  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-1353-18T2
    Argued March 16, 2020 – Decided April 9, 2020
    Before Judges Sabatino, Sumners, and Natali.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
    Division, Bergen County, Docket No. L-2953-16.
    Denise Marra DePekary and Brad A. Baldwin argued
    the cause for appellant (Weber Gallagher Simpson
    Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP, attorneys; Andrew L.
    Indeck, Brad A. Baldwin, and Denise Marra DePekary,
    of counsel and on the briefs).
    Richard J. Williams, Jr. argued the cause for respondent
    (McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP,
    attorneys; Richard J. Williams, Jr., of counsel and on
    the brief).
    This litigation arises out of an insurance company's audit revealing that a
    policyholder had withheld material information about its operations and thereby
    underpaid its workers' compensation premiums. After a non-jury trial, the Law
    Division judge ruled that the policyholder had violated the workers'
    compensation fraud statute, N.J.S.A. 34:15-57.4. Pursuant to that statute, the
    judge ordered the policyholder to pay the insurer $145,231 in unpaid premiums,
    plus interest, costs, and counsel fees.
    The policyholder appeals the trial court's final judgment on various
    grounds. The policyholder chiefly argues that the carriers it engaged to haul
    goods for its customers were not "subcontractors" within the meaning of
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a). The policyholder maintains it therefore was not liable
    under that statute to provide coverage to employees of the fourteen carriers it
    used that lacked such workers' compensation coverage.
    The policyholder also appeals a pretrial order granting partial summary
    judgment and dismissing its Consumer Fraud Act claims, which had alleged the
    insurer engaged in unconscionable practices by demanding certain documents
    in the audit process and by sharply increasing premiums.
    We affirm.
    The rather complicated facts and procedural history are detailed at length
    in the trial court's extensive pretrial and post-trial written decisions, and we
    presume the parties' familiarity with those details. We summarize key portions
    of that background here.
    A. Fournier Trucking's Business
    The policyholder, plaintiff Fournier Trucking, Inc., describes itself as a
    freight forwarding company that facilitates the transport of goods for shipping
    companies. Fournier Trucking has a facility in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
    Shippers within New Jersey utilize Fournier Trucking's services to ship goods
    to other states primarily on the West Coast.
    Fournier Trucking's president and owner is Thomas Fournier, who lives
    and works in Minnesota. 1 Fournier's daughter, Marlee Grady, is the company's
    vice president of operations. The operations manager is Shawn Gaetz.
    According to the trial testimony of Grady and Gaetz, Fournier Trucking
    is hired and paid by the shipping companies. Shippers call upon Fournier
    Trucking when they must transport less than a full truckload of product, or when
    When we refer to "Fournier", we mean Mr. Fournier and not his company.
    they must make deliveries to multiple locations that require few products.
    Fournier Trucking is hired to collect and consolidate freight locally, and then
    ensure that it reaches its final destination.
    The shipping companies that hire Fournier Trucking pay one price for
    each shipment. The price covers both the consolidation and transportation of
    the goods at issue.
    Fournier Trucking employs several drivers who perform the consolidation
    aspect of its services by collecting loads from its shipping company clients in
    the New York tri-state area and gathering them in Fournier Trucking's
    warehouse. For its out-of-state transportation services, Fournier Trucking hires
    what it refers to as "independent motor carriers" to haul freight to the West
    Fournier Trucking identifies loads for transport and, based on the
    destination, offers them to the carriers. If a carrier accepts the load, Fournier
    Trucking directs the driver to a specific warehouse loading dock to procure the
    goods for transport. The decision to hire a carrier rests with Fournier Trucking,
    not the customer.
    Fournier Trucking informs its customers that it does not ship the products
    itself and provides the customers with the contact information for the assigned
    carrier.   Thereafter, Fournier Trucking regularly, but not exclusively,
    coordinates communications between the customer and the carrier.
    Grady testified that Fournier Trucking exercises no control over whether
    particular carriers will accept or reject loads, or the specific routes chosen by
    carriers. The company does not provide any of the equipment used by the
    carriers. Fournier Trucking sends the customers an invoice that covers the entire
    process, and then separately pays the carrier for the transportation services.
    As acknowledged by Grady, although Fournier Trucking relies upon
    motor carriers to haul its customers' freight, it maintains the ultimate
    responsibility to ensure the goods reach the destination.
    The parties agree that neither the carriers nor the carriers' employees are
    Fournier Trucking employees. As we confirmed at oral argument, to date no
    employees of Fournier Trucking or its carriers have filed a workers'
    compensation claim with the defendant insurer, New Jersey Manufacturers
    Insurance Company ("NJM").
    Fournier Trucking has "transportation agreements" with the carriers it
    hires, which either party may terminate at any time. At trial, NJM introduced
    an agreement between Fournier Trucking and a redacted carrier as a
    representative sample.      Under the agreement, Fournier Trucking must
    compensate the carrier for transporting products and materials. The agreement
    is non-exclusive, allowing Fournier Trucking to contract with multiple carriers.
    The agreement requires the carrier to employ licensed personnel and furnish and
    maintain its own equipment, and contains indemnification and liability
    assigning provisions. In the agreement, the carrier is defined as an "independent
    contractor" that has "exclusive control and direction of the persons operating the
    equipment or otherwise engaged in such transportation services."
    The agreement states that a carrier working with Fournier Trucking must
    maintain its own public liability insurance policies required by law.            The
    agreement specifically requires carriers to provide proof of workers'
    compensation coverage of their employees to Fournier Trucking.
    B. Fournier Trucking's Workers' Compensation Insurance Policies
    NJM's role as Fournier Trucking's workers' compensation insurer arose
    from an assigned risk program administered by the New Jersey Compensation
    Rating and Inspection Bureau ("CRIB"). The Legislature created CRIB in 1917
    to "[e]stablish and maintain rules, regulations and premium rates for workers'
    compensation and employers' liability insurance and equitably adjust the same,
    as far as practical, to the hazard of individual risks, by inspection by the bureau."
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-90.2(f).      CRIB also develops the New Jersey Workers'
    Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance Manual (the "CRIB
    Manual"), which sets forth rules for workers' compensation insurance coverage.
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-90.2(i) to -90.2(j).2
    In 2003, Fournier Trucking applied to CRIB for an assigned risk workers'
    compensation policy after failing to obtain such insurance through the voluntary
    market. The State granted the application, designating NJM as the insurance
    company for Fournier Trucking's workers' compensation insurance policy.
    At trial, Fournier testified that, when submitting the 2003 insurance
    application, he represented that neither Fournier Trucking nor any of its
    contracted businesses used owner-operators or had hauling contracts.
    NJM continued to insure Fournier Trucking's New Jersey operations in
    subsequent years.
    The annual premium for Fournier Trucking's workers' compensation
    As we note, infra, we do not need to reach the thorny legal question of the
    validity of the rules and Manual, which are issued by CRIB without adherence
    to the public notice-and-comment processes prescribed under the Administrative
    Procedure Act ("APA"), N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 to -31. In Aetna Insurance Co. v.
    Trans America Trucking Service, Inc., 
    261 N.J. Super. 316
    , 328-29 (App. Div.
    1993), we found that the Manual had "not been adopted as regulations under the
    [APA] and [did] not have the force or effect of law." However, in a later opinion
    in Romanny v. Stanley Baldino Construction Co., 
    142 N.J. 576
    , 581 (1995), the
    Supreme Court relied on the CRIB Manual, without addressing whether it had
    been properly adopted.
    policy with NJM was based on the remuneration Fournier Trucking paid to its
    employees and to "all other persons engaged in work that could make [NJM]
    liable" for workers' compensation payments. Every year, NJM first set forth an
    estimated premium, and then subsequently modified it through a post-period
    audit process by analyzing the policyholder's records to obtain actual payro ll
    information. The purpose of the audit is to determine the extent of the actual
    risk NJM incurred, so that the estimated premiums may be adjusted
    retrospectively. This estimate and audit system is consistent with the CRIB
    For the first policy issued for the 2003-2004 period, NJM assigned senior
    premium auditor Estelle Cibiniak to conduct the audit. At that audit, after a
    discussion with Grady's predecessor, Cibiniak's understanding was that the
    drivers employed on Fournier Trucking's payroll were the only ones making
    deliveries out of state. She was not informed of the motor carriers utilized by
    the policyholder.
    NJM conducted annual audits from 2004 to 2015, in which Fournier
    Trucking represented that it used no subcontracted work or owner-operators, and
    never mentioned anything about the independent motor carriers. During that
    time frame before 2015, Grady had never discussed the issue of subcontractors
    with NJM, and NJM did not receive any information suggesting that Fournier
    Trucking used subcontractors. Fournier Trucking had provided the W-2 tax
    forms (reporting wages, salaries, and tips) for its own employees but had never
    provided names and addresses, tax forms, or proof of workers' compensation
    coverage for any of the carriers. According to the trial testimony of Henry H.
    Reese, the administrator of NJM's premium audit unit, before 2015 NJM had no
    knowledge of the carriers hired by Fournier Trucking.
    C. The Audit of Fournier Trucking's 2014-2015 Workers' Compensation
    Insurance Policy
    This case specifically involves the premium for the assigned risk workers'
    compensation insurance policy issued to Fournier Trucking by NJM for the
    2014-2015 policy period, and the associated audit.
    The parties' policy agreement obligated Fournier Trucking to maintain all
    records needed to compute the premium and to provide copies upon request.
    Fournier Trucking also agreed to let NJM "examine and audit all [its] records
    that relate to this policy" to collect information that "will be used to determine
    the final premium," and to inspect its workplace for issues related to insurability
    and premiums. Under the "assigned risk eligibility" endorsement included in
    the policy, one of the conditions to maintain eligibility for the assigned risk plan
    is Fournier Trucking's compliance with NJM's requests to audit and examine
    records or inspect the workplace.
    For Fournier Trucking's 2014-2015 policy, which was issued in April
    2014, NJM initially estimated an annual premium of $43,193.           The total
    estimated cost was $45,579. Subsequently, NJM assigned Cibiniak to audit that
    policy to determine the actual remuneration due.
    In support of its summary judgment motion, NJM submitted certifications
    from Richard Micklovic, who worked as the assistant vice president for
    commercial lines at NJM, and Tiffany Steele, who works in NJM's workers'
    compensation underwriting department. In their certifications, Micklovic and
    Steele explained that in March 2015, NJM analyzed Fournier Trucking's history
    to determine whether to switch it from an assigned risk policy to a voluntary
    policy. According to Reese, voluntary policies are more affordable to the
    policyholder because they represent less risk.
    As part of her review in 2015, Steele observed a discrepancy in the number
    of drivers reported by Fournier Trucking and the number of drivers for the
    company listed in a federal licensing database. That discrepancy prompted a
    physical inspection of Fournier Trucking's warehouse by NJM's underwriting
    During the underwriting department's inspection, a Fournier Trucking
    employee told the NJM inspector that Fournier Trucking used between fifteen
    and twenty independent motor carriers to complete its shipping services.
    NJM became concerned by these revelations because, if Fournier
    Trucking utilized "subcontractors" that did not maintain their own workers'
    compensation insurance, NJM was exposed to risk as the insurer of the general
    contractor. As prescribed by N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a):
    Any contractor placing work with a subcontractor shall,
    in the event of the subcontractor's failing to carry
    workers' compensation insurance as required by this
    article, become liable for any compensation which may
    be due an employee or the dependents of a deceased
    employee of a subcontractor. The contractor shall then
    have a right of action against the subcontractor for
    [(Emphasis added).]
    On or about May 8, 2015, after receiving the information from the
    underwriting department's inspection, Cibiniak sent a letter to Fournier Trucking
    as part of her audit. Her letter requested all payroll information, a summary of
    all paid subcontractors, any tax forms issued to independent contractors (Form
    1099s), and certificates of insurance. At trial, Cibiniak explained that she would
    ask for that information customarily as part of every audit.
    According to Reese, the Form 1099s were necessary to determine the
    amount of NJM's exposure if the carriers lacked their own workers'
    compensation coverage. He explained that the Form 1099s contained enough
    information for NJM to research whether the carriers had workers' compensation
    insurance using the CRIB website and, if not, the exact remuneration paid by
    Fournier Trucking for the purposes of determining the policy premium. At trial,
    Cibiniak similarly explained that Form 1099s were necessary so she could obtain
    the names of the carriers and research whether they maintained their own
    workers' compensation insurance policies. If so, that would remove them from
    the premium calculation.
    During a subsequent telephone conversation on May 15, 2015, Cibiniak
    requested from Grady information regarding the payments that Fournier
    Trucking made to carriers. Grady responded that the drivers had their own
    separate businesses and their own insurance coverage, and she denied that they
    were subcontractors.
    Immediately following the call with Cibiniak, Grady telephoned her
    father, who instructed her not to turn over any Form 1099s for the carriers. At
    trial, Fournier testified that he was aware that the carriers sometimes used
    multiple drivers, and that the carriers would have been required to maintain
    workers' compensation insurance for their employees, but he chose not to relay
    that information to NJM.     He testified that NJM "wouldn't listen" to his
    explanation of "what we do," so he decided to "let them discover it."
    Grady and Cibiniak spoke again four days later regarding NJM's request
    for documents. Grady responded that she would "see what I can do," although
    her father had already instructed her not to produce the information.
    By July 2015, NJM still had not received any Form 1099s or certificates
    of insurance for the carriers utilized by Fournier Trucking for its audit. During
    a phone call on July 13, 2015, Cibiniak again asked for the documents. Grady
    declined, telling Cibiniak that Fournier Trucking would not provide any
    information regarding the carriers.
    As a result of Fournier Trucking's failure to provide any information
    regarding its carriers, NJM initially estimated the remuneration paid by Fournier
    Trucking to the uninsured carriers as $100,000. According to Micklovic and
    Steele, NJM hoped that by making and communicating the estimate, Fournier
    Trucking would be encouraged to provide the information so the audit could be
    completed and corrected.
    NJM released an audit report of the April 2014 to April 2015 policy period
    on August 10, 2015. Based upon the audit and NJM's then-existing estimations
    regarding the activity of the carriers, Fournier Trucking's total standard premium
    increased to $57,042, with the total audited cost identified as $70,980.
    The adjusted premium was predicated upon the $100,000 sum that NJM
    then estimated Fournier Trucking had paid in remuneration to uninsured
    carriers. At trial, Reese explained that NJM uses one-third of the remuneration
    paid to uninsured subcontractors when calculating the premium, rather than the
    entire remuneration, in accordance with a formula in the CRIB Manual.
    During an October 16, 2015 phone call between Grady, Gaetz, and Reese,
    Grady initially represented that Fournier Trucking issued no Form 1099s to any
    entities other than cleaners. Gaetz corrected her misstatement and informed
    Reese that Fournier Trucking does furnish some of the independent motor
    carriers with Form 1099s. Nevertheless, Grady repeatedly insisted that each
    carrier used by Fournier Trucking maintained its own insurance. Grady asserted
    that Fournier Trucking had all the confirming documents in its possession.
    Reese stated to Grady and Gaetz that the $100,000 remuneration used to
    calculate the revised premium was just an estimate. He explained to them that
    the increased premium could be removed if Fournier Trucking provided the
    requested information regarding the carriers.
    Through its counsel, Fournier Trucking sent a letter dated December 23,
    2015 to NJM, objecting to the increased premium, but agreeing to continue
    payments under protest. The letter described Fournier Trucking's business in
    detail and reported that the company contracted with sixty-four independent
    motor carriers. The letter also attached a sample copy of the company's carrier
    contract, which recited that carriers are required by Fournier Trucking to
    maintain their own workers' compensation insurance policies.              Notably,
    Fournier Trucking's attorneys acknowledged in the December 2015 letter that
    the motor carriers used by the company "in certain cases employ their own
    During a conversation between Grady and Reese on February 4, 2016,
    Grady confirmed that Fournier Trucking possessed insurance certificates for the
    carriers. She repeatedly represented that Fournier Trucking had no Form 1099s
    for the carriers, despite Gaetz's previous admission to the contrary during the
    October 2015 phone call. Grady also represented that the carriers had no
    employees, despite Fournier Trucking's lawyers' previous admission to the
    contrary. She later admitted at trial that she had no basis for saying the carriers
    lacked employees and recanted her earlier statements and acknowledged that
    Fournier Trucking was, in fact, in possession of Form 1099s for some motor
    carriers in October 2015.
    In that same conversation, Reese explained that NJM would have to once
    again adjust the premium because Fournier Trucking's lawyers had told NJM
    that Fournier Trucking utilized sixty-four carriers. In response, Grady stated
    that the estimate of $100,000 would "easily" cover the remuneration paid to all
    sixty-four of Fournier Trucking's carriers. At trial, Reese explained he was
    "taken aback" by Grady's statement, because the $100,000 figure for sixty-four
    carriers "seemed awfully low" based on his experience.
    In her own trial testimony, Grady stated that she had told Reese in
    February 2016 that $100,000 would "easily" cover the payments for all the
    carriers because she believed the carriers should not factor into the premium
    equation at all. However, she admitted that, at the time, she was aware that the
    remuneration paid to the carriers far exceeded $100,000.
    Reese also explained to Grady during their February 2016 conversation
    that if the carriers did have employees but no workers' compensation coverage,
    Fournier Trucking would be responsible for that coverage under the applicable
    statutes. Conversely, if the carriers did in fact carry their own insurance, Reese
    advised Grady that NJM would not charge Fournier Trucking for any additional
    NJM did not receive any further information from Fournier Trucking after
    that conversation. As a result, on February 8, 2016, NJM released a re-audit of
    the 2014-2015 policy.
    In this second audit, NJM declared a significantly higher total standard
    premium of $344,001, and a total audited cost of $426,359. The increase was
    the result of NJM recalculating the portion of the premium derived from the
    estimated remuneration paid by Fournier Trucking to its uninsured carriers.
    According to Micklovic and Reese, NJM recalculated the remuneration based
    upon the sixty-four carriers referenced in the December 2015 letter sent by
    Fournier Trucking's counsel.
    Through a letter to NJM dated March 3, 2016, counsel for Fournier
    Trucking alleged that NJM had improperly classified its contracted motor
    carriers as persons to whom NJM may have liability under its workers'
    compensation coverage. Fournier Trucking demanded that NJM retract the
    imposition of additional premiums resulting from the classification, the
    reimbursement of previously paid additional premiums, and the renewal of its
    policy. Notably, in this letter Fournier Trucking's attorneys once more referred
    to the employees of the carriers, arguing that they would not qualify as
    employees of Fournier Trucking.
    On March 9, 2016, NJM issued an earned premium notice to Fournier
    Trucking, identifying an outstanding balance of $380,780. Fournier Trucking
    continued making payments in 2016 "under protest" to avoid cancellation.
    By the time Fournier Trucking commenced this litigation, NJM had still
    not received information from Fournier Trucking concerning Form 1099s or
    certificates of insurance for the carriers.
    Later during discovery, Fournier Trucking provided a spreadsheet that
    listed, in anonymous fashion, eighty-one carriers it utilized.        Of the listed
    carriers, fifteen had multiple drivers.       Fournier Trucking also produced in
    discovery redacted certificates of insurance, identifying them by a number
    assigned to each carrier. The certificates for the fifteen carriers that had multiple
    drivers contained no proof of workers' compensation insurance. 3
    D. This Litigation
    In April 2016, Fournier Trucking filed a verified complaint and order to
    show cause in the Law Division seeking preliminary and temporary restraints
    against NJM. The policyholder sought injunctive relief to maintain the status
    quo of its workers' compensation insurance coverage pending the litigation
    (counts one and two) and reimbursement of paid insurance premiums (count
    As requested, the trial court temporarily restrained NJM from cancelling,
    refusing to renew, or increasing the premium of the workers' compensation
    As we will discuss, infra, that figure was later corrected to fourteen.
    coverage.     After an initial hearing, the court converted these measures to
    preliminary restraints to remain in effect during the pendency of the action.
    NJM filed an answer and counterclaim. The counterclaim alleged breach
    of contract (count one), and sought compensatory damages, specific
    performance (count two) and declaratory relief (count three). The counterclaim
    also alleged that Fournier Trucking violated the civil liability portion of N.J.S.A.
    34:15-57.4, the workers' compensation fraud statute, and sought damages (count
    Fournier amended its complaint to add claims against NJM of breach of
    contract (count four), breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing
    (count five), violation of the Consumer Fraud Act ("CFA"), N.J.S.A. 56:8-2
    (count six), and violation of the civil liability portion of the New Jersey anti -
    racketeering statute ("NJRICO"), N.J.S.A. 2C:41-4(c) (count seven).
    E. Partial Summary Judgment
    After certain discovery was conducted, NJM moved for partial summary
    judgment. In its motion, NJM sought dismissal of Fournier Trucking's second
    amended complaint and relief pursuant to the first three counts of its
    The court granted NJM's motion on April 26, 2018, issuing a twenty-five-
    page written decision.
    With regard to Fournier Trucking's breach of contract claims (counts four
    and five), and NJM's breach of contract, specific performance, and declaratory
    judgment counterclaims (counts one through three of the counterclaim), the
    motion judge found the policy agreement between Fournier Trucking and NJM
    unambiguously granted NJM the authority to conduct an audit to assess the
    appropriate premium.
    The judge also found that the policy obliged Fournier Trucking to
    cooperate with NJM's requests for information. NJM was "rightfully entitled"
    to information regarding the carriers in order to complete a premium audit of the
    policy. The judge held that Fournier Trucking breached the policy agreement
    by refusing to provide information. The judge dismissed counts four and five
    of the second amended complaint and granted summary judgment to NJM on the
    first three counts of NJM's counterclaim.
    The judge dismissed the first three counts of Fournier Trucking's second
    amended complaint, which had sought temporary relief, as moot.
    The judge also dismissed Fournier Trucking's CFA claim (count six of the
    second amended complaint). The judge ruled that the CFA does not apply to the
    auditing of workers' compensation insurance policies, and that even if it did,
    NJM did not engage in any unlawful conduct because it requested documents it
    was entitled to receive under the terms of the policy.
    Finally, the judge dismissed the NJRICO claim (count seven of the second
    amended complaint) because it found NJM could not be an NJRICO defendant
    as a matter of law and the claim lacked evidential support. 4 As a result, the
    entirety of Fournier Trucking's second amended complaint was dismissed.
    As a remedy for granting summary judgment on the first three counts of
    NJM's counterclaim, the court ordered Fournier Trucking to provide copies of
    information relating to its carriers, including all Form 1099s, unredacted
    certificates of insurance, and a list of names and addresses of the fifteen carriers
    that had multiple drivers. It also declared that NJM is entitled to charge a
    premium for amounts paid to uninsured subcontractors pursuant to N.J.S.A.
    34:15-79.     The only remaining issue was the fourth count of NJM's
    counterclaim, which alleged that Fournier Trucking violated the civil liability
    portion of N.J.S.A. 34:15-57.4, the workers' compensation fraud statute.
    F. NJM's Motion in Aid of Litigant's Rights and Further Discovery
    In May 2018, NJM moved to enforce litigant's rights seeking compliance
    with the court's order for Fournier Trucking to produce discovery. The motion
    Fournier Trucking does not appeal the dismissal of its NJRICO claims.
    prompted Fournier Trucking to issue two letters providing NJM with Form
    1099s for four of the carriers and unredacted certificates of insurance for the
    fifteen carriers.
    The court granted the motion to enforce litigant's rights and ordered
    Fournier Trucking to either produce Form 1099s for the remaining eleven
    carriers, produce a report identifying the amounts paid to them, or be subjected
    to sanctions. The order warned that if Fournier Trucking failed to produce the
    information, an adverse inference could be applied against it at trial.
    After finally receiving detailed information relating to the out-of-state
    carriers, NJM attempted to acquire information from them directly. Reese
    conducted a search of the CRIB website to independently determine whether
    those carriers had maintained workers' compensation insurance. Reese's search
    confirmed that the carriers lacked such insurance.
    Through a cover letter dated June 15, 2018, Fournier Trucking produced
    to NJM a document setting forth the amounts paid for the eleven outstanding
    carriers in 2014. Collectively, the information provided by Fournier Trucking
    indicated that it paid approximately $2.59 million to the fifteen carriers at issue
    in 2014. Grady later confirmed that figure at trial. Further discovery-related
    motions were dismissed after trial as moot.
    G. Trial
    The parties agreed to waive a jury on NJM's workers' compensation fraud
    counterclaim, and to proceed to a bench trial. The trial was conducted before
    the same judge who had ruled earlier on the summary judgment motion and took
    place over two days in June 2018.
    Reese and Cibiniak testified for NJM. NJM also called Gaetz and Grady
    as witnesses.
    According to Reese's trial testimony, NJM had developed a new audited
    premium for the 2014-2015 policy in light of the information it had recently
    acquired from Fournier Trucking in discovery. Based upon the $2.59 million in
    remuneration paid by the policyholder to the fifteen uninsured carriers that had
    multiple drivers, Reese testified that the premium increase would be $148,237,
    which was less than the previously revised estimate that included sixty-four
    After trial, Reese amended this testimony in light of the revelation that
    one of the fifteen carriers did, in fact, carry workers' compensation insurance.
    The new revised premium increase was $145,231, which the court used to
    calculate the damage award.
    In her trial testimony, Grady asserted that she had refused to turn over
    information to NJM because her father instructed her so, and because Fournier
    Trucking believed that information relating to the carriers was irrelevant to
    workers' compensation insurance. She did admit that she had known during the
    audit that information relating to the carriers would impact the premium charged
    by NJM.
    Plaintiff called Fournier as its sole witness.     He testified about his
    company's attempts to procure workers' compensation insurance in the early
    2000s, and his instructions to Grady not to turn over requested documents to
    NJM because, in his view, NJM had "no right to them." He also testified that
    Fournier Trucking had since obtained workers' compensation insurance through
    another insurer that did not charge any premium for the motor carriers.
    H. The Trial Court's Decision and the Final Judgment Terms
    The judge issued a thirty-four-page written post-trial decision on October
    1, 2018. She issued the order for judgment on November 8, 2018, entering
    judgment in favor of NJM. The same day, the judge issued a decision regarding
    NJM's unopposed application for counsel fees.
    In her decision, the trial judge rejected Fournier Trucking's argument that
    the carriers are not subcontractors and thus not includable in Fournier Trucking's
    remuneration total. She held the carriers hired or retained by Fournier Trucking
    are subcontractors who "were hired to complete the shipping services that
    Fournier Trucking was contractually required to perform for its customers." The
    judge further concluded that the driver teams used by the carriers were the
    carriers' employees, which could be "reasonably and logically inferred" from the
    The judge did not make explicit credibility findings about each of the
    witnesses individually. Her opinion did note that the demeanor of Gaetz, who
    prepared the 2014 spreadsheet and other company documents for the NJM audit,
    "was humble, straightforward and compliant." The judge recognized that Gaetz
    was in a difficult position of "facing his many bosses from the Fournier family
    who were sitting in the courtroom." The judge found "his testimony left a lucid
    impression of compliance with their directives, and as well as having been
    compliant with the court's orders."
    By contrast, the judge observed that the testimony of Grady "was at times
    ambiguous [and] wishy-washy" and that she "had a fuzzy memory regarding
    [her] communications with NJM individuals." The judge noted that Grady "was
    new to the insurance coverage department at the company at the time of the audit
    and that her uncle had handled the insurance coverage issues in the past."
    Further, the judge found that Grady "appeared not to be certain in her testimony
    regarding her handling of insurance issues."
    As an example of Grady's unreliable knowledge, the judge cited Grady's
    admission at trial "that when she told Mr. Reese that the motor carriers had no
    employees, she, in fact, did not know that to be true and made an 'incorrect
    assumption.'" Moreover, as the judge further noted, Grady "further admitted that
    to this day she does not know whether the motor carriers have employees."
    As another example, the judge found that Grady's trial testimony about
    whether $100,000 in renumeration would cover the carrier's payroll exposure "is
    not credible and belies what she said on the telephone [to Reese] over two years
    prior." The judge pointed out that Grady ultimately admitted that she knew
    Fournier Trucking "paid far more than $100,000 to its motor carriers" when she
    spoke with Reese in February 2016. Quite succinctly, the judge found "[t]he
    paper evidence conflicts with her [Grady's] testimonial evidence."
    The judge made no similar negative credibility findings about NJM's
    representatives who testified. The judge did observe that Reese, the
    administrator of NJM's workers' compensation premium assessment department,
    has been with NJM since 2000 and "is specifically knowledgeable in the audit
    process." As for Cibiniak, the judge favorably noted she has "thirty-one years
    of auditing experience" with NJM, and that she had initiated and diligently
    pursued the audit process of Fournier Trucking through correspondence and
    multiple documented telephone calls.
    The judge did not comment on whether Fournier himself was credible,
    except the judge did underscore his insistence that NJM did not understand the
    nature of his business. The judge also found it significant that Fournier had
    personally directed Grady not to turn over the 1099 forms to NJM because they
    had never been requested in the past and were, in his view, irrelevant.
    After reviewing the evidence, the judge concluded that NJM proved by a
    preponderance of the evidence that Fournier Trucking had purposefully and
    knowingly made misleading and false statements to NJM to avoid paying
    additional premium, and withheld information concerning the carriers, in
    violation of N.J.S.A. 34:15-57.4.
    Regarding damages, the judge relied upon the following statutory
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and in
    addition to any other remedy available under law, a
    person who evades the full payment of premiums
    pursuant to R.S.34:15-1 et seq. or improperly denies or
    delays benefits pursuant to R.S.34:15-1 et seq. is liable
    to pay the sum due and owing plus simple interest.
    [N.J.S.A. 34:15-57.4(c)(3) (emphasis added).]
    Under that section of the statute, the judge held that NJM was entitled to unpaid
    premium accounting for the carriers at issue.      The judge also relied upon
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-57.4(b), which allows an injured party to recover costs and
    attorneys' fees, in awarding the same.
    The final judgment awarded NJM $254,329.17, which represented unpaid
    premium in the amount of $145,231, simple interest in the amount of $7,603.44,
    costs in the amount of $6,802.73, and attorneys' fees in the amount of $94,692 .5
    This appeal by Fournier Trucking ensued.
    On appeal, Fournier Trucking principally argues that the trial court erred
    in finding that it was liable under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79 to provide workers
    compensation coverage for the employees of the uninsured motor carriers it used
    for hauling shipments to its customers. Fournier contends those carriers were
    independent contractors who cannot be its "subcontractors" for purposes of civil
    liability under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79.
    Fournier further agues the trial court erred in dismissing its claims of
    unconscionable practices, arguing such claims are viable under the CFA as a
    matter of law, do not clash with the regulatory scheme, and are factually
    The counsel fee award has not been appealed, subject to our ruling on the
    merits of the proven statutory violation.
    We consider appellant's legal arguments de novo. Kaye v. Rosefielde,
    223 N.J. 218
    , 229 (2015). By contrast, we defer to the trial judge's factual and
    credibility findings, so long as they are supported by substantial evidence in the
    record. Rova Farms Resort, Inc. v. Inv'rs Ins. Co. of Am., 
    65 N.J. 474
    , 484
    Having carefully considered the appeal in light of the record, our scope of
    review, and the applicable substantive law, we affirm the trial court's rulings
    and the final judgment. We do so substantially for the sound reasons set forth
    in the Judge Estela M. De La Cruz's detailed written opinion dated April 26,
    2018 granting partial summary judgment, and her similarly comprehensive post-
    trial opinion dated October 1, 2018. We amplify the judge's analysis with some
    additional commentary.
    The Workers' Compensation Act ("WCA"), N.J.S.A. 34:15-1 to -142, was
    enacted in 1911 to address "an increasing number of industrial accidents and the
    inadequacies of the common-law tort remedies that were available to aid injured
    workers." Millison v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 
    101 N.J. 161
    , 174 (1985).
    The statutory workers' compensation scheme is "designed to establish a no fault
    system of compensation for workers who are injured or contract a disease in the
    course of employment." Fitzgerald v. Tom Coddington Stables, 
    186 N.J. 21
    , 30
    (2006) (quoting Brock v. Pub. Serv. Elec. & Gas Co., 
    325 N.J. Super. 582
    , 588
    (App. Div. 1999)).     It involves a "historic trade-off whereby employees
    relinquished their right to pursue common-law remedies in exchange for
    automatic entitlement to certain, but reduced, benefits whenever they suffered
    injuries by accident arising out of and in the course of employment." 
    Millison, 101 N.J. at 174
    Pursuant to the WCA, "[w]hen employer and employee shall by
    agreement, either express or implied . . . accept the provisions of" the WCA,
    employers must compensate employees for work-related injuries "arising out of
    and in the course of employment . . . without regard to the negligence of the
    employer[.]" N.J.S.A. 34:15-7. Absent an express disclaimer, all parties to
    every employment contract are presumed to have accepted the WCA's
    provisions. N.J.S.A. 34:15-9. The WCA obligates any employer subject to its
    provisions to provide coverage for their employee's injuries. N.J.S.A. 34:15-71,
    -72. An injured employee entitled to benefits under the WCA is barred from
    any alternative means of recovery, including tort lawsuits. N.J.S.A. 34:15 -8.
    The WCA is recognized as "remedial social legislation" that "should be given
    liberal construction in order that its beneficent purposes may be accomplished."
    Cruz v. Cent. Jersey Landscaping, Inc., 
    195 N.J. 33
    , 42 (2008) (quoting Torres
    v. Trenton Times Newspaper, 
    64 N.J. 458
    , 461 (1974)).
    The WCA defines the term "employee" as "synonymous with servant, and
    includes all natural persons, including officers of corporations, who perform
    service for an employer for financial consideration." N.J.S.A. 34:15-36. It does
    not define "independent contractors," which "are neither entitled to benefits nor
    subject to the limitations of the [WCA]." Estate of Kotsovska ex rel. Kotsovska
    v. Liebman, 
    221 N.J. 568
    , 586 (2015).
    Our courts have defined an independent contractor as "one who, carrying
    on an independent business, contracts to do a piece of work according to his own
    methods, and without being subject to the control of his employer as to the
    means by which the result is accomplished, but only as to the result of wor k."
    Ibid. (quoting Auletta v.
    Bergen Ctr. for Child Dev., 
    338 N.J. Super. 464
    , 471
    (App. Div. 2001)). Thus, the threshold determination under the WCA is whether
    an injured or deceased worker was an employee or independent contractor.
    Ibid. This matter centers
    upon one particular aspect of the WCA that applies its
    coverage to contractors in certain circumstances. Under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a),
    the WCA obligates contractors to provide workers' compensation benefits to
    injured employees of any subcontractors that lack workers' compensation
    coverage. "The statute is clearly intended to protect the injured employee
    directly, as well as to create an incentive for general contractors to police their
    sub-contractors' compliance with the workers' compensation law." Williams v.
    A & L Packing & Storage, 
    314 N.J. Super. 460
    , 467 (App. Div. 1998). It
    "requires the general contractor to make certain that the subcontractor insures
    his liability to pay compensation benefits as provided by the statute or else the
    general contractor himself will become liable to pay such benefits." Pollack v.
    Pino's Formal Wear & Tailoring, 
    253 N.J. Super. 397
    , 404 (App. Div. 1992).
    However, it "does not create the relationship of employer and employee as
    between the general contractor and the employee of the subcontractor."
    Ibid. The WCA contains
    no definition of "subcontractor." As the trial court
    correctly recognized, the meaning of that term is at the heart of this case.
    NJM concedes, and it is not in dispute, that Fournier Trucking's motor
    carriers are independent contractors. In its summary judgment decision, the trial
    court concluded that Fournier Trucking, not NJM, breached the workers'
    compensation policy agreement by refusing to produce information relating to
    its carriers, implicitly holding that the carriers are subject to the WCA. The
    court expanded upon its reasoning in its decision following the bench trial, in
    which it explained that although the carriers are independent contractors, they
    are also subcontractors to Fournier Trucking within the meaning of N.J.S.A.
    34:15-79(a), bringing them within the ambit of the WCA.            The court's
    conclusion and reasoning is correct.
    As set forth by Grady and Gaetz, Fournier Trucking is a business whose
    "freight forwarding" model involves contracting with local shipping companies
    to transport goods across the country.      The shipping companies that hire
    Fournier Trucking pay one price covering both the consolidation and
    transportation of the goods at issue. Nothing in the record suggests that the
    shipping companies have any role in determining the means by which Fournier
    Trucking transports the goods. Rather, according to Grady, Fournier Trucking
    independently enters into agreements with carriers for that purpose, and then
    regularly coordinates communications between the shippers and carriers.
    Because the shipping companies that hire Fournier Trucking for individual
    shipments exercise little control over Fournier Trucking's transportation
    services, Fournier Trucking is clearly a "contractor" for those shipping
    companies within the meaning of N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a).
    Although the word "subcontractor" is not defined in the WCA, our courts
    have described a subcontractor under that statute as one "who enters into a
    contract with a person for the performance of work which such person has
    already contracted with another to perform." Brygidyr v. Rieman, 
    31 N.J. Super. 450
    , 453-54 (App. Div. 1954).        "In other words, subcontracting is merely
    ‘farming out’ to others all or part of work contracted to be performed by the
    original contractor."
    Ibid. That definition is
    consistent with the plain meaning
    of the term "subcontractor." See Black’s Law Dictionary 1722 (11th ed. 2019)
    (defining subcontractor as "[s]omeone who is awarded a portion of an existing
    contract by a contractor, esp. a general contractor").
    As the trial court correctly found, the relationship between Fournier
    Trucking and its carriers fits neatly into the "farming out" definition. Shippers
    hire Fournier Trucking to consolidate and transport goods; Fournier Trucking
    consolidates the goods itself, and then subcontracts with the carriers to perform
    the transportation. Therefore, Fournier Trucking is a contractor, and the carriers
    it uses to fulfill part of its contracts with shippers are subcontractors.
    Fournier Trucking argues that the WCA does not apply to the carriers
    because they are "independent contractors." It relies upon the transportation
    agreements and the declarations in those agreements that carriers are
    independent contractors. This argument misses the mark.
    NJM acknowledges that the carriers are not Fournier Trucking's
    employees for the purposes of applying a workers' compensation obligation t o
    Fournier Trucking, and the record does not suggest otherwise. However, it is
    equally as clear that the WCA applies to the employees of carriers.
    To the extent that the carriers maintain employees, those carriers are
    statutorily obligated to maintain workers' compensation coverage, as is any other
    employer within the state. By operation of N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a), to the extent
    those carriers fail to satisfy their statutory obligation, Fournier Trucking, as the
    general contractor, is obliged to provide benefits to any carrier employee who
    suffers an injury while providing services under Fournier Trucking's general
    contract. See Eger v. E.I. Du Pont DeNemours Co., 
    110 N.J. 133
    , 137 (1988)
    (holding that N.J.S.A. 34:15-79 is designed to provide relief against general
    contractor to employees of subcontractor that violates statutory obligation to
    provide workers' compensation coverage).
    Fournier Trucking's reliance upon the Supreme Court's decision in
    Kotsovska is unavailing. In that case, the decedent's estate filed a wrongful
    death action against the decedent's employer, who had negligently caused
    injuries that resulted in her 
    death. 221 N.J. at 575
    . The employer argued that
    the decedent was his employee within the meaning of the WCA, which would
    preclude recovery in tort.
    Ibid. The estate argued
    that the decedent was an
    independent contractor and could thus properly filed a wrongful death lawsuit.
    Id. at 575-76.
    Thus, at trial, the key issue for the jury was whether the decedent
    was an employee or an independent contractor.
    Id. at 578.
    On appeal from this court's decision, the Supreme Court in Kotsovska
    reviewed two different tests to distinguish employees from independent
    contractors: the "control test" and the "relative nature of the work test."
    Id. at 592.
    The Court cited with approval the "hybrid test" it had previously adopted
    within the context of discrimination claims, which identified twelve factors for
    courts to consider when determining a worker's status.
    Id. at 594-95.
    It held
    that the same hybrid test would apply "in the context of a dispute over the
    applicability of the [WCA]."
    Id. at 595.
    Here, Judge De La Cruz's well-reasoned post-trial decision explained that
    Fournier Trucking's reliance upon Kotsovska was "misplaced" because that
    opinion did not concern N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a).         Kotsovska concerned the
    distinction under the WCA between employees and independent contractors. As
    noted, the critical question here is not whether the carriers are Fournier
    Trucking's employees under Kotsovska. The issue is whether the carriers are
    subcontractors to Fournier Trucking under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a).               The
    Kotsovska Court did not cite N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a), and nothing in that decision
    suggests any attempt to modify or otherwise disturb the unambiguous statutory
    Fournier Trucking challenges the trial court's application of the "farming
    out" definition of "subcontractor" set forth in 
    Brygidyr, 31 N.J. Super. at 453
    54.   According to Fournier Trucking, the "operative part" of the defin ition is
    that the task "farmed out" must be "one actually and routinely performed by a
    contractor or its employees." Fournier Trucking argues that because its
    employees do not perform long haul trucking, the carriers it hires to perform
    those services are not subcontractors.
    In support of its position, Fournier Trucking mainly relies upon cases
    interpreting the definition of "subcontractor" in the Municipal Mechanic's Lien
    Law, N.J.S.A. 2A:44-64 to -124. Under that statute, a subcontractor is "a person
    having a contract under a contractor for the performance of the same work, or
    any specified part thereof." N.J.S.A. 2A:44-126.
    In particular, Fournier Trucking relies upon Morris County Industrial Park
    v. Thomas Nicol Co., 
    35 N.J. 522
    (1961), a construction case that discussed the
    difference between a subcontractor and a materials supplier in construction
    projects. In that case, the Supreme Court concluded that, "[t]he emphasis is, of
    course, on the subcontractor being engaged to do all or some part of the Work,
    i.e., the construction itself, involving at least some labor in the installation of
    materials and not merely the supplying of materials."
    Id. at 534.
    The Court held
    that the alleged subcontractor was actually a materials supplier because he
    simply delivered supply fill dirt where the general contractor on the construction
    project ordered it dumped.
    Id. at 534-35.
    Fournier Trucking's reliance upon Morris County is misguided. There, the
    issue was not whether the contractor's employees and alleged subcontractor's
    employees actually performed the same exact job duties. It was whether the
    alleged subcontractor performed part of the general contract, or simply supplied
    Here, Fournier Trucking contracts with shipping companies to consolidate
    and transport goods, and it then hires motor carriers to make the deliveries. At
    trial, Grady confirmed that Fournier Trucking owes a contractual responsibility
    to the shipper to ensure that the goods reach their destination, and the carriers
    are the means used by Fournier Trucking to accomplish that duty. Thus, the
    carriers perform "some part of the work" required under Fournier Trucking's
    general contracts.
    In a later case, the Supreme Court reviewed the meaning of the term
    "subcontractor" as used in the New Jersey Bond Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 to -
    147. Unadilla Silo Co. v. Hess Bros., 
    123 N.J. 268
    , 277-89 (1991). Although
    the Court recognized that the Bond Act did not define "subcontractor," it
    described the Mechanic's Lien Law as an analogous statute and looked to its
    definition, and Morris County, for guidance.
    Id. at 277-78.
    After reviewing
    foreign case law regarding the distinction between subcontractors and materials
    suppliers in construction projects, the Court developed the following "functional
    standard" to determine whether a supplier of materials is a subcontractor within
    the meaning of the Bond Act:
    1) whether the material supplier agreed to perform a
    definite and substantial part of the same work that the
    general contractor was obligated to perform;
    (2) whether the work was performed according to plans
    and specifications in the original contract; and
    (3) whether the materials required off-site fabrication
    prior to installation at the job site.
    [Id. at 288-89 (emphasis added).]
    The Unadilla standard, which Fournier Trucking neglects to mention in its
    brief, confirms that the "same work" requirement Fournier Trucking relies upon
    refers to the work set forth in the general contract. See also Twp. of Parsippany-
    Troy Hills v. Lisbon Contractors, Inc., 
    303 N.J. Super. 362
    , 370 (App. Div.
    1997) (holding that use of word subcontractor in Mechanic's Lien Act
    "contemplates protection only for work that is specific to the contract, would
    not have been performed but for the contract, and results in some labor which
    leads directly to the finished product.") (emphasis added). It is not a requirement
    that the general contractor's employees must perform the same exact functions
    as the subcontractor's employees. Thus, Fournier Trucking's carriers satisfy the
    definition of "subcontractor" posited by Fournier Trucking, because they
    execute a large part of the work Fournier Trucking agrees to perform in its
    contracts with shippers.
    Fournier Trucking also cites to Gaydos v. Packanack Woods Dev. Co., 
    64 N.J. Super. 395
    (Law Div. 1960). In that case, the general contractor hired an
    excavating company to perform an excavation. That company, in turn, leased a
    truck and driver from a subcontractor to do the excavating work.
    Id. at 397.
    employee of the subcontractor was injured, and the court held that under
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-79, the excavating company was obligated to provide benefits.
    Id. at 404.
    It defined a subcontractor as "(o)ne who has entered into a contract,
    express or implied, for the performance of an act with the person who has
    already contracted for its performance."
    Id. at 400
    (quoting Mittan v. O'Rourke,
    115 N.J.L. 177
    , 179 (Sup. Ct. 1935)). It also cited the "farming out" test.
    Ibid. Fournier Trucking argues
    that in Gaydos, unlike in this case, the subcontractor
    was supervised in a manner similar to an employee. However, that does not
    mean that all subcontractors in all cases must be analogous to employees for
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-79 to attach.
    Fournier Trucking also relies upon the outcome in Brygidyr, 31 N.J.
    Super. at 453-54. In that case, we held that, under the WCA, the respondent was
    not a subcontractor.
    Id. at 454.
    However, we made that finding because the
    alleged general contractor was, in fact, the property owner, and not a contractor
    at all.
    Id. at 453-54.
    Thus, the respondent was the original contractor, rather
    than a subcontractor, and N.J.S.A. 34:15-79 did not apply. Fournier Trucking's
    reliance upon the analysis in Brygidyr is plainly misplaced.
    Fundamentally, both case law and common sense show the terms
    "independent contractor" and "subcontractor" are not mutually exclusive. A
    company can choose to use its own workers to carry out its responsibilities, or
    it can retain independent companies who may also qualify as subcontractors to
    discharge some of those tasks. When it does the latter, the law of our State
    requires the contracting company to assure that the subcontractor's employees
    have adequate workers' compensation insurance. That is precisely why Fournier
    Trucking's own contracts with the motor carriers required such coverage.
    Unfortunately, some carriers did not, requiring Fournier Trucking to serve as the
    We have considered all of the other cases cited by Fournier Trucking in
    its brief. None of them persuade us that the trial court erred in determining that
    the fourteen motor carriers in question functioned as appellant's subcontractors,
    and that appellant was thereby obligated under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79 to assure their
    drivers had proper workers' compensation coverage if they failed to provide it.
    The trial court had ample evidence to support its finding that Fournier
    Trucking violated the workers compensation fraud statute, N.J.S.A. 34:15-
    57.4(a)(2), “in making false and misleading statements that resulted in the
    avoidance of the full payment of premiums.” The record contains sufficient
    proof, both direct and circumstantial, that the company acted through its agents
    in a purposeful and persistent effort to evade its statutory coverage
    responsibilities. See Bellino v. Verizon Wireless, 
    435 N.J. Super. 85
    , 96 (App.
    Div. 2014). We have no reason to second-guess the judge’s first-hand
    assessment of appellant’s deliberate course of conduct.
    Fournier Trucking separately argues that NJM lacked the authority to
    demand the carriers' 1099 forms and other documentation as part of the auditing
    process, and, moreover, that the NJM abused whatever authority it might have
    possessed by making onerous demands and escalating its premiums. As the trial
    court correctly recognized, these arguments utterly lack merit. We need not say
    much about them, except the following.
    By its very nature, the premium calibration process used by the parties
    depends upon an audit after the insurance policy period has ended to determine
    the policyholder's actual transactional activities. Such a retrospective process
    requires the cooperation of the policyholder in the post-period audit. As the trial
    court rightly noted, Fournier Trucking agreed to such auditing and access to
    documents in the policy agreement itself. Its obligation to cooperate could not
    be plainer.
    In an effort to refute these principles, appellant points to this court's
    decision in 
    Aetna, 261 N.J. Super. at 316
    . According to Fournier Trucking, that
    case is "dispositive" regarding NJM's authority to conduct an audit, seek records,
    and charge a higher premium. We beg to differ.
    In Aetna, the insurer had filed a lawsuit to recover additional workers'
    compensation insurance premiums from the defendant trucking company.
    Aetna, 261 N.J. Super. at 319
    . Similar to this case, Aetna's practice was to
    estimate the premium for the policy, and then audit the payroll at a later date to
    adjust the premium to reflect actual risk exposure.
    Id. at 320-21.
    The dispute
    arose from Aetna's attempt to charge additional premium based on the trucking
    company's use of "outside truckers" in addition to its regular full-time drivers.
    Id. at 321.
    The trucking company considered the outside truckers to be independent
    contractors for whom it owed no obligation to provide workers' compensation
    Id. at 324.
    Accordingly, for the policy period at issue, the company
    refused to produce any payroll records for the outside truckers.
    Id. at 322.
    nonetheless estimated payments to the outside truckers, included them in its
    estimated premium charge, and then sued when the trucking company refused
    Ibid. It relied solely
    upon the CRIB Manual's "Hired Vehicles" rule,
    which, among other things, required remuneration paid to owner-operator
    drivers to be included in the premium calculation.
    Id. at 320-21.
    In discovery,
    Aetna conceded that the outside truckers were independent contractors, yet still
    sought to charge premium for them as owner-operators under the Hired Vehicles
    Id. at 322-23.
    Notably, Aetna's policy made no reference to the Hired Vehicles rule.
    Id. at 329-30.
    Aetna conceded in discovery that the truckers were independent
    contractors yet continued in its attempt to charge premiums.
    Id. at 330.
    noted that Aetna could not assume that the outside truckers were employees
    because of the mere possibility that they may claim employee status in the
    Ibid. Because the trucking
    company's contracts established the outside
    truckers as independent contractors, the burden was on Aetna to disprove that
    status before charging premium for them as employees.
    Ibid. If an outside
    trucker ever attempted to recover workers' compensation benefits as an
    employee of the trucking company, Aetna would have the right to adjust the
    premium to account for that employee.
    Ibid. Here, Fournier Trucking
    argues that NJM issued a "preemptive" premium
    increase based on "speculation," contrary to Aetna.      In Aetna, the insurer
    included the outside truckers in its premium estimate without any proof that
    those contractors were employees, after receiving information that they were
    independent contractors, based solely on the Hired Vehicles rule. The insurer
    had no basis in the WCA or the policy itself to examine payroll records for what
    it knew were not employees. Critically, N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a) was not cited in
    Aetna because Aetna did not seek to charge premium for the outside truckers as
    Here, on the other hand, NJM does not dispute that Fournier Trucking's
    carriers are independent contractors, and unlike Aetna, does not seek to charge
    premium by treating independent contractors as employees. Rather, NJM's
    grounds for increasing the premium are twofold: (1) an unambiguous statute,
    N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a), which requires Fournier Trucking to provide benefits for
    injuries suffered by its uninsured subcontractors' employees, and (2) the policy
    agreement, which allows NJM to charge premiums based on the remuneration
    Fournier Trucking pays to anyone to whom NJM must provide workers'
    compensation benefits.
    NJM was entitled under the statute and the plain language of the policy to
    request information and charge premium relating to those carriers. And, to its
    credit, NJM only made an estimated premium increase after several months of
    attempting to obtain the relevant records, in response to Fournier Trucking's
    Fournier Trucking construes Aetna to mean that the WCA cannot apply to
    the carriers until a motor carrier or one of its employees files a workers'
    compensation claim. That is misreading of the opinion.
    In Aetna, we rejected the insurer's argument that the trial court should
    have applied the tests for determining the existence of an employer -employee
    Aetna, 261 N.J. Super. at 327-28
    . We stated that, "[s]ince no
    trucker has claimed to have been an employee, there is no specific claimant
    against whom" the employer-employee test can be applied.
    Id. at 328.
    Trucking's reliance upon this quoted language is misplaced. In Aetna, the
    insurer conceded that the outside truckers were independent contractors yet
    attempted to charge premium anyway.           In this case, NJM was aware that
    Fournier Trucking used subcontractors, but it lacked information regarding the
    status of those companies and the remuneration they received solely because of
    Fournier Trucking's refusal to provide it, in violation of the express policy
    Relatedly, Fournier Trucking also argues that under Aetna, the trial court
    erred because no evidence supports the court's conclusion that the drivers for
    the carriers at issue were the "employees" of the carriers. This argument also
    In her post-trial decision, Judge De La Cruz found that the relationship
    between the carriers and their drivers "can be reasonably and logically inferred ."
    The judge noted the evidence that the fifteen carriers at issue included teams of
    drivers to complete shipments.       The spreadsheet of carriers produced by
    Fournier Trucking in discovery, and the shipping manifests introduced at trial
    confirm that the carriers at issue utilized teams of drivers to complete deliveries,
    as explained by Gaetz's trial testimony. Further, the December 23, 2015 letter
    sent by Fournier Trucking's counsel to NJM states that the sixty-four carriers
    hired by Fournier Trucking "in certain cases employ their own employees ."
    Fournier Trucking's counsel sent another letter dated March 3, 2016, that also
    referenced the carriers' employees. Therefore, the record supports the court's
    conclusion that the fifteen carriers that employed teams of drivers indeed had
    The identity and location of the carriers was exclusively within Fournier
    Trucking's control. It is untenable for Fournier Trucking to now criticize the
    trial court's finding of fact regarding employee status on the basis that it did not
    have enough evidence in its summary judgment decision. The court resorted to
    making inferences from the record solely because Fournier Trucking refused to
    provide more detailed information relating to those carriers. The record plainly
    reflects that Fournier Trucking informed NJM of the names of its carriers only
    after the court granted partial summary judgment to NJM, when the court
    ordered it to do so, and on the eve of trial. At the summary judgment stage,
    Fournier Trucking was required to produce evidence demonstrating a material
    issue of fact regarding whether the fifteen carriers at issue have employees. It
    failed to do so despite its ability to readily acquire that information . Fournier
    Trucking should not now benefit from its refusal to produce any information
    identifying the carriers in discovery prior to the summary judgment decision.
    Washington v. Perez, 
    219 N.J. 338
    , 352 (2014) (quoting Graves v. United States,
    150 U.S. 118
    , 121 (1893)) ("[I]f a party has it peculiarly within his power to
    produce witnesses whose testimony would elucidate the transaction, the fact that
    he does not do it creates the presumption that the testimony, if produced, would
    be unfavorable.").
    Fournier Trucking further argues it was entitled, under Aetna, to a
    presumption that its carriers are independent contractors. It claims tha t, like in
    Aetna, NJM had the burden to disprove the independent contractor status of its
    carriers. However, as noted repeatedly, NJM's asserted basis for the premium
    increase did not depend upon characterizing the carriers as employees rather
    than independent contractors. NJM relied upon N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a) and thus
    had no need to disprove the carriers' independent contractor status, which is not
    in dispute.
    Finally, citing Aetna, Fournier Trucking claims that "fairness" forbids
    NJM's premium increase. We disagree.
    In Aetna, this court reasoned that the insurer could simply wait until an
    outside trucker filed a workers' compensation claim against it and deny the claim
    by arguing that the outside trucker was an independent contractor. 
    Aetna, 261 N.J. Super. at 330-31
    . In other words, the insurer was attempting to have it both
    ways by charging a premium for the outside truckers to account for the risk that
    they would file claims as employees, while having the ability to deny those
    claims by arguing that they were independent contractors.
    In this case, NJM was required by statute to provide benefits if Fournier
    Trucking utilized subcontractors that have employees but lack coverage. Thus,
    NJM had a clear entitlement under the policy to collect information regarding
    those subcontractors to determine the extent of its exposure to risk, and to charge
    premium to account for that risk. It was Fournier Trucking's defiant refusal to
    provide any information that constituted a breach of the agreement and resul ted
    in litigation.
    The trial court's holding that NJM was entitled to collect information
    regarding the carriers and charge a premium accordingly therefore was correct
    under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a) and the plain terms of the policy agreement. The
    court's decision did not conflict with Aetna, or, for that matter, any other
    authority cited by appellant.
    Lastly, we need only say a few words about the dismissal of Fournier
    Trucking's claims against NJM under the CFA. Regardless of whether such
    claims are or are not preempted by state insurance regulatory scheme (and
    regardless of the precise legal status of CRIB and the CRIB Manual), we are
    satisfied that Fournier Trucking has presented no viable contentions that NJM's
    engaged in wrongful conduct that violated the CFA.
    Fournier argues that NJM engaged in "unconscionable commercial
    practices," which are unlawful under Section 8-2 of the CFA. See N.J.S.A. 56:8-
    2. The trial court soundly rejected this argument.
    "An unconscionable practice under the CFA 'necessarily entails a lack of
    good faith, fair dealing, and honesty.'" D'Agostino v. Maldonado, 
    216 N.J. 168
    189 (2013) (quoting Van Holt v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 
    163 F.3d 161
    , 168
    (3d Cir. 1998)).   Although the word "unconscionable" must be interpreted
    liberally so as to effectuate the public policy of the CFA, the statute is not
    intended to "erase the doctrine of freedom of contract, but to make realistic the
    assumption of the law that the agreement has resulted from real bargaining
    between parties who had freedom of choice and understanding and ability to
    negotiate in a meaningful fashion." Kugler v. Romain, 
    58 N.J. 522
    , 544 (1971).
    In its briefs on appeal, Fournier Trucking only identities two examples of
    what it claims was unconscionable commercial conduct: (1) NJM's "arbitrary"
    increase of the premium estimate after the re-audit in 2016; and (2) NJM's
    "forcing" Fournier to purchase workers' compensation insurance coverage it was
    "not obligated to provide." Neither of these examples rise to the level of a CFA
    With respect to the first proffered example, the record demonstrates that
    NJM only issued the substantial increase in premium in 2016 after appellant's
    lawyer sent a letter to NJM that referenced sixty-four carriers. NJM thus
    increased its estimate based on the little information it received from Fournier
    Trucking itself, and in accordance with the policy agreement. Appellant could
    have avoided the issue—apparently readily—by complying with the policy
    agreement and producing all the requested information. At the direction of its
    president, it persistently refused to do so.
    During litigation, after it became known that only fifteen of the
    subcontractors could have exposed NJM to risk under N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a)
    because they had multiple drivers, NJM only sought a premium increase for
    those identified fifteen carriers. Its revised calculation reflects good faith, not
    bad faith. After trial, when NJM learned that one of those fifteen maintained
    workers' compensation insurance, it further adjusted its claim to unpaid
    premium for only fourteen carriers.
    On the whole, NJM's conduct in revising the premium was fair and
    consistent with the policy agreement. Nothing suggests it engaged in
    unconscionable practices.
    As to Fournier Trucking's second assertion that NJM unconscionably
    "forced" it to purchase coverage for workers "it was not obligated to provide,"
    that argument is dispelled by our conclusion in Part II(A) that the motor carriers
    functioned as appellant's subcontractors. Under the plain terms of the policy,
    NJM was entitled to collect information and charge premium to account for this
    risk, under both the policy agreement and N.J.S.A. 34:15-79(a).
    Lastly, as to one other example of alleged unfair dealing raised by
    appellant at oral argument, we discern no inherent unconscionability in the
    October 9, 2015 form letter from NJM’s collections department notifying CRIB
    that appellant had an unpaid outstanding premium balance. Although the letter
    incorrectly states that appellant’s coverage had already been terminated by NJM,
    Reese explained that it was appropriate to advise CRIB that a policyholder in
    the assigned risk program owed an outstanding balance to its assigned insurer.
    Moreover, as it turned out, the letter did not prevent appellant from obtaining a
    policy from a different insurer.
    All other points raised on appeal lack sufficient merit to warrant
    discussion. R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E).