In re D.C.J. , 2021 Ohio 4395 ( 2021 )

  • [Cite as In re D.C.J., 
    IN RE: D.C.J.                                  JUDGES:
    Hon. Craig R. Baldwin, P.J.
    Hon. W. Scott Gwin, J.
    Hon. William B. Hoffman, J.
    Case No. 2021CA00090
    CHARACTER OF PROCEEDINGS:                      Appeal from the Stark County Court of
    Common Pleas, Family Court Division,
    Case No. 2020JCV01200
    JUDGMENT:                                      Affirmed
    DATE OF JUDGMENT ENTRY:                        December 10, 2021
    For Plaintiff-Appellee                         For Mother-Appellant
    BRANDON J. WALTENBAUGH                         AARON KOVALCHIK
    Stark County Department of                     116 Cleveland Avenue, N.W., Suite #808
    Job and Family Services                        Canton, Ohio 44702
    402 2nd Street, S.E.
    Canton, Ohio 44702
    Stark County, Case No. 2021CA00090                                                        2
    Hoffman, J.
    {¶1}   Appellant Tasha Reeves (“Mother”) appeals the July 19, 2021 Judgment
    Entry entered by the Stark County Court of Common Pleas, Family Court Division, which
    terminated her parental rights, privileges, and obligations with respect to her infant child
    (“the Child”), and granted permanent custody of the Child to appellee Stark County
    Department of Jobs and Family Services (“SCDJFS”).
    {¶2}   On November 13, 2020, SCDJFS filed a Complaint, alleging the Child was
    dependent and requesting temporary custody be awarded to SCDJFS. SCDJFS filed the
    Complaint due to concerns relative to Mother's extensive history with SCDJFS which
    included multiple court involvements resulting in Mother's losing legal and permanent
    custody of four of her other five children. At the time of the filing of Complaint, the case
    involving her fifth child was scheduled for hearing on SCDJFS’s motion for permanent
    custody on December 22, 2020. The trial court ultimately granted permanent custody of
    the fifth child to SCDJFS. This Court affirmed the trial court’s decision. In re: D.C., 5th
    Dist. Stark No. 2021CA00047, 
    {¶3}   The Complaint noted the concerns which gave rise to the actions involving
    Mother's other children which included Mother exposing the children to sexual offenders,
    failing to protect the children from sexual abuse, deplorable home conditions, Mother's
    mental health issues, and her faulty decision making. In 2017, child protective services
    in the state of Michigan investigated concerns Mother had exposed her fifth child to a
    sexual offender and the fifth child had witnessed domestic violence between the sexual
    offender and another individual. Mother moved to Ohio before Michigan child protective
    services conducted the final home inspection. Despite ten years of involvement with
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    SCDJFS, Mother had not improved her parenting skills and was still struggling with the
    same chronic issues. Mother was unable to meet the Child's needs and unable to
    maintain a sanitary and safe home environment.
    {¶4}     Following a shelter care hearing, the trial court placed the Child in the
    emergency temporary custody of SCDJFS. The trial court conducted an adjudicatory
    hearing on February 9, 2021, and found the Child to be dependent and placed him in the
    temporary custody of SCDJFS. The trial court conducted a review hearing on May 7,
    2021, and maintained the status quo. SCDJFS filed a motion for permanent custody on
    May 7, 2021.
    {¶5}     The trial court conducted a hearing on SCDJFS’s motion for permanent
    custody on July 15, 2021.
    {¶6}     Kimberly Gabel, an SCDJFS caseworker, testified she was assigned to the
    family in February, 2021, but had an historical knowledge of SCDJFS’s involvement with
    Mother and her other children. Gabel stated SCDJFS became involved with the Child at
    the time of his birth because of the Agency’s decade long involvement with Mother. Gabel
    identified the judgment entries granting permanent custody of Mother’s five other children
    to SCDJFS.
    {¶7}     Gabel noted, when Mother advised SCDJFS of her pregnancy with the
    Child, Mother reported she was serving as a surrogate for her friend and her friend’s
    boyfriend, Terrence Pryor. Genetic testing excluded Pryor as the Child’s father. Mother
    did not provide SCDJFS with the names of any other potential fathers for the Child.
    {¶8}     Mother’s previous case plans required her to engage in comprehensive
    mental health treatment, including counseling, medication compliance, and case
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    management; engage in substance abuse services; and work with Goodwill through the
    parenting skills training program and home-based program. Mother was also required to
    maintain appropriate housing and a viable source of income. Gabel indicated Mother has
    failed to make any meaningful changes in order to safely parent any of her children. With
    respect to the instant action, Mother’s case plan required her to engage in services at
    Comquest to address her substance use and sobriety, complete an assessment and
    comply with the color code drug screening requirements, engage in comprehensive
    mental health treatment, and establish paternity of the Child.
    {¶9}   Gabel stated Mother did not cooperate with establishing paternity. Mother’s
    mental health counselor did not provide Gabel with Mother’s records; therefore, Gabel
    was unable to verify whether Mother was being consistent with the services. In February,
    2021, Mother completed an initial assessment at Comquest.                   The evaluator
    recommended Mother comply with a twice a week color code screening and continue
    mental health services. Mother tested positive for alcohol on February 19, 2021, May 14,
    2021, and June 2, 2021. She tested positive for methamphetamines on April 27, 2021,
    and May 7, 2021, and positive for cocaine on June 16, 2021. Mother had failed to comply
    with drug testing in the month prior to the hearing.      Gabel opined Mother had not
    demonstrated a commitment to the Child.
    {¶10} During the best interest portion of the hearing, Gabel testified the Child is “a
    fairly typical child,” and is a “very happy little infant.” Tr. at 21. The Child has some
    asymmetry with his face and head, but he was in the process of getting a dock band which
    will reshape his head.     The asymmetry does not hinder the Child’s growth and
    development. The Child is bonded with his foster family. The foster family is ensuring a
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    bond between the Child and his siblings who are in other placements. SCDJFS had not
    been able to find an appropriate relative placement for the Child, but continued to
    investigate possibilities. Gabel had not observed a discernable attachment between
    Mother and the Child. Gabel added the Child would benefit from adoption and she did
    not think any damage would occur if the trial court granted permanent custody to
    {¶11} The trial court permitted Attorney Mary Lou Sekula, the Guardian ad Litem
    (“GAL”), to make a statement. Attorney Sekula expressed her belief the Child was not
    bonded with Mother. She added she did not observe Mother making efforts to build a
    bond with the Child. When Attorney Sekula and the caseworker made an unannounced
    visit to Mother’s home, they observed three other individuals at the residence. One of the
    individuals had an extensive criminal history which included drugs. Attorney Sekula
    observed two empty Crown Royal bottles on a table. Mother stated the bottles belonged
    to a friend. Attorney Sekula opined the benefits to the Child of a permanent loving home
    greatly outweighed any harm.
    {¶12} The trial court issued Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on July 19,
    2021. Via Judgment Entry filed the same day, the trial court terminated Mother’s parental
    rights, privileges, and obligations, and granted permanent custody of the Child to
    SCDJFS. Specifically, the trial court found Mother had involuntarily lost permanent
    custody of other children. The trial court further found Mother failed to prove by clear and
    convincing evidence she could provide a legally secure placement as well as adequately
    care for the health, welfare, and safety of the Child. The trial court concluded the Child
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    should not be placed with Mother and it was in the Child’s best interest to grant permanent
    custody to SCDJFS.
    {¶13} It is from this judgment entry Mother appeals, raising the following
    assignments of error:
    GRANTING       OF    PERMANENT        CUSTODY       WAS     AGAINST      THE
    {¶14} This case comes to us on the expedited calendar and shall be considered
    in compliance with App. R. 11.2(C).
    Stark County, Case No. 2021CA00090                                                          7
    I, II
    {¶15} As an appellate court, we neither weigh the evidence nor judge the
    credibility of the witnesses. Our role is to determine whether there is relevant, competent
    and credible evidence upon which the fact finder could base its judgment. Cross Truck v.
    Jeffries (Feb. 10, 1982), Stark App. No. CA5758. Accordingly, judgments supported by
    some competent, credible evidence going to all the essential elements of the case will not
    be reversed as being against the manifest weight of the evidence. C.E. Morris Co. v.
    Foley Constr. (1978), 
    54 Ohio St.2d 279
    {¶16} R.C. 2151.414 sets forth the guidelines a trial court must follow when
    deciding a motion for permanent custody. R.C. 2151.414(A)(1) mandates the trial court
    schedule a hearing and provide notice upon the filing of a motion for permanent custody
    of a child by a public children services agency or private child placing agency that has
    temporary custody of the child or has placed the child in long term foster care.
    {¶17} Following the hearing, R.C. 2151.414(B) authorizes the juvenile court to
    grant permanent custody of the child to the public or private agency if the court
    determines, by clear and convincing evidence, it is in the best interest of the child to grant
    permanent custody to the agency, and that any of the following apply: (a) the child is not
    abandoned or orphaned, and the child cannot be placed with either of the child's parents
    within a reasonable time or should not be placed with the child's parents; (b) the child is
    abandoned; (c) the child is orphaned and there are no relatives of the child who are able
    to take permanent custody; or (d) the child has been in the temporary custody of one or
    more public children services agencies or private child placement agencies for twelve or
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    more months of a consecutive twenty-two month period ending on or after March 18,
    {¶18} Therefore, R.C. 2151.414(B) establishes a two-pronged analysis the trial
    court must apply when ruling on a motion for permanent custody. In practice, the trial
    court will usually determine whether one of the four circumstances delineated in R.C.
    2151.414(B)(1)(a) through (d)is present before proceeding to a determination regarding
    the best interest of the child.
    {¶19} If the child is not abandoned or orphaned, the focus turns to whether the
    child cannot be placed with either parent within a reasonable period of time or should not
    be placed with the parents. Under R.C. 2151.414(E), the trial court must consider all
    relevant evidence before making this determination. The trial court is required to enter
    such a finding if it determines, by clear and convincing evidence, that one or more of the
    factors enumerated in R.C. 2151.414(E)(1) through (16) exist with respect to each of the
    child's parents.
    {¶20} R.C. 2151.414(E) provides, in pertinent part:
    (E) In determining at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this
    section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the
    Revised Code whether a child cannot be placed with either parent within a
    reasonable period of time or should not be placed with the parents, the court
    shall consider all relevant evidence. If the court determines, by clear and
    convincing evidence, at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this
    section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the
    Stark County, Case No. 2021CA00090                                                    9
    Revised Code that one or more of the following exist as to each of the child's
    parents, the court shall enter a finding that the child cannot be placed with
    either parent within a reasonable time or should not be placed with either
    (1) Following the placement of the child outside the child's home and
    notwithstanding reasonable case planning and diligent efforts by the agency
    to assist the parents to remedy the problems that initially caused the child
    to be placed outside the home, the parent has failed continuously and
    repeatedly to substantially remedy the conditions causing the child to be
    placed outside the child's home. In determining whether the parents have
    substantially remedied those conditions, the court shall consider parental
    utilization of medical, psychiatric, psychological, and other social and
    rehabilitative services and material resources that were made available to
    the parents for the purpose of changing parental conduct to allow them to
    resume and maintain parental duties.
    (11) The parent has had parental rights involuntarily terminated with
    respect to a sibling of the child pursuant to this section or section 2151.353
    or 2151.415 of the Revised Code, or under an existing or former law of this
    state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent
    to those sections, and the parent has failed to provide clear and convincing
    evidence to prove that, notwithstanding the prior termination, the parent can
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    provide a legally secure permanent placement and adequate care for the
    health, welfare, and safety of the child.
    (16) Any other factor the court considers relevant.
    {¶21} As set forth in our statement of the facts and case, supra, SCDJFS has
    been involved with the family for over ten years. Despite years of case plan services,
    Mother has been unable to adequately and safely care for any of her children. Mother
    did not successfully complete her case plan services relative to the Child.
    {¶22} The Child is “a fairly typical child,” and is a “very happy little infant.” Tr. at
    21. The Child has some asymmetry with his face and head, but he was in the process of
    getting a dock band which will reshape his head. The asymmetry does not hinder the
    Child’s growth and development. The Child is bonded with his foster family. The foster
    family is ensuring a bond between the Child and his siblings who are in other placements.
    The on-going caseworker did not observe a discernable attachment between Mother and
    the Child. The GAL did not believe the Child was not bonded with Mother. She did not
    observe Mother making efforts to build a bond with the Child. Attorney Sekula opined the
    benefits to the Child of a permanent loving home greatly outweighed the harm.
    {¶23} We find the trial court's finding the Child should not be placed with Mother
    within a reasonable period of time is not against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    Moreover, pursuant to R.C. 2151.414(E)(11), the trial court was required to find the Child
    could not and should not be placed with Mother within a reasonable time because Mother
    (1) has had her parental rights involuntarily terminated with respect to the Child's siblings,
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    and (2) Mother failed to provide clear and convincing evidence to prove, notwithstanding
    the prior termination, she could provide a legally secure permanent placement and
    adequate care for the health, welfare, and safety of the Child. We further find the trial
    court's finding it was in the Child's best interests to grant permanent custody to SCDJFS
    is not against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    {¶24} Mother’s first and second assignments of error are overruled.
    {¶25} The judgment of the Stark County Court of Common Pleas, Family Court
    Division, is affirmed.
    By: Hoffman, J.
    Baldwin, P.J. and
    Gwin, J. concur

Document Info

Docket Number: 2021CA00090

Citation Numbers: 2021 Ohio 4395

Judges: Hoffman

Filed Date: 12/10/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/14/2021