State of New Jersey v. Alice O'Donnell , 435 N.J. Super. 351 ( 2014 )

    DOCKET NO. A-1889-12T2
    April 24, 2014
    v.                                       APPELLATE DIVISION
    Submitted March 4, 2014 – Decided April 24, 2014
    Before Judges Reisner, Ostrer and Carroll.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Middlesex County,
    Indictment No. 05-05-0617.
    Joseph E. Krakora, Public Defender, attorney
    for   appellant  (Philip  Lago,   Designated
    Counsel, on the brief).
    Andrew C. Carey, Acting Middlesex County
    Prosecutor, attorney for respondent (Joie
    Piderit, Special Deputy Attorney General/
    Acting Assistant Prosecutor, of counsel and
    on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    OSTRER, J.A.D.
    Defendant Alice O'Donnell appeals from the trial court's
    August 30, 2012, order, after a non-testimonial hearing, denying
    her petition for post-conviction relief (PCR), and application
    to   set   aside    a    guilty       plea.        On   March    22,    2006,          defendant
    pleaded guilty to one count of murder, N.J.S.A. 2C:11-3(a).                                   She
    admitted that between the evening of February 21 and the morning
    of February 22, 2005, she fed her six-year-old son Phillip an
    overdose of medication, and held a pillow over his head until he
    was asphyxiated.          After the homicide, defendant stabbed herself
    multiple    times       and     reportedly         ingested     rubbing          alcohol      and
    twenty or more ibuprofen pills.
    In   accord       with    her    plea    agreement,        the    court         sentenced
    defendant to a term of thirty years, with a thirty-year parole
    ineligibility       period.           We    affirmed    the     conviction;            the   only
    issues on direct appeal pertained to the trial court's pre-trial
    order denying defendant's Miranda1 motion to suppress inculpatory
    statements,       and     partially         denying      her     motion          to     suppress
    evidence seized from her home.                     State v. O'Donnell, 
    408 N.J. Super. 177
     (App. Div. 2009), aff'd o.b., 
    203 N.J. 160
    , cert.
    denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    131 S. Ct. 803
    178 L. Ed. 2d 537
    In   this    PCR    appeal,          defendant    asserts        her   attorney         was
    ineffective       by     failing       to     diligently        pursue       a        diminished
    capacity defense.              She also alleges that counsel unexpectedly
    Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
    2                                        A-1889-12T2
    pressed      her    to   plead    guilty    shortly   before       trial,   without
    adequate explanation, stating it was necessary to avoid a life
    sentence.      Defendant was forty-four years old when she received
    the thirty-year sentence under the plea agreement.                       Defendant
    essentially contends that she would have proceeded to trial but
    for trial counsel's ineffective assistance.                  She seeks to set
    aside her guilty plea.
    Having reviewed the record in light of applicable legal
    principles, we conclude defendant has presented a prima facie
    case    of     ineffective       assistance     of    counsel      and   resulting
    prejudice.         We also conclude that the trial court misapplied the
    factors governing an application to withdraw a guilty plea.                         We
    therefore reverse and remand for an evidentiary hearing.
    We discern the following facts from the record, considering
    defendant's contentions "indulgently and . . . in the light most
    favorable to [her]."             State v. Cummings, 
    321 N.J. Super. 154
    170    (App.   Div.),     certif.   denied,     
    162 N.J. 199
        (1999).       The
    record includes the testimony of defendant and several police
    officers from the pre-trial hearing on the motion to suppress,
    3                                A-1889-12T2
    defendant's      interview       with    two     mental      health   experts,       their
    expert reports, and other documentary evidence.2
    Defendant had a history of mental illness and psychiatric
    hospitalizations.          Her    family        also   had    a   history    of    mental
    illness.        She reported that when she was a child, her father
    subjected her, and one of her sisters, to violent sexual abuse.
    Attempts to report the abuse were rebuffed.                         The sister later
    committed suicide.          Defendant has three living siblings: two
    other sisters, and a brother who is disabled with schizophrenia.
    In the months before the homicide, defendant experienced
    various    reversals   in     her       life.      Her    partner     of   over    twenty
    years, Phyllis, died in 2004.                   Along with the emotional loss,
    defendant suffered financially thereafter.                        Phyllis had helped
    support defendant and her son Phillip.                       Neither defendant nor
    Phillip had a continuing relationship with Phillip's father, who
    had disappeared from their lives.
    Sometime      after    Phyllis's       death,       defendant    was    forced      to
    vacate    her    apartment.         After       temporarily       residing   with       her
    mother in a senior community, she moved to Highland Park, but
    soon faced eviction.          In the meantime, defendant believed that
    her son had been sexually abused by a priest who had spent time
    Defendant's custodial statement was not presented to us.
    However, we rely on the trial court's summary of the statement
    included in its Miranda decision.
    4                                     A-1889-12T2
    with him.      She reported the alleged assault to a school guidance
    counselor, who referred the matter to the Division of Youth and
    Family Services.
    Defendant believed that her impending homelessness would
    cause   her    to   lose     custody    of   her     son,    and   result    in    his
    continued      abuse.        At   the   time    of    the    homicide,      she    was
    prescribed medications for insomnia (Soma), depression (Zoloft),
    and anxiety (Klonopin).           However, she stated that as a result of
    Medicaid issues, she was unable to fill her Zoloft prescription.
    She determined that the solution to her predicament was to send
    her son and herself to heaven, where they would join Phyllis.
    She reportedly heard a soft voice that said, "'God and Jesus
    welcomes you, go to God, they always want you.'"                         Defendant
    claimed to have conferred with her son about her plan and he
    consented to it.
    The       day   before    the   homicide,        she    informed   her    sister
    Theresa and other family members that they could come to her
    apartment to take her furniture.               There is no evidence she told
    them that she intended to harm herself or her son.                       Defendant
    told them she was about to become homeless.
    5                                   A-1889-12T2
    Defendant stated she gave her son a combination of Benadryl
    and Klonopin on the evening of February 21, 2005.3                            When that
    prompted    Phillip     to    vomit,     defendant         smothered        him    with     a
    pillow.     Defendant's two sisters arrived at her home the next
    morning, and awoke defendant, who was asleep beside her deceased
    son.      She testified that she told her sisters that she and
    Phillip    "were   going     to   heaven."          Upon    their      discovery         that
    Phillip was dead, her sisters summoned the police.
    Defendant     was     generally        non-responsive           to     a      police
    officer's    initial    inquiries       at    the    scene      regarding         what    had
    happened.      She     appeared      "out     of    it"    to    one    officer,          and
    disheveled and disoriented to another.                     But, she admitted she
    gave Benadryl to Phillip, and, regarding what medication she
    took, "[s]he began to ramble on naming different medications."4
    Defendant was indicted           and arraigned in May 2005.                        The
    defense's apparent strategy was to pursue a diminished capacity
    defense under N.J.S.A. 2C:4-2.                The court ordered the assistant
    deputy public defender to seek approval to hire a mental health
    expert.      However,      counsel      delayed     several      months,          and    then
    misrepresented     that      he   had   provided      materials        to    the    expert
    The Medical Examiner reported that Phillip died from acute
    Zoloft and Benadryl poisoning, and "'mechanical asphyxia.'"
    The police seized various documents and handwritten notes from
    defendant's home, which are not part of the record before us.
    6                                        A-1889-12T2
    several weeks before he actually did.                         The defense missed the
    court's November 11, 2005, deadline for submitting its report.
    Defense counsel's delays prompted a State motion to bar an
    expert report and any defense based on insanity or diminished
    capacity.         The       defense     did    not     serve        the    report      of    its
    psychiatric       expert,      Oscar     Sandoval,         M.D.,     until      January      24,
    2006,    the    return      date   of    the       State's    motion.           Dr.    Sandoval
    concluded that defendant's "mental capacity was so impaired that
    she was unable to engage in purposeful conduct."
    The court denied the State's motion, stating it would cause
    undue prejudice to defendant.                 Yet, the judge stated, "I do not,
    however,       wish    to   minimize     the       importance        of   the    dereliction
    here."         The     judge    found     defense          counsel        "failed      to    pay
    reasonable attention" to the matter, and misled the court about
    his   progress.         The    court     imposed       a     $250    monetary         sanction.
    Defense     counsel          responded        he     was     experiencing             financial
    difficulties, and would be unable to pay the fine promptly.
    The      court    tentatively       scheduled          trial    for    February        27,
    predicated on the State serving its expert's report on February
    17.     However, those deadlines were not met.                            The State served
    the   report     of     its    psychological          expert,       Anthony      V.    D'Urso,
    Psy.D., on March 7, 2006.                Before doing so, the State provided
    additional discovery to the defense on February 8, 2006.                                     The
    7                                       A-1889-12T2
    discovery    and       Dr.     D'Urso's     report     challenged     defendant's
    diminished capacity defense, as supported by Dr. Sandoval.
    Dr.     Sandoval     concluded    defendant        suffered   from   a    severe
    Major   Depressive       Disorder     "with     mood     congruent,      psychotic
    features,"    severe         Post-Traumatic      Stress     Disorder,         and     a
    Dependent    Personality        Disorder.        Dr.    Sandoval     opined      that
    defendant was responding to voices of command, to alleviate her
    son's suffering.         He opined defendant was psychotic, but not
    Ms.   O'Donnell  was   verbalizing   auditory
    hallucinations with voices of command. . . .
    . . . .
    Her psychotic act of filicide occurred
    impulsively without prior homicidal thoughts
    or    rage,    driven   by   the    auditory
    hallucinations of command; which led her to
    believe that by killing her child, this was
    an altruistic act to save her son, Phillip,
    from the world.
    The State's discovery materials included various documents
    pertaining    to   a    2003    insurance     fraud    investigation     involving
    defendant by the State Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ).                          The
    unsworn documents indicated that defendant falsely represented
    that she was a licensed Ph.D. psychologist.                 In fact, defendant
    never obtained a college degree, although she earned substantial
    credits at both Kean and Rutgers Universities.                    A mental health
    center in Bayonne hired defendant in March 2002.                       She signed
    8                                  A-1889-12T2
    health insurance claim forms as a licensed psychologist.                                    A
    health insurer discovered her misrepresentation, prompting her
    dismissal at the end of May 2002.
    According       to    a    February        9,    2006,    hearsay     report      of    a
    Middlesex County investigator, a former billing clerk of the
    mental health center stated that Dr. Sandoval worked at the
    mental     health   center       at     the        same    time   as   defendant;        the
    psychiatrist and defendant knew each other; the psychiatrist met
    with patients defendant purportedly treated, and reviewed and
    signed     defendant's        billing    statements.              However,     the     same
    witness's sworn statement from November 2003 did not mention Dr.
    Sandoval, and a DCJ investigator's report in 2003 quoted her as
    saying that Dr. Sandoval became involved in the mental health
    center only after defendant left.                         Dr. Sandoval asserted the
    same in his interview with DCJ investigators in 2003.                                 DCJ's
    report referred to a different physician as the psychiatrist to
    whom the center referred patients while defendant was on staff.
    Defendant admitted that she also was treated at the time by that
    physician, not Dr. Sandoval.
    With regard to defendant's diminished capacity, Dr. D'Urso
    rejected     Dr.    Sandoval's        opinion        that     defendant      lacked      the
    ability    to   form     the    intent        to    commit    murder.        Dr.     D'Urso
    concluded that defendant was a pathological liar who suffered
    9                                    A-1889-12T2
    from    a    lack    of      self-esteem.              He    administered      various
    psychological       tests,      and     obtained      what   he     considered    valid
    responses.     They indicated "a pattern of chronic psychological
    maladjustment         resulting              in      ineffective         interpersonal
    relationships."           He        stated     her    profile      suggested   "marked
    depression," the suggestion of "delusional, circumstantial and
    tangential thinking," "the presence of psychotic thought," and
    "somatic delusions and schizoid functioning, including the need
    for    psychopharmacological            interventions."             Nonetheless,      he
    concluded defendant did not lack the mental state necessary to
    commit murder:
    [S]he was purposeful enough to re-
    administer    Benadryl  and    ultimately   to
    smother   her   son.     Given   a   transient
    psychotic state, it would appear that she
    was capable of committing both homicide and
    suicide. . . .     Ms. O'Donnell was able to
    understand her conduct at the time of the
    offense and able to form intent and as such
    was responsible for her actions.
    Roughly two weeks after Dr. D'Urso's report was served, and
    five days before the newly-scheduled trial date of March 27,
    2006, defendant pleaded guilty to the indictment, conditioned on
    the State's promise to recommend a thirty-year sentence, with a
    thirty-year     period         of     parole       ineligibility.         Consistently
    responding     to    leading         questions       with    yes    or   no    answers,
    defendant affirmed that she wished to plead guilty,                            she was
    10                               A-1889-12T2
    doing so voluntarily and knowingly, and she was satisfied with
    her attorney.      She affirmed to her attorney that she gave her
    son an overdose of medicine, and smothered him with a pillow,
    with the purpose to cause his death.
    The court alluded to the diminished capacity defense:
    THE COURT:    Do you also understand if I
    accept this plea to the extent that you may
    have had some defense, you'll be waiving
    that defense, whatever defense you might
    have     had,    that     you     acknowledge
    responsibility as you are here and if I
    accept      that      acknowledgement      of
    responsibility. Do you understand that?
    THE DEFENDANT:      Yes, your Honor.
    THE COURT:   Is it your desire to waive any
    defense that you might have and ask me to
    accept the plea today?
    THE DEFENDANT:      Yes.
    The    court   sentenced    defendant        in   accord    with   the    plea
    agreement on May 5, 2006.           As noted above, the direct appeal
    only addressed suppression issues.
    Defendant filed her pro se PCR petition on September 7,
    2011.   She alleged that after learning the United States Supreme
    Court   denied   certiorari    in     December    2010,   she    wrote   to    her
    assistant deputy public defender to inquire about the next step,
    but received no response.       She attributed to her depression the
    ensuing delay in the filing of the petition, four months beyond
    the five-year period following her judgment of conviction.
    11                                A-1889-12T2
    In her pro se petition, and later amended petition prepared
    by    counsel,     defendant          asserted       her    trial     attorney       was
    ineffective by: (1) failing to confer adequately with her about
    the   State's     plea    offer,      and     his    defense    preparations;        (2)
    failing   to    pursue    the    diminished         capacity    defense,    including
    failing   to     obtain    a    second       psychiatric     evaluation;     and     (3)
    generally failing to attend to the case because of personal
    problems.      Defendant asserted that defense counsel visited her
    the evening before the plea hearing and told her, "'I've got bad
    news, you've got to take a plea or you're going to get life.'"
    She alleged that he had previously advised her that she would
    prevail on her diminished capacity defense.                         She alleged, "A
    second psychiatric evaluation by a Dr. Greenberg was begun but
    never completed. . . .            The incomplete psychiatric examination
    process     rendered      counsel      unable       to   present    and    support     a
    diminished capacity defense at trial."                     She asserted he failed
    to obtain her "informed consent" before announcing in court the
    next day that she would plead guilty.
    Defendant     argued      she    was    entitled     to   withdraw    her    plea
    under State v. Slater, 
    198 N.J. 145
     (2009), and was entitled to
    PCR under Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 12
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
     (1984).5             She also asserted her four-month
    delay resulted from excusable neglect.
    The    State     opposed   relief,         filing        a   brief    to    which   it
    attached     various       exhibits,       including              the   mental     health
    evaluations     and,       apparently,      all         the       discovery     materials
    produced in February 2006.             The State relied substantially on
    defendant's affirmation at the plea hearing that she wished to
    plead guilty, she was generally satisfied with her attorney's
    performance, and agreed to waive any defenses.                            The prosecutor
    also argued that Dr. Sandoval would have been discredited based
    on evidence that he and defendant allegedly were in practice
    together,    and     he   approved   her        claim    forms.         The     prosecutor
    further contended that if defendant testified, she would also be
    discredited     by   the    evidence   of       her     misrepresentation          of    her
    After    oral    argument,      the    court       denied      defendant     relief.
    The judge separately found defendant had failed to meet the test
    for withdrawing a plea under Slater, and failed to demonstrate a
    Defendant did not file a separate,                              free-standing        plea
    withdrawal motion under Rule 3:21-1.
    Allegations of defendant's prior misrepresentation would appear
    to constitute evidence of other crimes or wrongs.        N.J.R.E.
    404(b). The State did not address how it would have established
    a basis for admissibility. See State v. Cofield, 
    127 N.J. 328
    338 (1992).
    13                                     A-1889-12T2
    prima    facie     case    of    ineffective      assistance     of    counsel        under
    Regarding         plea    withdrawal,       the    court   applied      the       four
    Slater     factors:       "(1)    whether     the   defendant       has   asserted          a
    colorable claim of innocence; (2) the nature and strength of
    defendant's reasons for withdrawal; (3) the existence of a plea
    bargain;     and    (4)     whether    withdrawal        would   result       in    unfair
    prejudice to the State or unfair advantage to the accused."
    198 N.J. at 157-58
    .               The court summarized the competing
    opinions of Drs. Sandoval and D'Urso and found "this colorable
    claim of innocen[c]e . . . seems to be in equipoise."                         The court
    found      that    defendant's        reasons      for    withdrawal      —    lack       of
    consultation by her attorney and viability of her diminished
    capacity defense — were belied by her waiver of defenses at the
    plea hearing.           The existence of a plea agreement also weighed
    against defendant.             The court held that it was not required to
    consider the fourth factor, as the balance of the first three
    did not favor defendant.
    The court then applied the first prong of the test under
    Strickland, supra, 
    466 U.S. at 687
    104 S. Ct. at 2064
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 693
         (stating    that    defendant      must     show    counsel's
    performance was deficient and he or she made errors so serious
    that counsel was not functioning as guaranteed by the Sixth
    14                                    A-1889-12T2
    Amendment).         The court found that defendant and her attorney
    "were   on       notice"    that   the      State    would    question      defendant's
    credibility, and challenge Dr. Sandoval's opinion, in part by
    alleging a lack of candor and objectivity based on his alleged
    business relationship with defendant.                  The court found "there is
    no evidence to prove that plea counsel did not review all of
    these facts with [defendant]."                    The court was also unpersuaded
    that trial counsel failed to apply "professional and/or trial
    strategy" in urging defendant "not to go to trial but to enter a
    guilty plea."        The court also reviewed defendant's affirmations,
    in response to her trial counsel's questioning, that he had
    conferred with her earlier that day, reviewed the plea form, and
    that she voluntarily and freely wished to plead guilty and waive
    her right to a trial.              The court did not expressly reach the
    prejudice prong of the Strickland test.                      See Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    104 S. Ct. at 2068
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 698
    (defendant must show he or she was prejudiced such that there
    existed      a    reasonable       probability        that,    but    for     counsel's
    unprofessional errors, the result would have been different).
    The judge did not decide whether defendant's application
    was   time-barred,         in   view   of    its    disposition      on   the   merits.
    However, the judge opined that "frankly, four months after the
    running of the five-year time period with all of the various
    15                                 A-1889-12T2
    appeals that were part of the record there appears to be a
    significant case in favor of the petitioner for this argument of
    excusable neglect."
    This   appeal   followed.   Defendant   presents   the   following
    point and subpoints for our consideration:
    A) Defendant has asserted a colorable claim
    of innocence.
    B) The nature and strength of defendant's
    reasons for withdrawal are powerful.
    C) A plea bargain exists in this case;
    however, the plea offer was not accepted
    knowingly and voluntarily.
    D) Withdrawal of the plea would not result
    in unfair prejudice to the State or unfair
    advantage to the defendant.
    The trial court correctly viewed defendant's application as
    both a motion to withdraw her plea, and a petition for PCR based
    on ineffective assistance of counsel.7       The two requests for
    We do not reach the issue whether, under Rule 3:22-3, the trial
    court should have held the PCR petition in abeyance, or
    dismissed it without prejudice, until it considered the plea
    withdrawal request.    Neither the parties nor the trial court
    16                            A-1889-12T2
    relief are distinct, and governed by different rules of court.
    Compare R. 3:21-1 (motion to withdraw plea), with R. 3:22 (PCR).
    They must be considered separately.                  Cf. State v. McDonald, 
    211 N.J. 4
    ,   15-26,    29-30    (2012)    (separately      analyzing      motion    to
    withdraw     guilty    plea    under     Slater,     and   claim   of    ineffective
    assistance under Strickland, although finding that ineffective
    assistance claim was premature on direct appeal).
    The two requests for relief are governed by different time
    constraints.      A motion to withdraw a plea shall be made before
    sentencing, but may be made at any time thereafter if the movant
    shows a "manifest injustice."                  R. 3:21-1; see also State v.
    397 N.J. Super. 91
    , 97 (App. Div. 2007), appeal dismissed,
    196 N.J. 459
     (2008).            By contrast, a petition for PCR must be
    filed    within       five     years   of      the    challenged        judgment    of
    conviction, absent excusable neglect where enforcement of the
    bar would result in a "fundamental injustice."                 R. 3:22-12(a).
    addressed that issue, and the interests of justice would not be
    served   by   bifurcating  the  proceedings   at  this   point,
    particularly given the time that has elapsed since defendant's
    conviction.    See Report of Supreme Court Committee on Post-
    Conviction Rights of Indigents, 
    85 N.J.L.J. 557
    , 568 (1962)
    (regarding proposed rule on exclusiveness of post-conviction
    application, stating that "[s]ome degree of flexibility in the
    jurisdictional handling of particular cases will inevitably
    arise" and "priority will be accorded the objective of
    substantial justice").
    17                                 A-1889-12T2
    The two applications implicate different but overlapping
    rights.    The motion to withdraw a plea implicates fundamental
    rights to liberty and due process.      See Slater, 
    198 N.J. at 158
     ("A core concern underlying motions to withdraw guilty
    pleas is to correct the injustice of depriving innocent people
    of their liberty.").      The right to PCR based on ineffective
    assistance is grounded in the constitutional right to counsel.
    See State v. Fritz, 
    105 N.J. 42
    , 57-58 (1987) (stating that
    Strickland   vindicates   the   constitutional   right   to   counsel).
    More broadly, however, "a PCR petition is a defendant's last
    chance to challenge the 'fairness and reliability of a criminal
    verdict in our state system.'"     State v. Nash, 
    212 N.J. 518
    , 540
    (2013) (quoting State v. Feaster, 
    184 N.J. 235
    , 249 (2005)).
    As we have noted, the motion to withdraw a plea is governed
    by the four-factor test in Slater, 
              No one factor is
    dispositive, nor must a movant satisfy all four.          
    198 N.J. at 162
    .    However, "[c]onsideration of a plea withdrawal request can
    and should begin with proof that before accepting the plea, the
    trial court followed the dictates of Rule 3:9-2."         
    Id. at 155
    The rule requires the court to determine if "there is a factual
    basis for the plea and that the plea is made voluntarily, not as
    a result of any threats or of any promises or inducements not
    18                           A-1889-12T2
    disclosed on the record, and with an understanding of the nature
    of the charge and the consequences of the plea."                      R. 3:9-2.
    A     petition     for   PCR    based      on   ineffective        assistance       of
    counsel is governed by the two-prong Strickland test.                                 In a
    challenge    to   a    conviction        arising    from    a       guilty    plea,    the
    petitioner    may     satisfy      the    prejudice        prong      by     showing    "a
    reasonable probability that, but for counsel's errors, he would
    not have pleaded guilty and would have insisted on going to
    trial."     Hill v. Lockhart, 
    474 U.S. 52
    , 59, 
    106 S. Ct. 366
    , 370,
    88 L. Ed. 2d 203
    , 210 (1985); see also State v. Gaitan, 
    209 N.J. 339
    , 351 (2012), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1454
    185 L. Ed. 2d 361
    To    obtain      an   evidentiary      hearing    on       a    PCR   petition,     a
    defendant must establish a prima facie case for relief, material
    issues of disputed fact, and show that an evidentiary hearing is
    necessary to resolve the claims.               R. 3:22-10(b).          The petitioner
    must ultimately establish the right to PCR by a preponderance of
    the evidence.      State v. Preciose, 
    129 N.J. 451
    , 459 (1992).
    Regarding a plea withdrawal motion, the burden of proof
    varies depending on when the motion is filed.
    The same factors are to be used for motions
    filed either before or after sentencing, but
    the timing of the motion will trigger
    different burdens of proof for the movant:
    pre-sentence motions to withdraw a plea are
    governed   by  the  "interest   of  justice"
    19                                    A-1889-12T2
    standard in Rule 3:9-3(e), while post-
    sentence   motions   are  subject  to   the
    "manifest injustice" standard in Rule 3:21-
    1. As a result, the weighing and balancing
    process will differ depending on when a
    motion is filed . . . .
    198 N.J. at 158
    "Following sentencing, if a defendant seeks to withdraw a guilty
    plea   the    court    weighs      more    heavily       the    State's      interest     in
    finality     and    applies    a    more   stringent           standard."         State    v.
    405 N.J. Super. 149
    , 160 (App. Div. 2009) (citing State
    v. McQuaid, 
    147 N.J. 464
    , 485-87 (1997)).                         Thus, the longer a
    defendant delays in seeking to withdraw a plea,                              the greater
    burden he or she will bear in establishing "manifest injustice,"
    because      the   prejudice       to   the     State     under     prong     four     will
    generally increase.           Moreover, a defendant's reasons for delay
    may also weigh against relief under factor two.
    We recognize that the two tests may overlap.                         For example,
    compelling evidence of a person's innocence that was available
    but    neglected    by   an    attorney       may   weigh       heavily      in   applying
    factor one of the Slater test, as well as determining whether an
    attorney's ineffectiveness was prejudicial under Strickland.                                A
    defendant     may     rely    on   discovery        of    his     or   her    attorney's
    misinformation about the consequences of a plea to satisfy the
    reasons for seeking to withdraw a plea under Slater factor two.
    Those same facts may satisfy prong one of Strickland.
    20                                      A-1889-12T2
    However,       a    court    must     nonetheless      view      the     applications
    separately, and must avoid conflating the two.                            One can imagine
    scenarios in which a defendant could prevail on one application,
    but not the other.          For example, a defendant may mislead his or
    her attorney in accepting responsibility for a crime, in order
    to plead guilty and to avoid threatened reprisals by another
    criminal.        Cf.    State    v.    Simon,    
    161 N.J. 416
    ,       444-46    (1999)
    (affirming trial court's decision considering, but discrediting
    defendant's claim, on motion to withdraw plea, that he falsely
    admitted guilt because of threats to his family).                           While such a
    defendant       might    have     no     viable       claim    for        PCR     based    on
    ineffective      assistance,       he     or    she    conceivably         could    have     a
    viable plea withdrawal motion, based on a colorable claim of
    innocence and compelling reasons for seeking withdrawal.
    On the other hand, a defendant may fail on a motion to
    withdraw    a    plea    under        Slater,    because       he    or     she    lacks     a
    colorable claim of innocence (factor one), and the State would
    suffer prejudice (factor four) as a result of delay and witness
    unavailability.          Yet,     the     same    defendant         may    still    have     a
    successful claim under Strickland, because (1) the defendant may
    establish       prejudice       without     necessarily        establishing           likely
    acquittal; and (2) prejudice to the State is not a consideration
    under Strickland.         In the PCR context, to obtain relief from a
    21                                       A-1889-12T2
    conviction following a plea, "a petitioner must convince the
    court that a decision to reject the plea bargain would have been
    rational under the circumstances."          Padilla v. Kentucky, 559
    U.S. ___, ___, 
    130 S. Ct. 1473
    , 1485, 
    176 L. Ed. 2d 284
    , 297
    (2010).     "[A] rational decision not to plead guilty does not
    focus solely on whether a defendant would have been found guilty
    at trial . . . ."        United States v. Orocio, 
    645 F.3d 630
    , 643
    (3d Cir. 2011), overruled on other grounds by Chaidez v. United
    States, ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1103
    185 L. Ed. 2d 149
    In   a    case    involving   immigration   consequences   of   a   plea,
    "[p]reserving the client's right to remain in the United States
    may be more important to the client than any potential jail
    sentence."       Padilla, 
     559 U.S. at ___, 
    130 S. Ct. at 1483
    176 L. Ed. 2d at 295
     (internal quotation marks and citations
    In State v. Nuñez-Valdéz, 
    200 N.J. 129
     (2009), the Court
    affirmed PCR where counsel misinformed the defendant about the
    immigration consequences of conviction.        The defendant would not
    have pleaded guilty had he been properly informed.         Although the
    defendant claimed he falsely admitted his guilt, 
    id. at 133
    "[d]efendant conceded that his change of heart had nothing to do
    with any assertion of innocence."           
    Id. at 149
    .    Neither the
    22                          A-1889-12T2
    trial    court      nor     the    Supreme        Court    relied     on     evidence     of
    innocence as a factor in granting relief.
    Finally, we apply different standards of review to orders
    on plea withdrawal motions, and PCR petitions.                         While issues of
    law are subject to our de novo review, Manalapan Realty, L.P. v.
    Twp. Comm. of Manalapan, 
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995), we apply an
    abuse of discretion standard to decisions on plea withdrawal
    motions.         "Thus, the trial court's denial of defendant's request
    to withdraw his guilty plea will be reversed on appeal only if
    there was an abuse of discretion which renders the lower court's
    decision clearly erroneous."               See Simon, 
    161 N.J. at
    (citing State v. Smullen, 
    118 N.J. 408
    , 416 (1990)).                           "A denial
    of a motion to vacate a plea is 'clearly erroneous' if the
    evidence presented on the motion, considered in light of the
    controlling legal standards, warrants a grant of that relief."
    State   v.       Mustaro,    
    411 N.J. Super. 91
    ,   99   (App.    Div.   2009)
    (citing Slater, 
    198 N.J. at 164
    ).                        Our Supreme Court has
    found a mistaken exercise of discretion in denying a motion to
    withdraw a plea where the court exercised a "clear error of
    judgment."         State v. Munroe, 
    210 N.J. 429
    , 448 (2012) (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted).
    If       a    court     has    conducted      an   evidentiary         hearing   on   a
    petition for PCR, we necessarily defer to the trial court's
    23                                  A-1889-12T2
    factual findings.            Nash, supra, 212 N.J. at 540.                          Moreover,
    "Rule    3:22-10     recognizes        judicial       discretion          to    conduct    such
    hearings."       Preciose, 
    129 N.J. at 462
    .                             However, where
    the court does not hold an evidentiary hearing, we may exercise
    de novo review over the factual inferences the trial court has
    drawn from the documentary record.                       State v. Harris, 
    181 N.J. 391
    , 420-21 (2004), cert. denied, 
    545 U.S. 1145
    125 S. Ct. 2973
    162 L. Ed. 2d 898
          (2005).       Thus,      it    is     within     our
    authority      "to   conduct       a   de    novo     review    of    both       the    factual
    findings and legal conclusions of the PCR court."                              Id. at 421.
    Applying these principles, we are persuaded that the trial
    court    misapplied         the    Slater       factors    in     denying         defendant's
    application to withdraw her plea.
    Turning to the first Slater factor, the court set too high
    a threshold for establishing a "colorable claim of innocence."
    198 N.J. at 158
    .                        The court found that this
    factor    was    neutral          because       defendant's       diminished           capacity
    defense — supported by Dr. Sandoval's opinion — was challenged
    by the State's expert, Dr. D'Urso and other evidence.                                  However,
    in   applying        this    factor,        a    court    should          not     decide     the
    likelihood of the defense prevailing.                      Munroe, supra, 210 N.J.
    at 446 (holding that the court misapplied Slater factor one).
    24                                     A-1889-12T2
    "Rather, the issue is whether defendant raised a colorable claim
    of innocence that should rightly have been decided by a jury."
    Ibid.     A   court     must   consider    whether      "defendant    'presented
    specific, potentially plausible facts' of his innocence."                          Id.
    at 446-47 (quoting Slater, 
    198 N.J. at 162-63
    By this standard, defendant's diminished capacity defense
    was a colorable claim of innocence.             The court did not expressly
    consider that once defendant raised the question of her mental
    disease or defect, it was the State's burden to disprove her
    diminished capacity beyond a reasonable doubt.                  State v. Rivera,
    205 N.J. 472
    , 487 (2011); State v. Moore, 
    122 N.J. 420
    , 431
    (1991);   Model    Jury    Charge     (Criminal),       "Evidence     of      Mental
    Disease or Defect" (2006).8           It is notable that although Dr.
    D'Urso opined that defendant likely had the necessary mental
    state, he also confirmed that defendant suffered from several
    serious mental health conditions.
    The court also gave undue weight to the State's claim that
    Dr. Sandoval had a conflict of interest based on his alleged
    relationship     with    defendant.       The   claim     was    grounded     in   an
    unsworn   2006    investigative     report      stating    the    billing      clerk
    By contrast, a defendant bears the burden of proving insanity
    by a preponderance of the evidence.    State v. Singleton, 
    211 N.J. 157
    , 174 (2012); N.J.S.A. 2C:4-1.
    25                                    A-1889-12T2
    asserted such a relationship.                   However, that same clerk in 2003
    told DCJ investigators no such relationship existed.
    The PCR court also erred in rejecting, out of hand, the
    "nature    and    strength         of    defendant's         reasons      for       withdrawal."
    198 N.J. at 159
    .                        The court relied solely on
    defendant's      affirmations            at    the    plea       hearing,      which       it   held
    belied her claim she was ill-informed about her defenses and
    pressured      to      plead       guilty.            The        court    also        discounted
    defendant's claim of inadequate consultation by counsel.
    We recognize that a defendant's representations "at plea
    hearings concerning the voluntariness of the decision to plead
    . . .    constitute      a     'formidable           barrier'         which    defendant        must
    overcome    before      he     will       be    allowed          to   withdraw       his    plea."
    Simon, supra, 
    161 N.J. at 444
    .                        However, at defendant's plea
    hearing,    the      court     fell       short       of    conducting         the     searching
    inquiry required to assure that a defendant has knowingly and
    voluntarily       waived       a        claim    as        significant         as     diminished
    capacity.        Our Supreme Court recently held in State v. Handy,
    215 N.J. 334
    , 362 (2013), that before a trial court accepts a
    waiver    of     the   insanity          defense,          the    court       must    conduct       a
    "thorough      and     searching          inquiry      of        an    otherwise       competent
    defendant concerning his or her understanding of the nature of
    the right being waived and the implications that flow from that
    26                                         A-1889-12T2
    choice."      We presume no less is required here.                        Yet, the court
    failed even to identify the diminished capacity defense by name,
    let alone describe the nature of the defense, its significance,
    and inform defendant that the State would bear the burden to
    disprove diminished capacity.
    As for factor two, defendant's claim that her trial counsel
    did not adequately confer with her, and share the risks and
    benefits      of   pleading,      was    more      than    a   bald     assertion.          Cf.
    Cummings, supra, 
    321 N.J. Super. at 170
    .                       Defendant's assertions
    were        supported       by     counsel's           prior        derelictions            and
    misrepresentations,          which      the    court      found    when    it    sanctioned
    trial counsel.           The PCR court minimized counsel's past behavior,
    stating      it    pertained      only    to    the    production         of    the    expert
    report.       However, counsel's behavior at the very least lent
    plausibility        to    defendant's         claim    that       her   attorney,        after
    representing that she had a viable defense, did not adequately
    confer with her, failed to exercise diligence in obtaining a
    promised second expert report, and then suddenly and urgently
    advised her to switch course and plead guilty.
    We    conclude      that   an     evidentiary       hearing      is     required      to
    fairly      assess       defendant's      asserted        reasons       for     seeking      to
    withdraw her plea, and her allegations regarding trial counsel.
    Upon completion of such a hearing, and in view of our comments
    27                                      A-1889-12T2
    regarding the "colorable claim of innocence" prong, the trial
    court shall reconsider the application to withdraw defendant's
    plea.    In doing so, the court should also analyze prong four.
    Considering defendant's request for PCR, we agree with the
    trial    court's    initial     view   that    defendant's       petition   is    not
    time-barred by Rule 3:22-12.            She established excusable neglect
    under the circumstances, particularly since she filed only a few
    months    past     the    deadline.     Defendant      has     also    established
    "fundamental injustice," as required by Rule 3:22-12(a)(1), as
    she made "some showing that an error or violation played a role
    in the determination of guilt."               Nash, supra, 212 N.J. at 547
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Turning        to    the   Strickland     test,   we   are    persuaded      that
    defendant    established        a   prima     facie    claim      of   ineffective
    assistance of counsel.           Defendant has presented more than bald
    or conclusory allegations that her attorney's performance fell
    "outside the wide range of professionally competent assistance."
    Strickland, supra, 
    466 U.S. at 690
    104 S. Ct. at 2066
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 695
    .           As we have discussed, defendant presented a
    plausible     claim,       supported     by     the    court's         finding     of
    misrepresentation and dereliction of professional duty, that her
    attorney failed to confer with her or obtain a second expert
    28                                  A-1889-12T2
    opinion    as     promised,      and    urged     her   to    plead    guilty        without
    adequate explanation despite months of preparation for trial.
    Defendant's claim of diminished capacity was supported by
    an   expert     opinion,        and    indirectly       supported      by        defendant's
    history of mental illness.                 Certainly, a jury may have been
    persuaded to reject Dr. Sandoval's opinion, or that of another
    defense expert.       Acquittal was far from certain.                      Yet, it is not
    self-evident       that    pleading      guilty    was    a    reasonable          strategy,
    particularly       since    the       agreement    called      for    a     plea     to   the
    indictment,        and      a     sentence         resulting          in         defendant's
    incarceration until age seventy-four.                        Upon a hearing, trial
    counsel may well provide a basis for concluding that his advice
    to   defendant       was    the        result     of    "reasonable          professional
    judgment."        Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 689
    104 S. Ct. at 2065
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 694-95
    .                     However, on this record, and
    extending       defendant         all     favorable          inferences,           she    has
    established a prima facie case regarding prong one.
    As    for    the     prejudice       prong,       defendant          has     presented
    sufficient evidence to show "a reasonable probability that, but
    for counsel's errors, [s]he would not have pleaded guilty and
    would have insisted on going to trial."                       Hill, supra, 
    474 U.S. at 59
    106 S. Ct. at 370
    88 L. Ed. 2d at 210
    .                        Her readiness to
    go to trial is plausible, because she had a plausible defense
    29                                       A-1889-12T2
    that she could present through her expert's and perhaps her own
    Her   readiness   to   go   to   trial   is    also    supported     by   the
    nature of the plea offer.          This is not a case where the plea
    offer was so attractive that it would defy logic or reason that
    a defendant would risk a trial.             See Mustaro, 
    411 N.J. Super. at 106-07
    .    Defendant       pleaded     to    the    indictment    and
    accepted a sentence that could result in her spending the rest
    of her life in prison.        We conclude defendant has made a prima
    facie showing that going to trial would have been "rational
    under the circumstances."         Padilla, 
     559 U.S. at ___, 
    130 S. Ct. at 1485
    176 L. Ed. 2d at 297
    .                Defendant's claim that
    she   would   have   insisted     upon   going      to    trial    had   she    been
    effectively counseled cannot be rejected absent an evidentiary
    In sum, we reverse and remand for the court to conduct an
    evidentiary hearing and to reconsider defendant's application
    for relief under Slater and Strickland.
    Reversed and remanded.       We do not retain jurisdiction.
    30                                 A-1889-12T2