In re All Cases Against Sager Corp. , 132 Ohio St. 3d 5 ( 2012 )

  • [Cite as In re All Cases Against Sager Corp., 
    132 Ohio St.3d 5
    [Cite as In re All Cases Against Sager Corp.,
    132 Ohio St.3d 5
    Corporations—Suit against dissolved foreign corporation—Corporate-survival
    statute of state of incorporation applied—Appointment of receiver for
    marshaling of liability insurance and for acceptance of service of process
    (No. 2010-1705—Submitted September 21, 2011—Decided April 3, 2012.)
    APPEAL from the Court of Appeals for Cuyahoga County, No. 93567,
    188 Ohio App.3d 796
    {¶ 1} The principal issue we confront in this appeal is whether the court
    of appeals correctly affirmed the decision of the trial court to appoint a receiver
    for Sager Corporation for the purpose of accepting service of process and
    marshaling assets consisting of unexhausted liability-insurance policies for
    asbestos-related claims filed against Sager. Sager was an Illinois corporation that
    filed for dissolution in 1998 and, pursuant to Illinois law, was no longer amenable
    to suit after 2003. In characterizing its own opinion, the appellate court plainly
    stated, “The appeal before us has the peculiar procedural posture of the
    receivership being the only issue.” 
    188 Ohio App.3d 796
    936 N.E.2d 1034
    , at ¶ 7.
    {¶ 2} When the trial court appointed a receiver for the Sager
    Corporation, it concluded that Sager’s conduct in Ohio vested the court with
    jurisdiction to wind up Sager’s affairs in Ohio and found that pursuant to R.C.
    1701.88(B), Sager had the capacity to be sued under Ohio law. In affirming the
    trial court, the appellate court found that R.C. 2735.01(E) provided authority for
    the trial court to appoint a receiver for a dissolved corporation.
    {¶ 3} For the following reasons, the judgment of the appellate court is
    reversed. Fundamental to our analysis is the principle that we must afford full
    faith and credit to laws in our sister states and that a dissolved foreign corporation
    that is no longer amenable to suit in its state of incorporation is likewise not
    amenable to suit in Ohio. Thus, because these claims had not been commenced
    against Sager as of June 17, 2003, and no judgment had been entered against it,
    and because these claimants are now precluded from obtaining a judgment against
    Sager in this case, the appointment of a receiver to accept service of process and
    to marshal assets—including unexhausted liability-insurance policies—is barred.
    In conformity with constitutional requirements of due process and the Full Faith
    and Credit Clause, the law of the state of incorporation controls whether a
    corporation is amenable to suit.      Here, we apply Illinois corporate law and
    conclude that claims filed against a dissolved Illinois corporation more than five
    years after dissolution are barred.
    Facts and Procedural History
    {¶ 4} The Sager Corporation, an Illinois corporation since 1921,
    manufactured protective clothing and other industrial products containing
    asbestos, such as gloves, aprons, leggings, jackets, and curtains, and sold some of
    these to United States Steel in Lorain, Ohio.
    {¶ 5} On June 17, 1998, Sager ceased its operations and filed for
    dissolution in the state of Illinois, commencing a five-year postdissolution period
    during which Illinois law permitted claims to be asserted against it. That period
    ended on June 17, 2003.
    {¶ 6} On September 4, 2007, Commodore Bowens, suffering from
    mesothelioma, and executors of the estates of two deceased victims of
    mesothelioma filed suit in Ohio against Sager and more than 200 other entities for
    January Term, 2012
    personal injury, loss of consortium, and wrongful death, alleging that their injuries
    stemmed from exposure to asbestos products.
    {¶ 7} On July 1, 2008, after having appeared and participated in
    discovery in the litigation, Sager moved for summary judgment, asserting that
    because it had been dissolved and because the five-year period for filing claims
    against it had expired, it was no longer amenable to suit. In response, the law
    firm of Bevan & Associates, on behalf of all clients with asbestos-related claims
    pending against Sager, sought the appointment of a receiver to wind up Sager’s
    corporate affairs in Ohio, asserting that “Sager has insurance policies which have
    not been exhausted, and are assets of Sager.” Sager opposed the motion, urging
    that the trial court lacked jurisdiction to appoint a receiver for a foreign
    corporation and arguing that even if it had jurisdiction, it should apply Illinois
    law, which provides that Sager is no longer amenable to suit, and also arguing that
    the appointment violated the Due Process, Commerce, and Full Faith and Credit
    Clauses of the United States Constitution.
    {¶ 8} The trial court, relying on R.C. 1701.88(B), appointed a receiver to
    accept claims and marshal corporate assets, including unexhausted insurance
    proceeds, and stated in its order, “The defunct corporation persists for the purpose
    of winding up its affairs in Ohio.”
    {¶ 9} Sager appealed the appointment to the Eighth District Court of
    Appeals, which relied on R.C. 2735.01(E) and held that “there is no dispute that
    corporate assets exist notwithstanding Sager’s dissolution and that these assets
    may afford insurance coverage to Ohioans injured by exposure to Sager’s
    products,” so that “the trial court did not abuse its discretion by appointing a
    receiver in this matter.” 
    188 Ohio App.3d 796
    936 N.E.2d 1034
    , at ¶ 22. The appellate court also affirmed the trial court’s application of
    Ohio law based on the occurrence of the injury in Ohio and further held that no
    due process violation had occurred because the appointment of a receiver “does
    not extend its corporate life; the receiver ‘will merely be a vehicle through which
    [the asbestos claimants] will seek recovery from the insurers.’ ” Id. at ¶ 21,
    quoting In re Texas E. Overseas, Inc., Del. Chancery, C.A. No. 4326-VCN, 
    2010 WL 318266
     (Jan. 26, 2010).
    {¶ 10} In its memorandum in support of jurisdiction, Sager posed the
    following proposition: “As a constitutional matter, and as a matter of Ohio
    statutes and precedent, whether a dissolved corporation is susceptible to suit must
    be determined by the law of its state of incorporation, not by the law of the forum
    state.” However, in its brief and during oral argument, Sager asserted that R.C.
    2735.01 does not authorize an Ohio court to appoint a receiver to wind up the
    affairs of a foreign corporation or to accept service of process for it, a receiver
    may not resurrect a dissolved corporation when its only assets consist of liability-
    insurance policies, a court may not base jurisdiction for a tort claim on the interest
    of claimants in unexhausted insurance policies, and subjecting a foreign
    corporation to suit contrary to the law of its state of incorporation violates the Due
    Process, Commerce, and Full Faith and Credit Clauses of the United States
    {¶ 11} The claimants principally rely on Ohayon v. Safeco Ins. Co. of
    91 Ohio St.3d 474
    747 N.E.2d 206
     (2001), and 2 Restatement of the Law
    2d, Conflict of Laws, Section 146 (1971), urging that Ohio conflict-of-laws
    analysis requires application of Ohio law to determine whether their claims are
    barred, not the five-year corporate-survival period provided by Illinois law. They
    also assert that nothing in the Ohio receivership statute limits its application to
    domestic corporations, and they claim that if Sager negligently exposed them to
    asbestos while doing business in Ohio, then they have a right to recover against its
    remaining asset—unexhausted insurance coverage in Sager’s liability policies—
    regardless of whether it still exists as a corporation. They further assert that Sager
    failed to argue to the trial court that the unexhausted insurance policies are not
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    corporate assets and has therefore waived that argument, and they urge that
    Sager’s appearance in this case demonstrates that such insurance proceeds do
    exist. Finally, they maintain that subjecting Sager to the same laws applicable to
    domestic corporations does not violate the Due Process, Commerce, and Full
    Faith and Credit Clauses, because Sager became subject to Ohio law by choosing
    to conduct business in this state.
    {¶ 12} The single matter, however, raised by this appeal is whether the
    appellate court properly affirmed the decision to appoint a receiver to accept
    service of process and marshal assets consisting of unexhausted liability-
    insurance proceeds for a dissolved foreign corporation in this case. It did not.
    Law and Analysis
    Application of Law
    {¶ 13} Although the trial court relied on R.C. 1701.88(B) as authority to
    appoint a receiver, we recognize that R.C. 1701.98 restricts the provisions of R.C.
    1701.01 to 1701.98 to domestic corporations, except as otherwise provided, and
    we are unaware of any provision extending its authority to foreign corporations.
    {¶ 14} The analysis of the court of appeals applying R.C. 2735.01(E) is
    more compelling because that section of the code authorizes a common pleas
    court to appoint a receiver when a corporation has been dissolved. However, as 2
    Restatement of the Law 2d, Conflict of Laws, Section 300, explains, “A state,
    without terminating the existence of a foreign corporation, may wind up its
    business in the State, subject to constitutional limitations.” (Emphasis added.)
    Thus, while the appellate court correctly recognized that a trial court has the
    authority to appoint a receiver for a foreign corporation to wind up its affairs in
    Ohio, that authority is limited by our obligation to afford full faith and credit to
    the laws of other states.
    {¶ 15} The United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 1, mandates
    that full faith and credit be given “to the public Acts, Records, and judicial
    Proceedings of every other State.” The court in Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. v.
    273 U.S. 257
    , 259-260, 
    47 S.Ct. 391
    71 L.Ed. 634
     (1927), dealing
    with a dissolved corporation, commented:
    [C]orporations exist for specific purposes, and only by legislative
    act, so that if the life of the corporation is to continue even only for
    litigating purposes it is necessary that there should be some
    statutory authority for the prolongation. The matter is really not
    procedural or controlled by the rules of the court in which the
    litigation pends. It concerns the fundamental law of the corporation
    enacted by the state which brought the corporation into being.
    See also CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of Am., 
    481 U.S. 69
    , 89, 
    107 S.Ct. 1637
    95 L.Ed.2d 67
     (1987) (“No principle of corporation law and practice is more
    firmly established than a State’s authority to regulate domestic corporations
    * * *”); Young v. JCR Petroleum, Inc., 
    188 W.Va. 280
    , 283, 
    423 S.E.2d 889
    Amenability to Suit
    {¶ 16} Sager Corporation contends that the law of Illinois controls
    whether it is amenable to suit in Ohio. The claimants urge application of the
    discovery rule for their claims because their injuries occurred in Ohio, and
    therefore Ohio law should be applied. They rely on Ohayon v. Safeco Ins. Co., 
    91 Ohio St.3d 474
    747 N.E.2d 206
     (2001), and 2 Restatement of the Law 2d,
    Conflict of Laws, Section 146, for the proposition that the rights and liabilities of
    the parties with respect to a tort are determined by the local law of the state where
    the injury occurred.
    {¶ 17} We have not previously considered this choice-of-law question in
    this context.
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    {¶ 18} In support of the view that a dissolved foreign corporation is
    amenable to suit, claimants cite N. Am. Asbestos Corp. v. San Francisco Superior
    180 Cal.App.3d 902
    225 Cal.Rptr. 877
     (1986), in which a California
    appellate court, relying on a California statute, held that a dissolved Illinois
    corporation could be sued in California. We recognize that a contrary decision
    has been rendered by a different California appellate court in Greb v. Diamond
    Internatl. Corp., 
    184 Cal.App.4th 15
    108 Cal.Rptr.3d 741
    , 744 (2010), stating
    that this same statute permitting suit against a dissolved corporation does not
    apply to out-of-state corporations. The conflict between these rulings is currently
    pending before the California Supreme Court, 
    237 P.3d 530
    114 Cal.Rptr.3d 199
    {¶ 19} The claimants also cite Dr. Hess & Clark, Inc. v. Metalsalts Corp.,
    119 F.Supp. 427
    , 429 (D.N.J.1954), which held that a dissolved Illinois
    corporation, licensed to do business in New Jersey, remained amenable to suit in
    New Jersey based on a statute that “continues a domestic or foreign corporation
    after dissolution for the purpose of defending actions brought against it.” Id. at
    428.   This latter case is distinguishable, as Ohio has no comparable statute
    continuing the life of foreign corporations doing business in Ohio.
    {¶ 20} In Chicago Title & Trust Co. v. Forty-One Thirty-Six Wilcox Bldg.
    302 U.S. 120
    58 S.Ct. 125
    82 L.Ed. 147
     (1937), the United States
    Supreme Court applied an Illinois corporate-survival statute in determining that a
    dissolved Illinois corporation lacked capacity to initiate a proceeding in a
    bankruptcy court. The court explained:
    [A] private corporation in this country can exist only under the
    express law of the state or sovereignty by which it was created. Its
    dissolution puts an end to its existence, the result of which may be
    likened to the death of a natural person. There must be some
    statutory authority for the prolongation of its life, even for
    litigation purposes.
    Id. at 124-125
    . The court went on to examine the Illinois corporate-survival
    statute, stating:
    It is plain enough, under the Illinois statute, that after the
    expiration of two years from the date of its dissolution, [the
    corporation] was without corporate capacity to initiate any legal
    proceeding—including a proceeding under section 77B [of the
    Bankruptcy Act], unless we are able to say that the statute, in its
    terms or in its application, is in conflict with section 77B.
    Id. at 126
    {¶ 21} The court concluded that state and federal law did not conflict,
    [h]ow long and upon what terms a state-created corporation may
    continue to exist is a matter exclusively of state power.        The
    circumstances under which the power shall be exercised and the
    extent to which it shall be carried are matters of state policy, to be
    decided by the state Legislature. There is nothing in the Federal
    Constitution which operates to restrain a state from terminating
    absolutely and unconditionally the existence of a state-created
    corporation, if that be authorized by the statute under which the
    corporation has been organized.
    (Citations omitted.) 
    Id. at 127-128
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    {¶ 22} The court went on to hold:
    The only power left to the corporation when this proceeding was
    brought was to finish pending cases begun within two years after
    its dissolution. With that exception, its corporate powers were
    ended for all time and for all purposes. It was without authority to
    purchase the certificate issued at the mechanic's lien foreclosure
    sale, or to adopt resolutions authorizing proceedings under section
    77B, or to bring a proceeding to effectuate a reorganization under
    that section. In respect of these matters the corporation was
    (Emphasis added.) 
    Id. at 129-130
    {¶ 23} In accordance with Chicago Title, supreme courts in other states
    also apply the law of the state of incorporation in deciding whether a dissolved
    corporation has capacity to be sued in a forum state. E.g., Casselman v. Denver
    Tramway Corp., 
    195 Colo. 241
    , 244, 
    577 P.2d 293
     (1978) (“We hold that the
    question of whether a foreign corporation can be sued after dissolution depends
    upon the law of the state of incorporation”); Owens v. Allied Underwriters, 
    207 La. 437
    , 450, 
    21 So.2d 490
     (1945) (“Since the life of the corporation has been
    terminated under the laws of Texas, it no longer has the capacity to be sued in
    Louisiana”); Halliwell Assocs., Inc. v. C.E. Maguire Servs., Inc., 
    586 A.2d 530
    531-532 (R.I.1991) (“since Halliwell Associates is a Massachusetts corporation,
    Massachusetts law governs the capacity of a Massachusetts corporation or its
    shareholders to sue or be sued”); Meehl ex rel. Eagle Indemn. Co. v. Barr
    Transfer Co., 
    305 Mich. 276
    , 283, 
    9 N.W.2d 540
     (1943) (“There is no question
    but that the dissolution of a corporation is governed by the laws of the State
    granting its charter”); Gassert v. Commercial Mechanisms, Inc., 
    277 N.W.2d 392
    393 (Minn.1979) (“We have held that the law of the state of incorporation applies
    to a dissolved corporation. Since it is undisputed that CMI is a Missouri
    corporation, the Missouri survival statute applies” [citation omitted]); Velasquez
    v. Franz, 
    123 N.J. 498
    , 510, 
    589 A.2d 143
     (1991) (“The choice-of-law question
    regarding a corporation's capacity to be sued has been answered by reference to
    the laws of the state of incorporation since long before the rule's incorporation
    into the federal rules of civil procedure”); Chaplin v. Selznick, 
    293 N.Y. 529
    , 540,
    58 N.E.2d 719
     (1944) (the California survival statute “is entitled to recognition
    and enforcement by the courts of this State”); Wettengel v. Robinson, 
    288 Pa. 362
    136 A. 673
     (1927) (“The Riverside Company being a West Virginia
    corporation, the law of that state governs the status and powers of the corporation
    and its directors after the surrender of its charter”); Floerchinger v. Sioux Falls
    Gas Co., 
    68 S.D. 543
    , 547, 
    5 N.W.2d 55
     (1942) (applying New Jersey corporation
    law); Miller Mgt. Co. v. State, 
    140 Tex. 370
    , 373, 
    167 S.W.2d 728
     (1943) (“The
    question of whether a foreign corporation continues in existence, after the
    surrender of its charter, for the purpose of pending suits is to be determined by the
    statutes and laws of the State in which the corporation was created”); Bazan v.
    Kux Machine Co., 
    52 Wis.2d 325
    , 333, 
    190 N.W.2d 521
     (1971) (“It is the rule
    that when a corporation becomes defunct by dissolution in the state of its creation,
    it is defunct in every other state unless such other state has also granted it a
    {¶ 24} In addition, Fed.R.Civ.P. 17(b)(2) provides that “[c]apacity to sue
    or be sued is determined * * * for a corporation, by the law under which it was
    organized,” and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Citizens Elec. Corp. v.
    Bituminous Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 
    68 F.3d 1016
     (7th Cir.1995), has applied this
    rule in holding that Illinois law controls whether a dissolved Illinois corporation
    has capacity to be sued in federal court. Accord Marsh v. Rosenbloom, 
    499 F.3d 165
    , 176-177 (2d Cir.2007) (applying Delaware survival statute).
    January Term, 2012
    {¶ 25} Also, 2 Restatement of the Law 2d, Conflict of Laws, Section
    299(1), states, “Whether the existence of a corporation has been terminated or
    suspended is determined by the local law of the state of incorporation.” Section
    299 has been cited with approval by the courts in Hood Bros. Partners, L.P. v.
    USCO Distrib. Servs., Inc., 
    140 F.3d 1386
    , 1388 (11th Cir.1998), fn. 1; Cunard
    Steamship Co. Ltd. v. Salen Reefer Servs. AB, 
    773 F.2d 452
    , 458 (2d Cir.1985);
    Ficor, Inc. v. McHugh, 
    639 P.2d 385
    , 391 (Colo.1982); Willey v. Brown, 
    390 A.2d 1039
    , 1042 (Me.1978); and Greb v. Diamond Internatl. Corp., 
    184 Cal.App.4th 15
    108 Cal.Rptr.3d 741
    , 744 (2010).
    {¶ 26} We concur.        The question of whether a dissolved foreign
    corporation has the capacity to sue or be sued is a matter determined by the law of
    the state of incorporation.
    {¶ 27} In this case, then, we look to Illinois law because Sager
    incorporated there. Ill.Ann.Stat., Chapter 805, Section 5/12.80, permits claims to
    be filed against a dissolved Illinois corporation for a period of five years
    following dissolution:
    The dissolution of a corporation * * * shall not take away
    nor impair any civil remedy available to or against such
    corporation, its directors, or shareholders, for any right or claim
    existing, or any liability incurred, prior to such dissolution if action
    or other proceeding thereon is commenced within five years after
    the date of such dissolution.
    Applying this statute in Pielet v. Pielet, 
    407 Ill.App.3d 474
    , 496, 
    347 Ill.Dec. 403
    942 N.E.2d 606
     (2010), the court observed: “[O]nce the survival period has
    ended, the corporation ceases to exist. Since the corporation at that point no
    longer exists, it can no longer be subject to any claim, and any claims not raised
    against or by the corporation become forfeited.”
    {¶ 28} Claimants here cannot overcome the lack of existence of the Sager
    Corporation, nor can they deny the Illinois five-year survival statute, which
    allowed claims to be commenced against Sager only until June 17, 2003. Because
    Sager no longer exists and because it no longer has the capacity to be sued, no
    judgment can be taken against it.
    Appointment of a Receiver
    {¶ 29} We next consider whether a court may appoint a receiver for a
    dissolved foreign corporation that is no longer amenable to suit as a vehicle to
    seek recovery directly from the corporation’s insurance carriers.
    {¶ 30} In State ex rel. Celebrezze v. Gibbs, 
    60 Ohio St.3d 69
    , 74, 
    573 N.E.2d 62
     (1991), fn. 4, we described a receiver as “ ‘[a]n indifferent person
    between the parties to a cause, appointed by the court to receive and preserve the
    property or fund in litigation, and receive its rents, issues, profits, and apply or
    dispose of them at the direction of the court’ ” (emphasis added), quoting Black’s
    Law Dictionary 1268 (6th Ed.1990).             Thus, a receiver may preserve and
    administer assets pending the outcome of litigation. See R.C. 2735.04; 3 Ralph
    Ewing Clark, A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Receivers, Section 756.1, at
    1419 (3d Ed.1959; 1992 reprint); accord Scandinavian-Am. Bank v. Wentworth
    Lumber Co., 
    101 Or. 158
    , 166, 
    199 P. 626
     (1921). And as the Seventh Circuit
    Court of Appeals stated in In re Hawkins Mtge. Co., 
    66 F.2d 16
    , 18 (7th
    Cir.1933), “[a] receiver should not be appointed except where there are some
    assets to be administered.”         The question then remains as to whether the
    unexhausted liability-insurance proceeds are assets subject to receivership. They
    are not.
    {¶ 31} In W. Broad Chiropractic v. Am. Family Ins., 
    122 Ohio St.3d 497
    912 N.E.2d 1093
    , ¶ 28, we stated, “R.C. 3929.06(B) precludes
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    an injured person from bringing a civil action against the tortfeasor's insurer until
    the injured person has first obtained a judgment for damages against the insured
    and the insurer has not paid the judgment within 30 days.” In Hartford Acc. &
    Indemn. Co. v. Randall, 
    125 Ohio St. 581
    , 585, 
    183 N.E. 433
     (1932), we
    explained that a tort claimant has only a potential interest in a liability-insurance
    policy covering claims against the insured and that potential interest “does not
    develop into a vested right until a judgment is secured.” For this reason, it is only
    after a judgment has been secured against an insured that “ ‘[t]he amount of the
    policy to the extent of liability incurred by the insured is deemed to be an asset of
    the insured.’ ” Steffens v. Am. Std. Ins. Co. of Wis., 
    181 N.W.2d 174
    , 178 (Iowa
    1970), quoting 22 Appleman, Insurance Law and Practice, Section 14565, at 608
    {¶ 32} Because Sager lacks capacity to be sued, no judgment can be taken
    against it. And without a judgment, R.C. 3929.06(B) precludes a direct action
    against the unexhausted proceeds from any liability-insurance policies and
    conditions the filing of a supplemental complaint against the insurer upon the
    entry of a final judgment.
    {¶ 33} Accordingly, a receiver may not accept service of process on
    behalf of Sager, process defenses, or purport to marshal its assets consisting of
    unexhausted insurance proceeds, because the statute precludes that action until a
    judgment has been rendered that remains unpaid.
    {¶ 34} In Lilliquist v. Copes-Vulcan, Inc., 
    2011 Pa. Super. 102
    21 A.3d 1233
     (App.2011), the trial court had granted summary judgment in favor of SVI, a
    dissolved Alabama corporation, in connection with Lilliquist’s asbestos litigation
    involving 54 entities. An Alabama statute barred all claims not filed within a
    two-year period following publication of the notice of corporate dissolution.
    {¶ 35} The appellate court affirmed the dismissal of claims against SVI,
    including the request to appoint a receiver to manage SVI’s alleged assets
    consisting of insurance funds, holding that because all claims had been barred as a
    matter of law, no legal right existed for appointment of a receiver.
    {¶ 36} Likewise, in Gilliam v. Hi-Temp Prods. Inc., 
    260 Mich.App. 98
    677 N.W.2d 856
     (2003), the Michigan Court of Appeals explained:
    [Insurance policies’] only value is the protection they provided
    from tort liability judgments. * * * If there have been no tort
    claims triggering claims for defense or indemnification by [the
    insured], or the deadline for the filing of any claims covered by the
    policies has expired, the policies are of no value. They cannot be
    “distributed.” They are no longer assets of the corporation.
    (Emphasis sic.)
    {¶ 37} And further, in Blankenship v. Demmler Mfg. Co., 
    89 Ill.App.3d 569
    , 574, 
    44 Ill.Dec. 787
    411 N.E.2d 1153
     (1980), the court also rejected an
    argument that an insurance policy belonging to a dissolved corporation is an
    “undistributed corporate asset,” stating: “No cause of action which accrues after
    dissolution may be brought against a dissolved corporation. Thus, the existence
    of an insurance policy is irrelevant here.”
    {¶ 38} The Sager Corporation filed for dissolution in Illinois in 1998, and
    the Illinois statute permitting claims to be filed against it required claims to be
    filed on or before June 17, 2003. After that date, Sager was no longer amenable
    to suit. The authority to appoint a receiver for a dissolved foreign corporation is
    subject to constitutional limitations, notably the Full Faith and Credit Clause,
    obliging us to recognize Illinois corporation law as barring claims filed against
    Sager that were not pending on June 17, 2003.          Thus, the court is without
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    authority to appoint a receiver to “accept the process of claims, process defenses
    and marshal assets” on behalf of the Sager Corporation, as the trial court ruled.
    {¶ 39} Accordingly, the judgment of the court of appeals is reversed, and
    the matter is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.
    Judgment reversed
    and cause remanded.
    MCGEE BROWN, JJ., concur.
    PFEIFER, J., dissents.
    PFEIFER, J., dissenting.
    {¶ 40} I dissent. I would adopt the opinion of the court of appeals, which
    held that R.C. 2735.01(E) provides authority for the trial court to appoint a
    receiver for the dissolved Illinois corporation in this case. The appointment of a
    receiver would allow the insurance policies that Sager Corporation paid for to do
    what Sager intended that they do: cover insured risks that arose in Ohio within the
    applicable coverage period. The appointment of a receiver for that purpose would
    do no harm to the dissolved corporation or its shareholders, thus leaving the
    philosophical underpinnings of the Illinois survival statute unscathed.
    {¶ 41} In In re Texas E. Overseas, Inc., Del. Chancery, C.A. No. 4326-
    2009 WL 4270799
     (Nov. 30, 2009), aff’d, 
    998 A.2d 852
     (Del.2010), a
    party petitioned the court to appoint a receiver for Texas Eastern Overseas
    (“TEO”), a corporation that had been dissolved for 15 years and was beyond
    Delaware’s three-year survival period for claims against it, to obtain contribution
    from its insurers in the event that TEO was found liable for environmental
    pollution in a pending federal action. The Delaware court addressed whether
    allowing the appointment of a receiver would undermine the purpose of its three-
    year limit on claims against dissolved corporations. The court noted that the
    survival statute “was intended to balance the public policy interest of providing
    adequate time for potential claimants to bring suit against a dissolved corporation
    with the countervailing consideration of ‘allowing directors, officers, and
    stockholders to be free from claims relating to the dissolved corporation after
    sufficient time has passed.’ ” Id. at *5, quoting In re Dow Chem. Internatl. Inc.,
    Del. Chancery, C.A. No. 3972-CC, 
    2008 WL 4603580
    , *2 (Oct. 14, 2008). The
    court held that allowing the appointment of a receiver would not jeopardize those
    policy concerns, because any recovery would be limited to corporate assets, i.e.,
    insurance proceeds, and that the receiver would have no claim to corporate assets
    distributed in the dissolution process or any separate claim against former
    shareholders, directors, or officers.
    {¶ 42} Likewise, here, there is no threat to directors, officers, or
    stockholders of the Illinois corporation. This court should thus conclude that the
    policy concerns of the Illinois survival statute would not be implicated by the
    appointment of a receiver to process insurance coverage for injured Ohioans.
    Ulmer & Berne, L.L.P., Bruce P. Mandel, and Max Thomas; and
    Troutman Sanders, L.L.P., and Patrick F. Hofer, for appellant.
    Bevan & Associates, L.P.A., Inc., Thomas W. Bevan, Patrick M. Walsh,
    and Joshua P. Grunda, for appellees.
    Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P., Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens, and
    Cary Silverman, urging reversal for amici curiae the Ohio Insurance Institute,
    Coalition for Litigation Justice, Inc., Property Casualty Insurers Association of
    America, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, and American
    Insurance Association.
    January Term, 2012
    Weston Hurd, L.L.P., Daniel A. Richards, Shawn W. Maestle, and
    Melanie R. Shaerban, urging reversal for the Ohio Association of Civil Trial

Document Info

Docket Number: 2010-1705

Citation Numbers: 2012 Ohio 1444, 132 Ohio St. 3d 5

Judges: Brown, Cupp, Lanzinger, Lundberg, McGee, O'Connor, O'Donnell, Pfeifer, Stratton

Filed Date: 4/3/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (23)

Marsh v. Rosenbloom , 499 F.3d 165 ( 2007 )

Citizens Electric Corporation, as Representative of a Class ... , 68 F.3d 1016 ( 1995 )

Pielet v. Pielet , 407 Ill. App. 3d 474 ( 2010 )

Casselman v. Denver Tramway Corp. , 195 Colo. 241 ( 1978 )

North American Asbestos Corp. v. Superior Court , 225 Cal. Rptr. 877 ( 1986 )

Moore v. Superior Court , 50 Cal. 4th 802 ( 2010 )

West Broad Chiropractic v. American Family Insurance , 122 Ohio St. 3d 497 ( 2009 )

Blankenship v. Demmler Manufacturing Co. , 89 Ill. App. 3d 569 ( 1980 )

Steffens v. American Standard Insurance Co. of Wisconsin , 181 N.W.2d 174 ( 1970 )

Gassert Ex Rel. Gassert v. Commercial Mechanisms, Inc. , 277 N.W.2d 392 ( 1979 )

Owens v. Allied Underwriters , 207 La. 437 ( 1945 )

Meehl v. Barr Transfer Co. , 305 Mich. 276 ( 1943 )

Velasquez v. Franz , 123 N.J. 498 ( 1991 )

Chaplin v. Selznick , 293 N.Y. 529 ( 1944 )

Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. v. Oklahoma , 47 S. Ct. 391 ( 1927 )

LILLIQUIST v. Copes-Vulcan, Inc. , 21 A.3d 1233 ( 2011 )

Acc. Indem. Co. v. Randall , 125 Ohio St. 581 ( 1932 )

Floerchinger v. Sioux Falls Gas Co. , 68 S.D. 543 ( 1942 )

Wettengel v. Robinson , 288 Pa. 362 ( 1927 )

CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America , 107 S. Ct. 1637 ( 1987 )

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