Andre Lesgras v. Aetna Life Insurance , 786 F.3d 1233 ( 2015 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    ANDRE LEGRAS,                           No. 12-56541
    D.C. No.
    v.                     2:12-cv-02128-
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Manuel L. Real, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 7, 2014—Pasadena, California
    Filed May 28, 2015
    Before: Harry Pregerson, Richard A. Paez,
    and N. Randy Smith, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Paez;
    Dissent by Judge N.R. Smith
    2              LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal of an
    action challenging the denial of an application for continued
    long-term disability benefits under the Employee Retirement
    Income Security Act.
    The panel held that the district court erred in dismissing
    the action for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The
    plaintiff’s internal appeal from the denial of his benefits
    application was denied as untimely under a 180-day appeal
    period. The panel held that the plaintiffs’ notice of internal
    appeal was timely because it was filed on the Monday after
    the Saturday on which the 180-day period ended. The panel
    adopted this method of counting time as part of ERISA’s
    federal common law.
    Dissenting, Judge N.R. Smith wrote that as a matter of
    contract interpretation, the plaintiff’s administrative appeal
    was untimely.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                   3
    Peter S. Sessions (argued) and Glenn R. Kantor, Kantor &
    Kantor LLP, Northridge, California, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    David P. Knox (argued), Federal Express Corporation,
    Memphis, Tennessee, for Defendants-Appellees.
    PAEZ, Circuit Judge:
    Andre LeGras appeals the district court’s judgment in
    favor of Defendants Federal Express Corporation Long Term
    Disability Plan and AETNA Life Insurance Company
    (collectively, “AETNA”). In a letter denying LeGras’s
    application for continued long-term disability benefits,
    AETNA informed LeGras that he could file an internal appeal
    of the decision within 180 days. The 180-day period ended
    on a Saturday. Although LeGras mailed his appeal the
    following Monday, AETNA denied it as untimely. The
    district court dismissed LeGras’s action for failure to exhaust
    administrative remedies. We reverse. We hold that because
    the last day of the appeal period fell on a Saturday, neither
    that day nor Sunday count in the computation of the 180 days.
    As LeGras mailed his notice of appeal on Monday, it was
    timely. This method of counting time is widely recognized
    and furthers the goals and purposes of the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”), 29 U.S.C.
    § 1001 et seq. We therefore adopt it as part of ERISA’s
    federal common law.
    4             LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    In October 2008, LeGras seriously injured himself while
    working as a ramp transport driver for Federal Express
    Corporation (“FedEx”), a job he had held for twenty-three
    years. LeGras suffered a serious back injury that caused
    severe and sustained pain. Subsequent surgeries did not
    correct the problem. As an employee of FedEx, LeGras was
    a participant and beneficiary of FedEx’s Long Term
    Disability Plan (“LTD Plan” or “Plan”). In May 2009, he
    began receiving disability benefits under the Plan.
    Subsequently, AETNA, the Plan’s Claims Paying
    Administrator, informed LeGras that his benefits would
    terminate on May 24, 2011, unless he could establish that his
    disability qualified as a “total disability” under the LTD Plan.
    After LeGras attempted to make the required showing,
    AETNA sent LeGras a letter explaining that the evidence he
    submitted did not establish that he suffered from a total
    disability. Of concern to AETNA was LeGras’s alleged
    failure to prove that he could not “sit or use [his] upper
    extremities for sedentary work.” LeGras received the letter
    at 1:23 p.m. on April 18, 2011. The letter stated, “[i]f you
    disagree with the above determination, in whole or in part,
    you may file a request to appeal this decision within 180 days
    of receipt of this notice.”
    The parties agree that the 180-day appeal period expired
    on October 15, 2011, a Saturday. LeGras mailed his appeal
    the following Monday. On January 17, 2012, AETNA denied
    LeGras’s appeal as untimely. LeGras filed an action in the
    district court pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 1132, the civil
    enforcement provision of ERISA. After answering the
    complaint, AETNA filed a motion for judgment on the
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                            5
    pleadings under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c).
    AETNA argued that LeGras failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies because he mailed his appeal after
    the 180-day period specified in the April 18, 2011 denial
    letter lapsed. The district court granted the motion and
    entered judgment in favor of AETNA.1
    LeGras timely appealed.2
    We review de novo an order granting a motion for
    judgment on the pleadings under Rule 12(c). Fleming v.
    581 F.3d 922
    , 925 (9th Cir. 2009). We accept the
    factual allegations in the complaint as true, and view them in
    a light most favorable to the plaintiff. Hoeft v. Tucson
    Unified Sch. Dist., 
    967 F.2d 1298
    , 1301 & n.2 (9th Cir. 1992).
    The federal statute governing claims procedures under
    ERISA requires that “in accordance with regulations of the
    Secretary [of Labor], every employee benefit plan shall . . .
    afford a reasonable opportunity to any participant whose
    claim for benefits has been denied for a full and fair review
    by the appropriate named fiduciary of the decision denying
    ERISA itself does not require a participant or beneficiary to exhaust his
    administrative remedies before bringing an action under ERISA’s civil
    enforcement provision. Vaught v. Scottsdale Healthcare Corp. Health
    546 F.3d 620
    , 626 (9th Cir. 2008). Nonetheless, we have imposed
    a prudential exhaustion requirement. Amato v. Bernard, 
    618 F.2d 559
    568 (9th Cir. 1980); 
    Vaught, 546 F.3d at 626
    n.2 (clarifying that the
    exhaustion requirement in cases under ERISA’s civil enforcement
    provision are prudential, not jurisdictional).
    We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    6              LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    the claim.” 29 U.S.C. § 1133(2). The regulation
    implementing 29 U.S.C. § 1133 states that a “reasonable
    opportunity for a full and fair review” is “at least 180 days
    following receipt of a notification of an adverse benefit
    determination within which to appeal . . . .” 29 C.F.R.
    § 2560.503-1(h)(3), (h)(3)(i), (h)(4). Neither the governing
    statute, nor the implementing regulation, “specify a method
    of computing time.”3 Cf. Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(a). This leaves a
    number of unresolved ambiguities. For instance, did the 180
    days begin on April 18, 2011, the day LeGras received the
    notice, or on the following day? Does the final day end at
    1:23 p.m., 5:00 p.m., or midnight? And, as is relevant here,
    if the final day lands on a weekend or holiday, is the
    participant permitted to file his appeal on the next business
    day? The widespread understanding that a deadline falling on
    a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday extends to the next business
    day answers this question.
    Congress, in enacting ERISA, has “empowered the courts
    to develop, in light of reason and experience, a body of
    federal common law governing employee benefit plans.”
    Menhorn v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 
    738 F.2d 1496
    1499. (9th Cir. 1984).          This federal common law
    “supplement[s] the explicit provisions and general policies set
    out in ERISA . . . governed by the federal policies at issue.”
    Id. at 1500.
    One of ERISA’s declared policies is to “protect
    the interest of [plan] participants” and to provide “adequate
    safeguards . . . [that are] desirable in the interests of
    employees.” 29 U.S.C. § 1001. Indeed, we have repeatedly
    stated that ERISA is remedial legislation that should be
    Similarly, the parties do not suggest that the LTD Plan contains an
    explanation of how the appeal period is to be computed. We therefore
    assume that it does not contain such a provision.
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                          7
    construed liberally to “protect[] participants in employee
    benefits plans.” McElwaine v. US West, Inc., 
    176 F.3d 1167
    1172 (9th Cir. 1999); Batchelor v. Oak Hill Med. Grp.,
    870 F.2d 1446
    , 1449 (9th Cir. 1989); Smith v. CMTA-IAM
    Pension Trust, 
    746 F.2d 587
    , 589 (9th Cir. 1984).
    We have developed ERISA federal common law
    furthering these interests several times before. See, e.g.,
    Security Life Ins. Co. of America v. Meyling, 
    146 F.3d 1184
    1191 (9th Cir. 1998) (recognizing under ERISA federal
    common law that a recission remedy exists when an insured
    makes material false representations about his health);
    Schikore v. BankAmerica Supplemental Ret. Plan, 
    269 F.3d 956
    (9th Cir. 2001) (invoking federal common law to
    incorporate the mailbox rule into ERISA). For example, we
    adopted the doctrine of reasonable expectations as a principle
    to apply when interpreting ERISA-governed insurance
    contracts. Saltarelli v. Bob Baker Grp. Med. Trust, 
    35 F.3d 382
    (9th Cir. 1994). In so holding, we reasoned that
    “protecting the reasonable expectations of insureds
    appropriately serves the federal policies underlying ERISA.”
    Id. at 386.
    Further, express incorporation of the principle
    elsewhere demonstrated “its widespread acceptance and
    Id. at 387.4
    There is nothing novel about the principle we adopt here
    that when a deadline falls on a weekend, it extends to the
    The dissent argues that we have extended the holding of Saltarelli to
    “read an insured’s ‘reasonable expectations’ into any term of an ERISA
    plan without limits.” Dissent at 19. Contrary to the dissent’s argument,
    we do nothing more than cite Saltarelli as an example of incorporating a
    widely accepted principle—the reasonable expectations doctrine—as part
    of ERISA’s federal common law.
    8                   LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    following business day. The Supreme Court recognized this
    general understanding in 1890. Street v. United States,
    133 U.S. 299
    , 306 (1890) (“. . . a power that may be exercised
    up to and including a given day of the month may generally,
    when that day happens to be Sunday, be exercised on the
    succeeding day”). Further, the Fifth Circuit has stated that
    this “rubric has universal acceptance.” Armstrong v. Tisch,
    835 F.2d 1139
    , 1140 (5th Cir. 1988). LeGras faces the
    possibility of losing his long-term disability benefits because
    of a two-day difference in the computation of the time period
    to pursue an administrative appeal. Although the stricter
    time-computation method may be convenient for AETNA’s
    purposes, it would be contrary to the purposes of ERISA to
    adopt a method that is decidedly protective of plan
    administrators, not plan participants.
    Further, that a deadline extends to the next business day
    when it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday is widespread.
    For example, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6 (“Rule 6”)
    states that this principle applies to “any local rule or court
    order, or in any statute that does not specify a method of
    computing time.”5 Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(a).6 We have
    The relevant part of Rule 6(a)(1)(C) provides as follows:
    When the period is stated in days or a longer unit of
    time: . . . include the last day of the period, but if the
    last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
    period continues to run until the end of the next day that
    is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
    In addition to his federal common law argument, LeGras argued that
    Rule 6(a) should apply directly. However, because LeGras presented two
    alternative arguments that could warrant reversal, we need not address that
    argument. Further, even though LeGras did not make a federal common
    law argument in district court, he is permitted to make that argument on
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                              9
    consistently applied Rule 6 when interpreting time periods in
    various statutory contexts. See, e.g., Minasyan v. Mukasey,
    553 F.3d 1224
    , 1227–28 (9th Cir. 2009) (addressing the
    beginning of the one-year period of limitations for filing an
    asylum application); Payan v. Aramark Mgmt. Servs. Ltd.
    495 F.3d 1119
    , 1125–26 (9th Cir. 2007) (addressing
    the timeliness of a Title VII action after receipt of a right-to-
    sue letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission); Patterson v. Stewart, 
    251 F.3d 1243
    , 1246 (9th
    Cir. 2001) (addressing the “appropriate ending” of the one-
    year grace period under the Anti-terrorism and Effective
    Death Penalty Act of 1996); Cooper v. City of Ashland,
    871 F.2d 104
    , 105 (9th Cir. 1989) (per curiam) (holding that
    because the last day of Oregon’s two-year statute of
    limitations in a personal injury suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
    ended on the Saturday preceding Columbus Day, the plaintiff
    could file on the following Tuesday); Hart v. United States,
    817 F.2d 78
    , 80 (9th Cir. 1987) (holding that where the last
    day of the six-month limitations period under the Federal Tort
    Claims Act ended on a Saturday, the plaintiff could file on the
    following Monday).          Additionally, many regulations
    explicitly incorporate this method for computing time.7
    appeal because he properly preserved his claim. See Lebron v. Nat’l R.R.
    Passenger Corp., 
    513 U.S. 374
    , 379 (1995) (“Our traditional rule is that
    once a federal claim is properly presented, a party can make any argument
    in support of that claim; parties are not limited to the precise arguments
    they made below.”) (internal quotation marks and brackets omitted).
    See, e.g., 15 C.F.R. §§ 280.206(e) (expressly computing time such that,
    if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the period runs until
    the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday),
    719.8(e) (same), 766.5(e) (same), 785.6(e) (same); 17 C.F.R. § 171.4(a)
    (same); 22 C.F.R. § 103.8(c) (same); 30 C.F.R. § 700.15(b) (same); 38
    C.F.R. § 42.27(a) (same); 29 C.F.R. § 2200.2(b) (applying the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure, which includes Rule 6(a), where no specific
    10            LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    Incorporating this time-computation method into
    ERISA’s federal common law protects the interests of
    insureds, thereby effectuating the policy goals of ERISA.
    Further, the concept is generally accepted and vital. See
    Saltarelli, 35 F.3d at 387
    . Therefore, we hold that, where the
    deadline for an internal administrative appeal under an
    ERISA-governed insurance contract falls on a Saturday,
    Sunday, or legal holiday, the period continues to run until the
    next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
    AETNA attempts to skirt the issue by minimizing the role
    that ERISA plays in our analysis of this case. It argues that
    LeGras’s “appeal was pursuant to the . . . Plan—not ERISA
    or any ERISA regulation.” In other words, AETNA contends
    that we should not apply the above time-computation method
    because the 180-day period for appeal is set by contract,
    rather than by statute or regulation. What AETNA overlooks
    is that the 180-day appeal period is part of ERISA’s
    mandatory claims processing standards. As noted above,
    under ERISA’s implementing regulations, the minimum
    amount of time that must be afforded to a claimant to file an
    administrative appeal is 180 days. 29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-
    1(h)(3), (h)(3)(i), (h)(4). Although the 180-day appeal period
    is imposed by the Plan, the Plan is ultimately governed by
    ERISA. Any ambiguity in calculating the 180 days should be
    resolved to further the purposes and goals of ERISA.
    As support for its position that the LTD Plan is a private
    contractual arrangement and therefore should not be subject
    to the time-computation method we adopt, AETNA relies
    provision exists); 40 C.F.R. § 304.12 (applying the time-computation
    manner as described in Rule 6(a)); 45 C.F.R. § 1630.13(a) (same); 49
    C.F.R. § 240.7 (applying the time-computation provisions of Rule 6).
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                  11
    heavily upon a Fifth Circuit case, Jones v. Georgia Pacific
    90 F.3d 114
    (5th Cir. 1996). In Jones, a decedent’s
    heirs brought suit when the decedent’s former employer and
    life insurance company refused to pay life insurance benefits.
    Id. at 115.
    The ERISA-covered group plan expired on the
    decedent’s sixty-fifth birthday, 
    id., but included
    an option
    provision that allowed him to convert the employer-provided
    policy to a non-ERISA individual policy within “the thirty-
    one day period immediately following the date of [] cessation
    [of coverage],” 
    id. n.1. If
    the employee died within thirty-one
    days, then he would be covered under the group policy as if
    he had purchased the new policy. 
    Id. at 114.
    The decedent
    died on the thirty-second day after his sixty-fifth birthday
    without having applied for the individual life insurance
    Id. at 115.
    When the insurance company declined to
    pay the death benefit, his heirs brought suit and argued that,
    because the thirty-first day was a Sunday, the option period
    should have continued to Monday, the next business day. 
    Id. The district
    court applied Rule 6(a)’s next-business-day
    provision, and granted summary judgment to the heirs. 
    Id. at 117.
    Reversing, the Fifth Circuit held that the provision did
    not apply because the option to convert the group plan to an
    individual plan was a private contractual agreement. 
    Id. at 117–18.
    Jones is distinguishable and does not support AETNA’s
    argument. First, unlike this case, Jones did not interpret a
    contractual provision that was required by ERISA. In fact,
    the court emphasized that defendants, as offerors of a private
    option contract, had “full control of . . . the length of time
    during which the power of acceptance shall last.” 
    Id. at 117.
    By contrast, AETNA set the appeal period at 180 days to
    achieve the minimum possible compliance with a statutory
    and regulatory mandate. In doing so, AETNA did not “full[y]
    12              LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    control” the length of time by which an appeal could be filed.
    id. Second, the
    Jones court’s reasoning hinged on its
    determination that there was no ambiguity in the contractual
    Id. at 116.
    In particular, the court explained that
    “[t]he qualifying phrase ‘immediately following’ can have no
    other meaning than the 31 days in their normal and natural
    sequence, without concern as to the days of the week . . . .”8
    Id. In contrast,
    AETNA’s April 18, 2011 denial letter
    contains no such qualifying clause or explanation of how
    LeGras should calculate the 180-day appeal period.
    Finally, AETNA warns that applying the time-
    computation method advocated by LeGras to the calculation
    of deadlines under ERISA’s claims procedures would create
    confusion and great administrative burden. Specifically,
    AETNA contends that it would “put claims processors for
    ERISA-governed plans in the unenviable position of keeping
    up with all state holidays for all [fifty] states . . . .” AETNA’s
    argument is unpersuasive. The plan administrator is
    responsible for identifying, and clarifying, applicable due
    dates in compliance with ERISA.9 Although we recognize
    The operative text in Jones provided that “[t]he acquirement period is
    the thirty-one day period immediately following the date of such
    cessation,” and that “[i]f a Participant . . . dies within the thirty-one day
    period immediately following the date he ceased to be a covered
    individual, the amount of insurance which he would have been entitled to
    . . . will be paid . . . .” 
    Jones, 90 F.3d at 115
    ERISA’s regulations require that plan administrators establish claims
    procedures that set forth the “applicable time limits” for challenging
    denied claims. 29 C.F.R. § 2520.102-3(s). The administrator must do so
    in a “sufficiently comprehensive” manner that is “calculated to be
    understood by the average plan participant.” 
    Id. § 2520.102-2(a).
    instance, the regulations instruct administrators to use “clarifying
    examples and illustrations” where necessary. 
    Id. Here, there
    is no
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                         13
    the burden placed on administrators to “keep[] up” with state
    holidays, this burden must be counter-balanced with the
    clarity and consistency attained by applying the time-
    computation method that we hold applies to calculating the
    180-day period within which LeGras had to mail his notice of
    Although the 180-day appeal period specified in the April
    18, 2011 denial letter ended on Saturday, October 15, 2011,
    ERISA federal common law required that AETNA accept
    LeGras’s appeal as timely as he mailed it on the first weekday
    following the weekend. It was error for AETNA and the
    district court to conclude that LeGras’s administrative appeal
    was untimely. We reverse and remand to the district court
    with directions to remand to AETNA, the Plan’s Claims
    Paying Administrator, for consideration of LeGras’s appeal.
    indication that AETNA took any steps to clarify the time limit for appeal.
    Similarly, AETNA did not specify a date certain before which LeGras had
    to mail his request for appeal. Nor did it provide an illustration or
    example of how LeGras should calculate the 180-day period.
    14            LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    N.R. SMITH, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    Mr. LeGras had 180 days to appeal an adverse decision
    from AETNA Life Insurance Company (“AETNA”), denying
    him long-term disability benefits under a Long Term
    Disability Plan (“Plan”) provided by his employer, Federal
    Express (“FedEx”). He lost his opportunity to appeal as a
    result of his own conduct; he sent his appeal to AETNA two
    days after the appeal period expired. Even LeGras agrees that
    he sent his appeal two days late. To excuse LeGras’s
    untimeliness, the majority turns a simple case of contract
    interpretation into an opportunity to (without precedent)
    expand federal common law surrounding the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) to rewrite private
    contracts. I cannot go along with them in “bailing LeGras
    “An ERISA plan is a contract that we interpret in an
    ordinary and popular sense as would a person of average
    intelligence and experience. We look first to the explicit
    language of the agreement to determine, if possible, the clear
    intent of the parties . . . .” Harlick v. Blue Shield of Cal.,
    686 F.3d 699
    , 708 (9th Cir. 2012) (internal quotation marks,
    citations, and alterations omitted). In general, “[c]ontract
    terms are to be given their ordinary meaning, and when the
    terms of a contract are clear, the intent of the parties must be
    ascertained from the contract itself.” Klamath Water Users
    Protective Ass’n v. Patterson, 
    204 F.3d 1206
    , 1210 (9th Cir.
    1999). “That the parties dispute a contract’s meaning does
    not render the contract ambiguous; a contract is ambiguous if
    reasonable people could find its terms susceptible to more
    than one interpretation.” Doe 1 v. AOL LLC, 
    552 F.3d 1077
    1081 (9th Cir. 2009) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                          15
    The terms of this contract are not ambiguous. By the
    Plan’s terms, LeGras had 180 days to file his appeal with
    AETNA by mail. All parties agree that LeGras received
    notice from AETNA that his long-term disability claim had
    been denied on April 18, 2011. It is also undisputed that
    October 15, 2011, is 180 days from the date of the notice.
    Where is the ambiguity? A person of average intelligence
    and experience would understand 180 days to mean precisely
    what LeGras understood it to mean here.1 LeGras knew that
    the 180-day period ended on October 15, 2011; our only
    question: whether he should be allowed to extend that time by
    two days solely because the deadline for the 180-day appeal
    period happened to be on a Saturday.
    In other words, LeGras messed up; he failed to abide by
    his contract and now seeks an excuse to set aside his failure.
    LeGras has never offered any reason to explain why he failed
    to timely appeal. He could have mailed that appeal on any
    one of 180 days after April 18, 2011, including October 15,
    2011. He offers no explanation why he did not. Post offices
    around the nation (even in Pocatello, Idaho) are open on
    Saturdays. LeGras offers no evidence to the contrary and no
    explanation why he did not send his appeal on that Saturday.
    All LeGras had to do (in order to preserve his rights) was
    mail the appeal within a six-month window. Instead, he flatly
    argues that he does not need to comply with his contract.
    Because the terms of the Plan are clear, the district court did
    The majority’s attempt to distinguish Jones v. Georgia Pacific Corp.,
    90 F.3d 114
    (5th Cir. 1996), by holding that the terms of the plan at issue
    in Jones were not ambiguous, is not persuasive. Slip Op. at 11–12. In the
    only respect in which Jones is relevant to this case, this Plan is no more
    ambiguous than the plan in Jones; neither plan specifies what happens if
    the last day falls on a Saturday.
    16              LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    not err when it dismissed LeGras’s action with prejudice for
    failure to exhaust his administrative remedies. Our analysis
    should end here, with the contract.
    To get around the plain terms of the contract, the majority
    is forced to create federal common law, in light of the ERISA
    regulations applicable to the Plan.2 These regulations provide
    that an employee benefit plan “shall establish and maintain a
    procedure by which a claimant shall have a reasonable
    opportunity to appeal an adverse benefit determination.” 29
    C.F.R. § 2560.503-1(h)(1). In order to have a reasonable
    opportunity, an employee benefit plan must “[p]rovide
    claimants at least 180 days following receipt of a notification
    of an adverse benefit determination within which to appeal
    the determination.” § 2560.503-1(h)(3)(i).
    No one argues that the Plan did not comply with the
    ERISA regulations.        Applying these regulations, the
    majority’s logic “hits a dead end.” The 180-day time limit in
    this case arises from the contract between LeGras, FedEx,
    and AETNA, and complies with the ERISA regulations. The
    Plan gave LeGras 180 days following receipt of the letter
    denying long term disability benefits to file his appeal, as the
    regulations outline. For that reason, LeGras never even
    asserted that the Plan, which incorporates the regulation’s
    In doing so, the majority appears to go beyond the relief requested by
    LeGras. LeGras’s briefing was focused on incorporating Fed. R. Civ. P.
    6 into all time limits in insurance plans regulated by ERISA; LeGras
    would use the federal common law to accomplish that incorporation only
    if we determined Rule 6 did not directly apply, and then only to get him
    a couple of extra days to file. Although the basis for the majority’s
    holding is not clear, it appears to have recognized that LeGras’s Rule 6-
    based approach is not tenable and has instead opted to impose a rule of
    reasonableness on all terms in all ERISA insurance plans.
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                         17
    language, was in violation of ERISA or its implementing
    regulations. LeGras’s only contentions in the district court
    and on appeal (prior to oral argument) were that Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 6 should be applied in some manner to the terms of the
    Plan and that AETNA breached the contract by denying his
    claim. In the absence of a claim that the Plan is non-
    conforming to the regulations, we do not have occasion to
    determine whether the 180-day time limit provided in the
    Plan and interpreted by AETNA is reasonable within the
    meaning of § 2560.503-1(h)(1). See United States v.
    359 F.3d 1088
    , 1094–95 (9th Cir. 2004)
    (noting that claims raised for the first time on appeal are
    deemed waived). Accordingly, the majority does not hold
    that the Plan violates ERISA; instead it undertakes to rewrite
    the terms of the contract.
    The majority declines to accept LeGras’s primary
    contention at oral argument and on appeal: that Rule 6 should
    be directly applied to compute the 180-day appeal period
    provided in the Plan. Instead, the majority suggests we must
    rewrite the unambiguous terms of the Plan, a private contract
    between the parties, in light of the federal common law and
    the purpose of ERISA.3 I have no doubt that the majority is
    correct that we should construe ERISA liberally “in favor of
    protecting participants in employee benefit plans.” Batchelor
    v. Oak Hill Med. Grp., 
    870 F.2d 1446
    , 1449 (9th Cir. 1989).
    However, as already noted, we must begin with the contract.
    The terms of the contract are paramount, because “applying
    federal common law doctrines to alter ERISA plans is
    inappropriate where the terms of an ERISA plan are clear and
    Indeed, the majority’s discussion of Rule 6, so central to LeGras’s
    argument, is merely used to provide evidence that its preferred approach
    is “widespread” in other contexts. Slip Op. at 8–9.
    18           LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    unambiguous.” Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. O’Hara, 
    604 F.3d 1232
    , 1237 n.4 (11th Cir. 2010). The majority’s holding
    ignores this limit on the reach of our power to craft federal
    common law for ERISA-regulated plans and drastically
    expands doctrines, meant to protect lay persons from
    deceptive plan drafting, to impose a “reasonableness” rule on
    every provision of an ERISA insurance plan. In doing so, the
    majority improperly conflates the requirement that an insured
    be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal an adverse
    decision with doctrines requiring an insurance contract to be
    interpreted in light of an insured’s reasonable expectations.
    Although the majority is correct that we have used the
    federal common law in cases interpreting ERISA plans, we
    have never used it in these circumstances. This is not a case,
    for example, where we are called upon to determine whether
    common law remedies are available regarding ERISA plans.
    See Security Life Ins. Co. of Am. v. Meyling, 
    146 F.3d 1184
    1191 (9th Cir. 1998). Further, in Meyling, we importantly
    noted that the plan terms limited whether the common law
    remedy was available in that particular case. 
    Id. at 1192;
    Greany v. W. Farm Bureau Life Ins. Co., 
    973 F.2d 812
    , 822
    (9th Cir. 1992) (“Because the plan was unambiguous, the
    Greanys cannot avail themselves of the federal common law
    claim of equitable estoppel.”).
    The limiting power of unambiguous plan terms to the use
    of the federal common law also frames any discussion of the
    case that is the linchpin of the majority’s holding: Saltarelli
    v. Bob Baker Group Medical Trust, 
    35 F.3d 382
    (9th Cir.
    1994).     In that case, we endorsed the “reasonable
    expectations” doctrine for ERISA insurance plans, 
    id. at 387,
    but we never suggested (as the majority now does) that the
    doctrine was available to revise unambiguous plan terms
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                  19
    where those terms did not implicate questions of coverage.
    The majority interprets Saltarelli to mean that it can read an
    insured’s “reasonable expectations” into any term of an
    ERISA plan without limits. However, the doctrine was never
    intended for this purpose.          Instead, the “reasonable
    expectations” doctrine is meant to protect insureds
    “regarding the coverage afforded by insurance carriers even
    though a careful examination of the policy provisions
    indicates that such expectations are contrary to the expressed
    intention of the insurer.” 
    Id. at 386
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted) (emphasis added). Therefore, in Saltarelli, we
    concluded that an exclusionary clause for preexisting
    conditions was unenforceable given that it was not plain and
    Id. at 386
    –87. We have never applied the
    “reasonable expectations” doctrine outside the context of
    determining the reach of insurance coverage. See, e.g., Snow
    v. Standard Ins. Co., 
    87 F.3d 327
    , 331 n.1 (9th Cir. 1996)
    (declining to apply doctrine of reasonable expectations to
    plan administrator’s discretion), overruled on other grounds
    by Kearney v. Standard Ins. Co., 
    175 F.3d 1084
    , 1089 (9th
    Cir. 1999) (en banc).
    The cases that the majority cites (to support its holding
    that an insured’s reasonable expectation that the time period
    to mail an appeal would not end on a Saturday) are not
    persuasive. In Street v. United States, 
    133 U.S. 299
    the Supreme Court held that an executive action taken one
    day outside of the Congressionally mandated time frame for
    the officer to act was legal in part because the last day was a
    Id. at 305–06.
    Far from recognizing any “general
    understanding” regarding the performance of a legal act on a
    weekend, Slip Op. at 7–8, the Supreme Court grounded its
    holding in the purpose of the statute and the special nature of
    Sunday as a holiday or a dies non. 
    Id. at 305–07.
    20            LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    Armstrong v. Tisch, the Fifth Circuit decided to incorporate
    Rule 6 into a regulation, because the deadline could fall on a
    date “on which the act cannot be legally done.” 
    835 F.2d 1139
    , 1140 (5th Cir. 1988) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). The only act, that LeGras was legally required to
    do in order to preserve his appeal rights, was to mail a letter
    to AETNA. LeGras does not argue he could not legally mail
    a letter on a Saturday.
    Similarly, the majority’s reliance on Schikore v.
    BankAmerica Supplemental Retirement Plan, 
    269 F.3d 956
    (9th Cir. 2001), for the proposition that we must invoke the
    federal common law to rewrite the terms of the Plan, is
    misplaced. Slip Op. at 7. In Schikore, this court held that the
    mailbox rule applied to litigation involving an ERISA plan.
    Id. at 964–65.
    However, the question before the Schikore
    court was fundamentally different than the question before us
    now. That difference illuminates why deploying the federal
    common law is inappropriate in this case. The question in
    Schikore was “not the interpretation of a plan term . . . but,
    rather, whether an evidentiary rule of federal common law is
    applicable in the absence of a provision in a plan rejecting
    that rule.” 
    Id. at 962
    n.3. The court in Schikore clearly stated
    that the mailbox rule “does not operate as a rule of
    Id. at 961.
    The court was not tasked with
    construing the meaning of plan terms at all but with resolving
    “a critical evidentiary question: specifically, who bears the
    ultimate burden of establishing receipt when receipt is
    disputed and the evidence is inconclusive.” 
    Id. at 963.
    power to create federal common law with regard to ERISA
    plans was well suited to the task in Schikore. Faced with an
    evidentiary dispute, the court crafted a presumption to assist
    in the resolution of the case. However, our job in this case is
    decidedly different: we need only determine the meaning of
    LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.                   21
    180 days within the context of the Plan. There is no dispute
    that LeGras failed to comply with this Plan provision.
    Further, LeGras is distinguishable from the plaintiff in
    Schikore. We must determine, not whether LeGras complied,
    but whether we should come to his rescue after he
    unambiguously missed the 180-day deadline. The Fifth
    Circuit has already answered this question in Jones v.
    Georgia Pacific Corp., 
    90 F.3d 114
    (5th Cir. 1996). There,
    the Fifth Circuit refused to apply Rule 6 to a private contract
    when the terms of that contract were unambiguous. 
    Jones, 90 F.3d at 117
    . The majority’s attempts, to distinguish the
    present case from Jones, compromise its own reasoning. The
    majority holds that Jones is not applicable because it “did not
    interpret a contractual provision that was required by ERISA
    . . . defendants, as offerors of a private option contract, had
    full control of the length of time during which the power of
    acceptance shall last.” Slip Op. at 11 (internal quotation
    marks and alterations omitted). However, the Jones plan
    beneficiary lost his plan benefits, because he died one day
    outside of the time to make an election necessary to preserve
    his rights. 
    Jones, 90 F.3d at 115
    . Therefore, the prudential
    considerations (the majority now asserts for LeGras) would
    be far more appropriate to trigger crafting federal common
    law for the beneficiary in Jones. He could not control the
    date of his death. On the contrary, LeGras had six months to
    mail a letter and failed to do so. The Fifth Circuit did not
    rescue Jones with federal common law; our case presents far
    less reason to rescue LeGras. The Plan is (similar to the
    contract in Jones) a private contract for which we are bound
    to apply its unambiguous terms. The Fifth Circuit got it right;
    it refused to, “in effect, write into the policy a provision that
    would extend the period . . . if [the deadline falls on a
    Id. at 116.
    22            LEGRAS V. AETNA LIFE INS. CO.
    We should do the same here. The Plan terms are clear
    and comply in every respect with ERISA regulations. LeGras
    had 180 days to notify AETNA that he wanted to appeal its
    decision. One can only conclude that LeGras failed to abide
    by the clear and unambiguous terms of his contract. The
    analysis in this case should end there. But the majority
    (intent on “bailing LeGras out”) unnecessarily intrudes upon
    the ability of the parties to enforce the terms of their
    negotiated private contract.
    Therefore, I must respectfully dissent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-56541

Citation Numbers: 786 F.3d 1233

Filed Date: 5/28/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (25)

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