United States v. Henrik Sardariani , 754 F.3d 1118 ( 2014 )

  •                      FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                       No. 12-50418
    D.C. No.
    v.                       2:10-cr-01343-VAP-1
    Defendant-Appellant.                     OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Virginia A. Phillips, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    January 7, 2014—Pasadena, California
    Filed June 19, 2014
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt and Richard R. Clifton, Circuit
    Judges, and Jennifer A. Dorsey, District Judge.*
    Opinion by Judge Clifton
    The Honorable Jennifer A. Dorsey, District Judge for the District of
    Nevada, sitting by designation.
    2                UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI
    Criminal Law
    Affirming a sentence for conspiring to commit wire fraud
    and other offenses, the panel held that a notary seal can be an
    “authentication feature” under 18 U.S.C. § 1028, and that the
    district court correctly applied an enhancement for use of an
    authentication feature under U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii).
    Jerald Brainin, Law Offices of Jerald Brainin, Los Angeles,
    California, for Defendant-Appellant.
    Ranee A. Katzenstein, Assistant United States Attorney, Los
    Angeles, California, for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    CLIFTON, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant Henrik Sardariani appeals his sentence of 120
    months imposed as a result of a guilty plea conviction for
    conspiring to commit wire fraud and other offenses. We
    affirm. In doing so, we hold that a notary seal can be an
    “authentication feature” under 18 U.S.C. § 1028, and that the
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI                            3
    district court, in calculating the advisory guidelines range in
    this case, correctly applied an enhancement for use of an
    authentication feature under Sentencing Guidelines
    § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii) (formerly § 2B1.1(b)(10)(B)(ii)).1
    I. Background
    Beginning in 2007, Sardariani, along with several co-
    conspirators, developed and executed a scheme to procure
    multiple loans from various private lenders by falsely
    pledging as collateral properties he did not own. The
    properties included: (1) a house in Burbank, California,
    previously owned by Sardariani but subsequently sold in a
    foreclosure sale; (2) a house in Glendale, California,
    previously owned by Sardariani but subsequently transferred
    to a sham entity under his control; and (3) a house in Sherman
    Oaks, California, which Sardariani induced another to
    purchase and then fraudulently transferred to the sham entity.
    Sardariani and his co-conspirators worked to conceal the truth
    and lull the victims into a false sense that their money was
    safe before absconding with the loan proceeds. The total
    amount stolen in this way was $5,450,000. Sardariani
    eventually pled guilty to charges of conspiring to commit
    wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and transactional money
    laundering (18 U.S.C. § 371); wire fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343);
    and engaging in unlawful monetary transactions (18 U.S.C.
    § 1957).
    Among the many falsified documents relating to the
    fraudulent scheme were a grant deed purportedly transferring
    the Sherman Oaks property from another person to
    Sardariani presents other challenges to his sentence that are resolved
    in a memorandum disposition filed together with this opinion.
    4                     UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI
    Sardariani’s company, SLK, and a reconveyance of an
    outstanding deed of trust securing a prior lender’s loan on the
    Burbank property. These two documents were recorded
    bearing both forged signatures and forged notary seals. At
    sentencing, the district court found that Sardariani “used the
    notary seals and the notary commission numbers that he cut
    and pasted” to further the commission of the crime. In
    calculating the appropriate range under the advisory
    Sentencing Guidelines, the court imposed an enhancement for
    use of an authentication feature under U.S.S.G.
    § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii). Sardariani appeals the application of
    this enhancement.
    II. Discussion
    A district court’s interpretation of the Sentencing
    Guidelines is reviewed de novo. United States v. Rivera, 
    527 F.3d 891
    , 908 (9th Cir. 2008).2
    The Sentencing Guidelines provide for a 2-level increase
    “if the offense involved . . . the possession or use of any . . .
    authentication feature.” § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii).3 To define
    The Government argues that the plain error standard should apply
    because Sardariani did not present his objection to the district court. We
    need not resolve that argument because the outcome of our analysis does
    not depend on the standard of review.
    The full text reads:
    “If the offense involved (A) the possession or use of
    any (i) device-making equipment, or (ii) authentication
    feature; (B) the production or trafficking of any
    (i) unauthorized access device or counterfeit access
    device, or (ii) authentication feature; or (C)(i) the
    unauthorized transfer or use of any means of
    UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI                          5
    terms used in this subsection, the Guidelines refer to the
    Secure Authentication Feature and Enhanced Identification
    Defense Act of 2003 (“SAFE ID Act”), codified at
    18 U.S.C. § 1028. See U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 cmts. 1, 10.
    “Authentication feature” is defined as a “symbol . . . or other
    feature that either individually or in combination with another
    feature is used by the issuing authority on an identification
    document, document-making implement, or means of
    identification to determine if the document is counterfeit,
    altered, or otherwise falsified.” 18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(1).4
    Sardariani argues that the court’s application of an
    enhancement for use of an authentication feature under
    § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii) was erroneous because the definition of
    “authentication feature” is limited to symbols used on
    identification documents issued by a governmental authority.
    Specifically, he argues that his actions did not constitute use
    identification unlawfully to produce or obtain any other
    means of identification, or (ii) the possession of 5 or
    more means of identification that unlawfully were
    produced from, or obtained by the use of, another
    means of identification, increase by 2 levels. If the
    resulting offense level is less than level 12, increase to
    level 12.” U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(11).
    The full text reads:
    “[T]he term ‘authentication feature’ means any
    hologram, watermark, certification, symbol, code,
    image, sequence of numbers or letters, or other feature
    that either individually or in combination with another
    feature is used by the issuing authority on an
    identification document, document-making implement,
    or means of identification to determine if the document
    is counterfeit, altered, or otherwise falsified[.]”
    18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(1).
    6                     UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI
    of an authentication feature because the forged notary seals
    used to further the crime were not issued by any state or
    federal entity or agency, and the deeds on which the forged
    seals were placed were not identification documents. This
    position is not supported by the language of the statute.
    First, actions by a notary public, including authentication
    of a signature, are taken based upon the authority of the state.
    Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed. 2009) defines a “notary
    public” as a “person authorized by a state to administer oaths,
    certify documents, attest to the authenticity of signatures, and
    perform official acts in commercial matters.” The state itself
    is an issuing authority within the statutory definition.
    “Issuing authority” is defined as “any governmental entity or
    agency that is authorized to issue identification documents,
    means of identification, or authentication features.” See
    18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(6).5
    The fraudulent seals used here purported to represent
    certification by a notary public acting under the authority and
    The full text reads:
    “[T]he term ‘issuing authority’—
    (A) means any governmental entity or agency that is
    authorized to issue identification documents, means of
    identification, or authentication features; and
    (B) includes the United States Government, a State, a
    political subdivision of a State, a sponsoring entity of
    an event designated by the President as a special event
    of national significance, a foreign government, a
    political subdivision of a foreign government, or an
    international government or quasi-governmental
    organization[.]” 18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(6).
    UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI                    7
    as an agent of the state of California that the signatures in
    question were genuine. The state relies upon notarization to
    confirm the authenticity of a signature on a document to be
    recorded. When a notary public acts under a state’s authority
    in applying a notary seal, the notary public is properly
    considered to be acting with the authority of the state, a
    governmental entity authorized to issue an authentication
    Second, although Sardariani may be correct that the deeds
    of trust were not themselves identification documents, the
    statute does not require that an authentication feature appear
    on an identification document.            The definition of
    authentication feature includes features used “on an
    identification document, document-making implement, or
    means of identification.” 18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(1) (emphasis
    added). “Means of identification” is further defined in
    § 1028(d)(7) as “any name or number that may be used, alone
    or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a
    specific individual.”
    We have previously determined that a signature is a
    means of identification within the meaning of 18 U.S.C.
    § 1028(d)(7). United States v. Blixt, 
    548 F.3d 882
    , 886–88
    (9th Cir. 2008). In that case, the defendant was charged with
    a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1) (aggravated identity
    theft) for forging the signature of her employer on checks
    written for personal gain. 
    Id. at 884–85.
    Defendant argued
    that a signature was not a name and, therefore, not a “means
    of identification” as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(7)
    (applying to both §§ 1028 and 1028A). The district court
    foreclosed this theory by instructing the jury that “a signature
    is a name within the meaning of the phrase ‘Means of
    Id. at 885.
    Defendant appealed, and we
    8              UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI
    affirmed, holding that “forging another’s signature constitutes
    the use of that person’s name and thus qualifies as a ‘means
    of identification.’” 
    Id. at 886.
    Applying Blixt to the facts of
    this case, we conclude that the forged notary seals were used
    on a means of identification.
    In support of his position that authentication features are
    limited to symbols found on identification documents,
    Sardariani points to the conference report explaining the
    purpose of the SAFE ID Act, Pub. L. No. 108-21, § 607, 117
    Stat. 650, 689–91 (2003). The proposed statute was
    described as “addressing the growing trade in illicit
    authentication feature[s] for IDs.” H.R. Conf. Rep. 108-66,
    reprinted in 2003 U.S.C.C.A.N. 683, 702. Yet the statute as
    enacted was written more broadly than that language in the
    conference report suggests.
    “Absent a clearly expressed legislative intention to the
    contrary, [the language of the statute] must ordinarily be
    regarded as conclusive.” Consumer Prod. Safety Comm’n. v.
    GTE Sylvania, Inc., 
    447 U.S. 102
    , 108 (1980). The
    conference report refers to the growing trade in fake
    identification documents as the motivation for proposing the
    SAFE ID Act, but it does not explicitly limit the act’s
    application to identification documents, and thus it does not
    override the plain meaning of the statutory text. We “must
    presume that a legislature says in a statute what it means and
    means in a statute what it says there.” Conn. Nat’l Bank v.
    503 U.S. 249
    , 253–54 (1992). The statute itself
    does not limit the definition of authentication features to
    those used on identification documents, and we must not
    UNITED STATES V. SARDARIANI                  9
    Sardariani used forged notary seals in furtherance of the
    crime: he used them to convince the county recorder’s office
    that the signatures on the falsified documents were genuine.
    Those forged signatures were means of identification under
    18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(7). See 
    Blixt, 548 F.3d at 886
    –88. The
    notary seals were, therefore, authentication features applied
    to means of identification—features which the country
    recorder’s office used “to determine if the document
    is counterfeit, altered, or otherwise falsified.”
    18 U.S.C. § 1028(d)(1). Sardariani’s use of notary seals to
    authenticate forged signatures was the use of an
    authentication feature as defined in § 1028(d)(1). In
    calculating the advisory guidelines range in this case, the
    district court correctly applied an enhancement for use of an
    authentication feature under Sentencing Guidelines
    § 2B1.1(b)(11)(A)(ii) (formerly § 2B1.1(b)(10)(B)(ii)).

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-50418

Citation Numbers: 754 F.3d 1118

Judges: Clifton, Dorsey, Jennifer, Reinhardt, Richard, Stephen

Filed Date: 6/19/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023