Julie Ann Anderson v. Anthony Douglas Dainard , 478 S.W.3d 147 ( 2015 )

  • Opinion issued October 6, 2015
    In The
    Court of Appeals
    For The
    First District of Texas
    NO. 01-15-00081-CV
    On Appeal from the 308th District Court
    Harris County, Texas
    Trial Court Case No. 2012-29667
    The trial court granted Anthony Dainard’s request to change the surname of
    his daughter, A.A.A., from her mother’s surname, Anderson, to his own. The
    mother, Julie Ann Anderson, argues in a single issue on appeal that the trial court
    abused its discretion because insufficient evidence supports the trial court’s
    judgment granting the name change. We affirm.
    Anderson and Dainard had a brief romantic relationship but never married.
    After their relationship ended, Anderson told Dainard that she was pregnant with
    his child.   Dainard questioned whether Anderson was pregnant and asked
    Anderson to consent to a test to establish his paternity, but Anderson did not
    In April 2012, Anderson gave birth to A.A.A. and gave her the surname
    “Anderson.” Some months later, the Office of the Attorney General of Texas filed
    a parentage and child support action against Dainard. The trial court ordered
    parentage testing, and Dainard was established as A.A.A.’s biological father.
    When A.A.A. was 6 months old, Anderson and Dainard agreed to temporary
    orders that established Dainard’s parentage and named Dainard and Anderson joint
    managing conservators of A.A.A., with Anderson having the right to maintain
    A.A.A.’s primary residence in Harris or any contiguous county.          The agreed
    temporary orders required Dainard to pay guidelines child support and provide
    health insurance. They also gave Dainard limited visitation of A.A.A.
    After entry of the temporary orders, Dainard retained counsel and filed a
    Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, by which he sought to change
    A.A.A.’s surname to Dainard. This suit was consolidated with the original action,
    and trial was delayed somewhat due, in part, to Anderson’s desire to refer the case
    to a district court. The parties attended an unsuccessful mediation in June 2013,
    but their second mediation in June 2014 was more fruitful: Anderson and Dainard
    entered into a Mediated Settlement Agreement that resolved all issues except for
    the dispute over A.A.A.’s surname.
    The parties proceeded to a trial on that issue in July 2014. On the day of
    trial, the parties proved up the Mediated Settlement Agreement, which established
    Anderson and Dainard as joint managing conservators and required Dainard to
    continue to pay child support and maintain health insurance for A.A.A. The MSA
    also provided for a “step-up” visitation plan that would, over time, become a
    standard possession order. Both Anderson and Dainard testified that they believed
    that these agreements were in A.A.A.’s best interest.
    After approving the MSA, the trial court heard testimony from both
    Anderson and Dainard regarding the name change. Dainard testified that he saw
    A.A.A. regularly and believed it was in A.A.A.’s best interest to have his surname,
    because A.A.A. lived primarily with Anderson, and giving A.A.A. the Dainard
    surname would help create a bond between A.A.A. and Dainard.               Dainard
    conceded on cross-examination, however, that he would “love [A.A.A.] all the
    same whatever her name is” and that he could bond with her regardless of her
    name.     He also acknowledged that neither surname would cause her any
    Anderson testified that A.A.A spent approximately 90% of her time with
    Anderson during the first 26 months of her life. She testified that A.A.A. is aware
    of her last name, can speak her full name, and has always used the surname
    Anderson at her doctor’s office and daycare. Anderson also testified that A.A.A. is
    close to Anderson’s mother, who also uses the surname Anderson. Anderson
    testified that she would not change her own surname even if she married, and that
    she believed it was in A.A.A.’s best interest to keep her surname. Anderson
    testified that keeping A.A.A.’s surname would be less confusing and could give
    A.A.A. some confidence, but she acknowledged that A.A.A. knows that Dainard is
    her father and that changing A.A.A.’s name to Dainard would not change A.A.A.’s
    relationship with Anderson.
    The trial court granted the name change, and its final judgment ordered that
    A.A.A. should have her surname legally and officially changed to Dainard for all
    purposes. Anderson timely appealed.
    In her sole issue on appeal, Anderson contends that the trial court abused its
    discretion by ordering A.A.A.’s surname changed because the evidence is legally
    and factually insufficient to show that the name change is in the child’s best
    A.     Standard of Review
    We review a trial court’s ruling on a request to change the name of a child
    for an abuse of discretion. In re A.E.M., 
    455 S.W.3d 684
    , 689 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [1st Dist.] 2014, no pet.); In re Guthrie, 
    45 S.W.3d 719
    , 723 (Tex. App.—
    Dallas 2001, pet. denied). A trial court abuses its discretion when it acts in an
    arbitrary or unreasonable manner, or if it acts without reference to any guiding
    rules or principles. In re 
    A.E.M., 455 S.W.3d at 689
    (citing In re H.S.B., 
    401 S.W.3d 77
    , 81 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2011, no pet.)).
    When reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence under an abuse-of-discretion
    standard, evidentiary insufficiency is not an independent issue. In re 
    A.E.M., 455 S.W.3d at 690
    ; Moreno v. Perez, 
    363 S.W.3d 725
    , 735 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st
    Dist.] 2011, no pet). Instead, the sufficiency challenge is incorporated into the
    abuse-of-discretion review. 
    Moreno, 363 S.W.3d at 735
    ; see In re 
    H.S.B., 401 S.W.3d at 81
    –82. In this situation, “[o]ur analysis employs a two-pronged inquiry:
    (1) whether the trial court had sufficient information upon which to exercise its
    discretion; and (2) whether the trial court erred in its application of discretion.”
    Moreno, 363 S.W.3d at 735
    (citing McGuire v. McGuire, 
    4 S.W.3d 382
    , 387 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1999, no pet.)).
    Legally insufficient evidence supports a finding if (1) there is a complete
    absence of evidence of a vital fact, (2) the court is barred by rules of law or
    evidence from giving weight to the only evidence offered to prove a vital fact,
    (3) the evidence offered to prove a vital fact is no more than a mere scintilla, or
    (4) the evidence conclusively establishes the opposite of the vital fact. City of
    Keller v. Wilson, 
    168 S.W.3d 802
    , 810 (Tex. 2005). Where, as here, a trial court
    does not issue findings of fact and conclusions of law, all facts necessary to
    support the judgment and supported by the evidence are implied.                    Retamco
    Operating, Inc. v. Republic Drilling Co., 
    278 S.W.3d 333
    , 337 (Tex. 2009).
    B.    Applicable Law
    Section 45.004 of the Texas Family Code provides, in pertinent part, that
    “[t]he court may order the name of a child changed if the change is in the best
    interest of the child . . . .” TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 45.004 (West 2014). And
    Section 160.636(e) of the Family Code, which governs orders adjudicating
    parentage, states that the court may order that the name of the child be changed
    “[o]n request of a party and for good cause shown.”1
    The good cause requirement in Section 160.636(e) is subsumed in the analysis of
    the best interest of the child, “[b]ecause the best interest of a child will necessarily
    be considered good cause for changing the child’s name.” In re H.S.B., 
    401 S.W.3d 77
    , 81 n.2 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2011, no pet.).
    The child’s best interest is the determinative issue; the interests of the
    parents are irrelevant. In re 
    A.E.M., 455 S.W.3d at 690
    . We consider the best
    interest of the child in light of the following non-exclusive factors:
    (1) the name that would best avoid anxiety, embarrassment,
    inconvenience, confusion, or disruption for the child, which may
    include consideration of parental misconduct and the degree of
    community respect (or disrespect) associated with the name;
    (2) the name that would best help the child’s associational identity
    within a family unit, which may include whether a change in
    name would positively or negatively affect the bond between the
    child and either parent or the parents’ families;
    (3) assurances by the parent whose surname the child will bear that
    the parent will not change his or her surname at a later time;
    (4) the length of time the child has used one surname and the level of
    identity the child has with the surname;
    (5) the child’s preference, along with the age and maturity of the
    child; and
    (6) whether either parent is motivated by concerns other than the
    child’s best interest—for example, an attempt to alienate the child
    from the other parent.
    Id. (quoting In
    H.S.B., 401 S.W.3d at 84
    ). These are not the only factors that the
    trial court may consider, and the “relative importance of these factors, and other
    possible factors, will depend on the unique facts and circumstances of each case.”
    In re 
    H.S.B., 401 S.W.3d at 84
    . As these factors suggest, the determination of the
    child’s best interest in a name change is fact specific. In re 
    Guthrie, 45 S.W.3d at 726
    C.    Analysis
    The uncontroverted testimony shows that neither parent’s name would cause
    A.A.A. embarrassment, and there was no evidence that either name was accorded
    any particular respect in the community. Nor was there evidence of parental
    misconduct or neglect. Anderson testified that A.A.A. spent 90% of her time with
    Anderson, and Dainard testified that he had been providing support and health
    insurance and visiting A.A.A. regularly, in accordance with the temporary orders.
    Anderson offered evidence from which the trial court could have inferred that
    Dainard did not prioritize A.A.A. as highly as Anderson did—she testified that
    Dainard had asked to reschedule visitation due to problems with his home, pet, job,
    or for “no excuse at all,” and she also stated that Dainard did not get involved in
    A.A.A.’s life as early as he should have. But the trial court could have discredited
    her testimony in light of conflicting evidence: Dainard’s testimony that Anderson
    refused to take a DNA test after she first told him she was pregnant and that he had
    been visiting A.A.A. regularly and complying with his obligation to support her
    since his parentage was established. See In re 
    H.S.B., 401 S.W.3d at 87
    court defers to the trial court’s resolution of conflicts in testimony).
    Anderson made passing mention that keeping the surname Anderson “seems
    less confusing.” She did not expound, but presumably meant that a name change
    could potentially confuse A.A.A., who knew her surname and could articulate her
    full name, as well as her daycare, doctors, or others who identified her by the
    surname Anderson.        But the trial court could have discounted this evidence
    because the best interest analysis focuses not on the impact that the name change
    will have on others but on the best interest of the child, who, in this instance, was
    only two years old at the time of trial and therefore had a relatively short amount of
    time to develop an association with her surname. 2 See In re 
    A.E.M., 455 S.W.3d at 690
    (court should consider, among other things, child’s age and ability to have a
    preference); In re 
    H.S.B., 401 S.W.3d at 84
    (focus of inquiry is child’s best
    interest, not interests of others).
    Each of Dainard and Anderson asserted that they should be allowed to share
    a surname with A.A.A., to foster their respective familial bonds with her. Dainard
    testified that he believed A.A.A. should have his surname because she would live
    primarily with Anderson and see Dainard less frequently. And Anderson testified
    that allowing A.A.A. to keep the surname Anderson would foster a familial bond
    among A.A.A., Anderson and Anderson’s mother. Anderson also testified that
    both she and her mother planned to keep their surname regardless of a future
    marriage. There was no evidence of any siblings or half-siblings with whom
    A.A.A. might share a surname.
    There was also conflicting evidence regarding whether Anderson sought to delay
    resolution of the name change suit.
    The evidence before the trial court was thus mixed. On the one hand, there
    was evidence that keeping Anderson’s name would avoid confusion and
    inconvenience for A.A.A. and others who knew her.         Anderson also presented
    evidence that she and her mother would keep their surname and that sharing the
    surname Anderson would enable A.A.A. to form a familial bond with them. All of
    this evidence favored Anderson. On the other hand, the factors of age, maturity,
    and length of time the child had the surname Anderson favored Dainard. So did
    Dainard’s assertion that sharing a surname with A.A.A. would help facilitate the
    development of a father-daughter bond, and that it was especially important that he
    have this connection with A.A.A. because she would be spending most of her time
    with Anderson. And there was conflicting evidence regarding the reasons that
    Dainard was not involved in his daughter’s life from birth and the role Anderson
    played in Dainard’s ongoing efforts to spend time with A.A.A.—conflicts that the
    trial court, as the sole judge of the credibility of the witnesses and the evidence,
    had the exclusive province to resolve. Thus, this case is unlike In re A.E.M., in
    which the majority concluded that there was scant evidence regarding factors
    relevant to a name change and that the evidence only “slightly favor[ed]” a single
    See 455 S.W.3d at 692
    (concluding evidence insufficient to support name
    change where only evidence favoring name change was that child would carry on
    family name and share surname with half-sister with whom he did not live).
    The decision the trial court was called upon to make was a difficult one to be
    sure. But it was not an abuse of discretion to determine that it was in A.A.A.’s best
    interest to change her surname in order to facilitate the formation of a father-
    daughter bond with Dainard, who was meeting his obligations to A.A.A. and
    expressed a desire to form a father-daughter bond that the trial court found sincere.
    See In re M.C.F., 
    121 S.W.3d 891
    , 899 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2003, no pet.)
    (trial court does not abuse its discretion when it bases decisions on conflicting
    evidence); In re 
    Guthrie, 45 S.W.3d at 726
    –27 (affirming trial court’s grant of
    father’s motion to change son’s name when there were disputed factors supporting
    both mother’s and father’s surname); cf. In re C.M.V., -- S.W.3d -- , No. 08-13-
    2015 WL 2265388
    , at *5 (Tex. App.—El Paso May 13, 2015, no pet.)
    (abuse of discretion to grant father’s name change request where father had no
    contact with child for 10 years and presented no evidence of 16-year old child’s
    preference or from which it could be inferred that name change was in child’s best
    We overrule Anderson’s sole issue.
    We affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Rebeca Huddle
    Panel consists of Chief Justice Radack and Justices Bland and Huddle.