- 11 California Bar No. 148694 22 Admitted Pursuant to L.R. IA 11-2 KING & SPALDING LLP 33 50 California Street, Suite 3300 San Francisco, CA 94111 44 Phone: + 415 318 1200 Fax: + 415 318 1300 55 TMcMahan@kslaw.com 66 Peter A. Strotz California Bar No. 129904 77 Stephanie A. Le 88 California Bar No. 325428 Admitted Pursuant to L.R. IA 11-2 99 KING & SPALDING LLP 633 West Fifth Street, Suite 1600 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Phone: + 213 443 4355 1111 Fax: + 213 443 4310 1122 SLe@kslaw.com PStrotz@kslaw.com 1133 Robert J. Caldwell 1144 Nevada Bar No. 7637 WILEY PETERSEN 1155 1050 Indigo Dr., Suite 200B Las Vegas, NV 89145 1166 Phone: + 702 910-3329 Fax: + 702 553-3467 1177 RCaldwell@wileypetersenlaw.com 1188 Attorneys Specially Appearing for Defendant 1199 WYETH HOLDINGS LLC f/k/a AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY 2200 2211 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2222 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 2233 2244 JORDAN J. POTTER Case No. 2:20-cv-00276-RFB-VCF 2255 Plaintiff, REQUEST FOR STIPULATED STAY AS 2266 TO WYETH HOLDINGS LLC, v. INCLUDING ITS PENDING MOTION TO 2277 DISMISS FOR LACK OF PERSONAL CRANE CO., et al. JURISDICTION MADE PURSUANT TO 2288 FRCP 12(b)(2) 11 Specially Appearing Defendant Wyeth Holdings LLC f/k/a American Cyanamid 22 Company (“Wyeth”), hereby informs the Court that on December 8, 2021 it entered into a 33 settlement agreement with Plaintiff, which resolves all of Plaintiff’s claims against Wyeth. 44 Wyeth respectfully requests that the Court stay the case as to Wyeth, including its 55 pending Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction made pursuant to FRCP 12(b)(2) 66 (“Motion to Dismiss”) to permit Wyeth and Plaintiff time to finalize the settlement. “A district 77 court has discretionary power to stay proceedings in its own court.” Lockyear v. Mirant Corp., 88 398 F.3d 1098, 1109 (9th Cir. 2005). A stay will promote judicial economy by relieving the 99 court of its obligation to further consider and rule on Wyeth’s pending Motion to Dismiss. The 1100 stay also will prevent the unnecessary time and expense Wyeth otherwise would incur continuing 1111 to conduct expert discovery and prepare this case for trial when a settlement has been reached. 1122 Wyeth and counsel for plaintiff have reached such settlements in the past and they do not expect 1133 any issues to arise. Respectfully submitted, 1144 1155 KING & SPALDING Dated: December 10, 2021 1166 By: /s/ Troy D. McMahan Troy D. McMahan (California Bar No. 1177 148694) Admitted Pursuant to L.R. IA 11-2 1188 50 California Street, Suite 3300 1199 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone: + 415 318 1200 2200 Fax: + 415 318 1300 TMcMahan@kslaw.com 2211 2222 Peter A. Strotz (California Bar No. 129904) 2233 Stephanie A. Le (California Bar No. 325428) 2244 Admitted Pursuant to L.R. IA 11-2 633 West Fifth Street, Suite 1600 2255 Los Angeles, CA 90071 2266 Phone: + 213 443 4355 Fax: + 213 443 4310 2277 SLe@kslaw.com PStrotz@kslaw.com 2288 1 WILEY PETERSEN Robert J. Caldwell (Nevada Bar No. 2 7637) 1050 Indigo Dr., Suite 200B 3 Las Vegas, NV 89145 Phone: + 702 910-3329 4 Fax: +702 553-3467 5 RCaldwell@wileypetersenlaw.com 6 Attorneys Specially Appearing for Defendant 7 WYETH HOLDINGS LLC f/k/a g AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY 10 MAUNE RAICHLE HARTLEY 1 Dated: December 10, 2021 FRENCH & MUDD, LLC 12 By: /s/Lorrette Fisher . 13 T. Barton French, Jr. Nevada Bar No. 5641 14 Jackalyn A.O. Rochelle, Esq. 15 Admitted Pro Hac Vice Lorrette Fisher, Esq. 16 Admitted Pro Hac Vice 1015 Locust Street, Suite 1200 17 St. Louis, MO 63101 jrochelle@mrhfmlaw.com 18 Ifisher@mrhfmlaw.com 19 Phone: (800) 358-5922 Fax: (314) 241-4838 20 Attorneys for Plaintiff 2] JORDAN POTTER 22 23 IT IS SO ORDERED. 24 25 || Dated: 26 C | RICHARD F. BOULWARE, II 27 United States District Judge 28 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing document to be 22 electronically served on counsel of record on the current service list this 10th day of December, 33 2021 via e-mail. 44 55 s/ Troy D. McMahan 66 TROY D. MCMAHAN 77 TITEFLEX COMMERICAL, INC. EVANS FEARS & SCHUTTERT LLP 88 Jay J. Schuttert Alexandria L. Layton 99 Hayley E. Miller 1100 6720 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 1111 Telephone: 702-805-0290 Facsimile: 702-805-0291 1122 jschuttert@efstriallaw.com alayton@efstriallaw.com 1133 hmiller@efstriallaw.com 1144 MANNING GROSS + MASSENBURG LLC 1155 Jonathan Tabasky 125 High Street 1166 Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Phone: (617) 670-8800 1177 Jtabasky@mgmlaw.com 1188 TELEFLEX INCORPORATED 1199 CLARK HILL PLC Gerald Schneeweis 2200 Kyle Fellenz One American Plaza, 600 2211 West Broadway, Suite 500 2222 San Diego, CA 92101 619-557-0404 2233 Nicholas M. Wieczorek 3800 Howard Hughes Parkway 2244 Suite 500 2255 Las Vegas, NV 89169 702-862-8300 2266 Fax: 702-862-8400 2277 EVANS FEARS & SCHUTTERT LLP Jay Joseph Schuttert 2288 11 SLuasit eV 3e0g0as , NV 89119 22 702-805-0290 Fax: 702-805-0291 33 jschuttert@efstriallaw.com gschneeweis@clarkhill.com 44 kfellenz@clarkhill.com nwieczorek@clarkhill.com 55 66 ROGERS CORPORATION MESSNER REEVES LLP 77 David J. Mortenson Jessica Gandy 88 8945 West Russell Road, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 99 Telephone: (702) 363-5100 1100 Facsimile: (702) 363-5101 dmortensen@messner.com 1111 Jgandy@messner.com 1122 PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION SNELL & WILMER L.L.P. 1133 Tracy H. Fowler 1144 Dawn L. Davis 3883 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 1100 1155 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Telephone: (702) 784-5275 1166 Facsimile: (702) 784-5252 tfowler@swlaw.com 1177 ddavis@swlaw.com 1188 OLD ORCHARD INDUSTRIAL CORP 1199 GORDON REES SCULLY MANSUKHANI, LLP Robert E. Schumacher 2200 James E. Cavanaugh 2211 Michael Ramirez James Lowery 2222 300 South Fourth Street, Suite 1550 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 2233 Direct Lines: (702) 577-9319/9340 Telephone: (702) 577-9300 2244 Facsimile: (702) 255-2858 2255 Erik DiMarco 2266 1 Battery Park Plaza, 28th Floor New York, NY 10004 2277 (212) 269-5500 rschumacher@grsm.com 2288 11 mjlorwameriyre@z@grgsmrsm.co.cmom 22 awilson@grsm.com edimarco@grsm.com 33 NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 44 EVANS FEARS & SCHUTTER LLP Jay J. Schuttert 55 Alexandria L. Layton 66 6720 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 77 (702) 805-0216 88 TUCKER ELLIS LLP Daniel J. Kelly 99 201 Mission Street, Suite 2310 1100 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 617-2203 tel. 1111 (415) 617-2409 fax jschuttert@efstriallaw.com 1122 alayton@efstriallaw.com daniel.kelly@tuckerellis.com 1133 1144 INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING HOLLAND & HART LLP 1155 Lars K. Evensen Joseph G. Went 1166 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 1177 Phone: 702.669.4600 1188 Fax: 702.669.4650 1199 BENESCH, FRIEDLANDER, COPLAN & ARONOFF LLP Eric Larson Zalud 2200 Nora K. Cook 2211 200 Public Square, Suite 2300 Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2378 2222 Telephone: 216.363-4500 Facsimile: 216.363-4588 2233 Joseph R. Blalock 2244 4100 South High Street, Suite 2600 2255 Columbus, Ohio 43215-6164 Telephone: 614.223-9300 2266 Facsimile: 614.223-9330 lkevensen@hollandhart.com 2277 jgwent@hollandhart.com ezalud@beneschlaw.com 2288 11 n cook@beneschlaw.com 22 HEXCEL CORPORATION Michelle D. Alarie 33 ARMSTRONG TEASDALE LLP 3770 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 200 44 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 Telephone: (702) 678-5070 55 Facsimile: (702) 878-8995 66 Gregory Iken 77 ARMSTRONG TEASDALE LLP 7700 Forsyth Blvd., Suite 1800 88 St. Louis, MO 63105 Telephone: (314) 621-5070 99 Facsimile: (314) 621-5065 1100 Spencer Wein, Esq. 1111 REED SMITH LLP 599 Lexington Avenue 1122 22nd Floor New York, NY 10022 1133 212-521-5400 1144 Fax: 212-521-5450 1155 Scott Kossoudji GLAZIER YEE LLP 1166 707 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2025 Los Angeles, CA 90017 1177 Telephone: (213) 312-9200 1188 malarie@atllp.com giken@atllp.com 1199 kossoudji@glazieryee.com swein@reedsmith.com 2200 2211 HENKEL US OPERATIONS CORPORATION, incorrectly named as Henkel Corporation as successor-in-interest to Locite Corporation 2222 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP Darrell D. Dennis, Esq. 2233 Steven B. Abbott, Esq. Michael R. Smith, Esq. 2244 6385 South Rainbow Blvd., Suite 600 2255 Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Telephone: (702) 893-3383 2266 Facsimile: (702) 893-3789 Darrell.Dennis@lewisbrisbois.com 2277 Steven.Abbott@lewisbrisbois.com Michael.r.Smith@lewisbrisbois.com 2288 11 LKEarWi HIS. HBRalIbSrBooOkI S BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 22 50 E. 91st Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 33 Telephone: (317) 324-4754 Kari.Halbrook@lewisbrisbois.com 44 HARCOSEMCO LLC 55 OLSON CANNON GORMLEY & STOBERSKI 66 Michael E. Stoberski Paterno C. Jurani 77 9950 West Cheyenne Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89129 88 Telephone: (702) 384-4012 Facsimile: (702) 383-0701 99 mstoberski@ocgas.com 1100 pjurani@ocgas.com 1111 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY J Christopher Jorgensen 1122 Nevada Bar No. 5382 LEWIS ROCA ROTHGERBER CHRISTIE LLP 1133 3993 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Suite 600 1144 Las Vegas, NV 89169-5996 Tel: (702) 949-820 1155 cjorgensen@lrrc.com 1166 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION GORDON REES SCULLY MANSUKHANI, LLP 1177 Robert E. Schumacher 1188 James E. Cavanaugh Michael Ramirez 1199 300 South Fourth Street, Suite 1550 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 2200 Direct Lines: (702) 577-9319/9340 2211 Telephone: (702) 577-9300 Facsimile: (702) 255-2858 2222 Erik DiMarco, Esq. 2233 Aleksandra Szaina, Esq. 1 Battery Park Plaza, 28th Floor 2244 New York, NY 10004 2255 (212) 269-5500 edimarcoaszajna@grsm.com 2266 aszajna@grsm.com rschumacher@grsm.com 2277 jecavanaugh@grsm.com mramirez@grsm.com 2288 11 EMAicThOaeNl M A.E ERdOwQarUdsI P, LLC 22 Ryan Loosvelt MESSNER REEVES LLP 33 8945 West Russell Road, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 44 702 363 5100 tel 702 363 5101 fax 55 66 David P. Strup Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP 77 1000 Jackson Street Toledo, OH 43604 88 (419) 321-1306 medwards@messner.com 99 rloosvelt@messner.com 1100 dstrup@shumaker.com 1111 DEXTER HYSOL AEROSPACE, LLC LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 1122 Darrell D. Dennis, Esq. Steven B. Abbott, Esq. 1133 Michael R. Smith, Esq. 1144 6385 South Rainbow Blvd., Suite 600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 1155 Telephone: (702) 893-3383 Facsimile: (702) 893-3789 1166 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 1177 Kari H. Halbrook 1188 50 E. 91st Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 1199 Telephone: (317) 324-4754 Kari.Halbrook@lewisbrisbois.com 2200 Darrell.Dennis@lewisbrisbois.com 2211 Steven.Abbott@lewisbrisbois.com Michael.r.Smith@lewisbrisbois.com 2222 CRANE CO. 2233 BACKUS, CARRANZA & BURDEN Edgar Carranza, Esq. 2244 Jacquelyn Franco, Esq. 2255 3050 South Durango Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 2266 (702) 872-5555 tel. (702) 872-5545 fax 2277 ecarranza@backuslaw.com JacquelynFranco@backuslaw.com 2288 11 AHORLRLOAWNHDE &A DH APRRTO LDLUPC TS 22 Lars K. Evensen Joseph G. Went 33 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 44 Phone: 702.669.4600 Fax: 702.669.4650 55 66 BENESCH, FRIEDLANDER, COPLAN & ARONOFF LLP Eric Larson Zalud 77 Nora K. Cook 200 Public Square, Suite 2300 88 Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2378 Telephone: 216.363-4500 99 Facsimile: 216.363-4588 1100 Joseph R. Blalock 1111 4100 South High Street, Suite 2600 Columbus, Ohio 43215-6164 1122 Telephone: 614.223-9300 Facsimile: 614.223-9330 1133 lkevensen@hollandhart.com 1144 jgwent@hollandhart.com ezalud@beneschlaw.com 1155 jblalock@beneschlaw.com ncook@beneschlaw.com 1166 PLAINTIFF JORDAN J. POTTER 1177 MAUNE RAICHLE HARTLEY FRENCH & MUDD, LLC 1188 Jackalyn A. Rochelle Lorette Fisher, Esq. 1199 1015 Locust Street, Suite 1200 St. Louis, MO 63101 2200 Telephone: (314) 241-2003 2211 Lawrence E. Mittin, Esq. 2222 CRAIG P. KENNY & ASSOCIATES 501 S. 8th Street 2233 Las Vegas, NV 89101 jrochelle@mrhfmlaw.com 2244 lmittin@cpklaw.com 2255 shanks@cpklaw.com LFisher@mrhfmlaw.com 2266 2277 ____________________________________________ 2288 11 jlmroicthtienl@le@cpmklrahwfm.cloamw .com 22 shanks@cpklaw.com LFisher@mrhfmlaw.com 33 lkevensen@hollandhart.com jgwent@hollandhart.com 44 ezalud@beneschlaw.com jblalock@beneschlaw.com 55 ncook@beneschlaw.com 66 ecarranza@backuslaw.com JacquelynFranco@backuslaw.com 77 Kari.Halbrook@lewisbrisbois.com Darrell.Dennis@lewisbrisbois.com 88 Steven.Abbott@lewisbrisbois.com Michael.r.Smith@lewisbrisbois.com 99 medwards@messner.com 1100 rloosvelt@messner.com dstrup@shumaker.com 1111 edimarcoaszajna@grsm.com aszajna@grsm.com 1122 rschumacher@grsm.com jecavanaugh@grsm.com 1133 mramirez@grsm.com 1144 cjorgensen@lrrc.com mstoberski@ocgas.com 1155 pjurani@ocgas.com malarie@atllp.com 1166 giken@atllp.com kossoudji@glazieryee.com 1177 swein@reedsmith.com 1188 jschuttert@efstriallaw.com alayton@efstriallaw.co 1199 daniel.kelly@tuckerellis.com jlowery@grsm.com 2200 awilson@grsm.com 2211 edimarco@grsm.com tfowler@swlaw.com 2222 ddavis@swlaw.com dmortensen@messner.com 2233 Jgandy@messner.com gschneeweis@clarkhill.com 2244 kfellenz@clarkhill.com 2255 nwieczorek@clarkhill.com Jtabasky@mgmlaw.com 2266 hmiller@efstriallaw.com RCaldwell@wileypetersenlaw.com 2277 SLe@kslaw.com 2288
Document Info
Docket Number: 2:20-cv-00276
Filed Date: 12/10/2021
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 6/25/2024