setup for bedsores."
    Another     defense      expert      testified    that    Mrs.    Ptaszynski's
    pressure sores "absolutely had nothing to do" with the                                MRSA
    infection    that      caused    her     death.   According       to    this    witness,
    tests showed that there was no MRSA bacteria present in any of
    17                                  A-0245-12T3
    Mrs. Ptaszynski's pressure sores. The expert opined that Mrs.
    Ptaszynski's toe infection was caused by a hammertoe and ingrown
    toenail, and by vascular compromise.
    In view of the evidence of Mrs. Ptaszynski's pre-existing
    health conditions, and the experts' testimony, a reasonable jury
    could have found that any harm to Mrs. Ptaszynski, including her
    death,    was   caused   by    her    pre-existing         conditions,    not    the
    alleged negligent care attributed to defendant. We are therefore
    convinced that the judge erred by failing to provide the jury
    with a Scafidi instruction.
    C. Double Recovery
    In     this    case,       plaintiff       sought       damages      for    Mrs.
    Ptaszynski's personal injuries, mental anguish, loss of dignity
    and death. Plaintiff's evidence did not, however, distinguish
    between   the   injuries      and    harm    caused   by    defendant's      alleged
    violations of the NHA and its alleged negligence.
    "[I]t is fundamental that no matter under what theories
    liability may be established, there cannot be any duplication of
    damages." P. v. Portadin, 
    179 N.J. Super. 465
    , 472 (App. Div.
    1981). The common law prohibits a double recovery for the same
    injury. Buccheri v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 
    19 N.J. 594
    , 605
    (1955).    Furthermore,       it    would     be   inconsistent       with     well-
    established principles to require a tortfeasor to pay twice for
    18                                 A-0245-12T3
    the same damages caused by a single wrong. Alfone v. Sarno, 
    87 N.J. 99
    , 115 (1981).
    Here, the jury was not instructed that it could not award
    plaintiff damages for defendant's violations of the NHA and its
    negligence    based   upon    the    same    injuries   or      harm   to    Mrs.
    Ptaszynski. As noted, the jury awarded plaintiff $250,000 for
    the NHA violations, and $250,000 on the negligence claim. Based
    on the judge's instructions, those awards could have been based
    on the same injuries or harm.
    Plaintiff   argues    that   the    evidence   allowed    the    jury    to
    infer that Mrs. Ptaszynski suffered different injuries and harm
    from   defendant's    negligence     and    its   violations     of    the   NHA.
    Plaintiff notes that the judge had instructed the jury that
    plaintiff was only entitled to fair and reasonable compensation.
    Plaintiff    contends       that    the     instructions      prevented        the
    possibility of a double recovery for the same injuries or harm.
    We do not agree. If properly instructed, the jury could
    have allocated the damages to the separate claims, based on the
    different theories of liability being asserted, but the jury was
    not provided with those instructions. We cannot assume that the
    jury allocated its damage awards based on the different theories
    of recovery being advanced in this case.
    Accordingly,   the     verdicts      and   damage     awards     on     the
    19                                A-0245-12T3
    negligence and wrongful death claims are reversed and the matter
    remanded for a new trial on these claims.
    We turn to several other issues that defendant has raised
    on appeal.
    A. Charitable Immunity
    Defendant     argues     that   the   judge     erred   by   refusing   to
    consider   its   pre-trial    motion      for    immunity   under   the    CIA.
    Defendant further argues that the judge misinterpreted the CIA
    when he denied its post-verdict motion to mold the verdict. In
    support of its contention that it is entitled to the limited
    immunity     afforded   to    hospitals         under   N.J.S.A.    2A:53A-8,
    defendant argues that it is not a "nursing home" under the NHA.
    The    CIA   provides    complete     immunity      from   liability    for
    damages to any "nonprofit corporation, society or association
    organized exclusively for religious, charitable or educational
    purposes" for damages caused by its negligence when the injured
    person "is a beneficiary, to whatever degree, of the works of
    such nonprofit corporation, society or association[.]" N.J.S.A.
    2A:53A-7(a). In addition, the CIA provides a $250,000 limitation
    on the damages for negligence that may be awarded against a
    nonprofit corporation, society or association that is "organized
    exclusively for hospital purposes." N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-8.
    20                              A-0245-12T3
    The CIA therefore immunizes certain nonprofit entities for
    simple negligence, but not for intentional, reckless or grossly
    negligent conduct. Hardwicke v. Am. Boychoir Sch., 
    188 N.J. 69
    97 (2006). The immunity provided by the CIA applies both to
    statutory and common-law claims. 
    Id. at 97
    Here,     the       judge       initially    refused      to    consider     whether
    defendant was entitled to charitable immunity because defendant
    did not bring the motion raising this issue until the eve of
    trial. Moreover, the record reflects that, in support of that
    motion, defendant presented the judge with factual material that
    had not been presented during discovery.
    As     noted,       the    judge    allowed      defendant      to    make   a   post-
    verdict    motion       on    the    immunity     issue,    and     then    denied     the
    motion. The judge apparently found that the $250,000 limitation
    on damages in N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-8 applied to defendant, but ruled
    that the issue was moot because the $250,000 damage award on the
    negligence claim did not exceed the statutory limit.
    We are convinced that the judge erred by assuming that the
    limitation   on     damages         only   applies    to   plaintiff's       negligence
    claims.    When     a    plaintiff's       cause     of    action    is    based     on    a
    statute,    and   the         defendant    alleges     that    it    is    entitled       to
    immunity under the CIA, the claims must be reviewed to determine
    whether the conduct that is statutorily prohibited falls within
    21                                   A-0245-12T3
    the scope of common law negligence. 
    Hardwicke, supra
    , 188 N.J.
    at 94-99. Therefore, on remand, the trial court must consider
    whether    plaintiff's    NHA     and    wrongful   death   claims     are
    essentially negligence-based and also subject to the immunities
    provided by the CIA.
    Furthermore, if the trial court finds that that defendant
    is not a "hospital" for purposes of immunity under the CIA, it
    must    determine   whether     defendant   is   entitled   to   complete
    immunity under N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-7a. To qualify for immunity under
    this statute, defendant must establish that it was organized
    "exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes."
    Ibid. (Emphasis added). B.
    Whether MKR is a "nursing home" under the NHA
    The term "nursing home" is defined in the NHA to mean
    any institution, whether operated for profit
    or   not,   which  maintains   and  operates
    facilities for extended medical and nursing
    treatment or care for two or more nonrelated
    individuals who are suffering from acute or
    chronic illness or injury, or are crippled,
    convalescent or infirm and are in need of
    such treatment or care on a continuing
    basis. Infirm is construed to mean that an
    individual is in need of assistance in
    bathing,   dressing   or    some   type   of
    [N.J.S.A. 30:13-2c.]
    In its answer, defendant asserted that it is not a "nursing
    home" as defined in the NHA and therefore the NHA does not
    22                           A-0245-12T3
    apply. Further, in response to plaintiff's motion for partial
    summary judgment, and in its motion in limine on the charitable
    immunity defense, defendant argued that it was a hospital, not a
    nursing home.
    We    note,     however,    that    defendant       never   filed         a    motion
    seeking summary judgment on the NHA claims on this basis. On
    appeal, defendant's arguments regarding the NHA are raised in
    support of its contention that it is entitled to charitable
    immunity       under    N.J.S.A.       2A:53A-8.    Nevertheless,           plaintiff's
    ability to maintain her cause of action in count three turns
    upon    whether      defendant's        facility    is    a   "nursing       home"         for
    purposes of the NHA.
    We     are    convinced     that     the     record     does        not       provide
    sufficient information to determine whether MKR is a "nursing
    home" for purposes of the NHA. Defendant contends that the NHA
    was not intended to apply to a hospital-based facility like MKR,
    where persons are admitted for fewer than thirty days for sub-
    acute       rehabilitation.       In    response,    plaintiff        contends           that
    defendant      operates    a   hospital-based,           long-term    care       facility
    which meets the definition of a nursing home in N.J.S.A. 30:13-
    The record indicates that the DOH issued two licenses to
    defendant.       One    license        authorized    defendant        to     operate          a
    23                                        A-0245-12T3
    comprehensive rehabilitation hospital consisting of thirty-eight
    beds.    The    other     license      permitted         defendant            to    operate        a
    hospital-based,     long-term         care    facility         with       forty      beds.       The
    licenses do not state, however, that MKR is licensed to operate
    as a nursing home.
    We also note that nothing in the record indicates that the
    DOH    ever    issued   a   separate         certificate            of    need      ("CN")        to
    defendant      authorizing      the    establishment            of       a    nursing          home.
    N.J.S.A.      26:2H-7   provides       that        a    CN     is    required          for       the
    construction or expansion of "health care facilities," a term
    defined in N.J.S.A. 26:2H-2a to include "nursing homes." See
    also    N.J.S.A.   26:2H-7.2        and     -7.3       (exempting            certain      nursing
    homes from the CN requirement).
    In addition, it is not clear from the record whether MKR is
    a   facility    that    would    be     permitted         to    provide            care     on    "a
    continuing      basis",     which      is     an       essential          element         of     the
    definition of a "nursing home" in the NHA. N.J.S.A. 30:13-2c.
    As defendant notes, patients are treated temporarily at MKR,
    with the expectation that they will be moved to another facility
    for long-term or "continuing" care if needed.
    Plaintiff insists that, because MKR is required to comply
    with    certain    standards     that        apply      to   the         care      provided      to
    persons in nursing homes, MKR                 must be considered a "nursing
    24                                           A-0245-12T3
    home" under the NHA.         Defendant maintains, however, that MKR is
    a "hospital" even though those standards also may apply to the
    care provided to persons treated at MKR. The trial court should
    address these arguments on remand.
    The parties should be afforded an opportunity to present
    additional evidence in support of their respective arguments on
    whether MKR is a "nursing home" for purposes of the NHA. This
    court's recent decision in Bermudez v. Kessler Institute for
    Rehabilitation,             N.J. Super.             (App.       Div.     2015),     may
    provide the trial court and the parties with some guidance in
    resolving this issue. There, the panel held that a comprehensive
    rehabilitation hospital is not a "nursing home" for purposes of
    the NHA. 
    Id. at (slip
    op. at 4).
    We   note     that    defendant        has     also      argued    that:     (1)
    plaintiff's claims should have been dismissed because she failed
    to    identify     deviations   by   individual           practitioners;     (2)    the
    trial judge erred by allowing Warner-Maron to testify as to the
    cause of Mrs. Ptaszynski's death; (3) the federal regulations do
    not   establish     a   cause   of   action;        (4)   the   federal    and    state
    statutes    and     regulations      relied     upon       by   plaintiff    do     not
    establish the applicable standard of care; (5) the judge erred
    by precluding the admission of the results of the DOH's surveys
    25                                  A-0245-12T3
    of MKR; and (6) the counsel fee award should be set aside. In
    view of our decision, we need not address these arguments.
    Reversed and remanded for further proceedings in accordance
    with this opinion. We do not retain jurisdiction.
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