Mahadeo v. Reno , 226 F.3d 3 ( 2000 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 99-1687
    Petitioner, Appellant,
    Respondents, Appellees.
    [Hon. Richard G. Stearns, U.S. District Judge]
    Selya, Circuit Judge,
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge,
    and Lipez, Circuit Judge.
    Lee Gelernt, with whom    Allan M. Tow was on brief, for
    Christine A. Bither, Attorney, Office of Immigration
    Litigation, Civil Division, with whom David W. Ogden, Acting
    Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, and Mark A. Walters,
    Assistant Director, Office of Immigration Litigation, were on
    brief, for appellees.
    September 11, 2000
    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge. This case requires us to decide
    whether the permanent rules of the Illegal Immigration Reform
    and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), Pub. L. No.
    110 Stat. 3009
    -546 (1996), repeal the jurisdiction of
    the federal district courts pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    review      statutory   interpretation            and    constitutional     claims
    asserted by aliens convicted of one or more crimes specified in
    the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA") on a petition for a
    writ   of    habeas   corpus.        We    have    previously      held   that   the
    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 ("AEDPA"),
    Pub.   L.    No.   104-132,    
    110 Stat. 1214
       (1996),    and   IIRIRA's
    transition rules eliminated our jurisdiction to review on direct
    appeal a deportation order entered against an alien convicted of
    certain crimes, see Goncalves v. Reno, 
    144 F.3d 110
    , 117 (1st
    Cir. 1998) (construing IIRIRA transition rules); Kolster v. INS,
    101 F.3d 785
    , 786 (1st Cir. 1996) (construing AEDPA), but that
    neither AEDPA nor IIRIRA's transition rules revoked the district
    courts' historical power pursuant to the general federal habeas
    corpus statute to review statutory or constitutional challenges
    to immigration decisions, see Mattis v. Reno, 
    212 F.3d 31
    , 35
    n.6 (1st Cir. 2000); Wallace v. Reno, 
    194 F.3d 279
    , 285 (1st
    Cir. 1999); Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 113
    .                     We hold today that
    IIRIRA's permanent rules likewise do not divest the federal
    courts of their traditional jurisdiction to grant writs of
    habeas corpus pursuant to § 2241.
    A   native   of     Trinidad    and   Tobago,    Soondar     Mahadeo
    immigrated to the United States with his family twenty-six years
    ago.       In 1984, and again in 1991, Mahadeo was convicted of
    possession        of   marijuana     with     intent   to     distribute;     each
    conviction constitutes an "aggravated felony" as defined by the
    INA.       See INA § 101(a)(43)(B); 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
     (a)(43)(B).1                 On
    May 30, 1997, the INS commenced removal proceedings against
    Mahadeo.      The immigration judge found him removable and ordered
    him deported.
    Mahadeo appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals
    ("BIA"),       arguing     that    he   was    entitled       to   apply   for    a
    discretionary waiver of the removal order pursuant to former INA
    § 212(c), as it stood before it was amended by AEDPA and
    1  An "aggravated felony" falls in the category of crimes
    that precludes judicial review under INA § 242(a)(2)(C), AEDPA
    § 440(a), IIRIRA transition rule § 309(c)(4)(G), and IIRIRA
    permanent rule § 304(a), which adds new INA § 240A. We refer to
    the aliens whose convictions place them within this category,
    see infra note 4, variously as "criminal aliens," or "aliens
    with a criminal conviction."
    repealed by IIRIRA.2   In particular, he argued that denying him
    access to former INA § 212(c) would violate the presumption
    against retroactivity in statutory interpretation because his
    convictions pre-dated the enactment of AEDPA and IIRIRA.   In the
    alternative, Mahadeo asserted that retroactive application of
    IIRIRA's repeal of § 212(c) relief would be unconstitutional.
    The BIA rejected Mahadeo's arguments.
    Mahadeo then petitioned the district court for habeas
    corpus relief pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , contending that the
    2     Before AEDPA amended § 212(c) in 1996, it provided in
    relevant part:
    Aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence . .
    . who are returning to a lawful unrelinquished
    domicile of seven consecutive years, may be admitted
    in the discretion of the Attorney General. . . . The
    first sentence of this subsection shall not apply to
    an alien who has been convicted of one or more
    aggravated felonies and has served for such felony or
    felonies a term of imprisonment of at least 5 years.
    Codified at 
    8 U.S.C. § 1182
    (c) (1995). The second sentence does
    not apply to Mahadeo because he did not serve five years for
    either of his felony convictions. Despite the literal language
    of § 212(c), which speaks only of aliens "returning," it had
    been construed to apply not only to aliens seeking discretionary
    relief from exclusion, but also to aliens, like Mahadeo, seeking
    discretionary relief from deportation. See Joseph v. INS, 
    909 F.2d 605
    , 606 n.1 (1st Cir. 1990); Francis v. INS, 
    532 F.2d 268
    273 (2d Cir. 1976). IIRIRA's permanent rules repeal § 212(c)
    entirely, replacing it with a new discretionary relief
    provision, see IIRIRA § 304(a) (adding INA § 240A, codified at
    8 U.S.C. § 1229b (authorizing the INS to "cancel" removal in
    certain circumstances, but not when an alien has been convicted
    of an "aggravated felony")).
    BIA erred in concluding that it lacked the authority to consider
    his request for discretionary relief pursuant to former INA §
    212(c).    He reiterated both his constitutional arguments and his
    statutory interpretation challenge premised on the presumption
    against retroactivity.     The district court did not address the
    merits of Mahadeo's petition because it concluded that IIRIRA's
    permanent    rules   revoked   the   subject    matter   jurisdiction   of
    federal district courts to entertain § 2241 petitions brought by
    aliens seeking review of immigration proceedings.            Mahadeo now
    Although the parties agree that IIRIRA's permanent
    rules govern Mahadeo's removal proceedings, we think it is
    useful for the analysis that follows to explain why that is so.
    Congress enacted AEPDA in April 1996.          Among other things, AEDPA
    expanded the category of criminal convictions that would render
    an alien ineligible to apply for § 212(c) discretionary relief.3
    3     AEDPA § 440 replaced the prohibition on discretionary
    relief for aliens "convicted of one or more aggravated
    felonies," with a prohibition on such relief for aliens
    "deportable by reason of having committed any criminal offense
    covered in section 241(a)(2)(A)(iii) [aggravated felony],
    (B)[controlled substance], (C)[certain firearm offenses], or (D)
    [miscellaneous national security or defense crimes], or any
    offense covered by section 241(a)(2)(A)(ii) [multiple criminal
    convictions] for which both predicate offenses are covered by
    section 241(a)(2)(A)(i) [crimes of moral turpitide]." In Almon
    v. Reno, 
    192 F.3d 28
    , 30-31 (1st Cir. 1999), we concluded that
    Significantly, for criminal aliens like Mahadeo, AEDPA § 440(d)
    made all "aggravated felons" ineligible for relief, even if the
    alien had not been required to serve a "term of imprisonment of
    at least 5 years."    Compare INA § 212(c) (1995) (pre-AEDPA) with
    INA § 212(c), 
    8 U.S.C. § 1182
    (c) (1997) (post-AEDPA).      Just a
    few months after Congress enacted AEDPA, it enacted IIRIRA,
    altering the immigration laws yet again.       IIRIRA's permanent
    rules repealed former INA § 212(c) and created a new form of
    discretionary relief, "cancellation of removal."     See IIRIRA §
    304 (adding new INA § 240A, codified at 8 U.S.C.A. § 1229b (West
    Supp. 1998)).   "Cancellation," like § 212(c) relief both before
    and after AEDPA's amendments, is not available to aliens whose
    criminal convictions qualify as "aggravated felonies."         See
    IIRIRA § 304(a).     Like the AEDPA amendments, the "cancellation"
    provision continues to make all aggravated felons ineligible for
    discretionary relief, irrespective of whether the alien was
    required to serve five years in prison.4    Having been convicted
    of an aggravated felony, Mahadeo is ineligible for cancellation
    of removal.
    § 440(d)'s   limitation on access to discretionary relief for
    "deportable," but not "excludable," aliens did not violate equal
    4     In addition, both AEDPA and IIRIRA expanded          the
    definition of "aggravated felony" to encompass more crimes.    See
    AEDPA § 440(e); IIRIRA § 321.
    IIRIRA provided for a phase-in period during which
    deportation proceedings would be governed by transition rules.
    See IIRIRA § 309(c)(4).             The transition rules treat aliens as
    subject to the judicial review provisions contained in former
    INA § 106, 8 U.S.C. § 1105a (1994), as modified by AEDPA, but
    not     as   further    modified       by    IIRIRA       except      for     certain
    transitional        changes,    see     IIRIRA       §§    309(a),       309(c)(1),
    309(c)(4); see also Wallace, 
    194 F.3d at 283
    ; Prado v. Reno, 
    198 F.3d 286
    , 288 n.2 (1st Cir. 1999).               One IIRIRA rule included in
    the transition regime was new INA § 242(g), see IIRIRA § 306(c),
    which     strips     courts    of    jurisdiction         to   review         certain
    immigration actions except as provided in INA § 242, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    .    See Reno v. American Arab Anti-Discrimination Comm., 
    525 U.S. 471
    , 482 (1999).           Significantly for the jurisdictional
    issue in this case, IIRIRA's permanent rules add to INA § 242(g)
    several      new   jurisdiction-stripping           provisions.         See    INA   §
    242(a)(1) (providing that "review of a final order of removal .
    . . is governed only by [the Administrative Procedures Act
    ("APA")]"); INA § 242(b)(9) (consolidating judicial review of
    immigration        decisions   in     INA    §   242);     INA   §    242(a)(2)(C)
    (limiting the availability of judicial review for aliens ordered
    removed for specified categories of criminal convictions).
    IIRIRA's     transition        rules     apply      to     deportation
    proceedings       commenced     before       April    1,    1997;   proceedings
    commenced    on    or   after   that     date   are     governed    by    IIRIRA's
    permanent rules.         See Prado, 
    198 F.3d at
    288 n.2; IIRIRA §
    309(a).     Although Mahadeo’s convictions occurred in 1984 and
    1996, prior to the enactment of AEDPA and IIRIRA, the INS did
    not commence removal proceedings against him until May 30, 1997.
    Consequently,      IIRIRA's     permanent       rules      govern   his    removal
    In Goncalves v. Reno, we held that, although AEDPA and
    IIRIRA's transition rules "divested the United States Courts of
    Appeals of their former statutory jurisdiction" to hear claims
    brought by aliens seeking discretionary relief from deportation,
    "Congress neither explicitly nor by implication repealed the
    grant of jurisdiction in 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     to issue writs of
    habeas corpus to persons in federal custody which the federal
    district courts have had since 1789 and which has always been
    available in immigration cases." 
    144 F.3d at 113
    added). 5     After     carefully   analyzing        the    provisions     of   the
    5     Since we decided Goncalves, nine other circuits have
    agreed that IIRIRA's transition rules do not repeal access to §
    2241 habeas relief for aliens seeking review of legal or
    constitutional questions raised by immigration proceedings. See
    194 F.3d at
    285 n.6 (collecting cases from the Second,
    Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eight, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuits);
    Magana-Pizano v. INS, 
    200 F.3d 603
     (9th Cir. 1999); Bowrin v.
    permanent rules relied upon by the Attorney General, we conclude
    that our holding in   Goncalves controls here.    As a criminal
    alien, Mahadeo was precluded by IIRIRA from obtaining judicial
    review in the court of appeals of the BIA's determination that
    he was ineligible for a discretionary waiver pursuant to former
    INA § 212(c).   See INA § 242(a)(2)(C).   Mahadeo's only avenue
    for relief, therefore, was to petition for a writ of habeas
    corpus.   Although the jurisdiction-stripping provisions in the
    permanent rules are more numerous than those contained in the
    transition rules, IIRIRA's permanent rules--like the transition
    rules--lack the kind of explicit language Congress must use if
    it wants to repeal the availability of § 2241.6
    A. Availability of Review Under INA § 242
    194 F.3d 483
     (4th Cir. 1999).   But see La Guerre v. Reno,
    164 F.3d 1035
     (7th Cir. 1998).
    6     Because Mahadeo's petition asserts purely statutory
    interpretation and constitutional questions, it falls squarely
    within with ambit of § 2241's jurisdictional grant.       As the
    plain language makes clear, § 2241 "contemplates challenges
    based on the 'Constitution or laws or treaties of the United
    States,'" See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 123-24
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    (c)(3)); see also Wallace, 
    194 F.3d at 284
     (observing that
    § 2241 provides "a general grant of authority to issue habeas
    writs for persons held in violation of the Constitution or laws,
    unless such jurisdiction has been limited or withdrawn by
    Congress"). Although Goncalves left for future cases "the task
    of defining the precise limit of the jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     in immigration cases," we held that the scope of
    § 2241 review extends to both constitutional and statutory
    interpretation questions. Id. at 125.
    The Attorney General argues that Mahadeo's sole avenue
    for review of his statutory and constitutional challenges to the
    BIA decision is new INA § 242, the judicial review provisions
    enacted as part of IIRIRA's permanent rules.                For criminal
    aliens like Mahadeo, however, judicial review by the courts of
    appeal   pursuant   to     INA   §    242    is   unavailable.      INA   §
    242(a)(2)(C),    enacted   as    part   of   IIRIRA's   permanent   rules,
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
    no court shall have jurisdiction to review
    any final order of removal against an alien
    who is removable by reason of having
    committed a criminal offense covered in
    section . . . 1227(a)(2)(A)(iii) [aggravated
    felony] of this title . . . .
    We found similar provisions included in AEDPA7 and IIRIRA's
    transition rules 8 to preclude access to appellate review for
    7       Section 440(a) of AEDPA provides:
    (a) JUDICIAL REVIEW.--Section 106 of the Immigration
    and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1105a(a)(10)) is amended
    to read as follows: "(10) Any final order of
    deportation against an alien who is deportable by
    reason of having committed a criminal offense covered
    in section 241(a)(2) (A)(iii), (B), (C), or (D), or
    any offense covered by section 241(a)(2)(A)(ii) for
    which both predicate offenses are covered by section
    241(a)(2)(A)(i), shall not be subject to review by any
    8       IIRIRA § 309(c)(4)(G) provides:
    [N]otwithstanding any provision of section
    criminal aliens.        See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 117
    IIRIRA transition rule § 309(c)(4)(G)); Kolster v. INS, 
    101 F.3d 785
    , 786 (1st Cir. 1996) (construing AEDPA § 440(a)).                 A plain
    reading of § 242(a)(2)(C) suggests the same result.              The phrase,
    "no court shall have jurisdiction to review," is functionally
    indistinguishable from "shall not be subject to review by any
    court," the language in AEDPA § 440(a) that we previously found
    to preclude direct appeal to the circuit courts, see Kolster,
    101 F.3d at 786
    , and not unlike, "no appeal permitted," the
    language in § 309(c)(4)(G) of IIRIRA's transition rules that we
    also       found   preclusive,   see   Goncalves,   
    144 F.3d at 117-18
    Because IIRIRA's permanent rules prevent Mahadeo from bringing
    a direct appeal to this court, therefore, his only remaining
    alternative is to file for a writ of habeas corpus in the
    district court.9
    106 of the Immigration an Nationality Act .
    . . to the contrary--
    * * *
    There shall be no appeal permitted in the
    case of an alien who is inadmissible or
    deportable by reason of having committed a
    criminal offense covered in . . . section
    241(a)(2)(A)(iii) [aggravated felony] . . .
    of the Immigration and Nationality Act [as
    codified at 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(2)(A)(iii)] .
    . . .
    9  In Goncalves, the Attorney General                 claimed that
    notwithstanding the plain language of INA §                  242(a)(2)(C),
    The Attorney General responds that, notwithstanding
    § 242(a)(2)(C)'s jurisdictional bar, several types of judicial
    review remain available to Mahadeo.         According to the Attorney
    General, "[t]he court of appeals can review the petition of a
    criminal   alien   subject   to    §     242(a)(2)(C)   who    raises     a
    substantial constitutional claim."          She also urges that "the
    Court has jurisdiction to determine its own jurisdiction"--that
    is, "a court of appeals has jurisdiction to determine (i) if the
    petitioner is an alien, (ii) if he is removable; and (iii) if he
    is removable because of a conviction for a qualifying crime."
    She clarifies, however, that "[o]nce the Court has determined
    that a petitioner is an alien who has been ordered removed for
    a qualifying criminal conviction[,] it lacks jurisdiction to
    review any other challenge that the petitioner might raise to
    his removal proceedings."
    The Attorney General's position is similar to the
    position she took in Goncalves.        There, she suggested that this
    court   could   review   substantial      constitutional      claims    and
    determine whether the alien had, in fact, been convicted of the
    type of crime that invokes the statutory bar to judicial review.
    judicial review by the court of appeals was required by INA §
    242(g). See 
    144 F.3d at 117-18
    . We rejected the notion there
    that § 242(g) provides an affirmative grant of jurisdiction for
    the courts of appeals to hear appeals of criminal aliens that
    are otherwise precluded. See id.
    See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 118-19
    .              Because we concluded that
    Congress had not repealed access to habeas relief under § 2241,
    we     took   no    position    on    whether   or     to   what      extent   the
    Constitution might require IIRIRA to preserve jurisdiction over
    some    types      of   questions    absent   the    ability     to   raise    such
    questions in a habeas petition.               See id. at 118 n.8.         We did
    observe, however, that "IIRIRA itself makes no provisions for .
    . . review as to [criminal] aliens."                Id. at 119. Other courts
    are divided on whether and to what extent to read IIRIRA's
    jurisdictional bar on judicial review as containing inherent
    exceptions for certain types of claims.               Compare Liang v. INS,
    206 F.3d 308
    , 322 (3d Cir. 2000) (declining to find exceptions);
    with Flores-Miramontes v. INS, 
    212 F.3d 1133
    , 1135 (9th Cir.
    2000) (concluding that § 242(a)(2)(C) permits review over only
    the narrow question of whether the alien is removable by reason
    of having been convicted of one of the enumerated offenses); and
    with Richardson v.          Reno, 
    180 F.3d 1311
    , 1316 n.5 (11th Cir.
    1999) (construing § 242(a)(2)(C) as allowing judicial review
    over not only the statutory predicates to removal, but also
    statutory interpretation and constitutional questions).
    We agree that § 242(a)(2)(C) would not preclude us from
    reviewing       that    provision's    applicability        to   Mahadeo--i.e.,
    whether Mahadeo is an alien, removable, and removable because of
    a conviction for a qualifying crime.                See Fierro v. Reno, 
    217 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 2000) ("This court's authority to review
    removal orders based on an aliens's commission of an aggravated
    felony has recently been restricted, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (a)(2)(C) .
    . . , but this does not bar         Fierro's claim on review that he is
    a citizen rather than an alien . . . ."); see also Maghsoudi v.
    181 F.3d 8
    , 13 (1st Cir. 1999) (asserting jurisdiction to
    determine whether alien's criminal convictions precluded review
    of his immigration proceedings under IIRIRA transition rule §
    309(c)(4)(G)).        The availability of review on these limited
    threshold    issues    is   of   little     moment    to   Mahadeo,   however,
    because the crux of his petition is a challenge to the BIA's
    interpretation of IIRIRA as precluding discretionary relief, not
    a challenge to the applicability of § 242(a)(2)(C).
    We need not address many of the other issues that the
    parties   attempt     to    raise   because    we    conclude   that   habeas
    jurisdiction remains available to Mahadeo, in conformity with
    our preference stated in Goncalves for grounding jurisdiction
    "directly on [the] statutory authority" found in § 2241.                  See
    144 F.3d at 119
    .         Our conclusion that IIRIRA does not
    repeal the availability of § 2241 relief in immigration cases
    also avoids the "serious, novel, and complex" constitutional
    concerns raised by the elimination of aliens' historic access to
    general      federal     habeas    corpus      jurisdiction       when   no      other
    judicial review remains.10             See Henderson v. INS, 
    157 F.3d 106
    119   (2d    Cir.   1998);      Goncalves,     
    144 F.3d at 122
    ;     see   also
    101 F.3d at 786
     (emphasizing that AEDPA's restrictions
    on judicial review "do[] not offend the Constitution," because
    "at least the habeas corpus review provided by the Constitution
    remains available to aliens").               But see Richardson v. Reno, 
    180 F.3d 1311
    , 1315 (11th Cir. 1999) (holding that IIRIRA limits
    habeas review and that such limitations are constitutional).                        As
    we    demonstrate      below,     we   are    able   to   avoid    these    serious
    constitutional         concerns    because      we   conclude     that     IIRIRA's
    permanent rules lack the clear statement of the congressional
    intent necessary to eliminate habeas review.                      Cf. Edward J.
    DeBartolo Corp. v. Florida Gulf Coast Bldg. & Constr. Trades
    485 U.S. 568
    , 575 (1988) (court must adopt reasonable
    interpretation      of    statute      when    necessary    to     avoid    serious
    constitutional problems).
    B.   Congress's Intent to Repeal Habeas Jurisdiction
    Relying on the Supreme Court's decisions in Felker v.
    10 We gratefully acknowledge briefing from amicus curiae,
    professors    from  a    number   of   law    schools,   on   the
    constitutionality   of    construing   IIRIRA   to   repeal   the
    availability of § 2241 habeas jurisdiction for aliens
    petitioning   for  review    of  statutory   and   constitutional
    challenges to their removal proceedings.
    518 U.S. 651
     (1996), and Ex Parte Yerger, 75 U.S. (8
    Wall.) 85 (1869), we held in Goncalves that "any repeal of the
    federal courts' historic habeas jurisdiction . . . must be
    explicit and make express reference specifically to the statute
    granting jurisdiction."        
    144 F.3d at 120
    .      That is, we will not
    conclude that Congress intended to repeal the availability of §
    2241 "merely by implication."            Id. at 119.       Our task in the
    instant case, therefore, is to discern whether Congress has
    legislated in IIRIRA with the explicitness necessary to divest
    the federal courts of § 2241 habeas jurisdiction.
    The     Attorney    General   relies    upon    several   specific
    provisions in INA § 242.          She insists that these provisions
    individually,     and   viewed   in     their    "entirety,"   make    clear
    Congress's intent that, under IIRIRA's permanent rules, judicial
    review for aliens like Mahadeo is available, if at all, only
    pursuant to INA § 242.
    First, the Attorney General directs our attention to
    §   242(g),   a   provision    that     was   effective    under    IIRIRA's
    transition rules, and which we determined previously did not
    repeal the availability of habeas jurisdiction.             See Goncalves,
    144 F.3d at 122
    .11      Section 242(g) provides:
    11   Although the scope of § 242(g) was narrowed by a
    subsequent Supreme Court decision, see Reno v. American Arab
    Anti-Discrimination Comm., 
    525 U.S. 471
    , 482 (1999) (holding
    EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION. Except as provided
    in   this   section    [INA   §   242]   and
    notwithstanding any other provision of law,
    no court shall have jurisdiction to hear any
    cause or claim by or on behalf of any alien
    arising from the decision or action by the
    Attorney General to commence proceedings,
    adjudicate cases, or execute removal orders
    against any alien under this chapter.
    Although   we   characterized   the    "notwithstanding"   clause   as
    "sweeping," we concluded that it does not contain an express
    intent to repeal the availability of § 2241.      See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 122
    .    We find no warrant for a different conclusion now.
    As we noted in Goncalves, to read § 242(g) as prohibiting all
    review of immigration cases except as available under § 242
    would lead to the "enormous consequence[]" of precluding review
    under the judicial review provisions contained in old INA § 106,
    a result that would "clearly conflict" with Congress's intent to
    preserve review in the transition period under old INA § 106.
    See id.    (noting that without access to old INA § 106, aliens
    whose proceedings were governed by IIRIRA's transition rules
    would be entirely without access to judicial review since the
    judicial review prescribed by INA § 242 only took effect with
    IIRIRA's permanent rules).      If § 242(g)'s "sweeping" language
    that by its own terms § 242(g) applied only to "three discrete
    actions"--a decision or action to (i) commence proceedings, (ii)
    adjudicate cases, or (iii) execute removal orders), we had
    assumed in Goncalves that it governed judicial review of the
    claim asserted in that case.
    does not repeal judicial review under old INA § 106, it is
    difficult    to    see   how    it   repeals     the    availability    of   "so
    significant a provision as the general habeas statute."                Flores-
    212 F.3d at 1138
    Second, the Attorney General draws our attention to INA
    § 242(a)(1), which provides that "[j]udicial review of a final
    order of removal . . . is governed only by [the APA]."                 The APA,
    in turn, vests courts of appeals with "exclusive jurisdiction"
    to review certain agency orders.             See 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 2341-2351
    She also    points to INA § 242(b)(9):
    Judicial review of all questions of law or
    fact,    including    interpretation     and
    application of constitutional and statutory
    provisions, arising from any action taken or
    proceeding brought to remove an alien from
    the United States under this subchapter
    shall be available only in judicial review
    of a final order under this section.
    She urges that these provisions read in conjunction channel
    "judicial    review"     of    all   questions    relating    to   immigration
    proceedings into the APA. Neither § 242(a)(1) nor § 242(b)(9),
    however, contains an express reference to § 2241.                  Indeed, both
    provisions speak only of "judicial review."                "'Judicial review'
    and   'habeas     corpus'     have   important    and     distinct   technical
    meanings in the immigration context."                  Flores-Miramontes, 
    212 F.3d at
    1140 (citing Sandoval v. Reno, 
    166 F.3d 225
    , 235 (3d
    Cir. 1999)).       "[I]n the immigration context, the Court has
    historically      drawn      a       sharp    distinction      between     'judicial
    review'--meaning APA review--and the courts' power to entertain
    petitions for writs of habeas corpus."                     Sandoval, 
    166 F.3d at 235
    ;    see also Heikkila v. Barber, 
    345 U.S. 229
    , 235 (1953)
    (noting that a statute that eliminated judicial review over
    immigration proceedings to the maximum extent permissible under
    the Constitution did not eliminate habeas corpus); Liang, 
    206 F.3d at 320
    ; Jurado-Gutierrez v. Greene, 
    190 F.3d 1135
    , 1146
    (10th Cir. 1999).           We read "judicial review" to mean access to
    review under the APA, rather than access to a petition for
    habeas corpus pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    The Attorney General contends that in Reno v. American
    Arab Anti-Discrimination Comm., 
    525 U.S. 471
     (1999), the Supreme
    Court   construed      INA       §   242--and       especially    §    242(b)(9)--to
    require that all review of immigration proceedings be channeled
    through   §    242    and    the      APA,    precluding      habeas   relief.    In
    American-Arab, the Court held that INA § 242(g) deprived the
    federal courts of subject matter jurisdiction to entertain a
    direct appeal brought by an alien claiming that he had been
    selectively      chosen       for      deportation       in    violation    of   the
    Constitution.        See id. at 482-83.             Although the principal focus
    was on § 242(g), the Court also stated that § 242(b)(9) is an
    "unmistakable 'zipper' clause" that "channels judicial review of
    all [decisions and actions.]"               See id.        Relying on American-
    Arab,   the    district     court   ruled     that    it    was    "compelled"       to
    dismiss    Mahadeo's      habeas    petition    for    lack       of   jurisdiction
    because, to the extent he sought to declare the removal order
    contrary to the law, his claim was barred by the INA's "zipper
    clause," § 242(b)(9).         See Mahadeo v. Reno, 
    52 F. Supp. 2d 203
    204 (D. Mass. 1999).
    Both the district court and the Attorney General read
    American-Arab too broadly.            As we stated recently: "nothing in
    American-Arab      directly    precludes       deportees      governed         by   the
    IIRIRA's       transition     rules     from    challenging            their    final
    deportation orders through habeas where they have no other way
    to assert in court that their deportation is contrary to the
    Constitution or laws of the United States."                       Wallace v. Reno,
    194 F.3d 279
    , 286 (1st Cir. 1999).              Our reason for declining to
    find    that    American-Arab       disturbed    habeas       jurisdiction          was
    simple: American-Arab "was concerned with a different issue"--
    namely, whether the court had the subject matter jurisdiction
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     to hear the case on direct appeal.
    194 F.3d at 283
    .           Nothing in American-Arab, therefore,
    alters the rule announced in Felker and followed in Goncalves
    that repeal of § 2241 habeas jurisdiction can be achieved only
    by an express reference to that statute.                     See id.12
    Our     conclusion         that      §   242(b)(9)    does    not    affect
    jurisdiction under § 2241 is consistent with the Supreme Court's
    description      of     §   242(b)(9)      as   a   "zipper     clause."       Section
    242(b)(9) is entitled "Consolidation of questions for judicial
    review."      It      is    a   "zipper      clause"    in    the   sense      that   it
    consolidates       or       "zips"    "judicial        review"      of   immigration
    proceedings into one action in the court of appeals.                                  See
    212 F.3d at 1140
     (clarifying that before §
    242(b)(9), some direct appeals from immigration proceedings were
    in the courts of appeals, while others were in the district
    courts).   Section 242(b)(9) applies only "with respect to review
    of an order of removal under subsection (a)(1)," and review
    under subsection (a)(1), in turn, occurs only under "chapter 158
    of Title 28, [the APA]."             Id.   Although the APA governs judicial
    review of certain agency actions, it does not govern habeas
    proceedings brought under § 2241.                   See id.      It follows that §
    242(b)(9) "does not apply to actions brought in habeas corpus,
    and certainly does not serve to repeal in whole or in part the
    12    Indeed, American-Arab noted that the habeas issue was
    before the circuit courts and, a few days after issuing
    American-Arab, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in Goncalves,
    see Reno v. Pereira Goncalves, 
    526 U.S. 1004
     (1999), and the
    Second Circuit's decision in Henderson, see Navas v. Reno, 
    526 U.S. 1004
    general habeas statute."          
        But see Richardson v. Reno, 
    180 F.3d 1311
    ,    1315      (11th    Cir.        1999)     (holding    that    "the
    'unmistakable zipper clause' of INA § 242(b)(9), along with the
    overall revisions to the judicial review scheme enacted by INA
    § 242 et seq., constitute a sufficiently broad and general
    limitation     on    federal      jurisdiction          to    preclude   §   2241
    jurisdiction over challenges to removal orders").
    Third, the Attorney General also contends that the
    aforementioned      bar   on   judicial        review   for   criminal   aliens,
    § 242(a)(2)(C), repeals habeas jurisdiction--and indeed all
    judicial review for criminal aliens like Mahadeo (except for the
    narrow categories discussed above).               We disagree.
    Section 242(a)(2)(C) provides that:
    [n]otwithstanding any other provision of
    law, no court shall have jurisdiction to
    review any final order of removal against an
    alien who is removable by reason of having
    committed a criminal offense covered in . .
    . 1227(a)(2)(A)(iii) [aggravated felony] of
    this title.
    This provision is similar to its predecessor under IIRIRA's
    transition rules, which stated:
    [N]otwithstanding any provision of section
    106 of the Immigration and Nationality Act .
    . . to the contrary--
    * * *
    there shall be no appeal permitted in the
    case of an alien who is . . . deportable by
    reason   of   having  committed                 [certain]
    criminal offense[s] . . . .
    IIRIRA § 309(c)(4).               Neither § 309(c)(4) nor § 242(a)(2)(C)
    contain an express reference to § 2241.                 In Goncalves, we found
    the phrase, "shall be no appeal permitted," indistinguishable
    from the limiting language in AEDPA, "shall not be appealable,"
    which the Supreme Court held in Felker to lack the explicitness
    necessary to repeal habeas jurisdiction.                   See 
    144 F.3d at
    21.13    We concluded, therefore, that § 309(c)(4) merely restricts
    one avenue of relief--an appeal under the APA--but does not
    abrogate habeas jurisdiction.               See id.     We fail to see how INA
    § 242(a)(2)(C)'s limitation, "no court shall have jurisdiction
    to review," is significantly more explicit with respect to the
    elimination of habeas relief than the analogous bar on judicial
    review        for     criminal    aliens    in    IIRIRA   §    309(c)(4).        The
    prohibition contained in § 242(a)(2)(C) on "review" of "any
    final        order"    is,   in   one   sense,    not   even    as   broad   as   the
    prohibition in § 242(g) on "jurisdiction to hear any cause or
    claim" that we previously held to be inadequate to repeal habeas
    jurisdiction.           See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 122
    ; see also Flores-
    13The AEDPA provision addressed in Felker provided that
    "[t]he grant or denial of an authorization by a court of appeals
    to file a second or successive application shall not be
    appealable."    AEDPA § 106(b), codified at 
    28 U.S.C. § 2244
    212 F.3d at 1137
    .               But see Max-George v. Reno, 
    205 F.3d 194
    , 199 (5th Cir. 2000) (holding that § 242(a)(2)(C)
    eliminates § 2241 habeas jurisdiction for those cases that fall
    within its scope).
    Finally, the Attorney General attempts to distinguish
    this case from Goncalves by insisting that § 242, viewed in its
    entirety, conveys an intent to make its provisions the exclusive
    avenue for judicial review of immigration proceedings.                           That
    reasoning,      however,       would       turn     Felker   on   its     head     by
    "requir[ing] a specific reference to § 2241 to preserve such
    jurisdiction, rather than a specific reference to abolish it."
    144 F.3d at 122
    .      In     Goncalves,   we    explicitly
    declined the Attorney General's invitation to find that in
    applying the APA to immigration decisions, Congress intended to
    create   an    exclusive       forum   for    immigration      appeals,      thereby
    eliminating habeas jurisdiction. See 
     (explaining that former
    INA § 106 made immigration decisions appealable under the APA).
    We emphasized that to infer an intent to repeal the availability
    of § 2241 from "Congress' decision to make available another
    avenue for judicial review" was "precisely what Felker and Ex
    parte Yerger do not permit."                Id. at 120.       The existence of
    "another      available       avenue   for        judicial   review"    is    simply
    insufficient      to     communicate         an     intent   to   repeal      habeas
    jurisdiction.         See id. at 120.
    Most decisively, none of the provisions relied upon by
    the Attorney General contain the kind of "express reference" to
    § 2241 habeas jurisdiction required by Goncalves and Felker.
    Absent explicit language repealing the availability of § 2241,
    we    are     not    at   liberty    to       reach   a    result     different      than
    Goncalves.          It is axiomatic that a panel of this court cannot
    overrule a prior panel, see Wallace, 
    194 F.3d at 283
    .                            Moreover,
    Congress has shown in enacting IRRIRA that it knows how to use
    explicit       language     when    it    intends     to     place    limitations        on
    judicial review under particular statutes.                      See Goncalves, 
    144 F.3d at 121
     ("IIRIRA contains numerous provisions restricting or
    altering various avenues for judicial review, but in none of
    these provisions does IIRIRA mention § 2241.").                         For example,
    IIRIRA § 306, which enacts new INA § 242, contains provisions
    that refer specifically to the judicial review provision of the
    APA and the Declaratory Judgment Act.                      See id.     Yet, IIRIRA's
    permanent rules do not mention habeas corpus jurisdiction under
    §    2241.      The    lack   of    any   express         reference    to    §    2241   is
    particularly revealing because the Supreme Court decided Felker
    just three months before IIRIRA was enacted, placing Congress on
    notice       that   any   repeal    of    §    2241   jurisdiction          requires     an
    express reference to that statute.
    To be sure, the permanent rules do not affirmatively
    authorize    habeas       review   under     §   2241.    But    an      affirmative
    authorization       has   never    been    deemed    necessary.           Even    when
    limited    habeas    review    was   available       pursuant       to   old     INA   §
    106(a)(10), it was well-recognized that this alternative basis
    for seeking a writ of habeas corpus did not "supplant[] the
    general federal habeas statute."            Flores-Miramontes, 
    212 F.3d at
    1138-39 (citing Foti v. INS, 
    375 U.S. 217
    , 231 (1963));                            see
    144 F.3d at 121
     (noting that in AEDPA § 401(e),
    Congress    expressly        repealed       former       INA    §     106(a)(10)'s
    authorization that "any alien held in custody pursuant to an
    order of deportation may obtain judicial review thereof by
    habeas corpus proceedings").              Although § 2241 and § 106(a)(10)
    were independent bases for habeas review, Congress repealed only
    § 106(a)(10), creating the basis for an inference that Congress
    intended § 2241 to remain available.14
    In   short,       IIRIRA's       permanent         rules--like         the
    transitional rules before them--lack a clear statement of intent
    to repeal § 2241 jurisdiction.              The district court, therefore,
    14    Because jurisdiction under § 2241 for aliens does not
    depend on any statutory provision of the INA, we do not read
    IIRIRA's express authorization of certain limited habeas corpus
    review for determinations made under INA § 235(b)(1) (dealing
    with screening aliens for admission and claims for asylum) as
    evidence of an intent to repeal the availability of § 2241.
    erred in dismissing Mahadeo's habeas corpus petition for want of
    subject matter jurisdiction.
    In his habeas petition, Mahadeo asserts his right to
    apply to the BIA for a discretionary waiver of the removal order
    pursuant   to    the     pre-AEDPA    version    of   INA     §   212(c).      In
    particular,      he      asserts     that     the     presumption         against
    retroactivity in statutory interpretation requires IIRIRA to be
    construed as preserving the availability of pre-AEDPA INA §
    212(c) relief for aliens whose criminal convictions pre-dated
    the enactment of AEDPA and IIRIRA.              Alternatively, he asserts
    that denying him access to relief under pre-AEDPA INA § 212(c)
    would be unconstitutional.            The district court did not reach
    these issues because it concluded that it lacked jurisdiction to
    entertain the habeas petition.
    On appeal, Mahadeo argued in his initial brief only
    constitutional grounds for his entitlement to the availability
    of   section    212(c)    relief.      Not    surprisingly,       the   Attorney
    General responded in her brief only to these constitutional
    claims.    In his reply brief, however, Mahadeo took a different
    approach, stating that his principal claim to the continuing
    availability      of     section     212(c)    relief    is       "a    statutory
    retroactivity challenge--that the repeal of section 212(c) does
    not apply to cases where, as here, the criminal conduct and
    conviction   (by   plea)   occurred    before   passage   of   the   1996
    amendments."   Not surprisingly, the government insisted at oral
    argument that this statutory retroactivity challenge cannot be
    raised for the first time in a reply brief.
    We agree.   So, apparently, does Mahadeo, who focuses
    in his reply brief on the availability of § 2241 jurisdiction in
    the district court and asks for the opportunity to develop there
    his statutory and constitutional arguments about the continuing
    availability of § 212(c) relief.       Specifically, he requests the
    If this court concludes that the district
    court had habeas jurisdiction to review Mr.
    Mahadeo's   statutory   and  constitutional
    claims, Mr. Mahadeo respectfully requests
    that the court remand his case to allow him
    to develop those claims in the district
    court in the first instance    and to brief
    them fully in light of this court's
    intervening retroactivity decision in Mattis
    v. Reno, 
    2000 WL 554957
     (1st Cir. May 8,
    In the peculiar circumstances of this case, this approach makes
    sense.   Given the district court's decision to dismiss Mahadeo's
    habeas petition for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, it
    never addressed his claim on the merits about the continuing
    availability of section 212(c) relief.          We have concluded that
    this opinion was wrong, and that the district court should have
    addressed the statutory and constitutional claims raised in
    Mahadeo's petition.   We now remand for that purpose.
    Judgment vacated.   Remanded to the district court for
    further proceedings consistent with this decision.

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-1687

Citation Numbers: 226 F.3d 3

Judges: Campbell, Lipez, Selya

Filed Date: 9/22/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/3/2023

Authorities (23)

Prado v. Reno , 198 F.3d 286 ( 1999 )

Perceira Goncalves v. INS , 144 F.3d 110 ( 1998 )

Alfredo A. Kolster v. Immigration and Naturalization Service , 101 F.3d 785 ( 1996 )

Samuel Fils Joseph v. Immigration and Naturalization Service , 909 F.2d 605 ( 1990 )

Maghsoudi v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 181 F.3d 8 ( 1999 )

Miguel Noel Fierro v. Janet Reno, Attorney General, Miguel ... , 217 F.3d 1 ( 2000 )

In Re: Franklyn Roosevelt Bowrin, Franklyn Roosevelt Bowrin ... , 194 F.3d 483 ( 1999 )

reynaldo-sandoval-v-janet-reno-attorney-general-doris-meissner , 166 F.3d 225 ( 1999 )

Ernest Francis v. Immigration and Naturalization Service , 532 F.2d 268 ( 1976 )

Wolde Wallace v. Reno , 194 F.3d 279 ( 1999 )

Mattis v. Reno , 212 F.3d 31 ( 2000 )

franklin-henderson-v-immigration-and-naturalization-service-saul-navas-v , 157 F.3d 106 ( 1998 )

manuel-jurado-gutierrez-v-joseph-r-greene-district-director-united , 190 F.3d 1135 ( 1999 )

xu-cheng-liang-v-immigration-naturalization-service-gioacchino , 206 F.3d 308 ( 2000 )

Andres Flores-Miramontes,petitioner v. Immigration and ... , 212 F.3d 1133 ( 2000 )

Daniel Magana-Pizano v. Immigration and Naturalization ... , 200 F.3d 603 ( 1999 )

Max-George v. Ashcroft , 205 F.3d 194 ( 2000 )

Reno v. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee , 119 S. Ct. 936 ( 1999 )

Heikkila v. Barber , 73 S. Ct. 603 ( 1953 )

Mahadeo v. Reno , 52 F. Supp. 2d 203 ( 1999 )

View All Authorities »

Cited By (31)

Almon v. INS ( 1999 )

Michael A.R. Seale v. Immigration and Naturalization Service , 323 F.3d 150 ( 2003 )

Carranza v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 277 F.3d 65 ( 2002 )

Saint Fort v. Ashcroft , 329 F.3d 191 ( 2003 )

Sayyah v. Farquharson , 382 F.3d 20 ( 2004 )

Emile v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 244 F.3d 183 ( 2001 )

Necastille David Bejacmar v. John Ashcroft , 291 F.3d 735 ( 2002 )

Diabate v. INS ( 2002 )

Dalombo Fontes v. Gonzales , 483 F.3d 115 ( 2007 )

Peguero Cruz v. Gonzales , 500 F.3d 358 ( 2007 )

Emmanuel J. Foroglou v. Janet Reno, Attorney General, ... , 241 F.3d 111 ( 2001 )

Trevor Drakes v. Charles W. Zimski, Acting Director of ... , 240 F.3d 246 ( 2001 )

United States v. Encarnacion , 239 F.3d 395 ( 2001 )

Tapia Garcia v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 237 F.3d 1216 ( 2001 )

Mahadeo v. Reno , 226 F.3d 3 ( 2000 )

Groccia v. Reno , 234 F.3d 758 ( 2000 )

Vasquez v. Reno , 233 F.3d 688 ( 2000 )

Morris v. Sessions , 891 F.3d 42 ( 2018 )

Christopher Ogbudimkpa v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General ... , 342 F.3d 207 ( 2003 )

Elanith Valansi v. John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the ... , 278 F.3d 203 ( 2002 )

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