Hebbe v. Pliler , 627 F.3d 338 ( 2010 )

  •                     FOR PUBLICATION
    PAUL ERIC HEBBE,                         
    v.                              No. 07-17265
    CHERYL PLILER, Warden, CSP                       D.C. No.
    Sacramento; STEVEN VANCE,
    Correctional Captain, CSP                        OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of California
    Edmund F. Brennan, Magistrate Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    April 7, 2010—Pasadena, California
    Filed July 29, 2010
    Before: Daniel M. Friedman,* Dorothy W. Nelson, and
    Stephen Reinhardt, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Reinhardt;
    Concurrence by Judge Friedman
    *The Honorable Daniel M. Friedman, United States Circuit Judge for
    the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    10902                    HEBBE v. PLILER
    Michael G. Williams (argued), U.C.L.A. School of Law Ninth
    Circuit Clinic, Los Angeles, California, supervised by Charles
    C. Lifland, Jeremy Maltby, Catalina Joos Vergara (argued),
    O’Melveny & Myers, LLP, Los Angeles, California, for the
    Edmund G. Brown, Jr., Rochelle C. East, David Carrasco
    (argued), Office of the California Attorney General, Sacra-
    mento, California, for the defendants-appellees.
    REINHARDT, United States Circuit Judge:
    Paul Hebbe, a prisoner in the California State Prison-
    Sacramento C-Facility (“CSP”), appeals the district court’s
    grant of prison officials Cheryl Pliler, Warden of the CSP, and
    Steven Vance, Correctional Captain of the CSP (individually
    and collectively “the prison officials”) motion to dismiss his
    42 U.S.C. § 1983 action under Federal Rule of Civil Proce-
    dure 12(b)(6). Hebbe appeals the district court’s ruling with
    respect to two distinct constitutional claims. First, Hebbe
    claims that the prison officials violated his constitutional right
    of court access because they denied him use of the prison law
    library without providing any alternative means of legal
    research assistance during the limited time period in which he
    was permitted to appeal his state court criminal conviction.
    Second, Hebbe claims that subsequently the prison officials
    HEBBE v. PLILER                        10903
    violated his Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel
    and unusual punishment because they forced him to choose
    between two constitutional rights, his right to exercise and his
    right of court access, by allowing him out of his cell only two
    hours per day, four days per week, for a period of eight
    months. We reverse the district court’s ruling as to both
    claims and remand the case for further proceedings.
    I.       BACKGROUND
    Paul Hebbe was convicted, pursuant to a plea agreement, of
    two counts of burglary. He was sentenced to a term of eigh-
    teen years and four months. He appealed his conviction to the
    California Court of Appeal. The court appointed pro bono
    counsel to represent him on appeal.
    On November 9, 1998, while Hebbe was imprisoned in the
    CSP, a fight broke out and parts of the facility, including the
    part in which he was held, were subjected to a “lockdown.”
    During lockdowns, CSP inmates are confined to their cells at
    almost all times and are not allowed to exercise outdoors or
    use the institution’s law library. On November 18, 1998,
    Hebbe’s pro bono appellate counsel withdrew and filed a “no
    issue” Wende brief in the California Court of Appeal.1 The
    court accepted the brief, and advised Hebbe of his right to
    file, pro se, a supplemental appellate brief within thirty days,
    by December 18, 1998. Hebbe states in his complaint that he
    was still on lockdown, and thus had no access to the law
    library for that entire thirty-day period. He asserts that he was
    therefore unable to research and file a supplemental appellate
    brief by the December 18, 1998 deadline.
    The CSP alleges that it provides inmates with emergency
    A Wende brief is one that an appellate counsel can file when he finds
    no legitimate issues for appeal. See People v. Wende, 
    25 Cal. 3d 436
    (1979). When an attorney files a Wende brief the court is then obliged to
    undertake an independent review of the record for valid claims.
    10904                         HEBBE v. PLILER
    library services during a lockdown through a paging system,
    although this system offers extremely limited access to legal
    materials.2 According to the prison officials, Hebbe was
    allowed access to this paging system while he was on lock-
    down; according to Hebbe, however, the prison officials never
    informed him of the program’s existence or that he had a right
    to use the program to access legal reference materials. Hebbe
    alleges that he did not learn of the existence of the paging sys-
    tem until January of 1999. Consequently, he asserts, he did
    not file a supplemental brief before the California Court of
    Appeal’s December 18, 1998, filing deadline. For the pur-
    poses of a motion to dismiss, we construe the pleading in the
    light most favorable to the party opposing the motion, and
    resolve all doubts in the pleader’s favor. See Hospital Bldg.
    Co. v. Trustees of Rex Hospital, 
    425 U.S. 738
    (1976). We
    therefore take the factual allegations in Hebbe’s complaint as
    true. See Galbraith v. County of Santa Clara, 
    307 F.3d 1119
    1121 (9th Cir. 2002)
    On March 8, 1999 Hebbe’s section of the prison was
    removed from lockdown status and he was once again
    allowed to access the prison’s law library. Shortly thereafter,
    there was another disturbance and the prison officials put
    Hebbe’s section of the prison back on lockdown, from March
    Using the paging system, inmates with legal deadlines may forward
    requests for legal references to the library, and library staff will deliver the
    requested items to the inmates, beginning after the third day of lockdown.
    However, the prison restricts each inmate to a maximum of three items at
    a time, and these items may not be more than thirty pages each. If a docu-
    ment is larger than thirty pages then the prison will only deliver the docu-
    ment in thirty page increments. Further, the library staff will send only
    items that the inmates must request by using a specific form of correct
    citation, which it defines narrowly. If the citation is not sufficiently clear
    then the library staff will deny the request. For example, the library staff
    will deny a request for “Plessy v. Ferguson,” as it is not specific enough.
    Also, the library staff will deny a request for “114 S. Ct. 2364, Heck v.
    Humphrey” as it is not in the correct citation format. Other citation defects
    that if found will result in the library staff ignoring the request are mis-
    spellings in case names and lack of all parallel citation.
    HEBBE v. PLILER                        10905
    28, 1999 until April 18, 1999. On April 20, 1999, Hebbe filed
    a “continuance request,” with the California Court of Appeal
    asserting that the lockdown had made it impossible for him to
    research and draft an appellate brief. The California Court of
    Appeal, which had dismissed Hebbe’s appeal after he failed
    to file a supplemental brief by the court’s deadline, construed
    the “continuance request” as a petition for rehearing and
    denied it on May 5, 1999.
    From November 10, 1998 to February 14, 2000, a period
    of a little more than 15 months, Hebbe spent approximately
    seven months in lockdown, without access to the law library
    and without an opportunity to exercise outdoors.3 For the
    period of time totaling eight months in which Hebbe was not
    on lockdown,4 the CSP allowed him two hours per day, four
    days per week, during which he could either exercise outdoors
    or use the law library. These eight hours per week were
    Hebbe’s only opportunity to do either.
    On February 14, 2000, Hebbe filed a complaint in the dis-
    trict court under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 alleging that the prison
    officials had violated his constitutional rights. Only two of the
    claims listed in that complaint are relevant for purposes of this
    appeal: the claim that the prison officials violated Hebbe’s
    right of access-to-courts by preventing him from using the
    law library during the lockdown, and his claim that the prison
    officials violated his Eighth Amendment rights by forcing him
    to choose between outdoor exercise and use of the law library
    when he was not on lockdown.5
    Hebbe was in lockdown between November 10, 1998 - March 8, 1999,
    March 28, 1999 - April 18, 1999, and September 11, 1999 - November 10,
    1999. ER II 104. However, Hebbe was not himself responsible for any of
    the prison lockdowns.
    Specifically: March 8, 1999 - March 28, 1999, April 18, 1999 - Sep-
    tember 11, 1999, and November 10, 1999 - February 14, 2000.
    Hebbe filed an amended complaint on July 17, 2000, reiterating these
    10906                       HEBBE v. PLILER
    On April 10, 2001, the prison officials filed a Motion to
    Dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be
    granted. On February 20, 2002, the magistrate judge recom-
    mended dismissing Hebbe’s access-to-courts claim because
    he “fail[ed] to allege he was unable to file a meritorious claim
    as a result of his [law] library restrictions.” The magistrate
    judge also recommended dismissing the claim that Hebbe was
    forced to choose between library access and outdoor exercise
    in contravention of the Eighth Amendment because Hebbe
    “concede[d] he had yard time and used the law library, and
    fail[ed] to allege an inability to file or a rejection of a merito-
    rious claim resulted from his having to divide his recreation
    time between the yard and the law library.”
    On April 19, 2002, the district court summarily upheld the
    findings and recommendations of the magistrate judge and
    adopted them in full. The district court granted the prison offi-
    cials’ Motion to Dismiss Hebbe’s claims, with prejudice, dis-
    missing both his claim that the prison officials impermissibly
    restricted his court access during the lockdowns and his claim
    that they unconstitutionally forced him to choose between
    using the law library and exercising outdoors when the facil-
    ity in which he was incarcerated was not on lockdown.6
    Hebbe timely appeals the district court’s ruling on these two
    distinct constitutional claims.
    We “review de novo a district court’s disposition of a
    motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6).” Coto Settlement
    v. Eisenberg, 
    593 F.3d 1031
    , 1034 (9th Cir. 2010). The prison
    officials ask us to apply the standard for reviewing complaints
    that the Supreme Court recently adopted in Iqbal v. Ashcroft,
    The sole claim to survive the motion to dismiss was Hebbe’s claim that
    the prison denied him yard time during the lockdown periods, in violation
    of the Eighth Amendment. On September 27, 2007, a jury returned a ver-
    dict in favor of the prison officials on this Eighth Amendment claim.
    HEBBE v. PLILER                    10907
    namely, that a complaint may survive a motion to dismiss
    only if, taking all well-pleaded factual allegations as true, it
    contains enough facts to “state a claim to relief that is plausi-
    ble on its face.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    129 S. Ct. 1937
    , 1949
    (2009) (quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    570 (2007)). But because Hebbe is an inmate who proceeded
    pro se, his complaint “must be held to less stringent standards
    than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers,” as the Supreme
    Court has reminded us since Twombly. See Erickson v.
    551 U.S. 89
    , 94 (2007) (per curiam). Because Iqbal
    incorporated the Twombly pleading standard and Twombly did
    not alter courts’ treatment of pro se filings, we continue to
    construe pro se filings liberally. This is particularly important
    where, as in the instant case, a petitioner is a pro se prisoner
    litigant in a civil rights matter. See Bretz v. Kelman, 
    773 F.2d 1026
    , 1027 n.1 (9th Cir. 1985) (courts “have an obligation
    where the petitioner is pro se, particularly in civil rights cases,
    to construe the pleadings liberally and to afford the petitioner
    the benefit of any doubt.”).
    A.   Hebbe’s court access claim survives the motion to
    Hebbe alleges that the prison officials violated his constitu-
    tional right to court access, grounded in the First Amendment
    right to petition and the Fourteenth Amendment right to due
    process, by denying him access to the prison law library while
    the facility was on lockdown, and that the denial prevented
    him from filing a brief in support of his appeal of his state
    court conviction.
    [1] In 1977 the United States Supreme Court held that “the
    fundamental constitutional right of access to the courts
    requires prison authorities to assist inmates in the preparation
    and filing of meaningful legal papers by providing prisoners
    with adequate law libraries or adequate assistance from per-
    sons trained in the law.” Bounds v. Smith, 
    430 U.S. 817
    , 828
    (1977). Nineteen years later, in Lewis v. Casey, the Court reit-
    10908                    HEBBE v. PLILER
    erated that penal institutions have a duty to afford prisoners
    “a reasonably adequate opportunity to present claimed viola-
    tions of fundamental constitutional rights to the courts.” 
    518 U.S. 343
    , 351 (1996) (citing 
    Bounds, 430 U.S. at 825
    ). How-
    ever, the Lewis Court narrowed the scope of Bounds by hold-
    ing that there is no “abstract, freestanding right to a law
    library or legal assistance[. A]n inmate . . . must . . . demon-
    strate that the alleged shortcomings in the library or legal
    assistance program hindered his efforts to pursue a legal
    Id. at 351,
    353 n.3.
    [2] The Court explained that its “actual injury” require-
    ment meant that the state was not required to provide library
    access to “enable the prisoner to discover grievances” that
    might be aired, 
    id. at 354
    (emphasis in original), but rather
    was required to provide such access to facilitate the prisoner’s
    pursuit of a certain “type of frustrated legal claim,” such as
    “direct appeals from the convictions for which [he] w[as]
    incarcerated” or “actions under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 to vindicate
    ‘basic constitutional rights.’ ” 
    Id. (citing Wolff
    v. McDonnell,
    418 U.S. 539
    , 579 (1974)). Thus, the “tools” that Lewis and
    Bounds “require[ ] to be provided are those that the inmates
    need in order to attack their sentences, directly or collaterally,
    and in order to challenge the conditions of their confinement.”
    Id. at 355.
    Hebbe’s claim that he was frustrated in his desire
    to use the law library facilities to research the pro se brief that
    he wished to file on direct appeal of his state court conviction
    involves exactly the type of “actual injury” discussed in
    Lewis. Hebbe did not wish to go on a “fishing expedition” to
    discover grievances, rather he wished simply to appeal his
    conviction, as was his fundamental right.
    [3] When Hebbe’s pro bono appellate counsel filed a
    Wende brief and withdrew from his case on November 18,
    1998, the California Court of Appeal correctly advised him of
    his right to file, pro se, a supplemental appellate brief. Hebbe
    unquestionably had a right to use the legal materials available
    in the prison to research which issues he might address in that
    HEBBE v. PLILER                   10909
    brief. The fact that Hebbe’s former attorney had filed a Wende
    brief did not affect his right to file his own brief or his right
    to use the prison library facilities to research that brief. Nor
    did the former attorney’s filing of the Wende brief necessarily
    demonstrate that there were no nonfrivolous claims that
    Hebbe might raise on direct appeal. As we held in Delgado
    v. Lewis, the filing of a Wende brief does not show disposi-
    tively that an appeal is without merit. 
    223 F.3d 976
    (9th Cir.
    [4] Similarly, the fact that Hebbe entered a guilty plea did
    not affect his right to appeal, nor did it affect his right to use
    the prison library to research the pro se brief that he wished
    to file in support of that appeal. Under California law, individ-
    uals who have pleaded guilty may nonetheless prevail upon
    appeal in certain circumstances. See Cal. Penal Code
    § 1237.5(a) (stating that individuals who enter guilty pleas
    may appeal on the basis of “reasonable constitutional, juris-
    dictional, or other grounds going to the legality of the pro-
    ceedings.”). Hebbe thus had a right to use the prison law
    library to research the constitutional, jurisdictional, or other
    issues he might raise on appeal.
    [5] Lewis may not have “guarantee[d] inmates the where-
    withal to transform themselves into litigating engines capable
    of filing everything from shareholder derivative actions to
    slip-and-fall claims,” 
    Lewis 518 U.S. at 355
    , but it did guaran-
    tee individuals like Hebbe the right to use the prison law
    library to “attack their sentences, directly.” 
    Id. Hebbe was
    impermissibly denied the opportunity to appeal his convic-
    tion. This fulfills Lewis’s “actual injury” requirement. We
    therefore reverse the district court’s ruling on Hebbe’s first
    B.   Hebbe’s Eighth Amendment claim survives the
    motion to dismiss
    Hebbe also alleges that the prison officials violated his
    Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel and unusual
    10910                        HEBBE v. PLILER
    punishment during the period of time totaling eight months in
    which he was permitted to leave his cell for only two hours
    per day, four days per week. He asserts that, during that time,
    the prison officials impermissibly forced him to choose
    between spending the eight hours per week on either using the
    law library or exercising outdoors.
    [6] Forcing a prisoner to choose between using the prison
    law library and exercising outdoors is impermissible because
    “an inmate cannot be forced to sacrifice one constitutionally
    protected right solely because another is respected.” Allen v.
    City and County of Honolulu, 
    39 F.3d 936
    , 940 (9th Cir. 1994).7
    As we 
    discuss supra
    , the Supreme Court in Lewis emphasized
    the continued vitality of this rule, but held that an inmate’s
    constitutional right to use of a law library was not “freestand-
    ing,” but rather predicated upon the pursuit of an “arguably
    actionable” legal claim. 
    Id. at 351.
    [7] Here, as Hebbe’s counsel underscored at oral argu-
    ment, Hebbe wished to use the law library to research and file
    his § 1983 complaint. The prison officials do not dispute that
    Hebbe’s § 1983 action involves one or more non-frivolous,
    “arguably actionable” legal claims—nor could they, given
    The prison officials urge, erroneously, that our holding in Allen applies
    only to individuals held in segregated housing units or otherwise severely
    restrictive conditions of confinement. No published opinion of our court
    advances such a proposition and it is of little merit for constitutional pur-
    poses. What matters for cases such as the one before us is the amount of
    time the prisoner is allowed out of his cell to access the law library and
    for out-of-cell exercise, not any other limitation imposed upon his freedom
    or conditions to which he is subjected. Moreover, we note that there are
    many similarities between Hebbe’s conditions of confinement and Allen’s.
    Hebbe was on and off lockdown over the course of a 15-month period.
    During periods totaling seven of those 15 months, he had no access to the
    library and no out-of-cell exercise at all. When he was released from lock-
    down, Hebbe was allowed to leave his cell for only eight hours per week
    to either exercise or use the law library. Allen was, similarly, allowed to
    leave his cell for six hours per week to either exercise or use the law
    Allen, 39 F.3d at 939
    HEBBE v. PLILER                    10911
    that one of those claims, Hebbe’s claim that his Eighth
    Amendment rights were violated when he was denied all out-
    of-cell exercise during the seven month period that he was
    held on lockdown, was tried to a jury. In addition to that
    claim, Hebbe had other nonfrivolous claims to research as
    well. The two counts that are now on appeal before us are cer-
    tainly not frivolous. Hebbe also wished to use the law library
    to research the state habeas petition that he filed in Sacra-
    mento Superior Court, a purpose that falls squarely under
    Lewis’s definition of nonfrivolous legal research. See 
    Lewis, 518 U.S. at 355
    (interpreting Bounds as requiring prisons to
    provide inmates with the legal research facilities that they
    “need in order to attack their sentences, directly or collateral-
    [8] That Hebbe used the law library to research the § 1983
    action during the time that he specifies in his complaint—i.e.
    from November 1998 to February 2000—is apparent both
    from the face of the complaint and the timing of its filing. The
    same is true of Hebbe’s state habeas petition, which was filed
    on May 20, 1999. Construing Hebbe’s pro se complaint liber-
    ally, as we are required to do under Erickson v. Pardus, 
    551 U.S. 89
    , 94 (2007) (per curiam), we hold that Hebbe has suffi-
    ciently alleged for the purposes of surviving a motion to dis-
    miss that he wished to research a nonfrivolous legal claim and
    thus had a cognizable constitutional right to use the law
    For the purposes of surviving a motion to dismiss, Hebbe
    has therefore sufficiently alleged that prison officials violated
    his Eighth Amendment rights because they forced him to
    choose between his constitutional right to exercise and his
    constitutional right of access to the courts for at least eight
    Allen, 39 F.3d at 940
    . We therefore reverse the dis-
    trict court’s ruling and remand for further proceedings.
    10912                   HEBBE v. PLILER
    FRIEDMAN, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    I agree that, under the precedents of this court, the district
    court should not have dismissed the two claims here at issue.
    I write separately, however, to point out another aspect of the
    For Hebbe to recover damages in his § 1983 suit, he would
    have to show that, had it not been for the two alleged constitu-
    tional violations to which he was subjected, he probably
    would have succeeded in overturning his conviction. In light
    of the events in this case, he seems unlikely to be able to
    make that showing.
    Hebbe, represented by counsel, entered into a plea agree-
    ment with California prosecutors, under which he pleaded
    guilty to two counts of burglary and was sentenced to eigh-
    teen years imprisonment. The California Court of Appeal, to
    which he appealed his conviction, appointed pro bono counsel
    for him. His counsel filed a so-called “Wende” brief, stating
    that counsel could find no legitimate issue to argue on appeal.
    The Court of Appeal permitted Hebbe’s appellate counsel to
    withdraw and informed Hebbe that he could file pro se a sup-
    plemental appellate brief within thirty days. Hebbe did not do
    so within that deadline.
    Hebbe asserts that the reason was because he was on “lock-
    down” in prison during that thirty-day period. He contends
    that because of the lockdown, he was unable to use the prison
    law library to research his proposed appeal, and therefore did
    not discover a California statute that would have permitted
    him to withdraw his guilty plea. He also argues that he was
    subjected to cruel and unusual punishment because, during
    non-lockdown periods, he was permitted to leave his cell for
    only eight hours a week, which he could use either in the
    library or for outdoor exercise. He contends that this required
    him to make an unconstitutional choice.
    HEBBE v. PLILER                   10913
    It is not enough for Hebbe to raise these challenges to enti-
    tle him to recover under his § 1983 complaint. I believe he
    also must establish that he had credible claims that his convic-
    tion on his plea was improper. Here, his appointed appellate
    counsel could find no basis for challenging his conviction,
    and the California Court of Appeal agreed with that conclu-
    sion. I think Hebbe would be required to show that his convic-
    tion based upon his guilty plea itself could be reasonably
    challenged. It seems unlikely that he could make that show-

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-17265

Citation Numbers: 627 F.3d 338

Filed Date: 7/29/2010

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/10/2020

Authorities (12)

Jesus Garcia Delgado v. Gail Lewis, Deputy Warden Attorney ... , 223 F.3d 976 ( 2000 )

nelson-galbraith-v-county-of-santa-clara-a-municipality-of-the-state-of , 307 F.3d 1119 ( 2002 )

john-allen-v-city-county-of-honolulu-and-robert-johnson-sgt-richard , 39 F.3d 936 ( 1994 )

L.R. Bretz v. Zollie Kelman, Jack R. Lande, Eugene R. ... , 773 F.2d 1026 ( 1985 )

Coto Settlement v. Eisenberg , 593 F.3d 1031 ( 2010 )

Wolff v. McDonnell , 94 S. Ct. 2963 ( 1974 )

Hospital Building Co. v. Trustees of Rex Hospital , 96 S. Ct. 1848 ( 1976 )

Bounds v. Smith , 97 S. Ct. 1491 ( 1977 )

Lewis v. Casey , 116 S. Ct. 2174 ( 1996 )

Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly , 127 S. Ct. 1955 ( 2007 )

Erickson v. Pardus , 127 S. Ct. 2197 ( 2007 )

Ashcroft v. Iqbal , 129 S. Ct. 1937 ( 2009 )

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Cited By (298)

Nordeen v. Bank of America, N.A. (In Re Nordeen) , 495 B.R. 468 ( 2013 )

In re: Jonathan D. Cole ( 2017 )

In re: Leilani Hope Rickert ( 2020 )

In re: Benjamin Menjivar ( 2014 )

Joe Mendoza v. United States , 661 F. App'x 501 ( 2016 )

Al Zeiny v. United States , 659 F. App'x 435 ( 2016 )

Brian Edwards v. Kern Valley State Prison , 669 F. App'x 389 ( 2016 )

Sterling Mortensen v. Countrywide Bank, Fsb , 662 F. App'x 501 ( 2016 )

Christine Corona v. Michele Verderosa , 670 F. App'x 524 ( 2016 )

Mary Jones v. Edmund Brown, Jr. , 670 F. App'x 579 ( 2016 )

John Pokras v. J. Lewis ( 2018 )

Frances Ju v. State of Washington ( 2018 )

Robin Starr v. Cdcr , 616 F. App'x 257 ( 2015 )

Wylmina Hettinga v. Gavin Newsom ( 2022 )

Keiron Elias v. A. Lichinov ( 2023 )

Kenneth Tiedemann v. Barbara Von Blanckensee ( 2023 )

James Seitz v. Ibt ( 2023 )

Sherman Bell v. Godwin Ugwueze ( 2023 )

Antonio Gutierrez v. Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. , 670 F. App'x 934 ( 2016 )

Amr Mohsen v. Morgan Stanley & Co Inc , 710 F. App'x 330 ( 2018 )

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