Gold Creek Cellular of Montana Ltd. Partnership v. State , 372 Mont. 71 ( 2013 )

  •                                                                                             September 24 2013
    DA 12-0768
    2013 MT 273
    Plaintiffs and Appellees,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:            District Court of the First Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Lewis and Clark, Cause No. DDV 11-154
    Honorable James P. Reynolds, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    C. A. Daw, David R. Stewart, Courtney Jenkins, Special Assistant Attorneys
    General, Montana Department of Revenue, Legal Services Office; Helena,
    For Appellees:
    Richard G. Smith; Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, LLP; Boise, Idaho
    (Counsel for Appellee AT & T Mobility)
    Terry B. Cosgrove; Murry Warhank; Gough, Shanahan, Johnson &
    Waterman; Helena, Montana (Counsel for Appellee Verizon)
    Submitted on Briefs: August 28, 2013
    Decided: September 24, 2013
    Justice Michael E Wheat delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     Plaintiffs Gold Creek Cellular and AT&T Mobility (Plaintiffs) brought this action for
    declaratory judgment alleging that the Department of Revenue’s (Department) regulations
    Admin. R. M. 42.22.101(12), 42.22.101(10), and 44.22.109, were invalid. Judge James
    Reynolds granted summary judgment to Plaintiffs. The Department of Revenue now appeals
    from this order.
    ¶2     Issue One: Did the District Court correctly conclude that the Department’s
    regulation defining “goodwill” is invalid because it conflicts with § 15-6-218(2)(b), MCA?
    ¶3     Issue Two: Did the District Court correctly conclude that the Department’s regulation
    defining “intangible personal property” is invalid because it conflicts with § 15-6-218(2)(a),
    ¶4    Issue Three: Did the District Court correctly conclude that the valuation manuals
    adopted by the Department are invalid to the extent they support its new rules?
    ¶5     Section 15-6-218, MCA, grants tax exemption to intangible personal property.
    Intangible personal property is defined as property that is not tangible and (a) has no intrinsic
    value but is the representative of value, or (b) property that lacks physical existence. Section
    15-6-218(2), MCA. The statute includes a non-exhaustive list of common intangible
    personal property items, including “certificates of stock, bonds, promissory notes, licenses,
    copyrights, patents, trademarks, contracts, software, and franchises.”           Section 15-6-
    218(2)(a), MCA. The statute gives only one non-exhaustive example of intangible property
    that lacks physical existence, “goodwill,” but does not define the term anywhere in Title 15,
    ¶6     The Department of Revenue implements this statute with Admin. R. M. 42.22.110.
    That administrative regulation provides default exemptions that a taxpayer may use when
    declaring certain intangible items as exempt. If taxpayers disagree with the default
    exemption, they may provide the Department with information supporting a higher
    exemption. Admin. R. M. 42.22.110(2).
    ¶7     In 2010, the Department made substantial changes to its regulations implementing
    § 15-6-218, MCA. The Department amended its definition of intangible personal property to
    include a requirement that the property “be separable from the other assets in the unit and
    capable of being held under separate title or ownership.” Admin. R. M. 42.22.101(12). The
    regulation further required that the property be able to be bought and sold separate from the
    operating assets, that it be capable of earning income as a standalone entity, and also defined
    “intangible value” as separate from intangible property and non-exempt. Admin. R. M.
    42.22.101(12).    Finally, the Department defined “goodwill” as goodwill that can be
    calculated through the purchase price accounting method. Admin. R. M. 42.22.101(10).
    While the Department has used the purchase price accounting process for goodwill since
    1999, this change in the definition of goodwill prohibits any other method for valuing this
    specific intangible. The Department also adopted tax assessment methods from the Western
    States Association of Tax Administrators Handbook (WSATA) and the National Conference
    of Unit Value States (NCUVS) in conjunction with the regulations on goodwill and
    ¶8     The District Court considered cross-motions for summary judgment concerning the
    validity of the Department’s new regulations. The District Court granted Plaintiffs’ motion
    upon concluding that the new definitions of intangibles and goodwill imposed additional and
    contradictory requirements on state law, and that the WSATA and NCUVS handbooks were
    invalid as applied to the new regulations. The Department now appeals from this order.
    ¶9     Whether an administrative regulation impermissibly conflicts with a statute is a
    question of law to be decided by the court. Thompson v. J.C. Billion, Inc., 
    2013 MT 20
    , ¶
    368 Mont. 299
    294 P.3d 397
    . We review a district court’s conclusions of law to
    determine if they are correct. Talon Plumbing & Heating v. Dept. of Lab. & Indus., 
    2008 MT 376
    , ¶ 19, 
    346 Mont. 499
    198 P.3d 213
    ¶10    The Department of Revenue argues that its interpretations of “intangible personal
    property” and “goodwill” are compatible with the statute, and at any rate, are entitled to
    administrative deference pursuant to Chevron v. Nat. Resources Def. Council, 
    467 U.S. 837
    104 S. Ct. 2778
     (1984). Plaintiffs argue that Chevron deference applies only to a state or
    federal agency’s implementation of federal law, or of state law companions to federal law.
    ¶11    When examining regulations from a state agency implementing purely state law, we
    have applied the standard of deference set forth in the Montana Administrative Procedures
    Act (MAPA), § 2-4-305, MCA. See Musselshell Co. v. Yellowstone Co., 
    2012 MT 292
    367 Mont. 350
    291 P.3d 579
     (DOR implementing state tax on coal gross proceeds); City of
    Great Falls v. Mont. Dep’t of Pub. Serv. Reg., 
    2011 MT 144
    361 Mont. 69
    254 P.3d 595
    (Public Service Commission implementing state Deregulation Act); Fallon Co. v. State, 
    2009 MT 454
    354 Mont. 347
    223 P.3d 886
     (DOR implementing state tax). In contrast, we have
    only relied on Chevron deference when a federal or state agency interprets federal law or a
    state law companion to federal law.         See Thompson, (State Department of Labor
    implementing federal Fair Labor Standards Act and Montana Wage Protection Act); BNSF
    Ry. Co. v. Feit, 
    2012 MT 147
    , ¶ 8, 
    365 Mont. 359
    281 P.3d 225
     (“The Montana Legislature
    has indicated clear intent that the MHRA be interpreted consistently with federal
    discrimination statutes and case law.”). Finally, our Legislature passed MAPA with the clear
    purpose to preserve legislative intent and to curb “the undisciplined growth of administrative
    powers. . . .” Mont. Sen. Admin. P. Subcomm. Rpt. No. 33, 7, 42d Legis., Reg. Sess.
    (December, 1970) (quoting the Revised Model State Administrative Procedure Act).
    ¶12    The issues on appeal concern a state agency’s implementation of purely state law, a
    law that has no federal counterpart. Thus, the District Court correctly declined to apply
    Chevron’s standard for administrative deference in this case, and examined this case under
    Montana’s deference standard. Administrative rules are invalid when they “(1) engraft
    additional and contradictory requirements on the statute; or (2) if they engraft additional,
    noncontradictory requirements on the statute which were not envisioned by the legislature.”
    Bell v. Dep’t of Licensing, 
    182 Mont. 21
    , 23, 
    594 P.2d 331
    , 333 (1979) (citations and
    quotations omitted); Safeway, Inc. v. Montana Petroleum Release Compensation Bd., 
    281 Mont. 189
    , 194, 
    931 P.2d 1327
    , 1330 (1997). Regulations that are consistent with the statute
    must also be reasonably necessary to effectuate the statute’s purpose. Section 2-4-305(6)(b),
    MCA; Michels v. Dep’t of Social and Rehabilitation Servs., 
    187 Mont. 173
    , 177-78, 
    609 P.2d 271
    , 273 (1980).
    ¶13    When a department’s regulation restricts a broad statutory exemption, that regulation
    is in direct conflict with the statute. Thompson, ¶¶ 19-23. In Bell, the statute required that a
    barber college operator have 10 years’ experience and be able to withstand character
    investigation by the Board of Barbers. Bell, 182 Mont. at 23, 
    594 P.2d at 333
    . When the
    Department of Licensing required these same operators to pass an examination, we found
    that this additional requirement was not contemplated by the Legislature, and was therefore
    invalid. Bell, 182 Mont. at 23, 
    594 P.2d at 333
    . In Michels, a regulation required indigent
    persons to provide notice within five days of medical care in order for the State to cover the
    costs of such care. Michels, 187 Mont. at 173, 
    609 P.2d at 271
    . The statute in that case
    provided broad medical coverage for indigent persons, so we invalidated the five day limit,
    holding that such regulations were not reasonable to effectuate the purpose of the statute.
    Michels, 187 Mont. at 178, 
    609 P.2d at 273
     (“[I]n what way is this ideal [providing medical
    care to indigent persons] furthered by distinguishing between those who apply for the
    benefits within five days of receiving medical services and those who apply after five
    ¶14 Did the District Court correctly conclude that the Department’s regulation defining
    “goodwill” is invalid because it conflicts with § 15-6-218(2)(b), MCA?
    ¶15    Section 15-6-218(2)(b), MCA, broadly exempts goodwill as a subclass of intangible
    personal property. The Department’s regulation defines goodwill as “booked goodwill” that
    can only be valued with the purchase price accounting method.                 Admin. R. M.
    42.22.101(10). We read § 15-6-218(2), MCA, as a broad statutory tax exemption for all
    valuable goodwill.
    ¶16    The requirement for purchase price accounting of goodwill imposes a restriction on a
    broad statutory exemption, and thus constitutes an additional requirement. While the
    Department’s method of valuation is the most common way to measure goodwill, it is not the
    only acceptable method. Baldwin v. Stuber, 
    187 Mont. 430
    , 433, 
    610 P.2d 160
    , 162 (1980).
    Because of the difficulty in valuing this particular intangible, we have held that “each
    goodwill case must be determined on its own facts and circumstances, and the determination
    of the value of goodwill is a question for the trier of fact. . . .” Baldwin, 187 Mont. at 432,
    610 P.2d at 161
    . But the Department’s regulation allows for no such leeway, and restricts
    goodwill to calculation by only one method. This restriction constitutes an additional
    requirement analogous to the barber’s test in Bell or the five day rule in Michels.
    ¶17    The Department argues that it must specify the type of information that taxpayers
    provide to demonstrate the value of intangibles. But this does not grant the Department
    authority to entirely exclude alternative methods of valuation. Plaintiffs are entitled to have
    their goodwill valued in a method of their choosing, and the Department is free to dispute
    that valuation by relying on its preferred accounting method. However, the actual value of
    goodwill is left to the trier of fact, not the rulemaking processes of the Department.
    ¶18    Finally, the Department contends that its additional standard is reasonable to
    effectuate the purpose of the statute because the purchase price accounting method provides
    certainty and consistency in the valuation of goodwill. But the goodwill exemption’s
    statutory purpose is to give a broad exemption to all intangible personal property, including
    valuable goodwill. As in Michels, we question whether mandating a specific accounting
    method and prohibiting taxpayers from using alternative methods in any way furthers the
    Legislature’s purpose of granting broad exemption to goodwill. We conclude it does not.
    The regulation restricts a taxpayer’s ability to consult other methods for valuation, and could
    hinder a fair and accurate determination of value. This was not the original purpose of the
    exemption as contemplated by the Legislature.
    ¶19    We do not rule that the Department must use all available methods to value goodwill.
    We simply hold that the Department may not define goodwill in a way that precludes a
    taxpayer from proposing alternative methodology or information relating to valuable
    ¶20 Did the District Court correctly conclude that the Department’s regulation defining
    “intangible personal property” is invalid because it conflicts with § 15-6-218(2)(a), MCA?
    ¶21    Section 15-6-218, MCA, imposes two requirements on intangible personal property:
    That it have no intrinsic value but is the representative of value, or that it lack physical
    existence. The statute also contains a non-exhaustive list of property that is considered
    intangible personal property. The Department’s regulation requires that intangible personal
    property satisfy all of the following: (1) Be separable from the other assets in the unit; (2) be
    able to be bought and sold without impairing value of assets; (3) must create earnings that
    exceed their contributory value to the unit, and; (4) must not have “intangible value,” which
    is the value of an entity to make excess revenues over the normal rate of return. Admin. R.
    M. 42.22.101(12).
    ¶22    The Department’s definitions impose requirements that directly contradict the
    statute’s non-exhaustive list of intangible personal property. Plaintiffs’ FCC licenses may be
    exempted by the statute, but under the Department’s rules are only exempt if they can be
    bought and sold without destroying the unit value of assets. Other intangible personal
    property, like trade names or an assembled workforce, also fit the statutory definition, but do
    not fit the Department’s rules because they are either inseparable from the business’ asset, or
    their separation will impair the business asset. The Department’s distinction between
    intangible property and intangible value appears to sweep up goodwill, as goodwill is often
    defined by its ability to make excess revenues over the normal rate of return. See In re
    Marriage of Hull, 
    219 Mont. 480
    , 487-88, 
    712 P.2d 1317
    , 1322-23 (1985).
    ¶23    The Department contends that, although its regulations read alone would contradict
    the statutory list, it would never interpret its regulations to tax any of the items on the list.
    Further, the Department states that it did not incorporate the list because it is bound against
    repeating statutory language in its regulations under § 2-4-305(2),MCA. This position
    suffers from two flaws of reasoning. First, and crucial to this issue, the Department’s
    argument misunderstands the nature of a non-exhaustive list. The list itself illustrates
    applicable examples of the Legislature’s chosen definition; it does not merely designate
    those few items that must be exempted by the Department. State v. Good, 
    2004 MT 296
    , ¶
    323 Mont. 378
    100 P.3d 644
    ; Federal Land Bank v. Bismarck Lumber Co., 
    314 U.S. 95
    61 S. Ct. 1
    , 4 (1941) (“[T]he term ‘including’ is not one of all-embracing definition, but
    connotes simply an illustrative application of the general principle.”). Accordingly, any rule
    defining intangible personal property must be consistent with the principle that the list
    represents. The Department cannot save its regulations by declining to enforce them against
    items on the statutory list; the fact that it must decline enforcement proves non-conformity
    with the statute’s definitions.
    ¶24    Second, the prohibition on repeating statutory language limits “unnecessarily”
    repeating the statutory language. Section 2-4-305(2), MCA. Here, even the Department’s
    own administrators misunderstand how the new regulations interact with the statutory list.
    (“Q: So, applying this definition to an FCC license, an FCC license would not be exempt if
    you apply this? A: Yeah, the FCC license would be exempt because it meets the list.” “Q:
    [I]s it your understanding that goodwill would satisfy that part of the intangible personal
    property definition? A: I don’t believe you can hold goodwill separate, no.”). In this
    instance, repetition of the statute is needed to ensure consistent and clear application of the
    statute and regulation. However, even if the Department repeated the statutory list in its
    regulations, it is still prohibited from formulating rules contradictory to that list, or the law
    illustrated by the list.
    ¶25    The District Court correctly determined that the Department’s definition of intangible
    personal property contradicted state law, and was invalid under MAPA.
    ¶26 Did the District Court correctly conclude that the valuation manuals adopted by
    the Department are invalid to the extent they support its new rules?
    ¶27    Both parties agree that the NCUVS and WSATA handbooks are only challenged to
    the extent that they are used to enforce the Department’s new definitions of intangible
    personal property and goodwill. Because we find those definitions invalid, these handbooks
    are also invalid to the extent that they conflict with state law.
    ¶28    The judgment of the District Court is affirmed.
    We concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE