Jana Gehrke v. Chad Gehrke , 115 A.3d 1252 ( 2015 )

  • MAINE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT                                         Reporter of Decisions
    2015 ME 58
    Docket:   Som-14-341
    Argued:   April 8, 2015
    Decided:  May 7, 2015
    Panel:       SAUFLEY, C.J., and ALEXANDER, MEAD, GORMAN, JABAR, and HJELM, JJ.
    JANA GEHRKE et al.
    [¶1] Following a pattern of violence, threats, suicide threats, and failure to
    comply with increasingly restrictive court orders, Chad Gehrke appeals from a
    judgment entered in the District Court (Skowhegan, Benson, J.) extending a
    protection from abuse order protecting his ex-wife, Jana Gehrke, and the parties’
    three sons for an additional two years. He argues that the court erred in relying on
    evidence of conduct that occurred before the original protection from abuse order
    was entered in finding that the extended order was “necessary” to protect Jana and
    the children, and that the extended protection order violates his constitutional due
    process rights as a parent.       19-A M.R.S. § 4007(2) (2014).        We affirm the
    A.    Procedural History
    [¶2] In July 2012, Jana Gehrke filed a complaint against Chad Gehrke
    seeking protection from abuse for herself and their three sons (then ages twelve,
    nine, and seven). The parties agreed to the entry of a protection order without
    findings of abuse, and the court (Stanfill, J.) entered an order on July 20, 2012.
    The order authorized Chad to contact Jana only indirectly through identified
    individuals and only regarding the children, and it authorized contact with the
    children under the supervision of identified individuals, at counseling as
    recommended by professionals, and at the children’s extracurricular school events.
    [¶3] Jana moved to modify the order in January 2013, seeking to add a
    requirement that Chad attend counseling, Menswork, or an anger management
    program. The resulting order, entered by agreement without findings of abuse on
    February 22, 2013, required Chad to obtain such services and authorized him to
    send text messages to Jana but only regarding the children.
    [¶4] Six months later, in late August 2013, Jana again moved to modify the
    order, this time on the ground that Chad had engaged in conduct that had
    frightened the children. The court’s resulting order, entered on September 13,
    2013, again by agreement of the parties without findings of abuse, further
    constrained Chad’s contact with the children and eliminated the provision that
    Chad could contact Jana indirectly through others or by sending text messages.
    [¶5] On November 1, 2013, Jana filed her third motion to modify the
    protection order, seeking a complete prohibition on contact between Chad and the
    children. After a full, contested hearing, the court found that Chad had committed
    abuse and entered an amended order on January 3, 2014, prohibiting Chad from
    having any contact with Jana or the children, including at school and sporting
    events attended by the children. That amended order was set to expire on July 20,
    2014. Chad did not request further findings or appeal from the judgment.
    [¶6] In mid-July 2014, Jana moved to extend the order of protection from
    abuse for two more years. See 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(2). She alleged that she
    remained in fear for herself and her children because Chad had repeatedly violated
    protection orders and had engaged in other conduct that frightened her and the
    children. The court (Benson, J.) held a contested hearing on July 18, 2014, during
    which it heard testimony from Jana and two of her relatives. The court advised
    Chad of his Fifth Amendment rights. Chad elected not to testify, and he offered no
    additional evidence.
    [¶7] The court entered a judgment extending the order of protection from
    abuse due to an “ongoing pattern of abuse” that had “continued even through the
    existence of a previous order.” The court stated, “based on the evidence that I’ve
    heard, I feel I have no choice but to continue the current order for another two
    B.       Facts Supporting the Court’s Judgment
    [¶8] Because Chad did not, after the court entered its judgment, “request
    additional findings of fact pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 52, we assume that the trial
    court made all of the necessary subsidiary findings that can be supported by
    competent record evidence to support its decision.” Sullivan v. Doe, 
    2014 ME 109
    ¶ 19, 
    100 A.3d 171
    . The evidence supporting the court’s decision is as follows.
    [¶9] Jana met Chad when she was twenty-two years old and already had two
    daughters, ages two and five.                Chad had a four-year-old child but had only
    supervised contact with that child and was required to attend an anger management
    program. After Jana had been with Chad for about a year, he began to break and
    throw things, and to push her. When she was pregnant with one of their children,
    he made a threat through a friend that he was going to “take a coat hanger to [Jana]
    and deliver[] that baby dead.”
    [¶10] Chad once tackled Jana’s oldest daughter in a neighbor’s yard, and in
    2009, he hit one of their boys when the boy did not want to wear the shirt his
    mother had chosen. When one of Jana’s daughters attempted to intercede, Chad hit
    Although Chad argues that this statement by the court evidenced a misunderstanding on the part of
    the court that it lacked discretion, the court’s words, viewed in context, can only be understood to indicate
    that the facts that the court found met the legal standard for extending the order of protection and were so
    compelling that a substantial extension was necessary to protect Jana and the boys.
    her. Jana began to accommodate Chad’s every request in an effort to prevent him
    from hurting her children. The parties’ oldest son witnessed Chad’s intrusive and
    humiliating actions in challenging Jana’s fidelity. Chad threw a lit cigarette at Jana
    when her younger daughter and one of the boys were in the car. He pushed Jana
    down the stairs in front of the children. He went to Jana’s workplace, which
    resulted in an emergency room visit for Jana and the loss of her job. He also went
    to the home of the children’s maternal grandmother late at night to take the
    children, which led to his arrest.
    [¶11]    Significantly, Chad once told Jana, while holding a gun and in
    possession of knives, and in the presence of the boys, that he was going to end it all
    that night and she would never have to worry about him and the boys again. He
    told Jana he “had five bullets and [he was] going to end it all and it was going to be
    done.” He made similar threats to kill them all many times.
    [¶12] The children have been traumatized. The youngest, nine years old at
    the time of trial, could not sleep by himself because he was scared that someone
    would break into the house. All of the children feel guilty because of things that
    they witnessed Chad do to Jana. One of Jana’s daughters dropped out of high
    school because things got so bad. The boys have been in counseling, and Jana
    thinks that it is too early to trust that Chad is doing what he must to make it safe for
    the children to see him. Chad often used his visitation with his children to try to
    find out what Jana was doing, who Jana was talking to, who Jana was dating, and
    when Jana got out of work.                   He has repeatedly violated court orders, as
    demonstrated by a series of probation revocations and convictions entered upon
    guilty pleas for violating protective orders or conditions of release.2
    [¶13] After his most recent release from jail in September 2013, Chad
    contacted Jana by email; blew her a kiss from across the street at a child’s sporting
    event; showed up at a sporting event disguised in a wig, which upset the children
    because they thought that he might kidnap them; and asked a friend of Jana’s if
    Chad could put his paycheck in the friend’s mailbox to go toward child support.
    [¶14] Chad now appeals from the trial court’s extension of the order of
    protection from abuse. See 14 M.R.S. § 1901 (2014); M.R. App. P. 2.
    [¶15] Chad’s arguments concern (A) the court’s consideration of evidence
    of abuse that predated the initial protection from abuse order in determining
    whether an extension of the order was necessary and (B) the constitutionality of the
    protection from abuse statute’s infringement on his parental rights. We address
    each issue separately.
    Although not presented as exhibits at the hearing, copies of docket entries and judgments
    demonstrating probation revocations and convictions entered between 2010 and 2013 are contained in the
    record as a result of prior proceedings in the case, and Jana asked the court to take judicial notice of the
    probation revocations and convictions.
    A.    Evidence of Prior Abuse
    [¶16] Chad argues that the court erred in relying on any evidence that
    predated the first protection order entered in this matter in 2012. He argues that
    the court erred in determining that an extended protection order was “necessary” to
    protect Jana and the children from abuse, 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(2), when there was
    little evidence of new conduct since the last modification of the order.
    [¶17] “A protective order or approved consent agreement is for a fixed
    period not to exceed 2 years.” 
    Id. “At the
    expiration of that time, the court may
    extend an order, upon motion of the plaintiff, for such additional time as it
    determines necessary to protect the plaintiff or minor child from abuse.” 
    Id. “[A]n extension
    granted in response to a plaintiff’s motion to extend is the exclusive
    means to extend a protection order beyond the two-year durational limit.” O’Brien
    v. Weber, 
    2012 ME 98
    , ¶ 9, 
    48 A.3d 230
    [¶18]   The findings required for an extension of an existing order of
    protection differ from the findings required for a court to issue a new order of
    protection. See 19-A M.R.S. §§ 4002(1), 4005(1), 4007(1), (2) (2014). Whereas a
    plaintiff bringing a new action must demonstrate “that the defendant has
    committed the alleged abuse or engaged in the alleged conduct described in section
    4005, subsection 1,” 
    id. § 4007(1),
    a plaintiff seeking to extend an order must
    demonstrate that the additional time is “necessary to protect the plaintiff or minor
    child from abuse,” 
    id. § 4007(2).
    [¶19] When a court’s order of protection has expired, some new conduct
    meeting the definition of abuse must be shown for the court to issue a new order of
    protection. See O’Brien, 
    2012 ME 98
    , ¶¶ 9-10, 
    48 A.3d 230
    . By contrast, when a
    party, before an order of protection has expired, requests the extension of that
    order, a court can, and often will, base its determination in part on the underlying
    reasons that the initial order was entered. See, e.g., Dyer v. Dyer, 
    2010 ME 105
    5 A.3d 1049
    . Evidence demonstrating a history of abuse, as defined by statute to
    include actual or attempted infliction of bodily injury or offensive physical contact,
    see 19-A M.R.S. § 4002(1)(A), and threats of such conduct made in an attempt to
    place another in fear of bodily injury, see 
    id. § 4002(1)(B),
    is relevant and
    admissible to demonstrate that an extended order of protection is “necessary,” 
    id. § 4007(2).
    In this context, a court’s consideration of evidence of earlier abuse is
    appropriate, particularly when preceding orders were entered without the court
    making particularized factual findings or were entered by agreement of the parties
    without any finding of abuse. See Dyer, 
    2010 ME 105
    , ¶¶ 3-5, 11, 
    5 A.3d 1049
    [¶20] The matter before us stands as a vivid example of a case in which
    evidence of earlier abuse was essential to the court’s understanding of whether an
    extension of the order was “necessary to protect the plaintiff or minor child from
    abuse.” 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(2). Without evidence of the pattern of persistent
    intrusive and frightening conduct when Chad was allowed access to Jana and the
    children, the court would not have been in a position to understand why Jana and
    the children would be frightened by Chad’s more recent behavior.
    [¶21] Although the evidence of recent conduct might not, taken in isolation,
    demonstrate that new abuse occurred, see 19-A M.R.S. §§ 4002(1), 4007(1), the
    record contains ample evidence of a pattern of abuse by Chad supporting the
    court’s conclusion that an extension of an existing order was necessary for Jana’s
    and the boys’ protection, see 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(2). Specifically, the record
    contains evidence that Chad was violent with Jana and at least one of the boys in
    the past; that he threatened Jana, the children, and himself while in possession of
    deadly weapons; that he repeatedly violated protection orders; and that Jana and
    the children remain frightened of him, especially because he recently behaved in
    ways that continued the pattern of intimidating or threatening conduct. Chad did
    not offer any evidence that the risk he posed to Jana and the children had
    [¶22] Brandishing weapons, threatening suicide, making graphic threats of
    violence, and persistently violating court orders all demonstrate a serious potential
    for lethality.   See 19-A M.R.S. § 4001(1) (recognizing that such conduct
    “frequently culminates in intrafamily homicide”). Given this evidentiary record,
    the court did not err in finding that Chad’s recent actions, viewed in context,
    demonstrate a continued threat of abuse, and that continued protection is necessary.
    See id.; see also Walton v. Ireland, 
    2014 ME 130
    , ¶ 22, 
    104 A.3d 883
    ; O’Brien,
    2012 ME 98
    , ¶ 9 & n.2, 
    48 A.3d 230
    B.     Constitutionality of Intrusion on Parental Rights
    [¶23] Chad argues that, to safeguard his constitutionally protected parental
    rights, any restructuring of his rights of contact with the boys should have been
    undertaken in the divorce proceeding, not through a protection from abuse
    complaint.    Accordingly, we must determine whether the order of extension
    entered here comported with the purposes of the protection from abuse statute in
    allocating “temporary parental rights and responsibilities” for purposes of
    protection from abuse. 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(1)(G); see 19-A M.R.S. § 4001 (2014)
    (identifying statutory purposes of protection from abuse statutes).
    [¶24] “The law is firmly established that parents have a fundamental liberty
    interest to direct the care, custody, and control of their children.” Griffin v. Griffin,
    2014 ME 70
    , ¶ 26, 
    92 A.3d 1144
    (quotation marks omitted). Consistent with this
    legal principle, we presume that fit parents act in the best interests of their children,
    and due process requires that any interference with parental interests pass the
    strict-scrutiny test. Pitts v. Moore, 
    2014 ME 59
    , ¶¶ 11-12, 
    90 A.3d 1169
    . That test
    “requires that the State’s action be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state
    Id. ¶ 12
    (quotation marks omitted).
    [¶25] The protection from abuse statutes permit a court, upon a finding of
    abuse, to temporarily infringe on parental discretion over the care and custody of a
    child. See 19-A M.R.S. § 4007(1)(G). The Legislature authorized this interference
    in recognition of “domestic abuse as a serious crime against the individual and
    society, producing an unhealthy and dangerous family environment, resulting in a
    pattern of escalating abuse, including violence, that frequently culminates in
    intrafamily homicide and creating an atmosphere that is not conducive to healthy
    childhood development.”         19-A M.R.S. § 4001(1); see 
    id. § 4007(1).
    protection from abuse process serves to “support the efforts of law enforcement
    officers, prosecutors and judicial officers to provide immediate, effective
    assistance and protection for victims of abuse and to recognize the crucial role of
    law enforcement officers in preventing further incidents of abuse and in assisting
    the victims of abuse.” 
    Id. § 4001(4).3
    [¶26]    When a party has established abuse pursuant to the statutory
    definition of that term, see 
    id. § 4002(1),
    the State has a “compelling interest” in
    limiting or restricting a parent’s rights, because harm or a threat of harm to the
    See generally Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel, 10th Report, Building Bridges
    Towards Safety and Accountability to End Domestic Violence Homicide (April 2014).
    child will result from the absence of such governmental interference. Sparks v.
    2013 ME 41
    , ¶¶ 21-22, 
    65 A.3d 1223
    . As we have held before, the statute
    survives strict scrutiny because it is narrowly tailored to authorize relief only when
    the person bringing the petition is a person who is responsible for the child, there
    has been a finding of abuse as that term is specifically defined by statute, and the
    rights awarded are temporary. See 
    id. ¶¶ 23-26.
    [¶27] Here, based on findings reached after a full evidentiary hearing, the
    court ordered an extension of two years. Although the order results in an intrusion
    on Chad’s parental rights, both the statutory scheme and the particular order
    entered here are narrowly tailored to serve the State’s interest of protecting
    children from abuse and harm.        The extended order is not final but instead
    modifiable if the circumstances change, and unlike a parental rights and
    responsibilities judgment, see 19-A M.R.S. § 1653 (2014), the provisions of the
    order are limited in duration, here to two additional years, and are enforceable by
    law enforcement, see 19-A M.R.S. § 4011 (2014), which is necessary in a case
    where threats of lethal conduct have been made in the presence of firearms. Chad
    has not been deprived of due process by the application of section 4007(2) of the
    protection from abuse statute in these circumstances.
    The entry is:
    Judgment affirmed.
    On the briefs:
    Walter F. McKee, Esq., and James A. Billings, Esq., McKee Billings, LLC,
    P.A., Augusta, for appellant Chad Gehrke
    Paul Sumberg, Esq., Wright & Mills, P.A., Skowhegan, for appellee Jana
    At oral argument:
    James A. Billings, Esq., for appellant Chad Gehrke
    Lawrence Bloom, Esq., Bloom & Bloom, Skowhegan, for appellee Jana
    Skowhegan District Court docket number PA-2012-271