Richard Weidman v. Exxon Mobil Corporation , 776 F.3d 214 ( 2015 )

  •                               PUBLISHED
    No. 13-2007
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria.    Claude M. Hilton, Senior
    District Judge. (1:13-cv-00501-CMH-JFA)
    Argued:   October 28, 2014                 Decided:   January 8, 2015
    Before GREGORY, FLOYD, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded by published
    opinion. Judge Gregory wrote the opinion, in which Judge Floyd
    and Judge Thacker joined.
    ARGUED: Richard C. Weidman, Great Falls, Virginia, Appellant Pro
    Se.   Thomas Patrick Murphy, HUNTON & WILLIAMS, LLP, McLean,
    Virginia, for Appellees.   ON BRIEF: Arthur E. Schmalz, Ryan M.
    Bates, HUNTON & WILLIAMS LLP, McLean, Virginia, for Appellees.
    GREGORY, Circuit Judge:
    Pro se Plaintiff Richard Weidman sued his former employer,
    Exxon     Mobil    Corporation        (“ExxonMobil”),          and   ten    ExxonMobil
    employees,      alleging       that   he    was    fired       in    retaliation   for
    reporting illegal pharmacy practices, which caused him to suffer
    a heart attack and emotional distress.                     Weidman, still pro se,
    appeals the district court’s dismissal of his fraud, intentional
    infliction of emotional distress, personal injury, and wrongful
    discharge claims.             Weidman furthermore challenges the district
    court’s denial of his motion to remand the case to state court.
    For the reasons below, we affirm the district court’s denial of
    Weidman’s motion to remand and dismissal of all but one of his
    tort claims.        We hold Weidman has sufficiently stated a claim
    for wrongful discharge against ExxonMobil.
    In March 2013, Weidman filed suit in Fairfax County Circuit
    Court     against       his     former     employer,          ExxonMobil,    and   ten
    ExxonMobil employees.             These employees include:                 (1) Clarion
    Ellis    Johnson,       Medical    Director;      (2)    Jeffrey      Woodbury,    Vice
    President    for    Safety,       Security,       Health       and   Environment   and
    Johnson’s supervisor; (3) Victoria Martin Weldon, U.S. Director
    of   Medicine     and    Occupational      Health       and    Weidman’s    supervisor
    from February 2010; and (4) Stephen Jones, whose title is not
    given    but     who     reported      directly          to    Johnson          and    supervised
    Weldon.         The      complaint      also           named     four          individuals      who
    investigated          Weidman’s       reports           of     retaliation:                  Daniel
    Whitfield,       Kent     Dixon,      Jeremy          Sampsell,          and     F.    Bud     Carr.
    Lastly, the suit named Meghan Hasson and Gerard Monsivaiz, who
    worked in the Human Resources Department, though Monsivaiz is
    only    mentioned       in    the    case    caption.            Weidman        is     a   Virginia
    resident, as are three of the defendants:                                Hasson, Monsivaiz,
    and Sampsell.
    Weidman worked as Senior Physician in ExxonMobil’s Fairfax,
    Virginia office from 2007 until his termination in January 2013.
    Upon    being    hired,       Weidman       was       required      to    read        ExxonMobil’s
    Standards       of     Business      Conduct          (“handbook”).              This      handbook
    detailed employee standards with respect to reporting suspected
    violations       of     law    and     policy.            It     also          guaranteed       non-
    retaliation      by     ExxonMobil      against          employees         for        making    such
    reports.       Weidman claims that he attended yearly meetings where
    videos were played showing Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil,
    guaranteeing that employees would never suffer retaliation for
    reporting violations.
    Weidman’s       complaint      alleges          that    in    2009        he     discovered
    ExxonMobil      had     been    operating         illegal      pharmacies             in   multiple
    states, and had also illegally stockpiled large quantities of
    medication in its Fairfax, Virginia office, as well as in other
    clinics.      He asserts many senior managers were aware of these
    illegal     activities,        including           Johnson,        Weldon,        and    Jones.
    Weidman further contends that Jones requested he “participate in
    a   scheme”    to     distribute      stockpiled            medication       to    ExxonMobil
    employees      in   Virginia.             In   January       2010,       Weidman        says    he
    informed      Johnson    he    would       not     obtain      a    New     Jersey       medical
    license to work at a clinic in that state as long as it was
    operating an illegal pharmacy.                       In response to this, Weidman
    alleges Johnson became “physically intimidating” toward him.
    Weidman claims he reported “violations of the law by the
    Medical Department,” in response to which “Johnson initiated a
    malicious      campaign       of    retaliation.”             The        campaign       included
    “attempts      to     humiliate,          discredit,          and        punish     Weidman,”
    including      “continuously          humiliat[ing]           Weidman        before        [his]
    colleagues,” falsely classifying him as a poor performer, and
    “ma[king] statements that clearly implied that Weidman was a
    pedophile” at an office gathering.                     Shortly thereafter, Weidman
    reported via email to senior management his belief that Johnson
    was   retaliating       against       him      for    prior    complaints,           and    that
    ExxonMobil      was     violating         pharmacy      laws        in    several        states.
    ExxonMobil     proceeded       to    conduct         what    Weidman       describes       as    a
    “sham”     investigation           into     his      allegations.            Weidman       says
    Whitfield and Dixon, two investigators assigned to the matter,
    falsely concluded that Johnson had not harassed Weidman and that
    the pharmacies were legal.
    On       an       unspecified     date       after   the    investigation          into
    Weidman’s report, Weidman says the Medical Department designated
    him as a “poor performer” and required him to participate in a
    performance improvement plan.                  In September 2011, Weidman claims
    to have received an email from ExxonMobil’s Legal Department
    stating ExxonMobil pharmacies had been in violation of multiple
    state laws.             Weidman says he then sent another email to senior
    managers informing them that Johnson and other members of the
    Medical Department had retaliated against him, and that there
    had     been        a    cover   up    of    these     actions     during    the     first
    investigation.               A   second      investigation        commenced,      led      by
    Sampsell and Carr.               During the investigation, Carr allegedly
    admitted to Weidman that ExxonMobil had been operating illegal
    pharmacies          for    years,     and   that     Johnson     had    permitted    their
    Under the performance improvement plan, which lasted for
    over a year, Weidman participated in meetings with Weldon, which
    Hasson     also         attended.      Weidman      contends     the    purpose     of    the
    meetings was not to improve his performance, but to overburden
    him with the creation of new tasks meant to cause his failure to
    perform.       In late October 2012, Weidman alleges he complained to
    Human      Resources         about     the     “oppressive        and    unjustifiable”
    meetings.           He   was      particularly               concerned       about       a    meeting
    scheduled       just     days     before      he       was    to   undergo         surgery.          The
    meeting    occurred        on     October       24,      2012,      and      was    “hostile         and
    confrontational.”            Weidman claims to have had a heart attack
    during    the      meeting      “as     a    direct      result         of   the    stress         which
    Weldon    maliciously           inflicted          upon       him.”          In     mid-December,
    ExxonMobil extended Weidman’s performance improvement plan.                                          At
    the   next      meeting      in    January         2013,       Weidman’s          employment         was
    terminated, allegedly for failure to cooperate with the plan.
    Subsequently,          Weidman         filed      his     complaint         asserting         four
    causes    of       action:        (1)       fraud,       because         Appellees           allegedly
    retaliated         against      him     despite         representations             made      to     the
    contrary in the handbook and by CEO Tillerson in yearly videos;
    (2) intentional infliction of emotional distress; (3) “personal
    injury” of “irreparable damage to his heart”; and (4) wrongful
    discharge.         Weidman pursues this last count under two theories,
    that his termination violated Virginia’s public policy and was
    also a breach of an implied unilateral contract established by
    ExxonMobil’s employee handbook.
    Appellees removed the case to the U.S. District Court for
    the   Eastern       District       of       Virginia,         where     they      also       moved   to
    dismiss      the    case     under      Federal         Rule       of    Procedure           12(b)(6).
    Weidman moved to remand the case to state court.                                     The district
    court dismissed all of Weidman’s claims and denied his motion to
    In appealing the district court’s denial of his motion to
    remand, Weidman raises a threshold jurisdictional issue that we
    address de novo.       See Mayes v. Rapoport, 
    198 F.3d 457
    , 460 (4th
    Cir. 1999).     Weidman named three non-diverse defendants in his
    complaint, but the district court found it could properly retain
    subject     matter    jurisdiction     under     the   “fraudulent    joinder”
    doctrine.     Normally, complete diversity of citizens is necessary
    for a federal court to exercise diversity jurisdiction, meaning
    the plaintiff cannot be a citizen of the same state as any other
    Id. at 464
    .      However,     the   fraudulent    joinder
    doctrine      provides      that     diversity      jurisdiction      is   not
    automatically defeated by naming non-diverse defendants. 1                 The
    district court can “disregard, for jurisdictional purposes, the
    citizenship of certain nondiverse defendants.”              
    Id. at 461
    .     It
    can retain jurisdiction upon the non-moving party showing either
    Contrary to its name, the “fraudulent joinder” doctrine
    requires neither fraud nor joinder. “In fact, it is irrelevant
    whether the defendants were ‘joined’ to the case or originally
    included as defendants,” as the doctrine is “applicable to each
    defendant named by the plaintiff either in the original
    complaint or anytime prior to removal.” Mayes, 
    198 F.3d at
    that     the     plaintiff     committed           outright     fraud     in    pleading
    jurisdictional facts, or that “there is no possibility that the
    plaintiff would be able to establish a cause of action against
    the in-state defendant in state court.”                   Mayes, 
    198 F.3d at 464
    see also Marshall v. Manville Sales Corp., 
    6 F.3d 229
    , 233 (4th
    Cir. 1993) (“A claim need not ultimately succeed . . . [as] only
    a possibility of a right to relief need be asserted.”).
    We agree with the district court that Weidman, a Virginia
    resident, cannot succeed in any of his claims against the non-
    diverse defendants – Monsivaiz, Sampsell, or Hasson – in state
    court.      First,      Monsivaiz     is    only      mentioned    in   the    complaint
    caption; there is no factual detail at all to support any claims
    against    him.         Of   the   two     remaining      non-diverse         defendants,
    Weidman has not in any way alleged that Sampsell or Hasson made
    materially false statements on which Weidman reasonably relied,
    that their actions were connected to his heart attack, or that
    they engaged in outrageous or intolerable conduct.                        These claims
    fail in any case, for reasons described in Part III.
    The only plausible claim against Hasson and Sampsell is the
    wrongful       discharge     claim.        Appellees     argue     that   Sampsell    or
    Hasson cannot be liable for wrongful discharge because Weidman
    named     only    ExxonMobil       in      the      paragraph     of    his    complaint
    describing       this    count.         Even       assuming   Weidman     brings    suit
    against all Appellees on this claim, there simply are not enough
    facts    to   connect     the    actions   of   Sampsell      and     Hasson    to    his
    allegedly      wrongful         discharge.           Virginia        law     recognizes
    individual employee liability for wrongful discharge for public
    policy reasons.      See VanBuren v. Grubb, 
    733 S.E.2d 919
    , 923 (Va.
    2012).    Still, Sampsell is described as one of two investigators
    assigned to the second investigation into Weidman’s complaints.
    He is mentioned only once in a paragraph that focuses on actions
    taken not by Sampsell, but by his co-investigator.                           Similarly,
    the most alleged against Hasson is that she attended Weidman’s
    performance improvement meetings.
    Appellees have satisfied their burden of showing there is
    “no possibility” of Weidman succeeding in any of his tort claims
    against any of these non-diverse defendants.                         Thus, we affirm
    the district court’s denial of Weidman’s motion to remand.
    Moving to the district court’s dismissal of Weidman’s tort
    claims, we review a grant of a motion to dismiss for failure to
    state a claim de novo.            E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. v. Kolon
    Indus., Inc., 
    637 F.3d 435
    , 440 (4th Cir. 2011).                           A complaint
    “must    contain    sufficient       facts      to    state     a    claim     that    is
    ‘plausible     on   its    face.’”     
          (quoting      Bell    Atl.    Corp.    v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 570 (2007)).                  “A formulaic recitation of
    the elements of a cause of action” is not enough.                          Robertson v.
    Sea Pines Real Estate Cos., 
    679 F.3d 278
    , 288 (4th Cir. 2012)
    (quoting   Twombly,     
    550 U.S. at 555
    ).      In   making      this
    determination, we “accept as true all of the factual allegations
    contained in the complaint,” and “draw all reasonable inferences
    in favor of the plaintiff.”         DuPont, 
    637 F.3d at 440
    Under this standard, we review Weidman’s claims of fraud,
    intentional infliction of emotional distress, personal injury,
    and wrongful discharge in turn.
    To establish a fraud claim, Weidman must show:                  “(1) a
    false   representation,       (2)    of    a   material   fact,   (3)      made
    intentionally and knowingly, (4) with intent to mislead, (5)
    reliance by the party misled, and (6) resulting damage to the
    party misled.”    Prospect Dev. Co. v. Bershader, 
    515 S.E.2d 291
    297 (Va. 1999) (quoting Bryant v. Peckinpaugh, 
    400 S.E.2d 201
    203 (Va. 1991)).      Additionally, he is required to “state with
    particularity the circumstances constituting fraud or mistake.”
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b).       These circumstances are “the time, place,
    and   contents   of   the   false    representations,     as   well   as    the
    identity of the person making the misrepresentation and what he
    obtained thereby.”     Harrison v. Westinghouse Savannah River Co.,
    176 F.3d 776
    , 784 (4th Cir. 1999) (quoting 5 Charles Alan Wright
    & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure § 1297, at
    590 (2d ed. 1990)).
    We agree with the district court that Weidman failed to
    sufficiently plead his fraud claim against Appellees.                              Weidman
    only vaguely referred to CEO Tillerson and unnamed “members of
    the Human Resources and Law Departments” in his complaint.                              J.A.
    22 (Compl. ¶ 25).         He does not specify when or how many times
    the representations occurred, but alleges that “[a]t the time
    these representations were made . . . the parties who made them
    knew” that reporting violations “could result in actions taken
    against those who reported [them].”                     J.A. 22 (Compl. ¶ 26).
    Absent additional details, the district court properly dismissed
    Weidman’s fraud claim.
    Weidman further appeals the district court’s dismissal of
    his claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress.                              This
    claim      requires     that:       (1)        the     wrongdoer’s          conduct     was
    “intentional or reckless”; (2) the conduct was “outrageous and
    intolerable”; (3) “there was a causal connection between the
    wrongdoer’s conduct and the emotional distress”; and (4) the
    resulting distress was severe.                 Womack v. Eldridge, 
    210 S.E.2d 145
    , 148 (Va. 1974).
    Weidman’s       allegations    against          Appellees     –       that   he   was
    labeled a     poor     performer    and   impliedly        called       a    pedophile    –
    while unsettling, are nonetheless insufficient as a matter of
    law   to    establish    “outrageous      and        intolerable”       conduct.         
    Weidman simply failed to set forth facts rising to the level of
    conduct “so outrageous . . . as to go beyond all possible bounds
    of   decency,     and      to    be    regarded     as    atrocious,             and   utterly
    intolerable      in   a    civilized     community.”               Russo    v.    White,   
    400 S.E.2d 160
    , 162 (Va. 1991); see, e.g., Baird ex rel. Baird v.
    192 F.3d 462
    , 472-73 (4th Cir. 1999) (finding sufficiently
    pled    facts     of       outrageous        conduct          in     case        of    teacher
    intentionally         humiliating        student        she        knew     suffered       from
    depression); Lewis v. Gupta, 
    54 F. Supp. 2d 611
    , 621 (E.D. Va.
    1999) (defendant conspiring to falsely accuse plaintiff of rape,
    resulting in plaintiff’s imprisonment for 529 days); Delk v.
    Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp., 
    523 S.E.2d 826
    , 833 (Va. 2000)
    (defendants’ knowing failure to inform plaintiff she was exposed
    to HIV).
    Weidman   argues         that   the   “outrageous           conduct”       requirement
    set forth in Womack is not required when the harm complained of
    results in definite physical injury.                      This argument fails for
    several reasons.          First, Weidman raises this issue for the first
    time on appeal.            See Karpel v. Inova Health Sys. Servs., 
    134 F.3d 1222
    , 1227 (4th Cir. 1998) (“[I]ssues raised for the first
    time   on   appeal        generally     will      not    be    considered.”).              More
    fundamentally, the Supreme Court of Virginia wrote in Womack
    that a plaintiff must show only negligent, as opposed to willful
    or wanton conduct, “where emotional disturbance is accompanied
    by physical injury,” but did so in reference to the tort of
    negligent infliction of emotional distress.                210 S.E. 2d at 147.
    When Weidman points to Womack for the principle that he is not
    required to show conduct going “beyond all possible bounds of
    decency,” Russo, 400 S.E.2d at 162, he is actually trying to
    reframe his claim as one for negligent, rather than intentional,
    infliction of emotional distress, which we cannot allow.
    Therefore, Weidman is required to allege “outrageous and
    intolerable” conduct, and we agree with the district court that
    he has not done so.
    Count Three of Weidman’s complaint is a “personal injury”
    cause of action against Appellees.                Weidman states in a single
    paragraph:         “Due to the intentional and malicious acts of the
    Defendants towards the Plaintiff that the Defendants knew, or
    should      have    known,    would   have    injured     the    Plaintiff,    the
    Plaintiff suffered irreparable damage to his heart.”                     J.A. 23
    (Compl. ¶ 33).          In dismissing this count, the district court
    treated     Weidman’s    heart    attack     as    an   injury   for   which   the
    Virginia      Workers’       Compensation    Act    provides     the   exclusive
    remedy. 2     We instead affirm dismissal of this count for failure
    The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act (“VWCA”) is
    triggered when an employee suffers an “injury by accident
    arising out of and in the course of the employment.” Va. Code
    to sufficiently state a claim.                See Republican Party of N.C. v.
    980 F.2d 943
    , 952 (4th Cir. 1992) (“[W]e may affirm a
    judgment for any reason appearing on the record.”).                      A well-pled
    complaint    must   offer      more    than      “labels    and   conclusions,”      or
    “naked     assertions     devoid       of     further      factual     enhancement.”
    Ashcroft    v.   Iqbal,     
    556 U.S. 662
    ,    678     (2009)     (brackets    and
    internal     quotation    marks       omitted).            Weidman’s    one-sentence
    allegation    that,     “due    to    the    intentional      and    malicious     acts
    . . . the Plaintiff suffered irreparable damage to his heart,”
    J.A. 23 (Compl. ¶ 33), is exactly the kind of “naked assertion”
    that is insufficient to state a claim.
    Weidman’s     wrongful      discharge       claim    against     ExxonMobil   is
    presented in two parts.              According to Weidman, his termination
    for refusing to participate in an allegedly illegal pharmacy
    operation violated Virginia public policy.                    He also argues that
    the   anti-retaliation            provision        in      ExxonMobil’s     handbook
    Ann. § 65.2-101.    This does not include “[i]njuries resulting
    from repetitive trauma, continuing mental or physical stress, or
    other cumulative events.” Morris v. Morris, 
    385 S.E.2d 858
    , 865
    (Va. 1989).    Had Weidman pled that his heart attack was the
    final result of repetitive stress or cumulative events, as
    opposed to a discrete event, his claim may not have been barred
    by the VWCA.    Nevertheless, his own complaint does not support
    this argument. See J.A. 21 (Compl. ¶ 22) (“During the
    [performance improvement] meeting, Weidman suffered a heart
    attack as a direct result of the stress which Weldon maliciously
    inflicted upon him.” (emphasis added)).
    constituted        an     implied       unilateral         contract         that   ExxonMobil
    breached      by     firing      him    for        reporting        violations        of      state
    pharmacy laws.
    Virginia adheres to a strong presumption that employment is
    at will, meaning employment lasts for an indefinite term and can
    be terminated for almost any reason.                         See VanBuren, 733 S.E.2d
    at 921.       However, there is an exception to this doctrine for at-
    will employees who claim to have been discharged in violation of
    public policy.            Bowman v. State Bank of Keysville, 
    331 S.E.2d 797
    ,    801    (Va.       1985).        The        Supreme      Court    of    Virginia         has
    recognized three situations in which a litigant may show her
    discharge violated public policy:                         (1) where an employer fired
    an employee for exercising a statutorily created right; (2) when
    the public policy is “explicitly expressed in the statute and
    the    employee      was      clearly    a    member       of   that    class      of      persons
    directly entitled to the protection enunciated by the public
    policy”;      and       (3)    “where        the     discharge        was     based      on     the
    employee’s       refusal       to   engage     in     a    criminal      act.”          Rowan    v.
    Tractor Supply Co., 
    559 S.E.2d 709
    , 711 (Va. 2002).
    The    district         court    determined           that     Weidman      failed        to
    identify a statute whose public policy ExxonMobil violated in
    firing him.         We disagree and find Weidman sufficiently stated a
    claim     that      his    termination         violated         the     public     policy       of
    sections 54.1-3310 and 54.1—3435 of the Virginia Code.                                        These
    statutes make it unlawful for anyone to practice pharmacy or to
    engage in wholesale distribution of prescription drugs without a
    Va. Code Ann. §§ 54.1-3310
    , 54.1—3435.               While not part
    of Virginia’s criminal code, a violation of these sections leads
    to criminal penalties.               See 
     § 54.1-111 (making a violation a
    Class 1 misdemeanor 3).              Therefore, refusal to practice pharmacy
    without a license should be treated as refusal to engage in a
    criminal act.
    Weidman has pled sufficient factual detail to adequately
    state      this   claim.       He     writes   in     his   complaint   that    he    was
    wrongfully discharged for “refusing to participate in illegal
    pharmacy distribution activities . . . contraven[ing] the public
    policy      interest      of   the    Commonwealth      of    Virginia.”       J.A.   24
    (Compl. ¶ 38).         He furthermore describes:
    Jones     also     requested    that    Weidman
    participate in a scheme involving a Virginia
    pharmacy,    in   which   the  pharmacy   would
    distribute    the   stockpiled  medication   to
    Exxon Mobil employees, but Weidman refused
    to do so and informed Jones that this would
    be against the law.
    J.A.       14   (Compl.    ¶   8).       In    this    way,   Weidman   has    clearly
    described the circumstances of his refusal to engage in an act
    of criminal consequences.
    A Class 1 misdemeanor is punishable by “confinement in
    jail for not more than twelve months and a fine of not more than
    $2,500, either or both.” 
    Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-11
    Appellees      argue     that    this       claim    cannot       survive       because
    Weidman failed to cite the statute in his complaint.                                However,
    any deficiency in this regard is merely technical.                             Weidman did
    provide    the    citations    in     his    reply       to    Appellees’       Motion      to
    Dismiss.     See Mem. Opp’n Mot. Dismiss 17, ECF No. 13; see also
    Gordon v. Leeke, 
    574 F.2d 1147
    , 1151 (4th Cir. 1978) (explaining
    that “a complaint, especially a pro se complaint, should not be
    dismissed    summarily      unless     it    appears          beyond   doubt        that   the
    plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his claim
    which would entitle him to relief” (internal quotation marks
    omitted)).       Especially since Weidman’s complaint identified his
    refusal     to    “participate        in     illegal          pharmacy     distribution
    activities” as contravening Virginia public policy, his failure
    to provide specific citations – which he in fact provided in his
    responsive pleadings – cannot be considered failure to “give the
    defendant fair notice of what the claim is and the grounds upon
    which it rests.”        Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 555
     (ellipsis omitted).
    We therefore find that Weidman has sufficiently stated a
    wrongful     discharge      claim       under       Virginia’s          public        policy
    exception    to   its    at-will     employment      doctrine.            As    a    result,
    although we have previously recognized that Virginia law allows
    “[e]mployers      [to]    make       unilateral      offers        even        to    at-will
    employees . . . in employee handbooks,” we need not reach the
    issue.   Jensen v. Int’l Bus. Machs. Corp., 
    454 F.3d 382
    , 387
    (4th Cir. 2006).
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the district court’s
    dismissal    of    Weidman’s    wrongful     discharge     claim   against
    ExxonMobil   and    remand     the    case   for   further    proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.         We affirm the district court in
    all other respects.