    DOCKET NO. A-0338-18T4
    Petitioner-Appellant,              APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION
    v.                                               December 13, 2019
    Argued September 18, 2019 – Decided October 4, 2019
    Before Judges Fuentes, Haas and Mayer.
    On appeal from the New Jersey Department of Labor
    and Workforce Development, Division of Workers'
    Compensation, Claim Petition No. 2011-17344.
    Joseph Michael Accardi argued the cause for appellant
    (Rothenberg, Rubenstein, Berliner & Shinrod, LLC,
    attorneys; Joseph Michael Accardi, of counsel and on
    the briefs).
    Joseph Vincent Biancamano argued the cause for
    respondent (Biancamano & Di Stefano, PC, attorneys;
    Joseph Vincent Biancamano, of counsel and on the
    The Opinion of the court was delivered by
    MAYER, J.A.D.
    Petitioner Samuel Martin, III appeals from an August 13, 2018 order of
    the Workers' Compensation Court denying his application for medical and
    temporary disability benefits. Petitioner requested reimbursement for continued
    prescription opioid medication to treat a lower back injury suffered during his
    employment with respondent Newark Public Schools. We affirm.
    In May 2011, Martin injured his back in an employment-related car
    accident. In November 2014, Martin received a fifteen percent partial disability
    award for the orthopedic injury to his lower back as a result of the work-related
    accident and aggravation of a pre-existing lumbar disc herniation and bulge.
    After receipt of the partial disability award, Martin filed a motion based
    on respondent's refusal to pay for Percocet prescriptions after September 2017.
    Martin claimed he required Percocet to relieve ongoing and recurrent pain
    subsequent to the car accident. Respondent opposed the motion, and the matter
    was scheduled before a judge of the Workers' Compensation Court.
    The compensation judge conducted hearings to determine whether
    respondent should be compelled to pay for Martin's prescription opioid
    medication in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Act (Act), N.J.S.A.
    34:15-1 to -142, specifically N.J.S.A. 34:15-15. The judge heard testimony
    from Martin; Martin's treating doctor, Patricio Grob, D.O.; and Martin's medical
    expert, Harris Bram, M.D.
    Dr. Grob, an orthopedic surgeon, testified he began treating Martin in June
    2011 and continued treating him through September 2017. In September 2017,
    Dr. Grob released petitioner, finding Martin reached maximum medical
    improvement. In discharging him, the doctor wrote a final prescription for
    Percocet as a courtesy to Martin.
    From 2016 through 2017, the doctor wrote prescriptions for Martin to
    receive Percocet on a monthly basis. In a note from his June 2016 examination
    of petitioner, Dr. Grob advised that Percocet was poorly controlling Martin's
    pain and "prolonged narcotic use [would] not manage his radicular complaints
    . . . and [could] complicate his recovery . . . ." In 2015, Dr. Grob suggested
    surgery or epidural injections to address petitioner's pain complaints in lieu of
    opioid medication.     Martin declined the suggested procedures due to an
    unrelated blood condition that increased his risk of surgical complications.
    At Dr. Grob's suggestion, in the fall of 2017, Martin saw other doctors
    to reconsider surgery as a way to relieve his pain. Martin again declined surgery.
    Dr. Grob explained that not proceeding with surgery would be "quite limiting"
    for further treatment of Martin's lower back pain.
    Dr. Grob testified that Martin would never heal through continued use of
    pain medication. According to the doctor, after six years of treating petitioner,
    therapy or medication had not alleviated Martin's pain. It was Dr. Grob's
    medical opinion that the only form of treatment to cure or relieve the effects of
    Martin's work-related injury would be surgery.
    In Dr. Grob's September 13, 2017 final medical note, the doctor wrote, "I
    would recommend to attempt to wean from [Percocet] and if we are
    unsuccessful, [Martin] would then need to consider having a discussion with [a]
    pain management specialist to see if there is any palliative standpoint that may
    be needed from a chronic management of [Martin's] discomfort." According to
    the doctor, ingesting prescription pain medication did not relieve Martin's
    condition, and the medication would never improve his condition. Dr. Grob told
    Martin, "[I]f you have difficulties you may have to pursue something from a
    palliative care point."
    Martin saw Dr. Bram on January 8, 2018 for a one-time evaluation in
    support of the motion for medical and temporary disability benefits. Dr. Bram,
    who was qualified as an expert in the field of pain management, testified based
    on his examination of petitioner and review of Martin's May 7, 2016 MRI film.
    Dr. Bram found Martin had disc desiccation at L4-L5 and L5-S1, and a disc
    herniation at L5-S1.        He also reviewed Dr. Grob's medical records from
    petitioner's examinations in 2016 and 2017. According to Dr. Bram, Martin
    self-reported that Percocet abated his pain symptoms by approximately sixty
    percent, and he was more active on the medication.          However, in taking
    petitioner's history, Dr. Bram noted Martin reported opioid medication provided
    only "small pain relief."
    Dr. Bram testified there were a few positive physical findings based on
    his examination of petitioner. He testified Martin's lower extremities were
    neurologically intact and his gait was normal. Despite the limited positive
    physical findings upon examination, Dr. Bram concluded Martin had low back
    pain, lumbar radiculopathy, and sacroiliitis. Dr. Bram therefore opined, "it was
    reasonable that [Martin] be on opioid medication on a long term basis for his
    pain. I thought that was reasonable for him."
    In an August 8, 2018 written decision, the judge denied Martin's motion
    seeking reimbursement for prescription Percocet. He held petitioner failed to
    prove continued treatment with opioid medication would reduce Martin's pain
    or permit him to function better. The judge found Dr. Grob's testimony, having
    treated Martin for six years, to be more credible than the testimony of the on e-
    time evaluating physician, Dr. Bram. The judge wrote that nothing precluded
    his according "greater weight to a treating physician's opinion when the issue
    before the court is the need for medical treatment."
    The judge concluded Dr. Bram "did not provide any medical evidence that
    such treatment will permit the petitioner to function better." Nor did petitioner's
    expert expressly find continued opioid medication would relieve Martin's pain.
    Dr. Bram simply opined long-term opioid medication was "reasonable" without
    explaining why.
    On appeal, Martin argues the judge improperly accorded greater weight to
    the medical testimony of the treating doctor. In addition, he contends the judge
    wrongly compelled his counsel to discuss the testimony of the treating doctor in
    the presence of counsel for respondent.       Further, Martin claims the judge
    misapplied the standard governing an application for palliative care.
    In reviewing decisions of judges in the Workers' Compensation Court,
    "[t]he factual findings of the compensation court are entitled to substantial
    deference." Ramos v. M & F Fashions, Inc., 
    154 N.J. 583
    , 594 (1998). We limit
    our inquiry "to whether the findings made by the Judge of Worker's
    Compensation could reasonably have been reached on sufficient credible
    evidence present in the record, considering the proofs as a whole, with due
    regard to the opportunity of one who heard the witnesses to judge of their
    credibility . . . ." 
    Ibid. (quoting Bradley v.
    Henry Townsend Moving & Storage
    78 N.J. 532
    , 534 (1979)).
    We start with petitioner's claim that the compensation judge erred in
    according greater weight to the testimony of Dr. Grob than the testimony of Dr.
    Bram.     Compensation judges have "expertise with respect to weighing the
    testimony of competing medical experts." 
    Id. at 598.
    This court "may not
    'engage in an independent assessment of the evidence as if it were the court of
    first instance.'" Sager v. O.A. Peterson Constr. Co., 
    182 N.J. 156
    , 164 (2004)
    (quoting State v. Locurto, 
    157 N.J. 463
    , 471 (1999)). Compensation judges who
    see and hear the testimony of experts are in the best position to assess the
    demeanor and credibility of the expert witnesses. 
    Ramos, 154 N.J. at 598
    . A
    "judge of compensation 'is not bound by the conclusional opinions of any one
    or more, or all of the medical experts.'" Kaneh v. Sunshine Biscuits, 321 N.J.
    Super. 507, 511 (App. Div. 1999) (quoting Perez v. Capitol Ornamental,
    Concrete Specialties, Inc., 
    288 N.J. Super. 359
    , 367 (App. Div. 1996)). "That
    [the judge] gave more weight to the opinion of one physician as opposed to the
    other provides no reason to reverse th[e] judgment."       Bellino v. Verizon
    435 N.J. Super. 85
    , 95 (App. Div. 2014) (alterations in original)
    (quoting Smith v. John L. Montgomery Nursing Home, 
    327 N.J. Super. 575
    , 579
    (App. Div. 2000)).
    Here, the compensation judge articulated his reasons for crediting Dr.
    Grob's testimony, including the doctor's treatment of petitioner over the course
    of six years.    Courts have stressed "the greater opportunity of a treating
    physician, as compared with a doctor who conducts a single examination in
    order to become an expert medical witness, to know, understand and decide upon
    the producing cause of the patient's condition."      Mernick v. Div. of Motor
    328 N.J. Super. 512
    , 522 (App. Div. 2000) (quoting Bober v. Indep.
    Plating Corp., 
    28 N.J. 160
    , 167 (1958)). We defer to the compensation judge's
    factual findings under the circumstances.
    We next consider petitioner's argument that the judge misapplied the law
    concerning the application for continued palliative care treatment. The Act
    requires employers to provide treatment to injured employees when the
    treatment is "necessary to cure and relieve the worker of the effects of the injury
    and to restore the functions of the injured member or organ where such
    restoration is possible . . . ." N.J.S.A. 34:15-15.
    Whether the treatment is characterized as curative or palliative, the
    treatment is compensable if competent medical testimony shows that it is
    "reasonably necessary to cure or relieve the effects of the injury." Hanrahan v.
    Twp. of Sparta, 
    284 N.J. Super. 327
    , 336 (App. Div. 1995). A claimant must
    show the treatment would "probably relieve petitioner's symptoms and thereby
    improve his ability to function." 
    Ibid. "[I]n determining what
    is reasonable and
    necessary, the touchstone is not the injured worker's desires or what he thinks
    to be most beneficial. Rather, it is what is shown by sufficient competent
    evidence to be reasonable and necessary to cure and relieve him." Squeo v.
    Comfort Control Corp., 
    99 N.J. 588
    , 606 (1985). "A mere showing that the
    injured worker would benefit from the added treatment is not enough." Raso v.
    Ross Steel Erectors, Inc., 
    319 N.J. Super. 373
    , 383 (App. Div. 1999). There
    may be a point at which "the pain or disability experienced by the worker is
    insufficient to warrant the expense of active treatment." Hanrahan, 284 N.J.
    Super. at 336 (citing 
    Squeo, 99 N.J. at 606
    Here, the judge found credible the testimony of Dr. Grob that continued
    prescribing of pain medication did not, and would never, heal petitioner or
    relieve his condition. During the six years he treated petitioner, Dr. Grob
    concluded Martin's pain had not been alleviated with therapy or medication. The
    treating doctor opined that the only form of treatment to cure or relieve the
    effects of Martin's work-related injury would be surgery.
    Contrary to petitioner's contention, Dr. Grob did not refer him to a p ain
    management specialist. It was Dr. Grob's medical opinion that if petitioner was
    unsuccessful in weaning himself from prescription opioid medication, Martin
    "would then [need to] consider having a discussion with [a] pain management
    specialist . . . ."
    Dr. Bram, Martin's one-time evaluating medical expert, did not offer any
    medical evidence that petitioner's continued treatment with Percocet would
    relieve his symptoms. Dr. Bram found few positive objective physical findings
    during his examination of petitioner that would support the conclusion Martin
    needed long-term prescription opioid medication to function better. Dr. Bram
    simply opined that continuing treatment with Percocet was "reasonable." He
    offered no evidence or testimony that the continued treatment with prescription
    opioid medication would reduce Martin's pain symptoms and return him to better
    We are satisfied there was sufficient, credible evidence in the record to
    support the compensation judge's determination that further treatment with
    opioid medication would not cure or relieve Martin's injury. The judge reviewed
    the medical records introduced as evidence and considered the experts'
    testimony after having the opportunity to assess the experts' credibility in
    weighing their opinions.
    We next review Martin's argument that the compensation judge
    improperly allowed respondent's counsel to be present when petitioner's counsel
    interviewed Dr. Grob. Petitioner's reliance on Stempler v. Speidell, 
    100 N.J. 368
    (1985) in support of his argument that the physician-patient privilege
    afforded him the right to interview Dr. Grob ex parte is misplaced.
    As Dr. Grob's patient, Martin and his attorney had the right to meet with
    Dr. Grob to discuss the doctor's testimony. As of February 21, 2018, petitioner's
    counsel knew respondent's counsel intended to call Dr. Grob as respondent's
    witness. If Dr. Grob was not returning telephone calls to schedule a meeting to
    discuss the doctor's testimony, Martin had ample opportunity to seek judicial
    intervention. On April 4, 2018, immediately prior to Dr. Grob's scheduled
    testimony, Martin's counsel requested permission to speak ex parte with Dr.
    Grob. In the interests of fairness to all parties, the judge permitted petitioner's
    counsel to interview Dr. Grob, but allowed respondent's counsel to be present
    during the interview.
    We are satisfied that the judge properly exercised his discretion as a result
    of the late request by petitioner's counsel to interview Dr. Grob. Judges are
    accorded "wide discretion in exercising control over their courtrooms" and trial
    proceedings. See State v. Stewart, 
    453 N.J. Super. 55
    , 67 (App. Div. 2018)
    (citing D.A. v. R.C., 
    438 N.J. Super. 431
    , 461 (App. Div. 2014)).