State v. Garcia ( 2017 )

  • 672	                            August 3, 2017	                            No. 38
    Petitioner on Review,
    Respondent on Review.
    (CC 120545265; CA A152842; SC S064236)
    On review from the Court of Appeals.*
    Argued and submitted March 6, 2017, at Lewis & Clark
    College, Northwestern School of Law School, Portland,
    Peenesh H. Shaw, Assistant Attorney General, Salem,
    argued the cause and filed the brief for petitioner on review.
    Also on the brief were Ellen F. Rosenblum, Attorney General,
    and Benjamin Gutman, Solicitor General.
    Rond Chananudech, Deputy Public Defender, Salem,
    argued the cause and filed the brief for respondent on review.
    Also on the brief was Ernest G. Lannet, Chief Defender,
    Office of Public Defense Services.
    Before Balmer, Chief Justice, and Kistler, Walters,
    Landau, and Nakamoto, Justices.**
    The decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed. The
    judgment of the circuit court is affirmed.
    ** Appeal from Multnomah County Circuit Court, Adrienne C. Nelson,
    278 Or App 639
    , 377 P3d 596 (2016).
    **  Baldwin, J., retired March 31, 2017, and did not participate in the decision
    of this case. Brewer, J., retired June 30, 2017, and did not participate in the deci-
    sion of this case. Flynn and Duncan, JJ., did not participate in the consideration
    or decision of this case.
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	673
    Case Summary: Defendant was charged with two counts of interfering with
    a peace officer and with resisting arrest. However, by its own terms, the stat-
    ute defining interfering with a peace officer, ORS 162.247, “does not apply” in
    situations in which a person is “engaging in * * * [a]ctivity that would consti-
    tute resisting arrest” as defined by statute. Based on that exception, defendant
    argued at trial that the state could not charge her with interfering because it
    had also charged her with resisting arrest for the same acts. The trial court
    disagreed and denied defendant’s motion for judgment of acquittal on the inter-
    fering counts. Concluding that ORS 162.247(3)(a) prohibited the type of double
    charging present here, the Court of Appeals reversed. Held: (1) The state is not
    precluded by ORS 162.247(3) from alleging interfering and resisting arrest as
    alternative charges for the same actions. (2) When a defendant contests culpabil-
    ity for resisting arrest, the trial court should submit both charges to the jury with
    an appropriate instruction or verdict form.
    The decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed. The judgment of the circuit
    court is affirmed.
    674	                                                         State v. Garcia
    Defendant was charged with two counts of interfer-
    ing with a peace officer under ORS 162.247 and one count
    of resisting arrest under ORS 162.315 for her actions to
    prevent officers from arresting her boyfriend at a political
    march.1 Pursuant to ORS 162.247(3)(a), the statute defin-
    ing the offense of interfering with a peace officer “does not
    apply” when the defendant is “engaging in * * * [a]ctiv-
    ity that would constitute resisting arrest.” At trial, defen-
    dant moved for a judgment of acquittal on the interfering
    counts, arguing that ORS 162.247(3) prohibited the state
    from charging her with both interfering and resisting arrest
    for the same acts. The trial court denied the motion,
    and the Court of Appeals reversed, agreeing with defen-
    dant that the legislature had intended to preclude double
    charging. State v. Garcia, 
    278 Or App 639
    , 649-50, 377 P3d
    596 (2016).
    On review, we are asked to determine the import
    of ORS 162.247(3)(a) and whether the trial court erred by
    denying defendant’s motion and submitting both sets of
    charges to the jury when, as the parties agree, the stat-
    ute would not permit conviction on both. We conclude that
    ORS 162.247(3)(a) does not preclude the state from alleging
    interfering and resisting arrest as alternative charges, even
    when based on the same acts, and, when the defendant dis-
    putes the charges, that the trial court should submit both
    charges to the jury with an appropriate instruction or ver-
    dict form. In this case, the trial court properly submitted all
    the charges to the jury. Therefore, we reverse the decision of
    the Court of Appeals and affirm the judgment of the circuit
    We take the facts from the Court of Appeals opinion
    as supplemented by the trial court record. When, as here,
    the trial court denies a defendant’s motion for judgment of
    acquittal, we view the facts in the light most favorable to
    the state. State v. Cunningham, 
    320 Or 47
    , 63, 880 P2d 431
    Throughout this opinion, unless otherwise noted, we cite the 2011 versions
    of the relevant statutes, which were the versions in force when the events in this
    case took place.
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	675
    (1994), cert den, 
    514 US 1005
    115 S Ct 1317
    131 L Ed 2d 198
    Defendant and her boyfriend, Storaasli, partici-
    pated in a May Day march in Portland. At a certain point,
    the permit for the march lapsed and the marchers were
    directed to leave the streets. Storaasli disregarded the
    order and remained in the streets to dance. As respond-
    ing police officers sought to subdue Storaasli and to arrest
    him, defendant ran towards him. In response, an officer
    punched defendant in the chest, causing her to fall to the
    ground. Recovering, defendant proceeded to insert herself
    between the officers and Storaasli by wrapping her arms
    around Storaasli’s waist. While doing so, defendant called
    to other marchers to help her “unarrest” Storaasli. The
    officers repeatedly ordered defendant to release Storaasli,
    which she ignored. Ultimately, the officers succeeded in
    separating defendant from Storaasli and arrested both of
    As relevant here, defendant was charged by infor-
    mation with two counts of interfering with a peace offi-
    cer, ORS 162.247, and one count of resisting arrest, ORS
    162.315. The state based the two interfering counts on the
    same incident, but assigned to each a different statutory vio-
    lation: (1) a failure to obey a lawful order and (2) an attempt
    to prevent an officer from his lawful duties with regard to
    another person. The resisting arrest charge simply alleged
    that defendant “intentional[ly] resist[ed]” officers “in mak-
    ing an arrest.”
    At trial, the testimony presented in the state’s
    case-in-chief revealed that the resisting arrest charge did
    not relate to defendant’s own arrest but to her resistance
    to Storaasli’s arrest. Correctly concluding that all three
    charges related to defendant’s actions in response to the
    officers’ efforts to arrest Storaasli, defendant moved for a
    judgment of acquittal on both interfering charges. By its
    own terms, the statute criminalizing and defining inter-
    fering with a peace officer, “does not apply in situations in
    which the person is engaging in * * * [a]ctivity that would
    constitute resisting arrest under ORS 162.315.” ORS
    162.247(3)(a). Defendant reasoned that ORS 162.247(3)(a)
    676	                                                      State v. Garcia
    prohibited the submission of the interfering counts to the
    jury because they flowed from the same activity giving rise
    to the resisting arrest charge.2 The state did not disagree
    that defendant could not be convicted on both the inter-
    fering charges and the resisting-arrest charge; however,
    it argued that all counts should be submitted to the jury.
    The trial court denied defendant’s motion for judgment of
    Following the presentation of her case, defendant
    again sought a judgment of acquittal on the interfering
    charges. The state objected to the form of motion, noting
    that the issue was more appropriately brought as a pretrial
    demurrer or post-conviction motion in arrest of judgment.
    The state argued that, because the statute “does not apply
    to conduct constituting resist[ing] arrest,” the trier of fact
    must first make the factual finding that resisting arrest
    occurred. Defendant responded that she could not have filed
    a demurrer because the state’s information was insufficient
    to identify the basis for the charges, but she offered to craft
    her request as a motion to dismiss so as to “carry out the
    legislature’s instruction” in ORS 162.247(3).
    The trial court deferred ruling on defendant’s alter-
    native motions and heard additional argument the next day.
    The state reaffirmed its position that all charges should be
    submitted to the jury. However, the state clarified that, if
    the jury came back with guilty verdicts on both the interfer-
    ing charges and the resisting arrest charge,
    “the [interfering] charges [would be] subsumed by the
    jury’s finding with respect to resisting arrest. And, there-
    fore, it may be, as I mentioned previously, a merger issue,
    a legal issue with respect to the Court’s entry of judgment,
    because the jury has found * * * that the defendant did com-
    mit the three offenses, but it would be left to the Court as a
    legal matter which charge to enter judgment on.”
    Defendant also argued that her conduct could be characterized as “pas-
    sive resistance” under ORS 162.247(3)(b). Because the Court of Appeals agreed
    with defendant on her first argument—that the interfering charges should not
    have been submitted to the jury under ORS 162.247(3)(a)—it declined to reach
    her passive resistance argument. Garcia, 278 Or App at 646 n 3. On review,
    defendant has not raised that second argument before this court, and we do not
    address it.
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	677
    In defendant’s opinion, however, “it’s actually the prosecu-
    tor’s duty in a situation like that to charge what they are
    going to charge and follow the available laws.”
    Agreeing with the state, the trial court denied
    defendant’s renewed motion for judgment of acquittal on the
    interfering counts and submitted all three counts to the jury.
    The jury was instructed to resolve the two sets of charges in
    the alternative: “[I]f you find in a particular situation that
    [defendant] was engaged in activity that would constitute
    resisting arrest and passive resistance, you must return a
    verdict of not guilty as to the interfering with a peace offi-
    cer for the same situation.” The jury subsequently convicted
    defendant on the count for interfering with the officers’ law-
    ful duties, but it acquitted her on the remaining interfering
    charge and the resisting arrest charge.
    Before the Court of Appeals, the parties presented
    arguments mirroring their positions below. Defendant
    asserted that ORS 162.247(3)(a) barred the state from
    charging interfering and resisting arrest based on the same
    acts. In defendant’s view, if, as here, the state charged inter-
    fering based on defendant’s actions in resisting arrest, then
    ORS 162.247(3)(a) should prevent the interfering count from
    being submitted to the jury. For its part, the state contended
    that nothing in the text of ORS 162.247(3)(a) precluded dou-
    ble charging; instead, it urged, the legislature intended sub-
    section (3)(a) to act as a defense to the charge of interfering.
    The state reasoned that, for the trial court to grant a motion
    for judgment of acquittal on the interfering charge, it must
    necessarily conclude “that no rational fact-finder could find
    the defendant innocent of resisting arrest, and [the court]
    would be ruling that she was guilty of that crime as a matter
    of law.” Garcia, 278 Or App at 646. It further explained that,
    without making that determination, a trial court that with-
    drew the interfering charges would supplant the jury’s role to
    determine whether defendant committed any of the offenses.
    After examining the text and legislative history
    of ORS 162.247, the Court of Appeals concluded that “the
    legislature intentionally excluded conduct that constitutes
    resisting arrest from the definition” of the crime of inter-
    fering with a peace officer. Garcia, 278 Or App at 649. As a
    678	                                          State v. Garcia
    result, the court explained, “the legislature intended to pro-
    hibit the state from charging a defendant with both resisting
    arrest and [interfering] based on the same conduct.” Id. The
    court looked to the legislative history of ORS 162.247, which
    was originally enacted in 1997, State v. McNally, 
    361 Or 314
    326, 392 P3d 721 (2017), and cited as particularly persua-
    sive the testimony from drafters of the 1999 amendment to
    subsection (3), determining that the legislature had wanted
    to “prevent the offender from being doubled up with two
    charges: both resisting arrest and [interfering].” Garcia, 278
    Or App at 649-50. As a result, the court concluded that “the
    state cannot charge a defendant with both resisting arrest
    and [interfering] based on the same conduct” and that the
    trial court erred when it presented the interfering charges
    to the jury, because “[o]nce it became clear that the state
    had engaged in the double charging that the legislature
    intended to prevent, the trial court had to give effect to the
    legislature’s intent by dismissing the [interfering] counts.”
    Id. at 650-51. The Court of Appeals disagreed that dismissal
    of the interfering counts would result in the trial court sit-
    ting as trier-of-fact and determining whether defendant was
    guilty of resisting arrest; rather, the trial court needed only
    to decide “whether the state had engaged in prohibited dou-
    ble charging.” Id. at 654 n 4.
    The Court of Appeals also concluded that when and
    how a defendant should challenge the double charges would
    depend on when it was evident to the defendant that the
    two charges arose from the same set of acts. Id. at 651-52.
    Although a defendant could demur to the charging instru-
    ment when the shared factual basis for the state’s charges
    of interfering and resisting arrest was clearly alleged at the
    outset, the court recognized that it is also permissible for
    a defendant to challenge the charges later at trial, when
    the shared factual basis for the charges becomes clear. Id.
    Consistent with those determinations, the Court of Appeals
    reversed defendant’s conviction for interfering with a peace
    officer. Id. at 655.
    The issue on review concerns the circumstances in
    which it is proper for the state to prosecute a defendant for
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	679
    both interfering with a peace officer and resisting arrest
    for the same acts, a question implicating what the legis-
    lature intended to have happen through its enactment of
    ORS 162.247(3)(a). We understand the state’s argument for
    reversal to be that, contrary to the Court of Appeals’ hold-
    ing, ORS 162.247(3)(a) bars a defendant’s convictions—but
    not the state’s charges—for both interfering and resisting
    arrest when the charges are based on the same acts and
    that, as a result, the trial court must submit both interfer-
    ing and resisting arrest charges to the jury when the defen-
    dant disputes those charges, as in this case.3
    Defendant acknowledges that the state may charge
    a defendant with both interfering and resisting arrest at the
    outset of a case, based on potentially different acts by the
    defendant for each charge. But defendant maintains that
    ORS 162.247(3)(a), correctly understood in light of legisla-
    tive history, prevents the trial court from ultimately sub-
    mitting both charges to the jury if it turns out that those
    charges are based on the same acts by the defendant. In
    other words, defendant explains, the state could prosecute
    a defendant for acts amounting to interfering that occurred
    when no arrest was taking place and also prosecute the
    defendant for different acts amounting to resisting arrest
    while an arrest was happening—even if both charges arise
    out of a single encounter with law enforcement officers—but
    the state cannot legitimately present both charges to the
    jury when they are based on one set of acts that the defen-
    dant allegedly committed.
    Thus, the parties present two questions: whether,
    as the Court of Appeals concluded, the state is barred from
    charging a defendant for both crimes based on the same acts
    and, if not, whether and when both charges may be submit-
    ted to the jury. As we explain, we conclude that (1) the leg-
    islature most likely intended ORS 162.247(3)(a) to permit
    In its briefing, the state argued that ORS 162.247(3)(a) describes a defense
    to the crime of interfering with a peace officer. However, at oral argument, the
    state retreated from that position, asserting instead that the statute requires
    the trial court to present both interfering and resisting arrest charges to the
    jury with an instruction for the jury not to reach the interfering charge if the
    jury convicts on the resisting arrest. Thus, the resisting arrest subsection can be
    understood as an exception to a charge of interfering with a peace officer.
    680	                                              State v. Garcia
    the state to charge a defendant with both interfering with
    a peace officer and resisting arrest based on the same acts,
    given the differing mental state elements of interfering and
    resisting arrest, and (2) when the defendant’s guilt is a dis-
    puted matter, the trial court should submit both charges to
    the jury with an appropriate instruction or verdict form.
    A.  Charging Interfering with a Peace Officer and Resisting
    We begin with the conclusion that the Court of
    Appeals reached: that ORS 162.247(3)(a) prohibits the state
    from “double charging,” or charging a defendant with both
    interfering and resisting arrest for the same acts. That is
    an issue of statutory construction, and we turn to our well-
    establish principles guiding that task. Following the frame-
    work established in PGE v. Bureau of Labor and Industries,
    317 Or 606
    , 610-12, 859 P2d 1143 (1993), as modified by
    State v. Gaines, 
    346 Or 160
    , 171-72, 206 P3d 1042 (2009), we
    seek to determine the legislature’s intent in promulgating
    ORS 162.247(3)(a), and, to aid us in that goal, we review the
    text, context, and legislative history of the statute. Because
    it is the intent of the legislature as expressed through its
    formal enactments that matters, rather than the intent of
    one or two individual legislators, the text and context of the
    statute are the most compelling evidence of the legislature’s
    intent. Gaines, 
    346 Or at 171
    The crime of interfering with a peace officer is
    defined by ORS 162.247, which states:
    “(1)  A person commits the crime of interfering with a
    peace officer or parole and probation officer if the person,
    knowing that another person is a peace officer or a parole
    and probation officer * * *:
    “(a)  Intentionally acts in a manner that prevents, or
    attempts to prevent, a peace officer or parole and probation
    officer from performing the lawful duties of the officer with
    regards to another person; or
    “(b)  Refuses to obey a lawful order by the peace officer
    or parole and probation officer.
    “(2)  Interfering with a peace officer or parole and pro-
    bation officer is a Class A misdemeanor.
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	681
    “(3) This section does not apply in situations in which
    the person is engaging in:
    “(a)  Activity that would constitute resisting arrest
    under ORS 162.315; or
    “(b)  Passive resistance.”
    (Emphasis added.) By its terms, ORS 162.247(3)(a) prevents
    the statute defining interfering from “apply[ing]” in a cer-
    tain situation, namely, when the defendant “is engaging in
    * * * [a]ctivity that would constitute resisting arrest.” That
    provision also refers to the statute defining the offense of
    resisting arrest, ORS 162.315, which provides, in part:
    “A person commits the crime of resisting arrest if the
    person intentionally resists a person known by the person
    to be a peace officer or parole and probation officer in mak-
    ing an arrest.”
    ORS 162.315(1).4
    The phrase “does not apply” in ORS 162.247(3)
    comes closest to suggesting that the legislature may have
    intended to bar alternative charging of resisting arrest and
    interfering with a peace officer. For the most part, the par-
    ties in their briefing dispute whether the phrase provides a
    defendant with a defense to an interfering charge, with the
    state arguing that the defense does not bar double charging
    and instead requires the jury to determine whether the
    defense applies, as is the case with other defenses. However,
    as noted earlier, the state has refocused its analysis to argue
    The interfering and resisting arrest offenses cover similar conduct but dif-
    fer based on whether the circumstances involved an arrest. As defined, resisting
    arrest requires a showing that the defendant knew the status of the peace officer
    and that the officer’s activity consisted of making an arrest; that the defendant
    acted to resist the arrest; and that defendant intentionally resisted. See State v.
    259 Or App 104
    , 110-12, 312 P3d 588 (2013) (reviewing legislative history
    of ORS 162.315 and concluding that, “[t]o form the intent to resist another per-
    son in making an arrest, a person must know that an arrest is taking place”). In
    contrast, to be convicted of interfering under ORS 162.247(1)(a), the state must
    show that the defendant knew the status of the officer; acted in a manner that
    prevents, or attempts to prevent, the officer from performing the lawful duties of
    the officer with regard to another person; and did so intentionally. Thus, interfer-
    ing does not require proof that an arrest took place, that the defendant knew of
    the arrest, or that the defendant intentionally took action to resist the arrest. It
    is the absence of those elements—which center on the defendant’s knowledge of
    an arrest—that distinguishes interfering from resisting arrest.
    682	                                           State v. Garcia
    that, whether “does not apply” indicates a defense or some-
    thing else, such as an exception to the offense of interfering,
    the phrase does not address charging and does not prohibit
    the state from alternatively charging resisting arrest by vir-
    tue of subsection (3)(a). We agree with the state that the
    text of subsection (3)(a) cuts against the conclusion that the
    state cannot charge both interfering and resisting arrest.
    Normally, the state may bring charges against a
    defendant in the alternative, even with mutually exclusive
    charges. See generally State v. Savastano, 
    354 Or 64
    , 81,
    96, 309 P3d 1083 (2013) (recognizing a prosecutor’s discre-
    tion to bring particular charges); see also State v. Tron, 
    39 Or App 603
    , 605, 592 P2d 1094 (1979) (prohibition on con-
    victions for alternative counts does not bar the state from
    charging in the alternative). But ORS 162.247(3) does not
    contain an express provision that the state is barred from
    double charging resisting arrest and interfering based on
    the same acts, and elsewhere in the criminal statutes defin-
    ing offenses, the legislature has chosen to expressly limit
    double charging. For example, ORS 166.370, which defines
    the offenses of possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon
    in public buildings, provides that “[n]otwithstanding the
    fact that a person’s conduct in a single criminal episode
    constitutes” multiple statutory violations for possession in
    a public building and in a school, the state “may charge the
    person with only one of the offenses.” ORS 166.370(7). It is
    apparent that the legislature could have, but did not, pro-
    vide an express provision in ORS 162.247(3)(a) similarly
    barring alternative or double charging.
    And although defendant and the Court of Appeals
    view subsection (3)(a) as presenting a legal question for the
    trial court—whether the interfering charges is based on the
    same conduct that is charged as resisting arrest—the text
    of the resisting-arrest provision in subsection (3)(a) sug-
    gests otherwise. By its terms, the phrase engaging in “activ-
    ity that would constitute resisting arrest” suggests that
    interfering does not apply to the extent that the defendant’s
    activity amounted to resisting arrest. That phrase suggests
    something more than a legal question concerning whether
    there is an identity between the defendant’s physical acts
    relied on by the state for each of the two different charges: it
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	683
    suggests that the offense of interfering does not apply to the
    defendant’s activity when the defendant has committed the
    offense of resisting arrest by engaging in that activity.
    “Activity that would constitute resisting arrest,”
    ORS 162.247(3)(a), sounds much like the legislature’s use of
    the phrase “an act that * * * would constitute a violation” in
    ORS 419C.005(1), a juvenile delinquency statute describing
    the juvenile court’s jurisdiction. Under ORS 419C.005(1), the
    juvenile court has exclusive original jurisdiction in any case
    involving a person under 18 years of age “who has committed
    an act that is a violation, or that if done by an adult would
    constitute a violation, of a law or ordinance * * *.” This court
    has explained that ORS 419C.005(1) provides the court with
    jurisdiction when the juvenile either has committed an act
    that is a violation of state law or when the act would be a
    crime, but for the juvenile’s age. See State v. McCullough,
    347 Or 350
    , 358-59, 220 P3d 1182 (2009) (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (the latter “refers to the few crimes” that a
    juvenile “cannot actually commit” because age is an element of
    the crime). Both nouns—“activity” and “act”—connote action.
    See Webster’s Third New Int’l Dictionary, 20 (unabridged ed
    2002) (“act” can mean “process of doing : action” (boldface in
    original)); id. at 22 (“activity” can mean “physical motion or
    exercise of force,” as in “vigorous or energetic action”).5
    The offense of resisting arrest requires proof not
    only of the defendant’s physical acts but also of the defen-
    dant’s accompanying mental state. If the legislature had
    wanted to indicate that double charging for the same phys-
    ical acts is barred, regardless of whether the defendant’s
    conduct actually amounted to commission of the offense of
    resisting arrest, including by proof of the defendant’s men-
    tal state, the legislature could have (1) expressly barred
    double charging or (2) used wording in ORS 162.247(3)(a)
    suggesting a focus on the defendant’s acts rather than the
    commission of an offense, e.g., describing “activity [or acts]
    that might constitute resisting arrest” rather than “activ-
    ity that would constitute resisting arrest.” In our view, by
    stating that activity “would constitute” resisting arrest, the
    In their briefing, neither party argued that “activity” held significance in
    the textual analysis.
    684	                                              State v. Garcia
    legislature most likely intended that the offense of interfer-
    ing would not apply when the defendant’s actions constituted
    commission of the offense of resisting arrest.
    Our textual analysis is confirmed by the legislative
    history of ORS 162.247(3)(a). Senate Bill (SB) 423 (1997),
    which became ORS 162.247, was proposed by Representative
    Floyd Prozanski in response to a Court of Appeals case, City
    of Eugene v. Kruk, 
    128 Or App 415
    , 875 P2d 1190 (1994). In
    Kruk, the Court of Appeals struck down a Eugene ordinance
    prohibiting interfering with an officer. Id. at 417. The court
    explained that the ordinance did not have the exception for
    passive resistance contained in the existing resisting arrest
    statute and, thus, “the [two] laws [were] in conflict.” 128 Or
    App at 421 (quoting City of Portland v. Jackson, 
    316 Or 143
    151, 850 P2d 1093 (1993)).
    Before the Senate Committee on Crime and
    Corrections, Prozanski testified that SB 423 “has a caveat
    that this statute would not be applicable in the making of an
    arrest” because resisting arrest was already criminalized.
    Tape Recording, Senate Crime and Corrections Committee,
    SB 423, Feb 19, 1997, Tape 13, Side A (statement of Rep
    Floyd Prozanski). He noted, “It is not my intent to create
    a new statute that’s going to give another means of citing
    someone for that same conduct that is already regulated by
    state law under the resisting arrest.” 
     Rather, Prozanski
    suggested, the interfering statute was intended to address
    “a situation where you have an officer who is involved in
    something less than performing the arrest but they are
    forced to divert their attention from what could be a very
    serious threatening safety reason for that officer or anyone
    else to deal with somebody that is really out of line and out
    of place for the context of what’s occurring.”
     Following Prozanski’s explanation, the legislature
    enacted the bill without changes to the relevant text. As
    originally enacted in 1997, subsection (3) stated that “[t]his
    section does not apply in situations in which a peace officer
    is making an arrest.” Or Laws 1997, ch 719, § 1.
    In 1999, the legislature amended subsection (3), Or
    Laws 1999, ch 1040 § 7, and it has remained unchanged since
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	685
    then. Before the House Committee on Judiciary, Legislative
    Counsel John Horton described the need for House Bill (HB)
    3374 to address an overbroad understanding of ORS 162.247
    “The language that is being deleted is language that says
    this section does not apply in situations in which * * * ‘the
    peace officer is making an arrest.’ * * * The original intent,
    as I understand it, of that subsection 3 was to say that if you
    are charging a person with resisting arrest that we are try-
    ing to prevent the offender from being doubled up with two
    charges: both resisting arrest and interfering with a peace
    officer. In practice, what has happened is that the language
    ‘a peace officer is making an arrest’ has been construed a
    bit too broadly, and so what this would do is simply provide
    that, if the activity constitutes resisting arrest under that
    statute then the person cannot be charged with interfering
    with a peace officer, but, if the activity did not constitute an
    offense under the other statute, then they could be charged
    under this crime of interfering with a peace officer.”
    Tape Recording, House Committee on Judiciary,
    Subcommittee on Criminal Law, HB 3374, May 4, 1999,
    Tape 178, Side B (statement of Legislative Counsel John
    Horton) (emphasis added).
    Although defendant’s argument is based on a plau-
    sible interpretation of the legislative history from 1997 and
    1999, that interpretation does not square with the text of
    ORS 162.247(3), and we view the legislative history in a
    different way that is consistent with the statutory text. In
    defendant’s view, the legislative history reveals that the leg-
    islature intended to avoid doubling the charges of resisting
    arrest and interfering for the same conduct. Defendant’s
    argument is a plausible one, given that Prozanski referred
    to “citing someone” in 1997 and Horton used the term
    “charged” in explaining the purpose and effect of the 1999
    amendment while adding his understanding that the 1997
    statute was intended to “prevent the offender from being
    doubled up with two charges.” But defendant’s understand-
    ing of the legislative history is difficult to reconcile with the
    text of the statute, which indicates that the offense of inter-
    fering is not available only when the defendant has commit-
    ted the offense of resisting arrest.
    686	                                          State v. Garcia
    In light of Horton’s description of the purpose of the
    1999 amendment to ORS 162.247(3), we view the legisla-
    ture’s intention to be consistent with our textual analysis:
    the legislature intended to prohibit the state from obtaining
    a conviction on both interfering and resisting arrest charges
    for the same activity. Neither party explains the import of
    Horton’s description of a need in 1999 to address what had
    become an overly broad construction of the original version of
    subsection (3) and then his explanation of what the amend-
    ment would do: “simply provide that, if the activity consti-
    tutes resisting arrest under that statute then the person
    cannot be charged with interfering with a peace officer, but,
    if the activity did not constitute an offense under the other
    statute, then they could be charged under this crime.” Tape
    Recording, House Committee on Judiciary, Subcommittee
    on Criminal Law, HB 3374, May 4, 1999, Tape 178 Side B
    (statement of Legislative Counsel John Horton). If that “too
    broadly” construed 1997 version of the statute was ham-
    pering prosecutions of defendants for conduct that might
    be either interfering or resisting arrest, depending on what
    the jury determined—a plausible conclusion—then it would
    make sense to narrow that understanding through the 1999
    amendment by clarifying that the interfering statute would
    not apply to acts that would establish that the defendant was
    committing resisting arrest. Defendant’s understanding of
    the legislative history not only does not comport with the
    text of the statute, but it does not comport with the apparent
    problem that the legislature aimed to fix.
    B.  Procedure in the Trial Court
    Given our conclusion that the state may bring alter-
    native charges of resisting arrest and interfering against
    a defendant based on the same physical acts, we go on to
    a procedural question: how must a trial court handle the
    charges at trial? The state urges that the trial court in this
    case correctly submitted both sets of charges to the jury
    with an instruction, because whether defendant’s activity
    amounted to resisting arrest was disputed and subject to a
    factual determination by the jury. We agree.
    To find a defendant guilty of resisting arrest, the
    jury must necessarily evaluate mental state facts that are
    Cite as 
    361 Or 672
     (2017)	687
    difficult for a prosecutor to identify at the charging stage,
    or even, at times, in advance of submission to the jury. And
    complementary defenses such as self-defense or defense of
    others might offer additional questions of fact for the jury
    to consider, such as whether the defendant’s belief that he
    or she acted in self-defense or in defense of another was rea-
    sonable. See State v. Wright, 
    310 Or 430
    , 436, 799 P2d 642
    (1990) (concluding that “if an officer making an arrest uses
    excessive force, the permissible use of physical force by the
    arrestee is limited to the use of such force as is reasonably
    necessary under the circumstances”). A prosecutor should
    not be forced to elect one charge or the other in the face of con-
    flicting versions of events presented by the witnesses to the
    event and ultimately uncertainty about whether an element
    going to the defendant’s mental state or a defense to resisting
    arrest can be proven. Thus, a trial court must submit both
    the resisting arrest and the interfering charges to the jury,
    even if based on the same actions taken by the defendant,
    when the defendant contests culpability for resisting arrest.
    From a procedural perspective, to avoid the possibil-
    ity of an inconsistent verdict, when the trial court submits
    both charges to the jury, the court should do so with instruc-
    tions or with the verdict form. The jury can be instructed
    to address the resisting arrest charge first, followed by the
    interfering charge only if the jury does not find the defen-
    dant guilty of resisting arrest.
    In this case, the trial court properly submitted the
    two sets of charges to the jury and instructed the jury on the
    alternative charges. The trial court instructed the jury that,
    if it found, “in a particular situation that [defendant] was
    engaged in activity that would constitute resisting arrest
    and passive resistance,” then it “must return a verdict of not
    guilty as to the interfering with a peace officer for the same
    situation.” The trial court’s submission of the charges to the
    jury was consistent with the statute, and its instruction,
    apparently understood by both the parties and by the jury,
    clarified that the interfering and resisting arrest charges
    were to be considered as alternatives.
    The decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed.
    The judgment of the circuit court is affirmed.