Brian Royster v. New Jersey State Police , 439 N.J. Super. 554 ( 2015 )

    DOCKET NO. A-3357-12T3
    Plaintiff-Respondent,                APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION
    March 10, 2015
    Argued February 3, 2015 – Decided March 10, 2015
    Before   Judges      Yannotti,      Fasciale     and
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Essex County, Docket No. L-
    Ralph R. Smith, 3rd, argued the cause for
    appellants   (Capehart  Scatchard,   P.A.,
    attorneys; Mr. Smith and Kelly E. Adler, on
    the brief).
    Michael J.          Reimer     argued       the    cause     for
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    The New Jersey State Police (NJSP) and Colonel Joseph R.
    Fuentes (collectively "defendants") appeal from a judgment in
    plaintiff's       favor      entered        after    a     jury     trial   adjudicating
    plaintiff's      claims      under     the    Americans       with    Disabilities        Act
    (ADA),    42    U.S.C.A.         §§ 12101    to     12213,    and    the    Conscientious
    Employee Protection Act (CEPA), N.J.S.A. 34:19-1 to -14.
    Defendants argue primarily that plaintiff's ADA claim ——
    that they failed to accommodate his medical condition                                   —— is
    precluded       by    the        doctrine     of      state       sovereign       immunity.
    Defendants also contend that the judgment on plaintiff's CEPA
    claim must be vacated because plaintiff failed to establish a
    prima    facie    case      of    a   CEPA   violation        and    because      the   judge
    committed numerous trial errors.
    We     hold      that    the      doctrine      of    state     sovereign      immunity
    precludes plaintiff's ADA claim, even though defendants did not
    fully raise that argument until their motion for a judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV).                      As a result, we vacate that
    part of the judgment awarding plaintiff damages under the ADA
    2                                     A-3357-12T3
    and dismiss the ADA claim with prejudice.
    We     reject    defendants'       arguments        that     plaintiff's       job
    responsibilities precluded him from making a CEPA claim and that
    plaintiff failed to produce sufficient evidence for the jury to
    consider plaintiff's CEPA allegations.                    However, we vacate the
    CEPA judgment and remand for a new CEPA trial on liability and
    damages because we are convinced that the entire CEPA verdict is
    fatally flawed.
    The NJSP employed plaintiff, who is African American, from
    1986 until he retired in 2011.                 From 1986 to 1993, plaintiff
    worked as a trooper.            Beginning in 1993, plaintiff worked as a
    detective in the Central Security Unit.                     In or around October
    2001,      plaintiff      interviewed    for       a    position    in   the     Equal
    Employment       Opportunity/Affirmative           Action    Unit     (the     "EEO/AA
    Unit").     Plaintiff did not get the job.
    In January 2002, the NJSP promoted plaintiff to detective
    sergeant.        In    general,    the   NJSP      permitted     sergeants      to    be
    assigned to another unit without requiring them to participate
    in a formal interview process.                 In late 2002, plaintiff took
    advantage of this opportunity and, when there was an opening in
    the     EEO/AA    Unit,    he    obtained     an       assignment    there     without
    submitting to another interview.
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    Sometime around November 2003, plaintiff began a four-month
    medical leave of absence due to ulcerative colitis.1                          In December
    2003, while still on medical leave, plaintiff met with Fuentes
    to    convey      his     belief   that   he     had    been     passed       over     for    a
    promotion.         Plaintiff also expressed his general concerns that
    the EEO/AA Unit failed to timely investigate matters and that
    the NJSP generally disciplined African American troopers more
    severely than white troopers.               In March 2004, plaintiff returned
    to work from his medical leave.
    Plaintiff was eligible for a promotion on April 13, 2004.
    Two    days       later,      plaintiff's       supervisor       (the     "supervisor")
    prepared      a    confidential     memorandum         (the    "memo")    reporting          to
    Fuentes           three       instances         of          plaintiff's         purported
    unprofessionalism.             The supervisor indicated essentially that
    plaintiff tried to obtain a "promotion by extortion."
    In August 2004, the supervisor provided an addendum to the
    memo   supplying          additional    examples       of     alleged    unprofessional
    conduct by plaintiff.              In October 2004, the NJSP substantiated
    one of the allegations, that plaintiff failed to disclose the
    reason for requesting removal as an investigator on an unrelated
    matter,       but       was    unable     to     substantiate           the     remaining
    Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon.                                16
    Attorneys Textbook of Medicine ¶ 231.50 (3d ed. 2015).
    4                                        A-3357-12T3
    allegations.         The NJSP then removed plaintiff from the EEO/AA
    Unit in May 2004.
    From May 2004 to September 2005, plaintiff worked in the
    NJSP Counter-Terrorism Unit (the "CTU").                   In September 2005, he
    moved to the Organized Crime Unit North (the "OCU North") where
    he performed administrative work.                    In October 2006, the NJSP
    assigned      plaintiff     to    do    surveillance       in     a    vehicle,         which
    plaintiff     maintained     deprived          him   of   constant         access       to    a
    restroom, a requirement necessitated by his medical condition.
    From June 2007 to February 2008, the NJSP re-assigned plaintiff
    to    other   tasks    within    the     OCU    North,    where       he   had    constant
    access to a restroom.
    In March 2008, the NJSP transferred plaintiff to the Solid
    Hazardous Waste Unit (the "SHW Unit"), and in May 2009, the NJSP
    promoted plaintiff to a detective sergeant first class ("DSFC").
    In his new position at the SHW Unit, plaintiff had immediate
    access to a restroom.            In February 2011, plaintiff retired from
    the NJSP having reached the rank of DSFC.
    Plaintiff filed his initial complaint against defendants
    and   numerous    other     parties      (the    "other    parties"),        contending
    primarily     that    the   NJSP       failed   to   timely     promote          him.        He
    maintained that had he achieved a higher rank, he would have
    earned more money, thereby giving him a greater pension.                                     He
    5                                       A-3357-12T3
    also asserted that the NJSP failed to accommodate his ulcerative
    colitis     by      assigning    him    to     a    position    doing    vehicle
    surveillance where he was without constant access to a restroom.
    Plaintiff amended his complaint on four occasions.                      The
    court dismissed the second amended complaint2 pursuant to Rule
    4:6-2(e), but we reversed that order and remanded for further
    proceedings.        Royster v. N.J. State Police, No. A-1423-06 (App.
    Div.   Dec.       20,   2007).     On   remand,      the   parties   engaged    in
    discovery and prepared for trial.
    At   the    close   of    plaintiff's       case-in-chief,    plaintiff's
    counsel elected to waive plaintiff's NJLAD claims, pursuant to
    the CEPA waiver clause contained in N.J.S.A. 34:19-8.3                  The court
    subsequently dismissed the NJLAD claims, leaving plaintiff's ADA
    In the second amended complaint and thereafter, plaintiff
    asserted claims for (1) a hostile work environment under the New
    Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD), N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 to -
    42; (2) a "hostile work environment and disparate treatment as
    to promotions and transfers"; (3) a "state constitutional
    claim"; (4) "CEPA and constitutional claims"; (5) "retaliation,
    filing   spurious   charges   and   specifications";  (6) sexual
    harassment; (7) discrimination and retaliation under the ADA and
    the NJLAD; (8) "patterns of discrimination, hostile work
    environment and violations of constitutional rights and CEPA";
    and (9) a "hostile work environment and refusal to conduct
    investigations of wrongful behavior."
    This clause requires a plaintiff to waive "the rights and
    remedies   available  under   any  other   contract,  collective
    bargaining agreement, State law, rule or regulation or under the
    common law." N.J.S.A. 34:19-8.
    6                               A-3357-12T3
    and   CEPA     claims   against    defendants     for   the    jury's     sole
    Prior to summations, the court heard brief arguments on
    whether defendants had waived their ADA arguments or defenses.5
    The court stated that "plaintiff has gone [to the] trouble of
    trying the entire case . . . I'm not prepared to rule on any of
    that at this time."
    The jury returned a verdict in plaintiff's favor finding
    that defendants violated the ADA and CEPA.              On plaintiff's ADA
    claim,   the    jury    awarded    plaintiff    $500,000      for   emotional
    distress.6     On the CEPA claim, the jury awarded plaintiff $55,000
    in lost wages, $305,000 in lost pension benefits, and $200,000
    for mental anguish and emotional distress.           The judge then added
    pre-judgment interest on the CEPA damages, and entered judgment
    in plaintiff's favor in the amount of $895,548.12.
    Defendants moved for JNOV, or in the alternative, for a new
    trial or a remittitur (the "post-trial motion"), arguing that
    the court "lacked subject matter jurisdiction" to adjudicate the
    The claims against the other parties were dismissed at various
    stages of the proceedings.
    The record is unclear as to which ADA defenses were being
    raised at this time.
    The judge capped        this    amount   at   $300,000   pursuant     to   42
    U.S.C.A. § 1981a.
    7                               A-3357-12T3
    ADA claim because defendants were immunized under the doctrine
    of   state    sovereign         immunity.           The    judge      denied    defendants'
    motion in its entirety and held that defendants were estopped
    from moving to dismiss plaintiff's ADA claim after the jury's
    On appeal, defendants argue that (1) they are immune from
    liability     under       the    ADA    pursuant          to    the   doctrine    of    state
    sovereign immunity; (2) the judge erred in applying the wrong
    definition of "disabled" and usurping the role of the jury by
    finding      that    plaintiff          was    disabled          under    the    ADA;     (3)
    plaintiff's       ADA     claim    is    procedurally            deficient      because    he
    failed to exhaust administrative remedies; (4) plaintiff's job
    duties precluded him from bringing a CEPA claim; (5) plaintiff
    failed to establish a prima facie case of a CEPA violation; (6)
    plaintiff's CEPA damages award should be vacated because the
    jury considered irrelevant evidence in making its calculations;
    and (7) the judge committed numerous other trial errors.
    We   begin     by    addressing         defendants'          contention     that    the
    doctrine     of     state       sovereign          immunity       immunizes      them    from
    liability under the ADA.                 Defendants maintain that the judge
    erred by concluding that they were estopped from making the
    argument in their post-trial motion.                           Equating state sovereign
    8                                   A-3357-12T3
    immunity with the principles of subject matter jurisdiction and
    the protections afforded by the Eleventh Amendment to the United
    States Constitution, defendants contend that they can raise a
    state sovereign immunity defense at any time.
    At the outset, we note that defendants conflate the rules
    of    protection          under    the    Eleventh    Amendment,         state   sovereign
    immunity, and subject matter jurisdiction.                            While these legal
    principles may be interrelated, they are distinct, and warrant
    brief discussion.
    It   is    well-recognized         that     states      have    enjoyed    state
    sovereign           immunity      in     federal     courts      under     the   Eleventh
    Amendment.           "[T]he States' immunity from suit is a fundamental
    aspect of the sovereignty which the States enjoyed before the
    ratification of the Constitution."                        Alden v. Maine, 
    527 U.S. 706
    , 713, 
    119 S. Ct. 2240
    , 2246-47, 
    144 L. Ed. 2d 636
    , 652
    (1999).          After the United States Supreme Court allowed an out-
    of-state creditor to sue the state of Georgia in federal court
    on a debt, see Chisolm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 419, 1 L.
    Ed. 440 (1793) (applying the plain text of U.S. Const. art. III,
    §    2,    cl.      1),   Congress       adopted    and   the    states     ratified    the
    Eleventh         Amendment        overruling       Chisolm      and   "restor[ing]      the
    9                                  A-3357-12T3
    original   constitutional    design"    of   state    sovereign    immunity.
    Alden, supra
    , 527 U.S. at 
    722, 119 S. Ct. at 2251
    , 144 L. Ed. 2d
    at 658.     The Eleventh Amendment has since been interpreted to
    prohibit a state from being sued in federal court by citizens of
    its own state, or citizens of a sister-state.               
    Id. at 712-13,
    119 S. Ct. at 
    2246, 144 L. Ed. 2d at 652
    ; Hans v. Louisiana, 
    134 U.S. 1
    , 10-11, 
    10 S. Ct. 504
    , 505-06, 
    33 L. Ed. 842
    , 845-46
    There    are   two   recognized    exceptions     to   state   sovereign
    immunity that could allow a state to be subject to suit in
    federal court despite its Eleventh Amendment protection.              First,
    Congress may abrogate state sovereign immunity pursuant to its
    powers under the Fourteenth Amendment.         Coll. Sav. Bank v. Fla.
    Prepaid Postsecondary Ed. Expense Bd., 
    527 U.S. 666
    , 670, 119 S.
    Ct. 2219, 2223, 
    144 L. Ed. 2d 605
    , 613 (1999).             Second, a state
    can consent to be sued in federal court.             Clark v. Barnard, 
    108 U.S. 436
    , 447-48, 
    2 S. Ct. 878
    , 883, 
    27 L. Ed. 780
    , 784-85
    (1883).    A state may make a "clear declaration" to submit itself
    to federal court jurisdiction, Coll. Sav. 
    Bank, supra
    , 527 U.S.
    676, 119 S. Ct. at 2226
    , 144 L. Ed. 2d at 616 (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted), or it can waive its immunity
    through its litigation conduct by removing a case to federal
    court thereby invoking federal court jurisdiction, Lapides v.
    10                                A-3357-12T3
    Bd. of Regents, 
    535 U.S. 613
    , 624, 
    122 S. Ct. 1640
    , 1646, 152 L.
    Ed. 2d 806, 816 (2002).
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) allows the filing
    of a "motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction
    because of state sovereign immunity."       Meyers v. Texas, 
    410 F.3d 236
    , 240 (5th Cir. 2005), cert. denied, 
    550 U.S. 917
    127 S. Ct. 2126
    167 L. Ed. 2d 862
    (2007).        The United States Supreme Court
    permits states to make Eleventh Amendment arguments at any time.
    See Calderon v. Ashmus, 
    523 U.S. 740
    , 745 n.2, 
    118 S. Ct. 1694
    140 L. Ed. 2d 970
    , 977 (1998) (noting that the Eleventh
    Amendment "can be raised at any stage of the proceedings").
    Although the Eleventh Amendment pertains to state sovereign
    immunity in federal court, it is well-established that states
    enjoy sovereign immunity from suit in their own courts and may
    define the scope of that immunity.         See 
    Alden, supra
    , 527 U.S.
    738, 119 S. Ct. at 2258
    , 144 L. Ed. 2d at 668 (indicating
    that "the immunity of a truly independent sovereign from suit in
    its own courts has been enjoyed as a matter of absolute right
    for centuries.   Only the sovereign's own consent could qualify
    the absolute character of that immunity" (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted)).   Alden further held that because of
    this immunity, Congress does not have the power "to subject
    11                          A-3357-12T3
    nonconsenting States to private suits in their own courts[.]"
    Id. at 737,
    119 S. Ct. at 
    2258, 144 L. Ed. 2d at 668
    New Jersey courts "have long recognized that an essential
    and fundamental aspect of sovereignty is freedom from suit by
    private     citizens     for         money    judgments        absent        the   State's
    consent."      Allen v. Fauver, 
    167 N.J. 69
    , 73-74 (2001).                            State
    sovereign     immunity      is   a     "right     that    goes   to    the    essence     of
    federalism:     the    right      of     a    state      not   to     be    subjected     to
    nonconsensual suit under" a federal statute in either federal or
    state     courts.      
    Id. at 77.
           Under    New      Jersey     precedent,
    legislative consent to suit is "integral to [the] waiver of
    sovereign immunity."             
    Id. at 74-75
    (citing the Legislature's
    enactment of the Tort Claims Act ("TCA"), N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 to 12-
    3, and the Contractual Liability Act ("CLA"), N.J.S.A. 59:13-1
    to -10, in response to the Court's decisions in P, T & L Constr.
    Co. v. Comm'r, Dep't of Transp., 
    55 N.J. 341
    , 343-46 (1970) and
    Willis v. Dep't of Conservation & Econ. Dev., 
    55 N.J. 534
    , 537-
    40 (1970), which expanded the State's liability in contract and
    tort).      Unlike    the     State's        sovereign     immunity         from   suit   in
    federal court, there is no New Jersey case law declaring that
    the   State   can     waive      its    immunity      from     suit    in    state    court
    through litigation conduct.
    12                                    A-3357-12T3
    We review de novo an order disposing of a motion to dismiss
    for lack of subject matter jurisdiction based on contentions of
    state sovereign immunity.           See Santiago v. N.Y. & N.J. Port
    429 N.J. Super. 150
    , 156 (App. Div. 2012) (analyzing the
    Port Authority's claim of sovereign immunity under R. 4:6-2(a)),
    certif.   denied,      
    214 N.J. 175
      (2013).         Subject    matter
    jurisdiction    can    neither     be    conferred    by     agreement   of    the
    parties nor waived as a defense, and a court must dismiss the
    matter    if    it    determines        that   it    lacks     subject    matter
    jurisdiction.        Macysyn v. Hensler, 
    329 N.J. Super. 476
    , 481
    (App. Div. 2000) (indicating that such a motion can be made "at
    any time"); see also R. 4:6-7; Pressler & Verniero, Current N.J.
    Court Rules, comment 1 on R. 4:6-7 (2015).
    It is against this legal framework that we consider whether
    state sovereign immunity precludes plaintiff's ADA claim and, if
    it does, whether that immunity extends to defendants as an arm
    of the State.        We conclude that the State of New Jersey has
    immunity from suit under the ADA and that this immunity extends
    to defendants.
    13                              A-3357-12T3
    The    United       States    Supreme      Court   declared     in     Board   of
    Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett, 
    531 U.S. 356
    121 S. Ct. 955
    , 967-68, 
    148 L. Ed. 2d 866
    , 883-84 (2001),
    that   Congress       does    not    have   the    constitutional      authority      to
    abrogate      state        sovereign   immunity      in    federal    court     as     to
    employment claims under the ADA.                  This is because "[s]tates are
    not    required       by     the    Fourteenth     Amendment     to   make     special
    accommodations         for    the    disabled,      so    long   as   their    actions
    towards such individuals are rational."                    
    Id. at 367,
    121 S. Ct.
    964, 148 L. Ed. 2d at 879
    .                    Thus, Congress cannot use its
    Fourteenth Amendment powers to compel states to be subject to
    lawsuits in federal court under the ADA.
    Even though Congress cannot act, a state could voluntarily
    consent to be sued on an ADA claim in either state or federal
    court.       See 
    Alden, supra
    , 527 U.S. at 737, 119 S. Ct. at 
    2258, 144 L. Ed. 2d at 668
    (noting a state can consent to "private
    suits in their own courts").                However, there are no "clear and
    unequivocal statements" of the New Jersey Legislature which have
    declared that the State has consented to be sued under the ADA.
    Allen, supra
    , 167 N.J. at 73-77 (holding that suits under
    the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 U.S.C.A. §§ 201 to 219,
    are precluded against the State because the Legislature has not
    14                                 A-3357-12T3
    consented to be sued under the FLSA).                     Thus, we must conclude
    that     absent    clear      and      unequivocal       consent     by     the      State
    Legislature,       the   State      has     retained     its   sovereign      immunity
    against plaintiff's ADA claim.
    We conclude that the State's sovereign immunity extends to
    defendants    on    plaintiff's         ADA      claim   because    defendants          are
    considered an "arm of the State."                    
    Alden, supra
    , 527 U.S. at
    756-57, 119 S. Ct. at 2267-68
    , 144 L. Ed. 2d at 679-80 (noting
    that   sovereign     immunity       "bars       suits    against    States    but       not
    lesser    entities"      such     as   "a     municipal    corporation       or      other
    governmental entity which is not an arm of the State").                                  We
    reach this conclusion by applying a three-factor test enunciated
    by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in
    Fitchik v. N.J. Transit Rail Ops., Inc., 
    873 F.2d 655
    , 659 (3d
    Cir.) (en banc), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 850
    110 S. Ct. 148
    107 L. Ed. 2d 107
    The Third Circuit explained that, in determining whether
    immunity    extends      to   a   state     entity,      courts    should    consider:
    (1) whether the money that would pay any judgment against the
    Although we are not bound by lower federal court decisions, we
    give such decisions due respect in an attempt to create
    "judicial comity" and to avoid forum shopping.     Deway v. R.J.
    Reynolds Tobacco Co., 
    121 N.J. 69
    , 79-80 (1990).
    15                                    A-3357-12T3
    entity would come from the State; (2) the status of the entity
    under    state      law,    including     its      treatment    under      the     law     and
    whether      the    entity       is   separately       incorporated,        whether        the
    entity can sue or be sued in its own right, or is immune from
    state taxation; and (3) the entity's degree of autonomy from the
    Ibid. The "most important"
    of the factors is "whether
    the judgment would be paid by state funds."                     
    Id. at 664
    that the New Jersey Transit Corporation was not an arm of the
    State, in large part because it was not wholly funded by the
    State and it set aside funds to pay its own judgments).
    Here, defendants are clearly an arm of the State under the
    Fitchik test.           As to the first Fitchik factor, the NJSP is fully
    funded      by    the    State    and,   as    a     result,   the    State      would     be
    obligated to satisfy any potential judgment against the NJSP
    from     the      State's     treasury.        See     L.    2014,    c.     14,     §     66
    (appropriating           $228,414,000     from       the    Fiscal    Year       2014-2015
    budget to the NJSP).
    As    to    the     second     Fitchik      factor,     the   NJSP     is     not    a
    separately        incorporated        entity.         The    NJSP    is    considered       a
    "principal department" within the State's Department of Law and
    Public Safety.            N.J.S.A. 52:17B-1.            Our Constitution provides
    that "[e]ach principal department shall be under the supervision
    of the Governor . . . ."              N.J. Const. art. V, § 4, ¶ 2.
    16                                   A-3357-12T3
    As   to    the    third     Fitchik        factor,      the    NJSP     has    little
    autonomy from the State.                   By statute, the Division of State
    Police is to be headed by a superintendent, appointed by the
    Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate, who "shall,
    with     the     approval     of     the    [G]overnor,        make      all   rules       and
    regulations for the discipline and control of the state police."
    N.J.S.A. 52:17B-7; 53:1-2 and -10.                       Moreover, the "members of
    the State Police shall be subject to the call of the Governor"
    and "shall be peace officers of the State."                      N.J.S.A. 53:2-1.8
    Finally, Fuentes is not distinguishable from the NJSP and
    is entitled to the same immunity.                        As our Supreme Court has
    recently noted, an official sued as an individual is personally
    liable      for    any   judgment          entered,      but     "[i]n    contrast,         an
    official-capacity         suit     'is     not    a   suit     against       the   official
    [personally]       but      rather    is     a    suit    against        the   official's
    office.'"         Gormley     v.   Wood-El,        
    218 N.J. 72
    ,    85    n.3    (2014)
    (alteration in original) (quoting Will v. Mich. Dep't of State
    491 U.S. 58
    , 71, 
    109 S. Ct. 2304
    , 2312, 
    105 L. Ed. 2d 45
    , 58 (1989)).          This is because damages awards against persons
    We note that the Federal District Court of New Jersey has
    consistently held that the NJSP is an "arm of the State." See,
    e.g., Simmerman v. Corino, 
    804 F. Supp. 644
    , 650 (D.N.J. 1992),
    16 F.3d 405
    (3d Cir. 1993) (holding that it was "beyond
    dispute" that the NJSP was an arm of the State).
    17                                      A-3357-12T3
    acting in their official capacity can be executed against the
    State itself, which is the real party in interest.                        Ibid.; see
    also E. Orange v. Palmer, 
    47 N.J. 307
    , 327 (1966) (noting that,
    as to a sovereign immunity defense, the Court would "treat the
    question as if the suit directed against the two State officers
    were against the State itself").
    We now turn to whether the trial court properly determined
    that defendants were estopped from raising the issue of state
    sovereign immunity as to the ADA claim.                   We conclude that state
    sovereign    immunity      cannot    be    waived    by    defendants      and    that
    defendants    were    not    estopped       from    arguing       that    they    were
    immunized as to plaintiff's ADA claim.
    The United States Supreme Court has recognized a "clos[e]
    analogy"    between    state      sovereign    immunity      at    the    state    and
    federal levels.       Sossamon v. Texas, ___ U.S. ___, ___ n.4, 
    131 S. Ct. 1651
    , 1658, 
    179 L. Ed. 2d 700
    , 709 (2011) (alteration in
    original)    (citation      and     internal       quotation      marks    omitted).
    Thus,   because       of    this     close     correlation,         and    our     own
    jurisprudence and court rules, we conclude that the issue of
    state sovereign immunity can be raised at any time during the
    18                                A-3357-12T3
    See supra
    , Part II.A (noting that state sovereign
    immunity is treated as a subject matter jurisdiction claim which
    cannot be waived).
    We also reject the assertion that defendants essentially
    waived their state sovereign immunity through their litigation
    conduct   by    "waiting    over    [seven]    years   [and   until   the]
    completion of the trial."
    As previously noted, a state can waive its immunity from
    suit in federal court through its litigation conduct by removing
    a case to federal court.       
    Lapides, supra
    , 535 U.S. at 
    624, 122 S. Ct. at 1646
    , 152 L. Ed. 2d at 816.          However, as the Court in
    Lapides recognized, the distinction as to whether a state waives
    its sovereign immunity through its litigation conduct lies in
    whether   the   state    "voluntarily"    or   "involuntarily"    invoked
    federal court jurisdiction.        
    Id. at 622,
    122 S. Ct. at 
    1645, 152 L. Ed. 2d at 815
    .       Here, defendants did not seek a removal from
    state court to federal court, or do anything other than appear
    and defend against plaintiff's ADA claim.         See Biomedical Patent
    Although not binding on us, we find persuasive support from the
    Supreme Court of Texas which explicitly recognizes that "the
    defense of sovereign immunity from suit sufficiently implicates
    subject matter jurisdiction" and thus the Texas Court concluded
    "that the defense may be raised for the first time on appeal."
    Manbeck v. Austin Indep. Sch. Dist., 
    381 S.W.3d 528
    , 530 (Tex.
    19                           A-3357-12T3
    Mgmt.   Corp.      v.    Cal.,    
    505 F.3d 1328
    ,    1339   (Fed.     Cir.    2007)
    (stating that a waiver by litigation conduct must be clear),
    cert. denied, 
    555 U.S. 1097
    129 S. Ct. 895
    173 L. Ed. 2d 106
    (2009).      We do not deem defendants' appearance in this action to
    be a clear voluntary invocation of the state court's general
    Precluding plaintiff's ADA claim also does not prejudice
    plaintiff     or   give       defendants    a    "litigation     advantage."          New
    Hampshire     v.     Ramsey,      
    366 F.3d 1
    ,   16-17     (1st    Cir.     2004).
    Plaintiff could have properly pursued a failure to accommodate
    claim     under    the    NJLAD,        which    he    initially    did,    but      then
    dismissed     this      claim    to   pursue     his   CEPA    claim.      Precluding
    recovery on his ADA claim, which would have substantially used
    the   same    facts      as     his   NJLAD      claim,   does     not   work     unfair
    prejudice on plaintiff because dismissing the ADA claim places
    plaintiff in exactly the same position as a similarly-situated
    plaintiff facing a timely asserted sovereign immunity defense.
    Our Supreme Court's recent decisions have declined to endorse
    encroachment into the State's sovereign immunity without a clear
    indication of the Legislature's intent to consent to suit. See
    Allen, supra
    , 167 N.J. at 75 (noting that rules of "strict
    statutory construction" control regarding a statute that may
    "derogate[] sovereignty"); see also Henebema v. S. Jersey
    Transp. Auth., 
    219 N.J. 481
    , 490 (2014) (noting in the context
    of claims under the TCA that "[g]enerally, immunity prevails
    over liability to the extent that immunity has become the rule
    and liability is the exception").
    20                                  A-3357-12T3
    In other words, he would have needed to establish his failure to
    accommodate claim under the NJLAD or not at all.11                Here, because
    plaintiff waited until trial to dismiss his NJLAD claim, his
    proffer to the jury would have been substantially the same even
    if the ADA claim had been dismissed sooner.
    Because     we     conclude      that    defendants    are     immune        from
    liability    from      plaintiff's     ADA    claim,   we    need        not     reach
    defendants' contentions that the judge erred by usurping the
    jury and applying the wrong definition of "disabled" within the
    meaning     of   the    ADA     and    that    plaintiff's      ADA      claim      is
    procedurally        deficient      because      he     failed       to         exhaust
    administrative remedies.
    We reject defendants' arguments that plaintiff's job duties
    precluded him from bringing a CEPA claim, and that he otherwise
    failed to establish a prima facie CEPA violation.
    After reviewing the trial record extensively, we conclude
    Plaintiff's request that we mold the ADA verdict into a NJLAD
    verdict, by reinstating the award of $500,000 in damages for
    emotional distress, is without sufficient merit to warrant
    discussion in a written opinion, R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E). Plaintiff
    dismissed his NJLAD failure to accommodate claim (depriving him
    accessibility to a restroom), pursuant to the CEPA waiver
    clause, because he conceded that his assignment to car
    surveillance   amounted   to  a   claim   of   retaliation  for
    whistleblowing under CEPA.
    21                                 A-3357-12T3
    that defendants have overstated plaintiff's job responsibilities
    and   understated        the   nature    of    plaintiff's     whistleblowing.
    Plaintiff may properly pursue his CEPA claim because plaintiff's
    complained of conduct occurred both inside and outside his job
    description.       Cf. Massarano v. N.J. Transit, 
    400 N.J. Super. 474
    , 490-92 (App. Div. 2008) (finding that the plaintiff could
    not establish a CEPA claim because she was "merely doing her
    job"); but see Lippman v. Ethicon, Inc., 
    432 N.J. Super. 378
    380-82 (App. Div. 2013) (holding that "an employee's job title
    or    employment    responsibilities          should   [not]     be   considered
    outcome    determinative       in   deciding     whether   the    employee        has
    presented a cognizable cause of action under CEPA"), certif.
    217 N.J. 292
    As   the   judge    correctly     found,   plaintiff     was    not    simply
    performing his job duties in making his repeated complaints.
    Plaintiff "blew the whistle" while working in the EEO/AA Unit,
    where his job duty at that time was to investigate the cases
    assigned to him as a staff investigator.               However, there is no
    credible evidence in the record to suggest that plaintiff had
    the responsibility to analyze the EEO/AA Unit as a whole or to
    evaluate its purported general shortcomings.
    Moreover, plaintiff's whistleblowing activity included more
    than complaining about the alleged stalling of investigations in
    22                                  A-3357-12T3
    the EEO/AA Unit.       He complained to Fuentes that the Office of
    Professional Standards Unit, which was different from the EEO/AA
    Unit, engaged in discriminatory discipline by treating African
    American troopers more severely than white troopers for the same
    or   similar   offenses.       Therefore,   plaintiff        was   not    simply
    investigating    the   cases    assigned    to   him   and    reporting        his
    findings, as he was tasked to do, but rather, his complaints
    went beyond his assigned cases and department.
    We also conclude that plaintiff sufficiently established a
    prima facie case of a CEPA violation to reach the jury.
    To state a prima facie case of retaliation under NJLAD or
    CEPA, a "plaintiff must show that 1) [he or] she was engaged in
    a protected activity known to defendant; 2) [he or] she was
    thereafter subjected to an adverse employment decision by the
    defendant; and 3) there was a causal link between the two."
    Woods-Pirozzi v. Nabisco Foods, 
    290 N.J. Super. 252
    , 274 (App.
    Div. 1996); see also Young v. Schering Corp., 
    275 N.J. Super. 221
    , 233 (App. Div. 1994), aff'd, 
    141 N.J. 16
    (1995); Jamison v.
    Rockaway Twp. Bd. of Educ., 
    242 N.J. Super. 436
    , 445 (App. Div.
    Failing to promote an employee can constitute an adverse
    employment action.      
    Jamison, supra
    , 242 N.J. Super. at 447.                  If
    23                                   A-3357-12T3
    the employee succeeds in establishing a prima facie case of
    retaliation, the burden shifts to the employer to articulate a
    legitimate non-retaliatory reason for the adverse action.                    
    Ibid. The plaintiff is
    then "afforded a fair opportunity" to show that
    the reason given "is a pretext for the retaliation or that a
    discriminatory    reason    more      likely     motivated    the   employer."
    Ibid. If plaintiff succeeds,
          a   presumption   of    retaliatory
    intent is established.      
    Id. at 445-46.
    In a failure-to-promote context, the employer then "must
    prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the adverse action
    would have taken place regardless of the retaliatory motives of
    the employer."      
    Id. at 447.
            "At that point, the employer's
    proofs   must     focus    on   the     qualifications        of    the      other
    Ibid. The Jamison court
    noted, "[b]y shifting the
    burden of proof, the responsibility is allocated to the party
    best able to marshal evidence and prove qualifications of other
    Ibid. This burden-shifting approach
    employees who engage in protected activities but does not place
    them in a better position than they would be otherwise.                
    Ibid. The parties here
    tried this case understanding that the
    statute of limitations period on plaintiff's CEPA claim began on
    September 1, 2004.         To support plaintiff's retaliation claim
    based on a failure to promote, plaintiff was required to produce
    24                                 A-3357-12T3
    evidence of a discrete retaliatory act occurring after September
    1,    2004.12     It   is   undisputed    that   plaintiff's    whistleblowing
    activities, however, occurred prior to that date.
    As our Supreme Court explained in Roa v. Roa, 
    200 N.J. 555
    561    (2008),    "[a]lthough    not     actionable,    evidence      relating   to
    barred claims may be admissible under N.J.R.E. 404(b) in the
    trial of the timely claim."               Therefore, a plaintiff can use
    evidence of retaliatory actions connected to time-barred claims
    "'as background evidence in support of a timely claim.'"                     
    Id. at 567
    (quoting Nat'l R.R. Passenger Corp. v. Morgan, 
    536 U.S. 101
    122 S. Ct. 2061
    , 2072, 
    153 L. Ed. 2d 106
    , 122 (2002)).
    Here,     the   jury   properly    considered    the    memo    and    other
    events prior to September 1, 2004, as background evidence for
    retaliation that occurred within the limitations period.                         The
    judge     correctly     instructed       the   jury    that,   in     determining
    liability, it could only consider acts of retaliation occurring
    after September 1, 2004.             The judge identified for the jury
    examples of retaliatory acts that generally occurred, at least
    in part, after September 1, 2004, such as plaintiff's assignment
    to car surveillance in 2006, and the October 2004 investigation
    At trial, the judge did not treat the CEPA claim as a
    continuing violation.     Instead, the judge imposed a strict
    limitations period.   Plaintiff's counsel did not object to the
    limitations period commencing on September 1, 2004, and he has
    not cross-appealed challenging it.
    25                               A-3357-12T3
    report     resulting       in    mainly     unsubstantiated            allegations      of
    There   is     evidence       from    which        a    jury   could      determine
    inferentially       that    plaintiff       had    been       passed     over    for   two
    discrete promotions while he served under a bureau chief (the
    "bureau chief") of the CTU, where plaintiff worked from May 2004
    to September 2005.          Plaintiff testified that he was doing well
    in the CTU and that he "had risen to the number one spot for a
    promotion" before the bureau chief arrived in late 2004.                                In
    February    2005,    the    NJSP     passed       over       plaintiff    by    promoting
    another individual to acting sergeant first class.                               In June
    2005, the bureau chief, who was a special advisor to Fuentes and
    was   familiar      with        plaintiff's       whistleblowing         activity      and
    "pending EEOA matter," ranked the members under his command and
    gave plaintiff a low ranking.                   As a result, plaintiff was not
    promoted to DSFC at that time.                    And, there was evidence from
    which the jury could have concluded that, had plaintiff been
    promoted in June 2005, he would have been promoted one more time
    before the end of his career.
    Although plaintiff established a prima facie CEPA claim,
    the CEPA verdict is so fatally flawed that the judgment must be
    vacated and the matter remanded for a new trial on all issues
    26                                    A-3357-12T3
    related to plaintiff's CEPA claim.
    First, we conclude that the judge erred by not giving a
    meaningful limiting instruction to the jury about how to use the
    evidence       that      plaintiff          introduced      of      alleged         racial
    discrimination.          Plaintiff used this evidence to support his
    NJLAD claim.       The omission of such an instruction had the clear
    capacity to lead to an unjust result.
    During his case-in-chief, plaintiff introduced evidence of
    alleged        racial      discrimination          unrelated        to     plaintiff's
    whistleblowing activities.                 In fact, the opening statements of
    both    counsel       stressed       the     existence     of    pervasive          racial
    discrimination within the NJSP.                   There was also considerable
    testimony regarding defendants' alleged racial discrimination,
    which was admitted without objection because it was relevant to
    the    NJLAD     claim     that      remained     viable    until    the      close    of
    plaintiff's case.
    At the close of all the evidence, defendants' counsel asked
    whether    the     judge      would    instruct      the    jury    that      the     race
    discrimination        claim    was    no    longer   in    the   case.      The     judge
    declined to do so, but stated that defense counsel could inform
    the jury that "whatever you heard about discrimination is no
    longer a part of this case. . . ."
    27                                A-3357-12T3
    The     judge    partially       instructed       the     jurors    that    "in
    addition, some causes of action are no longer a part of this
    case.       And as a result of it, the document that was previously
    admitted into evidence, that was known as P-14,13 is no longer
    evidence and may not be considered by you."                      The jury was not
    told by the judge which claims were dismissed by the end of the
    case, and it was not fully instructed on how to consider the
    complaint of disparate treatment for the CEPA claim.
    Under these circumstances, the jury may well have thought
    that it was free to consider all of the testimony regarding
    racial discrimination in its deliberations for any purpose and
    that the only thing they had to disregard was P-14.                        See State
    v. Vallejo, 
    198 N.J. 122
    , 137 (2009) (finding that when the jury
    instruction       was    inadequate,          an     appellate    court     has    "no
    alternative but to assume that the jurors took into account all
    of what transpired at trial").                     Thus, the failure to give an
    adequate limiting instruction had the clear capacity to lead to
    an unjust result.            Agha v. Feiner, 
    198 N.J. 50
    , 63 n.3 (2009);
    see also Catalane v. Gilian Instrument Corp., 
    271 N.J. Super. 476
    , 501 (App. Div.) (vacating jury award and remanding for a
    new    trial    "because      the     jury    instruction      was   erroneous     and
    P-14    appears    to   be   a   redacted       attorney-client      memorandum.
    28                              A-3357-12T3
    inadequate"), certif. denied, 
    136 N.J. 298
    Second,     we    conclude       that    the   judge    failed   to     give   an
    adequate jury instruction on the calculation of damages related
    to plaintiff's failure-to-promote allegations.
    When reviewing a jury award, we are empowered to set aside
    the jury's verdict and grant a new trial when "it clearly and
    convincingly appears that a damages award is so excessive that
    it constitutes a miscarriage of justice."                   Johnson v. Scaccetti,
    192 N.J. 256
    , 280 (2007) (citation and internal quotation marks
    Here,       plaintiff's      CEPA         economic-damages       award         was
    necessarily predicated on acts of retaliation that were time-
    barred.     If the jury believed plaintiff's evidence and gave all
    possible     inferences     in    plaintiff's         favor,     it   could      have
    concluded that he would have been promoted in June 2005 if he
    had not been the subject of retaliation.                     Plaintiff's counsel
    told the jury that plaintiff was "eligible for a promotion" in
    April     2004   and   that,     in    calculating      damages,      they    should
    determine that his salary would have increased on October 1,
    2004.     Although the judge told the jury that it could not rely
    Therefore, we need not reach defendants' remaining arguments
    pertaining to other purported trial errors.
    29                                  A-3357-12T3
    on retaliation occurring prior to September 1, 2004, the jury
    was not informed that it needed to find a specific failure to
    promote within the limitations period and to base any damages
    calculation from the date plaintiff would have started that new
    The jury plainly calculated damages for failure to promote
    for the entire period sought by plaintiff, as it awarded more
    money   in   each    category     of    economic   damages   than   plaintiff
    requested.    Plaintiff's counsel argued that plaintiff's damages,
    calculated from October 2, 2004, forward, consisted of $51,208
    in lost wages and $263,200 in lost pension benefits.                The jury
    actually awarded damages of $55,000 in lost wages and $305,000
    in lost pension benefits.         The jury could not have reached these
    numbers based on the promotions that were arguably supported by
    the evidence, namely to DSFC in June 2005, and to lieutenant two
    to three years after that.
    Finally,        the   award    of       emotional-distress   damages    on
    plaintiff's CEPA claim was also compromised by the jury charge
    and plaintiff's counsel's comments in summation.
    Plaintiff's counsel told the jury during closing argument
    that, in addition to economic damages, plaintiff was seeking
    "[d]amages for emotional distress accompanied by the stress that
    30                           A-3357-12T3
    affected his ulcerative colitis."                  Plaintiff had testified that
    stress exacerbated his condition and that stress from the bureau
    chief's      actions       resulted    in    hospitalization.           The   parties
    agreed, however, that there was no claim that defendants caused
    plaintiff's ulcerative colitis.                  As a result, the jury may have
    included, as part of its emotional distress calculation, damages
    for pain and suffering associated with plaintiff's underlying
    medical condition.
    The    comments      by   plaintiff's        counsel    in    summation    were
    further complicated by the jury charge.                   The judge's charge on
    non-economic damages essentially tracked the model jury charge.
    See Model Jury Charge (Civil), 8.11E "Disability, Impairment and
    Loss   of     the    Enjoyment    of   Life,      Pain   and   Suffering"     (2009).
    Because       that    charge     encompasses        physical        limitations     and
    physical pain and suffering as well as emotional distress, the
    judge instructed the jury that plaintiff would be entitled to
    recover      "for    any   injury     resulting     in . . .    an    impairment     of
    his . . . health, or ability to participate in activities," and
    that "proper items for recover[y]" include "any pain, physical
    or mental suffering, discomfort, and distress that the plaintiff
    may have endured as a natural consequence of the violations of
    CEPA."       This contradicts the stipulation that there was no claim
    that defendants caused plaintiff's ulcerative colitis.
    31                                A-3357-12T3
    We vacate the ADA award, dismiss plaintiff's ADA claim with
    prejudice,     and   remand   for    further   proceedings   on   plaintiff's
    CEPA   claim   consistent     with   this   opinion.    We   do   not    retain
    32                               A-3357-12T3