State v. Little , 2020 Ohio 4097 ( 2020 )

  • [Cite as State v. Little, 2020-Ohio-4097.]
    CASE NO. 1-20-11
    MICHAEL L. LITTLE,                                          OPINION
    Appeal from Allen County Common Pleas Court
    Trial Court No. CR 2019 0310
    Judgment Affirmed
    Date of Decision: August 17, 2020
    Linda Gabriele for Appellant
    Jana E. Emerick for Appellee
    Case No. 1-20-11
    {¶1} Defendant-appellant Michael L. Little (“Little”) appeals the judgment
    of the Allen County Court of Common Pleas, alleging that the trial court erred by
    denying his motion to suppress. For the reasons set forth below, the judgment of
    the trial court is affirmed.
    Facts and Procedural History
    {¶2} Officer Christopher Lemke (“Officer Lemke”) works for the Lima
    Police Department. Tr. 4. At roughly 1:00 A.M. on July 13, 2019, Officer Lemke
    was on patrol. Tr. 5. As he was driving westbound on State Street, Officer Lemke
    observed a white sport utility vehicle (“SUV”) that was driven by Little make a right
    turn into the eastbound lane of State Street. Tr. 5, 8, 9. After the SUV completed
    this turn, it “stopped in the middle of the roadway.” Tr. 5-6, 8. Officer Lemke
    testified that he was driving in the opposite direction as Little was and had to
    maneuver around Little’s stopped SUV in order to drive past him. Tr. 6, 8-9.
    {¶3} After he drove past the SUV, Officer Lemke turned his cruiser around
    in the next intersection. Tr. 5. However, as Officer Lemke was turning his cruiser
    around, the SUV “took off at a high rate of speed.” Tr. 6. Officer Lemke began to
    follow after the SUV. Tr. 6. He then observed the SUV approach a stop sign. Tr.
    6. Officer Lemke testified that he saw Little “slow[] down and hit the brakes” before
    the SUV “rolled right through the intersection.” Tr. 6, 10. At this point, Officer
    Lemke activated the lights of his cruiser and initiated a traffic stop. Tr. 6, 8. In
    Case No. 1-20-11
    response, Little eventually stopped his SUV, opened his door, and fled on foot away
    from his vehicle. Ex. 1. Tr. 6, 11. Officer Lemke then pursued Little on foot and
    apprehended him. Ex. 1. Tr. 11. Officer Lemke testified that he noticed signs of
    impairment as he walked Little towards the police cruiser. Tr. 12.
    {¶4} On August 15, 2019, Little was indicted on one count of operating a
    vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse or a combination of them in
    violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b), 4511.19(G)(1)(d) and one count of operating a
    vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them in
    violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(a), 4511.19(G)(1)(d). Doc. 5. On October 8, 2019,
    Little filed a motion to suppress, alleging that the stop of his vehicle was illegal.
    Doc. 26. On October 18, 2019, the trial court held a suppression hearing at which
    Officer Lemke testified. Tr. 1. The State also offered video footage from Officer
    Lemke’s body camera and his cruiser’s dashboard camera as evidence. Ex. 1. On
    October 24, 2019, the trial court denied Little’s motion to suppress. Doc. 34.
    {¶5} On January 8, 2020, Little entered a plea of no contest to the first count
    in the indictment. Doc. 46. The second count with which Little had been charged
    was then dismissed. Doc. 46. The trial court found Little guilty of the offense
    operating under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them
    in violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b). Doc. 47. The trial court sentenced Little on
    February 20, 2020. Doc. 51.
    Case No. 1-20-11
    Assignment of Error
    {¶6} The appellant filed his notice of appeal on February 28, 2020. Doc. 53.
    On appeal, Little raises the following assignment of error:
    The trial court erred in overruling the Defendant-Appellant’s
    motion to suppress as law enforcement lacked reasonable
    suspicion to stop the Defendant-Appellant.
    Little argues that the trial court’s decision to deny his motion to suppress was not
    supported by competent, credible evidence.
    Legal Standard
    {¶7} The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees
    “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
    against unreasonable searches and seizures * * *.” Fourth Amendment, United
    States Constitution. The Ohio Constitution offers a parallel provision to the Fourth
    Amendment of the Federal Constitution that has been generally held to afford the
    same level of protection as the United States Constitution. State v. Hoffman, 
    141 Ohio St. 3d 428
    , 2014-Ohio-4795, 
    25 N.E.3d 993
    , ¶ 11, citing State v. Robinette, 
    80 Ohio St. 3d 234
    685 N.E.2d 762
    (1997). “[A] police stop of a motor vehicle and
    the resulting detention of its occupants has been held to be a seizure under the Fourth
    Amendment.” State v. Kerr, 3d Dist. Allen No. 1-17-01, 2017-Ohio-8516, ¶ 13,
    citing Delaware v. Prouse, 
    440 U.S. 648
    99 S. Ct. 1391
    59 L. Ed. 2d 660
    {¶8} “In order to initiate a constitutionally permissible traffic stop, law
    enforcement must, at a minimum, have a reasonable, articulable suspicion to believe
    Case No. 1-20-11
    that a crime has been committed or is being committed.” State v. Smith, 2018-Ohio-
    110 N.E.3d 944
    , ¶ 8 (3d Dist.), citing State v. Andrews, 
    57 Ohio St. 3d 86
    565 N.E.2d 1271
    “The Supreme Court of Ohio has defined ‘reasonable articulable
    suspicion’ as ‘specific and articulable facts which, taken together
    with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant the
    intrusion [upon an individual’s freedom of movement].’” State v.
    Shaffer, 2013-Ohio-3581, 
    4 N.E.3d 400
    , ¶ 18 (3d Dist.), quoting
    State v. Bobo, 
    37 Ohio St. 3d 177
    , 178, 
    524 N.E.2d 489
    quoting Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 21-22, 
    88 S. Ct. 1868
    20 L. Ed. 2d 889
    (1968). “Reasonable suspicion entails some minimal level of
    objective justification for making a stop—that is, something more
    than an inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or ‘hunch,’ but
    less than the level of suspicion required for probable cause.” 
    Kerr, supra
    , at ¶ 15, quoting State v. Jones, 
    70 Ohio App. 3d 554
    , 556-
    591 N.E.2d 810
    (2d Dist. 1990).
    (Bracketed Insertion Sic.) Smith at ¶ 9. “Furthermore, these circumstances are to
    be viewed through the eyes of the reasonable and prudent police officer on the scene
    who must react to events as they unfold.” 
    Andrews, supra, at 88-89
    . “A court
    reviewing the officer’s actions must give due weight to his experience and training
    and view the evidence as it would be understood by those in law enforcement.”
    Id. at 88.
    {¶9} “A police officer may initiate a traffic stop after witnessing a traffic
    violation.” Smith at ¶ 10, citing Dayton v. Erickson, 
    76 Ohio St. 3d 3
    , 11, 
    665 N.E.2d 1091
    , 1097 (1996). R.C. 4511.43(A) reads, in its relevant part, as follows:
    Except when directed to proceed by a law enforcement officer,
    every driver of a vehicle * * * approaching a stop sign shall stop
    at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the
    Case No. 1-20-11
    crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, if none, then at
    the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a
    view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before
    entering it.
    R.C. 4511.43(A). See Lima Codified Ordinance 432.18(a). A driver’s failure to
    comply with a stop sign is a traffic violation that provides a police officer with
    probable cause to initiate a traffic stop. See State v. Miller, 3d Dist. Marion No. 9-
    14-50, 2015-Ohio-3529, ¶ 13; Akron v. Buchwald, 9th Dist. Summit No. 21433,
    2003-Ohio-5044, ¶ 15; State v. Mihely, 11th Dist. Ashtabula Nos. 2001-A-0083,
    2001-A-0084, 2002-Ohio-6939, ¶ 11.
    {¶10} “To deter Fourth Amendment violations, the Supreme Court of the
    United States has adopted an exclusionary rule under which ‘any evidence that is
    obtained during an unlawful search or seizure will be excluded from being used
    against the defendant.’” 
    Kerr, supra
    , at ¶ 17, quoting State v. Steinbrunner, 3d Dist.
    Auglaize No. 2-11-27, 2012-Ohio-2358, ¶ 12. Thus, the appropriate remedy for a
    Fourth Amendment violation is generally the suppression of any illegally obtained
    evidence. State v. O’Neal, 3d Dist. Allen No. 1-07-33, 2008-Ohio-512, ¶ 19.
    {¶11} “Appellate review of a decision on a motion to suppress presents a
    mixed question of law and fact.” State v. Burnside, 
    100 Ohio St. 3d 152
    , 2003-Ohio-
    797 N.E.2d 71
    , ¶ 8.
    At a suppression hearing, the trial court assumes the role of trier
    of fact and, as such, is in the best position to evaluate the evidence
    and the credibility of witnesses. [Burnside at ¶ 8]. See also State
    v. Carter, 
    72 Ohio St. 3d 545
    , 552[, 
    651 N.E.2d 965
    ] (1995). When
    Case No. 1-20-11
    reviewing a ruling on a motion to suppress, deference is given to
    the trial court’s findings of fact so long as they are supported by
    competent, credible evidence. Burnside at ¶ 8, citing State v.
    1 Ohio St. 3d 19
    437 N.E.2d 583
    ] (1982). With respect
    to the trial court’s conclusions of law, however, our standard of
    review is de novo; therefore, we must decide whether the facts
    satisfy the applicable legal standard.
    Id., citing State v.
    124 Ohio App. 3d 706
    , 710[, 
    707 N.E.2d 539
    ] (4th Dist.
    State v. Sidney, 3d Dist. Allen No. 1-19-32, 2019-Ohio-5169, ¶ 8.
    Legal Analysis
    {¶12} At the suppression hearing, Officer Lemke testified that he saw Little
    approach a stop sign in his SUV, “slow[] down and hit the brakes” before he “rolled
    right through the intersection.” Tr. 6. Officer Lemke later affirmed that Little’s
    SUV did not come to a complete stop before entering the intersection and stated that
    the SUV went through the intersection at “approximately five/ten miles an hour * *
    *.” Tr. 17. The prosecution also introduced video footage from a camera on the
    police cruiser’s dashboard. Ex. 1. The stop sign and Little’s brake lights can be
    discerned on this video footage. Ex. 1. Doc. 34.
    {¶13} However, whether Little stopped his SUV before he crossed into the
    intersection is unclear in this footage as the police cruiser was turning at roughly the
    same time that Little was approaching the stop sign. Ex. 1. When presented with
    this inconclusive video footage at the suppression hearing, Officer Lemke indicated
    that he, from his vantage point, could see that Little rolled through the stop sign
    without stopping. Tr. 10. He said, “I looked to the right and * * * s[aw] the vehicle
    Case No. 1-20-11
    slowing down and so I kept eyes on the vehicle. As I turned right the vehicle let off
    the brake and continued through the intersection.” Tr. 10.
    {¶14} The dashboard camera was not in a position to capture Little’s actions
    clearly as he approached the stop sign. Ex. 1. But this does not mean that Officer
    Lemke was not in a position to see Little’s actions as he approached the stop sign.
    Thus, while this video footage does not confirm Officer Lemke’s testimony, this
    video footage also does not contradict his testimony. The fact that the trial court
    relied on Officer Lemke’s statements in the absence of video footage that confirmed
    his testimony does not mean that the trial court erred. See State/City of Toledo v.
    Reese, 2018-Ohio-2981, 
    112 N.E.3d 514
    , ¶ 23 (6th Dist.) (wherein the trial court
    relied an officer’s testimony as to the pace of a vehicle even though the video
    footage did not capture the relevant speed readings).
    {¶15} Officer Lemke’s testimony provided the trial court with some
    competent, credible evidence from which it could determine that Little failed to
    comply with a stop sign. Since the trial court’s decision was based on some
    competent, credible evidence, this Court will not disturb the trial court’s factual
    findings and will turn to examining the trial court’s legal conclusion in this matter.
    After finding that Officer Lemke’s testimony was “credible,” the trial court
    determined that he “had an objectively reasonable justification for making the stop”
    because he observed Little fail to stop his SUV at the stop sign. Doc. 47.
    Case No. 1-20-11
    {¶16} The failure to comply with a stop sign is a violation of R.C.
    4511.43(A) and/or Lima Codified Ordinance 432.18(a). See R.C. 4511.43(A); Lima
    Codified Ordinance 432.18(a). Since Officer Lemke witnessed Little commit a
    traffic violation, Officer Lemke had more than the reasonable, articulable suspicion
    that was required to initiate a traffic stop of Little’s SUV. This traffic violation, by
    itself, can serve as a sufficient legal basis for the traffic stop in this case. State v.
    Pratt, 4th Dist. Pickaway No. 99CA53, 
    2000 WL 1281217
    , *2-3 (Sept. 5, 2000);
    State v. Akers, 2016-Ohio-7216, 
    72 N.E.3d 135
    (7th Dist.). After reviewing the trial
    court’s decision, we do not find any error in the trial court’s application of the law
    to these facts.
    {¶17} On appeal, Little also argues that he did not impede traffic in violation
    of R.C. 4511.22(A) and/or Lima Codified Ordinance 434.06(a) by stopping on the
    roadway. Little asserted that he stopped to allow the police cruiser to have the
    necessary space to pass through that stretch of roadway. Tr. 19. At the suppression
    hearing, Officer Lemke had testified that he believed that Little had impeded traffic
    by stopping in the roadway. We note that the trial court never found that Little
    committed the violation of impeding traffic. Doc. 34.
    {¶18} However, we ultimately do not need to address the issue of whether
    Little stopping in the roadway provided Officer Lemke with a reasonable,
    articulable suspicion to initiate a traffic stop because Officer Lemke later witnessed
    Little fail to comply with a stop sign. As we have already noted, Little’s failure to
    Case No. 1-20-11
    comply with a stop sign provided Officer Lemke with a sufficient legal justification
    to initiate a traffic stop. Thus, whether Officer Lemke had a reasonable, articulable
    suspicion that could have served as grounds to stop Little’s vehicle earlier is
    irrelevant in this case.
    {¶19} In the end, Officer Lemke’s testimony provided some competent,
    credible evidence from which the trial court could conclude that Little had
    committed the traffic violation of failing to comply with a stop sign and could
    conclude that Officer Lemke had a legal justification to conduct a traffic stop. After
    reviewing the evidence produced at the suppression hearing, we conclude that the
    trial court did not err in denying Little’s motion to suppress. Thus, Little’s sole
    assignment of error is overruled.
    {¶20} Having found no error prejudicial to the appellant in the particulars
    assigned and argued, the judgment of the Allen County Court of Common Pleas is
    Judgment Affirmed
    SHAW P.J. and ZIMMERMAN J., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 1-20-11

Citation Numbers: 2020 Ohio 4097

Judges: Willamowski

Filed Date: 8/17/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/17/2020