  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-2881-19
    Submitted November 16, 2020 – Decided February 12, 2021
    Before Judges Currier and DeAlmeida.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Middlesex County, Municipal Appeal
    No. 7-19.
    The Hernandez Law Firm, PC, attorneys for appellant
    (Thomas Cannavo, of counsel and on the brief).
    Yolanda Ciccone, Middlesex County Prosecutor,
    attorney for respondent (Russell J. Curley, Assistant
    Prosecutor, of counsel and on the brief).
    Defendant Vandana Rupani appeals from the Law Division's February
    18, 2020 order entered after a de novo trial on the record. The Law Division
    found defendant guilty of the following charges: driving while intoxicated
    (DWI), N.J.S.A. 39:4-50; refusal to submit to chemical test (refusal), N.J.S.A.
    39:4-50.2; reckless driving, N.J.S.A. 39:4-96; leaving the scene of an accident;
    N.J.S.A. 39:4-129(b), failure to report an accident, N.J.S.A. 39:4-130 and
    consumption of an alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle,
    N.J.S.A. 39:4-51a. We affirm.
    On September 26, 2018, at approximately 8:45 p.m., police were
    dispatched to a residence following a report of a motor vehicle accident. On
    arrival, police observed tire marks on the front lawn, a tree had been run over,
    and the driveway was scraped as if a vehicle had driven up the driveway and
    turned around. At a neighboring home, police found the front end of a bumper
    as well as a license plate and bracket.
    When the police entered the license plate number in the database, they
    discovered it was registered to a vehicle under the last name Rupani with an
    address located approximately ten minutes away. Upon arriving at the address,
    the police saw a car parked in the driveway with its engine running. The car
    had a flat tire and the front end was damaged and missing its front license
    plate.      As the officers approached the vehicle, they observed a female
    occupant, later identified as defendant, sitting in the driver's seat with a
    "flushed face" and "vomit all over herself."      Upon closer inspection, the
    officers saw "small wine bottle containers" opened and empty on the passenger
    side floorboard as well as "vomit all over the interior compartment of the
    vehicle." They also detected "an odor of alcohol emanating from within the
    The officers identified themselves and asked defendant to turn off the
    ignition and exit the car. Defendant did not respond and instead "shuffl[ed]
    her body around" inside the car. She also did not respond to the officers'
    request to produce identification. Therefore, the officers reached in through
    the car's open back window, unlocked the car, and removed the keys from the
    When defendant attempted to exit the car, she could not maintain her
    balance and she fell onto the lawn. The officers asked defendant if she had
    been drinking; she replied that she had consumed three glasses of wine.
    Defendant continued to struggle to maintain her balance and "couldn’t stand
    up on her own." The officers described her speech as "incredibly slurred" and
    her eyes were "glassy, glossy, bloodshot, [and] droopy." Defendant's clothes
    were "disheveled" and "covered in vomit."
    Defendant was unable to perform any of the requested standardized field
    sobriety tests. As a result, and in addition to the officers' observations of
    defendant, the police concluded she had been driving while intoxicated. The
    officers also stated defendant was uncooperative in their attempts to arrest her
    and apply handcuffs. While at headquarters, defendant refused to submit to an
    Alcotest. Multiple charges were lodged against her, including, and related to
    the DWI offense.
    Defendant first appeared in municipal court on October 31, 2018. When
    the judge asked defendant whether she was aware of all the charges against
    her, she responded affirmatively. As defendant appeared pro se, the court also
    inquired whether she intended to acquire an attorney. When defendant said
    "yes", the court adjourned the matter for two weeks. The judge told defendant
    that if she was unable to afford an attorney, he would discuss a public defender
    application with her at the next court appearance. The judge then discussed at
    length the penalties defendant was facing as a third DWI offender, including
    losing her driving privileges for ten years. The judge concluded by telling
    defendant her goal for the next couple of weeks was to procure an attorney.
    On November 13, 2018, defendant appeared pro se before a different
    municipal court judge. She stated she was applying for a public defender
    because she had been unemployed since June or July of 2018.         The judge
    approved defendant's public defender application and informed her she would
    be represented at her next court proceeding.
    On December 13, 2018, defendant appeared before a third municipal
    court judge. She was represented by public defender Anthony Fazioli. When
    counsel indicated he had not yet received discovery, the judge adjourned the
    case for two weeks.
    On January 3, 2019, defendant appeared in court, again represented by
    Mr. Fazioli. She was granted another two-week adjournment when defense
    counsel indicated he had only received "paper discovery" and not the motor
    vehicle recording or police headquarters video.
    Three weeks later, when defendant arrived in court, she was represented
    by a different public defender. Because the prosecutor had still not served the
    requested discovery and because defendant said she felt "more comfortable
    dealing with [Mr. Fazioli]," her case was adjourned again.
    During defendant's court appearance on February 19, 2019, she was
    represented by Mr. Fazioli who advised the court that they were ready for trial.
    When the judge inquired whether defendant was represented by private
    counsel or the public defender's office, Mr. Fazioli responded it was "a publ ic
    defender matter." The judge then indicated he would tell the prosecutor to
    subpoena "all the officers" and trial would take place in March.
    On March 25, 2019, defendant appeared before the original municipal
    court judge. She was represented by a fourth public defender. The judge
    stated he had discussed the matter with the prosecutor and public defender, and
    he wanted to explain to defendant the penalties she was facing. The judge told
    defendant she would receive a mandatory ten-year license suspension if
    convicted as a third DWI offender, as well as another mandatory ten-year
    license suspension for the refusal charge that was required to run consecutively
    with the DWI sentence.      The judge further advised defendant she had the
    option to enter into a plea deal, but he was "not forcing [her] to enter a plea,"
    and simply "want[ed] her to understand the consequences" if she did not.
    Defendant then consulted with counsel for approximately thirty minutes.
    When defendant returned, she told the judge that she needed time to "get
    an actual lawyer." She said she had never looked for a lawyer because she was
    looking for a job and had no money. After further inquiry about her financial
    situation, she told the court she would "figure something out."
    Defendant then informed the court that Mr. Fazioli had previously told
    her she was only facing charges for property damage and she was "shocked" to
    learn this was not the case. Defendant maintained she had been told five or six
    times that she was only facing a "property damage case." Defendant said she
    did not want a trial but needed "time to think, to get an actual lawyer."
    The judge then asked the prosecutor whether he had offered defendant a
    plea. The prosecutor stated he offered to dismiss all of the other charges if
    defendant pled guilty to DWI. The public defender advised he had offered the
    plea deal to defendant and recommended she accept it. Defendant rejected the
    Defendant continued to interrupt the judge, professing her innocence of
    DWI and stating she needed time to think and she would borrow money to
    retain counsel. The court responded that defendant's case had been adjourned
    for more than five months. He advised defendant she had never requested
    private counsel despite numerous opportunities to do so, and she was aware for
    many weeks that this date was her trial date.
    The trial then began with the State producing its witnesses. Defendant
    did not present any witnesses on her behalf. At the end of the evening, the
    judge set a date for closing arguments and to make his ruling.
    On April 1, 2019, the parties reconvened, and counsel gave their closing
    arguments.    Thereafter, the judge issued an oral decision.       He found the
    officers' testimony was credible and consistent. After recounting the facts, the
    judge found defendant guilty of DWI, refusal, reckless driving, consuming an
    alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident, and
    failure to report an accident. The judge found defendant not guilty of DWI in
    a school zone and resisting arrest.
    The court sentenced defendant as a third offender on the DWI conviction
    and imposed ten years' license revocation, three years of an ignition interlock
    device and 180 days in jail with the option to apply for ninety days at an
    impatient facility in lieu of jail time, in addition to statutory fines. Defendant
    was also sentenced as a third offender on the refusal charge and the court
    imposed a mandatory ten-year license revocation, to run consecutively with the
    revocation imposed for the DWI charge, as well as three years of ignition
    interlock and associated fines and assessments.
    When defendant again protested that she was not permitted to get a
    lawyer, the judge replied that she was represented by "a very good lawyer."
    He then stated:
    [Defendant] made certain statements before this trial
    started that she had conversations with Mr. Fazioli,
    another public defender, in which her statement was,
    to paraphrase her, that Mr. Fazioli indicated to her that
    this was just a minor problem, that the matter would
    just go away, it's [sic] only dealt with property
    I had an opportunity to speak to Mr. Fazioli, just to
    verify if in fact he had made any such representation
    to you. He adamantly denied that. Adamantly denied,
    other than telling you – advising you of the difficulties
    that you are facing. Certainly would never make any
    statement that someone facing the charges that you are
    facing should just be so flipp[an]t as to believe they
    would just go away. Adamantly denied it. I am
    putting that on the record.
    Another long exchange then occurred between the judge and defendant
    during which defendant continued to maintain she was inadequately
    represented. Defendant also stated that she wanted to enter into a plea deal.
    The judge reminded her that she was offered a "reasonable" plea deal which
    she had rejected against her counsel's advice.
    Defendant appealed to the Law Division where the court conducted a de
    novo trial on the record.    The court also stayed the jail sentence pending
    appeal. In a comprehensive written opinion issued January 24, 2020, the Law
    Division judge found defendant guilty of DWI and all of the other related
    charges.    The judge also addressed and rejected defendant's additional
    arguments: (1) whether she was entitled to have her case adjourned so she
    could hire new counsel; (2) whether the municipal court judge should have
    recused himself, and if so, whether the case should be remanded for a new trial
    with a different judge; (3) whether the municipal court judge violated her right
    to testify; and (4) whether she had ineffective assistance of counsel.
    During her sentencing hearing, defendant argued the newly amended
    DWI law was applicable to her. 1 The amendment changed the mandatory
    license revocation period from ten to eight years for third DWI offenders. The
    judge declined to apply the new DWI law retroactively given its
    "unambiguous" language that it only applied to any offense occurring on or
    On August 23, 2019, N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 was amended to expand the use of
    ignition interlock devices and reduce the duration of license forfeitures. See
    INTERLOCK DEVICES (L. 2019, c. 248).
    after December 1, 2019, as well as an administrative directive 2 indicating the
    same. The court sentenced defendant on the DWI conviction to ninety days in
    jail with credit for four days previously served, and ninety days in an inpatient
    drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Her license was suspended for ten
    years and she was subject to three years of ignition interlock. Defendant was
    sentenced to a consecutive ten-year license suspension and three years of
    ignition interlock on the refusal conviction.3
    At the start of the sentencing hearing, defense counsel advised he had
    emailed the court a brief earlier that day requesting the court address his
    argument regarding defendant's entitlement to a jury trial. Counsel agreed
    there was no formal motion before the court and he had not properly raised the
    issue previously.      Nevertheless, counsel framed his application as a
    "reconsideration motion" and he asked the court to stay the jail sentence
    because of the "substantial issue."
    On March 13, 2020, the Law Division judge entertained oral argument
    on defendant's motion for reconsideration. Defendant argued she was entitled
    Administrative Directive #25-19, "Implementation of New DWI Law (L.
    2019, c. 248) – Includes Expanded Use of Ignition Interlock Devices for First -
    Time Offenders" (Dec. 4, 2019).
    The court memorialized its findings underlying defendant's convictions and
    sentence in a February 18, 2020 order.
    to a jury trial and if so, there was no proper waiver of it. The Law Division
    judge disagreed.
    The judge first noted that defendant had not raised the issue of her
    entitlement to a jury trial either before the municipal court or on appeal. The
    issue was only mentioned fleetingly within defendant's argument that she
    received ineffective assistance of counsel for counsel's failure to request a jury
    trial, among other things.     In his written decision, the judge had rejected
    defendant's ineffective assistance of counsel contention, finding it was better
    suited for a post-conviction relief application.
    Nevertheless, the judge directly addressed the argument. He found the
    law was well-established that defendant was not entitled to a jury trial unless
    the term of imprisonment exceeded 180 days, citing to State v. Hamm, 
    121 N.J. 109
     (1990) and State v. Denelsbeck, 
    225 N.J. 103
    , 128 (2016). Because
    he only imposed a ninety-day jail sentence, the judge reasoned that defendant
    was not deprived of her right to a jury. The court granted defendant's request
    to continue the stay of her jail sentence pending appeal to this court.
    Defendant raises the following issues on appeal:
    VI. CUMULATIVE        ERROR      AND
    In considering defendant's convictions, our review is "limited to
    determining whether the Law Division's de novo findings 'could reasonably
    have been reached on sufficient credible evidence present in the record.'"
    State v. Palma, 
    426 N.J. Super. 510
    , 514 (App. Div. 2012) (quoting State v.
    42 N.J. 146
    , 162 (1964)). We do "not undertake to alter concurrent
    findings of facts and credibility determinations made by two lower courts
    absent a very obvious and exceptional showing of error." State v. Robertson,
    228 N.J. 138
    , 148 (2017) (quoting State v. Locurto, 
    157 N.J. 463
    , 474 (1999)).
    In reviewing a trial judge's conclusions in a non-jury case, substantial
    deference is given to the trial court's findings of fact. Cesare v. Cesare, 
    154 N.J. 394
    , 411-12 (1998) (citing Rova Farms Resort v. Investors Ins. Co., 
    65 N.J. 474
    , 483-84 (1974)). These findings should only be disturbed when there
    is no doubt that they are inconsistent with the relevant, credible evidence
    presented below, such that a manifest denial of justice would result from their
    preservation. Id. at 412. However, this court owes no deference to the trial
    judge's legal conclusions. Manalapan Realty, L.P. v. Twp. Comm. of Twp. of
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995).
    Defendant contends her right to counsel was violated when the
    municipal court denied her an adjournment to obtain private counsel.              A
    defendant's right to have the assistance of counsel derives from both the
    United States and the New Jersey Constitution. U.S. Const., amend. VI; N.J.
    Const. art. I, ¶ 10.   However, the right to counsel of one's choice is not
    absolute; a trial court retains "wide latitude in balancing the right to counsel of
    choice . . . against the demands of its calendar." State v. Kates, 
    426 N.J. Super. 32
    , 45 (App. Div. 2012) (quoting United States v. Gonzalez–Lopez, 
    548 U.S. 140
    , 152 (2006)). Such balancing requires "an intensely fact-sensitive
    inquiry." State v. Hayes, 
    205 N.J. 522
    , 538 (2011).
    To perform the analysis, our Supreme Court adopted the factors
    established in United States v. Burton, 
    584 F.2d 485
    , 490-91 (D.C. Cir. 1978),
    in its decision in Hayes, 
    205 N.J. at 537-39
    . These include:
    the length of the requested delay; whether other
    continuances have been requested and granted; the
    balanced convenience or inconvenience to the
    litigants, witnesses, counsel, and the court; whether
    the requested delay is for legitimate reasons, or
    whether it is dilatory, purposeful, or contrived;
    whether the defendant contributed to the circumstance
    which gives rise to the request for a continuance;
    whether the defendant has other competent counsel
    prepared to try the case, including the consideration of
    whether the other counsel was retained as lead or
    associate counsel; whether denying the continuance
    will result in identifiable prejudice to defendant's case,
    and if so, whether this prejudice is of a material or
    substantial nature; the complexity of the case; and
    other relevant factors which may appear in the context
    of any particular case.
    [Id. at 538 (quoting Burton, 
    584 F.2d at 490-91
    Given the fact-intensive nature of this inquiry, "a constitutional deprivation
    occurs only when the court mistakenly exercises its discretion and erroneously
    or arbitrarily denies a continuance to retain chosen counsel." Kates, 
    426 N.J. Super. at 47
    ; see also Morris v. Slappy, 
    461 U.S. 1
    , 11 (1983) (citation
    omitted) (holding "[O]nly an unreasoning and arbitrary insistence upon
    expeditiousness in the face of a justifiable request for delay violates the right
    to the assistance of counsel.").
    Here, the Law Division judge properly applied the balancing test and
    discussed the Burton factors, including the legitimacy of the reasons for the
    delay, defendant's failure to specify the length of the requested adjournment,
    the six prior adjournments, and the fact that defendant had competent counsel
    at trial. After considering the factors, the judge concluded that defendant was
    not entitled to a seventh adjournment on the day of trial given the court's "need
    to control its calendar and [defendant]'s inability to say how she would pay for
    private counsel."
    The municipal court judge had inquired of defendant at the time of her
    first appearance five months earlier whether she intended to proceed with
    private counsel or to apply for a public defender.      Defendant chose to be
    represented by a public defender, stating she was unemployed and did not have
    the means to retain private counsel. She was thereafter represented by a public
    defender during each of the seven times she appeared in court. During those
    appearances, defendant did not state she wished to retain private counsel.
    Even when she requested the seventh adjournment on the day of trial,
    defendant did not have an explanation for where she would procure the money
    to retain counsel.    We also note the Law Division judge's skepticism
    concerning defendant's sincerity, given her behavior in court, her statement
    that she believed she was only facing liability for property damage, and her
    refusal to answer questions directly. These actions caused the judge to suspect
    defendant was merely seeking a further delay in the trial. We cannot disagree.
    Under the circumstances, it was well within the municipal court judge's
    discretion to deny the adjournment and commence the trial with the public
    defender's representation.
    We also discern no error in the Law Division judge's determination that
    defendant was not deprived of her right to testify.        Defendant asserts that
    neither the municipal court judge nor defense counsel advised her of this right,
    and to the contrary, the judge repeatedly told her she could not testify. These
    arguments lack merit.
    As the Law Division judge correctly noted, a trial court judge has no
    duty to advise a defendant of her right to testify or to explain the consequences
    of such testimony when the defendant is represented by counsel. See State v.
    223 N.J. Super. 409
    , 426 (App. Div. 1988). In addition, the record is
    devoid of any evidence that counsel did not explain to defendant her right to
    testify or that she otherwise did not understand this right.
    On March 25, 2019, when defendant asked for an adjournment, and
    during the discussions regarding the plea offer and whether defendant had the
    means to retain private counsel, she interrupted the judge on numerous
    occasions.   The judge remained patient at all times but repeatedly asked
    defendant not to interrupt him.      She remained persistent in preventing the
    judge from finishing a sentence. On several occasions, defendant insisted on
    discussing the facts of her case as she perceived them and told the judge she
    was not guilty. The judge responded by telling defendant she could not testify
    at that moment and the purpose of a trial was for him to determine her guilt.
    The Law Division judge interpreted the municipal court judge's
    statements as protecting defendant from self-incrimination, not as preventing
    her from offering testimony during the trial.           We are satisfied this
    determination is supported by the credible evidence in the record. The judge
    told defendant not to discuss the facts of the case until the appropriate time at
    trial. His statement protected a cherished right – defendant's right to remain
    We need only briefly address defendant's ineffective assistance of
    counsel argument. Defendant's contentions all allege errors of counsel that
    require a review of evidence not contained in the trial record. Therefore, these
    claims ae better suited for post-conviction review. See State v. Preciose, 
    129 N.J. 451
    We turn next to defendant's assertion that the Law Division erred in
    finding the municipal court judge was not required to recuse himself.
    Defendant contends the judge should have recused himself because he: (1)
    described her behavior in the courtroom regarding the last-minute adjournment
    request as a "wonderful act"; (2) was "angry and antagonistic" to her during
    the trial; (3) told defendant not to testify on multiple occasions; 4 and (4)
    engaged in an ex parte communication with Mr. Fazioli after hearing
    testimony, but before rendering a verdict.
    Because defendant did not request the municipal court judge to recuse
    himself, the Law Division judge properly reviewed these contentions for plain
    error. See State v. Allen, 
    236 N.J. Super. 58
    , 62 (Law. Div. 1989) (stating
    issues not raised in the municipal court are waived unless they "are
    jurisdictional, constitutional or amount to plain error."). Defendant relies on
    State v. Perez, 
    356 N.J. Super. 527
    , 532-33 (App. Div. 2003), for the
    proposition that a judge should recuse himself after opining on a defendant's
    credibility, even without a request by counsel.
    Rule 1:12-1 requires a judge to recuse him or herself if, among other
    things, the judge has "given an opinion upon a matter in question in the
    action[,]" or "when there is any other reason which might preclude a fair and
    unbiased hearing and judgment, or which might reasonably lead counsel or the
    This contention merits no further discussion for the reasons previously
    parties to believe so." The disqualification decision is initially left to the
    discretion of the trial court. State v. Marshall, 
    148 N.J. 89
    , 276 (1997).
    After listening to defendant's request for private counsel, and her
    assertions that a previous public defender had told her several times that she
    was only liable for property damage and enduring constant interruptions , the
    judge asked defendant again to stop interrupting him. He then added,
    Quite frankly I think you are putting on a wonderful
    act. You have been in this [c]ourtroom so many
    times. You were advised this was a trial date. You
    had ample opportunity if you weren't satisfied with the
    public defender . . . [defendant interrupts] to get a
    private attorney if you so chose to do so. It's the day
    of trial. [Everyone] is ready. An incredibly generous
    plea offer was provided to you. Incredibly generous.
    You have chosen to turn it down. So now we are
    going to have a trial.
    Although the judge's comments reflected his frustration with defendant's
    constant interruption of him and the proceedings, and what he perceived as a
    last-minute delay tactic, there was no basis for a recusal. As the Law Division
    correctly noted, the judge was permitted to make this statement, as it was
    issued in the context of his reasoning for denying her adjournment.
    Furthermore, defendant's reliance on Perez is mislaid. There, we found
    recusal was warranted because the judge expressed bias towards the minority
    group to which defendant belonged, circumstances not present here. Perez,
    356 N.J. Super. at 532-33
    .      For the same reasons, we reject defendant's
    assertions that the judge was angry and antagonistic.       The judge remained
    professional and patient in his interactions with a difficult litigant. We discern
    nothing in his demeanor that warrants recusal on that basis.
    As stated, after the presentation of evidence was closed, the court
    adjourned for a week. When the parties returned, the judge heard closing
    arguments and then issued his findings and determination of guilt on the
    charges. After the imposition of sentence, defendant told the court she had not
    done anything wrong and she needed more time because she did not have a
    At that point, the judge advised defendant he had spoken to Mr. Fazioli
    who denied making any representation to defendant that she was only facing
    charges regarding property damage. The judge's conversation with Mr. Fazioli
    during the pendency of this matter was an inappropriate ex parte
    communication. See Goldfarb v. Solimine, 
    460 N.J. Super. 22
    , 31 (App. Div.
    2019) (citation omitted) (holding a "judge may not initiate or consider ex parte
    communications concerning a pending or impending proceeding"); Code of
    Judicial Conduct R. 3.8.
    Although this was an improper communication, we are satisfied the
    isolated conversation did not affect the outcome of the case. The information
    obtained in the brief conversation only pertained to a discrete issue: whether
    defendant was misinformed regarding the possible consequences of a guilty
    finding on her charges, requiring an adjournment. The information obtained
    from the conversation did not pertain to the merits of defendant's case. It only
    concerned the decision to deny an adjournment. For the reasons previously
    stated, it was within the municipal judge's discretion to deny the adjournment
    Defendant has not demonstrated that the improper communication
    "tainted the proceedings with the appearance of partiality." Goldfarb, 460 N.J.
    Super. at 33.    A party seeking recusal must demonstrate an objectively
    reasonable belief that the proceedings were unfair. Panitch v. Panitch, 
    339 N.J. Super. 63
    , 67 (App. Div. 2001).         Here, defendant has not shown
    impartiality or bias. There was overwhelming evidence supporting defendant's
    guilt of the respective charges. Furthermore, any taint resulting from this ex
    parte communication was removed when the Law Division reviewed de novo
    and affirmed defendant's convictions and sentence. See Goldfarb, 460 N.J.
    Super. at 36 (stating "an appellate court's de novo review would suffice to cure
    any taint at the trial level").
    We turn to a consideration of defendant's argument that the Law
    Division erred in denying her motion for reconsideration and finding she was
    not entitled to a jury trial. Although defendant was not sentenced to more than
    180 days in jail, she asserts that the entirety of her sentence entitled her to a
    jury trial.
    Like the Law Division, we recognize that defendant did not raise this
    issue before the municipal court or in the de novo appeal other than subsuming
    it as one of her contentions within her ineffective assistance of counsel
    argument. However, since the Law Division considered the argument, we will
    do so also for completeness.
    Defendant did not request a jury trial despite six appearances before the
    municipal court. Before this court, defendant argues she was deprived of her
    constitutional right to a jury trial because she was not offered a trial by jury
    nor did she waive the right.
    In Blanton v. City of N. Las Vegas, 
    489 U.S. 538
     (1989), the Supreme
    Court reaffirmed a previous holding that a defendant was only entitled to a
    jury trial if the offense for which he was charged carried a maximum
    authorized prison term of greater than six months. 
     at 542 (citing Baldwin
    v. New York, 
    399 U.S. 66
    , 69 (1970)). The Court further stated that
    A defendant is entitled to a jury trial in such
    circumstances only if he can demonstrate that any
    additional statutory penalties, viewed in conjunction
    with the maximum authorized period of incarceration,
    are so severe that they clearly reflect a legislative
    determination that the offense in question is a
    "serious" one.
    [Id. at 543.]
    Our courts have long affirmed the well-established precedent. See State
    v. Stanton, 
    176 N.J. 75
    , 88 (2003) (stating that "there is no right to trial by jury
    of DWI or other Title 39 offenses because they are not deemed to be serious
    enough."); see also State v. Graff, 
    121 N.J. 131
    , 135 (1990) (holding that a
    defendant does not have the right to a jury on a DWI charge).
    In Hamm, the Court considered whether the potential penalties for a
    third DWI conviction, such as presented here, rose to the required level of an
    onerous penalty to require a jury trial. 121 N.J. at 111. At the time, a third or
    subsequent DWI offender was exposed to a prison term of 180 days that could
    be served by completing a ninety-day community service sentence and a
    combination of in- and out-patient treatment. The offender also faced a ten-
    year driver's license suspension and a $1000 fine, annual surcharges and other
    fines. After pleading guilty, the defendant was sentenced to ninety days of
    community service, twenty-eight days in an inpatient program, sixty days in an
    outpatient program, fines and insurance surcharges, and a license suspension
    of ten years.
    Guided by Blanton, the Court framed the issue before it as "whether the
    Legislature has so 'packed' the offense of DWI that it must be regarded as
    'serious' for [S]ixth-[A]mendment purposes." Id. at 114-15. Although the
    Court acknowledged New Jersey's DWI laws were described as some of the
    "toughest in the nation," 5 the Court concluded that "New Jersey's history and
    traditions with respect to DWI offenses convince us that however deliberately
    our Legislature has addressed the problem, it has yet to take that step that
    would transform a DWI offense into a constitutionally serious offense." Id. at
    The Court noted that the $1000 fine was considered "petty" under
    Blanton and, other than the 180-day imprisonment term, the remaining third
    offense DWI penalties were civil penalties, including the suspension or
    cancellation of a license.   Id. at 117.   Moreover, a DWI offense was not
    Kelly v. Gwinnell, 
    96 N.J. 538
    , 545 (1984) (citing Governor's Annual
    Message to the N.J. State Legislature, Jan. 10, 1984).
    regarded as a criminal offense under the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice.
    Id. at 118. See State v. Hammond, 
    118 N.J. 306
     (1990) (holding that DWI is
    not a criminal offense under the Code of Criminal Justice).
    In specifically considering the license suspension, the Court stated that
    "although in itself a heavy burden, [the penalty] is both precautionary and
    penal. No other loss of privilege, franchise, or right of citizenship flows from
    a DWI conviction." Id. at 129. In conclusion, the Court found no violation of
    the Blanton benchmarks. Id. at 130.
    Recently, the Court reexamined its holding in Hamm to determine
    whether the increased penalties now imposed on a third-DWI offender
    converted the DWI offense to a "serious" crime entitling the offender to a jury
    trial. In Denelsbeck, 225 N.J. at 108, the defendant was found guilty of his
    fourth DWI offense. He was sentenced to the mandatory term of 180 days'
    incarceration, ten years of driver's license suspension, two years of an ignition
    interlock device, twelve hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center and
    various fines and surcharges. Ibid.
    The defendant argued, as here, that because the Legislature had
    increased the severity of the penalties for third or subsequent DWI offenses
    since the Court's opinion in Hamm, he was entitled to a jury trial. He asserted
    that the "'packing' by the Legislature of numerous financial penalties, the ten-
    year driving privilege suspension, the ignition interlock device requirement,
    and the mandatory 180 days' confinement demonstrate that it now views third
    or subsequent DWI offenses as 'serious' for purposes of the Sixth
    Amendment." Id. at 109.
    The Denelsbeck Court noted that although the law had changed
    regarding noncustodial alternatives, the mandatory sentence of 180 days
    remained the same.     Id. at 116.   However, the Legislature had added an
    additional restriction, requiring a third or subsequent DWI offender to install
    an ignition interlock device after the end of the period of license suspension.
    Id. at 117. The sentencing court had the discretion to order the device to
    remain in place between one and three years. Ibid.
    Because the defendant was not exposed to a term of imprisonment
    greater than 180 days, the Court continued to categorize the DWI offense as
    "petty." Id. at 122. However, because the sentencing scheme now included
    the installation of an ignition interlock device, the Court considered whether
    the addition created the "rare situation where a legislature packs an offense it
    deems 'serious' with onerous penalties that nonetheless 'do not puncture the
    [six]-month incarceration line.'" Ibid. (quoting Blanton, 
    489 U.S. at 544
    The Court found it did not, stating:
    even when the ignition interlock device is installed,
    the burden is not so onerous as to indicate that the
    Legislature views repeat DWI offenses as 'serious.'
    Specifically, the ignition interlock device merely
    limits the vehicles an offender can operate, and
    prevents the offender from driving with a certain BAC
    level. Thus, while perhaps an inconvenience, the
    requirement, like the license suspension, is
    preventative rather than punitive.
    [Id. at 123.]
    Although the Court found the defendant was not entitled to a jury trial, it
    warned the Legislature it had "reached the outer limit in subjecting third and
    subsequent DWI offenders to confinement without a jury trial." Id. at 126.
    Similarly, the Court cautioned the State that it "had also reached the outer limit
    of additional penalties that may be added for a third or subsequent DWI
    offense without triggering the right to a jury trial." Ibid. However, until the
    period of mandatory incarceration changed or additional penalties were
    imposed, the Court found "the penal consequences of the offense do not tip the
    balance to classify it as 'serious.'" Ibid.
    The penalties defendant faced here for her third DWI offense were no
    different than those considered in Denelsbeck.        The maximum period of
    incarceration remains 180 days. In addition, defendant was sentenced to less
    jail time than Denelsbeck, as the Law Division judge only imposed a sentence
    of ninety days' incarceration and ninety days in an inpatient drug and alcohol
    rehabilitation program.      Because the "most relevant information" in
    determining whether a defendant is entitled to a jury trial is the length of the
    maximum authorized jail sentence, the tenets of Blanton and Hamm and
    Denelsbeck have not been violated. Id. at 112 (citation omitted).
    Acknowledging the maximum statutory period of confinement was
    unchanged from that reviewed in prior cases, defendant relies on the Court's
    declaration in Denelsbeck that increased penalties might trigger the right to a
    jury trial. Because of her refusal to submit to an Alcotest, defendant was
    convicted of the refusal charge and sentenced to additional penalties, including
    a ten-year license suspension as a third time refusal offender, consecutive to
    the ten years' suspension imposed under the DWI conviction. She asserts this
    distinguishes her situation from Hamm and exceeds the outer limit for DWI
    penalties as articulated in Denelsbeck. We disagree.
    The refusal charge is a separate offense from a DWI. A person charged
    with DWI is only also charged with refusal to take a chemical test if in fact the
    motor vehicle driver takes that action – refuses a request to submit to an
    Alcotest. Just like other motor vehicle charges that might arise out of a DWI
    event, such as leaving the scene of an accident or reckless driving, the refus al
    charge carries its own penalties.
    The Hamm Court and the majority in Denelsbeck did not consider the
    right to a jury trial in the context of all of the penalties an intoxicated driver
    might be exposed to in addition to DWI sanctions. The Court addressed first
    the threshold requirement of 180 days' jail time and noted if the Legislature
    added any further penalties and sanctions to a DWI offense, a future Court
    might find the penal consequences at that point had tipped the scales,
    triggering the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial.
    The additional penalties defendant faced here arose from her refusal
    conviction – a sanction statutorily required to run consecutively because this
    was defendant's third refusal offense. The Legislature did not add additional
    sanctions for a DWI conviction. Therefore, defendant was not entitled to a
    jury trial.
    In challenging her sentence, defendant contends that the Law Division
    judge erred by not sentencing her under the amended DWI law. Again, we
    On August 23, 2019, the Legislature amended N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 to
    expand the use of ignition interlock devices and reduce the duration of license
    forfeitures.    Applicable to defendant, under the amendment, the period of
    license forfeiture for third DWI offenders was reduced from ten years to eight
    However, the law did not become effective until December 1, 2019 so
    that "[t]he Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
    m[ight] take any anticipatory administrative action in advance of that date as
    shall be necessary to implement the provisions of this act." L. 2019, c. 248. In
    addition, the statute indicated it was applicable only to offenses that occurred
    after that date.
    Our Supreme Court has established "well-settled" principles governing
    statutory interpretation. In re Kollman, 
    210 N.J. 557
    , 568 (2012). Under these
    principles, a court's "primary goal when interpreting a statute is to determine
    and carry out the Legislature's intent." 
     (citing Allen v. V. & A Bros.,
    208 N.J. 114
    , 127 (2011)).       This process begins with the statutory
     This process begins with the statutory language. Kollman,
    210 N.J. at 568.      "[Courts] ascribe to the statutory words their ordinary
    meaning and significance, and read them in context with related provisions so
    as to give sense to the legislation as a whole." DiProspero v. Penn, 
    183 N.J. 477
    , 492 (2005) (citations omitted). If the plain language is clear, the court's
    task is complete. New Jersey Ass'n of Sch. Adm'rs v. Schundler, 
    211 N.J. 535
    549 (2012) (citation omitted). Under the plain language of the statute, because
    the offense of which defendant was convicted occurred in September 2018, she
    was not entitled to the benefit of the amended law.
    We are not persuaded by defendant's argument that the trial court
    violated her equal protection rights in not retroactively applying the amended
    law. Specifically, defendant contends the four-month period between the law's
    passage and its effective date was imposed without a rational basis.
    The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment commands
    that no State shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
    protection of the laws," meaning that all persons similarly situated should be
    treated alike. City of Cleburne, Tex. v. Cleburne Living Ctr., 
    473 U.S. 432
    439 (1985) (citing Plyer v. Doe, 
    457 U.S. 202
    , 216 (1982)). The general rule
    is that legislation is presumed to be valid if the statute's classification is
    rationally related to a legitimate state interest. 
     at 440 (citing Schweiker v.
    450 U.S. 221
    , 230 (1981)).
    Within the New Jersey Constitution, the principle of equal protection
    derives from constitutional language, which states: "All persons are by nature
    free and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights, among
    which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring,
    possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and
    happiness." N.J. Const. art. I, ¶ 1. Article I does not contain the term "equal
    protection." However, "it is well settled law that the expansive language of
    that provision" is the source for this "fundamental [state] constitutional
    guarantee[]." Sojourner A. v. N.J. Dep't of Human Servs., 
    177 N.J. 318
    , 332
    (2003) (quoting Planned Parenthood of Cent. N.J. v. Farmer, 
    165 N.J. 609
    , 629
    An equal protection analysis under the New Jersey Constitution slightly
    differs from analysis of this fundamental right under the United States
    Constitution.   Greenberg v. Kimmelman, 
    99 N.J. 552
    , 567 (1985).              In
    Robinson v. Cahill, 
    62 N.J. 473
    , 491-92 (1973), our Supreme Court began to
    develop an independent analysis of state constitutional rights under Article I,
    Paragraph 1, that "rejected two-tiered equal protection analysis . . . and
    employed a balancing test in analyzing claims under the state constitution."
    99 N.J. at 567
     (quoting Taxpayers Ass'n of Weymouth Twp. v.
    Weymouth Twp., 
    80 N.J. 6
    , 43 (1976)). That balancing test considers "the
    nature of the affected right, the extent to which the governmental restriction
    intrudes upon it, and the public need for the restriction." 
     (citing Right to
    Choose v. Byrne, 
    91 N.J. 287
    , 308-09 (1982)).
    In later cases, the Court at times has applied traditional federal tiers of
    scrutiny to an equal protection analysis, instead of a balancing test. "Where a
    statute does not treat a 'suspect' or 'semi-suspect' class disparately, nor affect a
    fundamental right [including a liberty interest], the provision is subject to a
    'rational basis' analysis." State v. Lagares, 
    127 N.J. 20
    , 34 (citing Dandridge
    v. Williams, 
    397 U.S. 471
     (1970)). Under this analysis, the government action
    only must be "rationally related to the achievement of a legitimate state
     (citing Byrne, 
    91 N.J. at 305
    ); see also Lewis v. Harris, 
    188 N.J. 415
    , 443 (2006).
    Although the terms of the balancing test and the tiered-scrutiny test
    differ, the Court in Sojourner v. N.J. Dep't of Human Servs., pointed out that
    "although our mode of analysis [under the New Jersey Constitution] differs in
    form from the federal tiered approach, the tests weigh the same factors and
    often produce the same result." 
    177 N.J. at
    333 (citing Barone v. N.J. Dep't of
    Human Servs., 
    107 N.J. 355
    , 368 (1987)).
    Here, the four-month period between the adoption and effective date of
    the new DWI law need only pass rational basis review. The revocation of an
    individual's driver's license no doubt constitutes a serious penalty; however, it
    does not rise to the level of the deprivation of a fundamental right. See Hamm,
    121 N.J. at 125
    . Moreover, individuals such as defendant, who will have their
    licenses revoked for ten years rather than eight years for their third DWI
    offense, do not constitute a "suspect" class.    See Barone, 
    107 N.J. at
    (citing San Antonio Indep. School Dist. v. Rodriguez, 
    411 U.S. 1
    , 28 (1973)
    (defining a suspect class as one "saddled with such disabilities, or subjected to
    such a history of purposeful unequal treatment or relegated to such a p osition
    of political powerlessness as to command extraordinary protection from the
    majoritarian political process.")).
    In amending the DWI statute, the Legislature provided the required
    rational basis for the four-month delay from the passage date until the
    December 1, 2019 effective date. The Legislature expressly stated the delay
    was imposed so that "[t]he Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor
    Vehicle Commission may take any anticipatory administrative action in
    advance of that date as shall be necessary to implement the provisions of this
    act." L. 2019, c. 248.
    Defendant has not established the Legislature's proffered justification for
    the four-month delay was "wholly unrelated to the legislative objective."
    Acuna v. Turkish, 
    354 N.J. Super. 500
    , 512 (App. Div. 2002) (citation
    omitted). Therefore, defendant's equal protection argument fails.
    Defendant also argues the trial court erred in not using its inherent
    authority to retroactively apply the amended DWI law.           She contends the
    amendments to the existing DWI law were curative and/or ameliorative and
    thus justify retroactive application.
    Generally, the law favors prospective, rather than retroactive, application
    of new legislation unless a recognized exception applies. James v. N.J. Mfrs.
    Ins. Co., 
    216 N.J. 552
    , 563 (2014).          Courts must apply a two-part test to
    determine whether a statute should be applied retroactively: (1) whether the
    Legislature intended to give the statute retroactive application; and (2) whether
    retroactive application "will result in either an unconstitutional interference
    with vested rights or a manifest injustice." 
     (citation omitted). Under the
    first prong of the James test, there are three circumstances that will justify the
    retroactive application of a statute: (1) where the Legislature has declared such
    an intent, either explicitly or implicitly; (2) where the expectations of the
    parties warrant retroactive application; and (3) where the statute is curative or
    ameliorative. Matter of D.C., 
    146 N.J. 31
    , 51 (1996).
    A curative law is one which "amends a previous law which is unclear or
    which does not effectuate the actual intent of the Legislature in adopting the
    original act." Schiavo v. John F. Kennedy Hosp., 
    258 N.J. Super. 380
    , 386,
    (App. Div. 1992). The purpose of a curative amendment is merely to "remedy
    a perceived imperfection in or misapplication of a statute."         
    amendment explains or clarifies existing law and brings it into "harmony with
    what the Legislature originally intended." 
    The term "ameliorative" "refers only to criminal laws that effect a
    reduction in a criminal penalty." Street v. Universal Mar., 
    300 N.J. Super. 578
    , 582, (App. Div.1997) (quoting Kendall v. Snedeker, 
    219 N.J. Super. 283
    286 (App. Div.1987)).        Further, "[e]very statutory amendment which
    ameliorates or mitigates a penalty for a crime is not automatically subject to a
    presumption of retroactivity. The ameliorative amendment must be aimed at
    mitigating a legislatively perceived undue severity in the existing criminal
    law." Kendall, 
    219 N.J. Super. at 286
    Here, there is no evidence that the Legislature intended the amended
    DWI law to apply retroactively. To the contrary, the statute clearly provided,
    "[t]his act shall take effect on the first day of the fourth month after enactment
    and shall apply to any offense occurring on or after that date[.]" L. 2019, c.
    248. In addition, a directive from the Administrative Office of the Courts
    dated December 4, 2019 stated, "the new sentencing provisions apply only to
    defendants charged with a DWI or refusal on or after December 1, 2019." 6
    Moreover, this court has previously considered this argument and
    rejected it on several occasions. In State v. Chambers, 
    377 N.J. Super. 365
    (App. Div. 2005), the State appealed the court's retroactive application of
    N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 which imposed a DWI sentence enacted after the date of the
    offense and after the municipal sentence. We reversed, finding N.J.S.A. 1:1-
    15 prohibited the retroactive application of a statutory amendment reducing a
    criminal   penalty   unless   the   amendment    expressly    stated   it   applied
    retroactively. We held the amended statute was not ameliorative because the
    defendant had incurred the penalty under the former version of the statute at
    the time of the municipal sentencing, prior to the amendment's effective date.
    Id. at 374-75
    . See also State v. Kostev, 
    396 N.J. Super. 389
    , 391 (App. Div.
    2007) (stating that a defendant is subject to the sentencing options available at
    the time of their DWI offense); State v. Luthe, 
    383 N.J. Super. 512
    , 514 (App.
    AOC directives are "unquestionably binding on all trial courts." State v.
    390 N.J. Super. 470
    , 472 (App. Div. 2007).
    Div. 2006) (stating that where the statutory "mandate is clear, we need not
    resort to extrinsic evidence to discern the Legislature's intent in enacting this
    amendment."). Defendant has not met the James test to apply the amended
    statute retroactively.
    Defendant also has not demonstrated the Legislature amended the DWI
    law because it was unclear or failed to effectuate the legislative intent behind
    the law. Rather, the legislative findings at the beginning of the amendments
    indicate the Legislature implemented the change to expand the use of ignition
    interlock devices because such devices "are more effective in deterring drunk
    driving than license suspension." L. 2019, c. 248. Given the absence of any
    indication that the amendment was meant to clarify the existing DWI law, it
    cannot be said that the amendment was curative in nature.
    Nor can the amendment be classified as ameliorative. The new law
    "significantly expands" the use of ignition interlock devices.       While this
    expansion is accompanied by a lessening of the period of license forfeiture,
    including a reduction from ten to eight years for third DWI offenders, there is
    no indication that the modification came about due to a recognition on the part
    of the Legislature of an undue severity in the existing penalties for DWI
    convictions. There is no suggestion that the Legislature found the previous
    license forfeiture period was unduly harsh.    Rather, the amendment was
    intended to introduce more effective penalties. Defendant has not established
    any error in the trial court's decision to decline sentencing her under the
    amended law.