Amobi v. District of Columbia Department of Corrections , 755 F.3d 980 ( 2014 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 25, 2013               Decided June 27, 2014
    No. 12-7090
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:08-cv-01501)
    J. Michael Hannon Jr. argued the cause and filed the
    briefs for appellants.
    Richard S. Love, Assistant Attorney General, Office of
    the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, argued the
    cause for appellees. With him on the brief were Irvin B.
    Nathan, Attorney General, Todd S. Kim, Solicitor General, and
    Donna M. Murasky, Deputy Solicitor General at the time the
    brief was filed. Loren L. AliKhan, Deputy Solicitor General
    and Mary L. Wilson, Assistant Attorney General, entered
    Before: TATEL and BROWN, Circuit Judges, and
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge BROWN.
    BROWN, Circuit Judge: The facts giving rise to this case
    are as curious as they are disturbing. Eight years ago, Derrick
    Brown (“Brown” or “the Inmate”), a conniving prisoner
    serving a series of weekend sentences at the District of
    Columbia Jail, assaulted Correctional Officer (“CO”) Stephen
    Amobi. Despite the fact that Amobi was the victim of an
    unprovoked attack whose injuries required medical attention,
    Amobi was arrested, criminally prosecuted, and fired from his
    employment. Even after being acquitted at his subsequent
    criminal trial, after Brown admitted to initiating the
    confrontation and assaulting the officer, and after prevailing in
    a contested administrative hearing, Amobi was not reinstated
    until a D.C. Superior Court judge intervened.
    Amobi and his wife sued the District of Columbia, the
    D.C. Department of Corrections (“DOC”), and several Jail
    officials, seeking relief under federal law and D.C. common
    law for conspiracy, false arrest, malicious prosecution,
    defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress
    (“IIED”), deprivation of due process, aiding and abetting, and
    loss of consortium. The Defendants moved for summary
    judgment and, in a perfunctory nine-page opinion, the district
    court granted the motion. On appeal, Amobi challenges the
    district court’s judgment in favor of the Defendants.
    Concluding that genuine issues of material fact exist regarding
    the false arrest, malicious prosecution, and IIED claims, we
    affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand to the district court
    for further proceedings.
    The puzzling details of this dispute begin on the morning
    of June 4, 2006, when the Jail was locked down because of the
    escape of two extremely dangerous inmates the day before.
    Brown, who is transgendered, was serving the third of fifteen
    weekends for simple assault and was scheduled for release at
    noon. The lockdown slowed the release process and Brown
    became increasingly agitated as he waited to be released from
    his cell. When Amobi arrived, Brown was argumentative and
    abusive. By the time Amobi and Brown arrived at the sally
    port, the verbal altercation had escalated into a nose-to-nose
    shouting match.       Amobi attempted to retreat into the
    “Bubble,” a round glass enclosure separating the sally port
    from the inmate housing units, but Brown obstructed his path.
    As Brown later testified, when he saw the officials
    approaching the sally port, he wanted to lure Amobi into
    attacking him so he could file a civil suit and “get some
    money.” Brown was in a position to see, and be seen by,
    someone in the adjacent hallway. Warden Robert Clay,
    Deputy Warden Stanley Waldren, and Major Elbert White
    were conducting a fire and safety inspection. As the officials
    approached the sally port, Brown took advantage of their
    restricted line of sight and punched Amobi on his right
    forearm. Amobi reacted immediately by restraining Brown
    and forcing him against the wall. The officials, who saw
    Amobi’s reaction, but not the assault that precipitated it,
    sprinted to the sally port, ordered Amobi to release Brown, and
    turned a deaf ear to Amobi’s attempt to explain he had acted in
    self-defense. White ordered Amobi not to speak until
    instructed to do so.
    After receiving medical attention, Amobi was taken to the
    Command Center where his injuries were photographed.
    When he proceeded to Waldren’s office, as instructed, he
    found the three officials who had stopped the altercation, the
    Director of the Office of Internal Affairs (Wanda Patten) and
    an OIA investigator (Valerie Beard). Amobi was ordered
    placed on administrative leave, and he and the witnesses,
    including the witnesses who had actually seen what happened
    or heard Brown boast that he had just set up a lawsuit,
    completed incident reports.
    The initial investigation ignored this exculpatory evidence
    and focused instead on an alleged interview with Brown in
    which Patten and Beard claimed Brown wanted to press
    criminal charges. While Amobi was preparing his incident
    report, the police were summoned. The responding police
    officer, Albert Henley, was shown the incriminating incident
    reports of Clay, Waldren, and White, but none of the
    exculpatory reports. Officer Henley was also told that the
    Inmate had made a corroborating statement witnessed by
    Patten and Beard. As a result, Amobi was arrested, charged
    with simple assault, and released.
    On July 12, 2006, Amobi was summarily removed from
    his position. The basis for Amobi’s dismissal included the
    interview with Inmate Brown which, as subsequent events
    revealed, was fictional. Amobi promptly challenged the
    Department’s actions and, after a hearing on August 3, 2006,
    the hearing officer determined Amobi had acted in self-defense
    and recommended reinstatement. DOC’s Director, Devon
    Brown, disagreed, and Phuoc Nguyen, the hearing officer,
    under pressure from the administration, reconsidered and
    recommended termination. Amobi appealed, but for reasons
    never explained in the record, the appeal was never resolved.
    Consequently, Amobi demanded arbitration in accordance
    with his union’s collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”).
    The criminal prosecution, which had stalled in August
    2006 when the District was unable to produce the photos of
    Amobi’s injuries, see United States v. Amobi, 2006 CMD
    012120 (D.C. Super. Ct. Aug. 15, 2006), was reopened in
    October 2006, after the U.S. Attorney’s Office was, according
    to Amobi, pressured to refile the charges. The government’s
    case fell apart when Brown took the stand, however, and for
    the first time, provided a damning, self-inculpatory account of
    the artifice he employed during the June 2006 assault. Brown
    admitted he wanted to “set Mr. Amobi up so someone could
    witness [Amobi] do something to [him].” S.A. 297. 1
    Brown confessed he knew the three Jail officials were
    “important people”2 and that, in wake of the inmate escape, the
    officials “were very suspicious about things that were going on
    in the jail.” 
    Id. at 296–97.
    Exultant over having secured the
    Jail officials as witnesses to his ruse, Brown boasted to CO
    Wayne Taylor of his exploits, which CO Stephen Harris
    overheard and documented in his incident report. And true to
    his word, Brown made good on his plan to file a civil suit. See
    “S.A.” and “P.A.” refer to Appellants’ Supplemental Appendix
    and Public Appendix, respectively.
    Brown’s numerous run-ins with the law provided ample
    opportunity to become well acquainted with DOC officials. Brown
    testified he had a criminal history of simple assault, fleeing law
    enforcement, four counts of destruction of property, sexual
    solicitation, and contempt of court. P.A. 12; S.A. 275–76. Brown
    also testified he attempted to smuggle marijuana into the Jail the
    weekend before the June 2006 assault. S.A. 290–91.
    Brown v. D.C. Dep’t of Corrections, 2006 SC3 014278 (D.C.
    Super. Ct. Dec. 22, 2006). Brown explained his motivation
    for the stunt was a desire to get even with those who ridiculed
    him for being transgendered “when [he] was coming to do [his]
    sentence.” S.A. 305–06. Ultimately, Brown owned up to
    “turn[ing] the altercation from verbal to physical . . . [so] that
    [he] would get a response from Mr. Amobi[,] . . . get . . .
    money[,] . . . and . . . get . . . witnesses.” S.A. 312. Following
    Brown’s bombshell testimony, the trial judge found Amobi not
    guilty—the verdict coming exactly one year to the day of the
    June 4, 2006 altercation.
    Although Amobi had requested the arbitration, to which
    he was entitled under his CBA, he requested that, in light of his
    exoneration, he be allowed to return to work immediately.
    The District’s attorney, Repunzelle Johnson, also counseled
    against proceeding with the scheduled arbitration and instead
    advised Director Brown to return Amobi to work. In an
    October 1, 2007 memo to Director Brown, Johnson laid bare
    the numerous discrepancies in the District’s case. First,
    Johnson recounted how each of the three Jail officials
    acknowledged they did not see what happened prior to the
    alleged assault. Second, Johnson highlighted the fact that
    DOC “did not do an independent investigation to determine
    what happened prior to the assault of Inmate Brown.” S.A.
    398. Third, and perhaps most seriously, Johnson cautioned
    that although the police had relied on DOC’s eyewitness
    statements, Patten and Beard’s supposed interview of Brown
    was pure fiction, and Amobi’s incident report was never given
    to the police. Fourth, Johnson reminded Director Brown of
    the Inmate’s incriminating testimony and that CO Ernest
    Wallace also corroborated Amobi’s account. Fifth, Johnson
    informed Director Brown that, in addition to Amobi’s visit
    with Dr. Boakai, the District had “independent medical
    documentation from a private physician which supports that
    Amobi had a bruise on his right arm.”3 
    Id. Sixth, Johnson
    lamented DOC’s inability to locate the three photographs taken
    of Amobi’s injuries. Finally, Johnson admonished the
    Director for failing to consider all the Douglas Factors, which,
    on balance, suggested “termination is probably not
    warranted.”4 S.A. 399.
    Despite Amobi’s request and Johnson’s appeal to reason,
    Director Brown proceeded with the arbitration hearing and
    refused to reinstate Amobi. Hearings were held on October 2
    and 3, 2007. A little less than three months later, the arbitrator
    concluded Amobi had applied appropriate self-defense
    In fact, based on medical reports, the D.C. Office of Risk
    Management, Disability Compensation Program determined that
    Amobi was eligible for disability compensation as a result of the
    contusion he suffered on his right arm. See P.A. 14, 158.
    See Douglas v. Veterans Admin., 
    5 MSPB 313
    , 332 (1981). In
    Douglas, the United States Merit Systems Protection Board
    announced twelve factors relevant to determination of an appropriate
    penalty for a government employee’s job-related misconduct,
    including: the nature and seriousness of the offense; the employee’s
    job level, past work record, and past disciplinary record; likely effect
    of the offense on the employee’s ability to perform at a satisfactory
    level; consistency of proposed penalty with those imposed for
    similar offenses and with an applicable agency table of penalties;
    notoriety of the offense; impact on agency reputation; clarity of the
    rules violated; potential for employee rehabilitation; mitigating
    circumstances; and adequacy of alternative sanctions. See also
    Stokes v. District of Columbia, 
    502 A.2d 1006
    , 1011 (D.C. 1985)
    (noting that an agency must “conscientiously consider the relevant
    [Douglas] factors and . . . strike a responsible balance within
    tolerable limits of reasonableness”).
    techniques and that his summary dismissal was without cause.
    The arbitrator further ordered that Amobi be reinstated with
    full backpay and benefits and that DOC correct, remove, or
    destroy all records related to Amobi’s summary removal.
    Seeking further redress, Amobi and his wife filed suit
    against the District, DOC,5 and several Jail officials on June 4,
    2008. On August 9, 2012, the district court granted the
    Defendants’ motion for summary judgment, and Amobi and
    his wife timely appealed on September 10, 2012.
    We review de novo a district court’s grant of summary
    judgment, viewing all evidence in the light most favorable to
    the non-moving party. Ayissi-Etoh v. Fannie Mae, 
    712 F.3d 572
    , 576 (D.C. Cir. 2013). The district court focused on the
    following claims: common law and constitutional false arrest;
    common law malicious prosecution; common law and
    constitutional defamation; deprivation of procedural due
    process; and IIED.6 We address each in turn.
    DOC is a non sui juris subordinate government agency, D.C.
    Code § 24-211.01; Simmons v. District of Columbia Armory Bd., 
    656 A.2d 1155
    , 1156 (D.C. 1995), and has since been dismissed from
    this suit.
    Holding that Amobi had no other viable claim against any of the
    defendants, the district court summarily dismissed Amobi’s aiding
    and abetting and loss of consortium claims. Amobi v. District of
    Columbia Gov’t, 
    882 F. Supp. 2d 78
    , 84 (D.D.C. 2012). Perhaps
    employing a similar rationale, the district court did not address
    Amobi’s conspiracy claims. See 
    id. at 82
    n.6. Because we
    conclude genuine issues of material fact exist as to the false arrest,
    malicious prosecution, and IIED claims, on remand the district court
    must reckon with these previously unanalyzed counts.
    Amobi claims the district court erred in concluding there
    was probable cause to effectuate his arrest. We are unable to
    decide the merits of the common law claim, however, because
    it is barred by a one-year statute of limitations. See D.C. Code
    § 12-301(4). Amobi filed his complaint on June 4, 2008, two
    years after his arrest. Although the district court did not
    decide the claim was time-barred, Appellees raised the
    timeliness of the common law claim in their motion for
    summary judgment below. See P.A. 94. Appellees may
    therefore reassert the argument now. Warren v. District of
    353 F.3d 36
    , 38 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (“[A] prevailing
    party may defend the judgment on any ground decided or
    raised below.”).
    Amobi’s rejoinder is unavailing. He claims Appellees’
    fraudulent concealment of exculpatory evidence tolls the
    statute of limitations. This argument fails. To establish a
    claim of fraudulent concealment, Amobi must demonstrate that
    the information fraudulently concealed was material to the
    delay. Fitzgerald v. Seamans, 
    384 F. Supp. 688
    , 693 (D.D.C.
    1974). “If plaintiff’s delay in bringing the lawsuit is to be
    excused, the Court must have reason to believe that the ‘timely
    assertion’ of plaintiff’s rights ‘has been postponed as a result of
    the fraud of the party against whom liability might otherwise
    have been urged.’” 
    Id. (quoting Searl
    v. Earll, 
    221 F.2d 24
    26 (D.C. Cir. 1954)).
    Our cases require that the information concealed be “so
    material in character that knowledge of a basis for, or
    intelligent prosecution of, the cause of action was precluded.”
    Emmett v. E. Dispensary & Cas. Hosp., 
    396 F.2d 931
    , 937
    (D.C. Cir. 1967). Said differently, the fraudulent concealment
    must actually succeed in precluding the plaintiff from
    acquiring knowledge of the material facts. See Westinghouse
    Elec. Corp. v. City of Burlington, 
    351 F.2d 762
    , 764 (D.C. Cir.
    1965). Where “the plaintiff knew, or by the exercise of due
    diligence could have known, that he may have had a cause of
    action,” the claim that defendants’ fraudulent concealment of
    the facts tolls the statute of limitations must fail. 
    Id. Here, Amobi
    contends “[t]he concealment of the lack of
    an investigation by the Office of Internal Affairs, and the
    cover-up of the fact that no interview with the inmate ever took
    place following the incident caused the statute to be tolled until
    this information was revealed.” Appellants’ Reply Br. at 3.
    But Amobi’s eventual claim for false arrest was not predicated
    on the fraudulently concealed evidence. See P.A. 36, ¶ 38
    (noting as the basis for his false arrest claim his arrest by the
    police “without probable cause and without the issuance of a
    warrant as required under District of Columbia law”). Indeed,
    Amobi concedes, perhaps unwittingly so, that “[t]he evidence
    of fraudulent concealment was not revealed to [him] until after
    the initiation of his lawsuit.” Appellants’ Reply Br. at 3
    (emphasis added). Thus, if Amobi knew he had—and in fact
    initiated—a cause of action for false arrest, Appellees did not
    succeed in precluding him from acquiring knowledge of the
    material facts necessary to initiate the claim.              While
    knowledge of the alleged fraudulent concealment would have
    no doubt buttressed a claim of false arrest, “[m]ere ignorance
    of evidentiary details, although such information might be
    useful at trial, will not suffice,” 
    Fitzgerald, 384 F. Supp. at 693
    (citing Moviecolor Ltd. v. Eastman Kodak Co., 
    288 F.2d 80
    , 87
    (2d Cir. 1961)).
    Amobi’s constitutional false arrest claim presents a
    tougher question. Constitutional and common law claims of
    false arrest are generally analyzed as though they comprise a
    single cause of action. See, e.g., Scott v. District of Columbia,
    101 F.3d 748
    , 753–54 (D.C. Cir. 1996); District of Columbia v.
    740 A.2d 523
    , 529 (D.C. 1999) (noting that, if the court
    finds a viable common law claim of false arrest, then a viable
    constitutional claim naturally flows, and vice versa). The
    elements of both claims are “substantially identical.” 
    Scott, 101 F.3d at 753
    . Amobi seeks compensatory and punitive
    damages under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violations of his Fourth
    Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizure.
    Specifically, Amobi claims that, in contravention of D.C. Code
    § 23-581(a)(1),7 he was arrested without probable cause for an
    alleged assault that did not occur in Officer Henley’s presence.
    Appellees agree that, construed as a Fourth Amendment claim
    for false arrest, Amobi is safely within the prescribed
    three-year statute of limitations. See Appellees’ Br. at 33
    (citing Carney v. Am. Univ., 
    151 F.3d 1090
    , 1096 (D.C. Cir.
    1998)). Yet, because Amobi did not name Officer Henley as a
    defendant in his complaint, see P.A. 25–26, he must show
    either that the “custom or policy of the [District] caused the
    violation,” Brown v. District of Columbia, 
    514 F.3d 1279
    1283 (D.C. Cir. 2008), or that one of the individually named
    Section 23-581(a)(1) provides that an officer may only make a
    warrantless arrest for a misdemeanor committed outside his presence
    if there is probable cause and reason to believe that unless
    immediately arrested, the individual “may not be apprehended, may
    cause injury to others, or may tamper with, dispose of, or destroy
    evidence.” See also Enders v. District of Columbia, 
    4 A.3d 457
    466 (D.C. 2010).
    defendants8 is to blame, see Jones v. Horne, 
    634 F.3d 588
    , 600
    (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    As to the District, Amobi seems to argue that it violated
    his Fourth Amendment rights based on its alleged custom and
    policy of failing to comply with its statutory prohibition on
    warrantless arrests for misdemeanors committed outside of an
    officer’s presence. Amobi is mistaken. Whether the assault
    occurred in Officer Henley’s presence is not the sine qua non
    of a Fourth Amendment violation. The Supreme Court has
    made clear that the “Constitution’s protections concerning
    search and seizure” do not vary with state arrest law, see
    Virginia v. Moore, 
    553 U.S. 164
    , 172–73 (2008), and Amobi
    makes no argument that the Constitution requires the District’s
    misdemeanor arrest rule. Nevertheless, whether Officer
    Henley could have had probable cause to execute Amobi’s
    arrest—even without the crime occurring in his presence—is
    still a relevant inquiry.
    “Generally, probable cause exists where the facts and
    circumstances within the arresting officer’s knowledge, of
    which he had reasonably trustworthy information, are
    sufficient in themselves to warrant a reasonable belief that an
    offense has been or is being committed.” Rucker v. United
    455 A.2d 889
    , 891 (D.C. 1983). “The issue of
    probable cause in a false arrest case is a mixed question of law
    and fact that the trial court should ordinarily leave to the jury.”
    Bradshaw v. District of Columbia, 
    43 A.3d 318
    , 324 (D.C.
    2012). Only where the facts are undisputed or clearly
    established does probable cause become a question of law for
    the court. 
    Id. The district
    court held Amobi’s claim for false
    The individually named defendants include Devon Brown,
    Robert Clay, Stanley Waldren, Elbert White, Joan Murphy, and
    Denise “Toni” Shell. See P.A. 25–26, 32.
    arrest failed because the Jail officials “merely reported what
    they observed, and their observations constituted probable
    cause” for Amobi’s arrest and prosecution. Amobi, 882 F.
    Supp. 2d at 83. Amobi counters with two arguments he
    claims demonstrate want of probable cause.
    First, Amobi contends his claim of innocence created a
    genuine issue of material fact that should have been sent to the
    jury. See Appellants’ Reply Br. at 6–7 (citing Wolter v.
    Safeway Stores, 
    153 F.2d 641
    , 642 (D.C. Cir. 1946)). This
    argument fails. “Once a police officer has a reasonable basis
    for believing there is probable cause, he is not required to
    explore and eliminate every theoretically plausible claim of
    innocence before making an arrest.” Ricciuti v. N.Y.C.
    Transit Auth., 
    124 F.3d 123
    , 128 (2d Cir. 1997); Panetta v.
    460 F.3d 388
    , 395–96 (2d Cir. 2006) (“[A]n officer’s
    failure to investigate an arrestee’s protestations of innocence
    generally does not vitiate probable cause.”).
    Here, Officer Henley testified that he based his probable
    cause finding on statements from five witnesses. Although
    Amobi contends the five witnesses provided inaccurate
    information, the officer had no reason to discredit the
    eyewitness testimony. See 
    Enders, 4 A.3d at 470
    –71 (“[T]he
    relevant inquiry in a false arrest defense is not what the actual
    facts may be but rather what the officers could reasonably
    conclude from what they were told and what they saw on the
    scene.”). Thus, Amobi’s statement that Brown struck him
    first does not by itself vitiate probable cause. In sum, because
    violation of § 23-581 did not result in constitutional injury, and
    because Amobi failed to identify any other municipal policy,
    practice, or custom that was a moving cause of his claimed
    constitutional violation, his constitutional false arrest claim
    against the District was properly dismissed.
    Amobi’s second argument is more nettlesome, but
    persuasive. He asserts that, although the three Jail officials
    did not carry out his arrest, they are nevertheless personally
    liable for his false arrest because they withheld exculpatory
    evidence from the arresting officer. “[T]o establish personal
    liability in a § 1983 action, it is enough to show that the
    official, acting under color of state law, caused the deprivation
    of a federal right. . . . [T]he plaintiff in a personal-capacity suit
    need not establish a connection to governmental policy or
    custom . . . .” Hafer v. Melo, 
    502 U.S. 21
    , 25 (1991).
    Under D.C. law, “[l]iability is incurred for the procuring
    of a false arrest and imprisonment if by words, one directs,
    requests, invites or encourages the unlawful detention of
    another.” Smith v. District of Columbia, 
    399 A.2d 213
    , 218
    (D.C. 1979). “[P]rocurement of false imprisonment is the
    equivalent in words or conduct to ‘Officer, arrest that man.’”
    Id. (quoting RESTATEMENT
    (SECOND) OF TORTS, § 45A).
    Accordingly, “[t]o accuse a person of committing a crime,
    however slanderous it may be, is not enough to sustain a claim
    of false arrest so long as the decision whether to make the
    arrest remains with the police officer and is without the
    persuasion or influence of the accuser.” 
    Id. But “[t]he
    weight of authority holds that an informer who knowingly
    gives false information to a police officer necessarily interferes
    with the intelligent exercise of the officer’s independent
    judgment and discretion and thereby becomes liable for a false
    arrest that later occurs.” Vessels v. District of Columbia, 
    531 A.2d 1016
    , 1020 (D.C. 1987). Logic counsels that “[t]o
    consciously misstate the facts under such circumstances must
    be for the purpose of inducing action by the police.” 
    Id. For this
    reason, “[a] complainant is required to disclose . . .
    material facts; that is, facts material to the alleged crime
    charged, facts which would have a tendency to throw light
    upon whether any malicious mischief was in fact committed,
    and who in all probability committed them. Immaterial facts
    need not be stated.” Sears Roebuck & Co. v. Gault, 
    175 A.2d 795
    , 797 (D.C. 1961)
    Provided all material facts are disclosed, complainants
    “may without fear of civil reprisal for an honest mistake, report
    to the police or public prosecutor the facts of a crime and in
    good faith, without malice, identify to the best of their
    ability . . . the perpetrator of the crime.” 
    Smith, 399 A.2d at 219
    . “It is settled that merely giving facts to an officer
    showing that an offense has been committed and that a person
    may be suspected of its commission does not comprise the tort
    of false imprisonment.” 
    Id. at 218.
    Cf. Smith v. Tucker, 
    304 A.2d 303
    , 308 (D.C. 1973) (“Where . . . a crime of a serious
    nature has been committed and from the admitted facts or
    uncontradicted evidence it appears that the injured party has
    done nothing more than take reasonable and proper steps for
    the discovery and apprehension of the criminal that party
    merits, and should receive, the protection of the court.”
    (emphasis added)).
    Here, the three Jail officials did not merely tell Officer
    Henley what they saw; they omitted several material facts they
    either knew or should have taken reasonable and proper steps
    to discover. Clay, Waldren, and White all acknowledge they
    did not see what happened before the assault. Clay admitted
    he “had no idea what had transpired between” Amobi and
    Brown before he arrived on the scene.               S.A. 231.
    Nevertheless, Clay told Officer Henley that Amobi’s claim of
    self-defense was “not true.” S.A. 172. Waldren conceded he
    did not know what led to the “physical contact,” S.A. 372, and
    that he could not “testify one way or another as [to] whether
    Mr. Brown ever put his hand on Mr. Amobi,” S.A. 378.
    White confessed Brown’s arms were not always visible from
    the hallway as he and the other officials approached, S.A. 388,
    and that he had a compromised view through the metal gate
    and into the sally port, 
    id. None of
    these facts were disclosed
    to Officer Henley. See S.A. 190. Furthermore, Waldren
    knew it was “standard operating procedure to take photographs
    of injured officers,” S.A. 18, and to “afford [them] medical
    attention,” S.A. 16. And White knew photographs of
    Amobi’s injuries had been taken and that surveillance footage
    may have been available. S.A. 22–23, 177. Yet neither
    officer took reasonable steps to determine whether the
    photographs or medical examination of Amobi suggested
    Brown had initiated the assault. In fact, White admitted he
    had no reason to disbelieve Amobi’s claim of self-defense, and
    Waldren and White saw that Amobi was using what they
    recognized as a restraint technique taught to COs.
    At the very least, the preceding facts demonstrate the Jail
    officials had no “honest belief” that Amobi did not act in
    self-defense. See 
    Vessels, 531 A.2d at 1020
    Tucker, 304 A.2d at 307
    . Moreover, none of the officials took reasonable
    steps to secure and submit to Henley the exculpatory
    statements from COs Wallace, Taylor, and Harris, despite
    Waldren’s acknowledgment that it was his duty to oversee and
    manage the approximately 600 COs at the Jail. Failing to
    disclose the foregoing material facts evinces a lack of good
    faith and is equivalent to “Officer, arrest that man.” 
    Smith, 399 A.2d at 218
    . Accordingly, we reverse the grant of
    summary judgment on this claim as to Clay, Waldren, and
    White, but affirm as to the other parties.
    Genuine issues of material fact persist concerning whether
    probable cause existed for both the initiation and continuation
    of Amobi’s prosecution. To support a malicious prosecution
    claim, “[t]here must be (a) a criminal proceeding instituted or
    continued by the defendant against the plaintiff, (b)
    termination of the proceeding in favor of the accused, (c)
    absence of probable cause for the proceeding, and (d) Malice,
    or a primary purpose in instituting the proceeding other than
    that of bringing an offender to justice.” DeWitt v. District of
    43 A.3d 291
    , 296 (D.C. 2012) (emphasis added).
    In the District, a common law claim of malicious
    prosecution encompasses criminal, civil, and administrative
    proceedings. See Melvin v. Pence, 
    130 F.2d 423
    , 426 (D.C.
    Cir. 1942). “The issue in a malicious prosecution case is not
    whether there was probable cause for the initial arrest, but
    whether there was probable cause for the underlying suit.”
    Pitt v. District of Columbia, 
    491 F.3d 494
    , 502 (D.C. Cir.
    2007); Dellums v. Powell (Dellums II), 
    566 F.2d 216
    , 220
    (D.C. Cir. 1977) (noting that in the criminal context, “the
    critical event triggering liability for malicious prosecution is
    the filing of an information”). Nevertheless, a malicious
    prosecution claim is sustained where the proceeding is
    “induced by fraud, corruption, perjury, fabricated evidence, or
    other wrongful conduct undertaken in bad faith.” Moore v.
    571 F.3d 62
    , 67 (D.C. Cir. 2009); Dellums v. Powell
    (Dellums I), 
    566 F.2d 167
    , 192 (D.C. Cir. 1977); 
    Melvin, 130 F.2d at 428
    (“Instigation is sufficient, when institution [of a
    criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding] actually follows
    from it.”). Additionally, “appearing in court and testifying
    and keeping the prosecution alive” creates a genuine issue of
    dispute as to whether a defendant continued a malicious
    prosecution. See Viner v. Friedman, 
    33 A.2d 631
    , 632 (D.C.
    1943); see also 
    id. at 633.
    Before turning to the merits, we must quickly dispense
    with Appellees’ contention that the claim is time-barred.
    Appellees appear to calculate the statute of limitations from the
    date the malicious prosecution was initiated—June 4,
    2006—instead of from the date the prosecution was terminated
    in Amobi’s favor—June 4, 2008. The former method is
    incorrect. See Shulman v. Miskell, 
    626 F.2d 173
    , 174–75
    (D.C. Cir. 1980).
    Turning to the merits, we note Appellees dispute only
    prongs (c) and (d)—the existence of probable cause and
    whether malice was shown. 9 See Appellees’ Br. at 25–28.
    We think our discussion of probable cause for the false arrest is
    sufficiently analogous so as to be dispositive on the malicious
    prosecution claim. The record is clear that the U.S.
    Attorney’s Office relied on the Jail officials’ statements. See
    Appellants’ Br. at 10 (noting that the Jail officials’ statements
    were among the documents produced to Amobi during
    discovery). Similarly, we think the Jail officials’ lack of good
    faith and honest belief suggests the primary purpose in
    instituting and continuing (by testifying against Amobi at trial)
    the criminal proceeding was for some purpose “other than . . .
    bringing an offender to justice.” 
    DeWitt, 43 A.3d at 296
    Even were that not the case, it is axiomatic that malice may be
    presumed from the lack of probable cause. 
    Viner, 33 A.2d at 632
    . As such, the malicious prosecution claim should have
    been submitted to the jury. 
    Pitt, 491 F.3d at 504
    determination of malice is exclusively for the factfinder.”).
    In addition to the criminal prosecution, the record raises
    genuine issues of material fact regarding whether Director
    Brown and Toni Shell continued the administrative proceeding
    The district court concluded Amobi did not allege any
    defendant acted with malice. 
    Amobi, 882 F. Supp. 2d at 82
    This is demonstrably false. Amobi’s complaint alleged each
    defendant acted with malice. See P.A. 32, 34, 36–37, 39.
    against Amobi without probable cause.10 As recounted above,
    Nguyen (the hearing officer) initially found inadequate
    evidence to terminate Amobi, S.A. 209, but Director Brown
    and Shell pressured her to reach a different conclusion, S.A.
    43, 47, 50.11 Similarly, the Director elected to proceed with
    the arbitration although the District’s attorney had detailed
    numerous discrepancies in the District’s case against Amobi.
    See Part 
    I.D., supra
    . Of most concern is Director Brown’s
    tacit ratification of Patten and Beard’s fabricated interview
    memorandum. The interview memorandum, which was
    drafted on the same day as Amobi’s notice of summary
    dismissal, formed part of the evidentiary basis for Amobi’s
    summary discharge. Brown knew this portion of evidence
    was now in dispute. For these reasons, the district court erred
    in granting summary judgment on the malicious prosecution
    claim. Thus, we reverse the grant of summary judgment on
    this claim as to Director Brown, Clay, Waldren, White, and the
    Amobi also sought relief for malicious prosecution under
    42 U.S.C. § 1983, asserting that Appellees deprived him of his
    Toni Shell was not named as a defendant in the common law
    malicious prosecution claim.
    The district court suggested Director Brown was justified in
    remanding Nguyen’s decision because the “initial written
    recommendation was quite conclusory in nature.” Amobi, 882 F.
    Supp. 2d at 82. We are not convinced. Each recommendation was
    of equal length, compare S.A. 201–02, with S.A. 208–09, and
    Nguyen was not given any new evidence to consider in her second
    recommendation, see S.A. 47. Yet, despite the seemingly cursory
    analysis of both recommendations, Director Brown took issue only
    with the first.
    constitutional rights by initiating criminal proceedings against
    him without probable cause. As with the common law claim,
    disputed issues of material fact exist here, too. “[M]alicious
    prosecution is actionable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 to the extent
    that the defendant’s actions cause the plaintiff to be
    unreasonably ‘seized’ without probable cause, in violation of
    the Fourth Amendment.”              
    Pitt, 491 F.3d at 511
    Nevertheless, because the relevant conduct at issue in this case
    occurred before we issued our decision in Pitt, clearly
    establishing malicious prosecution as a violation of
    constitutional rights, qualified immunity is appropriate here.
    That the Defendants failed to make this argument in their briefs
    in this court is of no moment because they raised the issue in
    the district court. See P.A. 72, 82–85; see also Jones v.
    557 F.3d 670
    , 676 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (“[W]e may
    affirm a judgment on any ground the record supports and that
    the opposing party had a fair opportunity to address”).
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment as to all Defendants on Amobi’s constitutional
    malicious prosecution claim.
    Amobi argues the district court erred in holding his
    common law defamation claim is time-barred. He is wrong.
    D.C. Code § 12-301(4) establishes a one-year statute of
    limitations for common law defamation claims. Amobi filed
    his complaint on June 4, 2008, two years after his defamation
    injury accrued. Nevertheless, Amobi maintains the common
    law claim is not time-barred because “Defendants’ defamatory
    statements and reckless disregard for the truth were
    continuing,” Appellants’ Reply Br. at 13, and therefore tolled
    the statute of limitations. We are not persuaded.
    “The statute of limitations on a tort claim ordinarily begins
    to run when the plaintiff sustains a tortious injury . . . .”
    Beard v. Edmondson & Gallagher, 
    790 A.2d 541
    , 546 (D.C.
    2002). “At the latest . . . a cause of action accrues for
    limitations purposes when the plaintiff knows or by the
    exercise of reasonable diligence should know (1) of the injury,
    (2) its cause in fact, and (3) of some evidence of wrongdoing.”
    Id. Here, it
    is undisputed that, as of June 4, 2006, Amobi
    knew of his injury and the role Appellees played in causing it.
    The question is whether the continuation of the criminal
    litigation delayed the accrual of Amobi’s cause of action. “A
    ‘continuous tort’ can be established for statute of limitations
    purposes by showing (1) a continuous and repetitious wrong,
    (2) with damages flowing from the act as a whole rather than
    from each individual act, and (3) at least one injurious act . . .
    within the limitation period.” 
    Id. at 547–48.
    Yet, under D.C.
    law, continuous defamatory statements do not toll the statute of
    Id. The only
    exception—not applicable
    here—is “if the continuing tort has a cumulative effect, such
    that the injury might not have come about but for the entire
    course of conduct.” 
    Id. at 548
    (emphasis in original). Thus,
    because Amobi knew, as of June 4, 2006, that he had been
    injured, the statute of limitations began to run and was not
    Amobi fares no better on his constitutional defamation
    claim. As a threshold matter, the parties dispute whether
    Amobi adequately pled a constitutional defamation claim
    under § 1983. We need not resolve the dispute however,
    because even assuming the claim is adequately pled, Amobi is
    not entitled to further relief.
    In his reply brief, Amobi claims to have pled a
    reputation-plus defamation claim under § 1983. Appellants’
    Reply Br. at 14. Amobi asserts his defamation “stemmed
    from the constitutional violation of his due process rights by
    depriving him of his property interest in his employment.” 
    Id. at 14–15.
    A plaintiff may be able to state a due process claim
    based on the allegedly defamatory actions of government
    officials if “the defamation [is] accompanied by a discharge
    from government employment or at least a demotion in rank
    and pay.” Mosrie v. Barry, 
    718 F.2d 1151
    , 1161 (D.C. Cir.
    1983).      This type of action “is usually termed a
    reputation-plus claim.” O’Donnell v. Barry, 
    148 F.3d 1126
    1140 (D.C. Cir. 1998). The remedy for an established
    reputation-plus claim is “an opportunity to refute the charge,”
    one which will “provide the person an opportunity to clear his
    name.”      Codd v. Velger, 
    429 U.S. 624
    , 627 (1977);
    McCormick v. District of Columbia, No. 12-7115, 
    2014 WL 2178831
    , at *9 (D.C. Cir. May 27, 2014). Here, Amobi had
    an opportunity to refute the charges at both a criminal judicial
    proceeding and an administrative arbitration. This was
    sufficient. Thus, even assuming Amobi adequately pled a
    claim for constitutional defamation, he received all the process
    he was due, and the claim is therefore moot.12
    Amobi also was afforded adequate pre-termination due process.
    The Supreme Court has suggested that the way to ensure
    pre-termination due process rights are preserved is to suspend an
    employee accused of detrimental conduct with pay. See Cleveland
    Bd. of Educ. v. Loudermill, 
    470 U.S. 532
    , 544–45 (1985); Munoz v.
    Bd. of Trs. of Univ. of Dist. of Columbia, 427 F. App’x 1, 3 (D.C. Cir.
    2011). That is exactly what happened here. Clay ordered Amobi
    placed on paid administrative leave, see P.A. 45, 49, and Amobi’s
    termination was not finalized until August 29, 2006, see S.A. 203.
    In any event, in the district court Amobi argued only that his
    termination infringed his procedural due process rights because
    Director Brown’s “remand” of Nguyen’s decision violated the CBA.
    We turn finally to Amobi’s IIED claim. The district court
    concluded there was “no evidence that any of the defendants
    engaged in extreme or outrageous conduct or that Amobi
    suffered severe emotional distress.” 
    Amobi, 882 F. Supp. 2d at 84
    . We disagree.
    “Establishing a prima facie case of intentional infliction
    of emotional distress requires a showing of (1) extreme and
    outrageous conduct on the part of the defendants, which (2)
    intentionally or recklessly (3) causes the plaintiff severe
    emotional distress.” Futrell v. Dep’t of Labor Fed. Credit
    816 A.2d 793
    , 808 (D.C. 2003). The conduct alleged
    must be “so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree,
    as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be
    regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized
    community.” Bernstein v. Fernandez, 
    649 A.2d 1064
    , 1075
    (D.C. 1991). “Where reasonable persons may differ, it is for
    the jury, subject to the control of the court, to determine
    whether, in the particular case, the conduct has been
    sufficiently extreme and outrageous to result in liability.”
    Homan v. Goyal, 
    711 A.2d 812
    , 818 (D.C. 1998).
    Amobi argues that our affirmance of a jury verdict for
    IIED in Pitt is instructive in this case. We concur. In Pitt,
    the plaintiff was falsely arrested for robbery although both
    victims of the crime told the police that the plaintiff was not the
    perpetrator. 491 F.3d at 502
    .          The police affidavit
    subsequently submitted to the prosecutor’s office contained no
    See P.A. 91. Because the collective bargaining agreement clearly
    authorized the remand, and because Amobi failed to argue that the
    pre-termination proceedings were otherwise constitutionally
    defective, we affirm the district court’s dismissal of this claim.
    mention of the victims’ negative identifications, despite
    containing inconsequential details about the robbery and the
    stop of plaintiff’s car. 
    Id. at 504.
            The affidavit also
    contained one unambiguously false statement—that the
    plaintiff was observed “getting into a car within seconds after a
    building employee saw the robber leave the building,” when, in
    fact, “the perpetrator had been gone for at least eight minutes
    by the time the police spotted [the plaintiff] in the area.” 
    Id. In addition,
    there was a dispute about whether the officers’
    notes describing the show-up identification in detail was
    included in the case file submitted to prosecutors; the officer
    did not recognize the notes and did not know if those had been
    shown to the prosecutors. 
    Id. Based upon
    this evidence, we
    affirmed the jury’s verdict, noting the “material
    misstatements” and “glaring omissions” in the arrest report and
    affidavit submitted to prosecutors. 
    Id. at 504,
    As recounted above, the facts here bear some resemblance
    to those in Pitt. As in Pitt, Clay, Waldren, and White’s
    incident report contained several glaring omissions, and at
    least one false statement, which was later ratified by Director
    Brown. From these facts, we think it clear that genuine issues
    of material fact exist and that it was for the jury to determine
    whether the conduct has been sufficiently extreme and
    outrageous to result in liability. For these reasons, the grant of
    summary judgment is reversed as to Director Brown, Clay,
    Waldren, White, and the District.
    The district court’s order is affirmed in part, reversed in
    part, and remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-7090

Citation Numbers: 410 U.S. App. D.C. 338, 755 F.3d 980

Judges: Brown, Edwards, Tatel

Filed Date: 6/27/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (24)

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