United States v. Craig Claxton , 766 F.3d 280 ( 2014 )

  •                                            PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 12-3933
    On Appeal from the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands
    (D. VI. No. 3-06-cr-00080-009)
    District Judge: Honorable Curtis V. Gomez
    Argued on Monday, December 9, 2013
    Before: FISHER, COWEN and NYGAARD, Circuit Judges
    (Filed: August 18, 2014)
    Susan B. Moorehead, Esq. (ARGUED)
    Smock & Moorehead
    No. 11A Norre Gade
    P.O. Box 1498
    St. Thomas, VI 00804
    Counsel for Appellant
    Nelson L. Jones, Esq. (ARGUED)
    Office of United States Attorney
    5500 Veterans Building, Suite 260
    United States Courthouse
    St. Thomas, VI 00802
    Counsel for Appellee
    FISHER, Circuit Judge
    Defendant Craig Claxton appeals his conviction and
    sentence for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    cocaine from 1999 to 2005, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841.
    The allegations against Claxton and several co-defendants
    stem from a wide-ranging drug conspiracy involving the
    importation of large quantities of cocaine from the British
    Virgin Islands to the Territory of the Virgin Islands and
    ultimately to the United States mainland. Claxton raises five
    challenges to various aspects of the proceedings in the
    District Court. We will affirm his conviction and sentence.
    This case has a lengthy history involving several co-
    defendants and multiple appearances before this Court. The
    case commenced on December 19, 2006, when a federal
    grand jury returned a fourteen-count indictment charging
    Claxton in Count One1 with conspiring to possess with intent
    to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine between 1999
    and 2005, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1),
    (b)(1)(A)(ii)(II). A warrant was issued that day for Claxton’s
    A.    The first trial and Claxton’s arrest
    The first jury trial commenced on September 5, 2007
    without Claxton’s participation because he had not yet been
    arrested. Two of Claxton’s co-defendants were found guilty
    during the first trial, and a mistrial was declared as to the
    remaining co-defendants. Prior to retrial, Swann and Mark
    appealed the denial of their motion to dismiss the indictment
    and Mark filed a motion for a stay of the trial. We granted
    the motion to stay on January 22, 2008, and ultimately
    affirmed the denial of the motion to dismiss. United States v.
    Mark, 284 F. App’x 970 (3d Cir. 2008). We denied a petition
    for rehearing en banc on August 19, 2008.
    While the appeal was pending, Claxton was arrested
    on April 23, 2008 in Orlando, Florida. He waived his right to
    a removal hearing pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal
    Procedure 5(c)(2), and was ordered transferred to the District
    of the Virgin Islands on April 25, 2008. On that date he was
    The indictment also charged Gelean Mark, Vernon Fagan,
    Walter Ells, Kelvin Moses, Kerry Woods, Henry Freeman,
    Glenson Isaac, Everette Mills and Dorian Swann.
    transported to Guaynabo MDC in Puerto Rico, where he was
    held until the transfer to the Virgin Islands was completed on
    July 16, 2008. Claxton was arraigned on July 21, 2008, at
    which time he entered a plea of not guilty. The District Court
    ordered his continued detention that same day.
    B.     Proceedings involving Claxton
    Claxton moved to dismiss the charge against him on
    October 23, 2009 on the grounds that the proceedings
    violated both the Sixth Amendment and the Speedy Trial Act,
    18 U.S.C. § 3161 (“STA”). At a motions hearing held on
    March 23, 2010, the District Court denied the motion for
    relief with respect to the Sixth Amendment, but declined to
    hear argument on the STA, noting that it would render a
    written decision based upon the parties’ submissions. A
    review of the record reveals that the District Court never
    entered a written opinion. Claxton renewed his STA motion
    on May 20, 2010, which the District Court denied prior to
    Claxton also joined in a motion to continue the trial
    based upon pre-trial publicity on May 14, 2010. The moving
    defendants objected to having the trial commence two weeks
    after the completion of a racketeering trial involving Gelean
    Mark and Police Officer Jerome Blyden (the “Mark/Blyden
    trial”). That case involved charges of drug dealing, gambling,
    and dog fighting, and featured the testimony of three
    cooperating witnesses: James Springette, Elton Turnbull, and
    Glenson Isaac. Each of those witnesses would ultimately
    testify in Claxton’s case. The motion argued that prejudice
    stemmed from media reports about the Mark/Blyden trial,
    even though Mark was ultimately dismissed as a defendant in
    Claxton’s case on May 24, 2010. Counsel for the moving
    defendants specifically referenced an organizational chart
    used in the Mark/Blyden trial that was broadcast on a news
    station and had Claxton’s name on it. The District Court
    denied the motion, stating:
    In the Court’s view, voir dire will
    address the concerns and ensure
    that we have a jury that can be fair
    and impartial.         Since the
    touchstone is not whether
    someone has read something or
    heard something, but whether
    they can maintain fairness and
    I know there has been some
    concern because Mr. Mark was on
    trial a few weeks ago with this
    court.    Significantly he is no
    longer on trial in this court. Also,
    to the extent that there was
    publicity, it seems that there was
    publicity with respect to Mr.
    Mark. If there was some spillover
    with respect to other defendants,
    as counsel indicated this morning
    . . . the Court will try to address
    those concerns during voir dire.
    App. at 206-07. The defendants also objected to selecting a
    jury from the same panel of jurors used to select a jury in the
    Mark/Blyden trial.
    C.     Jury selection and trial
    Claxton’s trial began on May 24, 2010. During voir
    dire, the District Court inquired into, among other things,
    whether potential jurors had read or heard anything about the
    case involving the defendants. Only one juror had. The
    District Court excused that juror for cause along with another
    juror who participated in voir dire in the Mark trial.
    The government presented the testimony of James
    Springette and Elton Turnbull in its case-in-chief. Springette
    testified that he had been involved in drug trafficking in the
    Virgin Islands prior to 1999 and that the alleged conspiracy in
    Claxton’s case began in 1999. Turnbull testified that he
    managed the collection and distribution of the cocaine after it
    arrived in the United States. During his testimony, he made
    reference to numerous letters he had written to the United
    States Attorney’s Offices (“USAO”) in North Carolina and
    the Virgin Islands, other federal law enforcement authorities
    in North Carolina, and the District Court.
    Following Turnbull’s direct examination, Claxton and
    his co-defendants requested copies of those letters. The
    Virgin Islands USAO provided the defendants with four
    letters written by Turnbull the next day. After further review,
    the North Carolina USAO admitted that they had
    inadvertently overlooked a file containing letters written by
    Turnbull and immediately faxed those documents to the
    Virgin Islands USAO. The letters were provided to the
    defendants on the evening of May 25, 2010, and the
    corresponding envelopes were provided on May 27, 2010.
    Upon reviewing the letters, the District Court stated:
    It seems to me with Mr. Turnbull .
    . . there are three basic things he’s
    concerned with. One is witness
    protection . . . which is something
    I don’t think you want the jury to
    be considering . . . . Two, he
    wants witness fees for his
    testimony . . . [a]nd the other
    thing, which seems to be that he
    wants to get a Rule 35 . . . But the
    first and the last thing I mentioned
    seem to be connected. He says, “I
    have testified and put myself in
    great peril . . . I’ve lost my family
    . . . I’ve lost this, I’ve lost that.”
    And so you are correct, he wants
    to get a Rule 35. But I haven’t yet
    seen or heard anything from you
    that says that, “I will testify. Now
    give me a Rule 35.” [Y]ou’re
    going to get to inquire and you’re
    going to get plenty of leeway
    from the Court, given the timing
    of this disclosure. But I’m just
    pointing out to you that . . . in
    every letter that I have recently
    just pulled up, it seems that he is
    saying [the same thing]. I’m not
    going to do anything that would
    cause you to prejudice your
    client’s right to a fair defense. So
    you take as much time as you
    need [to prepare].
    Trial Tr. May 27, 2010 (ECF No. 1137-2), at 106-17. The
    District Court ultimately permitted the defendants to cross
    examine Turnbull and Springette regarding the letters.
    On May 26, 2010, Juror 125 informed the District
    Court that she had been approached by an individual who
    offered her $1,500 to say “nitroglycerin,” which she was told
    meant “not guilty.” Juror 125 testified that she knew the
    person by sight and told the District Court the person’s full
    name. Juror 125 also revealed that she had discussed the
    event with her brother, sister, and Juror 159. The District
    Court inquired into these events with Jurors 125 and 159, and
    received assurances from both that they could remain fair and
    impartial. The defendants moved for removal of the two
    affected jurors, or, alternatively, for a mistrial. The District
    Court denied the motion for a mistrial, but did not rule on the
    motion to remove. It did, however, sequester the jury from
    that point forward. Jurors 125 and 159 ultimately did not
    participate in the jury’s deliberations.
    During trial the government presented evidence of
    thirty kilograms of cocaine seized in September 2003 by
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the Cyril E. King
    Airport in St. Thomas. Isaac testified that the cocaine seized
    in September 2003 was part of the cocaine importation
    scheme, that some of that cocaine was intended to be
    delivered to him, and that Mark advised him of the seizure
    when it occurred. Isaac testified that after he received the
    drugs he relied upon female couriers to carry the drug
    proceeds back to the Virgin Islands. He identified Claxton as
    a member of the organization whose role was to pick up the
    female couriers from the airport to transport the money to
    Mark, after which Claxton would check them into a hotel and
    make sure the couriers were paid.
    D.    Judgment of acquittal
    Claxton moved for a judgment of acquittal pursuant to
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 29 at the close of the
    government’s case. The District Court expressed concern
    about the sufficiency of the evidence against Claxton, but
    reserved judgment on the motion and submitted the case to
    the jury. Thereafter, the jury found Claxton guilty.
    Claxton also sought a new trial pursuant to Federal
    Rule of Criminal Procedure 33 on the grounds that certain
    evidence was improperly admitted and that the government
    had improperly withheld certain documents during trial. On
    September 24, 2010, Claxton supplemented his new trial
    motions and requested a hearing pursuant to the Supreme
    Court decision in Remmer v. United States, 
    347 U.S. 227
    (1954). He contended that he learned after trial that one of
    the jurors, Juror 161, had previously worked at the Virgin
    Islands Housing Authority with government witness Mark
    Joseph and failed to disclose this relationship during voir
    The District Court heard arguments on Claxton’s Rule
    29 motion on several occasions between the final day of trial
    and the May 11, 2011 sentencing hearing, at which time the
    District Court granted the motion. In granting the judgment
    of acquittal, the District Court failed to address Claxton’s
    outstanding motions for a new trial. The government
    appealed, and this Court reversed the judgment of acquittal
    and remanded to the District Court. We held that the
    evidence was sufficient to establish Claxton’s involvement in
    the charged conspiracy and that Claxton knew he was
    participating in a criminal enterprise that involved drugs.
    United States v. Claxton, 
    685 F.3d 300
    , 301, 313 (3d Cir.
    E.    Sentencing
    Following remand, Claxton was sentenced on October
    4, 2012. He moved for a downward departure from the
    mandatory minimum sentence based upon cooperation he had
    provided at the government’s request in a separate conspiracy
    case. The District Court denied the motion, and Claxton was
    sentenced to the mandatory minimum sentence of 120
    months’ imprisonment. This appeal followed.
    The District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 18
    U.S.C. § 3231 and this Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. § 1291 and 18 U.S.C. § 3742(a).
    Claxton raises several challenges on this appeal. First,
    he seeks dismissal of the indictment on the grounds that the
    delay in bringing him to trial violated both the STA and the
    Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial. Second, he asserts
    his right to a new trial on grounds that: (a) he was denied his
    Sixth Amendment right to an impartial jury; (b) the District
    Court improperly admitted certain drug evidence; and (c) he
    was prejudiced by the government’s failure to turn over
    certain documents in violation of the rules set forth in Brady
    v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963) and Giglio v. United States,
    405 U.S. 150
    (1972). Finally, Claxton challenges his
    sentence insofar as he was denied a sentence below the
    statutory minimum despite having given information to
    government investigators in a separate case. We will address
    each argument in turn, but we first address the issue of
    A.     Waiver
    Waiver is implicated here because the District Court
    failed to comply with Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure
    29(d) when it entered a judgment of acquittal in Claxton’s
    favor.2     Specifically, the District Court never entered a
    conditional ruling on Claxton’s new trial motions based upon
    the admission of the drug evidence and the alleged
    Brady/Giglio violations. Claxton never raised the Rule 29
    error in his first appeal, nor did he renew the outstanding new
    trial motions on remand. We questioned whether Claxton
    was required to raise the Rule 29 error in a cross-appeal in his
    first appeal in order to preserve the underlying new trial
    motions and, if not, whether he had an obligation to renew the
    new trial motions on remand. We now conclude that he was
    not required to file a cross-appeal and will consider the merits
    of his arguments despite his failure to renew them following
    We agree with the parties that Claxton was not
    required to file a cross-appeal. See United States v. Miranda,
    425 F.3d 953
    , 963 (11th Cir. 2005) (finding that, despite the
    district court’s failure to enter a conditional ruling and the
    defendant’s failure to file a cross-appeal, the district court
    “ha[d] the authority, upon remand, after reversal of a
    judgment of acquittal, to consider whether it should grant or
    deny a motion for a new trial.” 
    Id. (citing United
    States v.
    274 F.3d 1320
    , 1323 (11th Cir. 2001)). The holding in
    Miranda therefore permits a defendant to renew his new trial
    motions on remand despite not having filed a cross appeal.
    Under Rule 29(d), a district court is required to
    conditionally determine whether any motion for a new trial
    should be granted if the judgment of acquittal is later vacated
    or reversed by specifying the reasons for that determination.
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 29(d). Failure to make such a conditional
    ruling is error. See United States v. Wasserson, 
    418 F.3d 225
    240 n.10 (3d Cir. 2005).
    Id. See also
    Ward, 274 F.3d at 1321 
    (holding that when a
    court of appeals reverses a judgment of acquittal, the district
    court retains authority to grant a new trial provided the
    appeals court’s mandate only addresses the judgment of
    Unlike the defendant in Miranda (who was given an
    opportunity to raise his new trial arguments on remand)
    Claxton failed to renew his Rule 33 motions following the
    first appeal. As a consequence, the District Court never ruled
    upon those motions and the government now maintains that
    those arguments have been waived. We disagree because
    Claxton did preserve the arguments in his initial motion for a
    new trial so they are not, in a strict sense, waived for a failure
    to raise them at all. Indeed, the government never raised
    waiver until we ordered the parties to address it. In light of
    the unique procedural posture of this case, we will exercise
    our discretion and consider the merits of Claxton’s appeal by
    treating the District Court’s failure to issue an explicit ruling
    as an implicit denial of his Rule 33 motion. See Freeman v.
    Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, 
    709 F.3d 240
    , 249 (3d Cir.
    2013) (“[I]t is within our discretion to consider an issue that
    the parties did not raise below.”). In reaching this conclusion,
    we are guided by two principles.
    First, we are unwilling to pin the District Court’s error
    in failing to make a conditional ruling on Claxton, who did
    timely file a motion for a new trial. See United States v.
    217 F.3d 1084
    , 1096 (9th Cir. 2000) (rejecting the
    government’s argument that the defendant should suffer the
    consequences of the district court’s failure to comply with
    Rule 29(d) and the defendant’s failure to raise that error on a
    prior appeal). It would be wholly improper to deny Claxton
    a ruling on his new trial motion simply because the District
    Court erred in the first place by failing to comply with the
    dictates of Rule 29(d). See 
    Wasserson, 418 F.3d at 240
    (acknowledging district court error in failing to make a
    conditional ruling). The court in Kellington acknowledged
    that “[t]he right to a new trial where the interests of justice so
    require—a right which antedates the Constitution itself—
    must weigh in the balance of our construction of Rule 
    29(d).” 217 F.3d at 1096
    n.14 (quoting our decision in Ogden v.
    United States, 
    112 F. 523
    , 525 (3d Cir. 1902), for the
    proposition that “[t]he right to move for a new trial, and to
    have that motion considered upon the reasons presented for it,
    is an absolute one, and the granting or refusal thereof does not
    rest in the discretion of the court.”). Considerations of
    judicial economy likewise dictate that the ruling should not be
    delayed merely to give the District Court yet another
    opportunity to rule on the motions, which would result in
    further delay and possibly another appeal.
    Second, we are guided by decisions of several of our
    sister courts of appeals that have treated a district court’s
    failure to rule on an outstanding motion as an implicit denial
    of that motion. See e.g., United States v. Jasso, 
    634 F.3d 305
    307 n.2 (5th Cir. 2011) (treating a district court’s failure to
    rule on a motion for reconsideration as an implicit denial);
    United States v. Depew, 
    210 F.3d 1061
    , 1065 (9th Cir. 2000)
    (treating a district court’s failure to rule on a motion for
    employment of an expert witness as an implicit denial). In
    Tollett v. City of Kemah, the Fifth Circuit addressed a new
    trial motion that remained outstanding on the district court’s
    docket following the entry of the final judgment in that case.
    285 F.3d 357
    , 370 n.* (5th Cir. 2002). In concluding that it
    would address the motion on appeal, the court emphasized
    that “[d]espite the district court’s failure to rule, neither side
    subsequently requested that it do so.” 
    Id. (emphasis in
    original). Likewise in this case, the entry of the Judgment
    and Commitment order following Claxton’s sentencing
    constituted “the entry of a final judgment or of an order
    inconsistent with the granting of the relief sought by the
    motion [for a new trial].” Norman v. Apache Corp., 
    19 F.3d 1017
    , 1021 (5th Cir. 1994). Neither party raised this issue
    before the District Court and we will treat Claxton’s motions
    as having been implicitly denied and consider them on the
    B.     Speedy Trial Act/Sixth Amendment right to a
    speedy trial
    Claxton raises two issues with respect to the delay in
    commencing the trial against him, one under the STA, and the
    other under the Sixth Amendment. The essence of these
    challenges is that the time between when he was indicted
    (December 2006), and the start of his trial (May 2010),
    violated his statutory and constitutional rights to a speedy
    1.     Speedy Trial Act Violation
    Claxton first challenges the validity of the proceedings
    against him under the STA. “We exercise plenary review
    over the district court’s construction and interpretation of the
    [STA] and its provisions regarding excludable time.” United
    States v. Hamilton, 
    46 F.3d 271
    , 273 (3d Cir. 1995) (citation
    omitted). The findings of fact to which the District Court
    applied the STA are reviewed for clear error. 
    Id. The STA
    generally requires a trial to begin within
    seventy days of the filing of an information or indictment, or
    the defendant's initial appearance, whichever last occurs.
    Zedner v. United States, 
    547 U.S. 489
    , 497 (2006) (citing 18
    U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1)). Violations of the STA require
    dismissal of the indictment. 18 U.S.C. § 3162(a)(2). The
    STA recognizes, however, "that criminal cases vary widely
    and that there are valid reasons for greater delay in particular
    Id. To accommodate
    this need for flexibility, the
    STA sets forth periods of time that are excludable from the
    speedy trial clock. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h). Relevant to the
    instant case, § 3161(h)(6) provides for the exclusion of a
    "reasonable period of delay when the defendant is joined for
    trial with a codefendant as to whom the time for trial has not
    run and no motion for severance has been granted." 18
    U.S.C. § 3161(h)(6). We have observed that, "under this
    provision, and until severance is granted, 'an exclusion
    applicable to one defendant applies to all codefendants.'" See
    United States v. Novak, 
    715 F.2d 810
    , 814 (3d Cir. 1983)
    (quoting United States v. Edwards, 
    627 F.2d 460
    , 461 (D.C.
    Cir. 1980)), abrogated on other grounds by United States v.
    811 F.2d 190
    , 200 (3d Cir. 1987) (en banc); see also
    United States v. Arbelaez, 
    7 F.3d 344
    , 347 (3d Cir. 1993).
    Because Claxton was joined as a defendant with nine other
    co-defendants pursuant to § 3161(h)(6), any exclusion
    applicable to his co-defendants will also apply to him.
    Claxton contends that 220 days of non-excludable
    STA time elapsed between his initial appearance and the start
    of his trial. He points first to the period of time between his
    initial appearance on July 16, 2008 and a motion filed by one
    of his co-defendants on August 19, 2008 to continue the trial,
    which he acknowledges stopped the STA clock. He asserts
    that, up until that point, thirty-three days of non-excludable
    time had passed. Claxton also points to the period between
    January 14, 2009 and July 20, 2009, a 187-day period in
    which he claims the only motions filed were those requesting
    a trial date.
    With respect to the first period, § 3161(h)(1)(C)
    provides that delay resulting from interlocutory appeals is
    considered excludable time. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(C).
    Claxton's co-defendants appealed the denial of their motions
    to dismiss on January 21, 2008. We affirmed the District
    Court's decision on July 9, 2008 and, on July 23, 2008, the
    defendants filed a petition for rehearing en banc. Those
    petitions were denied by order dated August 19, 2008.
    Therefore, the only time for which Claxton could plausibly
    claim non-excludable time was between the date of his initial
    appearance or arraignment and the date his co-defendants
    filed their petitions for rehearing—which amounts to only
    seven days.3
    The second period of time occurred between January
    14, 2009 and July 20, 2009. During that time, Claxton argues
    that 187 days passed during which the only motions filed
    were those requesting a trial date. A review of the record,
    however, reveals that much more actually occurred. During
    that time, there were numerous emergency motions filed by
    his co-defendants requesting extensions of time to file
    responses and objections to pre-sentence reports, notices of
    unavailability, motions to continue status conferences,
    requests for hearings, and even a motion to extend the time to
    file pretrial motions. See generally Dist. Ct. Docket, ECF
    Nos. 717-72. These motions served to toll the speedy trial
    clock for all defendants until the District Court held a hearing
    on the motions. See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(D) (tolling of
    STA clock occurs during time between filing of a pretrial
    motion and the required hearing on that motion); see also
    Claxton claims that his speedy trial clock began to run from
    the date of his initial appearance on July 16, 2008, while the
    government argues that the clock did not begin to run until
    July 21. For purposes of STA calculations, however, this
    dispute has no bearing on the outcome because the five days
    at issue are not sufficient to find a STA violation.
    United States v. Tannehill, 
    49 F.3d 1049
    , 1052 n.4 (5th Cir.
    1995) (finding that where defendants requested a hearing, it
    was unnecessary to determine whether the hearing was
    “required” for STA purposes). The record reveals that the
    District Court conducted a hearing on at least some of these
    motions at the moving defendants’ request on October 7,
    2009, at which time the District Court set a date for trial. The
    intervening time, therefore, was excludable under the STA.
    See Henderson v. United States, 
    476 U.S. 321
    , 326 (1986)
    (“The plain terms of the [STA] appear to exclude all time
    between the filing of and the hearing on a motion whether
    that hearing was prompt or not.”). Given the complexities of
    the case, the number of defendants, and the logistics of
    bringing so many defendants to trial, we cannot say, based
    upon the record as a whole, that Claxton has demonstrated a
    violation of his speedy trial rights under the STA.
    2.     Sixth Amendment speedy trial right
    Claxton argues that his Sixth Amendment right to a
    speedy trial was violated by the government’s delay in
    bringing him to trial. We exercise de novo review over legal
    questions in a claim of Sixth Amendment error and review
    the underlying factual findings for clear error. United States
    v. Velazquez, 
    749 F.3d 161
    , 174 (3d Cir. 2014).4
    The Supreme Court decision Barker v. Wingo, 
    407 U.S. 514
    (1972), set forth a four-factor test that courts use to
    On April 22, 2014, we ordered the parties to file letter briefs
    addressing the impact of our recent decision in Velazquez on
    Claxton’s Sixth Amendment argument. As we discuss below,
    we find Velazquez to be distinguishable and will affirm the
    District Court’s conclusion that no Sixth Amendment
    violation occurred.
    examine alleged Sixth Amendment violations. “The inquiry
    focuses on: (1) the length of the delay before trial; (2) the
    reason for the delay and, specifically, whether the
    government or the defendant is more to blame; (3) the extent
    to which the defendant asserted his speedy trial right; and (4)
    the prejudice suffered by the defendant.” 
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 174
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530-31
    ). No single
    factor in the Barker calculus is “‘talismanic.’” 
    Id. (quoting Hakeem
    v. Beyer, 
    990 F.2d 750
    , 759 (3d Cir. 1993)).
    “[B]ecause of the imprecision of the right to speedy trial, the
    length of delay that will provoke such an inquiry is
    necessarily dependent upon the peculiar circumstances of the
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530-31
    . Thus, “the delay that can
    be tolerated for an ordinary street crime is considerably less
    than for a serious, complex conspiracy charge.” 
    Id. at 531.
           Velazquez reaffirmed the need to apply the factors set
    forth in Barker when addressing alleged Sixth Amendment
    speedy trial violations and involves facts that are somewhat
    analogous to this case. Velazquez was being investigated by
    the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) in
    Philadelphia for suspected trafficking in 
    cocaine. 749 F.3d at 168
    . Velazquez (who lived in California) and his co-
    defendants were indicted on August 2, 2005, and a warrant
    was issued for Velazquez’s arrest shortly thereafter. 
    Id. Over the
    next five years, investigators did little more than
    occasionally run Velazquez’s name through the National
    Crime Information Center (“NCIC”) database. 
    Id. at 170-71.
    It was not until nearly six-and-a-half years later that
    Velazquez was apprehended on an unrelated narcotics charge
    and was returned to Philadelphia to face trial for the charges
    alleged in the 2005 indictment. 
    Id. at 173.
         Velazquez sought to dismiss the indictment on Sixth
    Amendment speedy trial grounds, and the district court
    denied the motion. 
    Id. The court
    concluded that because the
    government felt that it was unlikely to locate the defendant, it
    reasonably conserved its resources and waited for further
    information before pursuing its investigation. 
    Id. We reversed
    after analyzing each of the Barker factors and
    concluding: (1) the length of delay triggered the need to
    analyze all four factors; (2) the government was not
    reasonably diligent in pursuing its investigation; (3)
    Velazquez was diligent in asserting his speedy trial rights;
    and (4) the government failed to overcome the general
    presumption of prejudice that arises in cases of excessive
    Id. at 174-86.
    In weighing all the factors, we
    concluded that the delay violated Velazquez’s constitutional
    right to a speedy trial, and that dismissal of the indictment
    was required. 
    Id. at 186.
           The parties here dispute whether Velazquez controls
    the outcome in the present case. We will consider its
    relevance along with each of the Barker factors, below.
    Length of delay
    The threshold question under Barker is whether the
    length of delay was sufficient to trigger analysis of the
    remaining factors.       This involves “a double enquiry.”
    Doggett v. United States, 
    505 U.S. 647
    , 652 (1992). “In other
    words, a court first decides whether the delay is long enough
    that it should trigger analysis of the other Barker factors. . . .
    If it is, the length of the delay is also separately weighed in
    the court’s analysis of the remaining factors.” 
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 174
    (citations omitted). The length of delay is
    measured “from the date of arrest or indictment, whichever is
    earlier, until the start of trial.” United States v. Battis, 
    589 F.3d 673
    , 678 (3d Cir. 2009) (citing 
    Hakeem, 990 F.2d at 760
    ). “We have previously held that a delay of even fourteen
    months is sufficient to trigger review of the remaining Barker
    factors. Id. (citing 
    Hakeem, 990 F.2d at 760
    In the present case, both parties concede that review of
    the remaining factors is necessary because the period of time
    between Claxton’s indictment and trial sufficiently exceeds
    the fourteen-month threshold recognized in Hakeem. This
    factor will therefore weigh in Claxton’s favor. 
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 174
    The reason for the delay
    The government bears the burden of justifying the
    delay in bringing a defendant to trial. 
    Battis, 589 F.3d at 680
    Hakeem, 990 F.2d at 770
    ). “In evaluating this factor,
    we subtract the amount of delay caused by the defendant from
    the delay caused by the Government.” 
    Id. (citing United
    States v. Dent, 
    149 F.3d 180
    , 184-85 (3d Cir. 1998)). In
    Battis, we set forth the three categories of delay and the
    resulting weight each carries against the government: (1) “A
    deliberate effort by the Government to delay the trial in order
    to hamper the defense weighs heavily against the
    government;” (2) “A more neutral reason such as negligence
    or overcrowded courts also weighs against the Government,
    though less heavily;” and (3) “a valid reason, such as a
    missing witness, should serve to justify appropriate delay.”
    Id. at 679
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).
    “By contrast, delay caused by the defense weighs against the
    Id. at 680
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    This case presents a sparse record from which to
    determine which party has captured “the ‘flag all litigants
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 175
    (quoting United States v.
    Loud Hawk, 
    474 U.S. 302
    , 315 (1986)). Despite the
    shortcomings, the delay caused by the defendants in this case
    dramatically reduces the length of the delay we must consider
    for purposes of this element. Claxton’s trial commenced in
    May of 2010, twenty-two months after his arraignment in the
    District of the Virgin Islands in July of 2008. As discussed
    above, however, that delay was excusable as a result of the
    myriad motions and appeals filed by Claxton and his co-
    defendants. Such excusable delay is subtracted from the
    delay attributable to the government. See 
    Battis, 589 F.3d at 680
    . The remaining delay—the nineteen months between the
    indictment in December 2006 and Claxton’s initial
    appearance in July 2008—is more than offset by the twenty-
    two month post-appearance delay that is attributable to the
    The nineteen-month delay attributable to the
    government, moreover, is also likely justified in light of the
    record in this case. At Claxton’s initial appearance on July
    16, 2008, the government’s witness testified that information
    obtained by government agents indicated that Claxton could
    be found in Orlando, Florida, and that agents ultimately
    arrested him there pursuant to a warrant. The government
    witness at Claxton’s subsequent arraignment and detention
    hearing observed in response to a question about Claxton’s
    residence that: “Mr. Claxton used to reside in St. Thomas. As
    of 2005, it’s been unclear exactly where Mr. Claxton resides.
    Otherwise, I think we’d have picked him up.” App. at 86-87.
    Our review of the record reveals that none of the grounds
    outlined in Battis appears to be implicated in this case such
    that this period should weigh against the 
    government. 589 F.3d at 679-80
    . Under the circumstances presented here, it
    appears as though the government promptly acted upon
    information it obtained in the course of its investigation and
    arrested Claxton when it discovered his whereabouts.
    More important, however, is the fact that this case is
    easily distinguishable from Velazquez. That case involved an
    extensive record of less than enthusiastic government pursuit.
    As we pointed out in Velazquez, almost five years elapsed
    during which investigators input Velazquez’s name into the
    NCIC database only eight 
    times. 749 F.3d at 180
    . The
    government conceded that it had made a “tactical choice” to
    pursue other leads during that time, and to essentially ignore
    Id. at 176-78.
    This case simply does not reflect
    the complete “lack of effort by law enforcement authorities”
    at issue in Velazquez for four reasons. 
    Id. at 178.
    First, the
    investigatory period was far shorter—less than two years in
    Claxton’s case as opposed to more than five years in
    Velazquez. Second, Claxton’s case involved a complex
    international drug-smuggling operation as opposed to the
    more straightforward domestic drug trafficking scheme in
    See 749 F.3d at 167-68
    (outlining the conduct at
    issue in that case). Third, Velazquez did not involve the type
    of delay attributable to the defendants that occurred in
    Claxton’s case—delay that offsets any delay attributable to
    the government. Finally, the break in Claxton’s case was the
    result of police work—he was arrested after investigators
    followed up on his attempts to obtain a passport—as opposed
    to Velazquez, who was arrested on an unrelated controlled
    substance charge. These facts, combined with the substantial
    delay attributable to the defendants in this case, demonstrate
    that the government has met its burden of justifying any delay
    that occurred. See 
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530-31
    (noting that
    delay for Sixth Amendment purposes is dependent upon the
    facts of the individual case). This factor will, therefore,
    weigh in the government’s favor.
    Defendant’s assertion of the right
    The third factor in the Barker analysis is the degree to
    which the defendant asserts his speedy trial right, “including
    ‘the frequency and force’ of such assertions.” 
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 183
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 529
    ). The parties
    both concede that Claxton has repeatedly asserted his speedy
    trial rights. This factor therefore weighs in his favor.
    Prejudice suffered by the defendant
    The final consideration in the Barker analysis is the
    prejudice suffered by the defendant. The Doggett Court
    identified three types of harm that arise from unreasonable
    delay between formal accusation and trial: (1) “oppressive
    pretrial incarceration;” (2) “anxiety and concern of the
    accused;” and (3) “the possibility that the [accused’s] defense
    will be impaired by dimming memories and loss of
    evidence.” 505 U.S. at 654
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (alteration in original). The Doggett Court
    also acknowledged that excessive delay can lead to a
    presumption of prejudice, but added that “such presumptive
    prejudice cannot alone carry a Sixth Amendment claim
    without regard to the other Barker criteria . . . it is part of the
    mix of relevant facts, and its importance increases with the
    length of delay.” 
    Id. at 655-56.
    See also 
    id. at 657
    that “to warrant granting relief, negligence unaccompanied by
    particularized trial prejudice must have lasted longer than
    negligence demonstrably causing such prejudice.”).
    Claxton claims both presumptive prejudice and actual
    prejudice stemming from the delay in bringing him to trial.
    We first find that no presumption of prejudice exists in this
    case. In total, less than three-and-a-half years elapsed
    between Claxton’s indictment and the start of his trial. Of
    that time, however, only nineteen months are attributable to
    governmental delay in apprehending Claxton and bringing
    him before the District Court. That is not substantially more
    than the fourteen-and-a-half months of pretrial incarceration
    at issue in 
    Hakeem. 990 F.2d at 771
    (declining to find that a
    fourteen-and-a-half month period of pretrial incarceration was
    per se oppressive or prejudicial). Claxton was, of course, free
    during that entire period and by his own admission was
    unaware of the charges pending against him such as would
    cause anxiety or concern. See Claxton Ltr. Br. May 2, 2014,
    at 5. Doggett and Velazquez are also distinguishable from the
    present case, as those cases involved eight-and-a-half years
    (Doggett) and more than five years (Velazquez) of pre-arrest
    delay, as well as findings that the government’s efforts in
    apprehending the defendants were negligent at best. See
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 657
    Velazquez, 749 F.3d at 184-86
    The post-arrest delay in this case was also not
    prejudicial because it was largely caused by the number of
    defendants, the extensive motions practice and the delay
    resulting from the appeals undertaken in this complex and
    large-scale drug conspiracy prosecution. See 
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 531
    (acknowledging that longer delays are tolerable
    based upon the seriousness or complexity of a particular
    case). We therefore conclude that the delay at issue in the
    present case does not rise to the level of presumptively
    Claxton next argues that he suffered specific prejudice
    stemming from the eighty-four day period that he was held in
    Puerto Rico prior to being brought before the District Court.
    He characterizes this period as “oppressive pretrial
    incarceration” that rose to the level of a Sixth Amendment
    violation. We have held that a finding of prejudice based
    upon oppressive pretrial incarceration cannot be premised
    upon even seven months of pretrial incarceration, “absent [a
    showing of] substandard conditions.” 
    Hakeem, 990 F.2d at 760
    (citing Wells v. Petsock, 
    941 F.2d 253
    , 257-58 (3d Cir.
    1991)). Claxton has given no indication that he faced
    substandard conditions as compared to those generally
    associated with the transfer of prisoners, nor has he identified
    any decision finding that a two-and-a-half month delay
    constitutes oppressive pretrial incarceration. See 
    id. (seven- month
    delay insufficient to be prejudicial).5
    Because we conclude that Claxton neither suffered
    from a presumption of prejudice nor has he identified a
    specific occurrence of prejudice, the final Barker factor
    weighs in the government’s favor.
    In weighing the Barker factors, we note that the reason
    for the delay and the prejudice factors both weigh in the
    government’s favor. These factors certainly carry a great deal
    of weight insofar as they relate to the substantive facts of the
    case. We do acknowledge, however, that Claxton did assert
    his speedy trial rights and that the delay was sufficient to
    trigger the Barker analysis. Nevertheless, the fact remains
    that much of the delay at issue in this present case was
    attributable to his co-defendants’ own conduct, and Claxton
    has not shown either presumed or actual prejudice. In light of
    these facts, we conclude that the balance weighs in favor of
    Claxton’s reliance upon the STA is equally unavailing. He
    asserts that the eighty-four day delay was prejudicial because
    it “exceed[ed] the 70 day limit contemplated by the [STA].”
    Claxton Ltr. Br. May 2, 2014, at 7. As he is forced to
    concede, however, time during which a defendant is being
    transferred between districts is excluded from consideration
    for STA purposes, and this argument is, therefore, a non
    the government, and Claxton has not demonstrated a Sixth
    Amendment speedy trial violation.
    C.     Sixth Amendment right to an impartial jury
    Claxton seeks a new trial on the basis that his Sixth
    Amendment rights were violated when he was deprived of the
    right to a fair and impartial jury. “We analyze [a] defendant’s
    claims of lack of an impartial jury by conducting an
    independent review of the voir dire of the empaneled [sic]
    jurors to determine whether [the defendant] has demonstrated
    that ‘substantial prejudice’ arose from the publicity.” Gov’t
    of Virgin Islands v. Riley, 
    973 F.2d 224
    , 226 (3d Cir. 1992)
    (quoting United States v. Gilsenan, 
    949 F.2d 90
    , 95 (3d Cir.
    1991)). Our review of a district court’s investigation of juror
    misconduct, as well as its denial of a mistrial, is for abuse of
    discretion. United States v. Resko, 
    3 F.3d 684
    , 688 (3d Cir.
    1993). Claxton asserts three grounds for this alleged
    violation: (1) pretrial publicity; (2) jury tampering; and (3)
    juror misconduct. We address each argument below.
    1.     Pretrial publicity
    Claxton first argues that the publicity surrounding the
    Mark/Blyden trial, which concluded two weeks prior to the
    Claxton trial and involved an organizational chart that listed
    Claxton’s name as well as those of his co-defendants, was so
    prejudicial that he was denied a fair and impartial trial. Our
    review of the record has revealed no evidence that Claxton’s
    trial was prejudiced by pretrial publicity.
    The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a trial by
    a fair and impartial jury. United States v. Jones, 
    566 F.3d 353
    , 358 (3d Cir. 2009). Therefore, a conviction may be
    overturned if a defendant’s “trial atmosphere was so pervaded
    by publicity that no jury could be empaneled [sic] which did
    not have a preconceived determination of guilt.” Riley, 
    973 26 F.2d at 226
    (citing Irwin v. Dowd, 
    366 U.S. 717
    (1961)). The
    Supreme Court has cautioned, however, that the “relevant
    question is not whether the community remembered the case,
    but whether the jurors at [the] trial had such fixed opinions
    that they could not judge impartially the guilt of the
    defendant.” Patton v. Yount, 
    467 U.S. 1025
    , 1035 (1984)
    (rejecting fair trial argument even though pretrial publicity
    revealed defendant’s previous murder confession and his plea
    of temporary insanity). Therefore, “‘[p]retrial publicity
    exposure will not automatically taint a juror.’” 
    Riley, 973 F.2d at 227
    (quoting United States v. Provenzano, 
    620 F.2d 985
    , 995 (3d Cir. 1980)). Even in instances where a “‘juror
    has heard of or about the case and of the allegations of a
    defendant’s guilt, he may sit if he is still capable of
    abandoning his prior impressions and rendering a fair verdict
    on the evidence.’” 
    Id. (citing Provenzano,
    620 F.2d at 995-96
    (rejecting a fair trial argument based upon jury members’
    knowledge of certain terms such as “Mafia,” “gangster,” and
    “organized crime” used in the media to refer to the
    defendant’s case)). The Supreme Court aptly summarized:
    “pretrial publicity – even pervasive, adverse publicity – does
    not inevitably lead to an unfair trial.” Skilling v. United
    561 U.S. 358
    , 384 (2010).
    In Claxton’s case, the District Court took great pains
    during the voir dire process to ensure that it eradicated any
    potential prejudice stemming from the earlier Mark/Blyden
    trial. Specifically, the District Court asked the venire panel:
    “Have any of you read, or heard anything about this case
    involving those Defendants? If so, raise your card. . . . 176.
    All right. All right.” App. at 222. Upon further examination,
    the District Court established as follows:
    THE COURT: You indicated you
    had read something about this
    JUROR 176: Yes.
    THE COURT: Tell us what your
    source was.
    JUROR 176: I read The Daily
    News, the Judge report, and dem
    man say every day, and I’m pretty
    sure I read something about a
    large trafficking case, and there
    were a lot of other people
    implicated that were still left to go
    to trial.
    THE COURT: All right. Your
    duty as a juror is to be fair and
    impartial as you listen to the
    evidence, and to follow my
    instructions on the law. Is there
    anything that you have read or
    seen or heard that would prevent
    you from listening to the evidence
    in this case fairly and impartially?
    JUROR 176: I think I know one
    of the Defendants, and I know
    him to be a drug dealer, but I
    can’t tell you how that
    relationship or when I met him
    THE COURT: I’m sorry. You
    said who?
    JUROR 176: One, Mr. Moses,         I
    know to be a drug dealer, but      I
    can’t tell you how I know that.    I
    just seen him on the street when   I
    worked at my other job.
    THE COURT: All right. Thank
    App. at 225-26. Juror number 176 was ultimately excused by
    the Court for cause. The District Court also excused for
    cause the one juror who attended voir dire in the
    Mark/Blyden trial. None of the other potential jurors
    participating in voir dire in this case expressed any
    knowledge of the prior trial. Absent such knowledge, we
    cannot say that the jury was unfairly tainted in Claxton’s case.
    Even if other jurors had been aware of the prior trial
    (although the record is devoid of such evidence), the District
    Court further protected against potential prejudice by
    instructing the jurors that the defendants were to be presumed
    innocent until the government was able to prove each
    defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and the jurors
    were instructed to decide the case based solely on the
    evidence presented in the courtroom, disregarding anything
    that they may have seen or heard prior to trial. These
    instructions provided a further level of insurance against
    prejudice. See 
    Riley, 973 F.2d at 227
    (relying, in part, on
    district court’s instructions in finding no prejudice). Jurors
    are presumed to follow the instructions they are given, and
    Claxton offers no evidence to rebut that presumption. E.g.,
    Penry v. Johnson, 
    532 U.S. 782
    , 799 (2001) (“We generally
    presume that jurors follow their instructions.”). Because
    nothing in the record indicates that the jurors who were
    ultimately impaneled had already determined Claxton’s guilt,
    or that they could not maintain an open mind in determining
    his guilt based upon the evidence presented at trial, Claxton’s
    Sixth Amendment claim with respect to pretrial publicity
    2.     Jury tampering
    Claxton next argues that he was denied a fair and
    impartial jury as a result of the unauthorized contact with
    Juror 125, who in turn discussed that contact with Juror 159.
    We conclude that the District Court did not abuse its
    discretion by denying Claxton’s motion for a mistrial because
    it conducted a thorough examination of both jurors,
    sequestered the jury for the remainder of the trial, and
    ultimately excluded both jurors from deliberations.
    “‘It is fundamental that every litigant who is entitled to
    trial by jury is entitled to an impartial jury, free to the fullest
    extent practicable from extraneous influences that may
    subvert the fact-finding process.’” United States v. Bertoli,
    40 F.3d 1384
    , 1393 (3d Cir. 1994) (quoting Waldorf v. Shuta,
    3 F.3d 705
    , 709 (3d Cir. 1993)). In this regard, “‘any private
    communication, contact, or tampering directly or indirectly,
    with a juror during a trial about the matter pending before the
    jury is . . . deemed presumptively prejudicial.’” United States
    v. Vega, 
    285 F.3d 256
    , 266 (3d Cir. 2002) (quoting 
    Remmer, 347 U.S. at 229
    ). This presumption is not conclusive,
    however, and the district court should conduct a hearing in
    the defendant’s presence, at which the government has the
    burden of proving that the communication did not and will
    not prejudice the defendant. 
    Id. A district
    court has the
    sound discretion to conduct the hearing as it sees fit, but it
    “must conduct a voir dire of all jurors with whom the
    improper communication occurred that is sufficiently tailored
    to probe adequately the possibility of prejudice.”           
    Id. (emphasis added).
           Claxton argues that the District Court had a duty to
    conduct a Remmer hearing of the entire jury after it learned of
    the improper contact with Juror 125.6 This is simply
    incorrect—Vega and Remmer instruct that courts need only
    hear from those jurors to whom the improper communication
    was made. 
    Id. That occurred
    in this case insofar as Jurors
    125 and 159 indicated that they only discussed the incident
    with each other (along with some family members) and not
    with any other jurors. Claxton speculates that one of the
    affected jurors might have been lying when asked if they had
    talked to other jurors, but provides no basis in the record for
    Claxton relies upon the Ninth Circuit’s decision in United
    States v. Angulo in making this argument. 
    4 F.3d 843
    Cir. 1993). In that case, a juror was threatened in a phone call
    and she promptly told all the remaining jurors about the call.
    Id. at 846.
    The district court in that case had to examine the
    entire jury panel because the threat “was communicated to the
    other jurors.” 
    Id. at 847.
    Angulo is thus distinguishable
    because such communication to the entire jury panel did not
    occur in this case.
    arriving at such conclusion.7 The District Court, which was
    in the best position to judge the jurors’ credibility, examined
    the jurors and found their testimony to be credible and
    consistent. The District Court thus did not abuse its
    discretion in concluding that further voir dire was
    The record also demonstrates that the District Court
    conducted a sufficiently thorough investigation and properly
    concluded that Claxton suffered no prejudice. As required by
    this Court’s decision in Vega, the District Court questioned
    the affected jurors about their ability to remain fair and
    impartial and both reported that they could. The record also
    reveals other objective evidence of the jurors’ ability to
    remain impartial. See 
    Vega, 285 F.3d at 267
    (requiring courts
    to look beyond a potentially tainted juror’s subjective
    assessment of their impartiality). Juror 125 was extremely
    candid about the improper contacts and answered all of the
    District Court’s questions in a way that it found to be
    believable. Her candor is reflected by the admission that she
    Claxton points to Juror 125’s testimony at a subsequent trial
    as being inconsistent with what she reported to the District
    Court in Claxton’s case. This effort to impugn Juror 125’s
    testimony is of little consequence. The District Court was in
    the best position to determine whether the jurors were
    credible, and found them to be so. Nothing about Juror 125’s
    subsequent testimony, even if it was inconsistent, reveals that
    she told any of the other jurors about her encounter during the
    Claxton trial. Under an abuse of discretion standard, we will
    not second-guess the District Court’s determination,
    particularly where it turns on a credibility finding that is not
    contradicted by the record before it. See United States v.
    910 F.2d 1084
    , 1140 (3d Cir. 1990).
    did, in fact, discuss the contacts with Juror 159 and other
    family members. Juror 159 was likewise the person who told
    Juror 125 to report the improper contacts to the District
    Court—thus demonstrating her willingness to follow its
    instructions. Finally, we note the most critical insurance
    against prejudice in this case—the fact that neither Juror 125
    nor 159 actually participated in the jury’s deliberations. In
    light of these facts, we cannot conclude that the District Court
    abused its discretion in addressing the juror tampering issue.
    3.     Juror misconduct
    Claxton’s final argument is that the District Court
    erred in failing to grant a new trial despite his allegations that
    a juror concealed a prior work relationship with a government
    witness. Specifically, Claxton alleged that Juror 161 failed
    during voir dire to disclose that he had previously worked at
    the Virgin Islands Housing Authority with government
    witness Mark Joseph and defense witness Calford
    Charleswell.8 The District Court never ruled on this motion,
    and no hearing was held. We therefore treat the motion as
    having been implicitly denied. See Section 
    III.A., supra
    “A trial represents an important investment of private
    and social resources, and it ill serves the important end of
    finality to wipe the slate clean simply to recreate the
    peremptory challenge process because counsel lacked an item
    of information which objectively he should have obtained
    from a juror on voir dire examination.” McDonough Power
    Equip., Inc. v. Greenwood, 
    464 U.S. 548
    , 555 (1984). In
    We note that Claxton was not so vociferous in pointing out
    the potential bias in his favor based upon the fact that Juror
    161 also worked with Mr. Charleswell, who was a witness for
    co-defendant Woods.
    order to obtain a new trial on the basis of false juror
    testimony, a party must establish: (1) that the “juror failed to
    answer honestly a material question on voir dire;” and (2)
    “that a correct response would have provided a valid basis for
    a challenge for cause.” 
    Id. at 556.
            Because the District Court failed to conduct a hearing
    with respect to Claxton’s assertions about Juror 161’s past
    employment relationship with the government witness, we
    will presume that the allegations are true—i.e. that Juror 161
    failed to honestly answer the Court’s voir dire questions
    about knowing witnesses—and consider whether the second
    prong is met. At the outset, we note that the District Court
    did not commit an error of law insofar as the law “does not
    categorically impute bias to coworkers of key Government
    witnesses.” United States v. Mitchell, 
    690 F.3d 137
    , 150 (3d
    Cir. 2012) (declining to find implied-in-law bias when a juror
    was a coworker of police officers who testified in a criminal
    trial). Claxton has likewise failed to demonstrate any basis
    for finding actual prejudice. His assertions establish only
    that, at some unspecified time in the past, Juror 161 worked
    with both a government and defense witness. The motion
    does not indicate that Juror 161 actually knew either of the
    witnesses, nor does it indicate any possible basis for bias
    beyond having shared a former employer. We cannot say that
    the District Court abused its discretion in implicitly finding
    that this was not a basis for a challenge for cause.
    Moreover, Claxton’s allegations also fail to rise to the
    level of “clear, strong, substantial and incontrovertible
    evidence that a specific, nonspeculative impropriety has
    occurred” such that a hearing was necessary. United States v.
    433 F.3d 273
    , 302-03 (2d Cir. 2006) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). He offers nothing more than
    speculation that Juror 161even knew the witnesses, much less
    that the juror was biased in the government’s favor—
    particularly when Juror 161 also worked with a defense
    witness. Absent such a showing, and in light of the Supreme
    Court’s admonition that we should not “wipe the slate clean
    simply to recreate the peremptory challenge process,”
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 555
    , we conclude that the District
    Court did not abuse its discretion in implicitly denying
    Claxton’s motion and for not holding a hearing.
    D.     Drug evidence
    Claxton argues that the District Court abused its
    discretion when it admitted evidence related to the September
    2003 drug seizure because the evidence was highly
    prejudicial, irrelevant to the charged conspiracy, and was not
    probative with respect to the charges against him. He
    maintains that there was no connection drawn between the
    drug evidence and the charged conspiracy. We review the
    District Court’s decision to admit that evidence for an abuse
    of discretion. United States v. Bobb, 
    471 F.3d 491
    , 497 (3d
    Cir. 2006). “[T]o the extent the District Court’s admission of
    evidence was based on an interpretation of the Federal Rules
    of Evidence, the standard of review is plenary.” 
    Id. Federal Rule
    of Evidence 403 provides that a “court
    may exclude relevant evidence if its probative value is
    substantially outweighed by a danger of . . . unfair prejudice,
    confusing the issues, misleading the jury, undue delay,
    wasting time, or needlessly presenting cumulative evidence.”
    Fed. R. Evid. 403. Rule 403 creates a presumption of
    admissibility. United States v. Cross, 
    308 F.3d 308
    , 323 (3d
    Cir. 2002). When weighing the Rule 403 factors, courts
    “must appraise the genuine need for the challenged evidence
    and balance that necessity against the risk of prejudice to the
    defendant.” Gov’t of Virgin Islands v. Archibald, 
    987 F.2d 35
    180, 186 (3d Cir. 1993) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Evidence should not be excluded under Rule 403 “merely
    because its unfairly prejudicial effect is greater than its
    probative value. Rather, evidence can be kept out only if its
    unfairly prejudicial effect ‘substantially outweigh[s]’ its
    probative value. . . . [W]hen evidence is highly probative,
    even a large risk of unfair prejudice may be tolerable.”
    Cross, 308 F.3d at 323
    (quoting Fed. R. Evid. 403).
    The drug evidence at issue here (which included
    photographs and physical evidence of the seized drugs) was
    highly probative of the government’s case and relevant to
    establishing the overall drug conspiracy with which Claxton
    was charged. The government established the connection
    between the drug evidence and the conspiracy through
    Glenson Isaac, who testified about his participation in the
    conspiracy with Mark and about his expectation that he would
    receive a shipment of five kilograms of cocaine in September
    2003. He did not receive that shipment, however, because
    according to Mark, the drugs “were seized [at] the [Cyril E.
    King] airport.” Supp. App. at 12. From this testimony, it can
    be reasonably inferred that the drugs admitted into evidence
    were the same drugs that Isaac expected to obtain. Isaac
    further testified that Claxton “was a member of the
    organization.” Supp. App. at 14-15. Based upon this
    testimony, the drug evidence was highly relevant to
    establishing both the existence of a conspiracy and Claxton’s
    involvement in it, both of which the government had the
    burden of proving in order to obtain the conviction.
    The evidence was also highly probative of Claxton’s
    involvement in the conspiracy despite his arguments to the
    contrary. He maintains that the seized drugs were related to a
    separate conspiracy based upon inconsistencies in the way the
    drugs were transported and in the testimony from government
    witnesses. Despite these inconsistencies—which go to the
    weight of the evidence and not its admissibility—the fact
    remains that the drugs, along with Isaac’s testimony, provided
    crucial circumstantial evidence of the existence of the
    conspiracy and Claxton’s role in it. See United States v.
    592 F.3d 476
    , 481 (3d Cir. 2010) (drug evidence
    necessary to impute knowledge of a drug conspiracy to co-
    Claxton, 685 F.3d at 308
    (affirming Claxton’s
    conviction on sufficiency of the evidence grounds and relying
    upon Boria). In light of the probative value of the drug
    evidence at issue here, we conclude that its value
    substantially outweighed any possible prejudice to Claxton
    and that the District Court did not abuse its discretion in
    allowing its admission.
    E.      Brady/Giglio evidence
    Claxton argues that he is entitled to a new trial based
    upon alleged violations of the rules in Brady, Giglio, and the
    Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3500.9 He identifies two categories
    of letters that were allegedly not disclosed by the government
    and contain information that could have been used to impeach
    key government witnesses. The first category involved
    twenty-eight letters sent by Turnbull and Springette to various
    government officials, including federal agents, the District
    Court, and several government attorneys (the “Turnbull and
    Springette Letters”). Claxton sought these letters on the
    Although Claxton alludes to the Jencks Act, his evidentiary
    argument focuses solely on the Brady issue. To the extent
    that he attempts to assert the Jencks Act as a basis for a new
    trial, that argument is waived. Kost v. Kozakiewicz, 
    1 F.3d 176
    , 182 (3d Cir. 1993) (“It is also well settled . . . that casual
    mention of an issue in a brief is cursory treatment insufficient
    to preserve the issue on appeal.”).
    ground that they revealed Turnbull’s and Springette’s belief
    that their sentences would be shortened as a result of their
    cooperation. These letters were disclosed during Claxton’s
    trial, and defense counsel was given the opportunity to cross
    examine Springette and Turnbull about the contents. The
    second category involved letters exchanged between Turnbull
    and Isaac (the “Isaac Letters”), which had been the subject of
    questioning during an earlier trial but were never turned over
    by the government at Claxton’s trial. Claxton’s counsel did,
    however, utilize the earlier testimony when questioning
    government witnesses about the Isaac Letters. The letters
    discussed Turnbull and Isaac’s plan to “put a case” against an
    individual in an effort to take focus off another co-
    Brady and Giglio claims involve mixed questions of
    law and fact, and as such, we review the questions of law de
    novo and the district court’s factual findings for clear error.
    United States v. Risha, 
    445 F.3d 298
    , 303 (3d Cir. 2006).
    Brady holds that “the suppression by the prosecution
    of evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due
    process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to
    punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the
    prosecution.” 373 U.S. at 87
    . A successful Brady claim,
    therefore, consists of three elements: “(1) the prosecution
    must suppress or withhold evidence, (2) which is favorable,
    and (3) material to the defense.” United States v. Perdomo,
    929 F.2d 967
    , 970 (3d Cir. 1991). “When the ‘reliability of a
    given witness may well be determinative of guilt or
    innocence,’ nondisclosure of evidence affecting credibility
    falls within this general rule.” 
    Giglio, 405 U.S. at 154
    (quoting Napue v. Illinois, 
    360 U.S. 264
    , 269 (1959)). “We
    do not . . . automatically require a new trial whenever ‘a
    combing of the prosecutors’ files after the trial has disclosed
    evidence possibly useful to the defense but not likely to have
    changed the verdict.’” 
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. Keogh,
    391 F.2d 138
    , 148 (2d Cir. 1968)). A new trial is only
    warranted when “‘the false testimony could . . . in any
    reasonable likelihood have affected the judgment of the
    Id. Claxton’s Brady
    argument with respect to the Turnbull
    and Springette Letters is necessarily limited, of course, by the
    fact that the government provided the letters to the defense.
    The District Court permitted additional cross examination of
    both witnesses, giving counsel “plenty of leeway” to impeach
    the witnesses and as much time as counsel needed to prepare.
    Trial Tr. May 27, 2010, at 114, 117. To the extent that the
    jury heard the additional cross examination made with the
    benefit of the letters, therefore, Claxton cannot argue that the
    evidence was suppressed or that it was material to the issue of
    guilt because he ultimately used those materials at trial. See
    United States v. Johnson, 
    816 F.2d 918
    , 924 (3d Cir. 1987)
    (“Where the government makes Brady evidence available
    during the course of a trial in such a way that a defendant is
    able to effectively use it, due process is not violated and
    Brady is not contravened.”).
    Instead, Claxton argues that he was prejudiced by the
    government’s intentional suppression of the materials and that
    dismissal of the indictment is the appropriate remedy. In
    Fahie v. Government of the Virgin Islands, we held that
    “dismissal for a Brady violation may be appropriate in cases
    of deliberate misconduct . . . where a defendant can show
    both willful misconduct by the government, and prejudice.”
    419 F.3d 249
    , 254-55 (3d Cir. 2005). We are not persuaded
    by Claxton’s argument that this case presents an opportunity
    to impose the “rare sanction” of dismissal. 
    Id. at 254.
    Claxton offers no record evidence demonstrating that
    the government in this case willfully withheld the Turnbull
    and Springette Letters. Indeed, the letters were promptly
    turned over during trial once they were located by the various
    government agencies, all in time for Claxton to conduct cross
    examination using the materials. Although the government
    did initially fail to promptly turn these letters over to Claxton
    at the appropriate time, we cannot conclude that this delay
    was willful or that it impacted Claxton’s due process rights,
    and we thus reject Claxton’s Brady argument with respect to
    the Turnbull and Springette Letters.
    We also reject Claxton’s contention that he was unable
    to obtain the Isaac Letters. In essence, his argument appears
    to be little more than an attempt to manufacture a Brady claim
    despite his failure to obtain the material by other means. In
    Perdomo, we recognized that “[e]vidence is not considered to
    be suppressed if the defendant either knew or should have
    known of the essential facts permitting him to take advantage
    of any exculpatory 
    evidence.” 929 F.2d at 973
    (citing United
    States v. Torres, 
    719 F.2d 549
    (2d Cir. 1983)). Here,
    Claxton’s examination of Isaac demonstrated counsel’s
    knowledge of the “essential facts” of the Isaac Letters, and
    touched on many of the points counsel believed to be relevant
    to that examination.
    Moreover, counsel’s examination was undertaken
    using the transcript from the 2007 trial, in which Mark’s
    counsel conducted cross examination using the letter itself—
    thus indicating that Mark’s counsel possessed the letter and
    that it was available to Claxton’s counsel independent of the
    government. Contrary to Claxton’s assertion, therefore, it
    appears as though he could have obtained the Isaac Letters
    from a co-defendant’s counsel. This would have obviated the
    need for the government to turn it over. In light of these
    facts, it is Claxton who must bear the burden of his failure to
    “‘diligently seek . . . discovery.’” U.S. v. Dula, 
    989 F.2d 772
    775 n.9 (5th Cir. 1993) (quoting United States v. McKenzie,
    768 F.2d 602
    , 608 (5th Cir. 1985)). We therefore conclude
    that the District Court’s implicit denial of Claxton’s claimed
    Brady violations was proper.
    F.     Safety valve relief
    Claxton’s final contention is that the District Court
    erred in finding that he did not qualify for safety valve relief
    as provided in United States Sentencing Guidelines
    (“U.S.S.G.”) § 5C1.2. We exercise plenary review over a
    district court’s interpretation of the sentencing guidelines, but
    we may reject the court’s underlying factual findings only on
    a showing of clear error. United States v. Sabir, 
    117 F.3d 750
    , 752 (3d Cir. 1997).
    The safety valve provision in § 5C1.2 provides that a
    district court may disregard an otherwise applicable statutory
    mandatory minimum sentence in certain drug crimes,
    provided that the five factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. §§
    3553(f)(1)-(5) are met. U.S.S.G. § 5C1.2(a). The parties
    only dispute the applicability of the fifth factor in this case,
    which permits a district court to impose a sentence “without
    regard to any statutory minimum sentence,” provided that:
    [N]ot later than the time of the
    sentencing hearing, the defendant
    has truthfully provided to the
    Government all information and
    evidence the defendant has
    concerning the offense or offenses
    that were part of the same course
    of conduct or of a common
    scheme or plan, but the fact that
    the defendant has no relevant or
    useful other information to
    provide or that the Government is
    already aware of the information
    shall not preclude a determination
    by the court that the defendant has
    complied with this requirement.
    Id. Claxton raised
    the applicability of § 5C1.2 at the
    sentencing hearing, at which time he submitted evidence of a
    proffer session held with investigators with respect to a
    separate investigation targeting corruption in the Virgin
    Islands Police Department.       The evidence adduced at
    sentencing demonstrated that Claxton was questioned for
    approximately forty-five minutes primarily about his
    knowledge of alleged dog fighting activities.           The
    investigators did question Claxton about whether he had ever
    seen Mark or Blyden at any of the dog fights, but asked
    nothing about the drug conspiracy with which Claxton was
    charged, nor did Claxton independently offer any information
    about that crime. At the end of the proffer session, the
    investigators met privately for approximately ten minutes, at
    which time they returned and informed Claxton that “‘[they]
    ha[d] no use for [him].’” App. at 486.
    Claxton maintains that the proffer session was
    sufficient to meet the requirements of the fifth element of §
    5C1.2; thus rendering him eligible for safety valve relief. We
    disagree. To be eligible for such relief, Claxton must have
    shown that he “provided to the Government all information
    and evidence [he had] concerning the offense or offenses that
    were part of the same course of conduct or of a common
    scheme or plan” as the charged offense. U.S.S.G. §
    5C1.2(a)(5) (emphasis added). Such a showing “requires the
    defendant to reveal a broader scope of information about the
    relevant criminal conduct to authorities.” 
    Sabir, 117 F.3d at 753
    . Claxton bears the burden of establishing that each
    element of the safety valve criteria applies by a
    preponderance of the evidence. 
    Id. at 754.
           The District Court noted at sentencing that:
    [E]ven if the questions were
    propounded in the manner that the
    defense recollects, and the
    defendant       answered      those
    questions, if those questions have
    no bearing on the offense that’s
    being charged or related offenses,
    it seems that it doesn’t obviate the
    need for the defendant still to do
    as the statute requires, which is to
    share with the government all
    information and evidence that the
    defendant has concerning the
    offense or offenses that were part
    of the same scheme.
    App. at 508-09. A review of Claxton’s affidavit reveals that
    the dog fighting activities he discussed at the proffer session
    do not appear to be related to the drug trafficking offense for
    which he was charged. To the extent that he was asked about
    co-defendants Mark and Blyden, Claxton could only report
    having seen Mark at the dog fights. Based upon Claxton’s
    recollection, there was no questioning about the drug
    conspiracy whatsoever. On these facts, we cannot say that
    Claxton has met his burden of demonstrating by a
    preponderance of the evidence that he provided “all
    information” he had regarding the drug trafficking
    conspiracy. U.S.S.G. § 5C1.2(a)(5) (emphasis added). The
    mere fact that the investigators did not ask the “right”
    questions for purposes of Claxton’s safety valve claim did not
    relieve him of his burden under the safety valve provision.
    The District Court did not err in concluding the same, and we
    will affirm its decision.
    For the reasons set forth above, we will affirm
    Claxton’s conviction and sentence.
    COWEN, Circuit Judge.
    I write separately because I believe that Claxton failed
    to preserve his Sixth Amendment challenge for our
    consideration, and I would not reach the merits of that issue.
    I join the majority’s opinion in all other respects.
    I would conclude that Claxton failed to preserve his
    Sixth Amendment challenge because he failed to adequately
    compose the record. On March 23, 2010, the District Court
    orally denied his motion to dismiss on Sixth Amendment
    grounds. The transcript of that proceeding (“the 3-23-10
    Transcript”) constitutes a necessary part of the record on
    appeal. See FED. R. APP. P. 10(a)(2), 30(a)(1); 3d Cir. L.A.R.
    30.3(a) (establishing that transcripts must be included in the
    appendix if they are “necessary for an understanding of the
    issues presented for decision”). Although Claxton ordered
    the 3-23-10 Transcript,1 and although it was made part of the
    See Tr. Purchase Order, United States v. Mark, No.
    06-cr-80 (D.V.I. Nov. 26, 2012), ECF No. 1402. Notably,
    Claxton’s request for the transcript was untimely. He filed
    the notice of this appeal in the District Court on October 9,
    2012. He was then bound to order the 3-23-10 Transcript
    within fourteen days. See FED. R. APP. P. 10(b)(1). But he
    did not order the 3-23-10 Transcript until November 26,
    2012, forty-eight days later. It appears that this, too, might
    warrant dismissal of this aspect of the appeal. See 3d Cir.
    L.A.R. 11.1 (2010) (“Within 14 days after filing a notice of
    appeal, the appellant must deposit with the court report the
    estimated cost of the transcript of all or the necessary part of
    District Court’s record,2 he has failed to include, provide
    explicit citation to, or otherwise refer to it on appeal.
    Claxton’s failure to include, explicitly cite, or
    otherwise refer to the relevant portions of the District Court
    record warrants dismissal pursuant to the Federal Rule of
    Appellate Procedure 30 and related case law. Marcinak v. W.
    Indies Inv. Co., 
    299 F.2d 821
    , 823 (3d Cir. 1962) (“Although
    all of the record is ‘available’ to the court on appeal, unless
    there is some special circumstance nothing will be noticed
    that does not appear in the appendix of the appellant or the
    appellee.”); Hornin v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 
    120 F.2d 500
    , 504 (3d Cir. 1941); see also Abner v. Scott Mem’l Hosp.,
    634 F.3d 962
    , 964-65 (7th Cir. 2011) (surveying cases from
    both the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
    Circuit and other courts that dismissed appeals (or summarily
    affirmed district court judgments) as sanction for violating
    Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 30); United States v.
    579 F.2d 394
    , 397 (6th Cir. 1978) (“In published
    Opinions, this court has dismissed appeals for failure to
    comply with Rule 30.”). Such dismissal, though generally
    disfavored, falls within the exercise of this Court’s sound
    the notes of testimony taken at trial. . . . Failure to comply
    with this rule constitutes grounds for dismissal of the
    appeal.”); Horner Equip. Int’l, Inc. v. Seascape Pool Ctr., 
    884 F.2d 89
    , 92-93 (3d Cir. 1989).
    See 3-23-10 Transcript, United States v. Mark, No.
    06-cr-80 (D.V.I. Jan. 20, 2013), ECF No. 1408. Because the
    3-23-10 Transcript was docketed in the District Court in
    January of 2013, three months before the defendant filed the
    Joint Appendix, his failure to include, cite, or refer to the 3-
    23-10 Transcript on appeal is puzzling.
    discretion. See FED. R. APP. P. 3(a)(2); see also Horner
    Equip., 884 F.2d at 93
    To be sure, dismissal seems particularly appropriate
    here. As noted in the margin, Claxton ordered a copy of that
    transcript before assembling an appendix for appeal. Further,
    it appears that he had ample opportunity to review and
    analyze the substance of the 3-23-10 Transcript, which was
    docketed in the District Court approximately three months
    before he submitted his appendix to this Court. Accordingly,
    he has no excuse for failing to either point us generally to that
    document or draw our attention to specific portions of it.
    It has been oft-noted that “‘Judges are not like pigs,
    hunting for truffles buried in’ the record.” Doeblers’ Pa.
    Hybrids, Inc. v. Doebler, 
    442 F.3d 812
    , 820 (3d Cir. 2006)
    (quoting Albrechtsen v. Bd. of Regents of Univ. of Wis. Sys.,
    309 F.3d 433
    , 436 (7th Cir. 2002) (quoting United States v.
    927 F.2d 955
    , 956 (7th Cir. 1991) (per curiam))).
    And this Court has frequently instructed parties that they bear
    the responsibility to comb the record and point the Court to
    the facts that support their arguments. See id.; 
    Hornin, 120 F.2d at 504
    ; see also Chavez v. Sec’y Fl. Dep’t of Corr., 
    647 F.3d 1057
    , 1061 (11th Cir. 2011) (“Making [the] courts dig
    through volumes of documents and transcripts would shift the
    burden of sifting from [appellants] to the courts. With a
    typically heavy caseload and always limited resources, [the
    courts] cannot be expected to do [an appellant’s] work for
    him.”); Corley v. Rosewood Care Ctr., Inc. of Peoria, 
    388 F.3d 990
    , 1001 (7th Cir. 2004) (“[W]e will not root through
    the hundreds of documents and thousands of pages that make
    up the record here to make [the appellant’s] case for him.”).
    Because Claxton failed to heed those warnings, his appeal,
    insofar as it relates to that failure, should have been

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-3933

Citation Numbers: 61 V.I. 715, 766 F.3d 280

Filed Date: 8/18/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (63)

United States v. Kristopher Douglas Ward , 274 F.3d 1320 ( 2001 )

United States v. Adan Gil Miranda , 425 F.3d 953 ( 2005 )

United States v. James Vincent Keogh , 391 F.2d 138 ( 1968 )

United States v. Martha Stewart and Peter Bacanovic , 433 F.3d 273 ( 2006 )

United States v. Anthony Anibal Torres , 719 F.2d 549 ( 1983 )

Chavez v. Secretary Florida Department of Corrections , 647 F.3d 1057 ( 2011 )

United States v. Michael Dent , 149 F.3d 180 ( 1998 )

Valore L. Marcinak v. The West Indies Investment Company , 299 F.2d 821 ( 1962 )

United States v. John Arbelaez , 7 F.3d 344 ( 1993 )

United States v. Gary Wasserson , 418 F.3d 225 ( 2005 )

United States v. Anthony Provenzano, Stephen Andretta, and ... , 620 F.2d 985 ( 1980 )

Government of the Virgin Islands v. Jareem Fahie , 419 F.3d 249 ( 2005 )

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United States v. Boria , 592 F.3d 476 ( 2010 )

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the-united-states-v-dean-k-felton-nancy-e-bruce-john-zorak-aka , 811 F.2d 190 ( 1987 )

United States v. Richard O. Bertoli , 40 F.3d 1384 ( 1994 )

ali-abdul-habib-hakeem-aka-thomas-wooten-v-howard-l-beyer-attorney , 990 F.2d 750 ( 1993 )

United States v. Jesse James Risha , 445 F.3d 298 ( 2006 )

View All Authorities »