Commonwealth v. Dame , 473 Mass. 524 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Worcester.      November 6, 2015. - February 3, 2016.
    Present:   Gants, C.J., Cordy, Botsford, Lenk, & Hines, JJ.
    Homicide. Constitutional Law, Delay in commencement of
    prosecution, Search and seizure, Probable cause. Due
    Process of Law, Delay in commencement of prosecution.
    Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Probable Cause. Search and
    Seizure, Motor vehicle, Probable cause. Practice,
    Criminal, Capital case, Indictment, Delay in commencement
    of prosecution, Motion to suppress, Harmless error,
    Execution of sentence, Sentence. Error, Harmless.
    Indictment found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on November 20, 2006.
    A motion to dismiss was heard by James R. Lemire, J.; a
    pretrial motion to suppress evidence was heard by Peter W.
    Agnes, Jr., J.; and the case was tried before Richard T. Tucker,
    A motion for a stay of sentence filed in the Supreme
    Judicial Court was referred to Spina, J., and was considered by
    Theodore F. Riordan (Deborah Bates Riordan with him) for
    the defendant.
    Donna-Marie Haran, Assistant District Attorney, the
    CORDY, J.   Clara Provost (victim) was brutally murdered in
    the bedroom of her apartment sometime after 10:30 P.M. on
    January 6 or early in the morning hours of January 7, 1974.     The
    subsequent police investigation focused on several potential
    suspects.    A year of investigation produced a circumstantial but
    not very strong case against the defendant, including a brief
    prior dating relationship with the victim that apparently ended
    badly; a flawed alibi; fresh scratches on his face; and a
    handprint on the outside of the door through which the murderer
    forced entry into the apartment.1   No one was indicted for the
    murder, and the investigation became largely dormant.2
    During the murder investigation in 1974, however, tissue
    was taken from under the fingernails of both hands of the victim
    and preserved.   More than twenty-five years later, analysis of
    this evidence proved decisive in the decision to prosecute the
    case.    As increasingly advanced methods of deoxyribonucleic acid
    The evidence also included the observations of two
    witnesses, one of whom saw a man parked in a truck near the
    victim's apartment when the witness left that apartment at
    approximately 10:30 P.M., and another who observed a man climb
    over a wall next to the victim's apartment building around
    midnight. Neither could positively identify the defendant as
    the individual they saw that evening.
    There were periods of activity thereafter; for example, a
    number of the witnesses were reinterviewed in 1983 after a
    potential lead developed in the case involving another
    individual. That lead did not pan out.
    (DNA) analysis became more reliable, accurate, and accepted as
    evidence admissible in Massachusetts proceedings, Commonwealth
    v. Vao Sok, 
    425 Mass. 787
    , 789 (1997) (finding reliable and
    approving polymerase chain reaction analysis), a new era of
    investigation commenced.   The samples that had been preserved
    were analyzed and swabs were taken from the previously
    identified potential suspects.   The analysis identified the
    tissue that contained DNA as consistent with the defendant's DNA
    and inconsistent with the DNA of the other suspects.     This
    evidence, combined with the fresh scratches observed (and
    photographed) by the police on the defendant's face when he was
    interviewed the day after the murder in January, 1974, led to
    his indictment on November 20, 2006, and ultimately his
    conviction on February 24, 2012, of murder in the first degree
    on the theory of extreme atrocity or cruelty.3
    The defendant raises several claims on appeal.    First, he
    challenges the denial of his pretrial motion to dismiss the
    murder indictment on the ground that the Commonwealth recklessly
    or negligently delayed indicting him for thirty-two years,
    prejudicing his defense.   Second, he claims error in the denial
    The case was submitted to the jury based on three theories
    of murder in the first degree: premeditated murder, murder by
    extreme atrocity or cruelty, and felony-murder. The underlying
    felony was armed burglary. The jury were also instructed on
    theories of murder in the second degree, including felony-murder
    in the second degree, with the underlying felony being assault
    with intent to commit rape.
    of his motion to suppress evidence of a paper towel that the
    police seized from his vehicle without probable cause to believe
    that evidence of the crime would be found in there.    Finally,
    the defendant requests relief under G. L. c. 278, § 33E.
    Just before he filed his appellate brief with this court,
    the defendant filed a motion to stay the execution of his
    sentence.    The motion was referred by the full court to the
    single justice, who denied it.   The defendant's appeal from the
    denial of this motion was consolidated with his direct appeal.
    Although we agree that the paper towel should have been
    suppressed,4 we affirm the defendant's conviction, as well as the
    denial of his motion to stay the execution of his sentence.
    After a review of the record, we also decline to grant relief
    pursuant to G. L. c. 278, § 33E.
    1.   Background.   We summarize the facts the jury could have
    found, reserving discussion of other evidence to our
    consideration of the legal issues raised.
    The victim was twenty-three years old at the time of her
    death.    She lived with her three and one-half year old son in
    the first-floor apartment of a multifamily residence at 30
    Lunenburg Street in Fitchburg.    The victim's parents, her
    Because of this conclusion, we need not reach the
    defendant's challenge to the admission in evidence of the paper
    towel on relevancy grounds.
    brother, and three of her sisters lived in the second-floor
    apartment, which had a separate entrance off 13 Highland Avenue.
    In late November 1973, the defendant met the victim at a
    country-western club.    Shortly thereafter, the defendant took
    the victim on a date, at which time he engaged in oral sexual
    relations with her.     They may have gone on at least one other
    date.   After Thanksgiving and until the time of her murder,
    however, the victim began a regular dating relationship with
    another man, Gerard Duhaime, a soldier stationed at Fort Devens.
    On Saturday, January 5, 1974, the victim and her sister
    Beatrice were walking to a local bar about five minutes from
    their residence when they saw the defendant drive by them very
    slowly.   The victim's demeanor changed after this encounter; she
    had previously been very excited about going out with her
    sister.   After arriving at the bar, the victim realized she had
    forgotten her driver's license and returned home alone to
    retrieve it.   Her sister Sheila, who was at the victim's
    apartment taking care of the victim's son, testified that the
    victim returned to her apartment "in a rush," grabbed her
    driver's license on the table, and left.     Beatrice testified
    that the victim took an unusually long time, more than one-half
    hour, to return to the bar, and when she returned it was as if
    "she was in another world.    She wouldn't even talk."
    On Sunday, January 6, 1974, the victim spent the day with
    her son and Sheila.     Sheila left the victim's apartment at
    around 6 P.M.    The victim asked Sheila to unlock the door
    downstairs for her boy friend, Duhaime, who was coming later
    that night.     Duhaime was at the victim's apartment from
    approximately 7:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.     He made sure the door was
    locked when he left.
    On the way to his vehicle, Duhaime noticed a man sitting in
    a dark pick-up truck with the engine running, staring at him.
    Duhaime made eye contact with the man a few times and the
    encounter made him "very uncomfortable" and "kind of nervous."
    As Duhaime drove away in his vehicle, the truck followed him at
    a close distance with its headlights on, but turned off shortly
    thereafter.   After the victim's murder, the police showed
    Duhaime the defendant's photograph.     Duhaime said that the
    defendant's eyes reminded him of the same eyes, with "that same
    cold, mean look," he saw when he was leaving the victim's
    apartment on January 6.
    That same evening, shortly after midnight, Steven Svolis
    was driving his vehicle in the area of Lunenburg Street when he
    saw a man jumping over the wall between the victim's apartment
    building and the building next to it.     Svolis described the man
    as being tall and thin, and having long straight hair on the
    top, which was consistent with Dame's appearance.     The man was
    wearing a suede coat with sheepskin lining that was a "car-coat
    length," dark pants, light socks, and dark shoes.5
    On January 6, 1974, Colleen Regan, a young woman who had
    been regularly dating the defendant since the prior year, told
    the defendant that she had plans to go on a date with another
    man that night.   The defendant was upset about the date and went
    to her house to see if she would change her mind.     Regan told
    the defendant she was going to go on the date, and he told her
    he would be at the Eastwood Club that evening.   A few days
    later, Regan saw the defendant and observed that he had
    scratches on his face that were not there when she saw him on
    January 6.
    On January 7, 1974, the victim was found lying on her bed,
    naked from the waist down.   Blood was pooling on her bed.    Her
    head was wedged between the headboard and the mattress and her
    throat had been severely slashed.   During his examination of the
    crime scene, a State police trooper observed a smeared bloody
    handprint on the victim's left inner thigh.   He also observed
    that the door to the victim's apartment had been forced open,
    with the latch broken.   Other police officers found "some pieces
    of paper towel" on the floor in front of the stove.     No usable
    fingerprints, besides those of the victim, were found in the
    After reading about the victim's murder in the newspaper,
    Steven Svolis went to the police and reported what he had seen.
    apartment.   On the front door, however, a palm print and three
    latent prints that matched the defendant's fingerprints were
    found slightly above the broken latch.   Scrapings from under the
    victim's fingernails from both hands were preserved because they
    contained human blood and skin tissue.
    Later that day, the Fitchburg police interviewed the
    defendant.   There were several scratches on the defendant's left
    cheek, which were then photographed.   During the interview, the
    police went outside to the defendant's vehicle, opened the rear
    door, and retrieved a paper towel from the back seat area.
    Sperm cells were later detected on the paper towel that was
    found in the defendant's vehicle.   The defendant was
    subsequently interviewed by the police multiple times in
    January, 1974.   No one was charged with the victim's murder.6
    More than twenty-five years later, on December 1, 1999, a
    chemist at the State police crime laboratory sent samples from
    the paper towel found in the defendant's vehicle and from the
    fingernail scrapings to the Federal Bureau of Investigation
    The case file was opened briefly in 1983 based on a police
    interview in Keene, New Hampshire, after a woman accused a man
    with whom she had been in a prior relationship, George Dunton,
    of the victim's murder. Police determined that he had nothing
    to do with the homicide. This information was not presented at
    trial, although a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analyst testified
    that she compared the DNA profile derived from the fingernail
    scrapings to Dunton's profile and excluded him as a potential
    source of the DNA present in the scrapings.
    (FBI) for DNA testing.    Between 2000 and 2006, the police
    obtained DNA from the defendant, Duhaime, and George Dunton.7
    The DNA samples were further tested by a DNA analyst in the
    State police crime laboratory in 2007 using more sophisticated
    analytical techniques.    A DNA profile was created for each of
    the three men.    The fingernail scrapings from the victim's right
    hand contained a single source male profile which "matched the
    DNA profile" from the defendant such that the defendant could
    not be excluded as a contributor to the sample.    Dunton and
    Duhaime were excluded as potential sources of DNA present in the
    fingernail scrapings.    Based on standard DNA testing, the
    probability of a randomly selected unrelated person having
    contributed DNA to this mixture was approximately one in 5,227
    of the Caucasian population.8    Based on the more advanced short
    tandem repeat of the Y chromosome testing on the fingernail
    scrapings,9,10 the defendant's profile would not have been
    The results of the testing by the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation were not admitted at trial, but excluded Dunton
    and Gerard Duhaime as possible contributors to the sample. The
    defendant was not excluded as a contributor. In 2007, more
    advanced DNA analysis was performed. The results of this
    analysis were presented at trial.
    The defendant is Caucasian.
    Short tandem repeat of the Y chromosome (Y-STR) testing
    permits testing on smaller samples of DNA than other forms of
    DNA testing.
    expected to occur more frequently than one in 2.2 million
    unrelated Caucasian males.11
    As for the paper towel seized from the defendant's vehicle,
    the nonsperm fraction contained a mixture of DNA from more than
    one source, and the defendant matched the major male profile in
    that DNA mixture.   The probability of a randomly selected
    individual unrelated to the defendant having a DNA profile
    matching that obtained from the nonsperm fraction was
    approximately one in 27.8 million of the Caucasian population.
    At trial, the defendant denied that he broke into the
    victim's apartment and murdered her.    He testified that during
    the night of the murder he was at the house of his sister,
    Theresa LaPlume, from about 7 P.M. until approximately midnight,
    and then went directly to his home.    The defendant testified
    At trial, the DNA analyst explained that DNA analysis
    involves four steps: extracting a sample; determining the
    quantity of sample available; amplifying the locations of
    interest within the sample (of which there are fifteen that are
    used because they are "highly discriminating between
    individuals"); and converting the amplified sample into a visual
    product known as the DNA profile. STR testing involves the
    amplification process by which fifteen locations of interest are
    copied. Y-STR testing focuses on sequences of DNA found only on
    the Y-chromosome, so although the fifteen sites are shared
    between males and females, the Y-STR sequences are found only in
    At trial, defense counsel's legal assistant testified
    that she researched and constructed a family tree of the
    defendant's male relatives and determined that, in 1974, the
    defendant had twenty-four to twenty-five male relatives living
    in the Fitchburg area.
    that his niece scratched his face while he was at his sister's
    house.   LaPlume died in 1993.    In rebuttal, the Commonwealth
    called Robert Powers, who testified that he saw the defendant at
    the Eastwood Club on January 6, 1974.      Specifically, Powers
    testified that he, his children, and his wife were at the club
    from approximately 7:30 P.M. to 9 or 9:30 P.M., and that during
    that time the defendant spoke with his wife.      He also testified
    that the defendant was still at the club when he and his family
    2.    Motion to dismiss.     On appeal, the defendant argues
    that the judge erred in denying his motion to dismiss the
    indictment because of preindictment delay by the Commonwealth.
    The defendant contends that the thirty-two year delay between
    the victim's murder and the return of the indictment against him
    prejudiced his defense to a degree constituting a violation of
    his due process rights.   The crux of the defendant's argument is
    that his alibi witness, his sister, died in 1993 and was
    therefore unable to testify in his defense, and that the
    Commonwealth was "reckless and/or negligent" in failing to
    charge him when she was still alive.
    Due process principles intrinsic to the Fifth Amendment to
    the United States Constitution and art. 12 of the Massachusetts
    Declaration of Rights protect putative defendants from
    preindictment delays by the government that are intentional and
    prejudicial.   Commonwealth v. Dixon, 
    458 Mass. 446
    , 458 (2010),
    citing United States v. Lovasco, 
    431 U.S. 783
    , 789 (1977) ("Due
    Process Clause has a limited role to play in protecting against
    oppressive delay").    A defendant seeking dismissal of an
    indictment due to preindictment delay "must demonstrate that he
    suffered substantial, actual prejudice to his defense, and that
    the delay was intentionally or recklessly caused by the
    government."   Commonwealth v. George, 
    430 Mass. 276
    , 281 (1999),
    and cases cited.    "[T]he burden of establishing the
    constitutional violation is a heavy one."     Commonwealth v. Best,
    381 Mass. 472
    , 484 (1980).     The motion judge denied the motion
    on the ground that the defendant had not established either
    substantial actual prejudice or that the delay was intentionally
    or recklessly caused by the Commonwealth.     We agree with the
    judge's findings.
    a.   Prejudice.    "The primary purpose of preindictment due
    process analysis is to assess prejudice to the defendant's
    ability to mount a defense."    King v. Commonwealth, 
    442 Mass. 1043
    , 1044 (2004), quoting Commonwealth v. Imbruglia, 
    377 Mass. 682
    , 691 (1979).    Although the preindictment delay surely caused
    some prejudice to the defendant's case, the circumstances do not
    give rise to the "severe prejudice" that would require the
    "drastic remedy" of dismissal of the indictment (citation
    omitted).   Commonwealth v. Fayerweather, 
    406 Mass. 78
    , 87
    The defendant claims that LaPlume's testimony would have
    corroborated his alibi that he was at her home from
    approximately 7 P.M. to until shortly after midnight on the
    evening of the murder, and that she would have testified that
    her daughter, the defendant's niece, scratched his face,
    providing an explanation for how the defendant's face was
    scratched that evening.   The defendant claims that LaPlume's
    absence at trial was irremediable because, although he could
    testify himself as to his alibi, his testimony would have been
    bolstered by LaPlume's testimony.
    We disagree with the defendant's assertion that the loss of
    LaPlume's testimony caused severe prejudice.   First, LaPlume's
    report to the police that the defendant arrived at her home on
    the night of the murder between 6:30 P.M. and 7 P.M. was
    contradicted by other noninterested witnesses who told the
    police that the defendant was at the Eastwood Club that night.
    One of those witnesses, Powers, told the police in January,
    1974, and testified at trial that he saw the defendant at the
    Eastwood Club on January 6, 1974, from 7:30 P.M. until
    approximately 9 or 9:30 P.M.12,13 In addition, during the
    The defendant argues that his alibi remains intact
    despite Robert Powers's testimony because Powers's statements do
    investigation, LaPlume's husband contradicted LaPlume's report
    by telling the police that he left his house around 7:30 P.M. on
    the night of the victim's murder and that the defendant was not
    at the home.   Regan, who was dating the defendant at the time of
    the victim's murder, also testified that the defendant had told
    her at 6 P.M. that night that he would be at the Eastwood Club.
    Given these facts, we cannot conclude that LaPlume's testimony
    would have significantly aided the defendant's defense.
    In addition to the reports contradicting LaPlume's
    statements about the defendant's whereabouts on the night of the
    murder, "[c]ommon sense and the case law dictate that the
    testimony of a blood relative of the defendant is inherently
    not directly contradict Theresa LaPlume's time line as to where
    the defendant was after 9:15 P.M. This dispute as to his
    whereabouts on the evening of murder was brought to the
    attention of the jury, as the defendant testified on his own
    behalf, stating that he went to LaPlume's home after leaving the
    Eastwood Club. The jury were therefore aware of the limitations
    of Powers's testimony and could draw their own conclusions as to
    the defendant's whereabouts on the night of the murder. See
    Commonwealth v. Cannon, 
    449 Mass. 462
    , 469 n.17 (2007) ("It is
    for the jury to make a determination of credibility"). Powers's
    statements do, however, directly contradict the defendant's
    testimony as to the time the defendant arrived at his sister's
    home. This discrepancy would have permitted the jury to infer
    the defendant was never there.
    In his reply brief, the defendant argues for the first
    time that Powers was not a particularly credible witness because
    he was biased against the defendant, who had flirted with
    Powers's wife at the Eastwood Club. We need not consider this
    argument, given that credibility determinations are for the jury
    and that defense counsel had an opportunity to elicit testimony
    on this point during his cross-examination of Powers but did not
    do so.
    less credible than the testimony of other witnesses."
    Commonwealth v. Thomas, 
    429 Mass. 146
    , 153 (1999).14    Here, where
    LaPlume's testimony would have been contradicted at trial by
    unrelated parties, we cannot conclude that her testimony would
    have been so powerful as to exculpate the defendant.15
    Additionally, the defendant was able to pursue his alibi defense
    through his own testimony at trial.16
    The defendant also claims that, in deciding the motion to
    dismiss, it was improper for the motion judge to balance
    LaPlume's statements to the police against those made by other
    witnesses to the police because such credibility determinations
    are for the jury. We disagree, as it is implicit in the
    preindictment delay analysis that the judge must assess
    prejudice to the defendant's case by weighing the missing
    evidence against the other evidence to be presented at trial.
    See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Patten, 
    401 Mass. 20
    , 22 (1987)
    (judge reviews record to determine whether defendant has
    adequately demonstrated through "concrete evidence, and not
    simply by a fertile imagination, a reasonable possibility that
    access to the lost items would have produced evidence favorable
    to his cause"). Here, the judge properly considered the
    likelihood that LaPlume's testimony would have exculpated the
    defendant and concluded that the defendant had not demonstrated
    such a likelihood in light of the other evidence discussed.
    After interviewing witnesses who placed the defendant at
    the Eastwood Club (and not LaPlume's home) on the evening of
    January 6, 1974, the police confronted LaPlume. She began to
    shake and tear up and told the police to leave her house. The
    police also developed information that the defendant went to
    LaPlume's house at 8 A.M. on the morning of January 7, 1974,
    several hours after the murder.
    The defendant also argues that his constitutional right
    not to testify was infringed because, without LaPlume, the
    presentation of his alibi defense required him to testify. We
    disagree. See Commonwealth v. Toon, 
    55 Mass. App. Ct. 642
    , 651
    n.12 (2002) ("That a defendant may need to testify or present
    evidence in order to raise self-defense does not violate State
    Finally, "[t]he likelihood that the loss was prejudicial is
    eased by the reliability of the evidence presented by the
    government" (citation omitted).   Imbruglia, 
    377 Mass. at 689
    Here, the Commonwealth presented ample evidence from which the
    jury could find that the defendant murdered the victim,
    including the defendant's handprint on the door broken into by
    the killer; a photograph of the scratches on the defendant's
    face that Regan testified were not there when she last saw him
    earlier in the evening of January 6, 1974; and the DNA analysis
    comparing the defendant's DNA with that present in the blood and
    tissue scrapings taken from under the victim's fingernails.
    Thus, the defendant has not shown that LaPlume's statements
    would have significantly aided his defense, see Lovasco, 
    431 U.S. at 783
     ("every delay-caused detriment to a defendant's case
    should [not] abort a criminal prosecution"), and has failed to
    or Federal constitutional privileges against self-
    incrimination"). See also Commonwealth v. Beauchamp, 
    49 Mass. App. Ct. 591
    , 606-607 (2000), quoting Williams v. Florida, 
    399 U.S. 78
    , 83-84 (1970) (that defendant felt "virtually compelled"
    to testify did not infringe on privilege against self-
    incrimination; "The defendant in a criminal trial is frequently
    forced to testify himself . . . in an effort to reduce the risk
    of conviction . . . . That the defendant faces such a dilemma
    demanding a choice between complete silence and presenting a
    defense has never been thought an invasion of the privilege
    against compelled self-incrimination").
    meet his burden of showing substantial actual prejudice to his
    defense as a result of preindictment delay.17
    b.   Recklessness.   Dismissal of an indictment is only
    required where a defendant makes a persuasive showing of both
    actual prejudice and intentional or reckless conduct by the
    government that caused the delay.   See Imbruglia, 
    377 Mass. at 691
    , citing Lovasco, 
    431 U.S. at 790
     ("Proof of prejudice is a
    necessary, but not sufficient element of a due process claim").
    Here, where the defendant concedes that the delay was not
    intentional, we focus our analysis on whether the preindictment
    delay was "incurred in reckless disregard of known risks to the
    The defendant also argues that, in addition to granting a
    new trial, this court should rule that LaPlume's statements to
    the police are admissible under Commonwealth v. Drayton, 
    473 Mass. 23
     (2015). In Drayton, we held that an otherwise
    inadmissible hearsay statement may be admissible if the
    statements were "critical to [the defendant's] defense" and bore
    "persuasive assurances of trustworthiness." Id. at 36, quoting
    Chambers v. Mississippi, 
    410 U.S. 284
    , 302 (1973). We disagree
    with the defendant's assertion that the "narrow" constitutional
    principle governing the facts in Drayton, supra at 32, applies
    in this case. As discussed, LaPlume's testimony was not
    "critical" to the defendant's defense because he was able to
    testify to the same information. Additionally, LaPlume's
    statements were contradicted by the statements of other
    witnesses, contrast id. at 27, 37-38 (witness's hearsay
    statements more trustworthy when corroborated by statements by
    other witnesses), and she had a familial relationship with the
    defendant, rendering her testimony inherently less credible than
    statements by the other noninterested witnesses in the case.
    See Commonwealth v. Thomas, 
    429 Mass. 146
    , 153 (1999). While
    LaPlume consistently told the police that the defendant was at
    her home on the night of the murder, these latter two points
    weigh heavily against finding that LaPlume's statements bore
    "persuasive assurances of trustworthiness." Drayton, supra at
    putative defendant's ability to mount a defense" such that
    dismissal is warranted.   Imbruglia, 
       Although this case
    involves a considerable passage of time between the murder and
    the indictment, the defendant points to no facts in the record,
    nor do we discern any, that suggest recklessness by the
    Commonwealth in investigating the murder or bringing the
    indictments.   Instead, the defendant merely states that "[t]he
    delay was reckless."   Such a conclusory statement will not
    suffice to meet the defendant's heavy burden of proving a
    constitutional deprivation.   Commonwealth v. Ridge, 
    455 Mass. 307
    , 332 (2009), quoting Best, 
    381 Mass. at 484
    From our review of the record, it is apparent that the
    Commonwealth investigated at least one other potential suspect
    in the 1980s, and followed up on DNA testing as it became more
    widely available and approved as admissible evidence in the late
    1990s.   The defendant contends that the fact that the results of
    the initial DNA testing done by the FBI were returned to the
    State police crime laboratory in 2001 belies the Commonwealth's
    contention that the DNA evidence is what motivated it to seek
    the indictment against the defendant in 2006.   To the contrary,
    after the initial DNA testing by the FBI, the Commonwealth
    reinvestigated the other potential suspects, took additional
    saliva samples, and retested the DNA samples using more advanced
    techniques as they became available.   These facts do not support
    a finding of recklessness.   See Lovasco, 
    431 U.S. at 791-792
    (declining to adopt rule requiring government to file charges
    once probable cause has been established or once government has
    "assembled sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt").18
    The defendant also urges the court to depart from our
    holding in Imbruglia and conclude that a negligent delay may
    constitute a due process violation requiring dismissal of an
    indictment.   We decline to do so.    We recognize that negligent
    preindictment delay may amount to a constitutional violation in
    some cases, see, e.g., Howell v. Barker, 
    904 F.2d 889
    , 895 (4th
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    498 U.S. 1016
     (1990); however, such
    circumstances are not present here.    Moreover, there is no
    reason to revisit our established rule where the defendant has
    otherwise failed to make the requisite showing of actual
    Although much of our inquiry focuses on the defendant's
    due process rights and corresponding ability to mount a defense,
    our analysis also incorporates some deference to the interests
    of prosecutorial discretion. "[P]rosecutors are under no duty
    to file charges as soon as probable cause exists but before they
    are satisfied they will be able to establish the suspect's guilt
    beyond a reasonable doubt. To impose such a duty 'would have a
    deleterious effect both upon the rights of the accused and upon
    the ability of society to protect itself.'" United States v.
    431 U.S. 783
    , 791 (1977), quoting United States v.
    383 U.S. 116
    , 120 (1966). To the extent that the
    prosecution is required to make "'a necessarily subjective
    evaluation of the strength of the circumstantial evidence
    available and the credibility of the [defendant's] denial,' some
    delay is normal and justifiable." Commonwealth v. Best, 
    381 Mass. 472
    , 485 (1980), quoting Lovasco, 
    supra at 793
    prejudice to his defense and is therefore not entitled to a
    dismissal of the murder indictment against him.   We accordingly
    affirm the denial of the defendant's motion to dismiss the
    indictment for preindictment delay.
    3.   Motion to suppress motor vehicle search.   The defendant
    also appeals from the denial of his motion to suppress paper
    towel evidence seized from his motor vehicle.   The defendant
    concedes that the police had probable cause to believe he
    murdered the victim at the time his motor vehicle was searched.
    He argues, however, that the motion was wrongly denied because
    there was no probable cause to believe there was evidence of the
    crime in his vehicle, noting that the motion judge's ruling
    makes no findings about his vehicle being driven on the night of
    the crime or being otherwise involved in the crime.19
    "In reviewing a ruling on a motion to suppress, we accept
    the judge's subsidiary findings of fact absent clear error 'but
    conduct an independent review of his ultimate findings and
    conclusions of law.'"   Commonwealth v. Scott, 
    440 Mass. 642
    , 646
    (2004), quoting Commonwealth v. Jimenez, 
    438 Mass. 213
    , 218
    (2002).   Credibility determinations are "the province of the
    motion judge who had the opportunity to observe the witnesses."
    The defendant had access to at least two vehicles during
    this time period -- his father's pickup truck and a Chevrolet
    Super Sport vehicle. The paper towel was seized from the
    interior of the Chevrolet.
    Commonwealth v. Johnson, 
    461 Mass. 44
    , 48 (2011).    "Our review
    here is based on the facts as developed at the suppression
    hearing, not at trial."   
    The motion judge found the following facts.    On the evening
    of January 7, 1974, Fitchburg police Detective Joseph Carbone
    came into contact with the defendant, who had voluntarily come
    to the police station and was being interviewed by State police
    Lieutenant John J. Carney and Fitchburg police Detective Paul
    Keating.   At one point, Carbone followed Detective David Caputi
    outside to the defendant's vehicle, which was parked at the
    police station.   Carbone watched as Caputi opened the rear door
    to the defendant's vehicle and retrieved what Carbone perceived
    to be some rags or clothes from the back seat area (the parties
    agree the paper towel evidence was included).   We assume that
    the Commonwealth could not establish that the search had been
    consented to by the defendant.20
    Under both the Fourth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution and art. 14 of the Massachusetts Declaration of
    Rights, warrantless searches "are per se unreasonable -- subject
    At the hearing on the motion to suppress, which took
    place in 2010, although there was testimony that police officers
    had a key to the defendant's vehicle, there was no witness
    available to the Commonwealth who could testify regarding the
    defendant's consent to the search. A report written by one of
    the police officers stating that the defendant had given
    permission for the warrantless search was excluded by the motion
    judge, and the officer who wrote the report was deceased.
    only to a few specifically established and well-delineated
    exceptions" (citation omitted).   Commonwealth v. Cast, 
    407 Mass. 891
    , 901 (1990).   "One of those exceptions, commonly known as
    'the automobile exception,' applies to situations where the
    police have probable cause to believe that a motor vehicle
    parked in a public place and apparently capable of being moved
    contains contraband or evidence of a crime."     Commonwealth v.
    450 Mass. 616
    , 624, (2008).     "The existence of probable
    cause depends on whether the facts and circumstances within the
    officer's knowledge at the time of making the search or seizure
    were sufficient to warrant a prudent man in believing that the
    defendant had committed, or was committing, an offense."
    Commonwealth v. Miller, 
    366 Mass. 387
    , 391 (1974).    In
    determining whether the police had probable cause to search the
    defendant's vehicle without a warrant, we ask whether "the
    information possessed by police, at the time of the proposed
    warrantless search, provide[d] a substantial basis for the
    belief that there [was] a timely nexus or connection between
    criminal activity, a particular person or place to be searched,
    and particular evidence to be seized."    Commonwealth v. Cataldo,
    69 Mass. App. Ct. 465
    , 470 (2007), quoting Grasso & McEvoy,
    Suppression Matters under Massachusetts Law § 14–1[b], at 14–3
    We previously have found probable cause to conduct a
    warrantless search of a vehicle where facts indicated that there
    was a connection between the crime and the vehicle.    See, e.g.,
    Commonwealth v. Gentile, 
    437 Mass. 569
    , 573-574 (2002) (probable
    cause existed to believe evidence concerning crime would be
    found in defendant's truck where, when victim was last heard
    from, she had been with defendant in his truck); Commonwealth v.
    409 Mass. 553
    , 557 (1991) (probable cause existed to
    believe that evidence concerning crime would be found in
    defendant's home where defendant's motor vehicle was parked
    because defendant was with victim that morning and had driven
    his vehicle on day of murder).
    In contrast, here the motion judge found no facts
    connecting the crime and the defendant's vehicle.     There was no
    finding that the defendant had driven the vehicle searched on
    the night of the murder or had otherwise used the vehicle in
    furtherance of the crime, nor were there any other facts found
    that would support an inference that evidence would probably be
    found therein.    We therefore conclude that the motion judge
    erred in denying the defendant's motion to suppress the paper
    towel evidence.
    Given this error, we must determine whether the admission
    of that evidence requires a new trial.    Because the defendant
    properly preserved the issue, we ask whether the admission of
    the evidence was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Commonwealth v. Hoyt, 
    461 Mass. 143
    , 154 (2011).   "[T]o
    establish harmlessness beyond a reasonable doubt, the
    Commonwealth must show that other properly admitted evidence of
    guilt is 'overwhelming,' in the sense that it is 'so powerful as
    to "nullify any effect"' that the improperly admitted evidence
    'might have had' on the fact finder or the findings."
    Commonwealth v. Vasquez, 
    456 Mass. 350
    , 362 (2010), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Tyree, 
    455 Mass. 676
    , 704 n.44 (2010).     In
    undertaking this analysis we consider a number of factors,
    including "the importance of the evidence in the prosecution's
    case; the relationship between the evidence and the premise of
    the defense; who introduced the issue at trial; the frequency of
    the reference; whether the erroneously admitted evidence was
    merely cumulative of properly admitted evidence; the
    availability or effect of curative instructions; and the weight
    or quantum of evidence of guilt."   Hoyt, supra at 155, quoting
    Commonwealth v. Dagraca, 
    447 Mass. 546
    , 553 (2006).
    We conclude that the paper towel evidence was of marginal
    importance to the prosecution's case and the inferences the jury
    could draw from the evidence were limited.   At trial, the
    Commonwealth called a "fiber analyst" to testify as to his
    examination of paper scraps found in the victim's apartment, and
    the paper towel taken from the defendant's vehicle.     The analyst
    opined that the scraps and the towel were consistent with being
    from the same manufacturer and were likely from the same batch
    or run.   The witness was effectively cross-examined by defense
    counsel, admitting that he could not tell what company
    manufactured the towels and that a "batch or run" could be
    70,000 or 80,000 rolls or more, depending on which company
    manufactured them and the size and speed of its manufacturing
    At the end of the case, all that the prosecutor, in closing
    argument, said about the paper towel found in the defendant's
    vehicle was that the fact that the paper towel had the
    defendant's DNA on it showed that it was in fact recovered from
    the defendant's vehicle in 1974, and that the pattern on the
    scraps of paper found by the police in the victim's apartment
    was more like patterns found on paper towels than napkins.
    Moreover, to the extent that the paper towel evidence
    permitted an inference that the defendant had been in the
    victim's apartment the night of the murder, there was other
    powerful evidence from which the jury could draw a similar
    inference, including the defendant's palm and fingerprints on
    The paper towel was mentioned in just two paragraphs of
    the prosecutor's thirteen-page closing argument.
    Defense counsel had questioned a witness as to whether
    the scraps were actually of napkins brought to the victim's
    apartment that night by Duhaime.
    the forced door of the victim's apartment and the DNA found
    under her fingernails.     We conclude that any prejudice to the
    defendant's case caused by the admission of the paper towel
    evidence was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.23
    4.    Denial of motion to stay execution of sentence.   The
    defendant lastly claims that the single justice erred in denying
    his motion to stay the execution of his sentence.    We review the
    denial of the motion for abuse of discretion.    See DiPietro v.
    369 Mass. 964
    , 964 (1976).     Such discretion is
    governed by two considerations:     the defendant's likelihood of
    success on appeal and whether the defendant poses a security
    risk.     Commonwealth v. Cohen (No. 2), 
    456 Mass. 128
    , 132 (2010).
    As to the second factor, "[s]ignificant considerations include
    the defendant's familial status, roots in the community,
    employment, prior criminal record, and general attitude and
    demeanor" (citation and quotation omitted).     Commonwealth v.
    466 Mass. 63
    , 77 (2013).
    In his closing argument, the prosecutor argued that the
    defendant was the perpetrator of the murder principally based on
    his fingerprints, the DNA evidence, the observations of Duhaime
    on the night of the murder, and the defendant's apparent false
    alibi. The prosecutor further argued that the defendant was
    guilty of murder in the first degree under all three theories,
    including murder occurring during the course of an armed
    burglary. The only mention of a possible attempted sexual
    assault came at the beginning of his closing, and was based on
    the position of the victim's body, "legs spread apart and naked
    from the waist down," and not on the paper towel found in the
    defendant's vehicle.
    The latter consideration alone supports denial of the
    motion.   It is presumed that a defendant charged with murder in
    the first degree is not entitled to bail.     Farley v.
    433 Mass. 1004
    , 1004 (2000).    Moreover, where the
    defendant was convicted of brutally murdering the victim, and
    where he did not submit any evidence of ties to family or the
    community, we are not persuaded that he did not pose a security
    risk.24   Given this, we conclude the single justice did not abuse
    his discretion in denying the defendant's motion.
    5.   Review under G. L. c. 278, § 33E.   After a review of
    the entire record, we discern no reason to exercise our powers
    to grant a new trial or reduce the degree of guilt.       Although
    the defendant's trial was not error free, we conclude that there
    is no miscarriage of justice requiring a new trial, and
    accordingly, the defendant's conviction is affirmed.
    So ordered.
    The defendant argued in his motion to stay execution of
    sentence that evidence of his "roots in the community" was
    supported by the testimony of defense counsel's legal assistant,
    who performed genealogical research of the defendant's family
    and found several male relatives living in the area. Because
    the defendant made no assertion as to his relationship with any
    of his relatives, we cannot conclude he had ties to the