- UNITESDT ATDEISS TRCIOCUTR T SOUTHEDRINS TROIFCN TE WY ORK MEMORANDUOMP INION AMERICCAINV LIILB ERTIES UNIOaNn AdM ERICCAINV IL LIBERTUINEISOF NO UNDATION, Pliantiffs, against- 17C i9v9.7 (2E R) DEPARTMOEFND TE FENSE, DEPARTMOEFNJ TU STIaCnEd, DEPARTMOEFNS TT TAE, Defendants. THEN EWY ORKT IMES COMPANY, Palintiff, 20C i4v3.( ER) -against- DEPARTMOEFND TE FENSE, Defendant. RAMos,D.J.: In2 01t3hO,eb aAmdam inisctordaittfihpieerod on c eadnucdrr eisitu tes rieidna identwihfyiiscnuhgs pteecrtreiodwtr o iusalttdst etmcopa tp toukrri aelb lr oad. AccortdSoie npgt eamnObdce tro 2b0e1ar7r tiitcnhl Neee swYo rTki mtehsTe,r ump Adminiscthraanttghieopodson el iicOnic etso2 b0e1Tr7w .oy ealrasta re erp,mo ardte pubblyti hcDe e parotfDm eefenntes xea miannai mnbgut shkhai tl folueUrd. sS.o ldiers iNni gdeirs cilnofosremdsa eteimoicnno gnlfyit rhTmeii mnreges p'o rting. No,wb otthhTe i maenstd hA em erCiicvaLinil b eUrntiisoeenste soke cure discloofts huourspeed aptoeldti hcreosalu agwhsu nuditethFr er eeodfolmn formation Ac(t" FOI5UA ."S)§.,5 C 5.2A .l thtohuDege hfe nDseep aihiamdsee nctlt ion ed confoordm e ntyhe ex isotfse ungccuhei dtahnCicoseu ,fir ntdt shi amtta nyo l onger mainttharaietns pAonsars eev.oi fte hwre e pcoorntc etrhNneii gnaegmr b umsahk es cletahrei,rns eo d outbhtta htep soel igcoiveesrno ipnegr aotfti hDoeen fse nse Deparhtamvbeeen eutnp dastientdchO eeb aAmdam inis2t0r1ga3ut iidoann'cse . AccordtihCneog ulDryEt,N ItEhDDe e feDnespea rtmmoetnfoitros' nus m mary judgimnteh netcs aesa enGsdR ANTEtDhc er oss-omfbo otttihhAoe Cn LsaU n tdh e TimieansS epte2m92b,0e 2rO0 r,d DeorcX..X .T hMiesm oraOnpdiunmei xopnl ains three asfoortn hsOa rtd er. I. BACKGROU1N D A.TheO bamGau ida&n IctPesu rpoUrptdeadt e In2 01a3st, hs eo -cWaalorlnT e edt TOarpipsrmoi attcswh eeyldfe rtat,hh en- PresBiadreOanbctak ma an noutnhchaeitads d minihsatfodrr amtailioitpnzso e ldifo cri es approovpienrgat thsiaootun tgscoh a tp tourkr ipele lr siodnesn btyit fihUeend i Stteadt es ast errloorcioasutttesstd ih Uden ei Stteadat neodsu tasriedoaefas c thiovset iThlei ties. Obamaad minissitmrualttiaronenel oeauafa sscselthdy eo eutt linipnogl ioctnih eoss e Ma2y3 2,0 123 T.hfu el plo lwiaccsyo ntdaoicnuetmdie nttl ed "foPrr ocedures ApproDviirAnecgct tAi goaniT nesrtr orist OTuatrsgtiehUdtenes i StLteoadcat anetdse d AreoaAfsc tHiovset iolr"i Ptrieessi,Pd"oe lGniutciiyda al(n "cPeP"G ")M,a2 yd2 a,t ed 2013 A3l.t htohufuegld hlo cumweaonsr ti gcilnaaslbslytiy hfi Neea dt iSoencaulr ity CounKnciiglDh,et e ,r9l D,.o c3.0t ,hA eC LsUe cutrhreeed l oefaar seed avcetresdi on iAnu gu2s01tt6 h roaFu OgIhaA c taigoanti hnDese tp arotfJm uesntttih Dceee p,a rtment oDfe fentsheDe,e parotfSm teanattnet d,h e CIenntterlaAllgi egneScneyAce.Ce L v.U De'pot Jf u stNio1c.5Ce i,1v 9.5 (4C M2)0,1W 6L8 259a3*t3* 11,4 (-S2.2D A.uNg..Y . 1A ldlo cumreenfetrsea nrtcehe ofdsi ielN neo d1. 7C i9v9.7u 2n loetshse rwise noted. 2P reRsesl eOaffiscoeeft, h e SPercersWesht iaHtroeyu ,Fs aeSc,ht e Ue.tPS:o. l Sitcayn adnadr ds ProcefdoturhUr eseo esFf o ricCneo unterOtpeerrraOoturitiostsnihmsde e USntiattAeerdse oaafsn d ActHiovset (iMlai2yt32 i,0e 1sh3 t)t,p s://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/ shese-otlp-isuctyaa-nrsd-dandc-epdsru-orufoesreecc-o-untesrmt.e n-ori 3A vailaahtbt ltep s://www.justice_.fo grao_pv p/roodivipir/anefocgcit_taai _-go lanii_bn rsatr y/proc _terrorist_tSaeraegl Kesntois Dg/ehd�eto8 lw D,.no l3co0.a. d . 82,0 1v6a)c,ai tnie rdr eplaerv8ta9F,n4. t 43 9d(0 2 Cdi 2r0.1 (8 )d irdeicstctiornuigrc tt tvoa cfiantdeoi fnogffi caicakln owlaebdogaudm toe cnutmi errnettl toeh vciaasns te ). ThOeb aGmuai dance cparpitsouurrsiitpnliegizc metildste ,it onhpgae lr attoi ons "whceanp toufar ne indiinsvo feitad suiaabnlnld oeo threera soanlatbelreen xaittsoit v es effectivetlhtyeh raedadtra.et1"s .I sd t Pi PrGet chttahetdeo spee raotnibloeyn s attemwphtetenhUd en iStteadht aeissd enatnildfo icetadhtt eea drw gientteh ca err tainty, anwdh etnh eirasne e caerr ttahinanottn y- comwbianltolbat en thsa IrdmO.en dl.y thoisned ivwihdpouo asal"e sc ontiimnumiinnge,nt tUo . tpShe.rr eswaootnu sbl"ed eligtibobe tl aer gfoerat l eedto hpaelr aItd§i.3 o .nAN..o tatbhOleby a,Gm uai dance diretchataleotldft heospee ragtoti hornoasmu uglht ii-nstteerrpae gveiinencwcy,l uding bym emboeftr hsPe r incainDpdea plusCt oimemsi otftt heNeea st iSoencauClro iutn4yc i1 befobreei anpgp rboytv hePder eshiidmesnIetd§l .§f1 ..l B. ,G1 ,. H. Accortdroie npgo brytt hiNene gwY oTrikm Perse,s DiodneaJnTl.trd u imsps ued nerwu lieOnsc to2b0e1cr7a ,l" lPerdi nSctiapnldaeansPrd,rd osc eodr"u. PrSe..s"P", whircehl atxhOeebd a Gmuai dapnoclei'csi esw hgisocuvhse prnteiecnrtgre modar yi sts bet argtebote ke idl letdhr eia gonoftdr h i en terraegveinecwyfo rpi rnodcievsisd ual operaSteiCeoh nasrS.la ivea&E g rei c STcrhuPmmoipit tstDoe,r d o Spo mLei moint s DroSnter ainkCdeo sm maRnadioNd .sTY.,i m(eSse 2p,12t 0.1 h7t)tp,s t:i/./mnsy /35RXW6W (rtehtpahotcer h tainwngegeru sen dceorn sidpee"rroa ffitcifaiomanil lsi ar wiitnht edrnealli berCahtairSolanivseaWi" gl)eCl;,o ngErveeLsris m tihFteo rever Expan9d/iW1na1gr N ?.,TY i.m (eOsc2 t82.,0 1h7t)t,p s://nyt(ir.empso/r2tyinTgG Umc thtahtPe r es"ihdareden cte snitglhnyien sde r wu lpees"r,[ "tg ]owvoe rnomffiecnita ls"). 4A tt htei mtehr,ee gmuelmabroe ftr hsPe r incCiopmamliistn tcelteuh Sdeee cdr eotfSa traTitreees,a sury, Defen,Es neeragnHydo, m elSaencydu,t r hAiett toGrneenye trhDaeil r,e ocftt hOoeffir c oefM anagement anBdu dgtehUte., RS e.p restetonh tUean tiiNtvaeetd i tohPners e,s iCdheioneSftf t' astff hD,ei reocft or NatiIonntaell ,al nitdgh eCenh caiermtahJneo iConhfti o efSf tsa ff. PrPeoslDiiidcreyen 1ct:ti iavle Organiozfta hNteai toinSo encauClro iutnyc ila 2tS- (yF3se t1be3.2m, 0 )0,9 https://fas.org/irp/off /ppd/ppThde-D 1e.ppuCdtofim.em si itntceletu hddeee pdu otfti hmeees m boeftr hsPe r incipals CommiItdta.e4t e. . Inre sptohnAesC eL,fiU l aeF dO IrAe qwuiettshhtDe e parotfJm uesntttih cee , DeparotfSm teanattnet d,h D ee parotfDme efenntss eee k"itnrhgee,l oeftah sTeer ump adminisrturlgaeotsvi eorntnih'unessgo e f lefotrhcaaebl r okandoa,wst n h "eP rinciples, StandaanPrdrd osc,e dauswr eealssal, n "y lceotvoteroer tr hd eorc umaetntta ched therHeotgoDl.ee"ee lx1..( "ACRLeUq ueas5tt- D"6o),c3 .4T .h ree qucelsatrt ihfiaetd i"ts hobuecl odn sttiorn uceltduh rdeee c coorndt atihTneri unamgdp m inisrturlaetsi on's governtihunesgo e f lefotrhcaaesdl e scirn[i tbTheiedm reesp'o retvieintnfgh f]ei, n al versoifto hdnio sc umbeeanadrt is ff etrieotnrfolt re mt htahnsa pte cirfeiqcuaelsltye d herIed..a 6"tn .21. WhetnhA eC LdUi ndor te ceadi evcei osnii tFosOn I rAe qufreosmat no yft h e agenicfitil esesud,bi etf tohrCieos u irnDt e cem2b0e1Dr7o .c1 ..T haeg encies filed theainsriw Fnee rb r2u0a1rd8ye, c lticono innfiogr rdm e nye xtihseot fernecceo rds respotnots hAieCv LeU R'esq uDeosc1t.4.a 9 t. B.TheN igAemrb uRsehp ort InJ un2e01 t9hD,ee parotfDm eefnettn rsaen stmojio tutrneaadrl eidsatcst ed versoifto hrnee soufal nit nsv estiinagtd aoet aiOdoclnty o 2b0e1ar7m buosnUh . S. soldaintedhr lesoi crpa alr tinTnea rnTsgo on Ngiag,be yfor r caeffisl iwaitttehhde IslaSmtiaHcto eg.Dl eeee lx2... a 42t s; e ael Sscoh mDieteetlxA ..,N o2.0C i4v3., Doc1.9( conteamiatniojilon ugrn afrloimDs etfesnD seep artment spokesperso CandTirceesT chhre)e .p ort-swehinintcv he sttifiogv caeot uonritsrn icel1su4,d3 e d interavniwdea swsus p,e rbvyMi asjGe.ed nR .o gJeC.rl ouJtriH.eo,rg ,l ee xD2.e.a e7tl . 2 -madneu merfionudsir neggsa trhdceia nuogsft e hc ea suaanladtci teniseo cness sary troe ctthiosfysh eo rtcomings. Accortdtoih rneeg p Uo.rfoStr ,c heasbd e esnt atiiNnoi ngetedtor r aaidnv,i se, assainsadtc ,c omNpiagneyfor riceientns h c eo unotpreyr'asat giaoIinsnsls atm ic militHaongDtleseee. lx 2... ,i 14 .Th er epionrdti tchaoatntte h dde a oyft haem buas h, U.sSp.e ocpiearla tteiacoman,ls" l TeedOa UmA LLAwMa,ds"i spattfoci hanenddd captalu eraeod fte hrIe s laSmtiaictIn er a anqSd y r-iGar eaStaehraI rdTa.h. te e am, accompbayNn iigeedpr airetnwn aeusrn sa,tb foli etn hdle e aadneadrst,, h weeyr e retutrntoih nebgia srse t,o paptteh vdei lolfaTgoeTn ognofog row ataentrdso p ewaikt h vilelladgIeedr a.s4t .. A st htee almet fthv ei lltahwgeeeyr, ae m busbhyae dl foarrcgee ofm ililteaandttitosnh ,dge e aotffoh u Ur. sSo.l dainfoedur orsft hNeiigre prairetnn ers. Id. Mosrte letvtoah cniatsis Isen vestFiignad2tiw,inh ogidn ci hs ctuhsaesc etdi ve anedx clruosUli.evfS eo. r hcaetdsa kiepnnl ananniednx ge cduitriaenccgttm i iosns ions -ar otlhela itk ceolnyf lwiiWcththie Htdoe u psoel iHcoigeDlsee.ee lx2... a 71t 0 9. Thfei nbdeignbagynn o t"iOn3ngO ,c to2b0e1tr7h E,ex ecuPtoilgvioecv ye rndiinrge ct actaigoanti enrsrtoo ntr hiceso tnst iiAnnfr eincta c owdaiisfitn eh 'deU .PSo.l icy StandaanPrdrd osc efodrtu hrueeso seffo rciecn o unterotpeerrraotriiotsnhmse outside UniStteadat neadsr eoafas c thiovset i(lCiTt-iPe5P HsGo,)g'D.l e"eee lx2... a 38t . I t continued: Sin3cO ec totbhePerr ,e shiadises nstnu eegwdu idoann[ cReE DACTETDh]Pe.S sPu pertshCeeTd -ePsaP nmGda kseusb stantive chantgtoeh sset anadnapdrr dosc efodrau prpersoo fUv .adSli. r ect actmiiosns biuottnhc seo, pr rei nciptlhese a rmedeme:ac iinssi ons tou sUe. Sfo.r cteocs o nd[uREcDtA CTEwDib]le lm adaett he mosste nlieovrae fltrsee ra sorneavbailneecdw o nsidoevrearble sight. HogDleeee lx2... a 71t 0 9T.hr ee pfuorrttnh oetre d, "[iTt]shiecsell faC sTs-iPfiPeGd abotvhceel assiofiftc hraietspi boournttt hO ,eb aAmdam inispturbaltaiinso hne d uncla'sFsaSichfteio eeutdt' l tihnpeir nign coift phpleoe lsfoi rpc uyb rleilce Iad.sa et. " n.819. Three pfoournttdh T aeta OmU ALLAaMc'tsui nodntesh"r ea dvaisssaein,sd t , accompany" umbrellaU ."dSmi.or arecect ttic holanon s epfolaryre tirngeensr e-mlbelde d 5A lthtohupegh hr "adsiear cetcaitgo anti enrsrto irrsei dsaticstnt"h ue end d errleypiHonorggtD l,ee ee lx.. 2.a7t1 0t9h,se u mmtaatboylff e i nddiinsgcstl hopishser saI snage l.o stsharete ypd,oe rft"i CnTe-sP PG" as" CounterterroProilGsiumci-ydP arEnexc2s.e.ia .7dt1" e 6 n9t.i al operaatiidboeyUnd .s aS d.v aincades sisHtoagnDlceeeee .lx"2.. . a 71t 0 9I.ns h oirtt , waUs. fSo.r icNnei sgt ehrha atmd a dtehd ee citsoi opntu hrIess uleaS mtialcte ea- der notth e Niogrhe irgihe-Unl.semS vi.el lil teaardyeI rdsF.hu irpt.h errmeoproer,t the obsetrhvmaeetdm boeUfr. sfS o.r "ceexsp raec sassueundad le rsotfaa'nn "ddai nn g equaclalsayup apll iocfra'ut ligeoosnv ertnhiiennigtr e rwaicNttihig oenprsai retnn ers. Ida.1t 1 1. Three pcoorntc ltuhtdaheteed rx ei stedp r"osbewlvieettmrhhsaae dl v aisssei,s t, anadc comapcatniayvsi ri tet lyta toth ees CaTn-tdPhP PeSG, P o"b serving: Exerccoinsseedr wviaattdhiv viersleoymr,as ifa nrfri onmtg hfi eg ht, advihsiignehgce hre cloomnm antdhpeeor ls[io, fca yd vaissse,i st, anadc comcpoaunblyeed] x eciunatc ecdo rwdiaPtnrhce es idential PoliEcxye.r caigsgerde swsiitUvh.e Sal.dy v,ia scocrosm panying platoonasn,fid r steqe uatamhdsdes,i , r ecto foa ucprta irotnnse rs canbnedo its tinfgruoUim.s dShi.er adec ctti on. HogDleeee lx2... a 61t 1 1-B1a2s.oe ntd h efisned itnhrgees p,ro ercto mmtehnadte d U.ASfr.i Ccoam ma"npdr oavc ildeaeanu rdn equsitvaonctdatoalh r ed foforar dcvei se, assainsadtc ,c omoppaenryat thiiacsoto n nss iwsiPttrehen sti Pdoelnaitsicir tyae ll taot es U.dSi.r aecctitiAn ofr ni acnaed n siuitrus en derasntedon ofdob ryCc oemdm anders." Ida.1t 1 1-T1h2re.e pmoardnteo u nclarsesciofmimeednr deagtacirhodaninsntg goe s U.oSrA.f rCiocmam apnodl iIcdai.1te 1 s2.. Clouctoinecrlh uiidsne vde stoinJg aantuiaorny H3o1gD,le ee2e l0x2.1.. a8 6t. 1.Three pwoarastp prwoivcteohdm mebnytt hcseo mmaonfUd .eASrfr. i Ccoam mand, GenT.h omDa.Ws a ldhiadua.s4t ew, rh e,ov entualltyh fietn rdaiannnsgdms i tted recommentdtoah Stee icornoesfDt eafernyis Fnee br2u0a1rH8yo, gD leeee lx2... I1n. himse moratntod hSueem c retaryn,o tWteahd"la Udt.h Sa.ui sNnfoei rrgc heearsvb ee en operiaantc icnogr wdiagtnuhci ed ance afottrh Pmeru elsaitdeedn Itdi,r4.a . Hl e level." further tehxtaphtsle ua cicnoeefhsd ifs so rmciesss'iiN noi ngr eerq uiinrtaeeldrti, ha a,t "commaanetda elcrehsv [ ue]nl d ertshtaeauintrdh oarsistkeinseosasw n,nfo d r eseeable risakntsdh, ae rnt itchuelfasacett ieoan rm sa nnceorm menwsiuttrhhaee ticerh eolfo n commaIndd1.8. ." Basoentd h dei scloofts hruierspe io n1cil,tu hdceio nngto efFn itnsd2 i,n gt he ACLwUr otttoeh D ee fenDseep aritJnmu e2nn0et1 a 9s ktihntaght ce oyn fidremn yo r theex isotfue pndcaettt oeh Oseb aGmuai daHnocgDele.ee e lx3...T hDee partment agadienc ltidono se odH. o gDleeee lx4...I nO cto2b0e1tr9h Ti,em efisl ael da wsuit agatihnDese tfe nDseep arstemeekanri ten sgp toaonn s eO c7t2,o0 b1Fe9Or,I ARequest askfoirn" ga ccte(osa sdn edc lassriefivocifaei,tnwf ie ocne stshdaeor cyu)m ent (inclaunadyni nnegox arep sp enidwni hciePcsrh)e sTirduelmnaptoi udatr evisseoetfd princsitpalnedasanp,rdr d osc,e fodrcu oruenst erktielrlr-oororip-secmra apttiuornes , repltahcOeib nagm a'-Perreas PiodleGinuctiyid aarlnu cleeC'so .m"pN lo2..0,C i4v3., 19 D,o c1..1 hcaatws aeas s sitgtonh eCidos u arsrt e ltatoth eAedC LsUc 'a isne Janu2a0r2Iy0ni . ta sn sfwielrFe edb ri2un0a 2rt0yhD, ee parltimkeendwtei cslteio n ed confoirr mdt ehenexy i sotfre enscpeo nsiDvoec1 .2rI .enF c eobrrd2us0a.2rb 0yr, i efing begoancn r oss-fomrso utmimojanursdy g imbne oncttah s es. C.ThKen igDhetc laration Ini tbsr ietfhDieen pga,r otfDm eefenn6tr s eelointe hDsee claorEfal tliJeo.nn Knigthhte,n -DSierneifocorRtr eo cro Arcdcse sIsn foarnmdSa etciuoMrnai ntayg ement atth Nea tiSoencauClr oiutntych aiegl e,tn hciaynt i tcilaalsltsyhiO efib eadGm uai dance. Authotraois zsetedhcs els a ssiofific nafotrimoraentl itaototnh e Cedo unKcniilDg,eh etl . 12 K,n iogphitin tneh spe a rtuinaclllayds escilfiae7ord nat thpieoo tne inmtpiaoacflt s 6A lthtohAueCg LhhU a ssu tehdDe e parotfSm teaantntJedsu satwsie cltelh,p,e a rbtriieesifofs'ci unsge d soloentl hDyee parotDfme efennts e. 7T hdee clacroanttcialoianns mssa itfeiarewsid ea lTllh,C.e o uhrartse vitehwmieasdt eerpxia aratlnei d n cameSreaWe.i lvn.e rN5 S9FA2., 63 0d6, 8( 2Cdi 2r0.0 9). disclosing the existence vel non of updates to the Obama Administration’s Presidential Policy Guidance. She avers that the National Security Council classified the current status of the Obama Guidance in 2017, including whether it has been rescinded or updated “to avoid disclosing information to potential terrorist targets and other foreign adversaries about the process used by the U.S. Government to govern direct action against terrorist targets.” Knight Decl. 12. She explains that revealing that the Guidance has been updated could “allow[] potential terrorist targets to modify their operations to avoid detection or targeting by the U.S. Government.” /d. 915. “The more information that terrorists have about the standards and procedures currently in place,” she writes, “the more easily they will be able to modify their behavior to avoid detection or targeting, or otherwise thwart military or intelligence operations.” Jd. Knight also directly addresses the June 2019 disclosure of the report concerning the Niger ambush. She asserts that any disclosure of the existence of updated presidential guidance in a Defense Department report does not carry the same weight as an official acknowledgment by the National Security Council or by another agency with the Council’s authorization. Knight Decl. ] 23. She notes that adversaries of the United States monitor statements by the White House to learn about U.S. policy and that “foreign governments may feel compelled to respond to official White House statements of policy.” Jd. Accordingly, she concludes, “[t]he asserted [Defense Department] disclosure does not eliminate the harms, described above, that could reasonably be expected to result from an official disclosure of the current status of the PPG.” Jd. Knight’s declaration contains four paragraphs of classified material, as well. a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Il. LEGAL STANDARDS Courts almost exclusively resolve FOIA actions through the submission of cross- motions for summary judgment. See NRDC v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior, 73 F. Supp. 3d 350, 355 (S.D.N.Y. 2014). “Summary judgment is appropriate only where the parties’ submissions ‘show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter oflaw.’” Belfi v. Prendergast, 191 F.3d 129, 135 (2d Cir. 1999) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)). ““Where, as here, the parties have filed cross-motions for summary judgment, ‘each party’s motion must be examined on its own merits, and in each case all reasonable inferences must be drawn against the party whose motion is under consideration.”” N.Y Times Co. v. U.S. Dep’t of Defense, 499 F. Supp. 2d 501, 509 (S.D.N.Y. 2007) (quoting Morales v. Quintel Entm’t, Inc., 249 F.3d 115, 121 (2d Cir. 2001)). “The agency asserting the exemption bears the burden of proof, and all doubts as to the applicability of the exemption must be resolved in favor of disclosure.” Wilner v. NSA5,9F 2. 36d06 ,9( 2Cdi 2r0.0 A9d )i.s ctoruirrcettv iaenaw gse ncclya'sss ification decidseni oovn5aU .. S§.5 C5.(2 a)(4I)ni( taBsn) a.la yd siissct,or uimrcutts t ultimdaetteelrwymh ienttehhe eexr e mpitnivoobnkyste hadeg eanrc"eyl ogaincda l plausFilbolreCe.Iz"8Av 2,.9 F1.7318d8, (52 dC2i0r1.6 ). Int hciasst eha,eg enhcaivgeeis vw ehnai ktsn oawsan" Glormeasrp o8 Snesee ." Wil5n9eF2r. ,3a d6t 8 J.u assitt f h aeg enwceirseees e ktiwoni gt hahd oolcdu mtehnet , agenmcuisets oinnevt ohoknefei ne extetom hFpeOt IitAopo nr se clude acknowloeftd hgeemx einstot fte hnpecu er pdoorctuemdae itns tsIsud e"..I e nv aluating ana genGclyo'mrsae rs paoc nosumeru,tsa tc c'osrudb swteaingtthtoith aa'elg ency's affidapvriotvsti,hd taehtjde u stififocrna otnidoinssac rnleooc tso unrter obvye rted contervairdyie tnnh creee coorbr yed v idoefbn acfdea iItdh(..i "n tqeurnoatla tion maraknscd i taotmiiotnNtsee vde)r.t ahG elloemrsaesrs, pi o"snj sues otniilfinye d unuscuiarlc umasntodan nblcyyaep sa,r tipceurlsauaraffilsdyia vvFeil to.8r"2eF 9z. ,3 d a1t8 (2q uotmaatraiknosidn n tecrniatlar teimoonv ed). IIID.ISCUSSION Int hciasst eha,eg enacrigteuhseta htpe ryo pienrvloFykO eIEdAx emp1ta inodn 3w hetnh reeyfu stecodo nfoirdr emnt yhe ex isotfue pndcaett toeh Oseb amGau idance. Besiodbejse tctoth ionisgne v ociant ifitorhinsenst s tbaonttchhAee C, L aUn tdh Tei mes clatihmta htDe e feDnespea rotffimceindatil slcytl hoiesn efdo 1amitas tsiiutnoeh n e Nigaemrb ursehp Torhtefu.yr tahregrtu heaa ntry a tifoocnroa nltei tnwoui itnhtghh oel d stattuhOseb aomGfau idanucned ewnawnsii ttnhhere de loefta hsreee port. ThCeo ufritnt dhisen fonnaaitts isowunhe ev,ni eowenid t s woawpsnr ,o perly withuhnedEledxr e mptBiuottnhN ei1 g.ae mrb ursehp" osrhetid tf]htf e[a ctual 8" Ttheer 'mG lormeasrp roenfsteeoarr' se sptohnnasetei ctohnefirnr omdrse ntiheeesx isotfe nce documreenstpsot notsh rieev qeu Tehstete .ra mr isetshC eIf sArs' ou mc cedsesffueolnfi s trese futsoa l confiomrd1e ntyhe ex isotfre enccorere dgsa ars dhiinpg nHaumgehdGe lsto hmEeax rp lioPnrh eirl lippi vC.enItn.t elAlgiegne5cn4yFc6,.e 1 2 0d0 190,1( 1D .CCi1.r9 .7 6F)l.o"8r 2eF9z. ,a3 1td8 n1. (2q uotation maraknsid n tecrniatla tions omitted). groundownwo hriktc"hCh eo uerxta mtihnpeer so porfti heFetO yIE Ax emptions. FlovrC.eI z8A 2,F9 . 137d18 8,(6 2 Cdi 2r0.1 A6l)t.h doiusgchlo ofts hrueer pedo o1eis noqtu aalsai nfy" officdiiaslc ltohswauotru wela"di tvhaeeg enacbiietlsioi'n t vyo ke Exemp1ti,idt oo nme ask tehc eo ntiunsouefte hdea xte mpitlilooangn iidcm apll ausible. AccordtihCneog ulGryRt,A NTEthDpe l aimnottiifffoosrsn' us m mjaurdyg amnedn t DENItEhDoa ftt h aeg encies. A.Proproifte hOtery i gCilnaasls ification Thaeg enictnih eecssa esi ensv FoOkIeEA x emp1ta ino3dn5, Us S. .C. §§5 5b2)((aln()d3 V)i.e wtihanegg e nrceiaesfosor'tn hsoe sxee mpotnti hooenwisnr , thCeo ufirntdt sh atE xoenmlpy1tw iaposrn o pienrvlowykh eetdnh a eg encies first answtehrAeeC dL Uc'osm plaint i-n cFreibtbrieucfoaatrrlheyrle ey 2l,o0e ft1a h8se e Nigaemrb ursehp ort. 1.Exemp1tion Pusti mEplxye,m p1tp iroontfr eocmt sd ismcaltoepsrruiorapecle l ralsybs yi fied execourtdiSevereN.e. Y. Ti mevsC. I 9A6,F5 . 130d19 1,(4 2 Cdi r. Th2e0a 2g0e)n.c ies clatihmta htce u ns-teanottftu hOseb amGau idaanntcdhe e,r tehfeeox rieso tfae nnyc e updbaytt heTe r uAmdpm inisitpsrr aotpcieloranls,yus nidfiEeexrde cuOtrid1ve3er5 26, 75F eRde.g7 .0( 7D .e2 c92,0 0T9h)oa.rt d leirfs otcusor n diftocirlo ansss ification: (1 )ano rigcilnaasls iafiuctahtioirscoi lnta ys stihfyiein nfogr mat,9ion· (2t)hien formiaostw inobenydp , r odbuyco erfdo o rri,u s n dtehre conotftr hoUeln iStteadGt oevse rnment; (3t)hien fonnfaaltwliisot noh nioenrm oroeft hcea tegoofir nies formatliiosintsn ee dc 1t.ioo4ftn h oirsd aenrd; (4 )thoer igcilnaasls iafiuctahdtoeirtoientr tymh itanhuteen s a uthor izdeids clooftsh iuenr foe1 mationc orubeleead xs poencatbeldy 9I tnh ceo notEfex xetc Ourtdi1ev3re5 a 2no6 r,i ginal claisassn oiyffifi ccwiahatmolia oyn authority decwihdeeti hneforr moautgtihboote cn l assSeiEefO i1 e3d5§.21 6.( 3a lleoiwttihhnPeegrr e sViidceen t, Presoiardn ae gnethn,ec taydod e letghaaauttte h oIrtnih ctiayssa) enu. ,n naomffiecdai ttah lNe a tional Security iCtnoh uranotclK ienl.i D gsehee,rtr1l v2.e. d to result in damage to the national security, which includes de- fense against transnational terrorism, and the original classifica- tion authority is able to identify or describe the damage. Id. § 1.1(a); see also N.Y. Times, 965 F.2d 109 at 114. In her declaration, Knight avers that all four criteria have been met. Knight Decl. ff 13-14. Neither the ACLU nor the Times contest the first three conditions. The plaintiffs do argue, however, that Knight’s reasons for keeping the existence of any Trump Administration update to the Obama Guidance secret are illogical and implausible. In the public version of her declaration, Knight argues that revealing the existence of updates to the Obama Guidance could allow adversaries to avoid detection by the U.S. Government, although she does not detail how. Alone, this public declaration would be insufficient to show that the agencies’ invocation of Exemption | was logical and plausible. Cf Halpern v. FBI, 181 F.3d 279, 295 (2d Cir. 1999) (rejecting a Vaughn index — akin to a privilege log — due to the supporting affidavit’s “vague and conclusory” nature). The Court has reviewed the classified version of the report, however, and is satisfied with the reasoning offered therein. ee ee ee ee ee is 2 logical and plausible explanation of the dangers disclosure could pose. Accordingly, given the “deferential posture in FOIA cases regarding the uniquely executive purview of national security,” Wilner v. NSA, 592 F.3d 60, 76 (2d Cir. 2009) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted), the Court finds that the agencies have shown that their conclusion that potential harm to the national security could result if the existence of updates to the PPG are disclosed is logical and plausible. 12 2.Exemp3tion Thsea mdeo ensoh to tlrdfou reE xemp3t."i Eoxne m3pa tpipotlnroi eecso rds 'speceixfeimcfrpaotlemdld iy s clboyss tuarteuN tYeT..i "m9'e6 sF5,. a31td1 (5q uoting 5U .S§.5 C5.2 (bTh)e(p 3a)r)at.gi reteshNe ea tiSoencauAlrc iottf1 y 9 4570U, . S.C. §3024l,()i iss)u (acnhe xempsttiantSgueN teYe Ti..m e9s6,F5 . a31td1 5. Thpea rdtiiseashg orweeetv,he tarhti,e n fmmaaitts ishoueneir c seo vebryte hde NatiSoencauAlrc itt,y " wmhaincdthah ttahetDes i reocfNt aotri Ionntaell 'lsihgaelnlc e proitnetcetl sloiugraecnnmedces et hfroodmus n authdoirsiczleoNdsY uT.ri em9.e6"s5', F.a31td1 (5q uo§t3 i0n2g4l)()T.io )p (ropaeprptllhyNye a tiSoencauAlrc ittth,ye agenmcuisseths ot whi aitt"s l ogainpcdla alu stihnbaoltne -"d iwsocul"lopdsr uortee ct[] ouirn telsloiugraecnnmedces et hfroodmfos r ediigsnc oNvYeTi.rm ye.Cs"o v .U. . S. De'pot Jf u st7i5Fc6.e 13,0d 10 1,(9 2 Cdi 2r0.1 (4i)n tqeurnoatlaa tncidio tnast ions removKendi)ag.rh gttu heast c u"ntsehtneato t ftu hPseP rGe ltaiot netse lligence souracnmedes t hboedcsar uesvee tahleeix nigso trneo nnc-ee xoifus ptdeantceed guidcaonuculend d erimnitneel ligeangcaeti rnoaspntes rnatatetiriortonoansrra iglse tt s, whicthh enbiayrt i unrveo lve sionutraecnlmedles it gheoKndncsie.Dg "eh et,r2l 7.1. h is itsh aeg enocnijleuyss 't ifofircn aotni-odni usncdlEeoxrse umrp3et. i on Unltihkreee aspornosfffo errn eodn -diusncdlEeoxrse umrp1etK, in oing ht's declairfsaa ttroic ooo nn cliutnsh oriresyg aIrpnda .r titchauegl eanrac,ri gteuhsea t becaduissec lcoosurulerdde tu hceeeffi caocfoy p eratthimaoatiny ns v otlhcveoe l lection ofi nteltlhiiegn efonrcmeaa,itt s isrouenel t aiotn etse lsloiugraecnnmedces et hio.des.,, thcea teogfio nrfoyr mpartoitobenyct thNeead t iSoencauAlrc itAt.ly t htohuCego hui rst awaorfte h "eb roado fts hwAeeci etpnp r "o teicnttienlsglo iugraecnnmedces et hods, CIvAS. i m4s7U,1. 1S5.19 6,(9 1 98ii5tts) h ,be u rodfte hnae g entceoid eusct ahtee Couorntt h ceo nnebcettiwtoehneo cnso en cweipttthshic eno ntoeftx hctia ssT eh.e y havdeo nseo otnhlryoi upgdshiet x A.is s taatbeodtv heCe,o ucrrte tdhipeto st ential hartmno a tisoencauolrfd i itsyc lbouistdtu o rneeos,st e- et hroiutrgseh v oifte hwe clasasniudfin ecdl aKsnsiiDgfiehectdl a-rtahtceio onnn ebcettiwtoehneha nat ra mn d thdei scloofis nutreels loiugraecnnmedces et hpordost beytc htNeead t iSoencauAlrc itt.y Neitohfte htrew coa stehDsee fense Decpiaitrsentus mp epcnootru tn sel otherIwnSi ismtesh.p,e l aisnotuitgffgohsa t ai cnc tetosh sne a moefis n divainddu als organiazsastoicwoiinattsthh ee d CIenntterlaAllgi egneMcnKyc.'eUs L TRA Tphreo ject. SuprCeomuehr ettl hdta htee n twietir"eeis n telsloiugrwecinetcsthe"him ene anoifn g thNea tiSoencauAlrc iattn tydh erperfoortefre ocmdt iesdc l4o7sU1u. raSe1t..7 3-74. AnidAn C LvUU. S D.e parotJfmu esntttih Sceee c,o ndfo Cunitdrh crauetic toa rndds photoogfri anpthesr rroeglatataotin ieo ndnt se lmleitgheaonntdcd,he e rperfoortee cted byt hNea tiSoencauAlrc it6t.8yF 1 . 631d7, 57 ,6( 2Cdi 2r0.1 I2n) .b oth cases, discltohiseni fonrgm aaitts iswouoneu h ladvr ee vesaolmeedta hbiohnuogttw h CeI A collectedH eirnbeta,eso lentld hiC ego eunrrctee'v.osi fK e nwi gdhetc'lsa ration, discltohesexi insgot fue pndcaegt ueidd ancree vnweooatulhlo idftn hsgeo rt. AccordtihCneog ulfirynt,dt sht ahtae g endcinidoep tsr opienrvlEoyxk eem p3t.i on B.TheO fficiDails clDooscutrrei ne ThCeo unrottw u rntsto h pel aifinrtrsietffs sp'to otn hsee DDeefepnasret ment's usoefE xemp1t:ti hotanhtD e e parhtamoseffi nctia aclklnyo wclheadngmgeaeddts eo thOeb amGau idiatnnh cNeei gaemrb ush TrhDeeep feonrDstee.p aratrmgeiunnet s rep(1l )ty h tahtie n formatioinns o dti stchalesto hsssaeoatdum bgeyth htpe l aintiffs, an(d2t )ht ahtde i scliotns hrueer pewo arnsto " to fficbieaclat"uh Dseee fe nse Deparwtamnseo antut t hobryti hNzeae tdi SoencauClro iutntycdo ie lc latshsei fy informiaqntu ieosnAt litohnto.hu Cego hufi rntdt sht ahtie n formdaitsicoilnaso s s ed specaisafi ncd matthicenh foersm tahtpeil oanis netetikhff,es DDeefepnasret ment's actdiiondnow sta iivtaesb itlioin tvyto hkeeex emption. Thoeffi cdiiaslc ldooscutprrreie nvaeena n gtesfn rcoyim n voking FOIA Exemp1ta iftoetnrhg eo vernhmaeasnst,t h n ea moeft hdeo ctsruigngeoe ffisctisa,l ly disctlhoiesn efodr msaotuigoShneOt es. e LnL v.C U S.C enCto.m ma9n6dF9,. 130d2 , 10(92 Cdi 2r0.2 I0nt) h.S ee coCnidr c"cu[] i lta,si snifofiremdta htaaip toa nrs teye ks to obtapiunb liodisres ehm tehoda vbee eonffi cidailslcyol noilsifye(t1 d i) a sss pecaisf ic thien formparteivoinro eulse(la2yms) ae tdc,th hieens fo rmparteivoindo iusscllyo sed, an(d3w )a msa dpeu btlhircoa unog ffihc ainaddlo cumdeinstceldo WsiulvrsC.eoI .nA" , 58F6. 137d11 8,(6 2 Cdi 2r0.0 (9i)n tqeurontaaalnta dil otne roamtiito"tnAestld hl)r. e e proonftg hsWe i ltseomsnut sb tem ebte foarnae g ewnicblyedl e emtehod a voeffi cially discclloasseisdni fofiremda Otsieo9nn6,F.9 ." a3 1td0 9. I. SpecMifiactictyh i&n g "[Fi]noforr mtabote 'i aossnp ecaistf'hiw acht i wcahps r evidoiussclltyoh seerde, canbneao ntsy u bstdainffteirbveeent cwteehscee on n toeftn hpteu blrieclleya sed governdmoecnutm aenntdth wsei thihnefolrdm aOtsieo9nn6,F.9 ." a3 1td1 (0i nternal quotaantadil otne roamtiitoAtnsefs dot )rhs. ee cpornodon ftg ho effi cial dtiessctl,o sure "thmeursbetee nouogfah no verilsnau pbm jaetcbttee trw deiesnc alnowdsi etdh held recotrofad isrs latyyh tahtte w roe co'rmdast- cihon't hweorr tdhsta,ht pe rye stheen t samien forambaottuihstoea n ms eu bjIedca.t1t .1 "2" .It nhG el omcaorn t.e.ixtf.th e pridoirs cleosstuarbtelhe iexs ihse(tos ern n ooctfe)r ecroersdpsot ntosh FieOv IeA requtehpsert id,oi rs clnoescuersmesa atrcbiholettyshh i e n formaaitts is-ounte h e exisotfre encco-er adntsdh sep ecriefqifucoet rshi tan tf mmaWtoivlfoC. nI .4A7" ,3 F.337d30 7,(9 D .CCi.2r 0.0 7). ThDee fenDseep aratrmgetunhettas hti e n formraetqiuobenyst thAeeCd L aUn d thTei miensso t ths ea maest hmaetn tiiotnn hreeed p aobrottuh Ntei gaemrb ush princbiepcaaolufdls iyeff etriitnTlgher ese .pd oirstc au s"sPetSshP" a"st u petrhsee des CT-PPG," and, iadsle tfhiaons"ue Cgdoh u n"tCeTr-tPePrGr"oP roilsimc-yP reside Guidainntc hreee" p "oPrStiP,ns" e vdeerf iFnruetdh.e rtmhfuoelrt lei ,ot ftl heOe b ama Guidia"snP creo cfoerdA uprpersoD viirAnecgct tAi goani TnesrtrT oarrigLseottc sa ted OutstihUdene i Stteadat neAdsr eoaAfs c tHiovset iwlhiittliheee st ,ifuo"tlf tll he Ce T PPG refeirtneh rneec peiod"sr U t.P So.l icy aSntPdar nodcaefordrdtu shru eeso sef forciecn o unterotpeerrraooturitiotssnhimUsed n e i Stteadat neadsr eoafas c tive hostiBleictaioueftss he.ea "sm eb igtuhiDetea ipietsm,ae rngtau nea sd,v emrassyat riyl l wonditefhr Oe b aAmdam inisptorlaiotcniti ohueness'o e sfd iraeccttai bornwo earde trurleyv ised. ThDee fenDseep artamregnutim'cseso n ntt rbaydt ihrceet peiodtr stTe hlef . repnoorttteh tsah tOe b aAmdam inisrterlaeatanuis noecdnl afascsstih feoieuettd l ining thCeT -PAPnGad.sd iscaubsosovenMed a, 2y 3 2,0 1t3hO,eb aAmdam itnriastion issaunue ndc lafsasscihtfiefo eerdtt hP eP GI.fut r tnhoetrte htsah t"e c oprrei ncoifp le" thPeS "Pr emtahisena sma est" h oaftt h CeT -PtPhGda:et c itsuois oUen. sfoS r.c iens diraeccttmi iosns wioounblsemd a d"eat thm eo sste nlieovrae ftlersre asorneavbileew ancdo nsidoevrearbsHlioegg hDltee.ee "lx2 ..7. a 1t0 9Ic.ta bnefa irslayti hdta hte ObamGau idawnhcisece,uht p a r igoprrooucfoserr s esv ieawnaidpn pgr odviirnegc t actmiiosns tihoeanntsd w eidtt hhPe r esiadliesnnovt o,al pvperdao ttvh amelo sste nior levAedldsi.t iaonmndoa slptle yr,s uaGseinWv.ae lldyhr,ae ufseetrrtor hOeebd a ma Guidaastn hc"eeC T-PiPnCG o"n gretsessitoiin2mna0o l1n1 0y7 . FurthetrhFmeOo IrrAee ,q suuebsmtbi tytt hAeeCd L Ua,lt e adsoten,osl t i mit itsteuolp fd atttoeh Oseb amGau idaalnocRneae t.ht ehAreC, L aUs fokrs" trheec ord contatihTneri unamgdp m inisrturlgaeotsvi eorntnih'unessgo e f lefotrhcaaebl r oad," regarodftl hteeis itsmtl a eby e aArC.L FUO IAReaq5tu- e6Ths.etr ecdoirsdc iuns sed thNei gaemrb ursehps opretc idfiisccatllhotlashytPee Ss sP u perpsreedvgeiusoi udsa nce regatrhdueiso nefdg i raeccttbi yUo .nfS o.r acneidstt ,h eriersfoe rsep otntosh iev e ACLUr'esq uAenis ntt.e rptrhesatutag tgoietoshnte swr owuirlsedeq aup iurrep oseful distooftr htreie opnop rltam'iesna nTihniegn .f orimtnah treie opinoas rss t p ecaisf,i c 10S eDeO DA uthorfioAzrpa ptrioopnfr oiFrai tsYiceoa2anl0rs 1a 8nt dhF euu trYee a[rssDi ecf]e nse ProgHreaamr:bi enftgoh S.re Ce o momnA. r mSeedr 1v1s5C.to,hn 4 g4.(8 M a9r2,. 0 1(7s)t atoefm ent GeTnh.o mDa.Ws a ldhahutsteprs):,/ /www.tgeonvti/npfok.gg/oCvH/RcGo-n115shrg39567/ht 115shrhgt3(m9Q 5u6e7s2 t4)i.o n anmda tcthhieens fo rmtahtAeiC oLanUn tdh Tei mseeshe ekr TheeC. o unrottw u rntso thfei sntaieltnp h Wei ltseosnt . 2.OfficiDails closure Thet hifarcdto oftr h Wiel stoens t "ac'kcanr oiwdtliieffcdeagrbleee snt cwee en officainaudln offidciisacll .o..s. uW"ri'el svs C.oI n5A 8,F6 . 137d11 8,(6 2 Cdi 2r0.0 9) (quoFtiitnzggv iC.bI bA9o,1Fn 1. 725d75 6,(5 D .CCi1.r9 .9 0I)nW) i.l stohSnee, c ond Cirocbusiettr hv"aettdlh aeww i nlolit n foeffircd iiaslc loofis nufroer cmlaatsisoifine d byt hCeI fAr o(1m )w idesppurbedlaiidsc c uosfacs liaosnms aitfi(te2eds)r t ;a tements madbeya p ernsooatnu thotrsoi pzefeaodtkr h A eg enocry r;(e 3l)oe fia nsfoen nbayt ion anotahgeerno crey v,eb ny Con5g8rF6e. sa3s1td.8 "6 -(8i7n tceirntaaoltm iiotantnsed d emphaadsdiesTd hD)ee. fe nDseep arutrmgetenhCsteo utrvoti etwhl iasn gausa ge dispoosfti htmiiasvt et er,t htaahrtleg a suwhi onsugil mdi nloaitrn lfeoyrffi cial discloofis nuforremc altaisobsnyit fihNeead t ionaClo uSnefrccoiumrlr e iltoeyfa se informbaytt hiDeoe nfe nse Department. Butth iinst erplreeatovauecttsri uoccnoi natlae stx hfatec, to sfWi lsmoank e cleIantr h.ca atst ehC,eI AR'est iraenmIden nstu rSaenrcvDeii cveisss eianlo ten t ter discursestiinrbgee mneetnfaoti ne t msp lwohyhoea erd e cently5 8Fr6.e as3tid g ned. 177-T7h8ee.m pltohydeeines ctlholese ettdtaom e erm boefCr o ngriedas.1ts 7 ,w8 h,o itnu pmu blair sehdeadfc otroemftd h lee tittneh Creo ngreRsescioiordnad.a1t, l8 0. Latteherem, p laorygetuehe tadhtC e I At'rsa nsmoifts hlsieistto thonee arrn tdh e subsepquubelnitoc fta htleie otbntyte hmree mboefCr o ngarmeosusnt taoe nod ffi cial discltohseurarelebl,yo h weitrndo gi scuss thieanb oionIkfda.o.1t r 9 m1Ta.ht ei on SecoCnidrr ceujiettc hatiresgd u mheonltd(,i1t n)hgt a htle e titteswrea nlsof at disclboescuairuwtesa es tsaoefo nrtme emrp lbooyuebneyad c onfidentiality agreeme(n2tt)h, ta htfoae rn mdee mrp looywednei 'ssc lcoosunulorbdtei t nhdCe I A. Seieda .1t 8 8-I9fut1r .t fohuenr-d w hidleet erwmhientithnhregear t ifoonra le conticnluaesds iwfiacsa ltsoitgoiainlnc pldal la uistnih bfaelc oeefp ubdliiscc u-ssion thtahtle e twtanesor at n" officdiiaslc"l noosttuirhn"eagab,t u reautcrraantsfrimocim t tal thCeI Ap'esr sdoenpnaerltt aomf eonretmm eprl iohsya eread kltiyton h CeI dAi rector persorneaaldrlieynl gei vnafonrtm iantttihoCoe on n greRsesciooarnstda o,lpo lka icne WolfCvI.A[ ,4F 7.333 7d30 7,(9D .CCi2.r0 .0 7I)da].t1. 9"5 . TheW ilpsaonnwe alds e ter(m1 iw)nh ienttghhC eeIr cA o ublefod r cteod acknowtlhfaeecd otgft e hfo er meemrp loeynegea'gswe imttehhnAe tg encayfa -ctth e Agenhcacydl as-sdifieestdph iitred d-ipsacrlatoyns( du2w r)he est,th hdeeir s closures undertmhiceno endt irnautiifonorgcn laalses iIftaisnc aaltdyiinsodoint ts.u a mat l oln thfaec tth tahtCe I wAa tsh cel assaigfyeinRncagyt .ih tteur rn,oe nwd h etthhCeeIr A watsh dei sclaogseiannncigdynf , o otnw, h etthhdeeir s clloeasftnu yrtefoh rti hnCegI A tpor otAecccto.r dWUsionng'plsry o,h iabgiatiiinnofesnrt ar ciknngo wlbeyod ngem ent agednucteyto h dei scloofas nuortieihs ne arp phleiIrcI eIa .nbt lhceia sts heCe o umruts t 11F ruthernmooonretfe h c,ea stehpsea nceilti sneu dp gproaraptatp l wllie t thhie d enottfhi cetl ya ssifying agency: • WolfCvI.A4 ,7F 3. 337d30 7,(8 D .CCi2.r0 .0( 7n)o "ttifahncegtt h iantf ormeaxtiiissnoto nsm e foirtnmh peu bdloimcda oinenos nt e cesmseaatrnhio alffityc d iiaslc wlionlsoluct ra euh saer m cogniuznadabFe lOreI e Ax empatniddoi ns"c uwshseitCnhIDgeAi r r eccotnogrr'ess sional testaimmoountnyoot ffi ecddi iaslc blyCo sIuAr)e; • AfshvaD.re 'pot Sf t a7t0eF2,. 1 21d2 1510,3- 3(1D .CCi1.r9 .8( 3o)b setrh"vawitin dge spread medainpadu bslpiecc uwloautnliocdotr n e"ia ntfeer oeofnffi ccedi iaslc alnoedsx uarmei ning whetdhiesrc lioCnsI ouASrr t eaDste ep arctambeblnoeuttsn h Sdet aDteep artment); FitzgviC.bI b9Ao,1Fn 1 . 725d75 6,(6 D .CCi1.r9 .9( 0")Thm ee rfeat chtta hCteI vAo luntarily transamnoi ffitctdieoadcl u tmaoec notn grecsosmimoidntoanteloesm te e atnht ahAteg enccayn thearuetboym abtefi ocrtacrolee ldly ae nanysu em obofet rh deorc uments."); • HudsRoinvS elroC olpe arIwnavctD..ee '1pot; Nf a v8y9,F1 . 421d44 2,1 (-22Cd2i 1r9.8 9) (holtdhaiar nteg t rieraaedrdm isrtaalt'ecsma enbnnitotnsthdN e a vy); • FrugvoC.nI eA1 ,6F 9. 737d72 7,(4 D .CCi1.r9 .9( 9e)x amwihneitansh gte art beytm heOenffi tc e oPfe rsMoannnaeglec moeubnlitdtn hdCe I aAn hdo l"doinntlghCy eI cAa wna iivtresi tgoh t assaener xte mptFtoOi IoAna "n)d; • EarPtlhe Fdoguenv Cd.I. 9A ,8F 8S. up6p2.63 2,(8 S .D1.9N9.(6Yo).b setrhcvaoitnn figr mation oafC IiAn stablyalS aetnriaeotpnedo ornetosp t r etvheCenI tfrA o mi ssauG ilnogmr aers ponse regatrhdsaiatnmi gen formaatffi1'o2Fdn8. )73,8d (8 2 Cdi 1r9.9 7). deterwmhienttehh eer DDeefpeanrstem endti'ssc lmooaffisbycue iir naefl efr rormte hde DefenDseep artomwernne tl'oesfia nsfoer m-antoittoh noa fatt hiprratd1y 2 . Nevertthhreeel cedosorsned os ct o nteanionus guhp pfoortr hCteo utrot detertmhtiahntdee i scliotnsh Nueir gaeem rb ursehpw oar"sto ffici"aIiltos. n t"eh ing fora r epoorrat uetrthso op re courgl uaettsehsa at th imnagby e s oo re veqnu,o ting undisscoluorstcesoed ats yh, ia ittss o i;itq s u iatneo tthheifrnoo grn i ena p osittoi on knoowfi o tffi citasol altyyh i aittss o A.lf"r Ae.Kd n oIpnfvc,C.. o l5b0yF9,. 21d3 62, 137(04C tihr . (1e9m7p5ha)ad sdieIsdna )1 .9 7c5a stehF,euo rCtihr scuugigtet shtaetd thdee termoifwn haettaidh oiensr c lioossffi ucirineav lo slovmaeens a loyfws hiest her thoeffi ciiaqnlu se sitnitoentn dodi esdct lhioens foer maSteKieno on5p.0f F9,. a2t1d 3 69 (noitnid nigct thiaan ts toaf"n dceecsl asbsyoi ffificcpiauatblidl oiinsc c lcoasmuer e" aboausat" reosfhu illgteh v eexle cduetciivtsehi daoitns sc lwoaisstnu h rpeeu blic interest."). Thcei rcumosftt hadeni csecslo ofts hiuinrsfoe r maartteioa ootn t enfourta htee d Coutrdote eim"t o fficiAasKl n.i"og bhste irhnve edrde clatrhamete inotonift,o h ne updtatoth eOe b amGau idwaanascn" e o blrieqfeureel nicmeti"oot nepeda ragirana ph 12F otrh riesa msaonnoy,ft hcea sceistb eytd hp ea rotffieleris gt utildeta tonh cCeeo urte.x aFmiopnrl e, FrugvoC.nI etA h,De . CCi.r dceuciltti doni erde CcIttA co to hnefo ardm e ntyhfo er meemrp loyomfa e nt Chilreeasnis diemnbptel cya tuhOseffie c oefP ersMoannnaelg emienndti hchiaarstde e cdow redrhsee ld byt hCeI A1.6F 9. 737d72 7,73 7,(D5 . CCi.1r 99.9 C)o.n ttrtoah rDeye feDnespea rtamsesnetir'tts i on, doneoss tt afonrtd hp er opo"stihatda iitos nc lmoasduear naeb g ye ontchyte hrta hnae g etnhcayt origiclnaaslislniyfofi remdwa atnsio aotnno fficdiiaslc loDsouc3r.1ae 1t.7 R".a thisettr a,on ndfolsry thper opo"stihotanittlo hynCe I cAa wna iivtresi gtahost saener xte mpttFoiO oInA1 .6"F9 . a37td57 . SimitlhaSere lcyoC,ni drf couuiintFnd l ovrC.eI ztA h aaltt,h doiusgchl boyts huFere edseB ruarloe fau Investwiegrraeet lietovwonah nettc hoenrt cilnauseds iwfalisoc gaaitncipdaol lna utshiobdsliees ,c losures dindoo tp eraaswt aeiu vnedrte horeffi caicakln owleddogcetm8re2iFn9n.t e13 .7d 18 8,( 32 Cdi 2r0.1 6). LiFkreu giodtno ene,os b te oanrt hree leovfat hncecl ya ssaigfeyniicdnyeg'n st ity. Nodro ethsCe o ufritn d inAsmternzvciO.tab inaveme ca i,tb eytd hA eC LU6.9 F9. 438d8( D.C. Cir. 201I2nt) h.ca atst ehD,e. CC.i rfocuunitdth foarte giogvne rnmmiegvnhittess wt atemmaedineant s disctoruiorcrttd' oesrbr ya d efenastet oirnonep yec no uarsot ffi caicakln owleodfignefmoe1nmta tion desigcnoanfitdeedbn yatS itaaDlte ep arttamfoserknc tIe da..4t 9 2A.m ezihaonweew,va ensro ,atc ase abotuhFteO IRAa.t ihcetor n,s itdhceerr iefotdre u rnisae uanlcilnags sifiedde sdiogcnuamteendt s confibdyaep nrtoitaeolcr tdIiedvra.e4.t 9 4-T9h5Ce.o udrotne osrt e iattdob eaaatrl olnt hwea iver analhyesries. volumrienpotouhresatx t t encsoivveaedr lieyffd e troepnittch a-em buosfUh . S. soldiiNnei rgsKe nri.Dg ehet,r2l .3M .a jG.e nC.l oustuipeerra vt iesaoemfd investtihagauattt hotorhrrseee pda onrtdth ,he ent ranstmhiratettp teooGdre tn . Waldhialnua sJteaern u2a0r1Wy8a .l dhaapupsretorhvr eee dpa onradtd dheiodsw n commennotnosefw, h iacdhd retshmseee ndt icohnaentdgto eh Oseb amGau idaHnec e. nesxettn htre e pwoirhttihc s o mmetntoth Ssee croefDt eafernyis Fneb e ru2a0r1y8 , aganioantc knowltehcdehg aingngugei dd aTnhceseni.,x mtoenetnph assb seefodar e DefeDnespea rstpmoeknets speetnrhtrse eo pnto aorc to lleocfj toiuornnai lJni usntes 2019. Thmea nniewnrh itchDhee fenDseep arptumbelntiths iihnsefo dr msattaiinondn s shacrpo nttrcoaa ssitewn s h iacc ho uforutnt dh aad ti sclwoaossffiu crieFa oelrx. a mple, ad isclio"sso uffircweih aelan"na gelnecayrd eeairdn sfo nniantttihoCoe on n gressional Recoarstd hC,eI dAi redciitdnWo orlf CvI.4A 7,F3 . 337d30 7,(9 D .CCi.2r 0.0 7). AccoWirldsv oC.nI 5A8,F6 . 137d11 9,(5 2 Cdi 2r0.0 (9i)d entthiWefo ydlfii nsgc losure as" officiAattl h"oe)t .he enordft hsep ecatrrntemhf ea cotfWs i lswohnet,rh eSe e cond Cirocbusiettr hv"aebtdu reaturcarnasfrtmoiimtct h CteIa Alp' esr sdoenpnaerltt aom ent formeemrp lodyinedoea t"m outnaotn o fficdiiaslc lWoislus5ro8eFn6.., a3 1td9 5. Thciashs aems o riecn o mmwointt hhle a tstietrut ahttaihnfooe rn m foerrt wo reasFoinrissst.th ,at rhecesi rcuriotutothieuen s fo rmtaotioinkWo inl swohnet,rh ee informwaatssie otnnaotfo rmeemrp lowyhetoeh s,ee nin tttao m emboefCr o ngress, whtoh peunb liiisttnh h eCedo ngreRsesciooIrndada.1t.l 7 7-A8n0ds.,e connedi,t her thdei sclboyts huaerg eesin ncWi yl snoontr h oistneh c iasrs eefl aefficrtm a"thiivgeh leveexle cduetciivtsehi daoitns sc lwoaisstnu h rpeeu bilnitce Krneos5pt0f.F9,". a2td 136A9sd. e terfrmoimtn hefaedc o eft hree ptohrpetu ,r poofts hdeei scliotnsh uer es Nigaemrb ursehpw oartstco o mmuntihfceia ntdeai nrndeg cso mmencdoamtiinogn s froma ni nvestiintgthaoNet i igaoemnrb unsothtdo, i sccuhsasnt gtoe hdsei rect-action rnlecsr ebatyte hOdeb aAmdam inisTthrfiianstd iiiousnnng .d erbsyct ohdreee cdi sion oft hNea tiSoencaulCr oiuttnycoc l ials tshsietfy ao tftu hOseb amGau idia2nn0 c1e7 , whiscuhg gtehstaththse i gh-elxeevcdeueltc iivhseai bdoe neasng aidnisstc lnooistnu re, favoorfd isclosure. Tob es urfien,d tihnaagD t e fenDseep arrtempeaonurttt h boyarm eadjg oern eral anadp prboytv helede aodfaeU r. S. cocmobmamtaiannsnod "tt o fficaipaplr"o aches beiand gi stiwnictthaido oiunfft e rBeunttch deie.sc i-sainao dnm itctleoodsnl-eey compwoirttthhspe r inbceihptilhnoeedffi cdioaclt Iritias nd eo.c torfwi aniev" ear , privrielseegtretov h aeegd e anscsy earG tlionmrgae rs p"oF nlsoevr.C.eI zA8 ,2F 9. 3d 178, 18260 1((e62 m)dp hCaaidsrdi.esT d oa) l.la onaw n cidlilsacrlsyou scauhstr hei s onteof ortchDeee fenDseep arttwoma einavtnee x empctoiuturnol ndfu tures uFiOtIsA inat og aofm" eg otaclhlao,tw"hdi een cgi osfoi nosenu bosfae not r ganitzloae ttaoid o n three loefia nsfoer mpaottieonnt iatlnol ayt ishoeancraumlCrfu filO t syeL.nL vCU. S . CenCto.m ma9n6dF9,. 1 30d12 7,(7 2 Cdi 2r0.2( 0M)e naJ,s. hcio,n c(uprrreidnigc)t ing thiamtp uwtaiinvagem rossn ugb -agceonu"claiddue dns n ecaedsmsianriys trative burdaencnda" u tiaognai"incngos mtp outnhdba[utir ntdghe]rn o juugdhg e-made doct.r.it.nh feaastti tol a akcec oouftn hltee gfarla metwhogarotkv eFrnOsI A adminisItnrdaetasei iodmn,ci" ol)na.cra e nrni mtahtDee. dCC .i ricFnur iutg voC.nI eA , wheiroteb setrhvtaeotldo o orseecloyg and iizsicnlagoso s ffiucriea la lclooonuwel d organiwziatthaiondouyunt rt eyl taont aetdi soencautlro" i otbyl igatwei tahg encies responistnih bsaiptlh tierotre yev celaals isnifofrime"ad1 t 6iF9o. n73.7d72 7,(5 D .C. Ci1r9.91 93). 13T ob ef atihrfe,a cctasu stihFnerug g ocnoeu crotn'csie nrvnosol nvaeeg de ncy'pso taecnttiioanlsl y bindainen ngt idrieffleayrg eenntc y ittdhsir soculgAohls tuhrtoehusCeg.o h uf ratco enstl hyae c toifo ns thDee parotfDm eefenntis ne ctahstiehsD,e e paiithsma ernmdtol nyo laintedhn icco mpawa isdsee s varoimfei tys sisotnrsci ocntsltytr houeffii cndigia slc ldooscutirrsseit mnieelr li SteeOeds .e9 n6,F9 . 3d a1t1 7-(1M8e naJs.ch,oi n,c u(n-nion"tgni)in ngce otmepeontn hehanattvt seh eoiwFrnO IpAr ograms, inclauF dOiIanApg p ealultahtaoenr tdih tiyra,td edeintc ioomnpaotlnh ehanattvt seh eowiFnrO IA progarnaadmc so nsolidaatuetdh oiartnpih pDteeey lfe"lnD asetepe a r(timnetnqeturn oatlao tmiiotntse d)). Theo fficdiiaslc ltoeasssaut rr tei ciunWil lastio"esnpd r eacnisdst er iN. Yc t." TimveC.sI 9A6,F 5. 130d19 1,(6 2 Cdi 2r0.2 T0h)o.ut ghCheo uirpstr esweinatt he d cloqsuee sbtyti hofena cotfts hc iassi feti, nt dhtsah tde i sclcoosnutriaeFnisn ni deid2n g oft hNei gaemrb ursehpw oerrnteo " to fficainasdloh " o ltdhsta htDe e feDnespea rtment dindow ta iivtaesb itloii ntvyEo xkeepm ti1o.Tn h iansto hto,w etvheeern o,dft he Couritn'qsu iry. C.ContiPnruoepdro ifEe xteym pOtnieon IFnl ovrC.eI ztA h,Se e coCnidrh ceutlihdtia ntf ortmhadatotien oossnt e rtvoe waiavnae g e'nascb yitlioin tvyao F kOeIe Ax empctasinto binerl ell efvoarn t deterwmhientithnhieganr tv ocraetmialoionng sai ncpdal la us8i2Fb9.l 13e7d.18 8,6 (2Cdi 2r0.1 I6no) t.h weorr edvsei,anf d isclinosso "utor ffiec uinadlte"hWr ei ltseosnt , "su[cadh]i sclmoaswyue srlhelti hffeta cgtruoauln udpwoownrh kia cd hi sctoruirctt assetshmseee rsio tfaFs O"I eAx empItdiTh.oe Nn i.g er raempbhouarisstnh d eed shitfhtgaertdo undGwiovrtekhrn.ee poarutt'hsoa rnisdmh piotprh Cteo, ufi rntdt sh at confiromrdi enngyt ihenexg i sotfue pndcaegt ueiddr aengcaedr idriaenccgttc i aonnn ot st"irlela s[ob]ne ea xbpleytc rote esidudn la tm atgtoeh n ea tisoencaulrE iO1t 3y5.2"6 , 75R eg7.0 §71 ,l.( a)((D4e2)c9 2.,0 09). Mucohft he Ccoounrctli'utnssh riieosgn sa tredfm rsot mhu en challenged crediobfti hrleei ptoIywrt at as.u thboyMr aejGd.e nC.l ouatniwdea trsr anstmoi tted thSee croefDt eafernybs yte h ceo mmaonfUd .eSr. CAofrmimcaaGn ednW,.a ldhauser. Onoeft he reporwtat'shs aa ctfit noidfUoi .nnSsg. s c foonrflciiecsnsto emrdee spects wibtohtt hhOe b amGau idaanntdch seeu bseuqpudeanOttneo esfi . tr se commendations watsh Ua.tAS fr.i Ccoam masnhdo iuslsgduu ei dtahncacoteu h ledbl rpi intgss operamtoirioelnn i swn ie"t Phr esiPdoelanisitcr tiye a llta Uot. edSsi. r aecctt-i on" agatihsneu, b mjaetcottfte hrge u idaannsdcu ep puopsdeaadtit es ssh ueerW ea.l dhauser acknowilhnei dmsge esdst atogh Seee crtehthaaitfors ry c oepse riaantc ecdo rwdiatnhc e presigdueindtaainnatdclh ei aw tta csr utchihaaitcls o mmanudnedresr stand their decision-making authorities as they operate under that guidance. Although the Court has found that the Defense Department did not intend to make an official disclosure regarding updates to the Obama Guidance, see supra Part IT.B.2, the reference to updated guidance regarding direct action against suspected terrorists is a necessary and explicit part of the report’s findings and recommendations. Put simply, the Niger ambush report has credibly and conclusively established that the Obama Guidance has been superseded. No “increment of doubt” remains. Wilson, 58@ F.3d at 195. The Defense Department, through the Knight Declaration, presents two reasons for continued withholding of the status of the Obama Guidance: /irsr, that a foreign government might be more compelled to respond to an official disclosure by the White House — of which the National Security Council is a part — than to this Defense Department disclosure, and, second, that an adversary may still have lingering doubts over the accuracy of the report without official confirmation through this lawsuit. As with the Defense Department’s efforts to justify the invocation of Exemption 3, the first argument against disclosure, which is based on the speculated response by foreign governments, is far too conclusory. Notably, Knight’s unclassified declaration does not explain why a foreign government might find a White House confirmation of updated guidance regarding rules governing military operations more worthy of response than a Defense Department confirmation of the same information. '* The Department’s second argument — that confirming or denying the existence of updated guidance despite the report’s disclosure could allow adversaries to better inform their efforts to avoid U.S. direct action — is similarly unfounded. In reality this report, spurred by the ambush and death of four U.S. soldiers and four of their allies, was the result of an official investigation that spanned five countries and involved interviews with ‘4 Nor does the Court's review of the classified - of _ declaration counsel a different result. 23 143 witnesses. When transmitting the report to the Secretary of Defense, the commander of U.S. Africa Command specifically pledged to process it “for necessary declassification” and FOIA purposes. Hogle Decl. ex. 2.1. Nothing in the record suggests that such an extensive military investigation, authored and approved by such high-level military officials, concerning the rules for high-stakes military operations, could leave any doubt in the mind of any reasonable observer regarding the existence of updated guidance confirmed therein. Indeed, neither Knight in the unclassified portions ip g g of her declaration!® nor the Defense Department in its briefing suggest that the authors of the report were in any way unqualified to say that the presidential guidance had changed or were at all more unreliable than confirmation through the White House itself.!? Even though the Court must accord the Defense Department and its submissions deference in matters of national security, see Wilner v. NSA, 592 F.3d 60, 76 (2d Cir. 2009), to accept its claim that there is anything left to hide would be to give in to “a fiction of deniability that no reasonable person would regard as plausible.” ACLU v. CIA, 710 F.3d 422, 431 (D.C. Cir. 2013) (Garland, C.J.). IV. CONCLUSION For these reasons, the Court finds that the Defense Department never properly invoked Exemption 3 and that its invocation of Exemption 1 was rendered illogical and 5 For this reason, the report is a far cry from the “compilation of speculation from non-governmental sources” published by the National Science Foundation regarding the Glomar Explorer itself, see Military Audit Project v. Casey, 656 F.2d 724, 743 (D.C. Cir. 1981) or even the expert opinion of a recently retired rear admiral, see Hudson River Sloop Clearwater; Inc. v. Departnent of Navy, 891 F.2d 414, 421 Qd Cir, 1989). 16 ‘The classified 7 of the 7 Declaration does not convince the Court otherwise. —_ 7 Tn any event, ruling in the plaintiffs’ favor here would not involve the White House or the National Security Council at all; it would be the Defense Department confirming or denying the existence of updated guidance. Any fear that the National Security Council could then be forced into making its own disclosures is unfounded as it is not subject to the FOIA. See Main St. Legal Servs., Inc. v Nat'l See. Council, 811 F.3d 542, 552 (2d Cir. 2016). 24 implausible by the release of the Niger ambush report. Accordingly, the agencies’ motion for summary judgment was DENIED, and the cross-motions of both the ACLU and the Times were GRANTED. The instructions within the Court’s Order of September 29, 2020, Doc. 39, remain in effect. Dated: October 5 , 2020 New York, New York Q_ EDGARDO RAMOS, U.S.D.J. 25
Document Info
Docket Number: 1:17-cv-09972
Filed Date: 10/5/2020
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 6/26/2024