In Re Appeal of the Denial of the Application of Z.L. for a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and Three Handgun Permits ( 2015 )

  •                    NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    DOCKET NO. A-5848-12T1
    April 22, 2015
    Submitted January 7, 2015 – Decided April 22, 2015
    Before Judges Fuentes, Kennedy and O'Connor.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey,   Law  Division,   Monmouth County,
    Municipal Appeal No. 2013-024.
    Evan F. Nappen, attorney for appellant Z.L.
    (Louis P. Nappen, on the brief).
    Christopher J. Gramiccioni, Acting Monmouth
    County Prosecutor, attorney for respondent
    State of New Jersey (Mary R. Juliano,
    Special   Deputy    Attorney   General/Acting
    Assistant Prosecutor, on the brief).
    The opinion of the Court was delivered by
    Appellant,     Z.L.,   appeals     an    order    of     the   Law       Division
    upholding the denial of his application for a firearms purchaser
    identification    card   and   three   permits       to    purchase      a   handgun
    We have corrected the caption to eliminate the appearance of a
    criminal appeal.
    ("the     permits").         Appellant      argues        that    the    Law   Division
    improperly      considered        his    history     of     domestic      disputes    as
    evidence that granting his application for the permits creates a
    present    danger     to    "public      health,     safety      and    welfare"   under
    N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)(5). Appellant further argues that the Law
    Division denied his right to "procedural due process"; erred by
    requiring him to testify before the State presented its case;
    and erred by basing its ruling upon "speculation and hearsay."
    We have considered these arguments in light of the record and
    the law, and we affirm the order of the Law Division.
    In January 2013, appellant applied to the Aberdeen Police
    Department      for        the     permits.      A    detective         undertook      an
    investigation       into    appellant's         background,      and    learned    that,
    while he had never been convicted of a crime or any disorderly
    persons or domestic violence offenses, he had been arrested in
    1998 for domestic violence and police responded to his home on
    five occasions from 2003 to 2011 to resolve disputes between him
    and his wife.
    In 1998, appellant's wife called police and charged him
    with simple assault.             Although a domestic violence complaint was
    filed, appellant's wife did not seek a temporary restraining
    order,    and   the    charge      was   not     thereafter      sustained.         Also,
    police responded to appellant's home on five occasions, between
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    2003   and    2011,          based   on    various        domestic      dispute      complaints
    reported      by    his        wife.          The       Aberdeen    Police      Chief     denied
    appellant's        application          for    the       permits,    explaining        that   the
    investigation       "revealed          a    past        history    of   domestic      violence.
    This in itself may indicate a public safety concern."                                   He then
    appealed to the Law Division.
    The Law Division judge conducted a hearing, at which both
    appellant and the investigating detective testified.                                  Appellant,
    represented        by    counsel,          elected        to    testify    and       essentially
    confirmed the accuracy of his application, stating, among other
    things,      that       he     had     never    been       convicted       of    a     "domestic
    violence" offense and had never been the subject of a temporary
    or a final restraining order. Defense counsel objected as beyond
    the scope of direct examination to the State's questioning of
    appellant regarding the domestic disputes upon which the police
    chief had denied his application for the permits.                                     The judge
    overruled the objection.
    The    State          then    cross-examined            appellant   about       the    1998
    domestic violence complaint and the five other domestic disputes
    in which police responded to his home, and appellant essentially
    confirmed the core facts.                  Appellant conceded he had struck his
    wife in 1998, but stated it was "accidental."                                He said he had
    inadvertently struck his wife in the mouth with his hand when
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    she   walked   up    behind    him,   after   a   disagreement      about     their
    child's    dishwashing        techniques.         He   said    he    had      never
    intentionally struck her, and added he was "acquitted" after a
    brief trial.        He also explained the other police responses to
    the home arose from ordinary disputes between spouses, and none
    involved     violence   or     threats.       Further,    he    described        his
    relationship with his wife as "better than at that time" and
    ascribed     her    decision    to    sleep   separately       to   her     "sleep
    After both sides rested and made their closing arguments,
    the judge found, in pertinent part, as follows:
    In this case, there had been a number of
    visits by the police over an eight-year
    period.   And when they were -- if you were
    to today to look at each one of these
    incidents, if that were judge one incident,
    that would be, certainly perhaps a different
    case before us. But we don't have just one
    incident.    We have a series of instances
    starting back in August 24, 1998, and the
    final incident that was testified to, and as
    part of this record, was made [September 4,]
    That series of incidents, one compounded
    upon the other, I think that gives us a
    picture and certainly something that this
    Court feels is compelling and convincing.
    The record does not show why [appellant's
    wife] feels compelled to call the police
    every time her and [appellant] have a
    dispute.   But the fact is that the police
    have still been to this house a number of
    different times.  The inclusion of firearms
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    or handgun into this unpredictable situation
    only stands to strain the relationship
    It is evident from the 1998 domestic
    violence arrest and multiple subsequent
    police interactions that the [appellant] and
    [appellant's wife] are unable to amicably
    resolve minor disputes.     Accordingly, the
    volatile situation between [appellant] and
    [appellant's wife] is not place, in this
    Court's opinion, to add firearms.
    Accordingly, it's going to be the ruling of
    this Court that [] the appeal is going to be
    This appeal followed.
    We address appellant's argument that the Law Division gave
    improper weight to his history of domestic disputes first.              We
    then turn to appellant's argument that the Law Division erred by
    requiring him to testify first, and by relying upon speculation
    and   hearsay   in   issuing   the   order   under   appeal.    We    find
    appellant's remaining arguments to be without sufficient merit
    to warrant discussion in a written opinion.          R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E).
    On this appeal, our review of the trial court's decision is
    limited.   The Supreme Court has stated:
    Ordinarily, an appellate court should accept
    a trial court's findings of fact that are
    supported by substantial credible evidence.
    Deference to a trial court's fact-findings
    is especially appropriate when the evidence
    is   largely    testimonial   and   involves
    questions   of   credibility.     Thus,   an
    appellate court should not disturb a trial
    court's fact-findings unless those findings
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    would work an injustice.   Consequently, "an
    appellate court should exercise its original
    fact finding jurisdiction sparingly and in
    none but a clear case where there is no
    doubt about the matter."    If, however, an
    appellate court is reviewing a trial court's
    legal   conclusions,   the  same   level  of
    deference is not required.
    [In re Return of Weapons to J.W.D., 
    149 N.J. 108
    , 116-17 (1997) (citations omitted).]
    The Gun Control Law recognizes that the right to possess
    firearms is presumed, except for certain good cause:
    No person of good character and good repute
    in the community in which he lives, and who
    is not subject to any of the disabilities
    set forth in this section or other sections
    of this chapter, shall be denied a permit to
    purchase a handgun or a firearms purchaser
    identification card, except as hereinafter
    set forth.
    [N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)].
    In    relevant    part,      the   statute        provides      that    handgun    permits
    shall not be issued "[t]o any person where the issuance would
    not    be   in    the       interest    of    the       public    health,    safety      or
    welfare[.]"            N.J.S.A.    2C:58-3(c)(5).                Section    (c)(5)       "is
    'intended to relate to cases of individual unfitness, where,
    though not dealt with in the specific statutory enumerations,
    the    issuance        of    the   permit         or    identification      card     would
    nonetheless       be    contrary       to    the       public    interest.'"        In    re
    Osworth,    365    N.J.       Super.    72,       79    (App.    Div.   2003),     certif.
    179 N.J. 310
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    The        statute       also     lists        eight      categories           of
    disqualifications.            An arrest that did not result in conviction
    is not one of the listed disqualifications.                       However, as we
    explained earlier, N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)(5) is intended to address
    issues of individual unfitness, not otherwise categorized in the
    statute.       In 
    Osworth, supra
    , we considered the quoted subsection
    (5) disqualification and held that "[t]he dismissal of criminal
    charges does not prevent a court from considering the underlying
    facts in deciding whether a person is entitled to purchase a
    Id. at 78;
         see also In re Return of Weapons to
    J.W.D., supra
    , 149 N.J. at 110 (a court may determine, even
    after dismissal of a domestic violence complaint, that firearms
    may be forfeited by a defendant pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)
    and   2C:25-21(d)(3)          because   "the    defendant     poses    a    threat    to
    public health, safety, or welfare"); State v. One Marlin Rifle,
    319 N.J. Super. 359
    , 371 (App. Div. 1999); State v. Cunningham,
    186 N.J. Super. 502
    , 504-08 (App. Div. 1982) (State could refuse
    to    return      lawfully-purchased      gun    to   defendant       despite      grand
    jury's no billing of charge that he shot his wife).                        Even in the
    absence      of     evidence     that   appellant      was    convicted       of     any
    offenses,         the   New    Jersey    statute      permits    denial       of     his
    application if the underlying facts of any arrests or reported
    7                                   A-5848-12T1
    domestic disputes support one of the eight listed categories of
    disqualification or the public safety disqualification.
    Indeed, our courts have repeatedly upheld disqualification
    under    subsection   (c)(5),    separately,    or    in    conjunction       with,
    other statutory disabilities.          In State v. Freysinger, 311 N.J.
    Super. 509, 516 (App. Div. 1998), for example, we determined
    that the defendant was both a habitual drunkard, under N.J.S.A.
    2C:58-3(c)(2), and posed a threat to the public health, safety
    or welfare under (c)(5).          In State v. Cardoma, 
    372 N.J. Super. 524
    ,    536   (App.   Div.    2004),   in   deciding       the    defendant     was
    disqualified     under       subsection     (c)(5),    we        considered     the
    defendant's mental condition, even though it did not rise to the
    level of the disabling conditions set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:58-
    3(c)(2) and (3).      Further, as we explained earlier, in 
    Osworth, supra
    , 365 N.J. Super. at 80-81, even though the defendant's
    prior conduct did not result in a disqualifying conviction under
    N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)(1), we nonetheless determined that, under
    all the circumstances, denial of a handgun purchase permit was
    warranted by application of subsection (c)(5).
    Osworth, supra
    , we also explained the proper procedure
    in the Law Division under N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(d) for review of the
    police chief's decision.         
    Osworth, supra
    , 365 N.J. Super. at 77-
    78.     We stated that the hearing in the Law Division is "de novo"
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    and   that    the   judge    must     independently   determine   whether     the
    applicant is entitled to a handgun permit.               
    Id. at 77.
    Weston v. State, 
    60 N.J. 36
    , 46 (1972), we explained that the
    applicant must present his evidence and then the police chief,
    or the police chief's designee who conducted the investigation,
    must explain why the application was denied.                   
    Osworth, supra
    365 N.J. Super. at 78.          Significantly, we held that the police
    chief has the burden of proving an applicant is not qualified to
    receive a handgun permit.             
    Id. at 77
    Weston, supra
    , 60
    N.J. at 46).
    Appellant argues that the Law Division reversed the burden
    of proof and placed it upon him by requiring that he prove the
    dispositions and the facts pertinent to the domestic violence
    arrest and domestic disputes.                 We disagree.     The trial judge
    properly allocated the burden of proof.                Appellant nonetheless
    argues otherwise, asserting that the trial judge "required" him
    to testify first.            This contention is belied by the record.
    Moreover, the fact that the judge overruled a "beyond the scope"
    objection adds nothing to the argument and, in any event, is the
    type of evidential ruling committed to the discretion of a trial
    judge.    See N.J.R.E. 611(b); State v. Rose, 
    112 N.J. 454
    , 459
    (1988);      Ostroski   v.    Mount    Pleasant    ShopRite,    Inc.,   
    94 N.J. 9
    Super. 372 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    99 N.J. 369
    (1967). We
    discern no error in that ruling.
    On an appeal from the denial of firearms permits, the trial
    court hears the matter de novo, and the police chief has the
    burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence.                
    Id. at 77.
    Hearsay     is   admissible,    but    there   must   be   sufficient    legally
    competent evidence to support the court's findings.                    Weston v.
    60 N.J. 36
    , 50-51 (1972).                 Even if an applicant was
    previously charged with an offense but not convicted, in a later
    permit hearing the chief may still present to the court the
    evidence underlying the charges.               "The dismissal of criminal
    charges does not prevent a court from considering the underlying
    facts in deciding whether a person is entitled to purchase a
    firearm     or   recover   one    previously      taken     by   the    police."
    Osworth, supra
    , 365 N.J. Super. at 78 (citing In re Return of
    Weapons to 
    J.W.D., supra
    , 149 N.J. at 110).                  Accordingly, the
    admission of such evidence here was not improper in any respect,
    and   any    "hearsay"     in    the    police   reports     was   essentially
    corroborated by appellant's testimony in court.                    We find no
    error in the trial judge's reliance upon that testimony.
    Finally, the facts of this case compel the conclusion that
    the order upholding denial of the permits was proper.                   The 1998
    incident was not isolated and aberrational, as appellant claims.
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    Five times, between 2003 and 2011, police officers responded to
    appellant's home on complaints by his wife of domestic disputes.
    Each     such   complaint,          despite           appellant's     characterizations,
    wherein      appellant's        spouse      felt       compelled    to    require     police
    assistance, is imbued with the potential for violent reaction.
    The    presence      of    a   firearm      in    such     a   household      enhances    the
    potential for such reactions to become lethal.
    The   judge    rejected           appellant's       attempts      to   downplay    the
    significance of the serial number of domestic disputes after
    1998, and determined that there was nothing to suggest that this
    history of discord between the couple would likely abate.                                   In
    addition,       the        trial     judge        manifestly        found      appellant's
    characterization of his "great" relationship with his wife and
    his ascribing of aspects of her conduct to sleep difficulties,
    unconvincing.         After reading the transcript, we are inclined to
    agree.       Moreover, the judge had the opportunity, which we did
    not, to observe appellant's demeanor and hear him testify.                                  We
    are aware that live testimony can convey nuances that a cold
    record cannot.            See State v. Locurto, 
    157 N.J. 463
    , 474 (1999).
    We decline to second-guess the trial judge's conclusion that, at
    the time of the hearing, granting appellant's application, in
    effect,      would    not      be   in    the    interest      of   the   public    health,
    safety or welfare.             N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3(c)(5).
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