Citizens Against Am. Landfill Expansion v. Koncelik , 2014 Ohio 123 ( 2014 )

  • [Cite as Citizens Against Am. Landfill Expansion v. Koncelik, 
    Citizens Against American Landfill                     :
    Expansion (C.A.A.L.E.),                                          Nos. 12AP-741
    :         (ERAC No. 765939)
    Appellant-Appellant,                                   12AP-742
    :         (ERAC No. 765943)
    v.                                                                     12AP-743
    :         (ERAC No. 766079)
    Joseph P. Koncelik, Director of                        :         (ERAC No. 766192)
    Environmental Protection Agency et al.,
    D E C I S I O N
    Rendered on January 16, 2014
    D. David Altman Co., L.P.A., D. David Altman, Justin D.
    Newman, and Nicholas W. Schwandner, for appellant.
    Michael DeWine, Attorney General, and Nicholas J. Bryan,
    for appellee Ohio Environmental Protection Agency;
    Thompson Hine, LLP, and Terrence M. Fay, for appellee
    American Landfill, Inc.
    APPEALS from the Environmental Review Appeals Commission.
    {¶ 1}     Appellant Citizens Against American Landfill Expansion ("CAALE")
    appeals from an order of the Environmental Review Appeals Commission ("ERAC").
    ERAC's order upholds the decision of appellee Joseph P. Koncelik, Director of the Ohio
    Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), granting appellee American Landfill, Inc., a
    permit to undertake vertical and horizontal expansion of an existing landfill site.
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                               2
    {¶ 2} We begin with the uncontroverted facts. The site currently known as
    American Landfill is located in Stark County north of Waynesburg, Ohio, on a 1,072 acre
    parcel owned by the current landfill operator. Landfill operations at the site date back at
    least to the early 1970s, and through much of its history the landfill has been known as
    Breitenstine, after the name of the initial operator. The Ohio EPA granted Breitenstine
    Landfill, Inc., the first solid waste disposal permit for the site in 1975. American Landfill
    purchased the facility from Breitenstine in 1989. American Landfill is a subsidiary of
    Waste Management, Inc., a large environmental services company operating across much
    of North America and headquartered in Houston, Texas. Although Waste Management
    was named as an appellee in the initial appeal to ERAC, it is no longer a party to the
    {¶ 3} Regulatory requirements and industry methods have evolved over the long
    history of operation at the site, so that construction techniques and environmental
    safeguards for the older portions of the landfill are not executed to the same standards as
    those installed under newer permits. In particular, prior to 1993, neither Ohio nor federal
    law required the installation of artificial liners on the bottom and sides of landfill sites in
    the form of a plastic impermeable membrane. Thus, the older sections of the landfill are
    built with only a compacted clay liner to prevent leakage into the surrounding earth of
    liquid that has come into contact with waste ("leachate"). Newer sections incorporate
    composite liners comprised of an impermeable membrane, compacted clay, permeable
    drainage layers, and leachate collection pipes and sumps.             The current proposed
    expansion specifies such current "best available technology" ("BAT") liners. These are
    specified both under the new horizontal expansion as well as to separate the existing
    waste from new materials added above in the proposed vertical expansion.
    {¶ 4} The need for effective leachate control is accentuated because much of the
    site is a former strip mine. As a result, some parts of the landfill lie over mine spoil
    consisting of broken-up rocks formed from the overburden removed to access underlying
    coal. The physical properties of this mine spoil make it particularly problematic for the
    control of escaped leachate. The site also contains old oil and gas wells that generated and
    may continue to generate brine as part of the oil and gas extraction process.
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                             3
    {¶ 5} The EPA has granted at least three prior Permits to Install ("PTIs") allowing
    improvement or expansion of the landfill. Breitenstine sought and received a permit in
    1985 to expand horizontally over a clay liner. American Landfill obtained a permit in
    1995 allowing installation of a gas extraction system to collect and process for sale the gas
    generated by landfill contents. This system incorporates lined wells drilled into the waste
    mass and feeding into collection pipes. Also in 1995, the EPA granted a permit allowing a
    further increase in the landfill footprint, this time using a synthetic impermeable liner to
    inhibit release of leachate from the new landfill contents.
    {¶ 6} In 1999, American Landfill initiated a new round of permit applications for
    further expansion; these are the permits that underlie the present appeal. Opponents of
    the proposed expansion formed CAALE, a citizen's group composed of neighboring
    residents or property owners concerned about the potential impact upon their property
    and quality of life. CAALE raised funds, hired experts, and coordinated efforts in
    opposition to the latest expansion.
    {¶ 7} The director issued deficiency notices in response to the initial 1999
    applications. After a lengthy process of modification and resubmission, in 2006 the
    director issued solid waste and air permits covering a lateral and vertical expansion of the
    landfill facility. CAALE and some of its members in their individual capacities timely filed
    appeals from the director's decision to issue the permits. The actions appealed from
    included the air permit, solid waste permit, and two "alternate source demonstrations"
    ("ASDs") submitted by American Landfill and approved by the director in connection with
    the permit applications. Simply put, the ASDs are submitted by the permit applicant as
    explanations or justifications for presence of certain contaminants in nearby
    groundwater, suggesting that the contaminant source is not the landfill contents.
    {¶ 8} The Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District, a
    three-county authority formed pursuant to R.C. 3734.52 and 343.01 et seq., participated
    in proceedings before the director and was named an appellant before ERAC. The solid
    waste district, however, has not filed a notice of appeal to this court or briefed the matter
    before us. Likewise, while some individual members of CAALE were named as parties in
    past proceedings, the notices of appeal to this court name only CAALE as an appellant and
    we accordingly deem CAALE to be the sole party prosecuting this appeal.
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                          4
    {¶ 9} Before ERAC the appellants raised 131 enumerated assignments of error
    covering, in ERAC's summarized view, 17 identifiable issues raised by the expansion.
    Collectively, however, all these issues challenge, first, the director's acceptance of
    American Landfill's characterization of the geology and hydrology underlining the landfill
    and surrounding area, and second, the engineering design of the proposed expansion,
    particularly the vertical expansion over existing waste. The ultimate result, appellants
    argued, would inevitably lead to a failure to protect air and water quality in the
    surrounding community.
    {¶ 10} In the de novo review before ERAC, the parties presented extensive direct
    testimony and documentary evidence. Most significantly, American Landfill and the
    permit opponents presented expert testimony regarding the impact of the proposed
    horizontal and vertical expansion. ERAC then rendered an order finding that the director
    had acted lawfully and reasonably in issuing the air and solid waste permits and
    associated ASDs.
    {¶ 11} Because the ERAC order appears under several different ERAC case
    numbers due to the lengthy procedural history and multiple actions by the director
    considered by ERAC, appellant CAALE has filed four separate notices of appeal in this
    case and we have consolidated the matter for briefing and argument. CAALE brings the
    following sole assignment of error:
    The Ohio Environmental Review Appeals Commission
    (ERAC) erred in affirming the landfill expansion permit
    because the Director, in contravention of his regulatory
    duties, approved the permit without requiring American
    Landfill, Inc. (ALI) to account for the decades of leachate
    generated in the existing, unlined portions of the American
    {¶ 12} R.C. 3745.05(F) defines the standard under which ERAC reviews a final
    action of the director: "If, upon completion of the hearing, the commission finds that the
    action appealed from was lawful and reasonable, it shall make a written order affirming
    the action, or if the commission finds that the action was unreasonable or unlawful, it
    shall make a written order vacating or modifying the action appealed from." Under this
    standard, the term "unlawful" means "that which is not in accordance with law," and the
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    term "unreasonable" means that which does not have a valid factual foundation. Citizens
    Committee to Preserve Lake Logan v. Williams, 
    56 Ohio App.2d 61
    , 70 (10th Dist.1977).
    During the de novo hearing before ERAC, the burden remained upon American Landfill
    to show compliance with applicable regulation so that it was entitled to the expansion
    {¶ 13} On appeal, this court must affirm ERAC's order if it finds that "the order is
    supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence and is in accordance with law."
    R.C. 3745.06. "In the absence of such a finding," we must "reverse, vacate, or modify the
    order or make such other ruling as is supported by reliable, probative, and substantial
    evidence and is in accordance with law." R.C. 3745.06.
    {¶ 14} Reliable evidence is that which can be trusted.       Gen. Elec. Lighting v.
    Koncelik, 10th Dist. No. 05AP-310, 
    , ¶ 10, citing Our Place, Inc. v. Ohio
    Liquor Control Comm., 
    63 Ohio St.3d 570
    , 571 (1992). For evidence to be reliable, there
    must be a reasonable probability that it is true. 
     Probative evidence tends to prove the
    issue in question, while substantial evidence carries weight or has importance in value.
     "ERAC may not abuse its discretion in admitting evidence, weighing it, and granting
    credibility to testimony." Tube City Olympic of Ohio, Inc. v. Jones, 10th Dist. No. 03AP-
    , ¶ 26.
    {¶ 15} In this appeal, CAALE has refined its arguments to address groundwater
    contamination concerns presented by the vertical expansion aspect of the 2006 permit.
    CAALE argues that ERAC accepted the stability and settlement determinations offered in
    the permit applications without requiring American Landfill to account for leachate
    generated in the older, underlying portions of the landfill. Specifically, CAALE asserts
    that the technical analyses addressing different aspects of the proposed expansion used
    mutually irreconcilable assumptions when addressing the leachate problem: where
    convenient, American Landfill and the director assume that no leachate has ever escaped
    from the landfill, but elsewhere they assume the opposite, postulating that no significant
    amount of liquid remains in the landfill, despite the inevitable collection and retention of
    surface water over time, and the generation of liquid by the landfill contents.
    {¶ 16} Either of these assumptions, CAALE argues, disregards much of the
    evidence presented before the commission regarding leachate generation by the landfill,
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                               6
    ingress of precipitation into the waste, and fluctuations of leachate levels identified
    throughout the existing landfill area. Specifically, CAALE points to testimony establishing
    that many of the gas-collection wells reveal depths of fluid present up to 40 feet in the
    existing landfill waste, which required specialized pumping and fluid handling procedures
    to facilitate gas collection.   As a result, CAALE argues, the commission incorrectly
    entertained irreconcilable conclusions regarding the effect of fluid in the form of leachate,
    finding on the one hand that there was no leachate present and that the low saturation
    levels supported American Landfill's stability and settlement calculations, despite the fact
    that this would require a finding that any groundwater or rainwater that would enter the
    landfill must have escaped through the bottom and caused groundwater contamination.
    {¶ 17} We first address ERAC's assessment of the engineering aspect of the
    proposed expansion. Applicable Ohio environmental laws and regulations require that a
    landfill permit application provide a narrative description of the rationale used to
    establish the proposed engineering cross section to cope with parameters such as
    hydrostatic uplift and slope stability.      Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-06(C)(4)(a)(v). An
    application for a new PTI must provide stability calculations demonstrating that slopes
    and other features of the facility will remain stable. Ohio Adm. Code 3745-27-06(C)(4)
    and 3745-27-08(C)(7).
    {¶ 18} An engineer for the Ohio EPA, Virginia Wilson, reviewed the engineering
    portions of American Landfill's permit application. At the time, she was a member of the
    EPA's geotechnical resource group and had specialized training in slope stability,
    synthetic liner construction and testing, and permeable testing. (Tr. 4940-43.)
    {¶ 19} Wilson testified that her duties with the EPA first made her familiar with
    the then-Breitenstine site in 1989. She was later reassigned to solid waste facilities in
    Mahoning County, then returned to the unit covering Stark County in 2000. Initially she
    oversaw the American Landfill site only with respect to operation under prior PTIs, but by
    2003 she began review of the resubmitted 1999 permit applications.
    {¶ 20} Wilson reviewed all aspects of the 2003 resubmission including
    "engineering design, the engineering construction requirements, siting requirements,
    * * * slope stability, settlement, hydrostatic uplift, * * * all the leachate collection design
    requirements, and calculations associated with those." (Tr. 4949.) She generated various
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    deficiency notices through this and subsequent reviews, causing multiple revisions and
    improvements to the project. Wilson testified that, ultimately, American Landfill's permit
    application contained more engineering protection than the EPA typically sees in such
    applications, including additional refinements to the leachate collection system. (Tr.
    4998-5000.) American Landfill's 2003 application proposed placement of a separatory
    impermeable membrane, bedded on impermeable clay, over the old landfill waste and
    below the new waste in the proposed vertical expansion. This impermeable separatory
    liner would act as a barrier to prevent introduction of new fluid into the underlying,
    existing landfill waste. (Tr. 4964-65.)
    {¶ 21} Wilson also testified regarding slope stability calculations for the expansion
    and concluded that the landfill slopes would be stable. (Tr. 4951-53.) She reviewed the
    underlying assumptions regarding material cohesion and concluded that American
    Landfill had used a "material cohesion factor" (the quantified measure of soil strength as a
    factor in slope stability) that was within the relevant EPA guidelines. She further testified
    that, even if no cohesion factor were attributed to the landfill waste at all, simulations run
    through two different computer programs had predicted that the landfill slopes would
    remain stable. (Tr. 4957.)
    {¶ 22} When asked about landfill saturation levels in the existing waste, Wilson
    stated that many of the gas extraction wells consistently showed no liquid at all, and that
    if the entire waste mass were as saturated with water as CAALE's expert postulated, the
    wells would show consistent levels across the entire landfill as the liquid percolated to find
    its level. (Tr. 5060-65.)
    {¶ 23} American Landfill also presented testimony from two experts, Peter Carey
    and James Walker. ERAC accepted both as experts in the field of landfill engineering,
    design, and construction. Each worked for American Landfill contractors on different
    aspects of the proposed design in preparation for the PTI applications.
    {¶ 24} Walker testified that over the prior 23 years he had worked on 15 major
    landfill expansion projects. Half of these were in Ohio, and involved compliance with
    Ohio's solid waste regulatory scheme. Walker stated that he participated in Ohio's rule-
    promulgation process by participating in EPA notice and comment meetings. In addition
    to major landfill expansions, Walker stated that he oversaw cap and closure projects, gas
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    monitoring systems, leachate collection systems, and storm water control systems, as well
    as every other aspect of landfill construction improvement.
    {¶ 25} Walker became involved with the American Landfill PTI re-application in
    2001, after the initial 1999 application had generated numerous deficiency notices. By
    2003, American Landfill was ready to resubmit the revised application.           The most
    significant modifications from the original application included the inclusion of a
    separatory liner under the vertical expansion, and an associated leachate collection
    system. Another significant alteration was to change the proposed horizontal expansion
    footprint to accommodate wetlands concerns.
    {¶ 26} Walker admitted that there were no leachate collection systems under the
    non-BAT sections of the landfill, including the area to be covered by the separatory liner
    and the vertical expansion. (Tr. 4925.) The non-BAT areas under the separatory liner
    contained existing gas collection wells, and the heads of these wells would be covered by
    the separatory line and become inaccessible. (Tr. 4917.) After expansion, it would
    become impossible to lower a pump into the gas collection wells to clear them of leachate.
    (Tr. 4917.)
    {¶ 27} Carey testified that he prepared settlement calculations for the impermeable
    liners under the new landfill sections, did slurry wall designs, made hydrostatic uplift
    calculations for the vertical expansion, and undertook slope stability analysis. He analyzed
    the anticipated settlement rates for landfill contents and calculated strain rates upon the
    separatory liner that would lie between the old and new parts of the vertical expansion.
    His hydrostatic uplift calculations applied both to fluid pressures generated under the
    separatory liner by old waste under the vertical expansion, and groundwater pressures
    exerted on the underside of the liner beneath the horizontal expansion.
    {¶ 28} Carey explained the assumptions regarding the cohesive strength of the old
    waste to establish that it would not shift or slide when additional weight was applied over
    top of it. The number proposed was a typically accepted number for such old waste
    cohesion based on extensive experimentation with landfill waste "shear strength." (Tr.
    5159.) Based upon this number and computations for the new waste, models calculated
    by Carey for American Landfill demonstrated that the slopes would remain stable.
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                               9
    {¶ 29} Carey testified regarding the liquid levels in existing waste. His initial
    research compiled reports from former landfill operations, including the complete
    excavation of an older section of the American Landfill area—the "valley dissection site"—
    undertaken for reasons unrelated to the present expansion. Carey found that crews
    performing this excavation reported no significant leachate seeps, and remarked that the
    excavated material was "so dry." (Tr. 5149.) Carey testified regarding the liquid levels in
    gas extraction wells, some of which showed considerable depths of liquid and had to be
    pumped to maintain operation. Much of this liquid, however, he attributed to
    condensation from cooling gas as it was extracted from high temperature zones deep in
    the decaying waste and drawn to cooler zones near the surface. Because this liquid from
    condensation was not particularly probative of the presence of deep levels of leachate in
    the waste, Carey relied on the initial drilling reports from the extraction well installations.
    Carey testified that overall these gas well installation logs "overwhelmingly characterized"
    the drilling zones as "dry" or "damp," with very few bores reported as "wet." (Tr. 5142-
    45.) Carey stated that in his experience the level of leachate in the landfill mass is
    typically uneven because of great differences in permeability across the depth of the waste
    material, and the presence of "perched" liquids sitting on zones of denser waste or old
    dump roads built across the waste pile as part of the waste deposition process. (Tr. 5150.)
    Thus, leachate present at certain heights above the landfill bottom would not indicate that
    fluids were present continuously below this level. (Tr. 5150.)
    {¶ 30} Douglas Dobransky, an EPA geologist, testified primarily regarding his
    review of groundwater hydrology and monitoring well reports, and his testimony in this
    respect will be further reviewed below.        He also addressed and explained certain
    restrictions on surface hydrology conditions presented in prior PTIs for the American
    Landfill site. These required strict control over surface water flow from precipitation or
    other sources to prevent it reaching the "active working area" of the landfill. (Tr. 4462.)
    The active working area comprises that part of the landfill in which new waste is currently
    deposited over uncovered landfill contents. All other areas are required to be sealed with
    a permanent or temporary clay cover graded on a slope calculated to allow runoff to
    escape before it percolates through the cover material. This water runoff is directed
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    through a system of permanent or temporary berms and ditches away from the active
    working area to avoid saturating the landfill contents with surface water. (Tr. 4462-64.)
    {¶ 31} Based upon this testimony from multiple credible and credentialed
    witnesses, we find that ERAC heard reliable, probative, and substantial evidence to
    support the conclusion that the 2006 PTIs granted by the director should be upheld. The
    evidence, if believed, established that the proposed engineering models for landfill
    expansion would be stable and compatible with Ohio law and EPA regulations. In
    particular, there was extensive evidence from which ERAC could conclude that the
    quantities of leachate present in existing waste did not undermine the engineering
    models. The concerns regarding the lack of a leachate collection system in the older
    section that will underlie the new vertical expansion are credibly addressed by the
    evidence tending to establish that there is insufficient fluid present in this material to
    compromise the integrity of either the underlying clay liner or the new overlying
    separatory liner. Under the standard of review to which we are constrained, ERACs order
    is in accordance with law in this respect.
    {¶ 32} We next address CAALE's alternative argument regarding leachate control
    at the site. If the waste is not presently saturated with leachate, CAALE suggests, then
    fluids must have found a way out of the bottom or sides of the landfill. CAALE asserts
    that the older portions of the landfill are not lined according to modern technology, and in
    some places are completely unlined, resting directly over permeable strip mining waste.
    CAALE asserts that because of this the landfill expansion will inevitably aggravate
    groundwater pollution in violation of R.C. 6111.04(A), which prohibits contamination of
    the surface or subterranean waters of Ohio.
    {¶ 33} American Landfill stresses evidence to the contrary, which tends to show
    that existing waste is nowhere deposited directly over completely unsuitable soils, and at
    worst is underlain by natural impermeable clay layers or recompacted clay added as a
    liner pursuant to earlier PTIs. Moreover, American Landfill points out that the bulk of the
    testimony summarized above established that little water entered the landfill from surface
    runoff or precipitation, and that landfill contents tend to dry out over time, rather than
    accumulate permanent pooling of fluids. Finally, American Landfill argues that R.C.
    Chapter 6111 is completely inapplicable to solid waste disposal facilities.
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    {¶ 34} First we address the question of the applicable law governing the required
    objectives of the PTI process. CAALE argues that in addition to the extensive regulatory
    scheme governing solid waste disposal, ERAC must consider and apply certain sections of
    R.C. Chapter 6111 ("Water Pollution Control") to deny the requested PTIs.
    {¶ 35} The director and American Landfill initially argue that R.C. Chapter 6111
    does not apply because it only regulates, as an extension of the Federal Clean Water Act,
    discharges into surface water, not subterranean aquifers. For this they cite Kelley v.
    United States, 
    618 F.Supp. 1103
     (W.D.Mich.1985), which is utterly inapposite. That case
    was decided under federal law rather than the more comprehensive language of the
    pertinent sections of R.C. Chapter 6111. Moreover, even Kelley's limitation of the reach of
    the federal statute to exclude groundwater has been questioned or rejected outright. See,
    e.g., Williams Pipe Line Co. v. Bayer Corp., 
    964 F.Supp. 1300
     (S.D.Iowa 1997); Friends of
    Santa Fe Cty. v. LAC Minerals, Inc., 892 F.Supp 1333 (D.N.M.1995).
    {¶ 36} Examining the language of the Ohio clean water statute, we do not agree
    with appellees' proposition that R.C. Chapter 6111 could never apply to pollution
    discharged into subsurface waters by landfill waste. R.C. 6111.04(A)(1) provides that "[n]o
    person shall cause pollution or place or cause to be placed any sewage, sludge, sludge
    materials, industrial waste, or other wastes in a location where they cause pollution of any
    waters of the state." R.C. 6111.04(A)(2) provides a permit exception to this prohibition,
    and R.C. 6111.03(J) grants the director the power to issue, revoke, modify or deny such
    permits. R.C. 6111.01(H) defines "waters of the state" to include "bodies or accumulations
    of water, surface and underground, natural or artificial, regardless of the depth of the
    strata in which underground water is located." R.C. 6111.01(D) defines "other waste" to
    include "garbage" or "refuse."      On its face, the statute plainly supports a general
    prohibition against leachate discharges from landfills into the subterranean waters of the
    state.   The question remains, however, whether this prohibition may be separately
    asserted in opposition to a landfill PTI application. Applying general rules of statutory
    construction and synthesis, we find that it does not.
    {¶ 37} R.C. Chapter 6111 imposes a broad and comprehensive prohibition against
    water pollution in Ohio.        R.C. Chapter 3734 specifically addresses the design,
    construction, and operation of solid waste facilities in the state. R.C. 3734.02(A)
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                            12
    authorizes the director of EPA to promulgate comprehensive body of regulation to this
    end. This section provides that the rules may address "requirements for taking corrective
    action in the event of the surface or subsurface discharge or migration * * * or leachate
    from a solid waste facility, or of groundwater contamination resulting from the transfer or
    disposal of solid wastes at a facility." R.C. 3734.02(A).
    {¶ 38} In keeping with this legislative mandate, the director has adopted a variety
    of sections in the Ohio Administrative Code, including Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-08(B),
    requiring composite liner systems under landfills to prevent leachate from escaping. Ohio
    Adm.Code 3745-27-08(B)(1)(d) mandates installation of leachate collection and
    management systems. Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-10 requires installation of groundwater
    monitoring wells around areas of waste placement. Other sections address final cover
    structure and composite cap systems preventing rainwater from flowing into waste.
    {¶ 39} As a rule, specific statutory provisions prevail over general ones. R.C. 1.51;
    State v. Volpe, 
    38 Ohio St.3d 191
    , 193 (1988) ("Well-established principles of statutory
    construction require that specific statutory provisions prevail over conflicting general
    statutes"). While the two chapters here are complementary, rather than conflicting, the
    same principle applies to harmonize their application. R.C. Chapter 3734 is specific to
    solid waste facilities, and the associated regulations are specific to leachate control.
    Indisputably, the legislation incorporates the same effective goals as R.C. Chapter 6111
    with respect to water pollution, and may be viewed as an extension of the general policy
    expressed therein.
    {¶ 40} We conclude that the legislature intended to primarily regulate (and
    prohibit) possible subsurface leachate releases from landfills under Ohio's solid waste
    laws codified at R.C. Chapter 3734. Solid waste facility PTIs must be assessed under that
    body of specific law rather than R.C. Chapter 6111. We do not decide the question of
    whether the enforcement provisions of R.C. Chapter 6111 would apply in the case of actual
    leachate discharge from the landfill in the future, but when assessing the potential risks to
    groundwater posed by the proposed expansion, ERAC properly looked first to the EPA's
    own regulations governing solid waste disposal.
    {¶ 41} Our assessment of the primacy of applicable law appears consistent with
    EPA's practice. EPA's Dobransky testified before ERAC that in his work with EPA's
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    Division of Groundwater, he did not independently apply R.C. Chapter 6111, which "was
    something the Division of Surface Water applied." (Tr. 357.) Instead, the EPA reviewed
    solid waste permits under the specific regulations addressing these, which incorporated
    the relevant aspects of R.C. Chapter 6111's water protection goals. (Tr. 353-55.)
    Dobransky stated that the Ohio EPA does not issue leachate to groundwater discharge
    permits under R.C. Chapter 6111. (Tr. 358.)
    {¶ 42} Reviewing the evidence on the issue of previous leachate, American Landfill
    and the director concede that the extensive groundwater testing conducted in preparation
    of the permit applications reveal impurities. They conclude, however, that these
    impurities are not the result of improper landfill operation. CAALE's expert to the
    contrary interpreted the data to support the proposition that some of these impurities had
    migrated from landfill contents.
    {¶ 43} Experts for American Landfill presented evidence concerning the presence
    of impurities in nearby aquifers. Mohammed Ali, the engineering manager for American
    Landfill, testified that the site had undergone strip mining and oil and gas operation over
    the years before being used as a landfill and that these had impacted groundwater in the
    vicinity, particularly with naturally occurring brine brought to the surface by oil and gas
    extraction. (Tr. 3064-65.)
    {¶ 44} Allan Razem testified as an expert in geology and hydrogeology. His
    credentials included broad experience with monitoring wells for landfills. This generally
    involved chemical testing of well water samples from monitoring wells surrounding the
    landfill sites. If necessary, the contaminants, if any, might then be tested against samples
    from the landfill proper, such as gas extraction wells, to establish a correlation between
    the identified contaminants and determine if those in the well samples were the result of
    subterranean migration of leachate and landfill gases.
    {¶ 45} Razem described the results of his work as a contractor for American
    Landfill. The 2003 PTI application provided for 50 monitoring wells distributed around
    the site. Most of these are "downgradient," that is, in the direction of probable downhill
    flow of subterranean waters through pervious strata comprising likely sources of potable
    water. (Tr. 3701-13, 3760, 3784.) He rebutted certain data presented by CAALE setting
    forth bromide and chloride concentrations distributed across various wells.          Razem
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                             14
    testified that alkalinity increases with well depth because water acquires minerals from
    surrounding soil and rock as it moves downward. He opined that neutralizing factors in
    the mine spoil would be relatively small compared to increases in mineral concentration
    caused by leachate contamination, and, therefore, leachate contamination would not be
    masked by other factors. Based upon his analysis of "gradients" (groundwater levels and
    directions of flow), Razem testified that the bromide, chloride, and other ion
    concentrations were the result of existing site conditions stemming from past oil, gas, and
    coal extraction and did not support CAALE's theory that landfill leachate was
    contaminating local groundwater. (Tr. 3798-99, 3943.)           The presence of old brine-
    injection wells, which for years had taken the brine produced by oil and gas wells and re-
    injected it into deep strata, accounted for much of the contaminants. (Tr. 3645.)
    {¶ 46} Dobransky, EPA's geologist, testified that his review of the 2003 American
    Landfill PTI included the groundwater monitoring and control plans. This comprised
    part of the "hydrological site investigation report" prepared for the PTI application. (Tr.
    4515.) Based on site surveys, he identified the various aquifer layers and their exposure to
    escaped leachate, and thus the monitoring patterns needed to detect contamination. (Tr.
    4545-51.) When asked to give his ultimate conclusions regarding the monitoring wells
    and testing plan, Dobransky opined that the wells were in the proper location, in sufficient
    numbers, and bored to draw from the appropriate geological strata. (Tr. 4591-92.) As did
    Razem, Dobransky concluded that all of the testing evidence and water sampling
    demonstrated that any observed statistically significant increases in contaminants were
    caused by existing oil field brine and coal mining activity, rather than by landfill leachate.
    (Tr. 4600.)
    {¶ 47} Again, this question resolves itself as a battle of experts in which we are not
    privileged to substitute our judgment for that of the expertise embodied in ERAC. While
    CAALE specifically attacks the placement of monitoring wells on the basis that their
    "downgradient" positions do not protect against "upgradient" flow generated by high
    hydrostatic pressures in the supposedly fluid filled old waste, this assertion relies on an
    assumption of fluid levels that ERAC could properly reject based on the evidence. We find
    that there was evidence before ERAC that supports the commission's conclusion
    regarding the risk presented by existing leachate in the landfill.
    Nos. 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743 and 12AP-744                                          15
    {¶ 48} Finally, we address CAALE's conclusion that the permit applications
    provide inadequate financial assurances regarding future environmental problems at the
    American Landfill site. In connection with the permits, American Landfill was required to
    perform calculations anticipating the cost of final closure of the expanded landfill site.
    Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-06. These computations must be made based upon site specific
    information, Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-06(C)(5)(i), and contain provisions for future
    leachate problems among other hazards, Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-11(B)(10). CAALE
    argues that, because other aspects of permits do not account correctly for leachate in the
    landfill, the post-closure financial provisions are invalid.    CAALE makes no other
    argument regarding these post-closure financial provisions. Because we have concluded
    that ERAC's order upholding the director's decision to grant permits is supported by
    reliable, probative, and substantial evidence and is in accordance with law with respect to
    the leachate and other permit requirements, the financial provisions are also in
    compliance with applicable regulations.
    {¶ 49} In summary, we find that ERAC's order is supported by reliable, probative,
    and substantial evidence and is in accordance with law, and we affirm.
    Order affirmed.
    SADLER, P.J., and KLATT, J., concur.
    VUKOVICH, J., of the Seventh Appellate District, sitting by
    assignment in the Tenth Appellate District.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12AP-741, 12AP-742, 12AP-743, 12AP-744

Citation Numbers: 2014 Ohio 123

Judges: Vukovich

Filed Date: 1/16/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014