State Ex Rel. Crabtree v. Bureau of Workers' Compensation , 71 Ohio St. 3d 504 ( 1994 )

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    The State ex rel. Crabtree v. Bureau of Workers' Compensation.
    [Cite as State ex rel. Crabtree v. Ohio Bur. of Workers' Comp.
    (1994), *** Ohio St.3d ***.]
    (No. 94-1319 -- Submitted November 30, 1994 -- Decided
    December 30, 1994.)
    In Mandamus and Prohibition.
    Relator-claimant Roger D. Crabtree was industrially
    injured on November 8, 1993 while working for Sauer
    Construction, Inc., a State Fund employer. After his claim was
    allowed, Crabtree began receiving temporary total disability
    ("TTD") compensation based on reports from his chiropractor,
    Dr. Stephen Kincaid.
    On April 7, 1994, Crabtree was examined by a Bureau of
    Workers' Compensation ("bureau") physician, Dr. Bernard Nolan.
    Nolan opined that Crabtree's allowed conditions prevented a
    return to his former position of employment. On May 6, 1994,
    the bureau's Rehabilitation Division informed Crabtree that his
    rehabilitation file was being closed because "your Physician of
    Record does not feel you are stable enough for rehabilitation
    with a goal of returning to work." In a May 17, 1994
    supplement, Dr. Nolan wrote:
    "I have reviewed this man's file and, based on his failure
    to participate in the recommended rehabilitation, it is my
    opinion that he has, at this time, reached maximum medical
    Dr. Nolan's conclusion that Crabtree had maximally
    medically improved caused the bureau to terminate Crabtree's
    TTD compensation, pursuant to a new policy adopted by the
    bureau in the wake of the 1993 passage of Am. Sub. H.B. No.
    107, a package of reforms of Ohio's workers' compensation
    system. The bureau's "Due Process Policy and Guidelines,"
    implemented after the effective date of Am. Sub. H.B. No.107,
    "POLICY: Written notice will be provided to the parties of
    the claim when medical evidence is received (from other than
    the POR [Physician of Record]) indicating maximum medical
    improvement [MMI] may have been reached. The notice will:
    "--indicate possible termination of benefits due to MMI,
    "--provide a copy of the medical evidence indicating MMI,
    "--define maximum medical improvement,
    "--provide an opportunity to submit additional information,
    "--outline other benefits to which the IW [injured worker]
    may be entitled.
    "POLICY: The injured worker and the employer are allowed
    21 days from the date of the Disability Determination Notice to
    submit relevant evidence regarding the proposal to terminate
    compensation benefits. Any evidence received must be evaluated
    on its merits even if the evidence is received during the
    appeal period. Corrected decisions can be issued during the
    Appeal period. BWC does not have continuing jurisdiction after
    the Appeal period and can only issue amended orders if there is
    a fraud, a clear clerical error or if there are new and changed
    circumstances in the claim which could not have been known
    "POLICY: The final BWC decision is always based upon the
    weight of the medical evidence on file. Orders are issued
    after the parties to the claim have been provided an
    opportunity to submit relevant evidence. The Order must always
    indicate the medical evidence/documentation which was relied
    upon in reaching the final decision. * * *
    "POLICY: Temporary Total benefits are terminated
    effective the date of the Order. Overpayments which arise from
    internal delays should not be created."
    Pursuant to that policy, the bureau wrote to Crabtree:
    "BWC has received the enclosed medical report as a result
    of your recent medical examination which indicates that your
    condition has reached maximum medical improvement. * * * Under
    Ohio Workers' Compensation law (ORC Section 4123.56), this
    reason supports terminating your temporary total compensation.
    "A copy of this letter and the specialist medical report
    has been sent to all parties, and to your physician of record.
    You and your physician may wish to submit additional medical
    evidence on this issue for consideration in our final
    decision. Any additional evidence must be received within 21
    calendar days from the date of this letter. * * * This letter
    is your notice that BWC will evaluate your claim and in 21
    calendar days issue an order that may terminate your temporary
    total compensation. * * *" (Emphasis sic.)
    Crabtree responded with a letter from Dr. Kincaid that
    "Based solely on the allowed back injury to the patient, I
    do not feel he has reached maximum medical improvement. He
    continues to make slow, but steady progress. I feel he remains
    temporary [sic] totally disabled for gainful employment.
    "I believe there will be improvement with Chiropractic
    treatments and/or surgery, if that becomes necessary. At this
    point, I feel that Chiropractic treatments can provide
    improvement without surgery * * * ."
    The bureau terminated Crabtree's TTD compensation without
    oral hearing. Crabtree has commenced an original action in
    mandamus and prohibition seeking to: (1) prohibit the bureau
    from continuing its termination policy, and (2) compel the
    reinstatement of his TTD benefits until a district hearing
    officer conducts a hearing and rules on the maximum medical
    improvement issue.
    Stewart Jaffy & Associates Co., L.P.A., Stewart R. Jaffy
    and Marc J. Jaffy, for relator.
    Lee I. Fisher, Attorney General, and Dennis L. Hufstader,
    Assistant Attorney General, for respondent.
    Gallon & Takacs Co., L.P.A., and Theodore A. Bowman urging
    granting of the writ for amicus curiae, Ohio Academy of Trial
    Pfeifer, J. Relator argues that the bureau policy at
    issue lacks statutory authority and is unconstitutional.
    Relator presents a compelling argument that the bureau's policy
    violates the Due Process Clause, Section 16, Article I, and the
    Equal Protection Clause, Section 2, Article I, of the Ohio
    Constitution because it denies State Fund claimants the oral
    pre-termination hearing before a district hearing officer that
    employees of self-insured employers receive. However, when a
    case can be decided on other than a constitutional basis, we
    are bound to do so. State ex rel. Hofstetter v. Kronk (1969),
    20 Ohio St. 2d 117
    49 O.O.2d 440
    254 N.E.2d 15
    . We decide
    this case based upon statutory interpretation. The bureau's
    "Due Process Policy and Guidelines" is not statutorily
    supported, and we thus grant relator's requested writs.
    R.C. 4121.39 sets forth the powers and duties of the
    "The administrator of workers' compensation shall do all
    of the following:
    "(A) Review and process all applications for claims;
    "(B) Award compensation and make payment on all
    noncontested claims;
    "(C) Make payment on orders of the industrial commission
    and district and staff hearing officers as provided in section
    4123.511 of the Revised Code * * * ."
    The limited power R.C. 4121.39 accords the bureau is
    consistently reflected in the remainder of the statutory
    framework of Ohio's workers' compensation system. The bureau's
    role is ministerial, not deliberative. The bureau gives way to
    the commission when a party contests an award, necessitating a
    weighing of evidence and a judgment. The bureau then makes the
    payments based upon the commission's judgments.
    The bureau's duty under R.C. 4121.39(C) to "[m]ake payment
    on orders of the industrial commission and district and staff
    hearing officers" is consistent with the bureau's other
    ministerial functions. That statute gives the bureau the
    authority to terminate TTD compensation only in uncontested
    situations. See R.C. 4121.39(B).
    The commission order, pursuant to R.C. 4121.39(C),
    dictates the terms of TTD compensation. Where TTD compensation
    hinges on the satisfaction of certain conditions, it follows
    that the right to compensation ceases when those conditions are
    no longer met. If, for example, the order makes further TTD
    compensation contingent on proof of disability and no proof is
    forthcoming, the bureau cannot continue TTD compensation. This
    effectively constitutes a termination and is consistent with
    the limited authority of self-insured employers to terminate
    compensation under State ex rel. Jeep Corp. v. Indus. Comm.
    62 Ohio St.3d 64
    577 N.E.2d 1095
    On the other hand, the bureau must pay TTD compensation if
    all conditions precedent are met. Thus, if the commission
    order makes payment contingent on proof of disability and the
    claimant tenders such evidence, the bureau must continue
    compensation regardless of the existence of contrary evidence.
    Conflicting evidence turns an established entitlement to TTD
    compensation into a dispute over TTD compensation, and it is at
    that point that the bureau's termination authority ends.
    The present case involves a contested claim for TTD
    compensation. The bureau argues that R.C. 4123.511, read in
    pari materia with R.C. 4121.34, 4121.39, 4123.52 and 4123.56,
    demonstrates the bureau's power to terminate contested claims.
    However, our reading of those statutes yields a completely
    different conclusion. Most important, R.C. 4123.511 deals with
    the initial claims process, including the receipt and
    investigation of a new claim for compensation or benefits. R.C.
    4123.511(A). R.C. 4123.511(B) grants the bureau the authority
    to allow or deny claims at that level, but the bureau's
    affirmative authority is limited to compensation requests that
    are made contemporaneously with a claimant's initial
    application to have his claim allowed. R.C. 4123.511 does not
    give the bureau jurisdiction to terminate ongoing TTD
    compensation if an eligibility dispute exists. Instead,
    disputed compensation issues must be heard by commission
    hearing officers.
    R.C. 4121.34, 4121.39, 4123.52 and 4123.56 are consistent
    with that reading of the statute. R.C. 4121.34(B)(3) gives
    district hearing officers original jurisdiction over all
    contested matters arising under R.C. Chapter 4123.
    The bureau correctly notes that R.C. 4121.39(A) directs
    the bureau to "[r]eview and process all applications for
    claims." "Review and process," however, does not equate to
    "affirmatively adjudicate" all applications for claims. To so
    hold would empower the bureau to adjudicate every workers'
    compensation issue raised, leaving the commission without
    While R.C. 4123.52 bestows continuing jurisdiction on the
    commission and, since Am. Sub. H.B. No. 107, the bureau
    administrator, the commission's jurisdiction is of a much
    different character:
    "The jurisdiction of the industrial commission and the
    authority of the administrator of workers' compensation over
    each case is continuing, and the commission may make such
    modification or change with respect to former findings or
    orders with respect thereto, as in its opinion is justified."
    (Emphasis added.) R.C. 4123.52.
    While granting continuing jurisdiction to the bureau, at
    least in name, the General Assembly authorized only the
    commission to modify former findings or orders.
    Finally, R.C. 4123.56(A)'s first paragraph, which deals
    with the substantive aspects of terminating TTD compensation,
    contains no reference to intervention or participation by the
    bureau. The bureau points to the language in the statute which
    states that "payment shall not be made * * * when the employee
    has reached the maximum medical improvement" to support its
    claim that it has authority to terminate TTD compensation.
    However, R.C. 4123.56 requires that contested TTD claims go to
    commission hearing and requires that compensation shall
    continue to be made while determination is pending, with four
    exceptions. R.C. 4123.56(A) reads, in relevant part:
    "If the employer disputes the attending physician's
    report, payments may be terminated only upon application and
    hearing by a district hearing officer pursuant to division (C)
    of section 4123.511 of the Revised Code. Payments shall
    continue pending the determination of the matter, however
    payment shall not be made for the period when any employee has
    returned to work, when an employee's treating physician has
    made a written statement that the employee is capable of
    returning to his former position of employment, when work
    within the physical capabilities of the employee is made
    available by the employer or another employer, or when the
    employee has reached the maximum medical improvement."
    The bureau may unilaterally terminate compensation under
    these four exceptions to continued payment only when there is,
    in essence, no remaining dispute, and no facts at issue. In
    the first instance, a person returns to work and the necessity
    of compensation is over. The second exception occurs when the
    claimant's own treating doctor states that he is able to return
    to work. The third exception occurs when the employer or
    another employer gives the employee work within his physical
    capabilities. Since the phrase "work within the physical
    capabilities of the employee is made available" is used in a
    conclusory manner, as if that issue has already been decided,
    the bureau may unilaterally terminate compensation under this
    exception only in cases where the issue is effectively decided,
    i.e., where the employee offers no conflicting evidence about
    whether he is physically able to perform the work offered.
    Likewise, the fourth exception, the one relevant to this case,
    comes into play "when the employee has reached the maximum
    medical improvement." It cannot be judged with the certainty
    implicit in the statute that the employee has reached that
    threshold until after the hearing officer has made his
    determination on that issue. Thus, the bureau may unilaterally
    terminate compensation under this exception only when there is
    no dispute as to whether the employee has reached maximum
    medical improvement.
    Pursuant to the bureau's theory, R.C. 4123.56 would
    require the bureau to terminate TTD compensation any time that
    an employer submits evidence, no matter how flimsy, that
    challenged the existence of TTD. It is of little consolation
    to a claimant to have benefits belatedly reinstated should
    claimant's evidence subsequently prevail. Thus, the statute
    can only mean that the bureau can terminate payments prior to a
    district hearing officer's determination only upon the
    uncontested existence of one of the four uncontested,
    disqualifying conditions.
    "In order to obtain a writ of prohibition, relator must
    prove: (1) that the court or officer against whom the writ is
    sought is about to exercise judicial or quasi-judicial power,
    (2) that the exercise of that power is unauthorized by law, and
    (3) that denying a writ will result in injury for which no
    other adequate remedy exists in the ordinary course of law."
    State ex rel. Keenan v. Calabrese (1994), 
    69 Ohio St.3d 176
    631 N.E.2d 119
    , 121. Crabtree seeks to discontinue the
    bureau's termination policy on behalf of himself and all other
    claimants. Since the bureau is exercising a power for which it
    does not have statutory authority, and since the normal appeals
    process is inadequate, the relator has satisfied the
    requirements for a writ of prohibition, and we therefore grant
    the requested relief.
    Crabtree also requests a writ of mandamus to compel
    reinstatement of his TTD compensation pending adjudication of
    the issue of maximum medical improvement by a commission
    district hearing officer. In order to be entitled to a writ of
    mandamus, the relator must establish that he has a clear legal
    right to the relief prayed for, that respondent has a clear
    legal duty to perform the requested act, and that the relator
    has no plain and adequate remedy at law. State ex rel. Seikbert
    v. Wilkinson (1994), 
    69 Ohio St.3d 489
    633 N.E.2d 1128
    . Since
    we have already determined that the bureau has a clear legal
    duty to reinstate Crabtree's TTD compensation until a district
    hearing officer has determined the maximum medical improvement
    issue, and that the appeals process is inadequate, we hereby
    grant the writ.
    Writs granted.
    A.W. Sweeney, Resnick and F.E. Sweeney, JJ., concur.
    Douglas, J., concurs separately.
    Moyer, C.J., and Wright, J., dissent.
    Douglas, J., concurring. I concur in the well-reasoned
    opinion of Justice Pfeifer. I write separately to make one
    additional point.
    R.C. 4121.31, in part, provides:
    "The administrator of workers' compensation and the
    industrial commission jointly shall adopt rules covering the
    following general topics with respect to this chapter [4121]
    and Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code:
    "* * *
    "(C) All claims, whether of a state fund or self-insuring
    employer, be processed in an orderly, uniform, and timely
    fashion." (Emphasis added.)
    Clearly, the respondent bureau (pursuant to its
    promulgated "policy") is not handling TTD disputes in a
    "uniform" fashion as required by the statute. This is so
    because state fund claimants are affected by the "policy" but
    employee-claimants of a self-insured employer are not. Really,
    given R.C. 4121.31, nothing more needs to be said.
    Wright, J., dissenting. I would deny both the writ of
    mandamus and the writ of prohibition, because I believe that
    relator has adequate remedies at law.
    With regard to relator's request for a writ of mandamus,
    relator exercised his right to appeal the bureau's decision
    within fourteen days to the Industrial Commission. If relator
    had obtained a favorable result upon appeal, his temporary
    total disability compensation would have been reinstated.
    However, the relator's administrative appeal is either being
    held in abeyance or has been dropped. A writ of mandamus is
    completely inappropriate given these circumstances.
    With regard to relator's request for a writ of
    prohibition, relator has the right to challenge the bureau's
    policy concerning the termination of temporary total disability
    compensation by filing a declaratory judgment action in an
    appropriate court. Instead of following these adequate legal
    avenues, relator inappropriately requests this court to grant a
    writ of prohibition.
    Accordingly, I respectfully dissent.
    Moyer, C.J., concurs in the foregoing dissenting opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 1994-1319

Citation Numbers: 1994 Ohio 474, 71 Ohio St. 3d 504

Judges: Douglas, Moyer, Pfeifer, Resnick, Sweeney, Wright

Filed Date: 12/30/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023