Harrington v. Crystal Bar, Inc. , 371 Mont. 165 ( 2013 )

  •                                                                                         July 30 2013
    DA 12-0628
    2013 MT 209
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,
    and Does 1-5,
    Defendants and Appellees.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the Eighteenth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Gallatin, Cause No. DV 08-313A
    Honorable Holly Brown, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    John C. Doubek; Doubek, Pyfer & Fox LLP; Helena, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Mark A. Vucurovich; Henningsen, Vucurovich & Richardson, P.C.;
    Butte, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: May 8, 2013
    Decided: July 30, 2013
    Justice Jim Rice delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     Dennis and Cathy Harrington appeal from the order entered by the Eighteenth
    Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, granting summary judgment to the Crystal Bar,
    Inc. on their negligence and liquor liability claims. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and
    remand for further proceedings.
    ¶2     We restate and consider the following issues:
    ¶3     1. Did the District Court err in granting summary judgment to the Crystal Bar on
    the negligence claims?
    ¶4     2. Did the District Court err in granting summary judgment to the Crystal Bar on
    the dram shop claim?
    ¶5     The facts are presented as developed in discovery. During the late evening and
    early morning of October 6-7, 2007, Dennis Harrington (Harrington) visited the Crystal
    Bar in Bozeman with a group of friends. Harrington initiated an abrasive conversation
    with the front door bouncer Duane Aune (Aune), concerning the qualifications required
    to be a bouncer.     To some extent, this conversation also involved Jason Howard
    (Howard), who was an acquaintance of Aune’s and employed as a bouncer at another
    local bar. Harrington used profanities and admits to the potentially offensive nature of
    this conversation. The exchange between these individuals escalated, bar manager John
    Saunders (Saunders) was advised, and Harrington was asked to leave the bar multiple
    times. Harrington then voluntarily left the bar through the open front door, followed by
    Howard about 15 or 20 seconds later, followed by Saunders closing the door.              An
    altercation ensued, with Howard hitting Harrington on the head and causing him to fall
    and strike his head on a car parked in front of the Crystal Bar. Harrington sustained a
    serious head injury, was rendered unconscious, and was hospitalized. Howard initially
    began to run, but upon seeing his girlfriend, walked with her around the end of the block
    and re-entered the Crystal Bar through the back door.            A criminal investigation
    surrounding this incident was conducted. Further factual assertions are set forth below.
    ¶6     Harrington filed a complaint organized into various sections that set forth
    overlapping claims of negligence, liquor liability, spoliation of evidence, and punitive
    damages.1 The negligence counts generally alleged that the Crystal Bar failed to exercise
    proper care by adequately screening and training employees, promoted “the risk of
    conflict” between Harrington and Howard, failed to protect Harrington from Howard, and
    failed to contact law enforcement, damaging Harrington as a result. The liquor liability,
    or “dram shop” claim, alleged that the Crystal Bar had served alcohol “to visibly
    intoxicated patrons” on the night of the incident, increasing the risk of physical violence
    that ultimately caused harm to Harrington.
    ¶7     The Crystal Bar moved for summary judgment on the negligence and dram shop
    claims, relying on the deposition testimony of Howard and Saunders. Harrington filed a
    response in opposition with supporting affidavits.
    Harrington also sought declaratory judgment regarding insurance coverage in a claim against
    Capital Insurance Companies. This claim was later dismissed.
    ¶8    On the negligence claims, the District Court concluded that there were no conflicts
    in material facts and the Crystal Bar was entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The
    District Court reasoned:
    While Harrington and Howard present differing accounts of what might
    have been said between them, those statements are not material to
    disposition of the Motion. Harrington states “[t]here was no fight between
    me and Howard” and that he left when asked by Saunders. . . . Therefore
    by Harrington’s own account, there was no interaction between Harrington
    and Howard that should have alerted or warned the Crystal Bar employees
    that Howard posed any danger to Harrington.
    On the dram shop claim, the District Court determined it was uncontested that Howard
    was not intoxicated and had not been served at the Crystal Bar, concluding that the
    statutory requirements for the claim had not been established and the Crystal Bar was
    entitled to summary judgment. After receiving confirmation from the parties that all
    claims had been resolved by its order, the District Court entered final judgment.
    Harrington appeals.
    ¶9    A district court’s grant or denial of summary judgment is reviewed de novo.
    Steadele v. Colony Ins. Co., 
    2011 MT 208
    , ¶ 14, 
    361 Mont. 459
    260 P.3d 145
    omitted). “Under M. R. Civ. P. 56(c), summary judgment is proper only when no
    genuine issues of material fact exist and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law.” Steadele, ¶ 14. The evidence must be analyzed in the light most
    favorable to the non-moving party, and all reasonable inferences must be drawn in favor
    of the non-moving party. Shattuck v. Kalispell Regl. Med. Ctr., 
    2011 MT 229
    , ¶ 8, 362
    4 Mont. 100
    261 P.3d 1021
     (citation omitted). “The party moving for summary judgment
    has the initial burden of establishing both the absence of genuine issues of material fact
    and entitlement to judgment as a matter of law. If this burden is met, the burden then
    shifts to the nonmoving party to establish that a genuine issue of material fact does exist.
    If the district court determines that no genuine issue of material fact exists, the court then
    determines whether the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”
    Corporate Air v. Edwards Jet Ctr. Mont. Inc., 
    2008 MT 283
    , ¶ 25, 
    345 Mont. 336
    190 P.3d 1111
     (internal citations omitted). We review a district court’s conclusions of law for
    correctness. Shattuck, ¶ 8 (citation omitted).
    ¶10    Summary judgment should be granted “if the pleadings, the discovery and
    disclosure materials on file, and any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as to
    any material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” M. R.
    Civ. P. 56(c)(3) (2011). “A material fact is a fact that involves the elements of the cause
    of action or defenses at issue to an extent that necessitates resolution of the issue by a
    trier of fact.” Corporate Air, ¶ 24 (citing Arnold v. Yellowstone Mountain Club, LLC,
    2004 MT 284
    , ¶ 15, 
    323 Mont. 295
    100 P.3d 137
    ). “Summary judgment is an extreme
    remedy that should never be a substitute for a trial on the merits if a controversy exists
    over a material fact.” Corporate Air, ¶ 24 (citing Mary J. Baker Revoc. Trust v. Cenex
    2007 MT 159
    , ¶ 17, 
    338 Mont. 41
    164 P.3d 851
    ). “Ordinarily, questions of
    negligence are poorly suited to adjudication by summary judgment and are better left for
    jury determination at trial.” LaTray v. City of Havre, 
    2000 MT 119
    , ¶ 15, 
    299 Mont. 449
    999 P.2d 1010
    ; see also i.e. Scott v. Henrich, 
    1998 MT 118
    , ¶ 13, 
    288 Mont. 489
    958 P.2d 709
    ; Brown v. Demaree, 
    272 Mont. 479
    , 483, 
    901 P.2d 567
    , 570 (1995);
    Hendrickson v. Neiman, 
    204 Mont. 367
    , 371, 
    665 P.2d 219
    , 222 (1983) (overruled on
    other grounds). A cause of action in negligence consists of four elements: duty, breach
    of duty, causation, and damages. Brown, 272 Mont. at 482, 
    901 P.2d at 569
    , see also
    Cusenbary v. Mortenson, 
    1999 MT 221
    , ¶ 21, 
    296 Mont. 25
    987 P.2d 351
    . “[T]he
    existence of a duty is a question of law for determination by the court, whether that duty
    has been breached, is a question of fact to be decided by the finder of fact—in this case,
    the jury.” Brown, 272 Mont. at 482, 
    901 P.2d at 569
     (emphasis in original).
    ¶11 1. Did the District Court err in granting summary judgment to the Crystal Bar on
    the negligence claims?
    ¶12    Harrington argues that the District Court erred by concluding there were no
    genuine issues of material fact because the District Court “makes numerous assertions
    which are either inaccurate or directly contradicted by evidence in the record.”
    Harrington asserts there are conflicts within the record regarding the arrival and departure
    of Howard and Harrington at the Crystal Bar, Harrington’s conversation with Aune and
    Howard, and the Crystal Bar’s knowledge of the conflict between Harrington and
    Howard.2 In response, the Crystal Bar states that the factual issues raised by Harrington
    Harrington’s argument includes the allegation that Howard was or appeared to be a bouncer
    employed by the Crystal Bar on the night of the assault. However, Harrington does not make a
    specific argument in support of an actual or ostensible agency relationship between Howard and
    the Crystal Bar supported by authority. Thus, to the extent that Harrington intended to state such
    a claim, it is not properly raised.
    “are either speculative or do not involve the elements of the cause of action.” The
    Crystal Bar asserts that “[t]he evidence clearly established that the Crystal Bar never had
    any reason to suspect that Howard posed any danger to others” and “[t]he evidence is
    undisputed that the fight between Howard and Harrington occurred outside the Bar and
    that the Bar did not know about the fight until after it was over.”
    ¶13    In Kipp v. Wong, 
    163 Mont. 476
    , 480-81, 
    517 P.2d 897
    , 900 (1974), we held that
    the proprietor of an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages owes patrons “the duty
    of exercising reasonable care to protect them from injury at the hands of a fellow patron,
    and of seeing to it that a patron is not injured either by those in his employ or by drunken
    or vicious men whom he may choose to harbor.” Kipp, 163 Mont. at 481, 
    517 P.2d at
    900 (citing Nevin v. Carlasco, 
    139 Mont. 512
    , 514, 
    365 P.2d 637
    , 638 (1961)).
    Continuing to quote from Nevin, the Court stated:
    Reviewing leading cases from other jurisdictions, [citing cases], we
    find the general rule to be that the duty of a tavern keeper to protect a
    patron from injury by another arises only when one or more of the
    following circumstances exist:
    (1) A tavern keeper allowed a person on the premises who has a
    known propensity for fighting.
    (2) The tavern keeper allowed a person to remain on the premises
    whose conduct had become obstreperous and aggressive to such a degree
    the tavern keeper knew or ought to have known he endangered others.
    (3) The tavern keeper had been warned of danger from an
    obstreperous patron and failed to take suitable measures for the protection
    of others.
    (4) The tavern keeper failed to stop a fight as soon as possible after it
    (5) The tavern keeper failed to provide a staff adequate to police the
    (6) The tavern keeper tolerated disorderly conditions.
    Kipp, 163 Mont. at 481, 
    517 P.2d at 900
    . These circumstances are assessed to determine
    whether a tavern keeper has breached the duty of reasonable care. See Kipp, 163 Mont.
    at 481-82, 
    517 P.2d at 900
    ¶14    Citing Kipp, the District Court ruled that the Crystal Bar owed Harrington the duty
    of reasonable care to protect him from injury at the hands of a fellow patron. However,
    the court concluded that this duty would not extend to “acts of Howard after the parties
    left the Crystal Bar,” effectively limiting the duty to the interior of the building. While
    the care of patrons will normally be exercised within the bar, the Kipp duties are not
    stated as exclusively attached to the bar’s interior such that closing the bar door upon a
    potentially violent situation that has moved beyond the threshold cannot implicate the
    duty of care. Whether the Crystal Bar’s duty was breached under the circumstances
    surrounding Howard’s striking of Harrington in front of the bar is a question to be
    resolved by the jury.3
    ¶15    Further, after review of the record, we cannot conclude that material facts are not
    in dispute. Harrington has marshaled evidence that, for purposes of summary judgment,
    could support a jury’s finding that one or more of the duties in Kipp have been violated,
    establishing negligence.
    “[J]udges sometimes say that as danger increases, so does the duty. But judges do not mean by
    this that a duty of reasonable care suddenly becomes a duty of excessive care. Instead, they are
    using ‘duty’ in the sense of specific conduct and mean only that the duty remains the same—
    reasonable care under the circumstances—while circumstances of special danger show that
    reasonable care may be deemed by the trier of fact to require more precautions. In many such
    cases the words may be the words of duty, but the process of good decisionmaking requires a
    determination about what counts as ordinary care under the circumstances—the question of
    breach, not duty.” Dan B. Dobbs et al., The Law of Torts vol. 2, § 253, 7 (2d ed., West 2011).
    a. Conversation among Harrington, Aune, and Howard
    ¶16   The District Court stated that “[u]pon entering the Crystal, Harrington was
    provocative.” However, the complaint states that Harrington “engaged in good natured,
    but arguably offensive, banter with employees of the Crystal Bar concerning ‘what
    qualifications it takes to be a bouncer,’ or words to that effect.”       In his affidavit,
    Harrington adds that “I was never at any point aggressive or challenging to any employee
    of the Crystal Bar.” Howard’s recollection conflicts with Harrington’s:
    [Harrington] walked into the bar and the only reason that I remember him is
    because he kind of started talking to Duane [Aune] and I was there and I
    heard exactly what was going on. He kind of challenged Duane and asked
    him if he had to be a tough guy to work there and said if he could – see, I
    couldn’t tell you exactly what the words that were said, but I know that he
    was being – he was being provocative and he was being rude and he was
    challenging Duane, sort of.
    Howard also described Harrington as confrontational and responded affirmatively when
    asked, “[d]o you think he was trying to actually challenge Duane [Aune] to a fight?”
    Howard added, “[w]ell, he had challenged me after he challenged Duane. I kind of
    butted into the conversation, asked him what his problem was, and then he kind of
    focussed (sic) on me.” Saunders did not observe this encounter first hand, but offered
    that he observed Harrington using profanities.
    b. The Crystal Bar’s knowledge of the potential conflict
    ¶17   The District Court stated that because Harrington’s affidavit indicated that there
    “was no fight between me and Howard,” the Crystal Bar was not aware of a conflict
    between Howard and Harrington. However, Saunders admitted in his deposition that
    there might be a “potential situation” and was questioned about it:
    [Harrington’s counsel]: [D]id you think there was any confrontation
    between Mr. Harrington and Mr. Howard in your bar?
    [Saunders]: There had—when [the other bouncer] came up to me,
    he said that—initially, the first thing he said was that [Harrington] had
    come and challenged the bouncers and then he had been aggressive or
    challenged or inappropriate to several customers, and I think he said that
    [Howard] was one of them. But it was—he had said names, not a name,
    but he said he was a problem with several people and primarily there was a
    problem with the bouncer at the front door.
    [Harrington’s counsel]:       So did he reference Mr. Howard
    [Saunders]: Yes, I believe he did.
    Later, Harrington’s counsel asked “[b]ut you knew before Harrington left the bar that
    there had been some sort of difficulty between Harrington and Howard,” to which
    Saunders replied “Yeah.” The Crystal Bar’s counsel then asked additional questions on
    this point during cross examination:
    [Counsel for the Crystal Bar]: When he says, what do I need to do
    to get your job, beat you up? Is that something that you generally hear
    from somebody who comes into the Crystal?
    [Saunders]: No.
    [Counsel for the Crystal Bar]: Would somebody making that
    statement to you or one of your bouncers cause you concern?
    [Saunders]: Certainly.
    [Counsel for the Crystal Bar]: And he was intoxicated?
    [Saunders]: Yes.
    [Counsel for the Crystal Bar]: You have been trained to diffuse
    situations and see problems brewing before they ever start.
    [Saunders]: Yes.
    [Counsel for the Crystal Bar]: Would that be a clear indication of a
    problem for you?
    [Saunders]: Yes.
    c. Harrington’s and Howard’s departure from the bar
    ¶18    Saunders testified that he asked Harrington to leave the bar, and after being asked
    several times, Harrington left voluntarily through the bar’s open door. Howard followed
    Harrington out 15 to 20 seconds later, as estimated by Saunders. Saunders testified after
    “watching [Howard] walk out to the right of the door and Mr. Harrington walk out to the
    left of the door,” that he “closed the door,” adding “I remember saying to the bouncer,
    You know, hey, look, make sure something, you know, that’s okay/okay, all right.” In
    response to Harrington’s counsel’s question, “[s]o you thought there might be a potential
    situation between the two of them as they were leaving the bar,” Saunders responded,
    “[a]fter I saw them depart different ways, I did not.” However, Harrington’s affidavit
    states that, upon exiting the Crystal Bar, “Howard [took] a slight step to the right and then
    turn[ed] 180 degrees and come right after me.”
    ¶19    The District Court’s statement that the Crystal Bar was not aware of the friction
    between Harrington and Howard seems at least partially inconsistent with its statement
    that “Saunders had been advised Harrington was a problem and Saunders witnessed him
    being disrespectful to the staff and saying profanities.” It is also directly contrary to
    Saunders’ deposition, in which Saunders acknowledged he suspected there was a problem
    between Harrington and Howard, at least before seeing them leave in opposite directions.
    Even then, Saunders told a bouncer to “make sure . . . that’s okay.”
    ¶20    Analyzing the evidence in the light most favorable to Harrington, Shattuck, ¶ 8, we
    believe there are genuine issues as to material facts about which reasonable minds could
    differ. According to Harrington, he and Howard did not actually leave in opposite
    directions—Howard made only a “slight step” in the opposite direction, and “turn[ed]
    180 degrees and come right after me.” And despite Saunders’ request to a bouncer, no
    one apparently acted to “make sure . . . that’s okay.”
    ¶21    The record ultimately contains conflicting accounts regarding the events leading
    up to the assault and whether the Crystal Bar had knowledge of the conflict between
    Harrington and Howard. Whether the Crystal Bar satisfied its duty of reasonable care
    under the circumstances should be resolved by a jury that is presented this evidence at
    trial. The Crystal Bar did not establish there were no genuine issues of material fact,
    Corporate Air, ¶ 25, and the District Court erred in granting the motion for summary
    judgment on Harrington’s negligence claims.
    ¶22 2. Did the District Court err in granting summary judgment to the Crystal Bar on
    the dram shop claim?
    ¶23    Harrington’s arguments that the District Court erred in granting summary
    judgment on his dram shop claim parallel his negligence arguments. He argues there are
    genuine issues of material fact regarding how much Howard had to drink and whether the
    Crystal Bar served Howard. The Crystal Bar responds that the District Court correctly
    granted summary judgment because it is uncontested that Howard was of legal drinking
    age, was not visibly intoxicated, and was not served at the Crystal Bar.
    ¶24    Section 27-1-710, MCA, commonly referred to as Montana’s Dram Shop Act, sets
    “statutory criteria governing the liability of a person or entity that furnishes an alcoholic
    beverage for injury or damage arising from an event involving the person who consumed
    the beverage.” Section 27-1-710(1), MCA; see also Rohlfs v. Klemenhagen, LLC, 
    2009 MT 440
    , ¶¶ 16, 25, 
    354 Mont. 133
    227 P.3d 42
    . The Act reads in pertinent part:
    (3) Furnishing a person with an alcoholic beverage is not a cause of, or
    grounds for finding the furnishing person or entity liable for, injury or
    damage wholly or partly arising from an event involving the person who
    consumed the beverage unless:
    (a) the consumer was under the legal drinking age and the
    furnishing person knew that the consumer was underage or did not make a
    reasonable attempt to determine the consumer’s age;
    (b) the consumer was visibly intoxicated; or
    (c) the furnishing person forced or coerced the consumption or told
    the consumer that the beverage contained no alcohol.
    Section 27-1-710(3), MCA. As we have stated, “a tavern owner is liable for foreseeable
    injury-producing accidents of a patron if the tavern owner provided alcohol to a ‘visibly
    intoxicated’ patron.” Cusenbary, ¶ 22.
    ¶25    However, there is no evidence that Howard was served alcohol by the Crystal Bar
    prior to the altercation. Saunders’ deposition affirmatively states that Howard had not
    been served alcohol at that point. Howard testified at one point in his deposition that he
    “hadn’t even got (sic) a drink there when this whole thing happened,” but later stated that
    he “couldn’t be positive” if he had gotten a drink at the Crystal Bar. Howard’s uncertain
    memory cannot affirmatively establish the point. See Weaver v. Advanced Refrigeration,
    2011 MT 174
    , ¶ 13, 
    361 Mont. 233
    257 P.3d 378
     (internal citation omitted) (“To raise a
    genuine issue of material fact, the proffered evidence must be ‘material and of a
    substantial nature, not fanciful, frivolous, gauzy or merely suspicious.’”). The record
    contains no affirmative statements that Howard was served by the Crystal Bar prior to the
    altercation. Even analyzing the evidence in a light most favorable to Harrington, the
    Crystal Bar has demonstrated “the absence of genuine issues of material fact” on a key
    point—Howard had not been served. Corporate Air, ¶ 25.
    ¶26   The District Court correctly granted summary judgment to the Crystal Bar on
    Harrington’s dram shop claim.
    ¶27   Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded to the District Court for further
    /S/ JIM RICE
    We concur: