Lois Zelman v. Martin Zelman, Robert Zelman, Lisa Held and Curtis Rogers , 175 So. 3d 871 ( 2015 )

    MARTIN ZELMAN, ROBERT ZELMAN, individually and as co-guardian
    of the property of Martin Zelman, LISA HELD, individually and as limited
    guardian of the person of Martin Zelman, and CURTIS ROGERS, as co-
    guardian of the property of Martin Zelman,
    Nos. 4D14-1851
    and 4D14-1887
    [September 2, 2015]
    Consolidated appeals from the Circuit Court for the Fifteenth Judicial
    Circuit, Palm Beach County; Diana Lewis, Judge; L.T. Case Nos.
    502014GA000107XXXXMB and 502014MH00455XXXXNB.
    Philip M. Burlington and Nichole J. Segal of Burlington & Rockenbach,
    P.A., and J. Grier Pressly III of Pressly & Pressly, P.A., West Palm Beach,
    for appellant.
    Matthew Triggs and Jessica Zietz of Proskauer Rose, LLP, Boca Raton,
    and Patricia K. Allen of Patricia K. Allen, P.A., West Palm Beach, for
    appellee, Martin Zelman.
    Jane Kreusler-Walsh and Rebecca Mercier Vargas of Kreusler-Walsh,
    Compiani & Vargas, P.A., West Palm Beach, Peter A. Sachs of Jones,
    Foster, Johnston & Stubbs, P.A., West Palm Beach, and Michael W.
    Connors of Michael W. Connors, P.A., North Palm Beach, for appellees,
    Robert Zelman, individually and as co-guardian of the property of Martin
    Zelman, Lisa Held, individually, and as limited guardian of the person of
    Martin Zelman, and Curtis Rogers, as co-guardian of the property of
    Martin Zelman.
    GROSS, J.
    In a guardianship proceeding, the denial of due process to the wife of
    the proposed ward requires reversal of an order determining incapacity
    and orders appointing limited guardians of person and property.
    Factual Background
    On March 17, 2014, appellee Robert Zelman filed petitions with the
    probate court relating to the alleged incapacity of his 85-year-old father,
    Martin. Among these petitions were (1) a petition to determine Martin’s
    incapacity and (2) a petition for appointment of a plenary guardian for
    Martin’s person and property. Each petition listed Martin’s “next of kin”
    as including his three children—Robert, Lisa Held, and Pamela
    Sonnenblick—and Martin’s wife of thirteen years, appellant Lois Zelman.
    Each petition also contained unsavory allegations about Lois.
    The petition to determine incapacity asserted Martin was incapacitated
    due to “dementia, confusion and [serious short term] memory loss.” Both
    petitions cited concrete examples of Martin’s incapacity. The petition
    accused Lois of trying to control Martin and his assets through mental
    abuse, neglect, and isolating him from his children. As a result, the
    petitions alleged that Martin was in need of a plenary guardian. Due to
    his long-time working relationship with his father, Robert proposed
    himself as guardian of Martin’s person and property. Alternatively, Robert
    suggested the appointment of his sister, Lisa; Martin’s long-time
    accountant; or a professional guardian.
    After the appointment of emergency temporary guardians of person and
    property, Martin’s granddaughter testified at a status conference that Lois
    had manipulated Martin into signing a durable power of attorney, a
    healthcare proxy, and other documents that favored Lois. Lois briefly
    denied these claims and said that she and Martin had a loving
    relationship. The trial judge expressed her belief that Martin was “a
    vulnerable adult [who] is being preyed upon,” but declined to separate the
    couple “unless there’s imminent danger.”
    The Guardian’s Injunction
    The day after the status conference, Martin’s guardian of person moved
    for an emergency temporary injunction requiring Lois to vacate Martin’s
    apartment. The motion alleged that “Lois ha[d] continued to harass,
    manipulate and unduly influence” Martin. Affidavits from Martin’s
    accountant and the manager of Martin’s real estate properties supported
    the motion. Lois responded with affidavits and witnesses who explained
    that she and Martin were happily married and supportive of each other.
    Following a hearing, the trial judge ruled that, for Martin’s safety, it would
    be best if Martin and Lois were separated. Pursuant to the order, Lois
    moved into another unit she owned in the same condominium complex.
    The Incapacity and Guardian Appointment Hearings
    With the appointment of emergency temporary guardians, the next
    stage in the guardianship proceeding was to determine whether Martin
    was incapacitated and, if so, to identify an appropriate level of guardian
    assistance. Lois filed an answer and affirmative defenses to Robert’s initial
    petitions and a counter-petition for appointment of a plenary guardian. In
    her answer, Lois denied that Martin was incapacitated and asserted that
    there were alternatives to guardianship such as a durable power of
    attorney, the designation of a health care surrogate, and twenty-four hour
    caregivers. If, however, the trial court were to find Martin incapacitated
    and in need of a guardian, Lois contended that she—rather than Martin’s
    children—should be his limited or plenary guardian. The trial court
    ultimately set the incapacity and guardianship determination for an April
    21, 2014 hearing.
    In the interim, Lois discharged her counsel and hired J. Grier Pressly
    III. At an April 15 hearing, Pressly moved for a continuance on the belief
    “there [we]re external forces at work pushing for divorce.” Pressly also
    averred he needed more time to prepare witnesses, as he was new to the
    case. Martin’s court-appointed attorney opposed the continuance and
    insisted that Martin was not waiving his right to a hearing within 14 days
    of the filing of his capacity evaluations. The trial court denied the
    Two days before the April 21 hearing, Lois filed an amended answer,
    affirmative defenses, and counter-petition for appointment of plenary
    guardian. The main differences between this pleading and her previous
    one were that Lois now agreed that Martin was incapacitated and she
    sought the appointment of a neutral guardian, rather than herself.
    The next day, Martin’s counsel filed a motion to strike Lois’s amended
    pleading as untimely filed. One of this lawyer’s assertions was that
    although Lois was an interested person, she was not a party to the
    incapacity or the appointment of guardian proceedings. The lawyer
    contended that she, as Martin’s attorney, and Robert were the only proper
    parties; she argued that Lois’s participation was limited to being present
    and testifying.
    At the outset of the incapacity hearing, Martin’s counsel reminded the
    court of the motion to strike Lois’s amended pleading. She argued there
    were “only two real parties” to the proceeding—Robert, the petitioner, and
    Martin, the alleged incapacitated person. The trial court told everyone to
    consider the amended pleading “stricken” such that they would proceed
    solely on Robert’s petition. The court apparently ignored Lois’s original
    Martin’s Incapacitation
    The parties stipulated to the admission of the three-member examining
    committee’s reports on Martin’s capacity. The reports conflicted. One
    doctor found a mild cognitive impairment and that Martin exhibited a
    “significant risk of being financially taken advantage of by others.” She
    recommended a limited guardianship.           A second doctor found no
    incapacity at all. The third member of the committee found Martin to be
    incapacitated to the point that he needed a plenary guardian.
    At the hearing, Lois’s counsel, Pressly, asked if he could call one of the
    doctors as a witness to further examine her recommendation. The trial
    court denied the request, stating Pressly would not be calling any
    To resolve the examining committee’s impasse, Martin’s attorney asked
    a fourth expert, Dr. Stephen Alexander, to provide an opinion. Dr.
    Alexander met with Martin twice. At the first meeting, Martin appeared
    totally incapacitated and confused, attributable, in Dr. Alexander’s
    opinion, to the disruption, confusion, and stress caused by his wife’s
    recent exodus from his residence.
    Martin demonstrated a significant lack of memory regarding simple
    facts, such as his age, his birthdate, and even Lois’s name. At times
    during the meeting, Martin became agitated and confused and “[h]is
    performance . . . deteriorate[d] rapidly” to the point he would “start[] to
    give . . . wildly incorrect information.” For this reason, Dr. Alexander did
    not believe Martin was competent to sue or be sued, to enter into contracts,
    or retain any of his rights.
    By contrast, two weeks later at the second meeting, Martin was
    “substantially improved, appearing calm and capable of handling himself.”
    Dr. Alexander credited Martin’s improvement to “continuity” and “stability”
    in that the disruption caused by Lois’s ouster had subsided and Martin
    was comfortable in his current settings. By the second meeting, Martin
    did not appear to be incapacitated, providing the doctor insight as to why
    the three-member committee reports were so different. Because Martin’s
    swings in capacity left him susceptible to manipulation, Dr. Alexander
    recommended some type of limited guardianship. Dr. Alexander would
    not trust Martin, while in his confused state, to make important financial
    decisions, to read and analyze a legal contract, or to strategize with his
    lawyers in any litigation.
    Guardian Appointment Hearing
    The bulk of the hearing pertained to who should be appointed guardian.
    In this context, Lisa Held testified regarding her qualifications to continue
    serving as Martin’s guardian of person. On cross-examination, Lois’s
    counsel began asking questions outside the scope of direct relating to
    Martin’s marital residences. When Robert’s counsel objected, Lois’s
    counsel informed the court that if scope was an issue he would “just call
    [Lisa] as part of [his] case.” Martin’s counsel responded that Lois “doesn’t
    have a case” and that her counsel was “not going to be calling witnesses.”
    The trial court did not immediately rule on the objection, but told Lois’s
    counsel to “speed it up.”
    Along similar lines, Robert explained to the judge why he was qualified
    to be guardian of property. Robert also testified that Martin has confided
    in him that he wants to divorce Lois, leading Robert to believe Martin could
    not be protected from Lois if she remains his wife. For this reason, Robert
    was in favor of Martin divorcing Lois. During cross-examination, Lois’s
    counsel wished to extract testimony in rebuttal, but the trial court stopped
    him, saying “There is no rebuttal by you.”
    The Potential Divorce
    Much of the hearing focused on the practical ramifications of a
    Martin/Lois divorce. Robert called attorney David Pratt to testify about
    Martin’s finances. Martin’s attorney questioned Pratt regarding the
    contents of Martin and Lois’s “heavily negotiated” amended prenuptial
    agreement, inquiring specifically about “what the financial outcome would
    be if Martin . . . died remaining married to Lois and if Martin . . . was able
    to file for dissolution.”
    Pratt’s testimony had nothing to do with Martin’s incapacity and
    everything to do about Martin’s money and how a divorce would impact
    who would get the money upon Martin’s death. The short and fast is that
    if Martin died married to Lois, she would receive $6 million. If Martin and
    Lois divorced, the money would elude her grasp. However, a dissolution
    brought by a guardian, and not Martin himself, would not count as a
    “divorce,” so Lois would retain the right to the funds upon Martin’s death.
    Essentially, a separation of Lois from Martin’s money required Martin
    himself—and not his guardian—to bring a dissolution action.
    Following this testimony, Lois’s counsel attempted to introduce exhibits
    through Pratt. The trial judge prevented him from introducing evidence,
    since Lois was merely an “interested person” and not a party.
    Martin’s counsel called Dr. Alexander who testified that Martin
    understood the “concept of divorce and wanted to get a divorce.” In
    response to an objection, Martin’s counsel sought to navigate a path
    through the guardianship that would sink any claim Lois might have to
    Martin’s money. In closing, Martin’s counsel argued that it would be
    inequitable not to preserve Martin’s right to contract, to sue and be sued,
    “at least to the extent of being able to initiate a dissolution action,” to keep
    Martin from “substantial [financial] harm,” from “prenuptial and
    postnuptial agreements [which] do not consider a dissolution proceeding
    a termination under the document if initiated by a guardian.”
    The Trial Court’s Ruling
    The trial court ordered a limited guardianship, removing Martin’s rights
    to marry, apply for government benefits, have a driver’s license, work, and
    manage or gift property. Martin retained his rights to vote, contract, and
    sue and defend lawsuits. The Court appointed Lisa to serve as the
    guardian of Martin’s person and Robert and a professional guardian to
    serve as co-guardians of Martin’s property. The trial court later ordered
    that $3 million be removed from a marital account and returned to
    Martin’s revocable trust. We reversed that order in Zelman v. Zelman, 40
    Fla. L. Weekly D1544 (Fla. 4th DCA July 1, 2015).
    The violation of Lois’s due process rights was fundamental error
    that requires new guardianship hearings
    Though bifurcated in the briefs, the main issue on appeal boils down
    to whether the trial court erred in determining that, as an “interested
    person,” Lois lacked standing to call witnesses and present evidence; and,
    if so, whether such infringement violated her due process right to be heard.
    Lois asserts that, as Martin’s spouse, due process required that she had
    the right to participate fully in the guardianship proceeding. Robert
    responds that as an “interested person,” Lois received all the process to
    which she was entitled.
    In general, “[p]rocedural due process serves as a vehicle to ensure fair
    treatment through the proper administration of justice where substantive
    rights are at issue.” Dep’t of Law Enforcement v. Real Prop., 
    588 So. 2d 957
    , 960 (Fla. 1991). As we explained in a recent opinion involving the
    same parties:
    “[T]he constitutional guarantee of due process requires that
    each litigant be given a full and fair opportunity to be heard.”
    Vollmer v. Key Dev. Props., Inc., 
    966 So. 2d 1022
    , 1027 (Fla.
    2d DCA 2007) (citations omitted). At its core, due process
    envisions “a law that hears before it condemns, proceeds upon
    inquiry, and renders judgment only after proper consideration
    of issues advanced by adversarial parties.” Scull v. State, 
    569 So. 2d 1251
    , 1252 (Fla. 1990) (citing State ex. rel. Munch v.
    196 So. 491
    , 494 (Fla. 1940)).
    Zelman, 40 Fla. L. Weekly at D1545.
    “When a court fails to give one party the opportunity to present
    witnesses or testify on his or her own behalf, the court has violated that
    party’s fundamental right to procedural due process.” Douglas v. Johnson,
    65 So. 3d 605
    , 607 (Fla. 2d DCA 2011); see also Sanchez v. City of W. Palm
    149 So. 3d 92
    , 97 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (“‘Due process requires that
    a party be given the opportunity to be heard and to testify and call
    witnesses on his behalf . . . , and the denial of this right is fundamental
    error.’” (quoting Pope v. Pope, 
    901 So. 2d 352
    , 353 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005)).
    The question here is whether an “interested person” in this
    guardianship case is entitled to the same level of due process that the law
    allows a “party” to a lawsuit. Guardianship law has incorporated
    traditional notions of standing that require a direct and articulable stake
    in a controversy that would be affected by the outcome of litigation.
    “[G]uardianship proceedings must comport with constitutional notions of
    substantial justice and fair play.” In re Guardianship of King, 
    862 So. 2d 869
    , 871 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003) (quoting Joan L. O’Sullivan, “Role of the
    Attorney for the Alleged Incapacitated Person,” 31 Stetson L.Rev. 687, 702,
    706 (2002)).      In the guardianship setting, a person’s standing to
    “participate” in a proceeding depends on whether he or she qualifies as an
    “interested person.” See In re Guardianship of Trost, 
    100 So. 3d 1205
    1210 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012).         Stated generally, “[s]tanding depends on
    whether a party has a sufficient stake in a justiciable controversy, with a
    legally cognizable interest which would be affected by the outcome of the
    litigation.” Weiss v. Johansen, 
    898 So. 2d 1009
    , 1011 (Fla. 4th DCA 2005).
    The Supreme Court has characterized standing to sue as a “direct and
    articulable stake in the outcome of a controversy.” Brown v. Firestone, 
    382 So. 2d 654
    , 662 (Fla. 1980). By statutorily defining an “interested person”
    as including any person “who may reasonably be expected to be affected
    by the outcome of the proceeding,” the Florida Probate Code, through
    section 731.201(21), Florida Statutes (2014), sought to “incorporate[] the
    general standing principles.” Hayes v. Guardianship of Thompson, 
    952 So. 2d
    498, 507-08 (Fla. 2006).
    Here, Lois was an interested person entitled to notice. A person is
    “interested”—and thus has standing to participate in a specific
    guardianship proceeding—where he or she is entitled to notice of the
    proceeding or is authorized to file an objection. See 
    id. As next
    of kin,
    Lois was “entitled to notice of the petition to determine incapacity and to
    appoint a guardian.” Bivins v. Rogers, 
    147 So. 3d 549
    , 550 (Fla. 4th DCA
    2014) (citing §§ 744.102(14), 744.331(1), 744.3371(1), Fla. Stat. (2012)).
    Therefore, she had standing to “participate” in the underlying hearings.
    See Hayes, 
    952 So. 2d
    at 506.
    And where a person has both standing and notice, a right to due
    process is triggered to insure that participation is meaningful. Indeed,
    “[t]he right to due process of law must be respected in guardianship
    proceedings.” Shappell v. Guardianship of Naybar, 
    876 So. 2d 690
    , 691
    (Fla. 2d DCA 2004). As our Supreme Court has explained:
    In observing due process of law, the opportunity to be heard
    must be full and fair, not merely colorable or illusive. Fair
    notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard shall be given
    interested parties before a judgment or decree is rendered.
    Due process of law means a course of legal proceedings
    according to those rules and principles which have been
    established in our system of jurisprudence for the protection
    and enforcement of private rights.
    Ryan’s Furniture Exch. v. McNair, 
    162 So. 483
    , 487 (Fla. 1935) (internal
    citations omitted).
    The level of participation necessary to satisfy due process in this case
    turns on the extent of Lois’s interest in the outcome of the proceedings.
    Her interest here was extensive. The Zelman family sought relief within
    the guardianship that directly impacted Lois’s marriage, the marital home,
    and her finances. Martin’s lawyer plainly argued for the trial judge to craft
    an order designed to minimize Lois’s financial position. Also, as Martin’s
    wife, she was entitled to be heard in the guardianship hearing on the issue
    of what was in his best interest. Cf. In re Ray, 
    109 N.W. 496
    , 497 (Neb.
    1906) (“It would be an absurdity to say that the next of kin have no interest
    in the proceedings and that they should be denied the privilege of
    appearing on behalf of their kindred. Ray’s children were heirs apparent,
    and as such had an interest which would entitle them to appear and be
    For these reasons, Lois should have been permitted to fully participate
    in the guardianship proceeding—to call witnesses, cross-examine
    witnesses, testify, and make argument to the court. “The right to be heard
    at an evidentiary hearing includes more than simply being allowed to be
    present and to speak. Instead, the right to be heard includes the right to
    introduce evidence at a meaningful time and in a meaningful manner.”
    Vollmer v. Key Dev. Props., Inc., 
    966 So. 2d 1022
    , 1027 (Fla. 2d DCA 2007)
    (internal citations and quotations omitted); see also Begens v. Begens, 
    617 So. 2d 360
    , 361 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993) (“An opportunity to be heard includes
    the right to present evidence bearing on the issues.”); Pettry v. Pettry, 
    706 So. 2d 107
    , 108 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998) (“Due process requires that a party
    be given the opportunity to be heard and to testify and call witnesses on
    his behalf, and the denial of this right is fundamental error.” (internal
    citation omitted)).
    As Lois points out, a contrary view poses an important question: why
    should Robert have a greater opportunity to be heard over other kin by
    virtue of his status as petitioner? A privileged status as a “party” in a
    guardianship should not be determined by a race to the courthouse. The
    whole purpose of a guardianship proceeding is to protect the ward’s
    interests. See Romano v. Olshen, 
    153 So. 3d 912
    , 917-18 (Fla. 4th DCA
    “Next of kin” and “interested persons” are permitted to participate in
    incapacity and appointment of guardian determinations because usually
    they are well situated to act in the ward’s best interest. Often, family
    members are on the same side and they work together on the ward’s
    behalf. But here, Lois and Robert had diametrically different views on
    what was in Martin’s best interest, not unusual where the children of a
    first marriage have a pecuniary interest contrary to that of a spouse who
    came later. Through the guardianship proceedings, both sides should
    have been heard; but the trial judge’s ruling gave Robert’s side a decided
    The due process infirmities here resulted in fundamental error. See
    Weiser v. Weiser, 
    132 So. 3d 309
    , 311 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (“The denial of
    due process rights, including the opportunity to be heard, to testify, and
    to present evidence, is fundamental error.”). Therefore, the underlying
    orders are reversed and the case is remanded for new hearings.
    Because the original trial judge is no longer on the bench, the case will
    have to be retried before a new judge. We note that the judgment here was
    infected by legal hocus pocus, containing findings so unsupported by the
    record as to be clearly erroneous. Without delving into detail, the
    judgment found Martin not competent to marry—not a particularly high
    threshold—or to manage property or make gifts but determined that he
    was fully able to handle a lawsuit that involves complex financial issues.
    In the effort to navigate the legal implications of prenuptial agreements
    and, perhaps, section 61.052(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2014),1 the focus of
    the hearing veered away from the best interest of the ward.
    Reversed and remanded.
    MAY, J., and HERSCH, RICHARD L., Associate Judge, concur.
    *         *        *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
    1Section 61.052(1)(b) provides that “no dissolution shall be allowed unless the
    party alleged to be incapacitated shall have been adjudged incapacitated
    according to the provisions of s. 744.331 for a preceding period of at least 3
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