Tyra v. Tyra , 2022 Ohio 2504 ( 2022 )

  • [Cite as Tyra v. Tyra, 
    DANIELLE TYRA,                           :       APPEAL NO. C-210392
    TRIAL NO. DR-2000052
    Plaintiff-Appellee,              :
    vs.                                    :           O P I N I O N.
    NUGIE TYRA,                              :
    Defendant-Appellant.             :
    Appeal From: Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations
    Judgment Appealed From Is: Affirmed
    Date of Judgment Entry on Appeal: July 22, 2022
    Barry Law, LLC, and Sara M. Barry, for Plaintiff-Appellee,
    Cornetet, Meyer, Rush & Stapleton and Karen P. Meyer, for Defendant-Appellant.
    ZAYAS, Presiding Judge.
    {¶1}   Defendant-appellant Nugie Tyra (“husband”) appeals the decree of
    divorce entered by the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations
    Division, which terminated his marriage to plaintiff-appellee Danielle Tyra (“wife”).
    Husband asserts three assignments of error for our review related to the trial court’s
    division of property. For the reasons set forth below, we affirm the judgment of the
    trial court.
    Procedural History
    {¶2}   On January 10, 2020, wife filed a complaint for divorce against
    husband, which asserted that the parties were married on February 16, 2017. Husband
    filed an answer and counterclaim for divorce on February 13, 2020. A property trial
    was held on February 10 and February 26, 2021. After submission of written closing
    arguments, the magistrate entered a decision on all issues on April 30, 2021. Husband
    filed objections to the magistrate’s decision on April 30, 2021, and wife filed objections
    to the magistrate’s decision on May 10, 2021. A hearing was held on the objections
    and on the merits on June 1, 2021. The trial court entered a decision overruling the
    objections and adopting the magistrate’s decision without modification on June 7,
    2021, and entered a final decree of divorce on June 25, 2021.
    {¶3}   Husband timely filed a notice of appeal on July 21, 2021. He now raises
    three assignments of error for our review: (1) whether the trial court abused its
    discretion by failing to allocate the parties’ 2019 tax debt in violation of R.C. 3105.171;
    (2) whether the trial court abused its discretion by failing to allocate husband’s
    premarital business bank account funds as his separate property; and (3) whether the
    trial court abused its discretion by failing to address husband’s requested
    reimbursements which benefited wife.
    Factual Background
    2019 Tax Debt
    {¶4}   Wife testified that she was employed by husband starting in 2018. She
    was still employed by husband for most of 2019. Husband paid her $5,000 monthly,
    plus living expenses. Her employment stopped on November 13, the day she left.
    Husband sent her a 1099 form in either January or February of 2020. She had never
    received a 1099 form from husband in the past. Wife said that she attempted to
    contact the parties’ accountant multiple times to find out how the parties were going
    to file their taxes for 2019 but received no response. She ultimately filed her taxes
    without using the 1099 form because she had never received one before and did not
    have any offsetting expenses to file with it. Wife agreed that she would be willing to
    file an amended tax return if the court felt that it was necessary, so long as she was
    able to review what husband was filing before she did.
    {¶5}   Husband testified that he ultimately filed his taxes as married filing
    separately, which resulted in a tax liability of $45,117. He asserted that, had he been
    able to file jointly, his tax liability would have only been around $4,320. However, at
    one point in his testimony, he also agreed that he filed his taxes as head of household.
    Premarital Business Bank Account
    {¶6}   At the time of the parties’ marriage, husband held a business bank
    account with Park National Bank. When discussing the status of this account before
    the marriage, husband testified, “I had $107,000 and I used that money to put the
    down payment of $38,000 on our first house that we purchased in January of 2017,
    which reduced my business account down to $72,000.” He denied having a personal
    checking account prior to the marriage. Husband said that he ultimately switched this
    account to First Financial Bank in 2018 when he established a personal and business
    account at First Financial. Husband did not dispute that the First Financial business
    account was set up during the marriage and was commingled with marital expenses.
    {¶7}   Wife testified that she did not know husband had a personal bank
    account. She claimed that everything was charged to husband’s business account. She
    said, “He paid like the house expenses and things like that, so those would be paid out
    of the business account.” She also said that trips and Cardinal’s season tickets were
    purchased out of the business account and that husband’s child-support payments
    were paid from the business account.
    {¶8}   Husband claimed that he paid his child-support payments from his
    personal account. He agreed that he paid for the Cardinal’s season tickets out of his
    business account and admitted making payments on his personal credit card from his
    business account. He also agreed that part of the purchase price for his latest home
    was paid from his business account. Ultimately, when asked if it was fair to say that
    there was mixed personal use and business expenses, husband responded, “I mean,
    there might be some personal.”
    Payment of Expenses
    {¶9}   Wife testified that, during the marriage, husband was responsible for
    paying the mortgage and expenses, including the car. She said that her contribution
    was grocery shopping, holiday shopping, birthday shopping, and sometimes paying
    when they went out to eat.
    {¶10} Husband submitted a list of alleged payments to the trial court that he
    had made on wife’s behalf since the filing of this action. He asked the court to consider
    these payments when making an award to wife and to include these payments as part
    of the court’s decision. He also testified and presented evidence of two additional
    payments that did not appear on his initial list: a 2021 property tax payment and a
    monthly car payment.
    Law and Analysis
    {¶11} “This court reviews ‘the manner in which a domestic-relations court
    executes an equitable division of property for an abuse of discretion.’ ” Boolchand v.
    Boolchand, 1st Dist. Hamilton Nos. C-200111 and C-200120, 
    , ¶ 9,
    citing McKenna v. McKenna, 1st Dist. Hamilton No. C-180475, 
    , ¶ 9.
    “An abuse of discretion is more than a mere error of judgment; it implies that the
    court’s attitude [was] arbitrary, unreasonable, or unconscionable.”            (Citations
     “Factual issues, however, such as those arising in the classification and
    valuation of property, are reviewed under the distinct sufficiency-and-weight-of-the-
    evidence standards.” 
     citing McKenna at ¶ 9-10.
    {¶12} “In divorce proceedings, the court shall * * * determine what constitutes
    marital property and what constitutes separate property. * * * [U]pon making such a
    determination, the court shall divide the martial and separate property equitably
    between the spouses, in accordance with [R.C. 3105.171].”             R.C. 3105.171(B).
    Generally, “the division of marital property should be equal. If an equal division of
    marital property would be inequitable, the court shall not divide the martial property
    equally but instead shall divide it between the spouses in the manner the court
    determines equitable.” R.C. 3105.171(C)(1). “In making a division of marital property,
    the court shall consider all relevant factors.” 
     In relevant part, this includes the
    following factors: (1) the duration of the marriage; (2) the assets and liabilities of the
    spouses; (3) the liquidity of the property to be distributed; (4) the economic
    desirability of retaining intact an asset or an interest in an asset; (5) the tax
    consequences of the property division upon the respective awards to be made to each
    spouse; and (6) any other factor that the court expressly finds to be relevant and
    equitable. R.C. 3105.171(C)(1) and 3105.171(F). “[T]he court shall disburse a spouse’s
    separate property to that spouse. If a court does not disburse a spouse’s separate
    property to that spouse, the court shall make written findings of fact that explain the
    factors that it considered in making its determination that the spouse’s separate
    property should not be disbursed to that spouse.” R.C. 3105.171(D).
    {¶13} “In any order for the division or disbursement of property * * *, the court
    shall make written findings of fact that support the determination that the martial
    property has been equitably divided and shall specify the dates it used in determining
    the meaning of ‘during the marriage.’ ” R.C. 3105.171(G). “During the marriage”
    means (1) the period of time from the date of the marriage through the date of the final
    hearing; or (2) if the court determines that the use of either or both of those dates
    would be inequitable and instead selects dates that it considers equitable in
    determining marital property, the period of time between those dates selected and
    specified by the court. R.C. 3105.171(A)(2). “The court may issue any orders under
    [R.C. 3105.171] that it determines equitable * * *.” R.C. 3105.171(J).
    {¶14} In relevant part, “marital property” means: (1) all real or personal
    property that currently is owned by either or both of the spouses, and that was
    acquired during the marriage; (2) all interests that either or both of the spouses
    currently has in any real or personal property, that was acquired by either or both of
    the spouses during the marriage; and (3) all income and appreciation on separate
    property, due to the labor, monetary, or in-kind contribution of either or both of the
    spouses that occurred during the marriage. R.C. 3105.171(A)(3)(a). “Marital property”
    does not include “separate property.” R.C. 3105.171(A)(3)(b). In relevant part,
    “separate property” means all real or personal property, and any interest in real or
    personal property, that the court finds was acquired by one spouse prior to the date of
    the marriage. R.C. 3105.171(A)(6)(a)(ii). “The commingling of separate property with
    other property of any type does not destroy the identity of the separate property as
    separate property, except when the separate property is not traceable.”              R.C.
    {¶15} “ ‘Traceable’ here ‘refers to evidence demonstrating a connection
    between property currently owned and some antecedent article of separate property.
    Such proof overcomes the effect of commingling, by which separate property may be
    “transmuted” into marital property.’ ” Fiamengo v. Fiamengo, 2d Dist. Montgomery
    No. 26704, 
    , ¶ 28, quoting Maloney v. Maloney, 
    160 Ohio App.3d 209
    826 N.E.2d 864
    , ¶ 22 (2d Dist.). “So in determining whether
    property is separate or marital, ‘[t]he key issue is traceability.’ ” 
     citing Janis v.
    Janis, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 23898, 
    , ¶ 48. “The party in a divorce
    action claiming that specific property owned when the marriage terminates is not
    marital but separate property has the burden of proof by a preponderance-of-the-
    evidence standard.” Boolchand, 1st Dist. Hamilton Nos. C-200111 and C-200120,
    , at ¶ 8, citing Dunn v. Dunn, 1st Dist. Hamilton Nos. C-010282 and
    , ¶ 14. “Generally, the evidence of tracing must be specific,
    and oral testimony unsupported by documentary evidence should not carry much
    weight.” Id. at ¶ 25, citing Harkey v. Harkey, 11th Dist. Lake No. 2006-L-273, 2008-
    Ohio-1027, ¶ 64, and Dunn at ¶ 21-22. “ ‘Because traceability presents a question of
    fact, we must give deference to the trial court’s findings, and the court’s decision on
    the matter will not be reversed as against the manifest weight of the evidence when it
    is supported by competent credible evidence.” Fiamengo at ¶ 29, quoting Maloney at
    ¶ 23.
    2019 Tax Debt
    {¶16} Husband argues that it was error for the trial court to “fail to allocate”
    the parties’ 2019 tax debt. However, the trial court acknowledged husband’s testimony
    that he had to pay significantly higher taxes because wife filed separately rather than
    together, made specific findings regarding certain other liabilities of the parties, and
    then ordered that “[e]ach party shall be responsible for and pay any and all additional
    debts or liabilities in his or her separate name * * *.” Thus, the trial court obviously
    considered the parties’ tax liability in determining the equitable distribution of the
    parties’ debts and liabilities but found it equitable to leave the liability for the 2019
    taxes as it was. Therefore, contrary to husband’s contentions, the trial court did not
    fail to issue a decision on this issue.
    {¶17} Beyond that, husband does not assert any argument that the trial court’s
    decision was inequitable in this regard.      Additionally, the record contains three
    different tax returns for husband, all of which have a different tax filing status and
    none of which are signed, and all three tax returns show different tax liabilities. There
    was also inconsistent testimony from husband at trial on whether he filed as head of
    household or as married filing separate. Thus, the record is unclear on what husband’s
    tax liability even was. Accordingly, we cannot determine the trial court abused its
    discretion in making its decision and this assignment of error is overruled.
    Funds from Premarital Business Bank Account
    {¶18} Husband asserts that the trial court abused its discretion by failing to
    allocate to him as separate property the $70,758 in his premarital business bank
    account at Park National Bank. The trial court found that the funds were significantly
    comingled with marital property and found that husband failed to provide sufficient
    tracing evidence to prove the money remained his separate property.
    {¶19} Husband submitted a statement from his business account at Park
    National Bank, which covered the period between January 31, 2017, and February 28,
    2017. The statement showed that husband had $70,758 in the account as of February
    16, 2017, the date of the parties’ marriage. The statement also showed that the balance
    of that account went down to $49,538.92 as of February 28, 2017.               Husband
    additionally submitted a statement from his business account at First Financial Bank,
    which covered the period between December 2, 2019, and December 31, 2019. This
    statement showed an ending balance of $192,816.19 as of December 31, 2019, the last
    day of the parties’ marriage. No evidence was presented to show any transfer of funds
    from the account at Park National Bank to the account at First Financial Bank. Thus,
    the only tracing evidence presented by husband was the balance of the Park National
    account on the first day of the marriage, and the balance of the First Financial account,
    where he asserted the funds were transferred, on the last day of the marriage.
    Husband asserts that this was sufficient tracing evidence as it showed that the account
    balance never fell below $70,758. However, the Park National Bank statement showed
    that the account balance fell to $49,538.92 as of February 28, 2017. Additionally,
    without any connecting evidence, the evidence failed to show that the money in the
    First Financial account was in fact the money from the Park National Bank account.
    {¶20} The lack of sufficient tracing evidence is further demonstrated by the
    trial court’s apparent confusion on which account husband was claiming the funds
    were transferred to, his personal account or his business account at First Financial.
    The trial court found that the funds were transferred to husband’s personal checking
    account at First Financial Bank. This is likely because that is what husband argued in
    his written closing argument to the trial court. However, husband’s testimony at trial
    was that the funds were transferred into his business account, his objections to the
    magistrate’s decision claimed the funds were transferred into his business account,
    and his argument here on appeal is that the funds were transferred into his business
    {¶21} Nevertheless, any error by the trial court was harmless as husband
    agreed at trial that the funds in his personal checking account were marital property,
    and he does not present any argument here on appeal that allocating this account as
    marital was improper. See Civ.R. 61; Civ.R. 75(A); Knor v. Parking Co. of Am., 
    73 Ohio App.3d 177
    , 189, 
    596 N.E.2d 1059
     (1st Dist.1991), citing Civ.R. 61 (“An appellate
    court will not reverse a judgment on the basis of any error that is harmless.”). The trial
    court ultimately allocated both First Financial Bank accounts in their entirety as
    marital and we cannot say this was not supported by sufficient evidence in the record
    or that it was against the manifest weight of the evidence.            Accordingly, this
    assignment of error is overruled.
    Reimbursement for Payment of Expenses
    {¶22} Without listing any of the specific expenses to which he is referring,
    husband argues that he paid “numerous expenses” on behalf of wife during the
    pendency of this action and asserts that it was an abuse of discretion for the trial court
    to fail to allocate these expenses because it permitted wife to retain the benefit of such
    payments, which rendered an unequal division of property.             He then makes a
    conclusory statement that the property division must be equitable if it is not equal.
    However, he does not assert any further argument or point to any legal authority to
    show why this resulted in an inequitable division of property.
    {¶23} “ ‘ “It is not the duty of an appellate court to search the record for
    evidence to support an appellant’s argument as to any alleged error.” ’ ” Heimann v.
    Heimann, 3d Dist. Hancock No. 5-21-11, 
    , ¶ 49, quoting Rodriquez v.
    Rodriguez, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 91412, 
    , ¶ 7. Under App.R.
    16(A)(7), husband had a duty to present “[a]n argument containing the contentions of
    appellant with respect to each assignment of error presented for review and the
    reasons in support of the contentions, with citations to the authorities, statutes, and
    parts of the record on which appellant relies.” (Emphasis added.) Because he failed
    to do so, we disregard this assignment of error. See App.R. 12(A); App.R. 16(A)(7);
    Victor v. Kaplan, 
    155 N.E.3d 110
    , ¶ 102 (8th Dist.); Kapadia v.
    Kapadia, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 94456, 
    , ¶ 30.
    {¶24} Having overruled or disregarded each assignment of error, we affirm
    the judgment of the trial court.
    Judgment affirmed.
    BERGERON and BOCK, JJ., concur.
    Please note:
    The court has recorded its own entry this date.