  •                         NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court."
    Although it is posted on the internet, this opinion is binding only on the
    parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R.1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-2357-15T1
    Argued April 26, 2017 - Decided May 17, 2017
    Before   Judges         Fuentes,      Carroll,       and
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Union County, Docket No.
    Patrick H. Cahalane argued the cause for
    appellant (Anglin, Rea & Cahalane, P.A.,
    Improperly pleaded as Elaine Johnson.
    attorneys; Mr. Cahalane, of counsel and on the
    James J. Pieper argued the cause for
    respondent   (Litvak  &   Trifiolis,  P.C.,
    attorneys; Michael C. Trifiolis, of counsel
    and on the brief).
    Plaintiff Tracy Corbisiero appeals from the order of the Law
    Division     granting   defendants   Marie   Schlatter's   and    Elaine
    Jamison's motion for summary judgment and dismissing her personal
    injury cause of action.       After reviewing the record developed
    before the motion judge and mindful of prevailing legal standards,
    we affirm.
    Because the court dismissed plaintiff's complaint as a matter
    of law, we will review the matter de novo, considering the facts
    presented by the parties in the light most favorable to Corbisiero,
    the non-moving party.     Brill v. Guardian Life Ins. Co. of Am., 
    142 N.J. 520
    , 540 (1995); R. 4:46-2(c).
    This personal injury matter arises out of an accident which
    occurred on June 9, 2013, when Corbisiero fell from a ladder as
    she attempted to cut with an electric saw branches of a tree
    located on the property adjacent to the building where she resided.
    At the time of the accident, Corbisiero was a tenant in a mixed-
    use building consisting of four apartments and one commercial
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    unit, owned by defendant Thomas Gatto.2   According to Corbisiero,
    branches from trees growing on the adjoining mixed use property
    owned by defendant Marie Schlatter extended onto the property
    where she lived.   Marie Schlatter's daughter, Elaine Jamison, was
    a tenant without ownership interest in Marie Schlatter's property.
    Marie Schlatter's son, David Schlatter, also resided with Marie
    Schlatter and Jamison.
    Prior to the June 9, 2013 accident, twigs and branches from
    trees located on the Schlatter property had fallen onto the Gatto
    property.   No property damage or injuries to persons had ever
    resulted therefrom.      In March 2013, Corbisiero requested David
    Schlatter to cut down some of the branches extending over the
    Gatto property, which he did.    Approximately a month prior to the
    accident, Corbisiero again requested David Schlatter to cut down
    branches; this time, however, he told Corbisiero that he would do
    it when he had the time.
    Approximately a week before the accident, unbeknownst to
    Marie Schlatter, Corbisiero spoke to Gatto about cutting down some
    In her appellate brief, plaintiff stated the court entered
    default judgement against Gatto on December 10, 2014, and against
    defendant Antiques and Things, Inc., on August 18, 2014. Court
    records show the claims against these two defendants were
    administratively dismissed without prejudice pursuant to Rule
    1:13-7(a) on April 15, 2016. Plaintiff settled her claims against
    Farmers Insurance on October 13, 2014. Her complaint against this
    defendant was dismissed with prejudiced on November 12, 2014.
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    of   the   overhanging    branches.        In   her   deposition,   Corbisiero
    testified that Gatto told Corbisiero that "if they grew over his
    property . . . we were able to cut them down."                 Gatto advised
    Corbisiero he would reimburse her for the purchase of a chainsaw
    to be used to cut the tree limbs.          Corbisiero purchased a chainsaw
    and decided to cut down the branches herself.                She did not ask
    Gatto for assistance nor request that he hire a landscaper to do
    the work.
    On the day of the accident, Corbisiero stood on a metal
    stepladder she owned and proceeded to use the chainsaw to cut one
    of   the   presumably    overhanging    tree     branches.     As   Corbisiero
    described in her deposition, the branch broke and fell in front
    of her, striking the chainsaw causing her to fall over the top of
    the ladder.     Corbisiero testified that she fell to the ground,
    landing on her face.      Marie Schlatter testified at her deposition
    that Corbisiero approached her before the accident and advised her
    "I want to cut some trees."            Marie Schlatter recommended that
    Corbisiero "wait for David."          No evidence was adduced that Marie
    Schlatter knew that Corbisiero intended to ignore that advice, and
    proceed to undertake the task herself.
    On or about June 2, 2014, Corbisiero filed a complaint, which
    was amended on or about July 1, 2014.                 With respect to Marie
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    Schlatter, the amended complaint asserted a claim for negligence,
    alleging Marie Schlatter:
    carelessly    and   negligently    maintained,
    inspected,   created    and/or   permitted   a
    hazardous, dangerous, and defective condition
    to exist on their premises which extended onto
    the adjacent premises . . .[of which] the
    defendants knew or should have known . . . as
    a result of [which] the plaintiff . . . was
    caused to fall . . . .
    After hearing oral argument from counsel and considering the
    evidence presented by the parties, Judge Robert Kirsch did not
    find any legal grounds to hold Marie Schlatter and Jamison liable.
    Judge Kirsch provided the following in his statement of reasons
    attached to his order:
    The undisputed record shows that Ms.
    Schlatter   did   not   personally    request,
    participate   in,   or   otherwise   aid   Ms.
    [Corbisiero's] cutting of tree branches. She
    also appears to have no knowledge of
    plaintiff's discussions and agreement with Mr.
    Gatto regarding same, and no evidence was
    adduced   indicating   she    was   aware   of
    plaintiff's intent to get on a ladder and use
    an electric saw which she purchased with her
    landlord's approval. Instead, Ms. Schlatter
    counseled her to wait for her son, David, to
    cut down the branches as he had done so in the
    recent past. Therefore, the court finds that
    Ms. Schlatter owed no duty of care to Ms.
    Jamison on the basis of such actions.
    It is also undisputed that, at the time
    of the accident, Ms. Schlatter was the owner
    of the property adjacent to Mr. Gatto's
    property. Given the particular facts in the
    case at bar, however, the court finds no basis
    5                          A-2357-15T1
    in the case law to impose a duty of care on
    Ms. Schlatter as landowner for any physical
    harm suffered by Ms. Corbisiero. When courts
    have imposed duties of care on landowners in
    relation to persons outside of the landowners'
    properties, the duties imposed have been
    purposefully    limited   in    scope.    [No]
    exceptions, however, encompass the instant
    case. Ms. Corbisiero was not on a public
    highway or right of way. She is not seeking
    relief for economic damages sustained as a
    result of tree branches falling and damaging
    her property.
    As we noted earlier, we review a trial court's grant of
    summary judgment de novo.    Cypress Point Condo. Ass'n v. Adria
    Towers, L.L.C., 
    226 N.J. 403
    , 414 (2016).     "[The] trial court's
    interpretation of the law and the legal consequences that flow
    from established facts are not entitled to any special deference."
    Manalapan Realty, L.P. v. Twp. Comm., 
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995).
    Summary judgment is appropriate where there is no genuine issue
    of material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as
    a matter of law.   R. 4:46-2(c).
    In order to be found liable, Marie Schlatter must have
    breached a duty of care to Corbisiero that proximately caused harm
    to Corbisiero.   A "[p]roximate cause consists of 'any cause which
    in the natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by an efficient
    intervening cause, produces the result complained of and without
    which the result would not have occurred.'"    Townsend v. Pierre,
    221 N.J. 36
    , 51 (quoting Conklin v. Hannoch Weisman, 
    145 N.J. 395
    6                       A-2357-15T1
    418 (1996)).    "A superseding or intervening act is one that breaks
    the 'chain of causation' linking a defendant's wrongful act and
    an injury or harm suffered by a plaintiff."            Komlodi v. Picciano,
    217 N.J. 387
    , 418 (2014) (citation omitted).
    Corbisiero decided to carry out this ill-advised task.                 She
    selected and procured the chainsaw, used her own stepladder, and
    was not on Schlatter's property when she started to cut the tree
    branches and ultimately fell.              There is no evidence the tree
    branches constituted a dangerous condition requiring immediate
    attention.     Under these circumstances, Schlatter did not create
    the inherently dangerous condition that caused Corbisiero to fall
    and injure herself.       Rather, Corbisiero herself created the risk
    that lead to her injury.
    We have considered Corbisiero's arguments on appeal in light
    of   the   record   and   applicable       legal   principles.     We    affirm
    substantially for the reasons expressed by Judge Kirsch in his
    cogent and well-reasoned statement of reasons attached to his
    order.     We add the following comments.
    Corbisiero argues that Burke v. Brigg, 
    239 N.J. Super. 269
    275 (App. Div. 1990) holds a property owner may be held liable
    based upon nuisance or strict liability for damages caused by a
    tree.    Corbisiero’s reliance on Burke is misplaced.            In Burke, the
    plaintiffs sought nuisance damages from the owner of an adjoining
    7                                A-2357-15T1
    property when a large white oak tree "suddenly fell over onto the
    [plaintiffs'] property, causing extensive damage to their garage."
    Id. at 270.
        This court adopted the private nuisance standard in
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 821 D (1979), at 100, and held:
    § 822 General Rule.
    One is subject to liability for a private
    nuisance if, but only if, his conduct is a
    legal cause of an invasion of another's
    interest in the private use and enjoyment of
    land, and the invasion is either
    (a) intentional and unreasonable, or
    (b) unintentional and otherwise actionable
    under the rules controlling liability for
    negligent   or   reckless conduct,   or for
    abnormally     dangerous    conditions   or
    [Id. at 272-273].
    The Supreme Court approvingly cited Burke in Ross v. Lowitz,
    222 N.J. 494
    , 510 (2015).    Here, Corbisiero did not file a private
    nuisance cause of action based on the elements adopted by the
    Court   in   Ross.    Her   claim   for   damages   was    explicitly   and
    exclusively based on the tort of negligence.              However, as this
    court noted in Burke:
    [T]he focus in this case should be on whether
    this defendant was negligent in not making a
    reasonable use of his property.       Such a
    determination merits a consideration of the
    various attendant circumstances and factors
    such as, the nature of the incident, the
    danger presented by the presence of the tree,
    8                              A-2357-15T1
    whether    [the    defendant],    by    making
    inspections, could or should have known of its
    condition, what steps he could have taken to
    prevent it from falling onto plaintiffs'
    property, etc.
    [Burke, supra
    , 239 N.J.        Super.   at   273-75
    (citations omitted)].
    Taking into account the attendant circumstances here, there
    is no evidence Marie Schlatter was either negligent nor making
    unreasonable use of the property, particularly in light of the
    fact that the tree in question did not fall or cause damage to
    person or property prior to Corbisiero's actions.       The undisputed
    material facts show Corbisiero unilaterally decided to undertake
    the course of conduct that created the dangerous condition that
    cause her to fall and injure herself.
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