State v. Adkins , 2020 Ohio 3296 ( 2020 )

  • [Cite as State v. Adkins, 
    STATE OF OHIO                                    :
    Plaintiff-Appellee                       :   Appellate Case No. 2019-CA-45
    v.                                               :   Trial Court Case Nos. 2019-CRB-429
    :   and 2019-CRB-583
    TIMOTHY J. ADKINS                                :
    :   (Criminal Appeal from Municipal Court)
    Defendant-Appellant                      :
    Rendered on the 12th day of June, 2020.
    MARC T. ROSS, Atty. Reg. No. 0070446, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, City of
    Springfield Prosecutor’s Office, 50 East Columbia Street, Fourth Floor, Springfield, Ohio
    Attorney for Plaintiff-Appellee
    NICOLE RUTTER-HIRTH, Atty. Reg. No. 0081004, 2541 Shiloh Springs Road, Trotwood,
    Ohio 45426
    Attorney for Defendant-Appellant
    TUCKER, P.J.
    {¶ 1} Timothy J. Adkins appeals from a judgment of the Clark County Municipal
    Court, which found him guilty of domestic violence, a fourth-degree misdemeanor,
    menacing, a fourth-degree misdemeanor, and two counts of violating a protection order
    or consent agreement, first-degree misdemeanors. The trial court merged the menacing
    count into the domestic violence count and sentenced Adkins for the domestic violence
    and two counts of violating a protection order.
    {¶ 2} Any error regarding the finding of guilt for menacing was harmless beyond
    a reasonable doubt due to the merger. Adkins was not denied ineffective assistance of
    trial counsel, and the trial court did not abuse its discretion regarding Adkins’s sentence.
    The trial court’s judgment will be affirmed.
    Facts and Procedural History
    {¶ 3} Adkins, while intoxicated, came home late at night and fought with his wife,
    Christa.1 His children, who were two young adults and two younger children, were also
    home during the incident. Evidently as a result of lingering animus concerning a previous
    domestic violence conviction, Adkins made the following threat toward Christa:
    * * * [H]e told me that he had thought and thought about how to get rid of
    me. He said he had spent a lot of money and had been working on it for
    months * * * and had paid people to get rid of me. He said they, he had
    been in Kentucky and these people told him that it was all taken care of and
    he didn’t need to worry at this point and so this is why he was telling me and
    that he had his revenge and he said he was really excited and it was going
    For clarity, the appellant will be referred to as “Adkins” and his wife will be referred to as
    to be great and he was clapping his hands and laughing.
    {¶ 4} Christa further testified that Adkins “threatened to kill [her] repeatedly that
    night.” Christa testified that she took the threats “very seriously,” and that as a result of
    the threats she “was afraid.” During the course of the fight, Adkins knocked a hole in a
    wall, threw a microwave onto the floor, and destroyed Christa’s cell phone and glasses.
    As a result of the threats, Adkins was charged with domestic violence in violation of R.C.
    2919.25(C) and menacing in violation of R.C. 2903.22(A), both fourth-degree
    misdemeanors. The Crim.R. 4 complaint as to each count stated the following: “[T]he
    Defendant Timothy Adkins did knowingly make threats to his wife Christa Adkins saying
    he was going to kill her and made her feel fearful for her life.”2
    {¶ 5} As a result of the described occurrence, Christa obtained an ex parte
    domestic violence civil protection order under R.C. 3113.31. The order, introduced at
    trial as Exhibit 14, required Adkins to vacate the marital home, to have no contact with
    Christa, and not to cause or encourage another person to do any act prohibited by the
    order. Adkins was served with the order the day after its issuance. A little over two
    weeks later, Adkins’s mother delivered to Christa a letter written by Adkins. The letter
    informed Christa that Adkins “would give [her] money” and it requested that Christa “drop
    the charges.” After reading the letter, Christa responded by stating she had “heard it
    before.” Adkins’s mother retrieved and retained the letter. A few hours later Adkins’s
    mother returned with a second letter written by Adkins. This letter stated “he [did not
    mean] to hurt his family * * * and he wanted to see [the] kids * * *.” After Christa read the
    Adkins’s 19-year-old daughter became involved in the fight, and Adkins was also
    charged with domestic violence and assault against his daughter. Adkins was found not
    guilty of those charges.
    letter, Adkins’s mother once again retrieved and retained the letter. As a result of the
    two letters, Adkins was charged with two counts of violating a protection order in violation
    of R.C. 2919.27(A)(1), each count being a first-degree misdemeanor. The Crim.R. 4
    complaint regarding the first letter stated “the defendant violated * * * [the] Order of
    Protection by writing a letter to the victim and having his elderly mother deliver it.” The
    complaint regarding the second letter stated “the defendant violated [the] Order of
    Protection * * * by writing a second letter to the victim and having his elderly mother deliver
    it three hours after the first letter was delivered.”
    {¶ 6} Following a bench trial, Adkins was found guilty of domestic violence,
    menacing, and the two counts of violating a protection order.3 The trial court ordered the
    merger of the domestic violence and menacing counts; the State elected to proceed on
    the domestic violence count. Following receipt of a presentence investigation (PSI), the
    trial court conducted a sentencing hearing.         The trial court found that each offense
    constituted the worst form of the offense. With respect to the domestic violence, the
    finding was based upon the nature of the threats, the contemporaneously committed
    property damage, and the involvement of the children. With respect to menacing, the
    worst-form-of-the-offense finding was based upon Adkins using his mother to deliver the
    letters. Based upon these determinations, the trial court sentenced Adkins to 30 days
    on the domestic violence conviction (into which the menacing had been merged) and to
    180 days on each protection order violation. The sentences were ordered to be served
    Adkins and his mother testified that although Adkins wrote the letters, he did not know
    his mother was going to deliver them to Christa. There was a text message introduced
    at trial from Adkins to a brother-in-law which contradicted this assertion. The trial court
    obviously concluded that Adkins caused his mother to deliver the letters.
    consecutively, but 180 days were suspended, leaving a jail term of 210 days.
    Additionally, fines and court costs were imposed and Adkins was placed on intensive
    probation supervision upon his release from jail. This appeal followed.
    {¶ 7} Adkins asserts three assignments of error as follows:
    Menacing Count
    {¶ 8} As noted, the trial court appropriately concluded that the domestic violence
    and menacing counts were allied offenses of similar import, resulting in the counts being
    merged. The State elected to have Adkins convicted on the domestic violence count,
    with a conviction consisting of both a guilty finding and the imposition of a sentence.
    State v. Whitfield, 
    124 Ohio St.3d 319
    922 N.E.2d 182
    , ¶ 12. Adkins’s
    assignment of error attacks the sufficiency and manifest weight of the evidence
    supporting the menacing count. But “[u]nder Ohio law, ‘[w]hen a trial court dispatches
    with a count through merger, any error in the verdict is rendered harmless beyond a
    reasonable doubt.’ ” State v. Montgomery, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 13AP-512, 2014-Ohio-
    4354, ¶ 39, quoting State v. Wolff, 7th Dist. Mahoning No. 2007 MA 166, 
    ¶ 70, citing State v. Powell, 
    49 Ohio St.3d 255
    , 263, 
    552 N.E.2d 191
     (1990). See also
    State v. Stargell, 
    70 N.E.3d 1126
    , ¶ 57, 62 (2d Dist.). Given this, there
    is no need to address Adkins’s sufficiency and manifest weight arguments with respect
    to menacing.4 The first assignment of error is overruled.
    Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    {¶ 9} Succinctly stated, to succeed on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim,
    a defendant must establish that his attorney performed deficiently and that the deficient
    performance resulted in prejudice. Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S.Ct. 2052
    80 L.Ed.2d 674
     (1984); State v. Bradley, 
    42 Ohio St.3d 136
    538 N.E.2d 373
    When evaluating counsel’s performance, “a court must indulge a strong presumption that
    counsel’s conduct falls within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance; that
    is, the defendant must overcome the presumption that, under the circumstances, the
    challenged action ‘might be considered sound trial strategy.’ ” Strickland at 689, quoting
    Michel v. Louisiana, 
    350 U.S. 91
    , 101, 
    76 S.Ct. 158
    100 L.Ed.2d 83
     (1955). Assuming
    deficient performance, prejudice is gauged by whether “there is a reasonable probability
    that but for counsel’s unprofessional errors the [trial’s outcome] would have been
    different.” State v. Hudson, 2d Dist. Montgomery Nos. 27022, 27027, 27028, 2017-Ohio-
    R.C. 2903.22 states in pertinent part that “[n]o person shall knowingly cause another to
    believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the person * * *.” Given this
    language and Christa’s testimony, a menacing conviction would have been supported by
    sufficient evidence. Further, our review of the record establishes that a menacing
    conviction would Prejudice, not have been against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    2608, ¶ 22, citing State v. Hale. 
    119 Ohio St.3d 118
    892 N.E.2d 864
    , ¶
    204, citing Strickland at 687-688, 694 and Bradley at paragraph two of the syllabus. A
    failure as to either prong is fatal to a claim of ineffective assistance. Strickland at 697.
    {¶ 10} Adkins’s first ineffective assistance argument is that counsel did not
    effectively cross-examine Deputy Holly Risner.         Risner responded to Christa’s call
    regarding the two letters. Risner’s brief testimony recounted her discussion with Christa,
    the fact that she called Adkins’s mother, which conversation confirmed delivery of the
    letters, and that a decision was made to charge Adkins with two counts of violating a
    protection order. When he began the cross-examination, counsel seemed to believe that
    Risner was also involved in the domestic violence investigation. When counsel realized
    this was not so, the cross-examination was terminated.
    {¶ 11} Given Risner’s limited involvement, we cannot discern the strategic
    rationale for the cross-examination suggested by Adkins.             Further, it cannot be
    concluded that a rigorous cross-examination would have, in probability, changed the
    trial’s outcome.
    {¶ 12} Adkins’s second ineffective assistance claim relates to counsel’s failure to
    make a Crim.R. 29 motion for acquittal. A Crim.R. 29 motion tests whether the State
    presented sufficient evidence to sustain a guilty verdict as a matter of law. State v.
    Wilson, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 22581, 
    , ¶ 10, citing State v. Thompkins,
    78 Ohio St.3d 380
    678 N.E.2d 541
     (1997). However, Adkins does not raise a sufficiency
    argument regarding the domestic relations or protection order charges. Upon our review
    of the record, viewing the evidence in a light most favorable to the prosecution, the State
    presented sufficient evidence that a rational trier of fact could have found the essential
    elements of each charge proven beyond a reasonable doubt. See State v. Jenks, 
    61 Ohio St.3d 259
    574 N.E.2d 492
     (1991), paragraph two of the syllabus. Given this,
    Adkins’s Crim.R. 29 ineffective assistance argument fails. Adkins’s second assignment
    of error is overruled.
    {¶ 13} We outlined the standards pertaining to misdemeanor sentencing in State
    v. Bakhshi, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 25585, 
    , as follows:
    When sentencing for a misdemeanor offense, the trial court is guided
    by the "overriding purposes of misdemeanor sentencing," which are to
    protect the public from future crime by the offender and others and to punish
    the offender. R.C. 2929 .21(A); State v. Collins, 2d Dist. Greene No. 2012-
    , ¶ 9. “To achieve those purposes, the sentencing
    court [must] consider the impact of the offense upon the victim and the need
    for changing the offender's behavior, rehabilitating the offender, and making
    restitution to the victim of the offense, the public, or the victim and the
    public.” R.C. 2929.21(A). The sentence imposed must be “reasonably
    calculated to achieve the two overriding purposes of misdemeanor
    sentencing * * *, commensurate with and not demeaning to the seriousness
    of the offender's conduct and its impact upon the victim, and consistent with
    sentences imposed for similar offenses committed by similar offenders.”
    R.C. 2929.21(B); Collins at ¶ 9.
    “A trial court is also required to consider the nature and
    circumstances of the offense, whether there was a history of persistent
    criminal activity or character that reveals a substantial risk of the offender
    committing another offense, and numerous other factors related to the
    offender and the offense. R.C. 2929.22(B). However, in misdemeanor
    sentencing, there is no requirement that a trial court specifically state its
    reasons for imposing the sentence that it does on the record. State v.
    Jackson, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 20819, 
    , ¶ 16, citing
    State v. Harpster, 5th Dist. Ashland No. 04COA061, 
    Collins at ¶ 10. “If the sentence imposed is within permissible statutory
    limits, a reviewing court will presume that the trial court considered the
    sentencing factors in R.C. 2929.22(B), absent a showing to the contrary.”
    State v. Johnson, 2d Dist. Greene No. 04-CA-126, 
    , ¶ 9.
    Bakhshi at ¶ 47-48.     Misdemeanor sentences are reviewed under an abuse of
    discretion standard. State v. Peagler, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 24426, 2012-Ohio-
    737, ¶ 3. It is also noted a maximum jail term may not be imposed unless the defendant
    “commit[s] the worst form of the offense or upon [an] offender[ ] whose conduct and
    response to prior sanctions for prior offenses demonstrate that the imposition of the
    longest jail term is necessary to deter the offender from committing future crime.” R.C.
    2929.22(C). However, a trial court is not required to make “ ‘on-the-record findings to
    support the imposition of a maximum sentence’ for a misdemeanor.” State v. McClurg,
    2d Dist. Darke No. 2019-CA-15, 
    , ¶ 7, quoting State v. Jackson, 2d Dist.
    Montgomery No. 20819, 
    , ¶ 16.
    {¶ 14} Before imposing the sentences, the trial court stated that it had reviewed
    the testimony and the PSI. The trial court, though not required to do so, explained its
    sentencing rationale in some detail, including, as already discussed, the reasoning for the
    worst form of the offense conclusions.        Though we may have reached different
    conclusions, we cannot conclude that the imposed sentence reflects an abuse of
    discretion. Adkins’s third assignment of error is overruled.
    {¶ 15} The three assignments of error having been overruled, the judgment of the
    Clark County Municipal Court is affirmed.
    DONOVAN, J. and FROELICH, J., concur.
    Copies sent to:
    Marc T. Ross
    Nicole Rutter-Hirth
    Hon. Stephen A. Schumaker