Bamberg v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. , 771 F.3d 37 ( 2014 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Nos. 13-2173
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Ripple,* Circuit Judges.
    Alan K. Cotler, with whom Joan A. Yue, Debra A. Djupman, Roy
    D. Prather III, Reed Smith LLP, Peter C. Horstmann, and Partridge,
    Ankner & Horstmann, LLP were on brief, for appellants James and
    Janet Baker.
    Christian M. Hoffman, with whom Jack R. Pirozzolo, Catherine
    C. Deneke, and Foley Hoag LLP were on brief, for appellants Paul G.
    Bamberg and Robert Roth.
    John D. Donovan, Jr., with whom Daniel V. McCaughey, Matthew
    L. McGinnis, Timothy R. Cahill, Ropes & Gray LLP, Paul Vizcarrondo,
    John F. Lynch, Carrie M. Reilly, Lindsey M. Weiss, Molly K. Grovak,
    and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz were on brief, for appellees
    Goldman, Sachs & Co., et al.
    Of the Seventh Circuit, sitting by designation.
    November 12, 2014
    LYNCH, Chief Judge.       Dragon Systems, Inc. ("Dragon"), a
    leading voice recognition software company in the late 1990s,
    needed infusions of capital to continue operations and so sought an
    acquisition partner.      It hired an investment banker, Goldman Sachs
    ("Goldman"), to assist it.       Dragon was acquired in June 2000 by
    Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V.         But Lernout & Hauspie had
    fraudulently overstated its earnings.           When that was learned,
    bankruptcy ensued for the merged company, and the name Dragon and
    its technology were sold from the estate.
    Naturally, considerable litigation followed out of this
    debacle, including these suits against Goldman by two groups of
    Dragon shareholders.      Goldman has been found not liable both by a
    jury   on   claims   of   negligent    performance   of   services,   gross
    negligence, intentional and negligent misrepresentation, and breach
    of fiduciary duty, and also by a court on claims of violations of
    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A.     After a jury found in favor of Goldman on
    all of plaintiffs' common-law claims on January 23, 2013, the
    district court found that Goldman had not engaged in unfair or
    deceptive conduct in violation of ch. 93A.            The two groups of
    shareholder plaintiffs appeal from the district court's ruling on
    their 93A claims, essentially arguing that there is an incongruity
    between the court's findings of fact and its non-liability finding,
    such as to justify reversal.          As to the jury verdict, plaintiffs
    argue that they are entitled to a new trial on their common law
    claims     because    of   evidentiary      errors    and   erroneous        jury
    instructions.     Finding no error, we affirm.
    A.          Factual Background
    We tell the facts as found by the jury and the court.
    Plaintiffs and now appellants James and Janet Baker,
    Robert Roth, and Paul Bamberg in 1982 founded Dragon, a speech
    recognition technology company. Dragon, a closely-held corporation
    headquartered in Newton, Massachusetts, manufactured and sold
    software which recognized spoken commands and transcribed ordinary
    conversational       speech.    The   Bakers,    Bamberg,      and    Roth   were
    principal shareholders in the company and served at various times
    as members of Dragon's board of directors and senior management.
    At the time of the events giving rise to this lawsuit, the Bakers
    and Seagate Technology (a principal investor in Dragon) owned 90%
    of the company, while Bamberg and Roth owned 8%. At oral argument,
    counsel for Bamberg and Roth referred to Bamberg, Roth, and James
    Baker as the "brains behind [Dragon's] technology."                  Janet Baker
    was Dragon's CEO from 1998 until 1999, when she was asked to
    resign.    The district court found that Janet Baker was "considered
    difficult to work with" while she was CEO.
    By the end of the 1990s, "Dragon had an extensive
    research    and   development    pipeline       for   future    products      and
    opportunities . . . which included speech recognition for mobile
    telephones and handheld devices."           These were called Dragon's
    "golden eggs."      The company was considered "a leader in speech
    technology products" and was valued at roughly $600 million.
    Despite Dragon's apparent eminence in the field, the company's
    financial condition was in fact perilous.             Dragon lost money in
    every year of its existence, save one.         By the end of the 1990s,
    Dragon employees and executives were concerned about the company's
    ability to make payroll.      Dragon began to consider merging with
    another company in order to obtain a capital infusion so that it
    could develop the "golden eggs" and make them profitable.
    In the fall of 1999, competing bidders Lernout & Hauspie
    Speech   Products   N.V.   ("L&H")    and   Visteon    Automotive   Systems
    ("Visteon"), a subsidiary of Ford, each offered to acquire Dragon
    for approximately $580 million.       Dragon then sought out Goldman to
    be its investment banker.     On December 8, 1999, Ellen Chamberlain,
    as Dragon's Chief Financial Officer, signed an agreement (the
    "Engagement Letter") with Goldman.          Goldman agreed to "provide
    [Dragon] with financial advice and assistance in connection with
    this potential transaction, which may include performing valuation
    analyses,   searching   for   a   purchaser   acceptable     to   [Dragon],
    coordinating visits of potential purchasers and assisting [Dragon]
    in negotiating the financial aspects of the transaction."1              The
    The testimony at trial generally confirmed this
    description of Goldman's responsibilities in connection with the
    transaction. For example, Janet Baker testified that Goldman was
    Engagement Letter stated that Goldman would receive a $150,000
    quarterly fee, as well as a payment of at least $2 million if the
    sale were consummated.
    Significantly, the Engagement Letter also contained an
    exculpation clause ("Annex A") providing that Dragon, Seagate, and
    Janet Baker would not hold Goldman liable for any derivative claims
    arising out of Goldman's services to Dragon "except to the extent
    that any . . . claims . . . result from the gross negligence,
    willful misconduct or bad faith of Goldman Sachs . . . ."               Janet
    Baker and Seagate signed the Engagement Letter agreeing to the
    above-quoted sentence from Annex A (the only provision of the
    agreement that involved them in their personal capacities).
    A prior draft of the Engagement Letter, which had been
    rejected, had, by contrast, provided that Goldman was engaged by
    Dragon   and   by   Janet   Baker   and    Seagate   in   their   capacity   as
    stockholders.       The earlier rejected draft had also made those
    stockholders guarantors of Dragon's obligation to pay Goldman for
    its services. The final Engagement Letter omitted the reference to
    "basically hired to facilitate a transaction." She explained, "we
    were looking at doing a transaction where they would help us do
    whatever due diligence needed to be done, would have facilitated us
    -- which could be raising issues that needed to be addressed . . .
    and negotiating the terms, looking at comparables of various kinds,
    and giving us their advice." Christopher Fine of Goldman similarly
    explained, "[a]s I understood it, we were retained to give input
    and advice and help facilitate a . . . process . . . that was said
    to be in its later stages, but [sic] to advise the company on any
    and all aspects where we could provide expertise in the context of
    completing this process."
    "stockholders" because Janet Baker did not wish to be personally
    liable for Goldman's fee.    Thus, the Engagement Letter was between
    Dragon (the company) and Goldman (with the exception of the
    exculpation clause, to which, as noted above, Janet Baker and
    Seagate also agreed).
    Goldman assembled a four-person team to work on the
    Dragon merger: T. Otey Smith, Alexander Berzofsky, Richard Wayner,
    and Christopher Fine.    Wayner was the leader of the team.     The
    record shows that Wayner was an experienced banker, having been
    involved in numerous transactions during his career at Goldman.
    Even before the Engagement Letter was signed, the Goldman team
    began to involve itself in the process of conducting financial due
    diligence on L&H.   A jury could easily have concluded that Ellen
    Chamberlain, the CFO of Dragon, was ultimately in charge of the due
    diligence, and Goldman's role was to assist her in multiple ways.
    On December 16 and 17, 1999, the Goldman team met with
    both sets of plaintiffs and other senior Dragon management to
    discuss the buyout proposals.      Some of the Dragon management,
    particularly Bamberg, had serious reservations about merging with
    L&H. Bamberg expressed concern over L&H's employment practices and
    "questionable financials."    At trial, he testified that "everyone
    around the table had got the message that I was skeptical about
    L&H."   The Goldman team identified several potential "issues" with
    the L&H proposal -- for example, the volatility of L&H's stock,
    "[p]ast accounting practices re: R&D," and concerns about the
    percentage of L&H's growth that was due to organic growth versus
    growth by acquisition.        Dragon's then-President John Shagoury
    testified that Goldman "dicuss[ed] these issues with the Board" and
    that, for the most part, the Board's "concerns were allayed with
    explanation of what those [issues] were all about."
    On December 20, 1999, Dragon entered into a period of
    exclusive negotiation with Visteon. The negotiations did not prove
    fruitful, and in February 2000 Dragon and Visteon allowed the
    exclusivity period to lapse.
    Dragon then turned its full attention to a possible
    merger with L&H.     At this point, the Board was "focused on speed
    and   certainty"    because   of   Dragon's   deteriorating   financial
    situation.     Dragon needed the capital from a merger.
    On February 9, 2000, L&H, for its part and independently
    of the merger discussions, had an earnings conference call with
    analysts and released its Q4 1999 earnings. L&H stated during that
    call that its earnings in Asia had increased over 1000 percent,
    while growth in the United States and Europe was much slower.
    On February 14, the Bakers received a news article by e-
    mail that both reported the L&H earnings call and raised questions
    regarding the reported disparity between ample growth in Asia and
    growth elsewhere.    The record does not indicate whether the Bakers
    raised this news article with other Dragon executives or with
    Goldman. The district court found that "[p]laintiffs were aware of
    L&H's growing Asian revenues, and considered the matter to be an
    important issue."        Goldman did not have an analyst covering L&H at
    the time, and no one at Goldman participated in the earnings call
    or communicated information about the call to anyone at Dragon.
    On February 17, 2000, Chamberlain e-mailed the Goldman
    team to complain about the lack of progress on doing due diligence
    on L&H.       She "specifically requested that Goldman 'drive and
    analyze' the due diligence" and identified several outstanding
    issues with respect to the process.             The Goldman team continued to
    send    due   diligence     requests    to    L&H,   but   it    did   not   receive
    satisfactory answers.          Consequently, when Goldman prepared draft
    evaluation      books,    it    "simply       included     the    future     revenue
    projections [it] received from L&H."
    A key event occurred on February 29, 2000, when Goldman
    faxed Dragon a memo addressed to Dragon and copied to Hale & Dorr,
    Dragon's      legal   counsel.         The    facsimile     transmission       sheet
    instructed the recipient to "forward to Paul Cohen [Dragon's in-
    house    counsel],    Don      Waite   [Dragon's     CEO],       and   Janet   Baker
    immediately."     It was not copied to Roth or Bamberg.                The memo was
    entitled "Lernout & Hauspie -- Due Diligence & Accounting Issues,"
    and read in part:
    [T]here are several areas where we feel
    greater insight and clarity needs to be gained
    with respect to both due diligence and
    accounting. . . . [W]e would like to re-
    iterate our point of view that additional due
    diligence, led by accounting professionals on
    both sides, is important to gain greater
    comfort with respect to some of the issues
    indicated below.
    Our experience shows that companies
    like . . . L&H[], which grow via acquisition,
    necessitate an extra level of care at this
    stage of the process. This only becomes more
    important as Dragon shareholders and employees
    are ready to receive, and in some instances,
    hold L&H common shares and/or options, as part
    of    the   merger    consideration.       Our
    recommendation is that Dragon's certified
    public accountants perform comprehensive due
    diligence   on   L&H,   side  by   side   with
    management, Hale & Dorr and Goldman Sachs.
    The memo then listed several specific areas of concern.
    Bamberg and Roth did not receive a copy of this memo, and
    they maintain that neither the Bakers nor any other members of
    Dragon's senior management ever informed them of its contents.
    Chamberlain,   for   her   part,   was   dissatisfied   with
    Goldman's work. She testified that she found it "ironic that [the]
    memo was written after I wrote a memo to Goldman Sachs telling them
    what my expectations were from a banker and pretty much they cut
    and pasted it back . . . ."     It appears that this was an internal
    gripe; Chamberlain did not testify that she told anyone at Goldman
    of her frustration at receiving the February 29 memo.       Indeed, we
    have not been pointed to any evidence that anyone at Dragon ever
    told Goldman that its performance was unsatisfactory, or that it
    was expected to play a larger role with regard to the due diligence
    There is conflicting evidence in the record as to whether
    Dragon actually followed the advice contained in the February 29
    memorandum from Goldman.        Janet Baker testified that Dragon took
    Goldman's concerns seriously and that the Dragon team, led by
    Chamberlain, went "through each and every one of these points and
    discuss[ed] them at length."        She explained further that Goldman
    "had    made     some   recommendations    about   things   that   [Dragon's
    accountant] Arthur Andersen should look at, and we had Arthur
    Andersen look at those things."            But Catherine Moy of Arthur
    Andersen testified that Arthur Andersen was not aware of the
    February 29 memo and was never asked to implement Goldman's
    recommendations.        Goldman's Wayner testified that Chamberlain was
    "resistant to move forward on these items" because "she and Dragon
    did not want to do this level of additional detail."
    The district court found that the Goldman team remained
    unsatisfied with L&H's due diligence responses, but did not repeat
    their concerns to anyone at Dragon after sending the February 29
    Also on February 29, all plaintiffs participated in a
    conference call with Goldman's Wayner and Charles Elliott, a
    European software research analyst whom Goldman had recruited to
    help the Bakers assess the value of L&H's stock. Goldman, as said,
    did not have an analyst covering L&H at the time, and Elliott was
    unaware of L&H's February 9 earnings report.          Apparently, the L&H
    earnings report was not mentioned on the call.                  Elliott commented
    generally     on   the   state      of    the    European    software    market   and
    speculated (correctly, as it turned out) that the stock market
    would react positively to Dragon's merger with L&H.                   Elliott later
    testified that, had he known of L&H's skyrocketing Asian revenues,
    he would have been skeptical of them because he "kn[ew] something
    about Asian languages, and . . . the phonetic structure makes it
    incredibly difficult to take a European dictation software system
    and apply it . . . to Asian languages."
    On March 7, 2000, L&H announced that it had agreed to
    acquire a company called Dictaphone Corporation and to assume $425
    million of Dictaphone's debt.             The Goldman team did not update its
    evaluation of the L&H-Dragon merger to include analysis of the
    effects of that transaction. Neither the district court's findings
    nor    the   submissions       of   the   parties    indicate    whether      Goldman
    communicated this information to anyone at Dragon or whether Dragon
    knew of this acquisition from other sources.
    Discussions between Dragon and L&H on a proposed merger
    had continued.      On March 8, 2000, CEO Waite and the Bakers met with
    a team from L&H to discuss the terms of the proposed merger.                   Roth,
    Bamberg, and the members of the Goldman team were not at this
    meeting. L&H offered to buy Dragon for $500 million, half cash and
    half    stock,     but   the    Bakers     declined    the    offer     and   made   a
    Janet   Baker,   on   behalf    of    Dragon,    then    signed   a
    handwritten agreement drafted by CEO Waite under which L&H would
    buy Dragon for $580 million, all stock.           The Bakers and Waite did
    not consult Goldman, Chamberlain, or the other Dragon board members
    before Janet Baker executed the handwritten agreement.
    After the execution of the agreement, on March 22, 2000,
    CFO Chamberlain held a conference call with accountants from Dragon
    and L&H to discuss the due diligence issues identified by Goldman
    in the February 29 memo.     The parties dispute whether any Goldman
    employees were on this call, but the district court found that
    Goldman's   Berzofsky   participated       in    this   call.2      Chamberlain
    testified that there were still "open issues" with respect to due
    diligence after this call.
    Importantly, the next day, March 23, the Goldman team and
    the Dragon board of directors had a conference call to discuss the
    status of due diligence.     There is conflicting evidence regarding
    what precisely was said at the meeting.           The district court found
    that the participants all agreed due diligence was completed. That
    finding is supported by the record.3             The court also found that
    In contesting this finding, Goldman points out that
    Berzofsky was not a recipient of the March 21 e-mail providing the
    call information.
    James Baker testified that he had a "visual image" of
    "collectively everybody in the room turning to Ellen [Chamberlain]
    to report on whether -- ask the questions, have the accounting
    questions been asked to [L&H's accountant] KPMG, and we turned to
    her and she said yes."
    "the Goldman team did not state they were still dissatisfied with
    due diligence, even though they were."         That is also supported by
    the record.
    On March 27, 2000, Dragon board members and executives
    held a meeting to consider the transaction as to which Janet Baker
    had executed the March 8 handwritten agreement.               All of the
    plaintiffs    attended   the   meeting,   as   did   Waite,   Chamberlain,
    Shagoury, Fine, and Smith.         Goldman's Wayner called into the
    meeting.     The evidence shows that Goldman offered tempered but
    positive comments about the proposed merger.           For example, Fine
    testified that Goldman's assessment was "positive in the overall,"
    but he also stated that Goldman "did not give an opinion pro or con
    on the transaction" and that Waite "was displeased that [Goldman]
    had not . . . been more positive or given more support or [a] more
    definitive opinion."      Still, Wayner testified that he did not
    disclose any of the Goldman team's concerns about the status of due
    diligence on L&H because "the client did not ask."            Wayner also
    noted that he had already raised those issues with Chamberlain and
    Janet Baker.    Similarly, Fine testified that the Goldman team did
    not bring up its due diligence concerns "because th[ey] had all
    been raised with substantially the same group that was in there."
    Significantly, plaintiffs testified, and the district court found,
    that plaintiffs would not have gone forward with the deal had
    Wayner voiced his concerns about the due diligence issues at the
    March 27 meeting.     Ultimately, the Dragon board voted to approve
    the merger, and the transaction closed on June 7, 2000.              Dragon
    merged into L&H and ceased to be an independent entity.
    From there, the situation deteriorated quickly.               In
    August 2000, the Wall Street Journal reported that L&H had vastly
    overstated    its   Asian   revenues,   and   indeed   had    identified    as
    customers some South Korean companies who had never done business
    with L&H.    The SEC began investigating L&H's financial statements,
    and eventually L&H admitted that it had improperly recorded $373
    million in revenue. L&H restated its financials for two and a half
    years and filed for bankruptcy in November 2000.              Following the
    bankruptcy, plaintiffs' shares of L&H stock became worthless.              The
    Dragon name and technology were sold from the estate.
    B.           Other Proceedings
    Before initiating this lawsuit, plaintiffs sued numerous
    other parties to recover the losses they suffered as a result of
    L&H's fraud.     The defendants were L&H and several of its officers
    and directors, entities related to L&H, entities and individuals
    affiliated with L&H's auditor, L&H's investment bank, and certain
    banks that provided financing to L&H.           Plaintiffs collectively
    received over $75 million in settlements from those parties.
    James and Janet Baker ("the Baker plaintiffs") and Roth
    and Bamberg ("the Roth plaintiffs") then sued Goldman in separate
    actions in state and federal court, respectively.            Goldman removed
    the Bakers' suit to federal court, and the two actions were then
    consolidated for purposes of discovery and trial.            They have been
    consolidated for purposes of appeal.
    Each set of plaintiffs brought claims for negligent and
    intentional misrepresentation, negligence, gross negligence, breach
    of fiduciary duty, and violations of Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A.4
    After a 20-day trial, the jury found in favor of Goldman
    on   all   of   plaintiffs'   common   law   claims.   The    verdict   form
    instructed the jury to reach Goldman's third-party claims against
    the Bakers only if they determined that Goldman was liable to the
    Roth plaintiffs. Nonetheless, the jury also found that Janet Baker
    made negligent misrepresentations and had committed a breach of her
    fiduciary duty to the Roth plaintiffs, and that James Baker had
    committed a breach of his fiduciary duty to Bamberg.
    The district court found for Goldman on plaintiffs'
    ch. 93A claims.5      In a thorough opinion, the court ruled that,
    although Goldman may have committed negligence by failing to (1)
    disclose to plaintiffs that no one at Goldman was covering L&H at
    the time of the transaction; (2) repeat the Goldman team's due
    Goldman asserted third-party contribution claims against
    the Baker plaintiffs for negligent misrepresentation and breach of
    fiduciary duty with respect to any liability that the Roth
    plaintiffs might establish against Goldman. These are not at issue
    in the appeal.
    There is no right to a trial by jury for claims brought
    under ch. 93A. Walsh v. Chestnut Hill Bank & Trust Co., 
    607 N.E.2d 737
    , 740–41 (Mass. 1993).
    diligence concerns after expressing those concerns once in the
    February 29 memo; and (3) adequately analyze L&H's Asian revenues
    and   its   revenue     projections,       Goldman's   conduct    "was   not   so
    egregious    as   to    warrant     ch.    93A   relief."   In    reaching     its
    conclusion, the court gave weight to the jury's verdict exonerating
    Goldman of any liability, as it was entitled to do.
    The court also rejected the Roth plaintiffs' theory,
    presented for the first time in a post-trial brief, that Goldman
    had violated ch. 93A because it violated 
    940 Mass. Code Regs. 3.16
    (2).    That section provides that "an act or practice is a
    violation of [ch. 93A] if . . . [a]ny person or other legal entity
    . . . fails to disclose to a buyer or prospective buyer any fact,
    the   disclosure       of   which   may     have   influenced    the   buyer    or
    prospective buyer not to enter into the transaction."                  The court
    ruled that the Roth plaintiffs had waived any claim under § 3.16(2)
    by failing to present it before trial, and held that the theory was
    meritless in any event because the regulation does not apply to
    business-to-business transactions.               The court later denied both
    sets of plaintiffs' motions for reconsideration of the ch. 93A
    ruling, as well as their motions for a new trial.                  This appeal
    Both the Baker plaintiffs and the Roth plaintiffs argue
    that the district court erred as a matter of law in holding that
    Goldman's conduct was not "unfair or deceptive" within the meaning
    of ch. 93A.        Plaintiffs' briefs contend that ch. 93A does not
    require    a    showing   of   "egregious"   conduct   and   that,   even   if
    "egregiousness" is the correct standard, Goldman's conduct rose to
    that level.      After de novo review, we hold that the district court
    correctly articulated the legal standard applicable to plaintiffs'
    ch. 93A claims, and correctly applied that standard to its factual
    findings.      We affirm the dismissal of those claims.
    A.             Standard of Review
    "Following a bench trial on a chapter 93A claim, we
    review the district court's legal conclusions de novo and its
    underlying factual findings for clear error."            Fed. Ins. Co. v.
    HPSC, Inc., 
    480 F.3d 26
    , 34 (1st Cir. 2007).                  "[W]hether a
    particular set of acts, in their factual setting, is unfair or
    deceptive is a question of fact,"             Arthur D. Little, Inc. v.
    Dooyang Corp., 
    147 F.3d 47
    , 54 (1st Cir. 1998) (quoting Ahern v.
    85 F.3d 774
    , 797 (1st Cir. 1996)), "but whether that
    conduct rises to the level of a chapter 93A violation is a question
    of law."       Fed. Ins. Co., 
    480 F.3d at 34
    ; see also Casavant v.
    Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd., 
    952 N.E.2d 908
    , 911–12 (Mass. 2011)
    (whether an act is unfair or deceptive is a factual question, but
    "[a] ruling that conduct violates [ch. 93A] is a legal, not a
    factual, determination" (quoting R.W. Granger & Sons v. J & S
    Insulation, Inc., 
    754 N.E.2d 668
    , 675 (Mass. 2001))).6   Under the
    clear error standard of review, we accept the district court's
    findings of fact unless, after careful consideration of the entire
    record, "we are 'left with the definite and firm conviction that a
    mistake has been committed.'" Vinick v. United States, 
    205 F.3d 1
    6 (1st Cir. 2000) (quoting Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573 (1985)). If the district court's factual conclusions
    are based on an erroneous view of the controlling law, however,
    "the case for deference vanishes," and we review those conclusions
    de novo.   
     at 6–7.
    In ruling on a ch. 93A claim, a trial court is not bound
    by a jury's verdict on parallel common law claims. E.g., Klairmont
    v. Gainsboro Rest., Inc., 
    987 N.E.2d 1247
    , 1263–64 (Mass. 2013);
    We note that there is arguably some inconsistency in the
    caselaw concerning the proper standard of review on a ch. 93A
    claim. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has repeatedly
    stated that "[a] ruling that conduct violates [ch. 93A] is a legal,
    not a factual determination" that is reviewed de novo. Casavant,
    952 N.E.2d at 911–12; accord R.W. Granger, 754 N.E.2d at 675. But
    cases from both Massachusetts and this Circuit have consistently
    held that "[t]he determination of whether certain conduct is unfair
    or deceptive is a question of fact" that is reviewed for clear
    error. Fed. Ins. Co., 
    480 F.3d at 34
    ; accord In re Pharm. Indus.
    Average Wholesale Price Litig., 
    582 F.3d 156
    , 184 (1st Cir. 2009);
    Casavant, 952 N.E.2d at 912; R.W. Granger, 754 N.E.2d at 676;
    Spence v. Bos. Edison Co., 
    459 N.E.2d 80
    , 88 (Mass. 1983) (whether
    conduct is unfair is a matter of fact). The distinction between a
    "finding of fact" that conduct is unfair or deceptive and a "legal
    conclusion" that the conduct violates ch. 93A is not readily
    apparent. We have no need to explore the issue further in this
    case, however, because the district court's ultimate conclusion
    that Goldman did not violate ch. 93A is correct under any standard
    of review.
    Specialized Tech. Res., Inc. v. JPS Elastomerics Corp., 
    957 N.E.2d 1116
    , 1119–20 (Mass. App. Ct. 2011).      But the court may, if it
    chooses, consider the verdict in reaching its conclusions, or adopt
    the verdict entirely.   See Serv. Publ'ns, Inc. v. Goverman, 
    487 N.E.2d 520
    , 527 (Mass. 1986).
    B.        Ch. 93A Legal Standard
    Chapter 93A proscribes "unfair or deceptive acts or
    practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce."       Mass. Gen.
    Laws ch. 93A, § 2 (emphasis added).     The statute provides a cause
    of action to "[a]ny person who engages in the conduct of any trade
    or commerce and who suffers any loss of money or property . . . as
    a result of the use or employment by another person . . . [of] an
    unfair or deceptive act or practice."    Id. § 11.   If successful, a
    plaintiff is entitled to actual damages, or double or treble
    damages if the defendant's violation of § 2 was willful or knowing.
    Id. Here, the district court found that Goldman's "conduct was not
    unfair or deceptive under ch. 93A."7
    The Roth plaintiffs argue that they are in a different
    position than the Baker plaintiffs.      They argue that this is
    because "the trial court failed to make an express finding as to
    whether or not Goldman's acts were unfair or deceptive as to the
    Roth plaintiffs." We not persuaded for two reasons. First, the
    district court's statement in its order on plaintiffs' motion for
    reconsideration that Goldman's conduct "was not unfair or deceptive
    under ch. 93A" is most naturally read as applicable to all
    plaintiffs, since it is not by its terms limited to the Bakers.
    Second, because the district court dismissed the Roth plaintiffs'
    ch. 93A claims, it logically must have found that Goldman's conduct
    was not unfair or deceptive "as to the Roth plaintiffs."
    Here, plaintiffs essentially do not dispute the district
    court's factual determinations -- indeed, both sets of plaintiffs
    base the statement of facts in their briefs almost entirely on the
    district court's findings of fact.      Instead, plaintiffs argue that
    there is a disconnect between the district court's factual findings
    and its ultimate conclusion that Goldman was not liable under
    ch. 93A. The latter conclusion, plaintiffs contend, was both wrong
    as a matter of law and clearly erroneous as a matter of fact.
    Specifically, plaintiffs' briefs argue that the district
    court applied the wrong legal standard to its findings of fact when
    it held that, in order for a defendant's conduct to violate
    ch. 93A, it "must be not only wrong, but also egregiously wrong."8
    Plaintiffs offer an extensive catalogue of Massachusetts cases in
    which the court found liability under ch. 93A without mentioning an
    "egregiousness" standard.     Goldman responds that cases from both
    the   Massachusetts   state   courts    and   this   Circuit   have   been
    consistent in requiring a heightened showing of "egregiousness" or
    "rascality" in adjudicating ch. 93A claims.
    Contrary to Goldman's assertion, neither the Baker
    plaintiffs nor the Roth plaintiffs have waived the argument that
    ch. 93A does not require a showing of egregiousness. Although the
    plaintiffs occasionally used the term "egregious" in their
    submissions and arguments to the district court, they have
    maintained throughout this litigation that ch. 93A goes well beyond
    the common law and encompasses a wide range of conduct, from
    egregious negligence to simple "half-truth[s]" or "unscrupulous and
    unethical conduct."
    Chapter 93A "was 'designed to encourage more equitable
    behavior in the marketplace.'"   Commercial Union Ins. Co. v. Seven
    Provinces Ins. Co., 
    217 F.3d 33
    , 40 (1st Cir. 2000) (quoting Arthur
    D. Little, 
    147 F.3d at 55
    ).   However, "it 'does not contemplate an
    overly precise standard of ethical or moral behavior.    It is the
    standard of the commercial marketplace.'"   
     (quoting Ahern, 
    85 F.3d at 798
    The language that courts have used to describe the
    ch. 93A standard has varied considerably over the years.   See 
    (collecting cases).   Early Massachusetts decisions suggested that,
    in order to violate ch. 93A § 11, conduct must "attain a level of
    rascality that would raise an eyebrow of someone inured to the
    rough and tumble of the world of commerce," Levings v. Forbes &
    Wallace, Inc., 
    396 N.E.2d 149
    , 153 (Mass. App. Ct. 1979); see also
    Spence v. Bos. Edison Co., 
    459 N.E.2d 80
    , 88 (Mass. 1983), or have
    a "rancid flavor of unfairness," Atkinson v. Rosenthal, 
    598 N.E.2d 666
    , 670 (Mass. App. Ct. 1992).     The First Circuit followed the
    Massachusetts courts' lead in articulating the ch. 93A standard, as
    it is required to under Erie.     See, e.g., Quaker State Oil Ref.
    Corp. v. Garrity Oil Co., 
    884 F.2d 1510
    , 1513 (1st Cir. 1989).
    In 1995, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts
    stated that it found "uninstructive phrases such as 'level of
    rascality'" and instead would "focus on the nature of challenged
    conduct and on the purpose and effect of that conduct as the
    crucial factors in making a [ch.] 93A fairness determination."
    Mass. Emp'rs Ins. Exch. v. Propac-Mass, Inc., 
    648 N.E.2d 435
    , 438
    (Mass. 1995) (citation omitted).      But even after Propac-Mass,
    Massachusetts courts, when addressing claims that a defendant's
    negligent act constituted a violation of ch. 93A, continued using
    labels akin to the "level of rascality" phrase to describe the
    level of negligence necessary for a finding of liability.    See,
    e.g., Ross v. Cont'l Res., Inc., 
    899 N.E.2d 847
    , 861 (Mass. App.
    Ct. 2009).   Moreover, the SJC has repeatedly held that "mere
    negligence," standing alone, is not sufficient for a violation of
    ch. 93A -- something more is required. E.g., Klairmont, 987 N.E.2d
    at 1257; Darviris v. Petros,   
    812 N.E.2d 1188
    , 1192 (Mass. 2004);
    Swanson v. Bankers Life Co., 
    450 N.E.2d 577
    , 580 (Mass. 1983).   In
    Marram v. Kobrick Offshore Fund, Ltd., 
    809 N.E.2d 1017
    2004), which the district court relied on for the legal standard
    that it applied in this case, the SJC described that "something
    more" as "extreme or egregious" negligence.9     See id. at 1032;
    accord Lily Transp. Co. v. Royal Institutional Servs., Inc., 
    832 N.E.2d 666
    , 687 n.15 (Mass. App. Ct. 2005); cf. Stonehill Coll. v.
    Mass. Comm'n Against Discrimination, 
    808 N.E.2d 205
    , 229–30 (Mass.
    2004) (in order for breach of contract to constitute a ch. 93A
    This reading of the statute does not render § 11's
    provision for double and treble damages superfluous. Double or
    treble damages are authorized if a violation is "willful" or
    "knowing."    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A, § 11.      Conduct can be
    egregiously negligent without being willful or knowing.
    violation, there must be "some egregious circumstance surrounding
    that        breach").         And   our   Circuit      has    again   followed   the
    Massachusetts courts' lead in using the term "egregious" to state
    the standard of ch. 93A liability. See, e.g., In re Pharm. Indus.,
    582 F.3d at 185
     (quoting Mass. Sch. of Law at Andover, Inc. v. Am.
    Bar Ass'n, 
    142 F.3d 26
    , 41 (1st Cir. 1999)); In re TJX Cos. Retail
    Sec. Breach Litig., 
    564 F.3d 489
    , 497 (1st Cir. 2009).10
    Thus, while we share the SJC's sentiment in Propac-Mass
    that phrases such as "level of rascality" are uninstructive, we
    find no legal error in the district court's analysis.                   It drew the
    "egregious" standard directly from caselaw from the SJC and this
    Circuit.         If     the    standard   for    ch.    93A    liability   requires
    clarification, the SJC can provide it in an appropriate case.                    See
    Gill v. Gulfstream Park Racing Ass'n, Inc., 
    399 F.3d 391
    , 402 (1st
    Cir. 2005) ("A federal court sitting in diversity cannot be
    expected to create new doctrines expanding state law.").
    Plaintiffs are correct that the first mention of the term
    "egregious" in the ch. 93A caselaw is found, not in a Massachusetts
    case, but rather in a First Circuit opinion, Massachusetts School
    of Law.   142 F.3d at 41 (stating that the "general meter" of
    ch. 93A claims "is that the defendant's conduct must be not only
    wrong, but also egregiously wrong -- and this standard calls for
    determinations of egregiousness well beyond what is required for
    most common law claims"). But the SJC's adoption of that term in
    its own ch. 93A jurisprudence shows that it concurs with the
    Massachusetts School of Law formulation.
    C.           The District Court's Factual Findings
    The    district    court       identified    three     instances     of
    questionable conduct on the part of Goldman: (1) its failure to
    disclose    that     Elliott   was    not     covering   L&H   at   the    time   of
    plaintiffs' February 29 conference call with him; (2) its failure
    to reiterate at a later date (and in particular, at the final
    meeting on March 27) the due diligence-related concerns expressed
    in the February 29 memo; and (3) its work on the valuation analysis
    of L&H.     There was ample evidence in the record upon which the
    judge could have concluded that this conduct was neither unfair nor
    deceptive.     We consider each of the three instances identified
    above in turn.
    First,    with    regard    to    the   Elliott   call,   the    trial
    testimony and Janet Baker's contemporaneous notes of the call
    suggest that Wayner introduced Elliott as a European equities
    analyst -- not, as plaintiffs now contend, as an expert on L&H
    specifically.       The district court did not clearly err in rejecting
    plaintiffs'        argument    that     Goldman      misrepresented       Elliott's
    knowledge of L&H or otherwise acted unfairly or deceptively during
    the call.      Indeed, it is unclear what additional information
    plaintiffs think they would have gained had Elliott been covering
    L&H, or had Wayner mentioned the Asian earnings report to Elliott.
    Janet Baker was aware of L&H's surging Asian revenues, and it is
    doubtful that the Bakers would have changed their views on the
    merger based on Elliott's telling them something that they already
    knew.11   In fact, Chamberlain testified that it would not have been
    important to her whether or not Elliott was covering L&H.
    Second, turning to Goldman's due diligence concerns, the
    district court found that "the Goldman team should have disclosed
    their continuing due diligence concerns at the March 27 meeting or
    on the March 23 conference call." Nonetheless, the court held that
    their failure to do so was not "egregious" because Goldman had
    already informed Chamberlain, who was in charge of due diligence at
    Dragon, and the rest of the Dragon team about the due diligence
    concerns. That finding was not error. Members of the Goldman team
    testified at trial that they saw no need to raise those issues yet
    again at the March 27 meeting because Goldman had made clear to
    Dragon personnel that it was not satisfied with L&H's due diligence
    responses. Plaintiffs have pointed to no evidence that anyone from
    Dragon ever complained to Goldman that its work on the transaction
    had been unsatisfactory or that it was expected to play a larger
    Plaintiffs point to Elliott's testimony that, had he
    known of the reported Asian revenues, he would have been
    "s[k]eptical" because he "kn[e]w something about Asian languages,
    and [he] would have really challenged this on the basis that the
    phonetic structure makes it incredibly difficult to take a European
    dictation software and apply it to -- to Asian languages." This
    argument rings hollow.    Elliott's hypothetical skepticism would
    have been based not on his expertise as a financial analyst, but
    rather on his (entirely coincidental) familiarity with Asian
    languages. This is reason to doubt that Elliott would have been in
    a better position to judge the technical plausibility of L&H's
    success in Asia than the Bakers, who are experts in computer
    dictation software.
    role in    the due diligence process.        Further, despite the concerns
    raised in the February 29 memo, Janet Baker had already signed a
    handwritten    deal    with    L&H   on   March   8.         Goldman   could   have
    reasonably believed, based on this development, that the deal had
    essentially been agreed to and hence that raising further concerns
    after this point would simply serve to irritate its client.
    The Roth plaintiffs, noting that they were never informed
    of Goldman's due diligence concerns because they never received a
    copy of the February 29 memo, argue that Goldman's conduct was
    unfair or deceptive as to them, even if was not unfair or deceptive
    as to the Bakers.         According to the Roth plaintiffs, Goldman
    deceived    them     because    it    painted     a    rosy     picture   of    the
    transaction's prospects in the February 29 call with Elliott and in
    the March 27 meeting and never told Bamberg and Roth of the
    outstanding due diligence issues.
    The district court rejected this contention "because the
    Goldman    bankers     reasonably      believed       that     Janet   Baker   and
    Chamberlain, their main contacts at Dragon, would inform the rest
    of Dragon's board and senior management about important events and
    documents leading up to the merger."              This conclusion is amply
    supported in the record.12           Roth testified that Janet Baker and
    Chamberlain were his "interface" with regard to the status of due
    Insofar as the Roth plaintiffs mean to argue that this
    finding was clear error, we disagree for the reasons stated in the
    diligence and that he "relied on Janet Baker to obtain information
    on [L&H] including its financial condition in order to determine
    whether to vote to approve the merger with L&H." Bamberg similarly
    testified that he relied on Janet Baker to "keep[] both Bob and
    myself up to date on major issues while not troubling us with
    The Roth plaintiffs' contention that "[t]hree Goldman
    witnesses admitted knowing that the Roth [p]laintiffs . . . were
    unaware of its due diligence concerns" is not supported by the
    record. The Roth plaintiffs cite the following pieces of testimony
    for their argument:
    C      From Wayner's deposition: "Q: You did not tell the people
    assembled [at the March 27 meeting] that Goldman Sachs
    had not obtained information it had requested?         A:
    Depends on how you phrase that question.       There's a
    subset of persons that knew that was our point of view.
    So are you asking me whether no one in that room knew
    that or did I mention it at this meeting?"
    C      From Fine's deposition: "We gave our advice . . . to all
    the principals who were in the room at the board meeting.
    We had talked to -- the Baker's [sic] had seen our books
    where some of the issues had been raised. The memo had
    gone to Mr. Waite. The majority or [sic] the people who
    were capable of approving and not approving had seen our
    C      From Smith's deposition: "Q: If Rich Wayner was not
    satisfied with the due diligence that was obtained
    regarding Asian revenues, customer agreements, licensing
    agreements, related party transactions, would you have
    expected Wayner to have expressed those views at the
    March 27, 2000 board meeting? A: No. . . . I would not
    have -- that to have been done in that form, no. It
    would have been an embarrassment to Ms. Baker and the
    deal leaders."
    The Roth plaintiffs read this testimony to suggest that
    Goldman knew that Roth and Bamberg were, as counsel put it at oral
    argument, "in the blind," and intentionally withheld information
    from them in order to make sure the transaction would go forward.13
    To the contrary, it is reasonable to read Wayner's and Fine's
    statements to mean that they saw no need to raise their due
    diligence concerns yet again because they had already communicated
    those concerns to most, if not all, of the individuals who had a
    stake in the transaction.   And it is reasonable to read Smith's
    testimony as simply stating that he did not want to impede the
    progress of the transaction because Janet Baker had already made it
    known that she wanted to consummate the deal as quickly as possible
    -- indeed, she had already agreed to the transaction in writing
    three weeks before.     The district court did not err in its
    conclusion that Goldman did not act unfairly or deceptively in
    failing to raise its due diligence concerns specifically with Roth
    and Bamberg.
    At oral argument, counsel were in disagreement as to
    whether Roth and Bamberg, who held a minority of Dragon's stock,
    could have blocked the merger with L&H had they wished to. The
    parties submissions provide no guidance on this point. We need not
    resolve the question to decide this case.      The district court
    apparently assumed that Roth and Bamberg could have vetoed the
    transaction, because it found that the deal would not have gone
    forward had Goldman disclosed its concerns to the Roth plaintiffs.
    Yet the court also found that Goldman's conduct was not unfair or
    deceptive. As explained above, that finding was not error.
    The Roth plaintiffs have suggested that, because Judge
    Saris found that the L&H transaction would likely not have gone
    forward if Goldman had raised its ongoing concerns about due
    diligence at the March 27 meeting, she was required to find a
    violation of ch. 93A as a matter of law.   We disagree.   It is true
    that cases from Massachusetts and this Circuit have defined a
    "deceptive" act as one that "could reasonably be found to have
    caused a person to act differently from the way he or she otherwise
    would have acted."   Incase Inc. v. Timex Corp., 
    488 F.3d 46
    , 57
    (1st Cir. 2007) (quoting Aspinall v. Philip Morris Cos., 
    813 N.E.2d 476
    , 486 (Mass. 2004)); see also Grossman v. Waltham Chem. Co., 
    436 N.E.2d 1243
    , 1245 (Mass. App. Ct. 1982).   But it cannot be that any
    conduct gives rise to liability under ch. 93A by virtue of the mere
    fact that the conduct affects a person's actions in a way that
    eventually causes that person harm.    Were that so, one could be
    liable under ch. 93A simply for giving bad advice, no matter how
    well-intentioned and well-founded the advice. That is not the law.
    Indeed, as said, the SJC has instructed that even negligent
    misrepresentations (which, by definition, "could reasonably be
    found to have caused a person to act differently from the way he or
    she otherwise would have acted") give rise to ch. 93A liability
    only if they are "extreme" or "egregious."    Marram, 809 N.E.2d at
    Finally,        with    regard     to   Goldman's   "professionally
    negligent" financial analysis of the Dragon-L&H transaction, the
    district court did not err in finding that this conduct was neither
    unfair nor deceptive.        In reaching its conclusion, the district
    court properly took into account the jury's finding, based on
    sufficient evidence, that Goldman was not negligent in rendering
    professional services.           Goldman raised a bevy of due diligence
    issues in the February 29 memo.               Plaintiffs have presented no
    evidence that Dragon ever responded by asking Goldman to do further
    due diligence work.       Moreover, there is testimony that Goldman was
    engaged primarily to raise questions and facilitate the merger, not
    to lead the due diligence on Dragon's eventual merger partner.
    Chamberlain   --    not    Goldman   --    was    the   "quarterback"   of   due
    diligence.    The jury called it one way whether there was any
    negligence at all; the district court called it another, but was
    certainly entitled to consider the jury finding in weighing whether
    Goldman had been unfair or deceptive.
    In short, the district court properly determined that
    Goldman's conduct, even if sloppy and unforthcoming, was not unfair
    or deceptive.      The court's factual findings are supported by the
    record, and it correctly applied the ch. 93A legal standard to
    those findings.     We find no error in the district court's analysis
    of plaintiffs' ch. 93A claims.
    The Roth plaintiffs contend that the district court erred
    in rejecting their belated theory of Goldman's liability under 
    940 Mass. Code Regs. 3.16
    (2).    Not so.    The Roth plaintiffs waived any
    claim under § 3.16(2) by failing to raise it before trial and
    waiting until the jury had ruled against them on their common law
    Under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A § 2(c), the attorney
    general is empowered to make rules and regulations defining the
    "[u]nfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
    practices" that violate § 2(a).    One such regulation provides that
    an "act or practice is a violation of [ch. 93A] if . . . [a]ny
    person or other legal entity subject to this act fails to disclose
    to a buyer or prospective buyer any fact, the disclosure of which
    may have influenced the buyer or prospective buyer not to enter
    into the transaction."      940 Mass. Code Regs. § 3.16.     In their
    post-trial brief to the district court, the Roth plaintiffs argued
    that Goldman's conduct in this case violated § 3.16 because Goldman
    failed to disclose facts that would have influenced whether the
    Roth plaintiffs agreed to vote for the Dragon-L&H merger (and thus
    "buy" L&H stock).     Plaintiffs did not raise this argument either
    before or at trial.   We agree with the district court that the Roth
    plaintiffs waived any claim under § 3.16.      See DCPB, Inc. v. City
    of Lebanon, 
    957 F.2d 913
    , 917 (1st Cir. 1992) (plaintiff cannot,
    after trial, "superimpose a new (untried) theory on evidence
    introduced for other purposes"), superseded on other grounds, as
    recognized in Lamboy-Ortiz v. Ortiz-Vélez, 
    630 F.3d 228
    , 243 n.25
    (1st Cir. 2010).
    The Roth plaintiffs contend that their general argument
    that Goldman's failure to disclose relevant facts about the L&H
    transaction violated ch. 93A was sufficient to put Goldman on
    notice of the § 3.16 claim, but we are not persuaded.             Goldman knew
    only that it was defending against claims of "unfair or deceptive"
    acts under ch. 93A, § 2.       It had no warning of any claim that it
    had per se violated § 2 via § 3.16 until after trial.                       See
    Rodriguez v. Doral Mortg. Corp., 
    57 F.3d 1168
    , 1172 (1st Cir. 1995)
    (plaintiff may not "leave defendants to forage in forests of facts,
    searching at their peril for every legal theory that a court may
    some day find lurking in the penumbra of the record").               To allow
    the   Roth   plaintiffs   to   raise   this   claim   so   late    would   have
    undoubtedly prejudiced Goldman. See Grand Light & Supply Co., Inc.
    v. Honeywell, Inc., 
    771 F.2d 672
    , 680 (2d Cir. 1985) ("Where a
    party seeks to apply evidence presented on a separate issue already
    in the case to a new claim added after the conclusion of the trial,
    the opponent may be unfairly prejudiced."); see also Lebanon, 
    957 F.2d at
    917 (citing Honeywell for this proposition).
    Even if the Roth plaintiffs had properly raised an
    argument under § 3.16, we see no basis in present Massachusetts law
    to credit the claim.      The SJC's decision in Knapp Shoes Inc. v.
    Sylvania Shoe Manufacturing Corp., 
    640 N.E.2d 1101
     (Mass. 1994),
    strongly   suggests   that     §   3.16    applies   only    to     transactions
    involving consumers and not to transactions involving sophisticated
    business entities.
    In   Knapp,   the   SJC   held    that    940    Mass.    Code   Regs.
    § 3.08(2), providing in relevant part that "[i]t shall be an unfair
    and deceptive act or practice to fail to perform or fulfill any
    promises or obligations arising under a warranty," applies only to
    consumer claims under ch. 93A.            Knapp, 640 N.E.2d at 1104.         The
    court reasoned that the other subsections in § 3.08 "use the term
    'consumer' to denote the persons protected by their provisions, and
    concern matters generally involved in consumer transactions."                Id.
    at 1105.   Even though subsection (2), by its terms, did not limit
    its application to consumers, the court found that the context of
    the statute indicated that it did not apply to business-to-business
    transactions.    Id. ("Where the bulk of the regulation applies only
    to consumers and their interests, and subsection (2) contains no
    language suggesting that it was meant to apply to a broader class
    of persons or interests, we conclude that the portion of subsection
    (2) at issue was not intended to encompass a contract dispute
    between businessmen based on a breach of . . . warranty . . . .").
    The same reasoning is applicable here.             Two of the four
    subsections of § 3.16 mention "consumers" and concern consumer
    protection issues.      Subsection (3) makes an act or practice a
    violation of ch. 93A if "[i]t fails to comply with existing
    statutes, rules, regulations or laws, meant for the protection of
    the   public's    health,   safety,   or   welfare    promulgated    by    the
    Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof intended to
    provide the consumers of this Commonwealth protection." Subsection
    (4), in similar fashion, makes an act or practice a violation of
    ch. 93A if "[i]t violates the Federal Trade Commission Act, the
    Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act or other Federal consumer
    protection statutes within the purview of [ch.] 93A, § 2."               Thus,
    just as in Knapp, "[i]t is reasonably clear that, in drafting the
    regulation,   the   Attorney    General    had   in   mind   protection    for
    consumers against unfair or deceptive acts or practices."                  640
    N.E.2d at 1105; see also In re First New Eng. Dental Ctrs., 
    291 B.R. 229
    , 241 (D. Mass. 2003) (applying Knapp's reasoning to
    conclude that § 3.16 does not apply to "business to business
    transactions"); Callahan, Note, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter
    93A, Section 11:     The Evolution of the "Raised Eyebrow" Standard,
    36 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 139
    , 157–58 (2002) (after Knapp, "courts may
    apply   similar   reasoning    to   invalidate   applicability      of   other
    regulations to business-to-business transactions"); cf. Indus. Gen.
    Corp. v. Sequoia Pac. Sys. Corp., 
    44 F.3d 40
    , 44 (1st Cir. 1995)
    ("A commentator has noted that section 11 'probably does not
    contain a general duty of disclosure' . . . ." (quoting Gilleran,
    The Law of Chapter 93A § 4:10 (1989 & Supp. 1994))).                    But see
    Lechoslaw   v.   Bank   of   Am.,   
    618 F.3d 49
    ,   58   (1st    Cir.   2010)
    (suggesting that § 3.16 applies to businesses); Lily Transp. Corp.
    v. Royal Inst'l Servs., Inc., 
    832 N.E.2d 666
    , 673–74 (Mass. App.
    Ct. 2005) (same).
    The Roth plaintiffs argue that § 3.16 is "general" and so
    should not be read to exclude businesses from its scope. They note
    that the preamble to the section provides that it does not "limit[]
    the scope of any other rule, regulation or statute."            But § 3.16 is
    no more general than § 3.08, which likewise covered multiple
    subjects and provided that it "in no way limits, modifies, or
    supersedes any other statutory or regulatory provisions dealing
    with warranties."       See Knapp, 640 N.E.2d at 1104.              In short, we
    simply see no meaningful distinction between § 3.16 and § 3.08 that
    would counsel against applying Knapp's reasoning to the former.
    This is ultimately an issue for the SJC to resolve.14
    Finally, plaintiffs argue that they are entitled to a new
    trial because the district court erred in (1) admitting the
    drafting history and Annex A of the Engagement Letter between
    Goldman and Dragon and (2) instructing the jury regarding the
    The Roth plaintiffs have not asked for certification of
    this issue to the SJC.
    relevance of the Engagement Letter and its drafting history.            Both
    of these contentions are without merit.
    A.          Admission of the Drafting History and Annex A
    We review the district court's evidentiary rulings for
    abuse of discretion.     Enos v. Union Stone, Inc., 
    732 F.3d 45
    , 49
    (1st Cir. 2013).    If we find error, we reverse unless "it is highly
    probable that the error did not affect the outcome of the case."
    McDonough v. City of Quincy, 
    452 F.3d 8
    , 19–20 (1st Cir. 2006).
    The   district   court    properly   applied     state    law    in
    admitting the Engagement Letter and its drafting history. In Nycal
    Corp. v. KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, 
    688 N.E.2d 1368
     (Mass. 1998), the
    SJC set forth the requirements for a plaintiff asserting a claim of
    negligent   misrepresentation    against    a    defendant    who    supplies
    information for the guidance of others in business transactions.
    Under Nycal, if the plaintiff and defendant are not in contractual
    privity (as is the case here, because Goldman was engaged by
    Dragon, not by plaintiffs), in order to succeed on a negligent
    misrepresentation claim, the plaintiff must show that the defendant
    had "actual knowledge . . . of the limited -- though unnamed --
    group of potential [parties] that will rely on the [defendant's
    advice], as well as actual knowledge of the particular financial
    transaction that such information is designed to influence."                688
    N.E.2d at 1371–72 (quoting First Nat'l Bank of Commerce v. Monco
    Agency Inc., 
    911 F.2d 1053
    , 1062 (5th Cir. 1990)); see also
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 552 (1977).
    Provisions of the draft Engagement Letter indicating that
    Goldman      was    to   be   employed     by    individual       stockholders      were
    explicitly removed from the final agreement.                          That is clearly
    relevant      to     Goldman's     knowledge       as    to     whether     individual
    shareholders would rely on Goldman's financial advice, when the
    plaintiffs expressly chose not to sign the agreement in order to
    avoid the indemnification obligations which the signatory, Dragon,
    undertook.         Accordingly, the Engagement Letter and its drafting
    history      were   relevant     to    both     sets    of    plaintiffs'    negligent
    misrepresentation claim, see Fed. R. Evid. 401, and the plaintiffs
    have not shown that their relevance was substantially outweighed by
    a risk of unfair prejudice, see Fed. R. Evid. 403.                        The evidence
    was admissible.15
    Annex A was relevant to the case for the same reason as
    was the drafting history.             The final version of Annex A, like the
    rest    of    the    agreement,       excluded     any       relevant    reference    to
    "Stockholders,"          which   further      strengthens       the     inference   that
    Goldman did not intend for individual stockholders to rely on its
    The drafting history of the Engagement Letter was not
    barred by the parol evidence rule.       That rule prohibits the
    introduction of evidence of the circumstances leading to an
    agreement's execution for the purpose of contradicting or changing
    its terms. See ITT Corp. v. LTX Corp., 
    926 F.2d 1258
    , 1264 (1st
    Cir. 1991).
    financial advice.     Thus, even though Annex A concerned Goldman's
    liability for derivative, rather than direct, claims, the district
    court did not abuse its discretion in admitting it.               This is all
    the more so given the district court's explicit instruction to the
    jury that the exculpatory clause in Annex A "is inapplicable . . .
    because   the   plaintiffs'   claims   are   .   .   .   direct   claims   for
    themselves as individual shareholders."          We assume that the jury
    followed this instruction.     United States v. George, 
    761 F.3d 42
    57 (1st Cir. 2014).16
    Even if admission of Annex A was arguably an abuse of
    discretion, any error was harmless, given the court's cautionary
    instruction and the substantial amount of other evidence tending to
    suggest that Goldman did not intend individual shareholders to rely
    on its advice.    See SEC v. Happ, 
    392 F.3d 12
    , 28–29 (1st Cir. 2004)
    (admission of cumulative evidence was harmless error).
    The Baker plaintiffs argue that Goldman's counsel made
    improper arguments based on the Engagement Letter and its drafting
    history in closing argument. We disagree. Counsel's comments are
    fairly read as simply outlining the theory of relevance articulated
    above -- the fact that the word "Stockholders" was removed from the
    agreement makes it less likely that Goldman knew individual
    stockholders would rely on its advice. In any event, plaintiffs
    did not lodge a contemporaneous objection to Goldman's closing, and
    the allowance of the statements certainly did not rise to the level
    of plain error. See Portuges-Santana v. Rekomdiv Int'l Inc., 
    725 F.3d 17
    , 26 (1st Cir. 2013) (where party fails to object to
    statements made in closing, claim of improper argument reviewed for
    plain error).
    B.        Jury Instructions
    We review de novo a claim that a jury instruction was
    based upon an erroneous statement of the law.   Hatch v. Trail King
    Indus., Inc., 
    656 F.3d 59
    , 64 (1st Cir. 2011).      "We review for
    abuse of discretion 'whether the instructions adequately explained
    the law or whether they tended to confuse or mislead the jury on
    the controlling issues.'" 
     (quoting United States v. Silva, 
    554 F.3d 13
    , 21 (1st Cir. 2009)); see also Johnson v. Spencer Press of
    Me., Inc., 
    364 F.3d 368
    , 378 (1st Cir. 2004) ("So long as th[e]
    language properly explains the controlling legal standards and is
    not unduly confusing or misleading, it will not be second-guessed
    on appeal.").   "We look at the instructions as a whole, not in
    isolated fragments."   Hatch, 
    656 F.3d at 64
    The plaintiffs objected to the last paragraph of the jury
    instructions concerning the Engagement Letter on the ground that it
    was "somewhat confusing."     The instructions on the Engagement
    Letter read as follows:
    [L]et me just mention briefly this engagement
    letter you've heard so much about, the
    engagement letter.
    The engagement letter is a contract
    between Goldman Sachs and the company, Dragon
    Systems. The shareholders were not parties to
    the contract with one exception -- the so-
    called exculpation clause. This clause only
    applies to something in the law called
    derivative actions by shareholders on behalf
    of the corporation for damages suffered by the
    corporation. That provision is inapplicable
    here because the corporation no longer existed
    after the merger and because the plaintiffs'
    claims are what are known as direct claims for
    themselves as individual shareholders. That's
    why I keep saying, it's always the plaintiffs
    as individual shareholders.
    Because the shareholders were not
    parties to the engagement letter, they cannot
    sue for breach of contract. That's why you
    don't see "breach of contract" in here
    anywhere. However, Goldman Sachs may still be
    held responsible for certain common law causes
    of action.     You may have heard the term
    "torts." That's what we've just been talking
    about for the last hour. These torts include
    negligence,   gross    negligence,   negligent
    misrepresentation[,] fraud or intentional
    misrepresentation, and breach of fiduciary
    duty.     Those claims require that the
    plaintiffs establish that Goldman Sachs owed
    them a duty as I have just instructed you.
    However, in determining whether Goldman
    Sachs is liable, you can consider all of the
    evidence, including the engagement agreement,
    the course of dealing between the parties
    before and after the agreement, and the
    history of negotiating the agreement.
    There was no error in this jury instruction, nor was it
    confusing.17    The jury was entitled to consider the agreement and
    its drafting history in considering both sets of plaintiffs' tort
    claims.    As   said,   the   evidence   was   relevant   to   plaintiffs'
    We reject the Roth plaintiffs' argument that the
    instruction was confusing because it encouraged the jury to lump
    both sets of plaintiffs together in considering Goldman's
    liability. First, the Engagement Letter and drafting history were
    relevant to both sets of plaintiffs' claims because, as explained
    above, they were probative of Goldman's intent.        Second, the
    district court explicitly instructed the jury that it should
    consider the claims of each plaintiff individually.       The jury
    obviously followed that directive, as its answers to the questions
    regarding Goldman's contribution claim do differentiate between the
    various plaintiffs. For example, the jury found that Janet Baker
    breached her fiduciary duty to Roth and Bamberg but that James
    Baker breached his fiduciary duty to Bamberg, but not to Roth.
    negligence claims because it suggested that Goldman did not foresee
    that individual shareholders would rely on its advice.       It was
    relevant to the intentional misrepresentation claims because, to
    prove such a claim, a plaintiff must show that the defendant
    intended to induce the plaintiff to act upon a false statement.
    Masingill v. EMC Corp., 
    870 N.E.2d 81
    , 88 (Mass. 2007).   And it was
    relevant to the breach of fiduciary duty claims because a fiduciary
    relationship exists only if the plaintiff justifiably reposed trust
    in the defendant and the defendant knew of and accepted that trust.
    Broomfield v. Kosow, 
    212 N.E.2d 556
    , 560 (Mass. 1965); see also
    Maffei v. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bos., 
    867 N.E.2d 300
    , 313
    (Mass. 2007); Patsos v. First Albany Corp., 
    741 N.E.2d 841
    , 851
    (Mass. 2001).18   The last paragraph of the quoted instruction was
    both clear and substantively correct.
    We affirm the decision of the district court.   Costs are
    awarded to Goldman.
    As Goldman notes, the district court instructed the jury
    on these elements of the intentional misrepresentation and breach
    of fiduciary duty claims, and plaintiffs did not object to those

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-2208

Citation Numbers: 771 F.3d 37

Filed Date: 11/12/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (25)

United States v. Silva , 554 F.3d 13 ( 2009 )

Industrial General Corp. v. Sequoia Pacific Systems Corp. , 44 F.3d 40 ( 1995 )

Gill v. Gulfstream Park Racing Ass'n , 399 F.3d 391 ( 2005 )

Incase Incorporated v. Timex Corporation , 488 F.3d 46 ( 2007 )

In Re Pharm. Industry Average Wholesale Price Lit. , 582 F.3d 156 ( 2009 )

Federal Insurance Co v. HPSC, Inc. , 480 F.3d 26 ( 2007 )

Rodriguez-Bruno v. Doral Mortgage , 57 F.3d 1168 ( 1995 )

Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation v. Garrity Oil ... , 884 F.2d 1510 ( 1989 )

Johnson v. Spencer Press of Maine, Inc. , 364 F.3d 368 ( 2004 )

Vinick v. United States , 205 F.3d 1 ( 2000 )

Lamboy-Ortiz v. Ortiz-Velez , 630 F.3d 228 ( 2010 )

Hatch v. Trail King Industries, Inc. , 656 F.3d 59 ( 2011 )

Commercial Union Insurance v. Seven Provinces Insurance , 217 F.3d 33 ( 2000 )

Dcpb, Inc. v. City of Lebanon, Dcpb, Inc. v. City of Lebanon , 957 F.2d 913 ( 1992 )

Itt Corporation v. Ltx Corporation , 926 F.2d 1258 ( 1991 )

Arthur D. Little, Inc. v. Dooyang Corp. , 147 F.3d 47 ( 1998 )

Ahern v. Scholz , 85 F.3d 774 ( 1996 )

McDonough v. City of Quincy , 452 F.3d 8 ( 2006 )

Securities & Exchange Commission v. Happ , 392 F.3d 12 ( 2004 )

Lechoslaw v. Bank of America, N.A. , 618 F.3d 49 ( 2010 )

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