Humanus Corp. v. Dir., Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Servs. , 2020 Ohio 6940 ( 2020 )

  • [Cite as Humanus Corp. v. Dir., Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Servs., 
    Humanus Corp.,                                        :
    Appellant-Appellant,                  :
    No. 19AP-764
    v.                                                    :                        (C.P.C. No. 19CV-2148)
    Director, Ohio Department of Job                      :                    (REGULAR CALENDAR)
    and Family Services,
    D E C I S I O N
    Rendered on December 29, 2020
    On brief: Sara L. Rose, LLC, and Sara L. Rose, for appellant.
    Argued: Sara L. Rose.
    On brief: Dave Yost, Attorney General, and Laurence R.
    Snyder, for appellee. Argued: Laurence R. Snyder.
    APPEAL from the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
    KLATT, J.
    {¶ 1} Appellant, Humanus Corporation ("Humanus"), appeals from a judgment of
    the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas affirming the decision of the Ohio
    Unemployment Compensation Review Commission ("Commission") finding that
    Humanus is a liable employer under Ohio unemployment compensation law. Because the
    trial court did not abuse its discretion in finding reliable, probative, and substantial
    evidence supporting the Commission's decision, we affirm.
    {¶ 2} Humanus contracts with educational professionals to fill positions at public
    and charter schools with which Humanus has an agreement to provide staffing services.
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    Pursuant to this arrangement, the educational professional executes two agreements with
    Humanus—a "Master Independent Contractor Agreement" ("Master Agreement") and
    "Addendum A: Independent Contractor Engagement Agreement" ("Engagement
    Agreement"). The Master Agreement sets forth the relationship between the educational
    professional, described therein as an "Independent Contractor," who engages Humanus on
    a non-exclusive basis for the purpose of obtaining referrals to Humanus' school clients in
    need of the skills possessed by the educational professional on a limited basis.
    {¶ 3} The Master Agreement includes several provisions germane to the instant
    action. One such provision, entitled "Independent Contractor Agreement," states that as
    an independent contractor, the educational professional is not an employee of either
    Humanus or the school. Another provision, captioned "HIRING," states that the school,
    not Humanus, is the ultimate decisionmaker regarding hiring. A provision captioned
    "SUPERVISION" states that Humanus will not supervise the services performed by the
    educational professional; rather, supervisory responsibility rests with the school.
    {¶ 4} A "COMPENSATION" provision states that the rate of compensation to be
    received by the educational professional for services performed for the school is set forth in
    the Engagement Agreement.          The compensation provision requires the educational
    professional to submit weekly invoices and/or timecards for completed services to the
    school for review and approval and then submit copies of the approved invoices and/or
    timecards to Humanus, who then pays the educational professional. The provision warns
    that failure to timely provide this information to Humanus will result in delayed payment
    to the educational professional.
    the educational professional to provide Humanus with a statement regarding his or her
    educational, salary, and work history. In addition, the provision requires the educational
    professional to secure and maintain, at his or her own expense, all licenses and
    certifications required for referrals sought by the educational professional and then provide
    copies of those documents to Humanus, who then submits them to the school. An
    "INSURANCE" provision requires the educational professional to maintain, at his or her
    own expense, malpractice and liability insurance and provide copies of those documents to
    Humanus, who may then forward them to the school.
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    {¶ 6} A provision captioned "SUBCONTRACTORS" permits the educational
    professional to subcontract all or part of the services supplied to the school, provided that
    the educational professional verifies and validates that the subcontractor abides by the
    terms of the Master Agreement, including maintenance of proper licensure and insurance.
    {¶ 7} A "TERMINATION BY HUMANUS" provision entitles Humanus to
    terminate the Master Agreement with the educational professional at any time "for cause"
    without advance notice. The Master Agreement defines "for cause" as: (1) failure to secure
    or maintain necessary licenses or certifications; (2) failure to secure or maintain insurance
    coverages required by the Master Agreement; (3) misrepresentation, dishonesty, or theft;
    (4) criminal conduct (other than minor traffic violations); (5) arbitrary or unreasonable
    failure to perform any term of the Master Agreement; (6) physical or mental incapacity
    preventing performance of essential job duties required by the school; (7) bankruptcy filing
    by or against the educational professional; (8) breach of the Master Agreement; and (9) any
    other actions or conduct by the educational professional that Humanus reasonably believes
    is detrimental to the conduct of its business.
    {¶ 8} A "TERMINATION BY INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR" provision requires
    the educational professional, if terminating the Master Agreement prior to the expiration
    of the stated term, to provide Humanus 30 days' notice of the intent to terminate; early
    termination is considered a breach of the agreement for which Humanus may assess
    damages.      A provision entitled "NO CONFLICTING AGREEMENTS" prohibits an
    educational professional, without Humanus' prior written consent, from dealing directly or
    indirectly with any of the individuals or companies related to the provision of services to
    the school for a period of 24 months following termination of the Master Agreement.
    {¶ 9} The Engagement Agreement sets forth the specific school for which the
    educational professional will provide services as well as the compensation paid by
    Humanus for those services. It describes the "duties to be performed" as the provision of
    services "as directed by Humanus' Client." The Engagement Agreement reiterates the
    requirements for submission of invoices and timecards and the consequences for untimely
    compliance.    It also states that the educational professional must notify Humanus
    regarding the failure to perform scheduled services for the preceding week.
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    {¶ 10} The Engagement Agreement further provides that Humanus may terminate
    the educational professional's services for any of six reasons defined as "for cause":
    (1) commission of a felony; (2) commission of a crime constituting moral turpitude, such
    as fraud or crimes involving dishonesty; (3) failure to perform duties in a competent
    manner as determined by the school; (4) failure to comply with directives from the school,
    the school's board of directors or managing officers, or the school's written policies;
    (5) commission of any act that harms the school's reputation, standing, or credibility within
    the community in which it operates or with its customers or suppliers; and (6) failure to
    perform the duties assigned by Humanus or the school for any reason. The Engagement
    Agreement also includes a "Non-Circumvention Clause" which generally reiterates the non-
    compete provision contained in the Master Agreement.
    {¶ 11} Humanus' contract with the client school is captioned "AGREEMENT FOR
    STAFFING SERVICES."         Pertinent provisions state that Humanus screens qualified
    educational professionals prior to referring such individuals to the school. The decision
    whether to hire the educational professional rests with the school, not Humanus. Humanus
    is not responsible for and does not control or supervise the services provided by the
    educational professional to the school. The educational professional is considered an
    independent contractor, not an employee of either Humanus or the school.
    {¶ 12} In addition to the agreements, the educational professional also executes a
    COMPENSATION, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE." In that document, the educational
    professional acknowledges his or her status as a self-employed independent contractor,
    that he or she will not be supervised by Humanus, and that he or she waives the right to the
    aforementioned benefits.
    {¶ 13} In November 2015, Denise Goodrich, an intervention specialist, executed a
    Master Agreement, an Engagement Agreement, and a benefits rights waiver in connection
    with Humanus' referral of Goodrich to one of its client schools. In August 2017, Humanus
    terminated those agreements after learning that Goodrich had allowed her teaching license
    to lapse.   Thereafter, Goodrich applied for unemployment compensation benefits.
    Pursuant to an audit, appellee, the Director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family
    No. 19AP-764                                                                              5
    Services ("ODJFS"), concluded that Goodrich was a Humanus employee in covered
    employment who was entitled to unemployment compensation benefits.
    {¶ 14} As a result of the audit, ODJFS mailed an "Ohio Unemployment Tax
    Notification Determination of Employer's Liability and Contribution Rate Determination"
    (the "determination") to Humanus on December 1, 2017. The determination indicated that
    ODJFS considered Humanus an employer under R.C. 4141.01 subject to Ohio
    unemployment compensation law.         Pursuant to R.C. 4141.25, ODJFS set Humanus'
    contribution rate at 2.7 percent for 2016 through 2018. The determination applied to the
    services provided by Goodrich, as well as "all individuals rendering similar services."
    {¶ 15} In response to its request for reconsideration of the determination, Humanus
    was apprised via email from the Director's designee that due to the interrelationship
    between unemployment compensation benefits and tax liability, Humanus must timely
    appeal the benefits determination. Humanus was informed that the tax appeal would be
    held in abeyance until the benefits issue was resolved; thereafter, a reconsidered decision
    on the tax issue would be issued in accordance with resolution of the benefits issue.
    {¶ 16} Humanus appealed the benefits determination to the Commission, which
    held a telephonic hearing on April 9, 2018. Goodrich did not appear at the hearing.
    Humanus presented the testimony of its Vice President of Related Services, Tom
    Gradowski, who testified that pursuant to its agreements with Goodrich, Humanus referred
    her to an Ohio charter school with whom Humanus contracted to provide educational
    staffing services. Humanus forwarded Goodrich's resume to the school, which then
    contacted Goodrich directly and performed necessary background checks. The decision to
    engage Goodrich was at the school's sole discretion. After being notified by the school that
    it had engaged Goodrich's services, Humanus had no further contact with the school.
    Goodrich submitted invoices to Humanus for the services she performed for the school;
    Humanus then billed the school at a higher rate than Goodrich was paid pursuant to her
    contract with Humanus.
    {¶ 17} According to Gradowski, Humanus verified Goodrich's teaching licensure,
    but did not pay for it. Goodrich provided her own educational supplies. Further, with or
    without involvement of the school, Goodrich could subcontract the services she provided
    to another individual provided that individual was licensed in the same specialty area as
    No. 19AP-764                                                                             6
    Goodrich. Gradowski further testified that Humanus did not have direction or control of
    the services performed by Goodrich. Humanus considered Goodrich to be an independent
    contractor and provided her a 1099 tax form; as a result, Humanus did not report her
    earnings to ODJFS.
    {¶ 18} For its case, ODJFS submitted the affidavit of Ann Parker, an Unemployment
    Compensation Examiner 2, who averred that she reviewed Goodrich's benefits claim to
    determine whether she was employed by Humanus and whether the services Goodrich
    provided to Humanus were covered under Ohio unemployment compensation law. Parker
    attached to her affidavit several exhibits pertaining to her review. Among those exhibits
    were documents submitted by Gradowski concerning Goodrich's relationship with
    Humanus. (ODJFS Ex. 1, B.) Included in those documents was an email from Gradowski
    to Parker stating that no one from Humanus ever met with or interviewed Goodrich. This
    email also referenced an Internal Revenue Service 20-point test utilized in determining
    independent contractor status, with Gradowski's corresponding responses.
    {¶ 19} On April 18, 2018, the hearing officer issued a decision affirming the
    Director's determination that Goodrich was an employee in covered employment with
    Humanus, but reversed the determination that Goodrich was entitled to unemployment
    compensation benefits. Specifically, the hearing officer found that Goodrich was ineligible
    for benefits based upon a disqualifying event (i.e., her employment had been terminated
    for just cause, as she had failed to maintain a teaching license).
    {¶ 20} Humanus sought review by the Commission, which was disallowed.
    Humanus' appeal to the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas was stayed pending
    resolution of the tax case. Humanus Corp. v. Ohio Dept. of Job and Family Servs., Franklin
    C.P. No. 18CV-5250 (Oct. 31, 2018 Order of Stay).
    {¶ 21} In a reconsidered decision issued September 12, 2018 in the tax case, the
    Director maintained the position set forth in the determination. Humanus appealed to the
    Commission, which held a hearing on January 24, 2019. Goodrich did not attend the
    hearing despite being subpoenaed to appear. The April 9, 2018 hearing transcript and
    April 18, 2018 benefits determination were incorporated into the record. In addition,
    Gradowski offered testimony consistent with that provided at the April 9, 2018 hearing,
    with some additions and clarifications. To that end, Gradowski testified that Humanus
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    simply refers educational professionals to schools with whom Humanus has staffing
    agreements. Humanus' business model provides schools flexibility to engage educational
    professionals in accordance with their staffing needs and allows educational professional
    flexibility to choose their own work schedule. The educational professionals do not meet
    personally with Humanus employees during the referral process.
    {¶ 22} According to Gradowski, Humanus does not control the work schedules for
    the educational professionals and cannot compel them to work additional or fewer hours.
    In addition, Humanus has no knowledge, other than a general job description, of the
    services the educational professionals perform for the schools so as to permit Humanus
    to supervise them. The educational professionals contact the school directly to request
    time off. Humanus learns what hours the educational professionals work only after
    receiving their invoices. The school determines what level of training or licensure is
    required of the educational professionals. Humanus provides no training or orientation,
    does not conduct performance reviews, and never meets with the educational
    professionals. Gradowski also averred that many of the educational professionals provide
    services to multiple schools per week at various locations. The educational professionals
    do not provide Humanus with oral or written progress reports. Humanus neither pays
    for professional licensure and/or malpractice and liability insurance nor reimburses the
    educational professionals for their out-of-pocket expenditures.        Humanus does not
    reimburse educational professionals for expenses incurred or supplies utilized in
    performing services for the school. The educational professionals' pay may be delayed if
    they do not timely submit invoices to the school or if the school delays payment to
    {¶ 23} Gradowski further testified that the educational professionals can make a
    profit by subcontracting their services to another for a lesser amount than they would
    receive under the Engagement Agreement. Conversely, the educational professionals
    may sustain a loss if the costs incurred in providing services to the school (such as
    professional licensure and malpractice and liability insurance) exceed the amount
    received under the Engagement Agreement, if the provision of services to the school ends
    sooner than anticipated, or if the school fails to pay for the services provided.
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    {¶ 24} As to Goodrich particularly, Gradowski testified that she called the school,
    not Humanus, to report if she were unable to provide services on a particular day. He
    further noted that in emails Goodrich referred to the school principal as her "boss" and
    referred to herself as a "consultant" with Humanus, not an employee. (Jan. 24, 2019 Tr.
    at 18, 19.)
    {¶ 25} Megan Robinson, an ODJFS attorney, testified on behalf of ODJFS; she
    identified ODJFS's exhibits and provided brief explanations about them. On cross-
    examination, she was questioned about the notes Parker provided with regard to her
    interview of Goodrich in conjunction with her claim for unemployment compensation
    benefits. Robinson averred that according to Parker's notes, Goodrich reported that the
    school to which she provided intervention specialist services paid Humanus, not her, that
    she was paid hourly and biweekly from timesheets she submitted to Humanus that had
    to be signed by the school, and that her agreements with Humanus limited her ability to
    find employment for a period of 24 months after termination of those agreements.
    Parker's notes also included a finding that the Humanus agreements delegated direction
    and control of Goodrich's work to the school.
    {¶ 26} When questioned about Parker's delegation of direction and control finding,
    Robinson averred that "there's plenty of evidence of delegation." Id. at 40. As an example,
    Robinson noted that Humanus exercised financial control over Goodrich, as Humanus
    paid her. Robinson also noted that the relationship between Goodrich and the school was
    arranged by Humanus. In addition, Robinson noted provisions of the Master Agreement
    regarding submission of weekly invoices and timecards to Humanus, and termination "for
    cause" without advance notice. Robinson acknowledged the provision of the Master
    Agreement permitting educational professionals to subcontract services but noted that
    such was limited to subcontractors with valid teaching licenses. As to the delegation of
    direction and/or control by Humanus to the school, Robinson pointed to the Engagement
    Agreement provision stating that "[d]uties that are performed by the independent
    contractor are generally described as follows: Provide services as directed by Humanus'
    client." Id. at 44.
    {¶ 27} As evidence of the educational professionals' status as employees of
    Humanus rather than independent contractors, Robinson pointed to provisions of the
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    Humanus agreements regarding weekly invoicing to Humanus, timely notification by the
    educational professionals to Humanus regarding failure to perform scheduled services for
    the preceding week, and the 24-month prohibition on contact with the school following
    termination of the Humanus agreements.            Robinson disagreed with Gradowski's
    testimony regarding the educational professionals' ability to make a profit or sustain a
    loss. To that end, Robinson averred that an hourly rate pay structure makes it difficult to
    demonstrate profit or loss and, in the present case, ODJFS did not uncover any evidence
    of either.
    {¶ 28} On February 27, 2019, the Commission issued a decision affirming the
    Director's reconsidered decision. The Commission concluded that Goodrich was engaged
    in covered employment and Humanus was liable for unemployment compensation tax
    under Ohio law.
    {¶ 29} Humanus appealed the Commission's decision to the Franklin County Court
    of Common Pleas pursuant to R.C. 4141.26. On October 8, 2019, the trial court issued a
    decision and judgment entry affirming the Commission's decision, finding that it was
    supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence. Humanus timely appeals,
    setting forth two assignments of error for our review:
    [I]. The trial court erred in ruling that the review
    commission's decision was supported by reliable, probative,
    and substantial evidence.
    [II]. The trial court erred in finding that Humanus was a
    temporary services agency under O.A.C. 4141-3-06.
    {¶ 30} Before considering the merits of Humanus' assignments of error, we must
    first address the parties' dispute over the proper standard of review. Humanus asserts that
    this court must employ the same scope of review as the common pleas court under R.C.
    4141.26(D)(2), that is, "consider the entire record and determine whether [the
    Commission's] order is supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence and [is]
    in accordance with law." (Humanus Brief at 7.) Humanus cites Tzangas, Plakas & Mannos
    v. Admr., Ohio Bur. of Emp. Servs., 
    73 Ohio St.3d 694
    , 696 (1995) for the proposition that
    "[t]his court's scope of review is the same as the trial court." Humanus' reliance on Tzangas
    is misplaced, as that case addressed whether the Unemployment Compensation Board of
    Review's determination that an employee was terminated for "just cause," and thus
    No. 19AP-764                                                                            10
    ineligible for unemployment compensation benefits pursuant to R.C. 4141.29(D)(2)(a), was
    unlawful, unreasonable, or against the manifest weight of the evidence. Addressing the
    applicable standard of review, the Supreme Court of Ohio noted that R.C. 4141.28(O), the
    statute setting forth the appeals process for "just cause" determinations, does not create
    distinctions between the scope of review of common pleas courts and appellate courts. 
    Tzangas did not address R.C. 4141.26(D)(2), the statute applicable to appeals from
    decisions of the Commission affecting the liability of an employer to pay unemployment
    compensation or the amount of such contribution.
    {¶ 31} As ODJFS points out, this court has consistently held that there is a
    distinction between the scope of review of common pleas courts and appellate courts in R.C.
    4141.26(D)(2) cases. We noted this distinction in BRT Transp., LLC v. Ohio Dept. of Job &
    Family Servs., 10th Dist. No. 14AP-800, 
    The common pleas court's standard of review for appeals from
    decisions of the commission affecting the liability of an
    employer to pay unemployment compensation contributions
    or the amount of such contributions is set forth in R.C.
    4141.26(D)(2), which states in pertinent part that a common
    pleas court may affirm a decision of the commission "if it finds,
    upon consideration of the entire record, that the determination
    or order is supported by reliable, probative, and substantial
    evidence and is in accordance with law." This court's role in
    reviewing a decision of the commission appealed pursuant
    to R.C. 4141.26 is narrower than the role of the trial court.
    Miracle Home Health Care, L.C.C. v. Ohio Dept. of Job &
    Family Servs., 10th Dist. No. 12AP-318, 
    , ¶ 18.
    As to issues of fact appealed pursuant to R.C. 4141.26, this
    court determines only if the common pleas court abused its
    discretion. An abuse of discretion requires more than an error
    in judgment. To find an abuse of discretion, we must conclude
    that the trial court's decision was without a reasonable basis
    and clearly wrong. 
     However, this court's review of questions
    of law is plenary. Kate Corp. v. Ohio Unemp. Comp. Review
    Comm., 10th Dist. No. 03AP-315, 
    , ¶ 7.
    Id. at ¶ 15.
    {¶ 32} Thus, pursuant to BRT, Miracle Home Health Care, LLC v. Ohio Dept. of Job
    & Family Servs., 10th Dist. No. 12AP-318, 
    , and other decisions of this
    court, we reaffirm our long-standing position that in R.C. 4141.26(D)(2) cases, our review
    of a trial court's decision is plenary with regard to questions of law, but limited to
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    determining whether the trial court abused its discretion as to factual issues. See, e.g., BNA
    Constr., Ltd. v. Dir. of Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Servs., 10th Dist. No. 16AP-317, 2017-
    Ohio-7227, ¶ 24-25; McConnell v. Ohio Bur. of Emp. Servs., 10th Dist. No. 95APE03-262,
    (Oct. 5, 1995); Eisenhour v. State Unemployment Comp. Bd. of Review, 10th Dist. No.
    97APE03-349 (Aug. 12, 1997). Having determined the appropriate standard of review, we
    now consider the merits of Humanus' assignments of error.
    {¶ 33} In its first assignment of error, Humanus argues that the trial court erred in
    concluding that the Commission's decision finding Humanus a liable employer under Ohio
    unemployment compensation law was supported by reliable, probative, and substantial
    evidence.   Specifically, Humanus claims that the trial court erred in affirming the
    Commission's classification of Goodrich and other persons rendering similar services as
    employees of Humanus, rather than independent contractors.
    {¶ 34} Ohio law requires employers to contribute to Ohio's unemployment
    compensation fund. R.C. 4141.09; R.C. 4141.23. ODJFS maintains a separate account for
    each employer's contributions and determines the rate at which an employer must make
    contributions to that account. R.C. 4141.24; R.C. 4141.25. The contribution rate is applied
    to the wages paid by the employer. See R.C. 4141.25. Accordingly, a necessary part of this
    process is determining whether individuals performing services for an employer are
    employees or independent contractors. The definition of "Employer" includes corporations
    that have "in employment at least one individual."            R.C. 4141.01(A)(1)(a).     R.C.
    4141.01(B)(1) defines "Employment" as follows:
    [S]ervice performed by an individual for remuneration under
    any contract of hire, written or oral, express or implied, * * *
    unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the director that such
    individual has been and will continue to be free from direction
    or control over the performance of such service, both under a
    contract of service and in fact. The director shall adopt rules to
    define "direction or control."
    {¶ 35} The alleged employer bears the burden of proving that the worker is not an
    employee, and, thus, that it need not contribute to the unemployment compensation fund.
    Miracle, 10th Dist. No. 12AP-318, 
     at ¶ 21, citing Peter D. Hart Research
    Assocs., Inc. v. Ohio Bur. of Emp. Servs., 10th Dist. No. 95APE06-736 (Dec. 28, 1995).
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    {¶ 36} Consistent with the statutory definition of employment, Ohio Adm.Code
    4141-3-05(A) provides:
    [A] worker is in employment when an "employer-employee"
    relationship exists between the worker and the person for
    whom the individual performs services and the director
    determines that:
    (1) The person for whom services are performed has the right
    to direct or control the performance of such services; and
    (2) Remuneration is received by the worker for services
    {¶ 37} Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B) sets forth 20 factors as "guides" for
    determining whether sufficient direction or control exists to create an employer-employee
    relationship. "These factors are drawn from the common law, where they are used to
    distinguish between employees and independent contractors." Miracle Home at ¶ 22. The
    factors, which "must be considered in their totality," include:
    (1) The worker is required to comply with the instructions of
    the person for whom services are being performed, regarding
    when, where, and how the worker is to perform the services;
    (2) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires particular training for the worker performing services;
    (3) The services provided are part of the regular business of the
    person for whom services are being performed;
    (4) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires that services be provided by a particular worker;
    (5) The person for whom services are being performed hires,
    supervises or pays the wages of the worker performing services;
    (6) A continuing relationship exists between the person for
    whom services are being performed and the worker performing
    services that contemplates continuing or recurring work, even
    if not full time;
    (7) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires set hours during which services are to be performed;
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    (8) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires the worker to devote himself or herself full time to the
    business of the person for whom services are being performed;
    (9) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires that work be performed on its premises;
    (10) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires that the worker follow the order of work set by the
    person for whom services are being performed;
    (11) The person for whom services are being performed
    requires the worker to make oral or written progress reports;
    (12) The person for whom services are being performed pays
    the worker on a regular basis such as hourly, weekly or
    (13) The person for whom services are being performed pays
    expenses for the worker performing services;
    (14) The person for whom services are being performed
    furnishes tools, instrumentalities, and other materials for use
    by the worker in performing services;
    (15) There is a lack of investment by the worker in the facilities
    used to perform services;
    (16) There is a lack of profit or loss to the worker performing
    services as a result of the performance of such services;
    (17) The worker performing services is not performing services
    for a number of persons at the same time;
    (18) The worker performing services does not make such
    services available to the general public;
    (19) The person for whom services are being performed has a
    right to discharge the worker performing services;
    (20) The worker performing services has the right to end the
    relationship with the person for whom services are being
    performed without incurring liability pursuant to an
    employment contract or agreement.
    Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(1) through (20).
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    {¶ 38} "When present, each of these factors serves to indicate some degree of
    direction or control. The degree of importance of each factor varies depending on the
    occupation and the factual context in which the services are performed." Ohio Adm.Code
    {¶ 39} Here, the trial court found that the agreements between Humanus and the
    educational professionals provide Humanus with the right to direct or control the
    educational professionals' work. In so finding, the trial court rejected Humanus' argument
    that the 20-factor "guides" set forth in Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(1) through (20) for
    determining independent contractor status should have been analyzed vis-a-vis the
    educational professionals and the schools, not the educational professionals and Humanus.
    {¶ 40} In so concluding, the trial court relied primarily on this court's decision in
    Miracle Home, 10th Dist. No. 12AP-318, 
    . The court stated:
    In Miracle Home, the Tenth District affirmed the
    Commission's determination that Miracle Home Health Care,
    LLC ("Miracle"), a Medicare/Medicaid home-health agency,
    employed aides it placed in homes to provide direct home-
    health services to individuals. In that regard, individuals in
    need of home-health aides would engage Miracle, and Miracle
    would offer placement to an aide, with whom Miracle had a
    The contract between Miracle and its home-health aides
    stated, in part:
    "You as a contractor will be under direct supervision by
    Miracle, and will report to our management. Miracle
    management will have full control of coordinating and
    evaluating contractors [sic] work on daily [sic] basis. And
    Individual [sic] from Miracle will be appointed to direct and
    carefull [sic] supervision."
    But in practice, Miracle did not supervise the aides daily and
    only periodically checked in with its clients to inquire about
    quality of care. Miracle did require aides to submit weekly,
    written reports in accordance with Ohio and federal law.
    Every two weeks, Miracle paid the aides for the number of
    hours worked, as reflected on those reports. Finally, while the
    aides under contract with Miracle were free to work for other
    home-health agencies and to have their own clients, the Tenth
    District concluded that Miracle had 'the ability to direct all
    No. 19AP-764                                                                               15
    aspects of how the home caregivers render services to
    Miracle's clients.' Miracle Home at ¶ 23.
    In arguing the 20 factors, Miracle emphasized that (B)(5), (6),
    (19), and (20) refer to the 'person for whom services are being
    performed' and argued that those factors should have been
    evaluated vis-a-vis the aides and the clients, not the aides and
    Miracle. The Tenth disagreed:
    "The home caregivers contract with Miracle, not the client, for
    work. If Miracle does not engage a home caregiver's services
    for a client, the home caregiver performs no services for that
    client. Consequently, Miracle is the entity for whom the home
    caregiver ultimately provides his or her services. We thus find
    that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in focusing on
    the home caregivers' relationship with Miracle in applying
    Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(5), (6), (19), and (20)."
    (Oct. 8, 2019 Decision & Entry at 9-10).
    {¶ 41} The trial court determined that as in Miracle Home, Goodrich contracted
    with Humanus, not the school, for work, and that pursuant to those agreements, Humanus
    established itself as Goodrich's employer, and as such, delegated certain of its rights to
    direct and control her work to her assigned school, i.e., Humanus' client. Specifically, the
    court found that the agreements established Humanus' control over where and for how long
    Goodrich would work, how much she would be paid, and the parameters and timeframe for
    obtaining payment. In addition, the agreements established Humanus' right to terminate
    Goodrich's services if it or the school were dissatisfied with her, which included engaging
    in conduct "Humanus reasonably believed is detrimental to its business," failure to follow
    the school's "directives" or "written policies" and failure "to perform the duties assigned by
    Humanus or Humanus' Client(s) for any reasons." (Decision & Entry at 11.) The court
    further found that although the agreements established the school's right to "supervise the
    services" provided by Goodrich, the right to terminate the services always remained with
    Humanus. In addition, the trial court found that Humanus could direct all aspects of how
    Goodrich rendered services to Humanus' client school and that, absent Humanus,
    Goodrich would have performed no services for Humanus' client. The court concluded that
    "Humanus is the entity for which Ms. Goodrich ultimately provided services, and the
    Commission did not err in focusing on that relationship when it applied the 20 factors." 
    No. 19AP-764                                                                              16
    {¶ 42} The trial court also rejected Humanus' claim that the Commission misapplied
    the Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(1) through (20) factors. Initially, the trial court noted
    that ODJFS never asserted that all 20 factors weighed in favor of an employment
    determination.    Further, in response to Humanus' argument that Goodrich was an
    independent contractor by virtue of contract provisions permitting her to subcontract her
    services, the trial court noted that those same provisions limited subcontracting only to
    individuals who agreed to adhere to the terms of the agreements. The trial court also
    disagreed with Humanus' contentions regarding Goodrich's potential for profit and loss.
    Specifically, the trial court found that the provision in the Master Agreement assessing
    damages to Goodrich for failure to give 30 days' notice of termination, even if enforceable,
    was not the type of loss contemplated by the 20-factor analysis. The trial court further
    found that the hourly rate pay arrangement utilized by Humanus was not the type of
    compensation structure associated with profit and loss. The trial court ultimately found
    "no error in the degree of importance the Commission gave to any one factor, considering
    the context." (Decision & Entry at 14.)
    {¶ 43} On appeal, Humanus argues that neither the Commission nor the trial court
    examined the 20 factors set forth in Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(1) through (20).
    Humanus takes particular issue with the trial court's finding regarding "the degree of
    importance the Commission gave to any one factor." To this point, Humanus argues that
    the Commission "provided no discussion of the twenty factors, or what importance it put
    on each." (Humanus' Brief at 15.) Relatedly, Humanus maintains that the Commission
    and the trial court overlooked 12 of the 20 "biggest factors," i.e., Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-
    05(B)(3), (4), (5), (8), (10), (11), (13), (14), (16), (17), (18), and (20) which purportedly
    support Goodrich's classification as an independent contractor. (Humanus Brief at 20.)
    {¶ 44} Humanus provides no authority for its proposition that the Commission
    and/or the trial court must specifically address and make findings as to each of the 20
    factors. Further, Ohio Adm. Code 4141-3-05(B) does not require a strict mathematical
    application of the factors. Rather, it provides that "[w]hen present, each of these factors
    serves to indicate some degree of direction or control," and that "[t]he degree of importance
    of each factor varies depending on the occupation and the factual context in which the
    No. 19AP-764                                                                              17
    services are performed." (Emphasis added.) Thus, each determination must be based on
    the unique characteristics of the occupation and the services being performed.
    {¶ 45} Moreover, the record reveals that both the Commission and the trial court
    considered the 20 factors. In closing argument at the January 24, 2019 tax hearing, counsel
    for Humanus addressed each of the 20 factors and pointed to evidence which purportedly
    established that the educational professionals are independent contractors rather than
    employees of Humanus. In response, counsel for ODJFS averred, "is every single one of
    these factors met in this case? No. Are the vast majority of the factors met in this case, on
    the basis of the black and white terms of both the [Master Agreement], the [Engagement
    Agreement], and the answers provided by * * * the testimony here today and the testimony
    provided in the benefits case? Absolutely." (Tr. at 66.)
    {¶ 46} In its decision, the Commission set forth the applicable law to be considered
    in determining whether Humanus is a liable employer, including consideration of the 20
    factors set forth in Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)(1) through (20). The Commission
    Humanus Corp. maintained that Ms. Denise Goodrich was an
    independent contractor and argued that their business
    relationship with claimant exhibited many of the
    characteristics of an independent contractor, as detailed by
    the Ohio Administrative Code. However, the evidence and
    testimony presented establishes that Humanus Corp.
    maintained direction and control of Ms. Denise Goodrich in a
    manner consistent with an employment relationship. * * *
    A thorough review of the record in this matter establishes that
    the Director properly found [the] individual identified in the
    audit to be a covered employee. The Director also established
    the proper liability rates for the employer.
    (Feb. 27, 2019 Commission Decision at 6.)
    {¶ 47} Contrary to Humanus' contention, the Commission's citation to the Ohio
    Administrative Code factors, its reference to Humanus' argument that its relationship with
    Goodrich exhibited many of the characteristics of an independent contractor, "as detailed
    by the Ohio Administrative Code," and its conclusion that Humanus "maintained direction
    and control" of Goodrich establishes that it examined the 20 factors and the record
    evidence pertaining to those factors. (Emphasis added.) 
     Similarly, the trial court's
    No. 19AP-764                                                                                18
    citation to the 20 factors, its reference to Humanus' arguments regarding those factors, and
    its analysis and conclusions pertaining to those arguments establishes that it examined and
    applied them to the evidence presented. Thus, any argument that the Commission and the
    trial court did not consider the factors is not supported by the record.
    {¶ 48} Humanus' main contention is that the trial court abused its discretion in
    finding that the Commission's determination was supported by reliable, probative, and
    substantial evidence. Humanus claims that the Commission focused on only a few of the
    Ohio Administrate Code factors to the exclusion of other, more pertinent factors. Indeed,
    Humanus argues that "[w]hen considering the twenty factors as a whole, it is evident the
    contracted professionals were not employees of Humanus. They controlled their own
    hours, controlled their own expenses, controlled the order of work performed, controlled
    their own profit and loss, and controlled whether to perform the work personally or
    subcontract it out." (Humanus Brief at 26.)
    {¶ 49} Like the trial court, we find Humanus' arguments regarding the potential for
    profit and loss and the ability to subcontract work unavailing. As noted by the trial court,
    Humanus' hourly pay structure is typically not one associated with the potential for profit
    and loss. Further, the agreements limit subcontracting to individuals who adhere to the
    terms of the Master Agreement. Further, Humanus fails to acknowledge the provisions of
    the Master and Engagement Agreements that support the finding by the Commission and
    the trial court that the educational professionals with whom it contracts are its employees.
    The agreements allow Humanus to set the parameters and timeframe for the services
    engaged; require particular training and submission of supporting documentation; set the
    hourly rate of pay; require submission of weekly invoices to obtain that pay; require
    notification of the failure to perform scheduled services; terminate the agreements without
    advance notice for any one of a number of reasons; and prohibit contact with a client school
    for 24 months following termination of the agreements.
    {¶ 50} Humanus also contends that neither the Commission nor the trial court
    refuted the cases it cited in support of its position. Review of the Commission and trial court
    decisions substantiate Humanus' assertion in this regard; however, we surmise that the
    failure to address those cases was because they are factually distinct from, and thus
    inapplicable to, the present case. See, e.g., Marcus Roach Express, LLC v. Dir., Ohio Dept.
    No. 19AP-764                                                                                  19
    of Job & Family Servs., 11th Dist. No. 2019-P-0054, 
    benefits appeal, truck driver); Eisenhour, 10th Dist. No. 97APE03-349 (Aug. 12, 1997)
    (unemployment appeal, home health aide); Golden v. Kearse, 12th Dist. No. CA98-08-164
    (employer workers' compensation liability, truck driver); Bookwalter v. Prescott, 
    168 Ohio App.3d 262
     (6th Dist.) (employer worker's compensation liability, truck
    driver); Evans v. Dir., Ohio Dept. Job & Family Servs., 10th Dist. No. 14AP-743, 2015-
    Ohio-3842 (unemployment tax appeal, truck driver).             Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-05(B)
    requires consideration of the factors of each case independently when determining whether
    an individual is free from "direction or control."
    {¶ 51} Humanus also criticizes the trial court's reliance on Miracle Home, 10th Dist.
    No. 12AP-318, 
    , arguing that it is factually distinguishable and thus
    inapplicable to the present case. We find no reversible error in the trial court's citation to
    Miracle Home. The trial court relied on that decision for the proposition that the language
    of an alleged independent contractor agreement may not reflect the reality of the
    relationship between the contracting parties and to dispel Humanus' theory that Goodrich
    provided services to the school, not Humanus. As noted by the trial court, Miracle Home
    demonstrates that when an individual's contract is with an entity who subsequently refers
    that individual to the entity's clients, it is the referring entity, not the client, for whom the
    individual provides services. Humanus also avers that Miracle Home applied "the wrong
    standard in reviewing the trial court's decision." (Humanus' Brief at 29.) We have already
    determined that the standard of review advocated by Humanus is incorrect and that the
    appropriate standard of review, abuse of discretion, was employed in Miracle Home.
    {¶ 52} Finally, Humanus contends that the Commission and the trial court erred in
    relying on the evidence and determination in the benefits case in deciding the tax case. We
    need not address this issue, however, as Humanus withdrew it at oral argument.
    {¶ 53} For all the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse
    its discretion in finding reliable, probative, and substantial evidence supporting the
    Commission's determination with respect to classification of Goodrich as an employee of
    {¶ 54} The first assignment of error is overruled.
    No. 19AP-764                                                                                20
    {¶ 55} In its second assignment of error, Humanus claims that the trial court erred
    in finding that Humanus is a temporary services agency under Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-06.
    Preliminarily, we note that the trial court did not make such a finding. The trial court
    merely stated that "Ohio Adm.Code 4141-3-06(C), applicable to 'temporary services
    agencies,' is instructive." (Decision & Entry at 14.) Further, the trial court decided the case
    under the rubric of R.C. 4141.01(B)(1) and Ohio Adm. Code 4141-3-05, not Ohio Adm.Code
    {¶ 56} The second assignment of error is overruled.
    {¶ 57} Having overruled Humanus' two assignments of error, we hereby affirm the
    judgment of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas.
    Judgment affirmed.
    BRUNNER and NELSON, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19AP-764

Citation Numbers: 2020 Ohio 6940

Judges: Klatt

Filed Date: 12/29/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/29/2020