United States v. Almonte-Nunez , 771 F.3d 84 ( 2014 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 13-1896
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Daniel R. Domínguez, U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Selya and Stahl,
    Circuit Judges.
    Heather Golias, with whom Law Office of Heather Golias was on
    brief, for appellant.
    John A. Mathews II, Assistant United States Attorney, with
    whom Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney, Nelson
    Pérez-Sosa, Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Appellate
    Division, and Thomas F. Klumper, Assistant United States Attorney,
    were on brief, for appellee.
    November 14, 2014
    SELYA, Circuit Judge.    When the government enters into a
    plea agreement with a criminal defendant, it acquires a duty to
    carry out the obligations it has undertaken in both letter and
    spirit.   This duty devolves upon the government's attorneys.    But
    those attorneys, as officers of the court, remain bound by their
    corollary duty to provide full and accurate information about the
    offense and the offender to the sentencing court.       As this case
    illustrates, these dual obligations sometimes require prosecutors
    to walk a fine line.
    We draw the facts from the plea agreement, the change-of-
    plea colloquy, the presentence investigation report (PSI Report),
    and the transcript of the disposition hearing.     See United States
    v. Fernández-Cabrera, 
    625 F.3d 48
    , 50 (1st Cir. 2010).
    Early on the morning of September 30, 2011, Puerto Rico
    police officers pursued a car in Caparra Heights. The car careened
    into a pole and defendant-appellant Edwin Omar Almonte-Nuñez was
    observed clambering out of the wreck. The defendant threw a pistol
    on the floor as he went.   He and a passenger were arrested.
    There had been a robbery in the neighborhood, leaving an
    injured victim behind. During a search incident to arrest, some of
    the victim's property (including her passport) was found in the
    suspects' possession.
    The defendant admitted participating in the robbery.          He
    further admitted using the pistol to strike the victim, a 78-year-
    old widow.      The victim explained in a sworn statement that the
    defendant had placed the pistol to her forehead, threatened to
    shoot her, twice struck her in the face with the pistol, and
    restrained her against a wall.               The victim suffered grievous
    injuries, including the loss of her right eye.
    A federal grand jury subsequently returned a superseding
    indictment that charged the defendant in pertinent part with
    robbing an individual of a United States passport in violation of
    18 U.S.C. § 2112
     (count 1), brandishing a firearm during a crime of
    violence in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A)(ii) (count 2),
    and being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm in violation
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1) (count 3).            After initially maintaining
    his   innocence,    the    defendant   executed    a   plea   agreement   (the
    Agreement) and entered guilty pleas to all counts.               See Fed. R.
    Crim. P. 11(c)(1)(B).
    In the Agreement, the government and the defendant agreed
    to a series of guideline calculations, culminating in a total
    offense level of 25.          The parties pledged that neither of them
    would   argue    for   any   further   offense-level      adjustments.    The
    defendant's criminal history category (CHC) was left open and,
    thus,   his    guideline     sentencing   range   (GSR)   was   undetermined.
    Nevertheless, the Agreement allowed the defendant to argue for
    sentences on counts 1 and 3 at the low end of whatever GSR emerged
    and allowed the government to argue for high-end sentences on those
    counts.      With respect to count 2, the parties jointly agreed to
    advocate an 84-month sentence (to run consecutive to whatever
    sentences the court imposed on the other counts).
    The     Agreement    made     clear     that     these     sentencing
    recommendations were not binding on the district court.                   To guard
    against the possibility that the court might reject the proposed
    calculations, the defendant agreed to waive his right to appeal
    only   if    he     was   "sentenced   in   accordance    with    the    terms   and
    conditions set forth in the Sentence Recommendation provisions" of
    the Agreement.
    We fast forward to March 14, 2013, when the probation
    department submitted an amended PSI Report. This version contained
    certain information not included in the Agreement's stipulated
    facts.      Pertinently, the PSI Report noted that the victim had been
    threatened with death and restrained during the robbery. With this
    in mind, the PSI Report suggested that the defendant's total
    offense level should be 29 (not 25).                  See USSG §2B3.1(b)(2)(F)
    (providing        two-level    enhancement      for   threat     of    death);   id.
    §2B3.1(b)(4)(B) (providing two-level enhancement for restraining
    victim).      It further recommended that the defendant be placed in
    the highest available CHC: VI.
    At a sentencing conference held on April 16, 2013, two
    noteworthy developments occurred.      First, the court related its
    inclination to adopt the two new enhancements proposed in the PSI
    Report.     Second, the court stated that it regarded the parties'
    sentencing recommendation on counts 1 and 3 as too lenient.
    The disposition hearing convened on June 14, 2013.   The
    defendant did not object to the appropriateness of CHC VI. He did,
    however, object to the threat-of-death adjustment, arguing that
    this enhancement would constitute double counting in light of the
    charge limned in count 2.      The Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA)
    agreed that a threat-of-death adjustment would constitute double
    counting.     The court acquiesced, and that proposed adjustment
    dropped out of the case.
    The court followed up by asking the AUSA whether the
    proposed restraint adjustment would be double counting.          She
    replied that it would not.     The defendant did not challenge the
    accuracy of this response but nonetheless beseeched the court to
    use the total offense level adumbrated in the Agreement (25).
    Later in the proceeding, the defendant objected to inclusion of the
    restraint adjustment, maintaining that the government had not
    mentioned that element in the plea negotiations and that, in all
    events, there was insufficient evidence to justify a finding that
    the victim had been restrained.        The AUSA rejoined that the
    government had provided full discovery and that the victim impact
    statement furnished a factual basis for the two-level restraint
    enhancement. At the same time, however, the AUSA assured the court
    that    the    government          stood    by   the     sentencing    recommendations
    delineated in the Agreement.
    This exchange concluded with the court advising the
    parties       that    it    was     inclined     to      incorporate    the   restraint
    enhancement into the offense-level calculation.                        Doing so would
    boost the defendant's offense level to 27, resulting in a GSR of
    130 to 162 months.
    The court then heard arguments about what sentence to
    impose.       The defendant's lawyer argued that, if the court used an
    offense level of 27, it should impose a bottom-of-the-range 130-
    month sentence on counts 1 and 3.                   While the AUSA reiterated that
    the    government          stood    by     the   Agreement     and     its    sentencing
    recommendations, she referenced the seriousness of the offenses,
    the various aggravating factors, and the need for deterrence. When
    the court made clear that the higher GSR would apply, the AUSA
    recommended          137-month      sentences       on    counts   1   and    3.    Not
    coincidentally, 137 months represented the high end of the GSR that
    would have applied if the court had stuck with an offense level of
    25.     The court continued to press the AUSA about the restraint
    enhancement, whereupon the AUSA repeated that there was a factual
    basis for the enhancement but asked the court to impose a sentence
    in     accordance       with       the     Agreement's     sentence     recommendation
    provisions (in other words, a sentence premised on an offense level
    of 25).
    The rest is history.         The court applied the restraint
    enhancement and set the defendant's total offense level at 27. The
    GSR for counts 1 and 3 thus became 130 to 162 months.                  The court
    sentenced the defendant to concurrent 150-month incarcerative terms
    on    those    counts,     to    be    followed   by   the    agreed     84-month
    incarcerative term on count 2.            This timely appeal followed.
    In this venue, the defendant presses two claims of error.
    First, he says that the government breached the Agreement and that,
    therefore, he should be resentenced before a different judge.
    Second, he says that the 150-month sentence on count 3 must be
    vacated because it exceeds the statutory maximum for that count.
    There is, however, a threshold issue: the government
    contends      that   the   waiver-of-appeal       clause     contained   in   the
    Agreement bars our review of the defendant's claims of error.                 We
    start there.
    A.    Appeal Waiver.
    It is black-letter law that a criminal defendant may
    waive his right to appeal.            See United States v. Teeter, 
    257 F.3d 14
    , 23 (1st Cir. 2001).          We will enforce such a waiver as long as
    "the defendant knowingly and voluntarily agreed to its terms and
    enforcement would not result in miscarriage of justice."                  United
    States v. McCoy, 
    508 F.3d 74
    , 77 (1st Cir. 2007) (citing Teeter,
    257 F.3d at 24-26
    Of course, a waiver of appeal precludes only those
    appeals that fall within its scope.                          See Fernández-Cabrera, 625
    F.3d at 51; McCoy, 
    508 F.3d at 77
    .                           In determining whether an
    appeal is within the scope of a waiver provision, we interpret a
    plea agreement according to traditional contract-law principles.
    See United States v. Murphy-Cordero, 
    715 F.3d 398
    , 400 (1st Cir.
    2013).     Here,           the   terms     of    the    waiver-of-appeal       clause   are
    unequivocal: the defendant is foreclosed from appealing only if he
    was "sentenced in accordance with the terms and conditions set
    forth in the Sentence Recommendation provisions" of the Agreement.
    As    to     counts    1    and    3,    the    sentence   recommendation
    provisions contemplated a total offense level of 25 (with no
    further   offense-level            adjustments)         and     a   sentence   within   the
    ensuing GSR.          Thus, for the defendant to have been sentenced in
    accordance          with     the     terms       of    the     sentence   recommendation
    provisions, he would have had to be sentenced within a GSR derived
    from an offense level of 25.                      Such a GSR, even at the highest
    possible CHC (VI), tops out at 137 months.                          See USSG Ch.5, Pt.A,
    sentencing table.            The defendant's 150-month sentences on counts 1
    and 3 were above this ceiling.                   It follows, as night follows day,
    that the sentences imposed on counts 1 and 3 were not in conformity
    with     the        Agreement's           sentence      recommendation         provisions.
    Consequently,   the   waiver-of-appeal      clause   does   not   pretermit
    appellate review.     See, e.g., Murphy-Cordero, 715 F.3d at 400.
    The government resists this conclusion.           It asseverates
    that the defendant was sentenced in conformance with the sentence
    recommendation provisions because those provisions did not lock in
    a particular GSR and the Agreement otherwise informed the defendant
    that the district court retained ultimate sentencing discretion.
    This is anfractuous reasoning, and we reject it.
    We interpret a plea agreement as a whole and strive to
    give effect to all of its terms.     See United States v. Okoye, 
    731 F.3d 46
    , 49 (1st Cir. 2013). Here, the Agreement unambiguously set
    the offense level at 25 and barred arguments in favor of further
    adjustments.    That the Agreement informed the defendant that the
    district court retained ultimate sentencing discretion does not
    eviscerate these commitments.1      The waiver-of-appeal clause is,
    therefore, a dead letter.
    B.   Purported Breach.
    We turn next to the defendant's claim that the government
    failed to abide by the Agreement.        Whether the government breached
    the terms of a plea agreement is usually a question of law, which
    With minimal effort, the government could have drafted a
    waiver clause having the effect that it unrealistically ascribes to
    the language actually used in the Agreement. See United States v.
    580 F.3d 43
    , 51 (1st Cir. 2009) (considering waiver provision
    that applied "if the sentence imposed by the Court is within the
    guideline range determined by the Court or lower."        (emphasis
    supplied) (internal quotation mark omitted)).
    we review de novo.   See United States v. Clark, 
    55 F.3d 9
    , 11 (1st
    Cir. 1995).    But where, as here, the defendant fails to object to
    the purported breach before the district court, review is only for
    plain error.     See Puckett v. United States, 
    556 U.S. 129
    , 143
    (2009); United States v. Rivera-Rodríguez, 
    489 F.3d 48
    , 57 (1st
    Cir. 2007).
    The path of plain-error review is well traveled.     The
    appellant must shoulder the burden of showing "(1) that an error
    occurred (2) which was clear or obvious and which not only (3)
    affected the defendant's substantial rights, but also (4) seriously
    impaired the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial
    proceedings."   United States v. Duarte, 
    246 F.3d 56
    , 60 (1st Cir.
    2001); accord United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993).
    Within this taxonomy, an error is deemed to affect substantial
    rights when it likely affected the outcome of the proceedings. See
    556 U.S. at 135
    The government perplexingly concedes that it breached the
    Agreement's prohibition against supporting further adjustments by
    advising the court that the record contained a factual basis for
    the restraint adjustment.    A federal court in a criminal case is
    not obliged to accept the government's confession of error, see
    United States v. Mescual-Cruz, 
    387 F.3d 1
    , 8 n.2 (1st Cir. 2004),
    and we decline to do so here.     Our cases make pellucid that the
    AUSA was under an unflagging duty, as an officer of the court, to
    provide this accurate factual information to the sentencing judge
    once the judge had raised the issue.   See United States v. Gonczy,
    357 F.3d 50
    , 53 (1st Cir. 2004). Because the AUSA's statements did
    no more than fulfill this duty, they could not constitute a breach
    of the Agreement.   We explain briefly.
    A defendant who enters a plea agreement waives a panoply
    of constitutional rights and, therefore, we hold prosecutors to
    "the most meticulous standards of both promise and performance."
    United States v. Riggs, 
    287 F.3d 221
    , 224 (1st Cir. 2002) (internal
    quotation marks omitted); see Clark, 
    55 F.3d at 12
    . Such standards
    require more than lip service to, or technical compliance with, the
    terms of a plea agreement.   See Rivera-Rodríguez, 
    489 F.3d at 57
    United States v. Saxena, 
    229 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 2000).
    However, this principle does not operate in a vacuum. We
    repeatedly have emphasized that prosecutors have a concurrent and
    equally solemn obligation to provide relevant information to the
    sentencing court and that a plea agreement may not abridge that
    obligation. See, e.g., Gonczy, 
    357 F.3d at 53
    ; Saxena, 
    229 F.3d at 6
    ; see also United States v. Canada, 
    960 F.2d 263
    , 270 n.7 (1st
    Cir. 1992) ("It is necessary at all times that the government
    'level' with the court as to the correct facts and calculations
    relevant to guideline sentencing.").
    In this instance, the Agreement obligated the government
    "to refrain from arguing further guideline adjustments" to an
    offense level of 25.          But there is a material difference between
    answering questions asked by a sentencing court or bringing facts
    to    the   court's     attention    and     affirmatively      supporting   an
    adjustment.      See Clark, 
    55 F.3d at 13
    .          The AUSA's statements here
    plainly were made in response to the district court's inquiry and
    to correct what the AUSA reasonably viewed as a misstatement of
    fact by defense counsel.         Seen in this light, those statements did
    not   cross      the   line   into   forbidden       terrain:   supporting   an
    enhancement entails an element of advocacy, and there was no such
    advocacy by the prosecutor here.           See Saxena, 
    229 F.3d at 7-8
    It    is   equally    plain      that    the   AUSA's   substantive
    sentencing argument did not transgress the Agreement.                 The AUSA
    made the following argument:
    Considering all of the facts and in this case
    we are talking about a defenseless female, 70
    year old woman, attacked in a way that nobody
    should have to face a situation like this.
    When she is sleeping, in a vulnerable state,
    the way it happened and the vicious way that
    he committed the crime, when he assaulted her
    with no provocation on her part.     The fact
    that she suffered severe bodily injury, she
    lost her right eye, and to this day she has
    almost lost her eyesight.   She is basically
    blind at this point. She needs the continued
    help of her family.
    . . . .
    We stand by the plea agreement and in a sense
    we have to recommend to the Court the higher
    end of the guideline, not the lower end. That
    is    considering   the    defendants    [sic]
    background, all [section] 3553 factors and the
    need to protect the community from future
    crimes of this defendant and send a message
    that crimes like this will not be tolerated.
    . . . .
    We are standing by the plea agreement with the
    guidelines negotiated by the parties.
    Following additional questioning from the court concerning the
    restraint adjustment, the AUSA reiterated that the government
    intended to adhere to the Agreement and twice recommended a 137-
    month      sentence.       This   sentencing     recommendation       tracked   the
    Agreement, which expressly permitted the government to seek a
    sentence at the high end of the applicable GSR based on offense
    level 25.
    The defendant has a fallback position.            He insists that
    the AUSA's conduct, taken as a whole, conveyed the government's
    tacit support for the restraint adjustment.             A fair reading of the
    transcript     of    the   disposition     hearing    belies    the   defendant's
    tendencious characterization.            At no time did the AUSA advocate in
    favor of the newly emergent restraint adjustment. To the contrary,
    she repeatedly asserted that the government stood by the Agreement.
    To be sure, it is possible for a prosecutor to undercut
    a plea agreement while paying lip service to its covenants.                     Our
    decision in Clark illustrates this point. There, we found a breach
    of   the    plea    agreement     when   the    government,    without   formally
    opposing a downward adjustment that it had agreed not to oppose,
    made it clear that it regarded the adjustment as inappropriate.
    55 F.3d at 12
    We    consider       the    totality    of    the   circumstances     in
    determining whether a prosecutor engaged in impermissible tactics.
    See, e.g., Gonczy, 
    357 F.3d at 53-54
    ; Saxena, 
    229 F.3d at 6-7
    Here,   there    is    no   basis     for   concluding    that    the   prosecutor
    reaffirmed a promise to the defendant out of one side of her mouth
    and tried to subvert it out of the other side.                     The AUSA said
    nothing that could reasonably be construed as an indication that
    she supported the restraint adjustment.              No more is exigible: the
    AUSA was not required to be effusive in refusing to support the
    adjustment.      Cf. Canada, 
    960 F.2d at 270
     (explaining that a
    prosecutor is not obliged to present an agreed representation "with
    any particular degree of enthusiasm").
    In a final effort to save a sinking ship, the defendant
    suggests that there is more to the AUSA's argument than meets the
    eye.     He     says    that,    peeking       beneath   the     surface   of   the
    recommendation, the AUSA insinuated that she was touting an overly
    lenient sentence only because she was precluded from arguing for a
    stiffer one.     In particular, the defendant complains that the AUSA
    "highlighted the vulnerable nature of the complainant and the
    impact on her daily life."              He adds that the court's earlier
    characterization of the recommended sentence as too lenient should
    have put the government on notice of the need to tread lightly.2
    This plaint leads nowhere.            The Agreement allowed the
    prosecutor to seek the upper end of the GSR contemplated by the
    Agreement, and the AUSA was within fair territory in emphasizing
    facts    that   made    a    sentence    at    the   low   end    of   that   GSR
    inappropriate.         See   Rivera-Rodríguez,       
    489 F.3d at 58
    .    The
    defendant admitted to committing a heinous crime resulting in
    horrific injuries, and nothing contained in the Agreement entitled
    him to have the government sugarcoat the facts.
    To say more on this point would be to paint the lily.
    Holding steady and true the delicate balance between the AUSA's
    dual obligations and considering the totality of the circumstances,
    no breach of the Agreement is evident.
    C.   Count 3 Sentence.
    The defendant's remaining claim of error targets his
    sentence on the firearm possession charge (count 3). His thesis is
    that the sentence imposed must be vacated because it exceeds the
    statutory maximum.       Inasmuch as this claim is raised for the first
    The defendant likewise laments that the AUSA referenced
    certain facts not otherwise before the court concerning the
    defendant's involvement of his common-law partner's son in the
    robbery. While this reference may have been overzealous, it was
    not objected to and, in all events, this aspect of the government's
    advocacy in no way communicated support for a sentence beyond the
    upper range of 137 months, fully in line with the Agreement.
    time on appeal, our review is for plain error.              See Duarte, 
    246 F.3d at 60
    The statute of conviction for count 3 is 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1).     The maximum sentence authorized by Congress for a
    violation of this statute is 10 years (120 months).            See 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (a)(2).     In this case, count 3 was grouped with count 1 for
    purposes of calculating the applicable offense level.                See USSG
    §3D1.2(a).     The court warrantably determined that the GSR was 130
    to 162 months and then imposed a 150-month concurrent sentence on
    each of the two grouped counts.
    With respect to count 3, this sentence constituted clear
    and obvious error.     Guideline calculations simply cannot usurp a
    maximum level of imprisonment established by Congress.            See United
    States v. Saccoccia, 
    58 F.3d 754
    , 786 (1st Cir. 1995).               Nor does
    grouping by some mysterious alchemy blend the maximum penalties for
    each of the grouped counts.             See USSG §5G1.2, comment. (n.1)
    (explaining    that   when   a   defendant   is    sentenced   for   multiple
    convictions, the separate statutory maximums limit each sentence).
    Consequently, the 150-month sentence on count 3 is above the
    maximum sentence permitted by law.
    Notwithstanding     this   manifest   error,   the   government
    argues that resentencing is unwarranted because the incorrect
    sentence did not affect the defendant's substantial rights and,
    therefore, did not amount to plain error.                This argument is
    premised on the defendant's identical and concurrent 150-month
    sentence on count 1.
    We have not adopted a uniform rule about whether, without
    a preserved claim of error, a defendant who is sentenced to a term
    of imprisonment in excess of a statutory maximum is entitled to
    relief even though his overall period of immurement will not be
    affected.    Compare, e.g., United States v. Matos, 
    611 F.3d 31
    , 36
    (1st Cir. 2010) (denying relief), with United States v. García-
    528 F.3d 74
    , 84-85 (1st Cir. 2008) (granting relief).
    Although particular cases may differ, flexibility exists and, under
    normal circumstances, our discretion should be exercised in favor
    of trimming back an excessive sentence.     Our reasoning follows.
    To begin, in an appropriate case, leaving intact a
    sentence that exceeds a congressionally mandated limit may sully
    the public's perception of the fairness of the proceeding.      That
    perception, in turn, may threaten respect for the courts and may
    impair their reputation.
    From the defendant's standpoint, collateral consequences
    may arise as a result of an above-the-maximum sentence imposed on
    a particular count.    The existence and extent of these collateral
    consequences are notoriously difficult to predict, but they have
    the potential to harm the defendant in a myriad of ways.         See
    United States v. Bossany, 
    678 F.3d 603
    , 606-07 (8th Cir. 2012)
    (recognizing that "mere presence of an excessive sentence in a
    defendant's record has the potential of causing prejudice").            It
    strikes us as both unwise and unfair to place the risk of such harm
    on the defendant where, as here, the excessive sentence is easy to
    correct. See United States v. Kincaid, 
    898 F.2d 110
    , 112 (9th Cir.
    1990) (refusing to place risk of future prejudice flowing from
    erroneous sentence on defendant).
    In the last analysis, correcting such an error will
    rarely tax judicial resources and may (depending on what an
    uncertain    future   brings)   provide   some   small   benefit   to   the
    defendant.     When (as in this case) there are no countervailing
    circumstances, we believe that the interests of justice ordinarily
    will tip the scales in favor of relief.
    That ends this aspect of the matter.            Because the
    sentence on the firearm possession charge (count 3) exceeds the
    statutory maximum, we direct the district court, on remand, to
    enter a modified sentence of 120 months on that count.        See United
    States v. Barnes, 
    251 F.3d 251
    , 261 (1st Cir. 2001).
    We need go no further. For the reasons elucidated above,
    we affirm the defendant's sentence on counts 1 and 2, but order the
    court below to enter a modified sentence on count 3.
    So Ordered.