AF Holdings, LLC v. Does 1-1058 , 752 F.3d 990 ( 2014 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued April 14, 2014                    Decided May 27, 2014
    No. 12-7135
    DOES 1 – 1058,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:12-cv-00048)
    Benjamin J. Fox argued the cause for appellants. With
    him on the briefs were Deanne E. Maynard, Bart W. Huffman,
    Hugh S. Balsam, John D. Seiver, Ronald G. London, Leslie G.
    Moylan, and Lisa B. Zycherman. Marc A. Hearron entered an
    Corynne McSherry argued the cause for amici curiae
    Electronic Frontier Foundation, et al. in support of appellants.
    On the brief were Mitchell L. Stoltz, Arthur B. Spitzer,
    Catherine Crump, and Paul Alan Levy.
    Paul A. Duffy argued the cause and filed the brief for
    appellee AF Holdings, LLC.
    Before: TATEL, Circuit Judge, and SILBERMAN and
    SENTELLE, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge TATEL.
    TATEL, Circuit Judge: Generally speaking, our federal
    judicial system and the procedural rules that govern it work
    well, allowing parties to resolve their disputes with one
    another fairly and efficiently. But sometimes individuals seek
    to manipulate judicial procedures to serve their own improper
    ends. This case calls upon us to evaluate—and put a stop to—
    one litigant’s attempt to do just that.
    Appellee AF Holdings, a limited liability company
    formed in the Caribbean islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis, sued
    and then sought discovery regarding more than a thousand
    unknown individuals who it claimed had illegally shared a
    copyrighted pornographic film. This interlocutory appeal
    arises from a district court order granting AF Holdings’s
    discovery requests.
    A full understanding of this case requires knowing some
    things about the lawyer and “law firm” that initiated it. AF
    Holdings is represented by attorney Paul A. Duffy. Until very
    recently, Duffy was associated with “Prenda Law,” an
    organization that, since representing AF Holdings in the
    district court, appears to have disbanded and then
    reconstituted itself in a similar form. See Ben Jones, Prenda
    Suffers More Fee Award Blows, TorrentFreak (August 9,
    Prenda Law, as Judge Otis Wright II put it in a case
    similar to this, was a “porno-trolling collective.” Ingenuity 13
    LLC v. John Doe, No. 2:12-cv-8333, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 64564
    , at *3 (C.D. Cal. May 6, 2013). According to Judge
    Wright, Duffy and the other principals of Prenda Law were
    “attorneys with shattered law practices” who, “[s]eeking easy
    money, . . . formed . . . AF Holdings,” acquired “several
    copyrights to pornographic movies,” then initiated massive
    “John Doe” copyright infringement lawsuits. 
    Id. at *5–6.
    These suits took advantage of judicial discovery procedures in
    order to identify persons who might possibly have
    downloaded certain pornographic films. Such individuals,
    although generally able to use the Internet anonymously, are,
    like all Internet users, linked to particular Internet Protocol
    (IP) addresses, a series of numbers assigned to each Internet
    service subscriber. Internet service providers like Appellants
    can use IP addresses to identify these underlying subscribers,
    but not necessarily the individuals actually accessing the
    Internet through the subscribers’ connections at any given
    time. Confronted with these realities, Prenda Law’s general
    approach was to identify certain unknown persons whose IP
    addresses were used to download pornographic films, sue
    them in gigantic multi-defendant suits that minimized filing
    fees, discover the identities of the persons to whom these IP
    address were assigned by serving subpoenas on the Internet
    service providers to which the addresses pertained, then
    negotiate settlements with the underlying subscribers—a
    “strategy [that] was highly successful because of statutory-
    copyright damages, the pornographic subject matter, and the
    high cost of litigation.” 
    Id. at *6–7;
    see also Claire Suddath,
    Prenda Law, the Porn Copyright Trolls, Bloomberg
    Businessweek (May 30, 2013),
    (recounting Prenda Law’s history and litigation tactics). If an
    identified defendant sought to actually litigate, Prenda Law
    would simply dismiss the case. See Ingenuity 13 LLC, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 64564
    , at *6–7. As Duffy acknowledged at
    oral argument, of the more than one hundred cases that AF
    Holdings has initiated, none has proceeded to trial or resulted
    in any judgment in its favor other than by default. Oral Arg.
    Rec. 30:09–20. Nevertheless, according to one article, Prenda
    Law made around $15 million in a little less than three years.
    See Kashmir Hill, How Porn Copyright Lawyer John Steel
    Has Made a ‘Few Million Dollars’ Pursuing (Sometimes
    Innocent) ‘Porn Pirates’, Forbes (Oct. 15, 2012),
    The present lawsuit is a quintessential example of Prenda
    Law’s modus operandi. Represented by Prenda Law, AF
    Holdings brought suit in the United States District Court for
    the District of Columbia against 1,058 unnamed Does who it
    alleged had illegally downloaded and shared the pornographic
    film Popular Demand using a file-sharing service known as
    BitTorrent. As an attachment to its complaint, AF Holdings
    listed the 1,058 IP addresses assigned to those subscribers
    whose Internet connections had been used to share Popular
    Demand, along with the specific date and time at which it,
    using what it described as “sophisticated and proprietary peer-
    to-peer network forensic software,” had observed each
    defendant’s allegedly infringing activity. AF Holdings also
    attached the purported assignment agreement through which it
    claims to have acquired the copyright to Popular Demand.
    Although it has no effect on our resolution of this appeal,
    other courts have since concluded that at least one of the
    signatures on this document was forged. See Ingenuity 13
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 64564
    , at *8; AF Holdings LLC
    v. Navasca, No. C-12-2396, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 102249
    at *3–4 (N.D. Cal. July 22, 2013); AF Holdings, LLC v.
    Doe(s), No. 12-1445, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 187458
    , at *10–
    12 (D. Minn. Nov. 6, 2013), vacated by AF Holdings, LLC v.
    Doe, No. 12-1445, 
    2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 43318
    (D. Minn.
    Mar. 27, 2014); see also Lightspeed Media Corp. v. Smith,
    No. 12-889, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 168615
    , at *16 (S.D. Ill.
    Nov. 27, 2013) (“The[ principals of Prenda] have shown a
    relentless willingness to lie to the Court on paper and in
    person, despite being on notice that they were facing
    sanctions in this Court, being sanctioned by other courts, and
    being referred to state and federal bars, the United States
    Attorney in at least two districts, one state Attorney General,
    and the Internal Revenue Service.” (internal citations
    Moving for leave to take immediate discovery, AF
    Holdings then sought to serve subpoenas on the five Internet
    service providers linked to the 1,058 IP addresses it had
    identified: Cox Communications, Verizon, Comcast, AT&T,
    and Bright House Networks. The district court granted the
    motion, authorizing the issuance of subpoenas compelling
    these providers to turn over the names, addresses, telephone
    numbers, and email addresses of the underlying subscribers.
    The providers refused to comply. Invoking Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 45(d)(3)(A), which provides that a district
    court “must quash or modify a subpoena that . . . subjects a
    person to undue burden,” they asserted that the administrative
    expense involved was necessarily an “undue burden” because
    AF Holdings had failed to establish that the court would have
    personal jurisdiction over the defendants or that venue would
    lie in this district. Supporting these contentions, Verizon
    asserted that its preliminary investigation revealed that only
    20 of the 188 Verizon subscribers whose information AF
    Holdings sought resided in the District of Columbia. Comcast
    reported that only one of the 400 Comcast subscribers AF
    Holdings identified appeared to live in the District. And Cox,
    AT&T, and Bright House each stated that they had no
    subscribers at all in the District of Columbia; indeed, they do
    not even offer service here. The providers also argued that
    any burden was necessarily undue because AF Holdings had
    failed to provide any reason to think that joinder of these
    1,058 defendants in one action was proper.
    The district court rejected these arguments, holding that
    “considerations of personal jurisdiction and joinder are
    premature when discovery is sought before the plaintiff has
    named a defendant and the discovery is targeted to identify
    unknown individuals associated with the IP addresses.” But
    acknowledging that several other district courts had reached
    contrary conclusions in similar situations, and recognizing
    that a substantial ground for difference of opinion existed, the
    district court certified its order for immediate appeal. See 28
    U.S.C. § 1292(b).
    The providers now reiterate the arguments they made in
    the district court—that the subpoenas are unduly burdensome
    because venue is improper, personal jurisdiction over these
    Doe defendants is lacking, and the defendants could not
    properly be joined together in one action. Our review is for
    abuse of discretion. See Recording Industry Ass’n of America,
    Inc. v. Verizon Internet Services, 
    351 F.3d 1229
    , 1233 (D.C.
    Cir. 2003). As a “district court by definition abuses its
    discretion when it makes an error of law,” the “abuse-of-
    discretion standard includes review to determine that the
    discretion was not guided by erroneous legal conclusions.”
    Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 100 (1996).
    We begin with personal jurisdiction, along with the
    closely related question of venue. Defending the district
    court’s decision, AF Holdings contends that any consideration
    of such issues is premature where, as here, the as-yet-
    unknown defendants have yet to raise these defenses. It relies
    primarily on Anger v. Revco Drug Co., 
    791 F.2d 956
    Cir. 1986), in which we reiterated the general rule that
    “personal jurisdiction is a matter to be raised by motion or
    responsive pleading.” 
    Id. at 958.
    In Anger, however, we faced a situation very different
    from the one we confront here. There, we considered a district
    court’s sua sponte dismissal of a complaint for lack of
    personal jurisdiction. We held that such a dismissal is
    improper because “before the complaint has been served and
    a response received, the court is not positioned to determine
    conclusively whether personal jurisdiction exists.” 
    Id. (emphasis added).
    In other words, to bring an action a
    plaintiff has no obligation to establish personal jurisdiction
    until the defendant has raised that defense. See id.; accord,
    e.g., Caribbean Broadcasting System, Ltd. v. Cable &
    Wireless PLC, 
    148 F.3d 1080
    , 1090 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (CBS)
    (“CBS’s obligation to make some allegations relating to
    personal jurisdiction arose . . . only after CCC had filed its
    motion to dismiss . . . .”).
    Different principles apply where, as here, a plaintiff seeks
    not just to file a complaint, but instead attempts to use the
    machinery of the courts to force a party to comply with its
    discovery demands. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 45 and
    26 set forth the relevant considerations. Rule 45(d)(3)(A)
    requires a district court to “quash or modify a subpoena that
    . . . subjects a person to undue burden.” If a subpoena compels
    disclosure of information that is not properly discoverable,
    then the burden it imposes, however slight, is necessarily
    undue: why require a party to produce information the
    requesting party has no right to obtain? The question then
    becomes what sort of information is properly discoverable.
    Where, again as here, no party has yet been specifically
    named as a defendant, the only potential avenue for discovery
    is Rule 26(d)(1), which provides for discovery “by court
    order.” A district court’s discretion to order discovery in these
    circumstances is, in turn, cabined by Rule 26(b)(1)’s general
    requirements that a discovery order be “[f]or good cause” and
    relate to a “matter relevant to the subject matter involved in
    the action.” See Food Lion v. United Food & Commercial
    Workers Union, 
    103 F.3d 1007
    , 1012 (D.C. Cir. 1997) (“[N]o
    one would suggest that discovery should be allowed of
    information that has no conceivable bearing on the case.”
    (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    The limits of the federal discovery procedures are
    illustrated by Oppenheimer Fund, Inc. v. Sanders, 
    437 U.S. 340
    (1978), in which the Supreme Court held that the
    representative plaintiffs in a class action suit could not use
    discovery tools to secure from the defendant the names of
    members of the plaintiff class. 
    Id. at 353.
    The Court
    concluded that because the plaintiffs did “not seek this
    information for any bearing that it might have on issues in the
    case,” but instead simply in order to provide the class
    members with notice of the litigation, they lacked a proper
    discovery purpose. 
    Id. at 352.
    It inferred this improper motive
    in part from the plaintiffs’ conduct in the district court, where
    they had offered to redefine the class to encompass only those
    class members to whom they could already send notice. See
    id. at 353.
    In a footnote, the Court emphasized—in language
    especially relevant here—that “when the purpose of a
    discovery request is to gather information for use in
    proceedings other than the pending suit, discovery properly is
    Id. at 352
    Applying these same principles, we conclude that, as is
    the case when a plaintiff seeks jurisdictional discovery with
    respect to named defendants, a plaintiff pursuing discovery of
    the sort AF Holdings seeks regarding unknown defendants
    must “have at least a good faith belief that such discovery will
    enable it to show that the court has personal jurisdiction over
    the defendant[s].” 
    CBS, 148 F.3d at 1090
    . Absent such a
    threshold showing, there is little reason to believe that the
    information sought will be “relevant to the subject matter
    involved in the action,” as Rule 26(b)(1) requires. The
    identity of prospective defendants who cannot properly be
    sued in this district can be of little use in a lawsuit brought in
    this district. And again, as the Court stated in Oppenheimer,
    “when the purpose of a discovery request is to gather
    information for use in proceedings other than the pending
    suit, discovery properly is 
    denied.” 437 U.S. at 352
    (emphasis added). Thus, in denying discovery where there is
    no such good faith belief, a court would not be making an
    impermissible “conclusive[]” determination on the merits of
    the personal jurisdiction question. 
    Anger, 791 F.2d at 958
    Instead, the court would be satisfying its Rule 26 obligation to
    ensure that the scope of discovery is limited to issues actually
    relevant to the litigation.
    Here, we think it quite obvious that AF Holdings could
    not possibly have had a good faith belief that it could
    successfully sue the overwhelming majority of the 1,058 John
    Doe defendants in this district. AF Holdings concedes that
    under the District of Columbia’s long-arm statute, which
    along with the Due Process Clause governs this question, see
    GTE New Media Services Inc. v. Bellsouth Corp., 
    199 F.3d 1343
    , 1347 (D.C. Cir. 2000), the only conceivable way that
    personal jurisdiction might properly be exercised over these
    Doe defendants is if they are residents of the District of
    Columbia or at least downloaded the copyrighted work in the
    District. See D.C. Code § 13-423(3), (4) (providing for
    personal jurisdiction over a person “causing tortious injury in
    the District of Columbia”); Nu Image, Inc. v. Does 1–23,322,
    799 F. Supp. 2d 34
    , 38–40 (D.D.C. 2011). But AF Holdings
    has made absolutely no effort to limit its suit or its discovery
    efforts to those defendants who might live or have
    downloaded Popular Demand in the District of Columbia.
    Instead, it sought to subpoena Internet service providers that
    provide no service at all in the District. As Duffy reluctantly
    conceded at oral argument, AF Holdings could have no
    legitimate reason for objecting to the court’s quashing the
    subpoenas directed at these providers. Oral Arg. Rec. 33:00–
    04. Even for those providers that do serve the District of
    Columbia, AF Holdings’s discovery demands were overbroad
    because it made no attempt to limit its inquiry to those
    subscribers who might actually be located in the District. It
    could have easily done so using what are known as
    geolocation services, which enable anyone to estimate the
    location of Internet users based on their IP addresses. Such
    services cost very little or are even free. See Amicus Br. of
    Electronic Frontier Foundation, et al. 24 (observing that
    “Neustar IP Intelligence . . . provides on-demand geolocation
    services for $8 per 1,000 addresses); see also (last visited May 22, 2014) (providing this
    service for free). While perhaps not precise enough to identify
    an Internet user’s street address, these services “can be
    accurate,” as Duffy acknowledged at oral argument, Oral Arg.
    Rec. 23:58–24:01—certainly sufficiently accurate to provide
    at least some basis for determining whether a particular
    subscriber might live in the District of Columbia rather than,
    say, Oregon, see Nu 
    Image, 799 F. Supp. 2d at 41
    these geolocation services are not 100% accurate, these
    services can place a user no farther away than a city that
    borders the user’s actual location”). Given AF Holdings’s
    failure to take even these minimal steps, we cannot escape the
    conclusion that it sought the vast majority of this information
    for reasons unrelated to its pursuit of this particular lawsuit.
    Oppenheimer, 437 U.S. at 352
    n.17 (“In deciding whether
    a request comes within the discovery rules, a court is not
    required to blind itself to the purpose for which a party seeks
    information.”). Indeed, Duffy essentially admitted as much at
    oral argument, stating that if, as appears to be the case, 399 of
    Comcast’s 400 identified subscribers were found to live
    outside the District, “the 399 likely wouldn’t be named as
    defendants in this case.” Oral Arg. Rec. 34:32–36.
    The foregoing analysis applies equally to venue. Under
    the relevant statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1400(a), the propriety of
    venue turns on whether the defendant is subject to personal
    jurisdiction. See Milwaukee Concrete Studios, Ltd. v. Fjeld
    Manufacturing Co., 
    8 F.3d 441
    , 445 (7th Cir. 1993) (“section
    1400(a)’s ‘may be found’ clause has been interpreted to mean
    that a defendant is amenable to personal jurisdiction in a
    particular forum”). AF Holdings’s failure to establish any
    basis for thinking the latter exists means that it has likewise
    failed to set forth any good faith basis for the former.
    AF Holdings’s sole counterargument is that personal
    jurisdiction and venue may be waived and that these
    defendants, once identified, might do so. See 
    Anger, 791 F.2d at 958
    . Such a speculative possibility is, however, plainly
    insufficient to satisfy AF Holdings’s obligation to
    demonstrate a good faith belief that it will actually be able to
    successfully sue the more than a thousand non-District
    residents about whom it seeks discovery. As then-District
    Judge Robert Wilkins concluded in rejecting the same
    argument, “it defies common sense for the Court to assume
    that all of the nonresident John Does will waive viable lack of
    venue and lack of personal jurisdiction defenses—indeed,
    those defenses have been routinely raised in other similar file
    sharing lawsuits.” Nu 
    Image, 799 F. Supp. 2d at 42
    ; see also,
    e.g., AF Holdings LLC v. Does 1–96, No. C-11-03335, 
    2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 134655
    , at *9 (N.D. Cal. 2011) (providing
    for discovery only after holding that plaintiff had “made a
    prima facie showing that its Complaint would withstand a
    motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction”);
    Millenium TGA v. Doe, No. 10-C-5603, 2011 U.S. Dist.
    LEXIS 110135, at *8 (N.D. Ill. 2011) (refusing to allow
    discovery where there was no plausible basis for personal
    jurisdiction); cf. McLaughlin v. Bradlee, 
    803 F.2d 1197
    , 1205
    (D.C. Cir. 1986) (upholding award of sanctions where
    defendants’ issue preclusion defenses were sufficiently
    obvious to render complaint frivolous).
    In sum, AF Holdings’s refusal to cabin its suit and
    corresponding discovery requests to individuals whom it has
    some realistic chance of successfully suing in this district
    demonstrates that it has not “sought the information because
    of its relevance to the issues” that might actually be litigated
    Oppenheimer, 437 U.S. at 353
    . Although AF Holdings
    might possibly seek discovery regarding individual
    defendants in the judicial districts in which they are likely
    located, what it certainly “may not do . . . is improperly use
    court processes by attempting to gain information about
    hundreds of IP addresses located all over the country in a
    single action, especially when many of those addresses fall
    outside of the court’s jurisdiction.” Pacific Century
    International, Ltd. v. Does 1–37, 
    282 F.R.D. 189
    , 196 (N.D.
    Ill. 2012). In seeking such information, AF Holdings clearly
    abused the discovery process.
    We turn to the question of joinder, which provides a
    separate and independent ground for reversal. As relevant
    here, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 20(a)(2) sets forth that
    multiple defendants may be joined in one action if the
    plaintiff seeks relief “with respect to or arising out of the
    same transaction, occurrence, or series of transactions or
    occurrences” and “any question of law or fact common to all
    defendants will arise in the action.” In a multi-Doe copyright
    infringement lawsuit such as this, at least one issue of law or
    fact will generally be common to all defendants—here, that
    issue might be whether AF Holdings has a valid copyright in
    Popular Demand. But whether all of these Doe defendants
    could possibly have been a part of the same “transaction,
    occurrence, or series of transactions or occurrences” so as to
    support joinder is a more difficult question. If a plaintiff such
    as AF Holdings can claim no good faith belief that all the Doe
    defendants are linked in this way, then the logic for denying
    or at least limiting discovery is the same as that delineated
    above with respect to personal jurisdiction and venue:
    information about individuals who could not be joined in an
    action cannot possibly be “relevant to the subject matter
    involved in the action.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1).
    According to AF Holdings, joinder of the 1,058 John
    Does it named in the underlying suit was at least
    presumptively proper because, given the properties of the
    BitTorrent file-sharing protocol the defendants allegedly used
    to download Popular Demand, each defendant was
    necessarily part of the same transaction or series of
    transactions. Some background on the nature of BitTorrent is
    necessary to understand this argument. As Judge Harold Baer,
    considering a case very much like this one, explained:
    Simplified, BitTorrent and similar protocols break a
    large file into pieces while tagging each piece with a
    common identifier. Where in the normal course a
    user would download a file from a single source, and
    download it sequentially from beginning to end, with
    the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol, users join
    forces to simultaneously download and upload pieces
    of the file from and to each other. This reduces the
    bottleneck of Internet traffic that normally occurs at
    the server where the entire file is located and allows
    for faster download speeds for users. This
    interconnected web of information flowing between
    users, or peers, is called a swarm.
    Media Products, Inc. v. Does 1–26, No. 12 Civ. 3719, 
    2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 125366
    , at *4 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 3, 2012). AF
    Holdings argues that because BitTorrent users who download
    the same file are part of the same “swarm,” they have all
    participated in the same series of transactions. See, e.g.,
    Digital Sin, Inc. v. Does 1–176, 
    279 F.R.D. 239
    , 244
    (S.D.N.Y. 2012) (accepting a version of this argument).
    We are unconvinced. For purposes of this case, we may
    assume that two individuals who participate in the same
    swarm at the same time are part of the same series of
    transactions within the meaning of Rule 20(a)(2). In that
    circumstance, the individuals might well be actively sharing a
    file with one another, uploading and downloading pieces of
    the copyrighted work from the other members of the swarm.
    But AF Holdings has provided no reason to think that the
    Doe defendants it named in this lawsuit were ever
    participating in the same swarm at the same time. Instead, it
    has simply set forth snapshots of a precise moment in which
    each of these 1,058 Does allegedly shared the copyrighted
    work—snapshots that span a period of nearly five months.
    Two individuals who downloaded the same file five months
    apart are exceedingly unlikely to have had any interaction
    with one another whatsoever. Their only relationship is that
    they used the same protocol to access the same work. To
    paraphrase an analogy offered by amicus counsel at oral
    argument, two BitTorrent users who download the same file
    months apart are like two individuals who play at the same
    blackjack table at different times. They may have won the
    same amount of money, employed the same strategy, and
    perhaps even played with the same dealer, but they have still
    engaged in entirely separate transactions. And “[s]imply
    committing the same type of violation in the same way does
    not link defendants together for the purposes of joinder.”
    Hard Drive Productions, Inc. v. Does 1–30, No. 2:11cv345,
    2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 119333
    , at *7 (E.D. Va. 2011)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). We therefore agree with
    those district courts that have concluded that the mere fact
    that two defendants accessed the same file through BitTorrent
    provides an insufficient basis for joinder. See Malibu Media
    286 F.R.D. 113
    , 116 (D.D.C. 2012) (“‘Nothing in the
    complaint negates the inference that the downloads by the
    various [Doe] defendants were discrete and separate acts that
    took place at different times.’”) (quoting Digital Sins, Inc. v.
    Does 1–245, No. 11 Civ. 8170, 
    2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69286
    , at *6 (S.D.N.Y. 2012)); accord, e.g., Patrick Collins,
    Inc. v. Does 1–44, No. 8:12-cv-00020, 
    2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 47686
    , at *18 (D. Md. Apr. 4, 2012) (“A majority of courts
    . . . have specifically held that the properties of BitTorrent are
    insufficient to support joinder.”); In re BitTorrent Adult Film
    Copyright Infringement Cases, 
    296 F.R.D. 80
    , 90–91
    (E.D.N.Y. 2012).
    As with personal jurisdiction and venue, AF Holdings
    could have brought a suit for which it had some reasonable
    basis for believing that the requirements for joinder would be
    satisfied. But given its decision to instead name and seek
    discovery regarding a vast number of defendants who
    downloaded the film weeks and even months apart—
    defendants who could not possibly remain joined in this
    litigation—one can easily infer that its purpose was to attain
    information that was not, and could not be, relevant to this
    particular suit. Such use of the discovery procedures is
    Accordingly, we vacate the district court’s order and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    We leave it to the district court to determine what sanctions, if
    any, are warranted for AF Holdings’s use of a possible
    forgery in support of its claim.
    So ordered.