United States v. Ferdman , 779 F.3d 1129 ( 2015 )

  •                                    PUBLISH
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                                    No. 13-2196
    Defendant - Appellant.
    (D.C. No. 1:12-CR-411-JB-1)
    Laura Fashing, Assistant United States Attorney (Damon P. Martinez, Acting United
    States Attorney, with her on the brief), Albuquerque, New Mexico, for Plaintiff-
    John V. Butcher, Assistant Federal Public Defender, Albuquerque, New Mexico, for
    Before LUCERO, BALDOCK, and HOLMES, Circuit Judges.
    BALDOCK, Circuit Judge.
    Defendant Joshua Ferdman and three co-conspirators concocted a scheme to
    fraudulently obtain cellular phones from Sprint stores in Arizona, California, and
    New Mexico, and resell them. To make a long story short, Defendant illicitly
    obtained the account information of numerous Sprint corporate customers. With this
    information in tow, Defendant went to various Sprint stores and purchased phones
    by impersonating the corporate account representatives. Defendant charged the price
    of the phones to the corporate accounts, and then sold at least some of the phones to
    one of his co-conspirators for online resale.
    In one particular instance, on May 25, 2011, Defendant entered a Sprint store
    in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and held himself out as an authorized representative
    of Double Vision Glass and Mirror. Defendant charged thirteen smartphones to
    Double Vision’s corporate account and left the store with the phones. Shortly
    thereafter, Defendant phoned the same Sprint store and ordered seven additional
    phones, once again charging them to Double Vision’s account. A suspicious Sprint
    employee contacted Double Vision to confirm the order. After learning Defendant
    was an imposter, the employee lured him back to the store by sending him a text
    message advising him that his phones were ready for pickup. Albuquerque police
    officers arrested Defendant when he returned to the store.
    Defendant subsequently pled guilty to a two-count indictment. The first count
    charged Defendant and his three co-conspirators with (a) conspiracy to transport in
    interstate commerce fraudulently obtained goods valued at $5,000 or more, and
    (b) conspiracy to use unauthorized access devices to obtain goods valued at $1,000
    or more, both in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371. The second count charged the four
    with the substantive crime of using unauthorized access devices to obtain goods
    valued at $1,000 or more, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1029(a)(2). The district court
    sentenced Defendant to fifteen months in prison.
    As part of his sentence, the court ordered Defendant to pay Sprint $48,715.59
    in restitution pursuant to the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act (MVRA), 18 U.S.C.
    § 3663A. The court calculated this amount based on what Sprint referred to as the
    “retail unsubsidized price” of 86 cell phones Defendant fraudulently procured
    between May 15 and May 25, 2011, plus Sprint’s shipping and investigative costs.
    Defendant now appeals the district court’s restitution order, arguing the
    Government’s proof of loss was insufficient to support the award.
    Our jurisdiction arises under 18 U.S.C. § 3742(a). We review the district
    court’s application of the MVRA de novo and its factual findings for clear error,
    while ultimately assessing the amount of the restitution award under an abuse of
    discretion standard. United States v. Shengyang Zhou, 
    717 F.3d 1139
    , 1152 (10th
    Cir. 2013). Applying the appropriate standards, we vacate the order of restitution
    for lack of an adequate evidentiary basis, and remand.
    To better understand the particulars of this case, let us first consider the
    law generally applicable to the district court’s order of restitution. A district court
    may order criminal restitution only as authorized by federal statute. 
    Id. at 1154.
    relevant here, the MVRA “shall apply in all sentencing proceedings” following
    a conviction for “any offense committed by fraud or deceit.”               18 U.S.C.
    § 3663A(c)(1)(A)(ii). Just last term in Paroline v. United States, 
    134 S. Ct. 1710
    1726 (2014), the Supreme Court explained that while criminal restitution “serves
    punitive purposes” by implicating the Government’s prosecutorial powers, its
    “primary goal” is “remedial or compensatory.” 1 Thus, the principal aim of such
    restitution is to ensure that crime victims, to the extent possible, are made whole for
    their losses. United States v. James, 
    564 F.3d 1237
    , 1246 (10th Cir. 2009). This
    means restoring victims to the position they occupied before the crime. See Hughey
    v. United States, 
    495 U.S. 411
    , 416 (1990). Restitution must not unjustly enrich
    crime victims or provide them a windfall. 
    James, 564 F.3d at 1246
    . To these ends,
    an order of restitution imposed pursuant to the MVRA must be based on “the full
    amount of each victim’s losses as determined by the court and without consideration
    of the economic circumstances of the defendant.” 18 U.S.C. § 3664(f)(1)(A). “We
    have held a district court may not order restitution in an amount that exceeds the
    actual loss caused by the defendant’s conduct, which would amount to an illegal
    sentence constituting plain error.” 
    James, 564 F.3d at 1243
    ; see also United States
    v. Serawop, 
    505 F.3d 1112
    , 1124 (10th Cir. 2007).
    Prior to Paroline, the Tenth Circuit had “consistently held . . . ‘that the
    MVRA does not inflict criminal punishment, and thus is not punitive.’” United
    States v. Speakman, 
    594 F.3d 1165
    , 1177 (10th Cir. 2010) (quoting United States v.
    505 F.3d 1112
    , 1122–23 (10th Cir. 2007) (collecting cases) (emphasis in
    original)). Although Paroline addressed restitution under 18 U.S.C. § 2259, a
    component of the Violence Against Women Act, the Supreme Court’s statement
    regarding the general nature of criminal restitution calls into question our view that
    the MVRA lacks a penal element.
    Where return of the stolen property is not feasible, the defendant must pay
    “the value of the property” to the victim of the offense, plus, in any event, “expenses
    incurred during participation in the investigation or prosecution of the offense.” 18
    U.S.C. § 3663A(b)(1), (b)(4). Although the MVRA does not define “value,” and
    does not expressly authorize restitution for lost sales or profits, we have recognized
    that § 3663A “appears to contemplate the exercise of discretion by sentencing courts
    in determining the measure of value appropriate to restitution calculation in a given
    James, 546 F.3d at 1245
    (internal quotations omitted). “[T]his approach
    allows the district court to determine in each circumstance the best measure of value
    for the purpose of calculating the [victim’s] actual loss. . . .” 
    Id. at 1246.
    A district court shall issue and enforce an order of restitution under the MVRA
    in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 3664. 
    Id. § 3663A(d).
    “Any dispute as to the proper
    amount . . . of restitution shall be resolved by the court by a preponderance of the
    evidence. The burden of demonstrating the amount of loss sustained by the victim
    as a result of the offense shall be on . . . the Government.” 
    Id. § 3664(e).
    Prior to
    sentencing, the probation office must “obtain and include in its presentence report
    . . . information sufficient for the court to exercise its discretion in fashioning a
    restitution order. The report shall include, to the extent practicable, a complete
    accounting of the losses to each victim . . . .” 
    Id. § 3664(a).
    The probation office
    must also provide the victim an opportunity to file “a separate affidavit relating to
    the amount of the victim’s losses subject to restitution.” 
    Id. § 3664(d)(2)(A)(vi).
    Concurrent with the passage of the MVRA in 1996, Congress amended § 3664
    to include subsections (d)(4) and (d)(6), which permit the district court to require
    proof of loss beyond that contained in the presentence report (PSR) and to refer the
    matter for hearing and proposed resolution. Pub. L. No. 104-132, § 206(a), 110 Stat.
    1214, 1233 (1996). After reviewing the PSR and any objections thereto, the district
    court “may require additional documentation or testimony” before awarding
    Id. § 3664(d)(4).
    For the protection of the victim, “[t]he privacy of any
    records filed, or testimony heard” pursuant to subsection (d)(4) “shall be maintained
    to the greatest extent possible, and such records may be filed or testimony heard in
    Id. The court
    also “may refer any issue arising in connection with a
    proposed order of restitution to a magistrate judge or special master for proposed
    findings of fact and recommendations as to disposition,” subject to de novo review.
    Id. § 3664(d)(6).
    Finally, the MVRA provides that a district court may decline to
    award restitution where “complex issues of fact related to the . . . amount of the
    victim’s losses would complicate or prolong the sentencing process to a degree that
    the need to provide restitution to any victim is outweighed by the burden on the
    sentencing process.” 
    Id. § 3663(c)(3)(B).
    All this is not to say that the restitution phase of criminal sentencings should
    become a substitute for civil trials.   For instance, although the MVRA allows
    recovery of losses “actually caused by the defendant’s offense,” it does not allow
    recovery of consequential or incidental damages. Shengyang 
    Zhou, 717 F.3d at 1154
    (internal quotations omitted). According to the MVRA’s legislative history: “It is
    the committee’s intent that courts order full restitution to all identifiable victims of
    covered offenses, while guaranteeing that the sentencing phase of criminal trials do
    not become fora for the determination of facts and issues better suited to civil
    proceedings.” S. Rep. No. 104–179, at 189 (1996), reprinted in 1996 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    924, 931.
    But this does not mean a district court may dispense with the necessity of
    proof as mandated by the MVRA and simply “rubber stamp” a victim’s claim of loss
    based upon a measure of value unsupported by the evidence. A district court “may
    resolve restitution uncertainties with a view towards achieving fairness to the victim
    so long as it still makes a reasonable determination of appropriate restitution rooted
    in a calculation of actual loss.” United States v. Gallant, 
    537 F.3d 1202
    , 1252 (10th
    Cir. 2008) (emphasis added). True, the MVRA does not require a court to calculate
    a victim’s actual loss with “exact” precision. United States v. Parker, 
    553 F.3d 1309
    1323 (10th Cir. 2009). Considered in its entirety, however, the MVRA undoubtedly
    “require[s] some precision when calculating restitution. Speculation and rough
    justice are not permitted.” United States v. Anderson, 
    741 F.3d 938
    , 954 (9th Cir.
    2013) (emphasis added). Where a district court concludes the record contains
    insufficient information to permit a timely calculation of a victim’s actual loss, the
    MVRA provides the court with three non-mutually exclusive options: (1) ask the
    Government to submit additional evidence, (2) hold an evidentiary hearing, or (3)
    decline to order restitution.   18 U.S.C. §§ 3663A(c)(3)(B), 3664(d)(4), (d)(6).
    Issuing an order of restitution unsupported by the evidence is not an option. See
    United States v. Fair, 
    699 F.3d 508
    , 516 (D.C. Cir. 2012).
    Mindful of the foregoing, we turn to the particulars of this case. Sprint’s
    regional manager of investigations submitted to the probation office an unverified
    or unsworn two-page letter purporting to list the amount of the phone losses Sprint
    sustained from May 8 through May 25, 2011, as a result of Defendant’s fraud. Sprint
    based its claim of loss on the “retail unsubsidized price” of the cell phones. The
    retail prices listed for those phones, as shown on the sales receipts, were either
    $549.99 or $449.99. The letter’s explanation for Sprint’s claim of loss for the
    phones is rather terse, stating in its entirety: “The phone losses are the retail
    unsubsidized price of these phones.” The letter also set forth estimates of expenses
    Sprint incurred as a result of Defendant’s crimes.      Sprint did not provide the
    probation office with an affidavit or any receipts or other documentation to support
    its claimed expenses. The letter’s explanation for those expenses reads:
    The investigative travel costs were estimated costs for travel to [New
    Mexico] to deal with this issue on a trip. The investigative manhours
    was my estimated investigative time for conducting Sprint’s
    investigation into this issue. The $65/hr rate is an estimate of costs to
    Sprint for salary and various overhead costs. The shipping costs were
    estimated to be able to ship new phones to the stores to replace phones
    that were lost due to these fraud events. The GPS tracking was our
    costs for setting up a GPS tracking in the case for law enforcement.
    Consistent with the letter, the PSR recommended the court award Sprint
    restitution in the amount of $48,715.59 for losses sustained between May 15 and
    May 25, 2011, with each co-conspirator to be held jointly and severally liable for
    that amount. The PSR explained that Sprint would not pursue restitution for losses
    sustained between May 8 and May 14, 2011, because sales receipts were unavailable
    for those losses. The PSR itemized the proposed restitution award as follows:
    Merchandise Losses (05/15/11-05/25/11)            $45,035.59
    Shipping Costs                                      $300.00
    Investigative Travel to NM                          $750.00
    Investigative Hours [$65/hr x 40 hrs]              $2,600.00
    GPS Tracking                                          $30.00
    Total Loss: $48,715.59
    In both his written and oral objections to the PSR, Defendant challenged
    Sprint’s claim of loss for lack of proof. Defendant pointed out the Government did
    not present any evidence that his crimes caused Sprint to lose retail sales and
    attendant profits.   Because cell phones are fungible goods readily replaceable
    through Sprint’s voluminous supply chain (a point the Government has never
    disputed), Defendant argued that in the absence of evidence of the phones’ wholesale
    or replacement costs, the actual prices he “paid” for the cell phones—discounted
    prices ranging from $149.99 to $199.99 as also shown on the sales receipts—were
    the better estimate of actual loss. Defendant reasoned:
    The loss of the phones is not the retail price of the phones. The loss to
    Sprint is the true wholesale replacement costs of the phones. No retail
    contracts or sales were lost due to the actions of Mr. Ferdman or the
    others. Sprint sells millions of phones per quarter and is in the business
    of replacing them continually. Thus the loss of 100 or even 1000
    phones would be insignificant to Sprint’s supply chain. They would
    simply be replaced in the ordinary course of business.
    Defendant stressed that Sprint had not provided the probation office with the cell
    phones’ actual replacement or wholesale costs, so the “best approximation of the
    loss” was the actual purchase price of the phones. In the alternative, Defendant
    twice moved for an evidentiary hearing pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3664(d)(4).
    In response, the Government did not address with any specificity the evidence
    (or lack thereof) of Sprint’s actual loss, but rather told the district court “the PSR is
    on solid ground in assessing the full retail value of the phones for purposes of
    restitution.” According to the Government, “when merchandise is stolen from a
    retail establishment the full retail price of the merchandise gives us an appropriate
    measure of the loss.” The Government acknowledged that “the Tenth Circuit has not
    squarely addressed the question whether a restitution award may include lost profits
    in a retail theft case.” Notwithstanding, the Government suggested to the district
    court that the “use of lost profits would seem particularly appropriate in this case
    because Defendant’s conduct was not limited to stealing phones, but then reselling
    them to his co-defendants thereby fostering a black market for mobile phones. That
    market presumably has a small but perceptible effect on Sprint’s sales and profits.”
    (emphasis added).
    The district court denied Defendant an evidentiary hearing, overruled his
    objections to the PSR’s proposed restitution award, and ordered him, as part of his
    sentence, to pay Sprint $48,715.59. In a lengthy opinion entered subsequent to
    sentencing, the court recognized, unremarkably, that “awarding Sprint the cellular
    telephones’ retail value would include the profits Sprint would have made had it sold
    those phones.” United States v. Ferdman, 
    2013 WL 6504300
    , at *17 (D.N.M. 2013)
    (unpublished). Though Defendant had not raised the issue, the court first addressed
    whether the meaning of the phrase “value of the property” as used in the MVRA,
    18 U.S.C. § 3663A(b)(1), was broad enough to encompass such profits. The court
    concluded “the Tenth Circuit would permit including lost profits in valuing the
    property under the MVRA.” Ferdman, 
    2013 WL 6504300
    , at *22.
    The district court next addressed “whether the retail value of the cellular
    phones fraudulently obtained is the proper measure for restitution.” 
    Id. at *17.
    holding that the phones’ full retail value was the proper measure of Sprint’s actual
    loss, the court found that Sprint’s letter, “without anything to undermine it,” satisfied
    the Government’s burden of proof, making an evidentiary hearing unnecessary. 
    Id. at *29
    [H]ad Ferdman not fraudulently obtained the telephones, Sprint would
    have had them available to sell to other customers. Sprint sells the
    telephones to end users at retail value, and if not at this full value, at a
    subsidized price, relying on the accompanying service contract and fees.
    Ferdman prevented Sprint from receiving any of these sales, which
    would have provided Sprint with the telephones’ cost as well as
    overhead operating expenses and profits. The United States has
    produced enough evidence to establish by a preponderance of the
    evidence that Sprint’s actual losses include the full retail value of the
    telephones. See Sprint Letter at 1 (“The phones losses are the retail
    unsubsidized price of these phones.”). The letter, as well as receipts
    from the various transactions, provided evidence that the telephones’
    retail prices ranged from $499.99 to $549.99. See Sprint Letter at 1–2;
    Receipts at 2–3, 21.
    Id. at *29
    Lastly, the court asked whether the Government had “produced enough
    evidence regarding Sprint’s shipping and investigative costs to satisfy its burden of
    proof and to include those amounts in the restitution award.” 
    Id. at *17.
    The court
    again held Sprint’s unverified letter satisfied the Government’s burden:
    Ferdman has provided no evidence for his assertion that awarding
    Sprint restitution in the amount of the telephones’ retail value, in
    addition to investigative costs, shipping costs, and costs to set up GPS
    tracking for law enforcement, is “double-dipping” because the latter
    costs are built into the retail price. . . . Sprint asserts that Ferdman’s
    conduct in this conspiracy caused these losses. See Sprint Letter at 1.
    In the absence of contradictory evidence, Sprint’s signed representation
    of its losses satisfies the preponderance of the evidence standard to
    justify awarding Sprint restitution of $48,715.589, which includes the
    merchandise’s value, $750.00 in investigative travel costs to New
    Mexico, $2,600.00 in investigative hours, $300.00 in shipping costs of
    replacement merchandise to the stores, and $30.00 in costs for setting
    up GPS tracking for law enforcement. See Sprint Letter at 1.
    Id. at *30.
    Before commencing our analysis of the district court’s restitution award, we
    need point out what this case is not about. This case is not about whether a district
    court may ever properly include lost retail sales or profits in a restitution award for
    property damage, destruction, or loss under the MVRA, and in particular
    § 3663A(b)(1). See United States v. Wilfong, 
    551 F.3d 1182
    , 1185–86 (10th Cir.
    2008) (discussing a “seeming” circuit split regarding the scope of subsection (b)(1)).
    Defendant has never raised or addressed this purely legal issue. Rather Defendant’s
    argument regarding the insufficiency of the evidence implicitly acknowledges that
    a court may include lost sales and profits in a restitution award if part of the “actual,
    provable loss suffered by the victim and caused by the offens[ive] conduct.” 
    Fair, 699 F.3d at 512
    Accordingly, we simply assume the MVRA, and in particular § 3663A(b)(1),
    permits such an award, and proceed to a discussion of the issue Defendant presents
    for review: “Whether the district court imposed an illegal sentence by ordering
    restitution in an amount that exceeded the actual loss proved by the Government.”
    We first consider the court’s reliance on Sprint’s letter and sales’ receipts to justify
    awarding Sprint the “retail unsubsidized price” of the stolen cell phones. We then
    consider the court’s reliance on that same letter to award Sprint the “estimated”
    expenses it incurred as a result of Defendant’s crimes.
    Defendant asserts that in awarding Sprint criminal restitution, the district court
    abused its discretion by basing the “value” of Sprint’s cell phones on their “retail
    unsubsidized price,” absent any evidence that Defendant’s fraud diverted sales from
    Sprint, thereby affecting its profits. The district court found as follows:
    [H]ad Ferdman not fraudulently obtained the telephones, Sprint would
    have had them available to sell to other customers. Sprint sells the
    telephones to end users at retail value, and if not at this full value, at a
    subsidized price, relying on the accompanying service contract and fees.
    Ferdman prevented Sprint from receiving any of these sales, which
    would have provided Sprint with the telephones’ cost as well as
    overhead operating expenses and profits.
    2013 WL 6504300
    , at *29 (emphasis added).
    Given the district court’s findings, one would think the record contains
    some evidence—beyond Sprint’s unverified statement that “[t]he phone losses are
    the retail unsubsidized price of these phones”—tending to show Ferdman’s theft
    caused Sprint to lose retail sales. Instead of pointing us to such evidence, however,
    the Government informs us in its response brief that it need not bother:
    The [MVRA] required the district court to order Ferdman to pay Sprint
    the value of the phones he stole . . . . The district court estimated this
    value to be the retail price of the phones, given that Ferdman stole the
    phones from retail stores. . . .
    Because this case involved only theft, the Government was not required
    to prove that Sprint lost any sales because of Ferdman’s fraudulent
    (emphasis added). But the Government’s argument surely “collapses under the plain
    text of the MVRA, which places the burden on the Government . . . to prove actual
    loss by a preponderance of the evidence.” 
    Fair, 699 F.3d at 516
    (emphasis added)
    (citing 18 U.S.C. § 3664(e)). In other words, in a case where a merchant claims its
    actual loss encompasses retail sales, the MVRA imposes on the Government the task
    of producing some evidence that the defendant’s theft in fact caused the victim to
    lose retail sales.
    Perhaps the closest we have come to addressing the necessity of proof under
    the MVRA where a merchant seeks the retail value of stolen goods is a case
    involving counterfeit goods. In United States v. Hudson, 
    483 F.3d 707
    (10th Cir.
    2007), the defendant counterfeited Microsoft software and attempted, unsuccessfully,
    to sell it to a Maryland company. The district court ordered defendant to pay
    $322,194.63 in restitution to Microsoft based on the PSR’s representation, much like
    here, that the “estimated retail price for the counterfeit software was $599.99 per
    Id. at 708.
       Again similar to our case, the PSR based its restitution
    calculation on Microsoft’s “declaration of loss.”         
    Id. On appeal,
    challenged the restitution award, arguing that “Microsoft suffered no actual losses
    from his conduct.”     
    Id. at 710.
      At the outset of our analysis in Hudson, we
    recognized that in the case of counterfeit goods, “[r]estitution must be based on net
    lost profits, not on total retail price.” 
    Id. at 710
    n.1. After reviewing the record, we
    concluded the Government failed to present evidence of lost sales, and therefore
    failed to prove Microsoft suffered any actual loss of profit.
    The Government tells us this case is not like Hudson because the MVRA
    does not require proof of lost sales in the case of simple retail theft. What the
    Government effectively says is that we should overlook the procedural dictates of the
    MVRA and dispense with the necessity of proof in cases like this one. See 
    Paroline, 134 S. Ct. at 1733
    (Roberts, C.J., dissenting) (observing that the Government did not
    “really contest” its inability to meet § 3664’s burden of proof; rather the Government
    “ask[ed] to be held to a less demanding standard”).          Instead, the Government
    encourages us to formulate a rule that where retail goods are stolen, the proper
    measure of restitution necessarily is the undiscounted retail price of those goods.
    However convenient in application, we fail to see how the Government’s approach
    leads to a restitution award “rooted in a calculation of actual loss,” a calculation
    which Hudson plainly requires. 
    Gallant, 537 F.3d at 1252
    (emphasis added).
    The Government’s proposed approach seems to us rooted only in a theory of
    loss which the facts may or may not support. We well understand that whereas “[a]
    legitimate seller is harmed by a counterfeit good only when the product enters the
    market[,] a seller who is fraudulently deprived of [the] goods [themselves] is harmed
    as soon as those goods are stolen.” United States v. Robertson, 
    493 F.3d 1322
    , 1333
    (11th Cir. 2007) (affirming an award of the wholesale price of stolen goods). So
    unlike copyright infringement, the theft of retail goods causes the retailer to lose
    something of value at the outset, namely the cost of the stolen goods. See 
    Wilfong, 551 F.3d at 1184
    & n.2 (“[O]ne logical way to assess the value of lost property is by
    its cost to the victim—how much the victim paid for the lost property.”). Surely
    Sprint lost at least that here. But why this initial loss, whatever the evidence shows
    it to be, should entitle Sprint to recover lost sales and profits as well absent proof of
    the same, escapes us. Indeed, such a rule would conflict with the requirements of
    proof set forth in both the MVRA and Hudson.
    Undeterred, the Government cites two cases purportedly standing for the
    proposition that in calculating criminal restitution “[t]he best estimate of the value
    of the phones when Ferdman stole them was their retail price.” (emphasis added).
    The problem is neither of those cases involved calculation of restitution under the
    MVRA, but rather calculation of loss for the purpose of establishing the defendant’s
    offense level under the Sentencing Guidelines. In United States v. Lige, 
    635 F.3d 668
    (5th Cir. 2011), the defendant fraudulently obtained cellular phones from Sprint
    and Nextel. Applying U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1, the Fifth Circuit held that “[b]ecause Sprint
    and Nextel offered these phones for sale in the retail market, . . . the retail price of
    the phones was the appropriate measure of intended loss.” 
    Id. at 669
    added). Obviously, intended loss and actual loss are not the same thing. “The
    calculation of loss under . . . the Sentencing Guidelines does not necessarily establish
    loss under the MVRA. Unlike loss under the Guidelines, the MVRA requires proof
    of actual loss and does not allow alternative metrics,” such as intended loss. 
    Gallant, 537 F.3d at 1247
    ; see also 
    Parker, 554 F.3d at 1323
    (recognizing that loss
    calculations under the Guidelines require the court to make only a reasonable
    estimate of loss, “whereas a restitution order under the MVRA must be based on
    actual loss”) (emphasis in original)).
    Neither does our decision in United States v. Williams, 
    50 F.3d 863
    (10th Cir.
    1995), address the actual loss to a victim of retail theft. There, the defendant
    challenged the calculation of his guideline offense level for transporting stolen
    jewelry. The statute under which the defendant was charged, 18 U.S.C. § 2314,
    requires the interstate transport of goods valued at $5,000 or more. To determine the
    loss for guideline purposes, we looked to the definition of “value” as used in § 2314:
    “Here, ‘‘value’ means the face, par, or market value, whichever is the greatest. . . .’
    18 U.S.C. § 2311. Since neither face nor par value apply, the issue at hand is the
    ‘market value’ of the stolen jewelry.” Williams, 
    50 F.3d 864
    (emphasis added).
    Because the defendant stole the jewelry from a retailer rather than a wholesaler, we
    held consistent with the governing law that for the purpose of calculating defendant’s
    offense level, the market value of the jewelry was its retail price. 2 In no sense does
    Williams stand for the proposition that the MVRA entitles a victim of retail theft to
    lost sales and profits absent proof of lost sales.
    The PSR does state that Defendant sold some of the phones, many of which
    had been blocked from accessing the Sprint network, to a co-conspirator for resale. 3
    In Illinois Cent. R.R. Co. v. Crail, 
    281 U.S. 57
    , 64–65 (1930), the Supreme
    Court reminded us that in the case of fungible goods, “[t]he test of market value is
    at best but a convenient means of getting at the loss suffered. It may be discarded
    and other more accurate means resorted to, if, for special reasons, it is not exact or
    otherwise not applicable.”
    Paragraph 15 of the PSR explains:
    Each cellular telephone, including each Sprint phone, has a unique ESN
    [Electronic Serial Number]. In order to prevent and deter fraud, when
    Sprint learns that a phone has been lost, stolen, or obtained by fraud,
    Sprint essentially “blacklists” the ESN corresponding to the phone, so
    that the phone can never again be activated on the Sprint network. . . .
    Despite their inability to be activated on the Sprint network, however,
    Defendant also sold some phones to at least one other unidentified individual. But
    even the Government points out “the district court did not find that Ferdman’s
    customers would have bought from Sprint had Ferdman not sold the stolen phones.”
    Nor did the court find that those individuals who bought phones from Defendant’s
    co-conspirator might have bought phones from Sprint instead. As the Government
    tells us, the court only “found that because Ferdman stole the phones before Sprint
    could sell them, Sprint could not sell those phones to another customer.” See
    2013 WL 6504300
    , at *29 (emphasis added).
    So what the district court relied on in awarding Sprint the “retail unsubsidized
    price” of its phones was a sort of “kink-in-the-supply-chain” theory of lost sales,
    rather than a “lost-profits-on-diverted-sales” theory. See 
    Anderson, 741 F.3d at 952
    The former theory seems simple enough.           All the Government would have to
    establish is that Defendant’s theft of the cell phones caused a retail shortage at Sprint
    stores or interfered with the maintenance of its usual stock, and, as a consequence,
    caused Sprint to lose potential retail sales. See Illinois Cent. R.R. Co. v. Crail, 
    281 U.S. 57
    , 62 (1930). And we would think Sprint could provide the Government with
    evidence of a kink in its supply chain if in fact Defendant’s theft caused such a kink.
    But the Government never presented any such evidence, and as the record now
    there is still a market for “bad ESN” phones. Such phones can be
    “flashed” or have their factory settings erased, such that they can be
    activated on another network, including networks operating overseas.
    stands, nothing therein even remotely suggests Defendant’s theft, by removing
    readily replaceable cell phones from Sprint stores, prevented Sprint from realizing
    any retail sales. See 
    id. at 65
    (tying “retail price” to situations where the seller
    “suffered special damage by reason of the shortage,” and “wholesale price” to
    situations where the seller “could replace [the goods] . . . in the ordinary course of
    Let us make perfectly clear that the controlling metric for an award of
    restitution pursuant to the MVRA in every case is actual loss suffered; nothing more,
    nothing less. Therefore, we assume that where supported by the evidence, a district
    court in the case of retail theft might rely on lost sales and accompanying profits to
    calculate the amount of the victim’s actual loss under the MVRA. Before the court
    relies on such measure of loss in the case of fungible or readily replaceable goods,
    however, the Government must present more than a claim that but for a defendant’s
    theft, the victim may have made additional sales. See United States v. Boccagna,
    450 F.3d 107
    , 119 (2d Cir. 2006) (“Criminal restitution . . . is not concerned with
    a victim’s disappointed expectations but only with [its] actual loss.”).          The
    Government must present at least some evidence—we need not now decide how
    much—from which the court could reasonably infer lost sales. See United States v.
    486 F.3d 1184
    , 1189 (10th Cir. 2007) (recognizing that in calculating
    restitution, “courts are permitted to draw inferences from the totality of the
    circumstances through an exercise of ‘logical and probabilistic reasoning’”). 4 And,
    under a supply chain theory of loss, unless the Government can show the defendant’s
    crime depleted the stock of a particular fungible or readily replaceable good like a
    cell phone, at a time when the victim might otherwise have been able to sell that
    good to a willing buyer, something akin to replacement or wholesale cost clearly
    In Ahidley, a stab wound resulted in serious injuries to the victim and
    necessitated airlifting her to a hospital for surgery. The victim remained in the
    hospital for one week. We explained that in assessing the reliability of loss figures
    provided by a third-party Medicaid provider, we were “permitted to draw inferences
    from the totality of the circumstances through an exercise of ‘logical and
    probabilistic reasoning.’” 
    Ahidley, 486 F.3d at 1189
    . We then reasoned:
    Nothing in the record would have given the district court a reason to
    question the loss amount claimed by [the provider]. Furthermore, its
    probable accuracy was supported by inferences that the district court
    could have reasonably made from the evidence regarding the severity of
    [the victim’s] injuries and the medical interventions undertaken to treat
    her. In other words, the amount claimed by [the provider] for [the
    victim’s] medical care is consistent with the expenditures one might
    reasonably expect to be required to medically treat someone under
    similar circumstances.
    Id. (emphasis added).
    This is to say that in Ahidley nothing existed in the record to
    give the district court pause about the claimed loss because evidence existed
    regarding “the severity of [the victim’s] injuries and the medical interventions
    undertaken to treat her.” 
    Id. In contrast,
    nothing in the record here supports Sprint’s
    claim of loss as far as we can tell. But plenty in the record—including Defendant’s
    detailed objections—provided the district court good reason to ask whether the
    Government had met its burden of proof. How logical and probabilistic reasoning
    from the record before us could lead to the conclusion that the district court’s
    restitution award was an accurate measure of Sprint’s actual loss escapes us. Nor
    can we in good faith say the losses claimed by Sprint are consistent with losses one
    might “reasonably expect” in a case like this one. 
    Id. 21 appears
    the more accurate measure of actual loss. 5 See 
    Crail, 280 U.S. at 63
    –65. Of
    course, because the MVRA’s controlling metric is actual loss, the Government still
    must satisfy its burden to prove the amount of the victim’s cost.
    This brings us to our second and final inquiry: Whether the evidence supports
    the award of the estimated expenses Sprint incurred in investigating Defendant’s
    fraud. By this point, the answer to that question should be painfully apparent. All
    we have before us are estimates of Sprint’s expenses supported by the unverified
    signature of a Sprint officer. The record contains no actual proof, not even an
    affidavit, of what those expenses were. That those expenses for the most part appear
    reasonable is not enough to satisfy the evidentiary dictates of the MVRA. The
    likelihood that certain facts exist to confirm Sprint’s estimates, no matter how
    probable, does not relieve the Government of its burden, after proper objection, to
    establish their actuality. See United States v. Hosking, 
    567 F.3d 329
    , 334 (7th Cir.
    2009) (“On remand, the government must, to the extent feasible, provide an
    explanation, supported by evidence, of how each employee’s time was spent in
    The Government’s ongoing insistence that the discounted price Defendant
    “paid” for the cell phones as shown on the sales’ receipts is not a proper measure of
    restitution entirely misses the mark. Defendant has never claimed the discounted
    price is what Sprint actually lost as a result of his theft. He claimed only that in the
    absence of any evidence of what it actually cost Sprint to replace the stolen phones,
    that lesser amount, rather than the “retail unsubsidized price” of the phones, was an
    approximation of loss with which he could agree. Indeed, at oral argument,
    Defendant stated that Sprint’s replacement costs was the proper measure of damages.
    pursuing the investigation.”) (emphasis in original)).
    While the abuse-of-discretion standard under which we ultimately review a
    district court’s award of restitution is deferential and highly so, such standard will
    not countenance a finding of lost sales based on a victim’s unverified claim that “my
    losses are X and the value of X is shown on the sales’ receipts.” Unremarkably,
    where the amount of restitution proposed in a PSR is contested, the MVRA requires
    the Government to prove to a reasonable degree that the two values—“my losses”
    and “X”—are more or less commensurate. The MVRA binds courts to its statutory
    standards; in the criminal restitution context, that means a fair determination
    pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3664(e) of the actual losses caused by a defendant.
    Undoubtedly the MVRA’s overriding purpose is to assure that district courts fully
    compensate crime victims for the actual losses they suffer. But that must not deter
    us from reading the MVRA as Congress wrote it, and, more particularly, from
    requiring some proof of the actual loss that a defendant caused the victim. See
    Hughey, 495 U.S. at 420
    Accordingly, the district court’s order awarding Sprint restitution in the
    amount of $48,719.59 is vacated.       The remainder of Defendant’s sentence is
    unaffected. This matter is remanded to the district court for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.