Envirofinance Group, LLC and Earthmark Nj Kane Mitigation, llc v. Environmental Barrier Company, LLC , 440 N.J. Super. 325 ( 2015 )

  •                     NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    DOCKET NO. A-2475-12T4
    Cross-Respondent,                       April 14, 2015
    and                                         APPELLATE DIVISION
    Argued October 22, 2014 - Decided April 14, 2015
    Before Judges Lihotz, Espinosa and St. John.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Chancery Division, Bergen County,
    Docket No. C-111-11.
    Cory Mitchell Gray argued the cause for
    appellant/cross-respondent        (Greenberg
    Traurig, LLP, attorneys; Mr. Gray, Robert C.
    Epstein and Michael R. Glanzman, on the
    Paul J. Halasz (Day Pitney, LLC) and Gary H.
    Nunes (Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP)
    of the Virginia bar, admitted pro hac vice,
    argued   the  cause   for  respondent/cross-
    appellant (Day Pitney, LLC and Mr. Nunes,
    attorneys; Mr. Halasz, Mr. Nunes and Robert
    G. Rose, on the briefs).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    LIHOTZ, J.A.D.
    In these appeals, calendared back-to-back and consolidated
    for purposes of our opinion, we examine several orders, which
    fix the rights of the parties.               Plaintiff EnviroFinance Group,
    LLC (EFG) provided construction financing to plaintiff Earthmark
    NJ   Kane    Mitigation,      LLC    (Earthmark),       the   developer    of    an
    environmental mitigation project to be built on Bergen County
    wetlands owned by the Meadowlands Conservation Trust (MCT).                     The
    primary contractor of the project was defendant Environmental
    Barrier Company, LLC, d/b/a Geo-Con (Geo-Con).
    When    Geo-Con    was    not    paid    for   its    work,   it   filed   two
    construction liens against Earthmark's leasehold interest in the
    project.     Earthmark and EFG filed this action against Geo-Con,
    primarily to discharge the construction liens.                 The motion judge
    concluded    Geo-Con's     liens     were    properly     asserted   against    the
    private leasehold interest and assets of Earthmark, not against
    the public realty.         Geo-Con requested default and later moved
    for entry of final default judgment and to fix damages against
    Earthmark.     EFG opposed the motion, asserting a final judgment
    against     Earthmark      would     impair     its       collateral    interest.
    Following a hearing, the judge disagreed and found EFG lacked
    2                                 A-2475-12T4
    standing to oppose determination of claims between Geo-Con and
    Earthmark.       A final judgment in favor of Geo-Con and against
    Earthmark    was      entered.         A    second         order,    filed    over      EFG's
    objection and without benefit of a testimonial hearing, required
    Earthmark's payment to Geo-Con of an award of counsel fees,
    costs and pre—judgment interest.                      The first appeal, filed by
    EFG,    challenges      these    two       orders         (A-2475-12).        This      court
    declined to consider, but did not dismiss this appeal, pending
    the outcome of cross-motions for summary judgment.
    Reviewing      the   summary        judgment        record,    the    judge     upheld
    Geo—Con's construction liens.                He also determined EFG was liable
    for cure payments under the terms of its agreement with Geo-Con
    and assertions made in a February 2011 correspondence, but was
    not liable for additional cost overruns outlined in a September
    7, 2010 contract between Geo-Con and Earthmark, or otherwise
    responsible      to     pay      claims         for       work      performed,       despite
    allegations of quantum meruit.                  The second matter regards cross-
    appeals by EFG and Geo-Con from the summary judgment orders (A-
    Following      our   review,        of       the    arguments      presented,       the
    record on appeal and the applicable law, we affirm.
    MCT owns 587 acres of environmentally sensitive wetlands in
    the    Richard   P.    Kane     Natural      Area         located    in   Bergen     County.
    3                                    A-2475-12T4
    Earthmark       was   chosen      as    the    successful     bidder    following         the
    request for proposals to construct an environmental mitigation
    bank on MCT's land.           A mitigation bank is "a wetland, stream, or
    other aquatic resource area that has been restored, established,
    enhanced,       or    (in    certain         circumstances)     preserved      for        the
    purpose    of    providing        compensation        for   unavoidable      impacts      to
    aquatic resources permitted under . . . state or local wetland
    regulation."1         Mitigation banks employ a market-based approach to
    preservation,         placing      the       implementation     and    success       of    a
    project on a third party in exchange for credits, which may be
    sold to future developers, whose ventures in the surrounding
    area   may      impact      the   protected        environment.        See   
    33 C.F.R. § 332.2
    .        The proposed mitigation bank in the Richard P. Kane
    Natural Area was designed to allow transportation authorities,
    including New Jersey Transit, the Port Authority of New York/New
    Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New
    Jersey Turnpike Authority, to buy credits to offset wetlands
    disruption by prospective development in the Meadowlands region.
    Effective       January         22,    2009,   MCT's    Board    of    Directors
    entered into a ground lease with Earthmark                        to construct the
    project, at Earthmark's sole cost and expense, on a portion of
    Mitigation Banking Factsheet, United States Environmental
    Protection    Agency,     http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/guidance/
    wetlands/mitbanking.cfm (last updated Oct. 5, 2012).
    4                                  A-2475-12T4
    MCT's land.     As required by the ground lease and request for
    proposal,    Earthmark,         MCT,     and    the    various         federal   and    state
    agencies     comprising          the     Meadowlands        Interagency          Mitigation
    Council,     entered       into        the     Richard    P.       Kane     Natural     Area
    Mitigation    Bank     –   Mitigation           Bank   Instrument         (the    project).
    Earthmark contracted with Geo-Con to be the project's primary
    contractor (construction contract).
    The      project       was     financed        through         a     loan    from    EFG.
    Earthmark executed a $12 million "Secured Revolving Loan and
    Security Agreement" (the pledge agreement) on July 13, 2010.                               To
    secure     repayment       of     the        construction      financing,         Earthmark
    executed a "Pledge and Security Agreement" (the loan documents),
    granting EFG collateral security, which included 100% ownership
    and membership interests in Earthmark, including its leasehold
    and proceeds from the sale of mitigation credits generated by
    the project.
    Geo-Con     and    EFG       also    entered       into    a       Contractor   Consent
    Agreement (CCA), which collaterally assigned the construction
    contract between Geo-Con and Earthmark to EFG.                              The agreement
    required Geo-Con to provide notice and a cure period to EFG, in
    the event Earthmark defaulted under the construction contract.
    Additionally, the CCA precluded amendment or modification of the
    initial Earthmark-Geo-Con construction contract, without EFG's
    prior written consent.
    5                                    A-2475-12T4
    Geo-Con    commenced         construction         on    the   project     in    April
    2010.     Once EFG's financing was in place, monthly loan draw
    requests were submitted by Geo-Con, which certified the work
    covered had been completed as required by the project documents.
    EFG asserts problems in implementing the initial construction
    plan    arose,    creating         a     need   for      additional       excavating    and
    grading work, which caused timetable setbacks and significant
    cost overruns.          The nature and treatment of these issues were
    delineated in a September 7, 2010 agreement between Earthmark
    and    Geo-Con,    amending         the    initial       construction       contract     and
    adding    more    than        $2    million         of   expense     to     complete    the
    additional work.            The amendment to the construction contract was
    not presented to or approved by EFG.
    Further,       EFG    alleged       Geo-Con       and   Earthmark      designed     a
    separate payment schedule for this additional work, which was
    sought by, and disguised in, Geo-Con's draw requests to EFG.
    When    EFG    learned      of     the    separate       agreement     to   address    cost
    overruns, it declared Earthmark in default in a December 8, 2010
    By January 2011, Geo-Con ceased work on the project because
    it was not being paid.                   Geo-Con notified EFG of Earthmark's
    failure to remit payment of its October and November invoices,
    and separately sent notice of its intent to stop work, unless
    EFG    cured    the    default.           EFG       challenged   the      work   stoppage,
    6                                 A-2475-12T4
    advising Geo-Con it was willing                      to remit cure payments upon
    receipt       of     certain       documents         required       under       the     CCA.
    Specifically,         EFG       identified        Geo-Con's        need        to     submit
    engineering approval, and offered to meet to discuss the matter.
    Geo-Con       provided    the      engineer's        certification       approving        the
    October and November invoices.                    Also, Geo-Con rejected EFG's
    position regarding the work stoppage, as well as its refusal to
    pay for the additional work, and accused EFG of bad faith.                              When
    EFG     did    not    remit        cure   payments,          Geo-Con      recorded        two
    construction liens in the Bergen County Clerk's Office against
    Earthmark's        leasehold     interest       in    the    project,     on    March     28,
    EFG      and   Earthmark       initiated        this     action     by    filing       a
    verified      complaint      and    an    order      to     show   cause,      principally
    seeking to discharge Geo-Con's construction liens.                          Further, EFG
    sought damages for Geo-Con's wrongful filing of the construction
    liens, which it argued violated the Construction Lien Law (CLL),
    N.J.S.A. 2A:44A-1 to -38, because the liens attempted to attach
    a public works project in violation of N.J.S.A. 2A:44A-15(a).
    The complaint also alleged breach of contract, asserting Geo-Con
    included sums in its liens pursuant to the concealed overrun
    modification agreement, which were neither approved nor due.
    Geo-Con counterclaimed, alleging Earthmark and EFG breached
    their     respective        contractual      obligations.               Geo-Con       sought
    7                                       A-2475-12T4
    quantum meruit payment from EFG, payment on an open book account
    against    Earthmark,    an     equitable     lien    against     the    assets      of
    Earthmark and EFG, and permission to foreclose the construction
    On September 20, 2011, Judge Robert P. Contillo denied EFG
    and    Earthmark's    request    to   discharge       the   construction       liens,
    finding the cited exception to the CLL inapplicable.                          Although
    the project was in the nature of a public works project as it
    would     improve     public     property,      the     judge     concluded          the
    improvements were not "contracted for and awarded by a public
    entity," necessary elements for application of the exception.
    N.J.S.A. 2A:44A-5(b) (emphasis added).                The judge determined the
    relationship from which the proposed liens arose between Geo-Con
    and Earthmark was a private one and did not involve a public
    entity.     Therefore, the lien attached not to the public realty,
    but to Earthmark's private interest in the ground lease.
    Partial summary judgment was later granted dismissing Geo-
    Con's     claim   for   an     equitable      lien    on    mitigation        credits
    generated from the project that were pledged by Earthmark to
    EFG.      Subsequently,       counsel   for    Earthmark        requested       to    be
    relieved,     which     was    granted.        Earthmark        did     not    secure
    substituted counsel and ceased participation in the litigation.
    Thereafter, Earthmark entered into a Transition Agreement giving
    EFG control of the project.
    8                                     A-2475-12T4
    In June 2011, EFG assigned all its interest, including the
    loan and its security interest in Earthmark and the project, to
    Kane Mitigation, LLC (Kane).               Kane was owned entirely by EFG.
    In February 2012, Kane became the successor bank sponsor of the
    project under the authorizing documents with MCT.
    Without opposition, Geo-Con moved to dismiss Earthmark's
    complaint    and     requested     default      on     its    counterclaims        against
    Earthmark.        Geo-Con   later     moved      for       entry     of    final   default
    judgment against Earthmark, seeking damages of $5,505,328.                                EFG
    opposed    that    motion    and    requested         "a     proof    hearing       on   the
    validity    and    amount   of     Geo-Con's         claims     against      Earthmark."
    Geo-Con challenged EFG's standing to oppose its motion, to which
    EFG advanced it held a financial stake in the outcome and a
    judgment would "impair EFG's collateral" and security interest
    under the pledge agreement.
    Following      oral   argument,          Judge       Contillo       concluded      EFG
    lacked standing to oppose Geo-Con's motion for entry of default
    judgment against Earthmark, finding EFG had almost two years to
    exercise its rights under the pledge agreement and failed to do
    so.       Further,    the   judge     determined             Geo-Con's      claims       were
    advanced    solely     against      Earthmark        and      did    not    alter     EFG's
    security     interests      under    the       loan     and        pledge    agreements.
    Earthmark's complaint against Geo-Con was ordered dismissed with
    prejudice and final judgment was entered on behalf of Geo-Con
    9                                       A-2475-12T4
    against Earthmark for $3,811,651, the sums approved for payment
    by   the    project      engineer    for    work   performed.          The       order    was
    certified for execution purposes.                See R. 4:42-1.
    Geo-Con moved for additional compensation in the form of
    attorney's fees, costs, and pre-judgment interest, pursuant to
    the Prompt Payment Act (PPA), N.J.S.A. 2A:30A-1 to 2.                             On March
    15, 2013, following oral argument, the judge granted Geo-Con an
    additional judgment of $1,715,139, which he certified as final.
    EFG appealed (A-2475-12).             In our October 2, 2013 order, we
    noted      the   matter    was    interlocutory        and    removed       it   from     our
    plenary      calendar.          However,    we   did    not       dismiss    the     appeal
    pending the outcome of cross-motions for summary judgment, which
    had been filed.
    Following oral argument on the summary judgment motions,
    Judge Contillo issued a written opinion on July 8, 2013.                                  The
    judge denied EFG's and granted Geo-Con's motion for breach of
    contract,        awarding        Geo-Con,    its       successors         and     assigns,
    $1,354,386.31, which represented agreed cure payments due from
    EFG under the CCA, following Earthmark's default.                           Although the
    judge      found      Geo-Con    breached    the      CCA    by    entering      into     the
    September 7, 2010 modification agreement with Earthmark without
    notice     to    or    consent    from   EFG,    he    found      EFG's     claim    failed
    because     it     did   not    prove    resultant      damages,      "a[n]      essential
    component of a breach of contract claim."
    10                                      A-2475-12T4
    As   to   the    remaining     claims,        the    judge      rejected       a
    resubmitted challenge by EFG to discharge the construction liens
    and    subsequent      judgments,    holding       EFG     lacked    standing        to
    challenge     Geo-Con's     claims       against     Earthmark.          Geo-Con's
    allegations for quantum meruit and to establish an equitable
    lien against the mitigation credits were denied, as was its
    assertion EFG was responsible to satisfy cost overruns of more
    than   $2   million.      Finally,    EFG's    request      to   add    Kane    as    a
    necessary party and include a claim for strict foreclosure was
    denied as untimely.
    A final judgment memorializing these decisions was entered
    on July 12, 2013.        The sheriff's sale of the leasehold interest
    was held on January 17, 2014.2           EFG filed a separate Law Division
    action against the project engineer and Geo-Con.                    As against the
    latter,       EFG      alleged       general         negligence,         negligent
    misrepresentation, breach of contract, strict foreclosure, and
    violation of the construction lien law.                    The record suggests
    that litigation is on-going.
    Cross-appeals     were    filed    by   EFG    and    Geo-Con     from     the
    summary     judgment   orders    (A-6202-12).         We    calendared    the     two
    appeals back-to-back and now address all issues in one opinion.
    The sheriff's deed is not included in the record.     EFG's
    brief states Geo-Con was the successful bidder at sale; however,
    Geo-Con's brief states Kane was the successful bidder.
    11                                A-2475-12T4
    In its initial appeal (A-2475-12), EFG argues the judge
    erroneously denied it standing to challenge Geo-Con's default
    judgment    against    Earthmark,          emphasizing           EFG    held      a       priority
    security    interest      in    100%      of    Earthmark's        membership3             in   the
    project through the pledge agreement, essentially giving EFG the
    right to assume Earthmark's role in the project.                             EFG maintains
    this accords it a significant financial stake in any action
    affecting    Earthmark's        assets.             EFG   also    challenges          entry      of
    default judgment against Earthmark, arguing a proof hearing was
    required prior to entry of any award of damages.                            In opposition,
    Geo-Con argues EFG's security interest does not confer standing
    to challenge Earthmark's obligations to its contractor.
    In     our   review,       we   are    obligated        to    defer      to       a   judge's
    factual determinations when supported by the evidential record.
    Brunson v. Affinity Fed. Credit Union, 
    199 N.J. 381
    , 397 (2009).
    However,    we   accord    no       special         deference     to    a   trial         judge's
    "interpretation of the law and legal consequences that flow from
    established      facts,"   Manalapan           Realty,      L.P.       v.   Twp.      Comm.      of
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995), which we review de novo.
    Dep't of Envtl. Prot. v. Kafil, 
    395 N.J. Super. 597
    , 601 (App.
    Div. 2007).
    Earthmark, as an LLC, has membership interests, not stock.
    12                                         A-2475-12T4
    "[S]tanding is an element of justiciability that cannot be
    waived or conferred by consent."              In re Adoption of Baby T, 
    160 N.J. 332
    , 341 (1999).       Rather, it is a threshold inquiry because
    "[a] lack of standing by a plaintiff precludes a court from
    entertaining any of the substantive issues for determination."
    Id. at 340
    .     In short, the doctrine focuses on whether a party
    has a legal entitlement to seek relief from the court.                  Triffin
    v.   Somerset   Valley    Bank,    
    343 N.J. Super. 73
    ,   80   (App.   Div.
    2001).     Our Supreme Court has described the essential purposes
    of the doctrine, which seeks to
    assure that the invocation and exercise of
    judicial   power   in  a   given   case   are
    appropriate.   Further, the relationship of
    plaintiffs to the subject matter of the
    litigation and to other parties must be such
    to generate confidence in the ability of the
    judicial process to get to the truth of the
    matter and in the integrity and soundness of
    the final adjudication.   Also, the standing
    doctrine serves to fulfill the paramount
    judicial responsibility of a court to seek
    just and expeditious determinations on the
    ultimate merits of deserving controversies.
    [N.J. Chamber of Commerce v. N.J. Election
    Law Enforcement Comm'n, 
    82 N.J. 57
    , 69
    In New Jersey, standing is governed by R. 4:26-1, which
    provides "[e]very action may be prosecuted in the name of a real
    party in interest . . . ."               To have standing in a case, our
    Supreme Court has held "a party must present a sufficient stake
    in   the   outcome   of   the     litigation,     a   real   adverseness     with
    13                             A-2475-12T4
    respect to the subject matter, and a substantial likelihood that
    the   party    will    suffer    harm    in    the   event   of     an    unfavorable
    decision."      In re Camden Cnty., 
    170 N.J. 439
    , 449 (2002).
    New     Jersey    courts    take    a      liberal     view    of     standing.
    Generally, the threshold to prove a party's standing is "fairly
    low."   Reaves v. Egg Harbor Twp., 
    277 N.J. Super. 360
    , 366 (App.
    Div. 1994).      "A financial interest in the outcome ordinarily is
    sufficient to confer standing."                Strulowitz v. Provident Life &
    Cas. Ins. Co., 
    357 N.J. Super. 454
    , 459 (App. Div.) (citing In
    re Camden Cnty., supra, 
    170 N.J. at 448
    ), certif. denied, 
    177 N.J. 220
     (2003).       "But standing is not automatic, and a litigant
    usually has no standing to assert the rights of a third party."
    Bondi v. Citigroup, Inc., 
    423 N.J. Super. 377
    , 436 (App. Div.
    2011) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted), certif.
    210 N.J. 478
    EFG argues the necessity to preserve its security interest
    satisfies     these    standards.         In    financing     the    project,      EFG
    obtained a significant security interest in Earthmark and its
    interest in the project.          In a November 13, 2012 letter opinion,
    the court acknowledged:
    The   terms   and  conditions   of   the
    construction financing provided by EFG to
    Earthmark are set forth in a Secured
    Revolving Loan and Security Agreement dated
    as of July 13, 2010.        Pursuant to the
    agreements,   Earthmark   granted   [EFG]   a
    security interest in its leasehold interest
    14                                  A-2475-12T4
    under the Lease, and in the proceeds from
    the sale of all credits originally issued
    under the Mitigation Banking Instrument
    ("MBI") and the proceeds of all future
    credits to be issued under the terms of the
    MBI, which provides for the Project to
    generate 69.98 mitigation credits for the
    tidal portion of the Project.
    A condition of the loan included Earthmark's pledge of 100% of
    its membership interest, which
    include[ed]   without   limitation, all   of
    [Earthmark's] rights, powers, and remedies
    under the Operating Agreement, and the
    certificates    representing   such  Pledged
    Interests, if any;
    (b) any additional shares of Stock, or
    other   right,    title  or   interest   in
    [Earthmark] from time to time acquired by
    [Earthmark] in any manner (which shares
    shall be deemed to be part of [Earthmark's]
    Pledged Interests), and any certificates
    representing such Stock;
    . . . .
    (h) [Earthmark's] rights with respect      to
    any property or asset of [Earthmark]
    . . . .
    (q) any and all other rights, claims,
    property interests, or other interests of
    any kind that [Earthmark] may have from time
    to   time   with   respect    to or   against
    [Earthmark],   and   any   other or   greater
    interest that [Earthmark] may have from time
    to   time  in,   to    or   with respect   to
    Notably, this litigation was commenced jointly by EFG and
    Earthmark, showing the alignment of the two entities' interests.
    15                      A-2475-12T4
    Although Earthmark's current status or viability is not certain,
    its   disclosed       financial        difficulties       prevented     it    from    fully
    participating in the litigation, including challenging Geo-Con's
    asserted damages claims.               EFG argues standing should be granted,
    otherwise       Geo-Con      is   effectively         insulated       from    substantive
    challenge       to    its    damage      award      and    the   resulting         judgment
    encumbers       the    value      of    the     project.         See    e.g.,      Assocs.
    Commercial Corp. v. Langston, 
    236 N.J. Super. 236
    , 242 (App.
    Div.) (allowing the defendant standing to challenge a lien on
    her house discovered after she sold it, despite the fact that
    escrowed    proceeds         would     have    been    given     to    the    plaintiff),
    certif. denied, 
    118 N.J. 225
    EFG fails to cite any authority supporting its position for
    standing that squarely addresses a relationship matching the one
    presented in this litigation.                  EFG is a party-plaintiff in the
    litigation      and    its     interest       in   the    project      was    financially
    intertwined      with       Earthmark     through        the   pledge    agreement       and
    security interest in all of Earthmark's assets, including the
    project.     EFG suggests its interest in the ground lease gives it
    the right to challenge any attaching lien.                        This is incorrect,
    because    at    all    times     EFG's       interest     was   that    of    a   secured
    creditor.       Although EFG could have exercised control rights over
    the ground lease by exercising                     the provisions of the pledge
    agreement, it chose not to do so.
    16                                   A-2475-12T4
    EFG's      merits    brief       also    offers       only       general         assertions
    supporting        its     claim    of     standing,         some    of      which        were    not
    presented to the trial judge.                        These challenges offer little
    more than unsupported contentions of financial harm and fail to
    demonstrate an adverse interest to Geo-Con's claims to payment
    for    services     performed          under    the     contract,           approved       by   the
    project engineer, for which payment was not made.
    In   its    brief     under      A-6202-12,          EFG    states         the    lien    was
    inflated by $2.1 million, a consequence of work performed under
    the unauthorized modification agreement, and contends if it were
    given standing it would have defeated the claim as invalid and
    unenforceable.            No evidence supports such an assertion.                                 As
    noted, EFG declined to exercise its rights under the pledge
    agreement to essentially step into Earthmark's shoes and advance
    whatever defenses Earthmark may have to the demanded payment.
    Likely, EFG chose to avoid this role as it is two-edged:                                         not
    only    would     EFG     have    the     right       to    control         the    project      and
    Earthmark's        assets,       but    also    it     would       be    saddled         with   the
    corresponding       responsibility             to    address       incurred        liabilities,
    including the debt due to Geo-Con for services rendered.                                          In
    limiting its role to that of a secured lender for the project,
    we    cannot      agree    EFG     held    a        stake    in    any      dispute       between
    Earthmark and its vendors.                  See Stubaus v. Whitman, 
    339 N.J. Super. 38
    ,    51   (App.      Div.    2001)       (finding         a    plaintiff          must
    17                                         A-2475-12T4
    demonstrate harm from a direct injury), certif. denied, 
    171 N.J. 442
    We reject EFG's claim the trial judge erred by denying it
    standing     to    challenge       Geo-Con's          judgement   against       Earthmark.
    Having    essentially        made     this       same    analysis,       Judge    Contillo
    entered      a    default        judgment       for     unpaid,      approved     invoices
    totaling      $3,811,651,         concluding          these   sums      were    adequately
    proven     as     due     from     Earthmark.            An   additional        award    for
    attorney's fees, litigation costs, and pre-judgment interest was
    deemed subject to proofs.                 During the hearing, EFG participated
    and made its position known.                     Following review, these amounts
    were found to be obligations owed to Geo-Con by Earthmark.
    On appeal of that order, EFG argues the entitlement to
    legal fees is overstated and fees should have been limited to
    count three of Geo-Con's complaint.4                     We disagree.
    Rule       4:43-2(b)       grants    a    trial     court   the     discretion     to
    require proof of the quantum of damages as well as entitlement
    to   relief,      prior    to     entry    of    default      judgment.        Douglas    v.
    35 N.J. 270
    ,     276     (1961).           Factual     findings      must
    establish the entitlement to relief.                     See Curtis v. Finneran, 83
    Geo-Con's claim was based on the PPA, which provides in
    pertinent part: "In any civil action brought to collect payments
    pursuant to this section, the action shall be conducted inside
    of this State and the prevailing party shall be awarded
    reasonable costs and attorney fees." N.J.S.A. 2A:30A-2(f).
    18                                A-2475-12T4
    N.J. 563, 569, (1980) ("In a non[-]jury civil action, the role
    of the trial court at the conclusion of a motion a trial is to
    find the facts and state conclusions of law.") (citing R. 1:7-
    When   addressing   statutorily    authorized   fee   awards      for
    "separate claims in a complaint [which] share a common core of
    facts with . . . or are based on related legal theories, the
    trial judge, when awarding fees, must focus on the significance
    of the overall relief obtained by [the] plaintiff in relation to
    the hours reasonably expended."        Silva v. Autos of Amboy, Inc.,
    267 N.J. Super. 546
    , 551 (App. Div. 1993).         Certainly, where a
    party presents "distinctly different claims for relief in one
    lawsuit, work on those unrelated claims cannot be deemed in
    pursuit of the ultimate result achieved."        Stoney v. Maple Shade
    426 N.J. Super. 297
    , 318 (App. Div. 2012) (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted).       "However, when the p[arty]'s
    claims for relief 'involve a common core of facts or will be
    based on related legal theories,' such a suit cannot be viewed
    as a series of discrete claims."        Silva, 
    267 N.J. Super. at 556
     (quoting Hensley v. Eckerhart, 
    461 U.S. 424
    , 435, 
    103 S. Ct. 1933
    , 1940, 
    76 L. Ed. 2d 40
    , 51 (1983)).
    We note, the methodology utilized in addressing a request
    for   statutorily   authorized   fees     must   consider   the     relief
    obtained, the justification of the fees asserted, see Litton
    19                              A-2475-12T4
    Indus., Inc. v. IMO Indus., Inc., 
    200 N.J. 372
    , 386 (2009), and
    the reasonableness of the amount sought, Rendine v. Pantzer, 
    141 N.J. 292
    , 334-35 (1995).       These principles are further guided by
    Rule   4:43-2(b)    (addressing   the       appropriate     amount       of   damages
    awarded) and R.P.C. 1.5 (assessing the reasonableness of counsel
    fees requested).
    We have considered the written opinion by Judge Contillo
    and conclude he did not mechanically allocate fees according to
    various   claims,    Silva,   supra,        
    267 N.J. Super. at 551
    ,      but
    thoughtfully followed the above principles in making the fee
    award.    The judge found the claims arose from a common core of
    facts and were based upon related legal theories, emphasized the
    complexity of the issues and the interrelation of the facts, and
    concluded     the   legal     services        rendered      represented,           "all
    legitimate,    appropriate,     core     work      that    had     to    be    done."
    Further, the judge analyzed the fee request against the criteria
    of R.P.C. 1.5.      He characterized time entries as consistent with
    "commercial reasonableness," fairly stating tasks undertaken and
    time allocated to sufficiently apprise the court and the client
    on "what they're getting billed for."
    "[A] reviewing court will disturb a trial court's award of
    counsel feels 'only on the rarest of occasions, and then only
    because of a clear abuse of discretion.'"                 Litton Indus., supra,
    20                                     A-2475-12T4
    200 N.J. at 386
     (quoting Packard-Bamberger & Co. v. Collier, 
    167 N.J. 427
    , 444 (2001)).      We find no basis to intervene.
    Notwithstanding     entry    of    this    judgment,       the     contractual
    dispute between Geo-Con and EFG was thereafter litigated.                              In
    the   related   appeal,    EFG     challenges        the     order      for    summary
    judgment,    maintaining    the        judge    erred      in    denying       summary
    judgment    against   Geo-Con     for    its    breach     of    the    CCA     by   its
    unauthorized    modification      to     perform     extra      work.         EFG    also
    challenges the awarded judgment to Geo-Con for cure payments as
    unsupported by the record and contradictory to the judge's prior
    findings.    We are not persuaded.
    EFG was afforded the opportunity to prove its claims.                           The
    judge agreed Geo-Con breached a material term of the CCA, when
    it executed the September 7, 2010 side-agreement with Earthmark
    and failed to provide notice to EFG of the overruns.                          However,
    EFG offered no argument or proof it sustained damages by this
    breach.     When   specifically        asked    by   Judge      Contillo       at    oral
    argument whether damages resulted, counsel's response was "no."
    To prevail on a breach of contract claim, a party must
    prove a valid contract between the parties, the opposing party's
    failure to perform a defined obligation under the contract, and
    the breach caused the claimant to sustained damages.                       Murphy v.
    21                                    A-2475-12T4
    392 N.J. Super. 245
    , 265 (App. Div. 2007).                 EFG's
    assertion that mere proof of the breach deprives Geo-Con of any
    payment is legally unsupportable.          See Lone v. Brown, 
    199 N.J. Super. 420
    ,   425   (App.   Div.)   (holding   summary   judgment   on   a
    breach of contract claim was appropriate because grievant could
    not assert damages), appeal dismissed, 
    103 N.J. 480
    EFG, for the first time on appeal, now lists, as resultant
    damages, all expenses incurred in the litigation, as well as the
    loss of the ground lease at sheriff's sale and the possible
    inability to exercise its unencumbered security interest.               The
    costs of litigation are insufficient to support damage elements
    of a claim.     See Satellite Gateway Commc'ns, Inc. v. Musi Dining
    Car Co., 
    110 N.J. 280
    , 284-85 (1988) (holding attorney's fees
    incurred to prosecute breach of contract claim insufficient to
    satisfy resultant damages).           The other suggested damages were
    not presented to the trial court.          We reject EFG's late attempt
    to justify its position, noting
    [i]t is a well-settled principle that our
    appellate courts will decline to consider
    questions or issues not properly presented
    to the trial court when an opportunity for
    such a presentation is available unless the
    questions so raised on appeal go to the
    jurisdiction of the trial court or concern
    matters of great public interest.
    [Nieder v. Royal Indem. Ins. Co., 
    62 N.J. 229
    , 234 (1973) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted).]
    22                          A-2475-12T4
    Finally,     EFG       received     notice     of   and    chose    not      to
    participate in the sheriff's sale, and there is no evidence its
    overall     security    interest       will    be   impaired.        Thus,     these
    contentions are unproven and not tied to the asserted breach of
    Regarding the related challenge to the judge's finding EFG
    elected to provide cure payments, we recite the relevant terms
    of   parties'    agreement.         The       CCA   defines    the    rights     and
    responsibilities       in    the   event       of   Earthmark's      default,     as
    1.   . . . Contractor [Geo-Con] hereby
    agrees that if an event of default has
    occurred under the Loan Agreement . . . and
    such default is not cured within any
    applicable grace or cure period . . . and if
    Lender [EFG] has given written notice from
    Lender to Contractor of such default, then
    Lender shall have the right, at Lender's
    option, either to terminate the Contract
    with respect to the Property . . . or to
    require   that    Contractor   perform   its
    obligations under the Contract for the
    benefit of the Lender.
    . . . .
    2.   . . . Contractor agrees to not
    enter into any amendment or modification of
    the Contract without the prior written
    consent of Lender.
    3.   Contractor agrees to give prompt
    written notice to Lender of any default or
    breach by Borrower of any of its obligations
    under the Contract, and that, prior to
    Contractor exercising any of its rights or
    remedies under the Contract, Lender shall
    23                              A-2475-12T4
    have an opportunity to remedy or cure such
    breach for a period of thirty (30) days
    after receipt of notice thereof . . . .
    We disagree with EFG's assertion that liability for cure
    payments must be preceded by and is linked to its assumption of
    the construction contract.            There is nothing in the language of
    paragraphs one and three supporting an interpretation they are
    interdependent.        In    paragraph      one,   which      addresses     a    remedy
    available to EFG in the event Earthmark defaults under the Loan
    Agreement,       Geo-Con    agrees    to    permit      EFG    to     terminate       the
    construction contract or essentially step into Earthmark's shoes
    and   require     Geo-Con    to     continue    performance         for   EFG's     sole
    benefit.         Conversely,      paragraph     three    addresses        Earthmark's
    breach of the construction contract with Geo-Con and affords EFG
    the "opportunity to remedy or cure [Earthmark's] breach for a
    period of thirty (30) days after receipt of notice thereof."
    The plain language of these distinct provisions gives EFG a the
    right to keep construction on track by making cure payments,
    while it determines whether to exercise its right to step into
    the shoes of Earthmark and assume responsibility to complete
    the construction contract, which may be made after the thirty-
    day cure period.
    In   its    February     8,   2011    correspondence       to    Geo-Con,       EFG
    stated it was ready to provide cure payments upon receipt of the
    engineer's certificate certifying payment, stating:
    24                                   A-2475-12T4
    Lender is prepared to cure certain of the
    payment defaults of the Borrower . . . .
    Unfortunately, Geo-Con has not presented all
    documentation required for payment under the
    Contract   with  respect   to   the   amounts
    represented by the Cure Notices.    Lender is
    willing to promptly make cure payments for
    the following amounts upon receipt of the
    engineer's certification executed by the
    engineer and required by the terms of the
    This determination reflects an effort to keep the project
    on track, pending EFG's consideration of its options.                      Judge
    Contillo agreed with EFG, concluding it had no obligation to
    satisfy   the    deferred     charges    generated    from   the   modification
    agreement.      However, EFG, despite its assertions, never remitted
    payment   for    the    two   invoices    identified    as   acceptable,       even
    after it received the engineer's certification.
    EFG now suggests other documentation was mandated under the
    CCA, which Geo-Con failed to provide.                  However, EFG did not
    detail what was missing to the trial judge.                   On appeal, EFG
    asserts Geo-Con should have delivered lien waivers and withdraw
    its work stoppage notice in writing.            The fact is, no liens were
    filed at this stage of the dispute and payment was never made by
    EFG in exchange for discontinuing the work stoppage.
    EFG    also    renews     its   challenge   to     the   validity     of   the
    construction       liens,      maintaining      the      judge's      statutory
    interpretation     of    N.J.S.A.    2A:44A-5(b)       was   erroneous.         The
    exemption to the CLL states:
    25                             A-2475-12T4
    No liens shall attach nor shall a lien
    claim be filed:
    . . . .
    b.   For public works or improvements
    to real property contracted for and awarded
    by a public entity; provided, however, that
    nothing herein shall affect any right or
    remedy    established   pursuant   to   the
    "municipal mechanic's lien law," N.J.S.[A.]
    2A:44-125 et seq.
    [N.J.S.A. 2A:44A-5(b).]
    EFG    reads    this       provision     as    exempting      any   public     works
    project,   arguing        the    provision        for    "improvements        to     real
    property" is not contingent upon a project being "contracted for
    and awarded by a public entity."                  We disagree substantially for
    the reasons set forth in Judge Contillo's September 20, 2011
    written opinion.      R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(A).
    Although       the     mitigation        bank       itself    fit    within      the
    definition of a public works project, the joint public-private
    venture    neither        imposed      nor        required       substitute        surety
    assurances, i.e., protections of payment or performance bonds or
    other   guarantees       for    the   benefit      of   contractors     or    material
    suppliers working on public projects, supporting the argument
    the right to place a lien on the subject property was barred.
    See N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143(a)(1).              This distinction was detailed in
    the trial judge's opinion, which we conclude correctly decided
    this issue.    R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(A).
    26                                 A-2475-12T4
    We also reject as lacking merit, EFG's challenge to the
    timeliness     of     the    lien     and     to    its    propriety.          R.     2:11-
    In the final issue raised, EFG                      argues the judgment was
    improperly         entered     against        its     successors        and     assigns.
    Plaintiff asserts Kane never participated in any of the trial
    court proceedings and cannot be held liable.                    We disagree.
    Successor liability, which holds one entity accountable for
    another entity's debts, is an equitable doctrine that requires a
    case-by-case assessment.              Baker v. Nat'l State Bank, 
    161 N.J. 220
    , 227-28 (1999).           A successor entity will be held liable for
    the debts of its predecessor where it is a continuation of the
    same.       Lefever    v.    K.P.   Hovnanian       Enter.,     
    160 N.J. 307
    ,     310
    (1999).      In this matter, the facts show Kane is 100% owned by
    EFG   and    was    created     for     the    sole      purpose   of    assuming       and
    succeeding to EFG's rights with respect to the project.                               EFG's
    allegation its due process rights were violated because Kane was
    not a party to the litigation is legally unsupported.
    Geo-Con's cross-appeal challenges the trial judge's summary
    judgment dismissal of (1) its claim for quantum meruit against
    EFG, as set forth in the July 8, 2013 opinion, and (2) its
    assertion     of     an     equitable       lien    on    the   mitigation          credits
    received on the projected proceeds generated from their sale, as
    27                                A-2475-12T4
    set forth in the November 13, 2012 opinion.                      We have considered
    the arguments advanced on appeal, in light of the record and
    applicable law and reject Geo-Con's arguments substantially for
    the reasons set forth in the judge's thorough opinions.                                     R.
    2:11-3(e)(1)(A).       We add these brief comments.
    The      equitable      doctrine         of     quantum    meruit        allows       "the
    performing    party    to     recoup     the      reasonable     value       of   services
    rendered."     Weichert Co. Realtors v. Ryan, 
    128 N.J. 427
    , 438
    (1992).      Recovery     "rests        on   the     equitable    principle          that    a
    person shall not be allowed to enrich himself unjustly at the
    expense of another," 
    id. at 437
     (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted), and requires proof of "(1) the performance of
    services in good faith, (2) the acceptance of the services by
    the person to whom they are rendered, (3) an expectation of
    compensation       therefor,      and    (4)      the   reasonable      value        of   the
    services."         Starkey,     Kelly,        Blaney     &    White     v.     Estate       of
    172 N.J. 60
    ,      68   (2002)     (citations       and      internal
    quotation marks omitted).            Geo-Con cannot meet this test.
    Even      if    the     requested        compensation        for     services         was
    reasonable,    payment      for    the       work    performed    under        the    side-
    modification agreement was between Geo-Con and Earthmark.                                 Geo-
    Con ignored its obligation under the CCA to notify EFG.                               There
    was no expectation of payment from EFG or demonstrated proof EFG
    28                                   A-2475-12T4
    accepted    the   work   and    corresponding     obligation      or    actually
    received a benefit therefrom.
    We also reject Geo-Con's claim EFG was unjustly enriched.
    To demonstrate unjust enrichment, "a plaintiff must show both
    that defendant received a benefit and that retention of that
    benefit without payment would be unjust" and that the plaintiff
    "expected    remuneration"      and   the   failure   to   give   remuneration
    unjustly enriched the defendant.            VRG Corp. v. GKN Realty Corp.,
    135 N.J. 539
    , 554 (1994).         No evidence to support this position
    is found within the record.
    An equitable lien may lie when unjust enrichment or an
    express agreement to grant a lien against a specific property is
    Id. at 546
    .        Additionally, an equitable lien can be
    imposed, if based on the "the dictates of equity and conscience
    . . . a contract of reimbursement could be implied at law."
    Here, no express or implied agreement was executed to grant
    a lien on the underlying realty and we find no basis to infer
    EFG agreed to provide payment for the overrun costs.                    Also, as
    noted, there is no evidence of unjust enrichment.                      The trial
    judge's written opinion thoroughly considered the law as applied
    to the facts presented on this issue.             We find no flaw in his
    analysis.    R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(A).
    29                                A-2475-12T4
    To the extent additional arguments had been raised but were
    not specifically addressed, they were found to lack sufficient
    merit to warrant extensive discussion in our opinion.   R. 2:11-
    30                        A-2475-12T4