Freeman v. Lasky, Haas & Cohler , 410 F.3d 1180 ( 2005 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    ARLEEN FREEMAN, individually and        
    on behalf of all others similarly
    situated; JAMES ALEXANDER,
    individually and on behalf of all
    others similarly situated,
    professional corporation; CHARLES           No. 03-56588
    B. COHLER; LUCE, FORWARD,                     D.C. No.
    HAMILTON & SCRIPPS; CHRISTOPHER            CV-03-00715
    J. HEALEY; WHITE AND BRIGHT, a               MJL/JAH
    professional corporation; DAVID S.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of California
    M. James Lorenz, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    February 16, 2005—Pasadena, California
    Filed June 14, 2005
    7058        FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER
    Before: Alex Kozinski, Stephen S. Trott and
    Richard R. Clifton, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Kozinski
    7060          FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER
    David Barry, Barry & Associates, San Francisco, California,
    for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Jeffrey M. Shohet and Stanley J. Panikowski, Gray Cary
    Ware & Freidenrich LLP, San Diego, California; Charles A.
    Bird, Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP, San Diego,
    California; Robert F. Semmer, Coughlan, Semmer & Lipman,
    LLP, San Diego, California; Cheryl A. Orr, Musick, Peeler &
    Garrett LLP, Los Angeles, California, for the defendants-
    KOZINSKI, Circuit Judge:
    We consider the applicability of Noerr-Pennington immu-
    nity to discovery misconduct.
    Realtor Arleen Freeman subscribes to a regional real-estate
    Multiple Listing Service (MLS) run by Sandicor, a corpora-
    tion owned and managed by various local realtors’ associa-
    tions. Charging that Sandicor’s MLS subscription fees were
    fixed at artificially high levels, Freeman sued Sandicor, the
    realtors’ associations, and some of their officers and directors
    under the Sherman Act, 
    15 U.S.C. §§ 1
    , 2. The defendants in
    that litigation wrongfully withheld information in discovery.
    After the misconduct came to light, the district court granted
    new discovery and sanctioned the defendants, but it nonethe-
    FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER                       7061
    less granted their motion for summary judgment. On appeal,
    we affirmed in part and reversed in part. Freeman v. San
    Diego Ass’n of Realtors, 
    322 F.3d 1133
     (9th Cir. 2003).
    Freeman now brings a new antitrust action against some of
    the executives, lawyers and law firms of the associations
    involved in the previous litigation, and against the state real-
    tors’ association directly, based on the discovery misconduct
    that, she claims, involved subornation of perjury and intimida-
    tion of witnesses. Freeman argues that, by stretching out the
    litigation, the discovery misconduct postponed the day of
    judgment and thus extended Sandicor’s price fixing. The dis-
    trict court dismissed the complaint with prejudice for failure
    to state a claim, based (among other grounds) on the Noerr-
    Pennington doctrine. Freeman appeals.1
    [1] 1. The First Amendment aspect of antitrust law, the
    Noerr-Pennington doctrine, was first announced in Eastern
    Railroad Presidents Conference v. Noerr Motor Freight, Inc.,
    365 U.S. 127
     (1961), where the Supreme Court interpreted the
    Sherman Act, in view of “the right of the people . . . to peti-
    tion the Government for a redress of grievances,” U.S. Const.
    amend. I, to not cover political lobbying:
    To hold that the government retains the power to act
    in [its] representative capacity [to make laws that
    operate to restrain trade] and yet hold, at the same
    time, that the people cannot freely inform the gov-
    The complaint was filed as a separate action because the statute of lim-
    itations was about to run out and our mandate in the original case, which
    would have officially remanded the action, hadn’t yet issued. Freeman
    requested that the district court classify the complaint as supplemental to
    the original case when it regained jurisdiction. The district court, however,
    did not consolidate the action with the original lawsuit, but continued to
    treat it as a separate lawsuit. Its dismissal is therefore a final judgment
    subject to appeal pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    7062          FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER
    ernment of their wishes would impute to the Sher-
    man Act a purpose to regulate, not business activity,
    but political activity, a purpose which would have no
    basis whatever in the legislative history of that Act.
    . . . [S]uch a construction of the Sherman Act would
    [also] raise important constitutional questions. The
    right of petition is one of the freedoms protected by
    the Bill of Rights, and we cannot, of course, lightly
    impute to Congress an intent to invade these free-
    365 U.S. at 137-38
     (footnote omitted); see also United Mine
    Workers v. Pennington, 
    381 U.S. 657
    , 669-70 (1965). The
    doctrine extends to all three branches of government, and thus
    also exempts bringing a lawsuit—that is, petitioning a court—
    from antitrust liability. See Cal. Motor Transp. Co. v. Truck-
    ing Unlimited, 
    404 U.S. 508
    , 510 (1972).
    [2] While Noerr-Pennington immunity is broad, it is not so
    broad as to cover all litigation: “Sham” petitions don’t fall
    within the protection of the doctrine. See Noerr, 
    365 U.S. at 144
    ; Cal. Motor Transp., 
    404 U.S. at 511
    ; Prof’l Real Estate
    Investors, Inc. v. Columbia Pictures Indus., Inc., 
    508 U.S. 49
    56-57 (1993). We have recognized three circumstances when
    litigation might be sham:
    First, if the alleged anticompetitive behavior consists
    of bringing a single sham lawsuit (or a small number
    of such suits), the antitrust plaintiff must demon-
    strate that the lawsuit was (1) objectively baseless,
    and (2) a concealed attempt to interfere with the
    plaintiff’s business relationships.
    Second, if the alleged anticompetitive behavior is
    the filing of a series of lawsuits, “the question is not
    whether any one of them has merit—some may turn
    out to, just as a matter of chance—but whether they
    are brought pursuant to a policy of starting legal pro-
    FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER                 7063
    ceedings without regard to the merits and for the
    purpose of injuring a market rival.”
    Finally, in the context of a judicial proceeding, if
    the alleged anticompetitive behavior consists of
    making intentional misrepresentations to the court,
    litigation can be deemed a sham if “a party’s know-
    ing fraud upon, or its intentional misrepresentations
    to, the court deprive the litigation of its legitimacy.”
    Kottle v. Northwest Kidney Ctrs., 
    146 F.3d 1056
    , 1060 (9th
    Cir. 1998) (citations omitted) (quoting USS-POSCO Indus. v.
    Contra Costa County Bldg. & Constr. Trades Council, 
    31 F.3d 800
    , 811 (9th Cir. 1994); Liberty Lake Invs., Inc. v.
    12 F.3d 155
    , 159 (9th Cir. 1993)).
    [3] Noerr-Pennington immunity, and the sham exception,
    also apply to defensive pleadings, see In re Burlington N.,
    822 F.2d 518
    , 532-33 (5th Cir. 1987), because asking a
    court to deny one’s opponent’s petition is also a form of peti-
    tion; thus, we may speak of a “sham defense” as well as a
    “sham lawsuit.”
    [4] 2. Because the Noerr-Pennington doctrine grows out of
    the Petition Clause, its reach extends only so far as necessary
    to steer the Sherman Act clear of violating the First Amend-
    ment. Immunity thus applies only to what may fairly be
    described as petitions, not to litigation conduct generally. A
    complaint, an answer, a counterclaim and other assorted docu-
    ments and pleadings, in which plaintiffs or defendants make
    representations and present arguments to support their request
    that the court do or not do something, can be described as
    petitions without doing violence to the concept. But discovery
    is merely communication between parties as an aid to litiga-
    tion. It is not in any sense a communication to the court and
    is therefore not a petition. See Theofel v. Farey-Jones, 
    359 F.3d 1066
    , 1078-79 (9th Cir. 2004) (noting that
    “[s]ubpoenaing private parties in . . . private . . . litigation” is
    7064           FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER
    hardly petitioning). Nevertheless, “conduct incidental to” a
    petition is protected by Noerr-Pennington if the petition itself
    is protected. 
    Id. at 1078
     (internal quotation mark omitted); cf.
    365 U.S. at 143-44
    [5] In Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. v. Professional
    Real Estate Investors, Inc., 
    944 F.2d 1525
     (9th Cir. 1991),
    aff’d on other grounds, 
    508 U.S. 49
     (1993), we considered
    whether a refusal to settle a lawsuit could be actionable under
    the Sherman Act. We held:
    A decision to accept or reject an offer of settle-
    ment is conduct incidental to the prosecution of the
    suit and not a separate and distinct activity which
    might form the basis for antitrust liability. Conse-
    quently, [defendant’s] ability to establish that [plain-
    tiffs’] refusal to [settle] violated the Sherman Act
    depends on its success or failure in showing that the
    [underlying lawsuit] is actionable under the federal
    antitrust laws.
    Id. at 1528-29. Because the underlying lawsuit was not a
    sham, plaintiffs’ refusal to settle could not support antitrust
    liability. Discovery, like settlement talks, is “conduct inciden-
    tal to” a petition—in this case, incidental to the realtors’ asso-
    ciations’ defense against Freeman’s lawsuit. Thus, whether
    this particular misconduct violates the Sherman Act depends
    on whether the defense as a whole would be actionable.
    Discovery misconduct, subornation of perjury and witness
    intimidation are, of course, serious matters. Had they not been
    brought to light in time, it is entirely possible that they would
    so have infected the defense of the lawsuit as to make it a
    sham. But we need not decide that question today because it
    is clear that the defense here was not a sham.
    [6] To apply the sham exception in the context of a defense,
    we look to the test for a sham lawsuit spelled out in the first
    FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER               7065
    Kottle exception. See page 7062 supra. This two-part test con-
    tains both an objective and a subjective component. On the
    first prong, the defense was not “objectively baseless.” “The
    existence of probable cause to institute legal proceedings”—a
    notion drawn from the common-law tort of wrongful civil
    proceedings—“precludes a finding that an antitrust defendant
    has engaged in sham litigation.” Prof’l Real Estate Investors,
    508 U.S. at 62
    . And here, there was probable cause, because
    defendants prevailed on their defense in the district court after
    the discovery misconduct was discovered, undone and sanc-
    tioned. Cf. Prosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts 894 (W.
    Page Keeton ed., 5th ed. 1984) (“A recovery by the plaintiff
    in the original action usually is regarded as conclusive evi-
    dence of the existence of probable cause, even though it is
    subsequently reversed, unless it can be shown to have been
    obtained by fraud or other imposition upon the court.” (foot-
    notes omitted)).
    [7] On the second prong, there is no evidence that the
    defense as a whole was “a concealed attempt to interfere with
    the plaintiff’s business relations.” See also Prof’l Real Estate
    508 U.S. at 60-61
     (“Under this second part of our
    definition of sham, the court should focus on whether the
    baseless lawsuit conceals ‘an attempt to interfere directly with
    the business relationships of a competitor,’ through the ‘use
    [of] the governmental process—as opposed to the outcome of
    that process—as an anticompetitive weapon.’ ” (quoting
    365 U.S. at 144
     (emphasis added); City of Columbia
    v. Omni Outdoor Adver., Inc., 
    499 U.S. 365
    , 380 (1991))
    (alteration in original). For a defense of a lawsuit to be a sham
    for purposes of the first Kottle exception, plaintiffs would
    have to show that the defense was not merely baseless, but
    aimed at interfering with their business by, for example, sap-
    ping their financial resources or distracting their attention.
    [8] There was enough objective merit and subjective good
    faith in the defense of the original antitrust suit to cover it,
    7066              FREEMAN v. LASKY, HAAS & COHLER
    and the conduct incidental to it, with the Noerr-Pennington
    [9] 3. The district court used Noerr-Pennington immunity
    (among other grounds) to dismiss the complaint as to the
    attorney defendants only; the complaint was dismissed as to
    the other defendants based on other theories. However, Noerr-
    Pennington immunity is not limited to lawyers: The First
    Amendment petition right belongs to the defendants in the
    original case, though their employees, law firms and lawyers,
    as their agents in that litigation, get to benefit as well. Indeed,
    a Noerr-Pennington case, such as Professional Real Estate
    Investors, need not involve claims against lawyers at all.
    Noerr-Pennington immunity is a sufficient ground to dismiss
    the complaint as to all defendants. We therefore affirm the
    district court’s ruling as to the non-lawyer defendants on this
    alternative ground. See New Kids on the Block v. News Am.
    971 F.2d 302
    , 305 (9th Cir. 1992) (we may affirm the
    district court’s judgment on any ground fairly presented by
    the record before us).
    Freeman further alleges that, on one occasion, the attorney defendants
    made false factual representations to the court. Compl. ¶ 37. Unlike Free-
    man’s other allegations, which concern out-of-court misconduct, this one
    falls within the third Kottle exception, under which misrepresentations to
    the court make a petition a sham if they “deprive the litigation of its legiti-
    macy.” See page 7063 supra. Our conclusion that the defense as a whole
    was not a sham also establishes that this isolated instance of litigation mis-
    conduct would not, if proven, deprive the defense as a whole of its legiti-