Commonwealth v. LaBrie , 473 Mass. 754 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Essex.    November 2, 2015. - March 9, 2016.
    Present:    Gants, C.J., Spina, Cordy, Botsford, Duffly, Lenk, &
    Hines, JJ.
    Attempt. Homicide. Assault and Battery. Reckless Endangerment
    of a Child. Intent. Evidence, Intent. Practice,
    Criminal, Assistance of counsel.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on July 3, 2009.
    The cases were tried before Richard E. Welch, III, J., and
    a motion for a new trial, filed on June 6, 2013, was heard by
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Michelle Menken for the defendant.
    Marcia H. Slingerland, Assistant District Attorney (Kate
    Berrigan MacDougall, Assistant District Attorney, with her) for
    the Commonwealth.
    BOTSFORD, J.     The defendant, Kristin LaBrie, was charged
    with the attempted murder of her young son and related assault
    and battery and child endangerment crimes.   The Commonwealth
    contends that the defendant, with the intent to kill her son,
    did not give him prescribed chemotherapy and other medications
    designed to treat the cancer from which he suffered and
    ultimately died.   At a trial before an Essex County jury, the
    defendant was convicted on these charges; before us is her
    appeal from these convictions and also from the denial of her
    motion for a new trial.   The defendant claims that her
    conviction of attempted murder must be reversed because the
    Commonwealth was required, and failed, to prove that the
    substantive crime of murder was not achieved, and because the
    judge's instructions to the jury on this crime were erroneous.
    She further claims that the evidence also was insufficient to
    permit convictions of the two assault and battery charges, and
    again that the judge's instructions were legally incorrect.
    Finally, the defendant argues that the judge erred in denying
    her motion for a new trial and in particular in rejecting her
    claims concerning the ineffective assistance provided by trial
    counsel.   For the reasons discussed below, we affirm the
    defendant's conviction of reckless endangerment of a child under
    G. L. c. 265, § 13L; reverse the judgments on both assault and
    battery charges and order judgment for the defendant on those
    charges; and reverse the order denying the defendant's motion
    for a new trial on the charge of attempted murder.
    Background.    1.   Factual background.   The jury could have
    found the following facts.    The defendant had a son, Peter,1 the
    victim, who in 2006 was seven years old and presented with
    significant medical and physical concerns.2     In October, 2006,
    Peter was brought to the Massachusetts General Hospital
    (hospital) on an emergency basis and diagnosed with
    lymphoblastic lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes.3     At the
    time of the diagnosis, the defendant was separated from Eric
    Fraser, her former husband and Peter's father, and the defendant
    was Peter's primary caretaker.4
    Dr. Alison Friedmann, a pediatric hematologist-oncologist
    at the hospital, led the treatment team for the cancer from the
    point of Peter's first admission and became Peter's primary
    physician throughout treatment.    When Peter was first diagnosed,
    Friedmann explained to the defendant the diagnosis, the survival
    rate, and an overview of the proposed treatment plan for Peter.
    The plan consisted of five phases over two years, combining in-
    hospital and at-home treatment.    It included a complicated
    A pseudonym.
    Peter was severely autistic and did not speak, had severe
    developmental delay, and also had a history of seizures.
    Lymphoblastic lymphoma is a form of non-Hodgkin's
    The defendant was the primary caretaker until March, 2008,
    when Eric Fraser obtained full custody of Peter.
    chemotherapy regimen that used many different medications in
    differing schedules and required heavy parental involvement.
    With treatment pursuant to that plan, the long-term survival
    rate for children with lymphoblastic lymphoma is about eighty-
    five to ninety per cent.5
    In the first phase of the treatment ("induction" phase), in
    which the goal was to put the cancer into remission, Peter was
    hospitalized for two weeks and then treated at home for the next
    two weeks.   During the home treatment portion of this phase, the
    defendant was responsible for giving Peter an oral medication,
    dexamethasone, a steroid that is an important part of the
    treatment.   The defendant was to administer dexamethasone
    beginning in approximately November of 2006.   Pharmacy records
    indicate that this prescription was not filled until April,
    2007.6   It appears that Peter achieved remission of the cancer by
    the end of this first phase.
    In phases two ("consolidation" phase) and three ("inner
    maintenance" or "delayed intensification" phase) of the
    treatment, Friedmann prescribed another oral chemotherapy agent,
    "Long-term survival," according to Dr. Alison Friedmann,
    means that the child is cured of the disease and it never
    According to Friedmann, the defendant filled the
    prescriptions at a certain pharmacy in Peabody only; however,
    the defendant testified that she picked up the prescriptions
    related to the first phase from the hospital.
    6-mercaptopurine (6-MP).    The defendant was responsible for
    giving Peter 6-MP every night beginning in or about early
    December, 2006, and was to continue for three or four months.
    Pharmacy records indicate that this prescription was not filled
    until June 28, 2007.   Nonetheless, in the winter or early spring
    of 2007, the defendant told Friedmann she was having a hard time
    giving Peter the 6-MP, and the doctor changed the prescription
    to a liquid form.   The third phase required planned hospital
    stays to receive chemotherapy as an inpatient, along with
    continued at-home administration of 6-MP.
    Throughout the first three phases of Peter's treatment, a
    home care nurse from the hospital visited the defendant and
    Peter on a regular basis.   During the first month of treatment
    the nurse traveled to the defendant's home once or twice per
    week and thereafter visited when blood tests were needed.
    During these visits, the home care nurse reviewed the plan of
    care and answered any questions the defendant had about
    administering the medications.    During the fall of 2006 into the
    winter of 2007, the home care nurse asked the defendant if she
    had given Peter the medications and the defendant reported that
    Peter was taking his medications.    The defendant also reported
    to Friedmann that generally "things seemed to be going okay,"
    and aside from letting Friedmann know she was having trouble
    giving Peter the 6-MP, she never indicated there were any
    difficulties giving Peter the medications.
    The fourth phase ("reinduction" phase), which started in
    the spring of 2007, involved intravenous medications in the
    clinic and oral steroids.    Peter had weekly visits with
    Friedmann during which the doctor checked his blood, reviewed
    the medications with the defendant, and discussed how Peter was
    doing.    During this phase, the entirety of the chemotherapy was
    administered at the hospital and, according to the pharmacy
    records, the oral medication prescription was filled.
    The final phase of treatment ("maintenance" phase) began at
    the end of June, 2007, and was intended to continue for sixteen
    months.    This phase involved three medications, including 6-MP,
    that were to be given to Peter by the defendant at home and one
    medication that was to be administered intravenously during a
    monthly visit to the hospital.    Although the 6-MP prescription
    was supposed to be refilled every month and administered nightly
    during this final phase, the monthly prescription was only
    filled on June 28, 2007; September 5, 2007; and January 30,
    2008.    In August, 2007, the defendant told the home care nurse
    that "the medications were going good," Peter was tolerating
    them, and she had no concerns.    Although she never filled the
    prescription for the liquid form of 6-MP, the defendant further
    reported to the home care nurse that Peter was taking the liquid
    form of 6-MP, and "it was going better."7
    During a clinic visit in February, 2008, Peter had a bad
    cough and fever and his platelet count was lower; he was
    diagnosed with influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus.
    Friedmann was worried about a relapse, instructed the defendant
    to stop his chemotherapy medicine, and prescribed an antiviral
    medication to treat influenza.   The defendant told the home care
    nurse that she was not giving Peter the antiviral medication
    because she did not want to make him sick.   The nurse attempted
    to schedule an appointment for the end of that week to draw
    Peter's blood, but the defendant was unavailable.   Because it
    struck Friedmann as "odd" that the hospital was unable to obtain
    the blood test, she telephoned the pharmacy to determine whether
    Peter's prescriptions had been filled as prescribed.   The
    records revealed that the defendant had not filled multiple
    medications prescribed to Peter throughout the treatment period.8
    The doctor telephoned the defendant and told her they "really
    needed to get some lab tests done."   When the defendant brought
    Throughout the treatment, the defendant brought Peter in
    for all of his doctor's appointments and for all of his
    outpatient and inpatient hospital treatments; on a few
    occasions, Peter missed an appointment, but the defendant
    brought him in within a few days of the scheduled appointment.
    Friedmann testified at trial that multiple breaks in
    chemotherapy treatment are "very significant."
    Peter to the hospital the next day, the doctor discovered that
    Peter had suffered a relapse, meaning that the cancer had
    returned.9   Friedmann asked the defendant about the missed
    prescriptions, but the defendant insisted that the pharmacy must
    have made a mistake.   After the pharmacy confirmed that no
    mistake had been made, Friedmann and a social worker at the
    hospital filed a report of child abuse or neglect with the
    Department of Children and Families (DCF) pursuant to G. L.
    c. 119, § 51A.
    During a meeting with a DCF social worker after that report
    had been filed, the defendant claimed that she had administered
    all of the medications prescribed, and at some point stated to
    the social worker that she knew withholding Peter's medicine
    would be "like pushing him in front of a car."   At the end of
    March, 2008, Fraser obtained custody of Peter, and in April the
    defendant signed a stipulation rescinding her visitation rights
    with Peter and agreeing to give Fraser full custody of him.
    After it was confirmed that Peter had relapsed, Friedmann
    explained to the defendant and Fraser that the cancer could not
    be treated with the original treatment because the cancer was
    now resistant to that treatment; the only viable treatment was a
    bone marrow transplant, a complicated procedure with a low
    Peter's cancer at this time was leukemia (cancer of the
    blood and bone marrow), as compared to the earlier diagnosis of
    lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes).
    chance of survival.   Peter's parents decided against the bone
    marrow transplant, and it became clear that continued treatment
    would only control the cancer but could not cure it; thereafter,
    chemotherapy was suspended.   Peter died on March 30, 2009, of
    respiratory failure secondary to acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
    The Commonwealth's theory was that the defendant understood
    that not giving Peter the prescribed medications would create a
    substantial risk of death, that she made an intentional decision
    to withhold the medications from Peter because she wanted to
    kill him, and that she repeatedly lied in order to conceal her
    ongoing efforts to kill her son.   It was not possible to
    determine -- according to Friedmann -- whether the defendant's
    noncompliance with the medication protocol caused Peter's cancer
    to return (and therefore his death), but the defendant's
    noncompliance created a significant risk that the cancer would
    do so.
    The theory of the defense was that the defendant's failure
    to administer Peter's medications10 was done without any intent
    to kill her son.   Rather, the short-term effect of the
    chemotherapy treatment was simply too burdensome for a single
    caretaker such as the defendant, and she was so fatigued by the
    end of the treatment that her judgment waned.   The defendant
    At trial, the defendant admitted that she failed to give
    Peter various medications during treatment.
    testified to this effect, as did Dr. Frederick Krell, a forensic
    psychologist who testified as an expert witness for the defense.
    Krell opined that the defendant was overwhelmed with having to
    cope with an impaired child who had a life-threatening illness,
    and she was unable to keep in mind the long-range goal of the
    treatment.   In response, the Commonwealth called Dr. Martin
    Kelly, a psychiatrist, who testified that the defendant did "not
    have any mental disorder or psychological condition that would
    affect her capacity to premeditate, to weigh the pros and cons,
    to intend to do the acts that she did."
    2.   Procedural background.   In July, 2009, the defendant
    was indicted on charges of attempted murder, G. L. c. 265, § 16;
    wantonly or recklessly permitting substantial bodily injury to a
    child under the age of fourteen, G. L. c. 265, § 13J (b);
    wantonly or recklessly permitting serious bodily injury to a
    disabled person, G. L. c. 265, § 13K (e); and wantonly or
    recklessly endangering a child, G. L. c. 265, § 13L.    In April,
    2011, at the end of trial, a jury found the defendant guilty of
    all four charges.11   The defendant filed a timely notice of
    appeal and, represented by her present appellate counsel,
    subsequently filed a motion for a new trial that included claims
    The defendant was sentenced to a term of from eight to
    ten years on the conviction of attempted murder, and concurrent
    five-year terms of probation on the remaining convictions, to be
    served from and after the prison sentence.
    of ineffective assistance of trial counsel.    The trial judge
    held an evidentiary hearing on the ineffective assistance claims
    at which three witnesses testified.    Following the hearing, the
    judge denied the defendant's motion for a new trial.    On
    November 27, 2013, the defendant filed a notice of appeal from
    this denial, and the appeals were consolidated.    We transferred
    the case to this court on our own motion.
    Discussion.   1.   Attempted murder:   nonachievement.   The
    defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence for her
    conviction of attempted murder.    She argues that the crime of
    attempted murder, like the crime of general attempt, has three
    elements:   (1) a specific intent to kill, (2) an overt act, and
    (3) nonaccomplishment or nonachievement of the completed crime.
    In her view, the Commonwealth was required to prove all three of
    these elements beyond a reasonable doubt and argues that because
    the Commonwealth, by its own admission, was unable to prove
    nonachievement, her motion for a required finding of not guilty
    should have been allowed.12   Alternatively, she contends that
    even if the trial evidence were sufficient to preclude a
    required finding on the element of nonachievement, the judge's
    failure to include any instruction on this element meant that
    the jury did not consider whether the Commonwealth presented
    For the purposes of this argument, the defendant does not
    challenge the sufficiency of the evidence of intent to kill and
    of an overt act.
    sufficient evidence, creating a substantial risk of a
    miscarriage of justice.     We disagree.   For the reasons next
    discussed, we conclude that specific intent and commission of an
    overt act are the required elements of the crime of attempt or,
    here, attempted murder, but that nonachievement of the murder,
    while clearly relevant, is not itself an element that the
    Commonwealth must prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
    The crime of attempted murder is defined in G. L. c. 265,
    § 16,13 and is distinct from the crime of general attempt, G. L.
    c. 274, § 6.14   Notwithstanding the differences in the language,
    our cases have tended to treat the elements of attempt as the
    same under both statutes.    See Commonwealth v. Peaslee, 
    177 Mass. 267
    (1901) (attempt to burn building); Commonwealth v.
    170 Mass. 18
    (1897) (attempted murder).     It is also the
    case that attempted murder may be prosecuted as an attempt under
    c. 274, § 6, rather than c. 265, § 16.     See, e.g., Commonwealth
    v. Dixon, 
    34 Mass. App. Ct. 653
    , 655 (1993).
    General Laws c. 265, § 16, provides in relevant part:
    "Whoever attempts to commit murder by poisoning, drowning
    or strangling another person, or by any means not
    constituting an assault with intent to commit murder, shall
    be punished . . . ."
    General Laws c. 274, § 6, provides in relevant part:
    "Whoever attempts to commit a crime by doing any act toward
    its commission, but fails in its perpetration, or is
    intercepted or prevented in its perpetration, shall, except
    as otherwise provided, be punished . . . ."
    This case appears to be the first in which this court has
    considered directly whether nonachievement is an element of
    attempted murder, or more generally, attempt.    Unquestionably,
    the defendant's argument that nonachievement is an element of
    attempt crimes is not without support:     a number of cases
    arising under the general attempt statute have included
    nonachievement as an element of attempt.    See, e.g.,
    Commonwealth v. Marzilli, 
    457 Mass. 64
    , 66 (2010) (attempted
    indecent assault and battery); Commonwealth v. Bell, 
    455 Mass. 408
    , 412 (2009) (attempted rape).   And the Appeals Court has
    recognized a form of nonachievement -- "failure or interruption"
    -- as an element of attempted murder under G. L. c. 265, § 16.
    See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Murray, 
    51 Mass. App. Ct. 57
    , 61
    Dixon, 34 Mass. App. Ct. at 655
    .     In contrast to this
    case, however, in all of the cited cases the question whether
    the substantive crime was completed was not at issue -- there
    was no disagreement that it had not been achieved -- and the
    element of nonachievement was not substantively discussed.
    Moreover, a number of other cases decided by this court and the
    Appeals Court suggest that the elements of attempt are limited
    to the requisite intent and an overt act.    See, e.g.,
    Commonwealth v. Rivera, 
    460 Mass. 139
    , 142 (2011); Commonwealth
    v. Ortiz, 
    408 Mass. 463
    , 470 (1990); Commonwealth v. Gosselin,
    365 Mass. 116
    , 120-121 (1974); Commonwealth v. Cline, 
    213 Mass. 14
    225, 225 (1913); Commonwealth v. Sullivan, 
    84 Mass. App. Ct. 26
    28-30 (2013), S.C., 
    469 Mass. 621
    This court's jurisprudence on attempt dates back to
    170 Mass. 18
    , a decision authored by then Justice
    Holmes, that considered a case of attempted murder brought under
    an earlier version of G. L. c. 265, § 16; and Peaslee, 
    177 Mass. 267
    , authored by then Chief Justice Holmes, concerning an
    attempt to burn a building under an earlier version of G. L.
    c. 274, § 6.   In 
    Kennedy, supra
    , the defendant was charged with
    attempted murder by placing deadly poison on the victim's cup
    with the intent that the victim drink from the cup, ingest the
    poison, and die.    
    Id. at 20.
      Although it is clear from the
    opinion that the victim did not die as a result of the
    defendant's acts, see 
    id. at 23,
    the fact is of little
    significance in the court's discussion of the nature of the
    crime.    Rather, the court focused principally on the nature of
    the overt act or acts taken by the defendant toward
    accomplishment of the intended murder.15    With respect to the
    overt acts, Justice Holmes emphasized that not all acts leading
    toward the substantive crime are subject to punishment as a
    criminal attempt, but only those that come "near enough to the
    result," i.e., accomplishment of the substantive crime:
    The court made clear that the evidence of the defendant's
    intent to kill the victim was sufficient. Commonwealth v.
    170 Mass. 18
    , 25 (1897).
    "[W]e assume that an act may be done which is expected and
    intended to accomplish a crime, which is not near enough to
    the result to constitute an attempt to commit it, as in the
    classic instance of shooting at a post supposed to be a
    man. As the aim of the law is not to punish sins, but is
    to prevent certain external results, the act done must come
    pretty near to accomplishing that result before the law
    will notice it."
    Id. at 20.
    id. at 22
    ("Every question of proximity must be
    determined by its own circumstances . . .").     See also 
    Peaslee, 177 Mass. at 271
    ("The question on the evidence, . . . precisely
    stated, is whether the defendant's acts come near enough to the
    accomplishment of the substantive offence to be punishable").16
    Kennedy and Peaslee explain and illustrate that the essence
    of the crime of attempt is to punish the defendant's substantial
    acts toward the accomplishment of an intended substantive
    offense.     See Commonwealth v. Burns, 
    8 Mass. App. Ct. 194
    , 196
    The court in Commonwealth v. Peaslee, 
    177 Mass. 267
    , 272
    (1901), continued in further explanation:
    "That an overt act although coupled with an intent to
    commit the crime commonly is not punishable if further acts
    are contemplated as needful, is expressed in the familiar
    rule that preparation is not an attempt. But some
    preparations may amount to an attempt. It is a question of
    degree. If the preparation comes very near to the
    accomplishment of the act, the intent to complete it
    renders the crime so probable that the act will be a
    misdemeanor although there is still [an opportunity to
    change one's mind] in the need of a further exertion of the
    will to complete the crime."
    The court concluded that at least the acts alleged in the
    indictment, collection and preparation of combustible materials
    in a room, by themselves did not come near enough to the
    accomplishment of the substantive offense of burning (arson) to
    be punishable. See 
    id. at 273-274.
    (1979).   See also R.M. Perkins, Criminal Law, at 552 (2d ed.
    1969).    The substantive crime is clearly both relevant and
    important, because what the crime of attempt aims to punish are
    acts that bear a proximate relation to that crime; put another
    way, the substantive crime helps to define and delimit what acts
    may have the requisite proximity.   But the acts stand on their
    own, and whether a particular act qualifies as an overt act
    that, combined with proof of the requisite intent, constitutes a
    criminal attempt does not depend on whether the substantive
    crime has or has not been accomplished.17
    In contending that nonaccomplishment is an element of
    attempt that the Commonwealth must prove, the defendant relies
    principally on cases such as 
    Marzilli, 457 Mass. at 66
    , and
    Bell, 455 Mass. at 412
    .18   In these decisions, as previously
    By way of example, in 
    Kennedy, 170 Mass. at 21-22
    , the
    Commonwealth's failure to prove that the amount of poison placed
    on the cup was "large enough to kill" was of no import to the
    defendant's liability under the law of attempted murder:
    "Any unlawful application of poison is an evil which
    threatens death, according to common apprehension, and the
    gravity of the crime, the uncertainty of the result, and
    the seriousness of the apprehension, coupled with the great
    harm likely to result from poison even if not enough to
    kill, would warrant holding the liability for an attempt to
    begin at a point more remote from the possibility of
    accomplishing what is expected than might be the case with
    lighter crimes."
    Id. at 22.
    The defendant also relies on Beale, Criminal Attempts, 16
    Harv. L. Rev. 491 (1903).
    mentioned, the court listed nonachievement as an element of
    attempt, but did not otherwise discuss it.   Both these cases
    involved the general attempt statute, G. L. c. 274, § 6, which
    contains language that focuses specifically on failing to
    accomplish, or being prevented from accomplishing, the
    substantive crime.19   On reflection, we consider this language to
    represent not a separate element of the crime of attempt but "a
    further refinement of the definition of the overt act."
    Commonwealth v. Aldrich (No. 1), 
    88 Mass. App. Ct. 113
    , 118
    (2015).   That is, the language helps to clarify and reinforce
    the point that attempt is a crime separate and distinct from the
    substantive offense to which it is connected, one that focuses
    on, and punishes, acts that threaten the accomplishment of the
    substantive offense, not the substantive offense itself.
    Accordingly, to the extent that our decisions such as Marzilli
    and Bell indicate that proof of nonachievement of the
    substantive crime is an element of attempt, we no longer follow
    "Whoever attempts to commit a crime by doing any act
    toward its commission, but fails in its perpetration, or is
    intercepted or prevented in its perpetration, shall . . . be
    punished . . ." (emphasis added). G. L. c. 274, § 6. The
    statute defining attempted murder, G. L. c. 265, § 16, does not
    contain this language, but as discussed previously, we take the
    view that the essential elements of "attempt" are the same in
    both statutes.
    them.20   The elements of attempt, whether general attempt or
    attempted murder, are (1) the specific intent to commit the
    substantive crime at issue, and (2) an overt act toward
    completion of the substantive crime.21
    Here, the Commonwealth is not able to prove beyond a
    reasonable doubt either that the defendant murdered Peter or
    that the defendant failed to murder him.   We agree, as does the
    Commonwealth, that in these circumstances, the defendant cannot
    be convicted of murder.   But "requiring the government to prove
    failure as an element of attempt would lead to the anomalous
    result that, if there were a reasonable doubt concerning whether
    or not a crime had been completed, a jury could find the
    defendant guilty neither of a completed offense nor of an
    attempt."   United States v. York, 
    578 F.2d 1036
    , 1039 (5th
    439 U.S. 1005
    (1978).   See 
    Gosselin, 365 Mass. at 120
    The Appeals Court recently has concluded that under the
    general attempt statute, "the completed substantive offense
    nullifies the existence of an attempt." Commonwealth v. Coutu,
    88 Mass. App. Ct. 686
    , 701 (2015). See Beale, Criminal
    Attempts, 16 Harv. L. Rev. at 506-507. There is no need for us
    to consider this issue in the present case, because, quite apart
    from the fact that the general attempt statute does not apply,
    the Commonwealth admittedly did not and could not prove
    completion of the substantive offense.
    Commonwealth v. Dykens, 
    473 Mass. 635
    (2015), is not to
    the contrary. In that case, we considered whether three
    successive failures to break into a dwelling could be prosecuted
    as three separate attempts. With respect to each of these
    attempts, the failure served to delimit the attempt's overt act,
    but the failure was not itself an element of the offense.
    (stating, in dictum, that requiring proof beyond reasonable
    doubt that attempt failed would mean that "if there were a
    reasonable doubt whether the attempt succeeded, the defendant
    could not be convicted either of the completed crime or of the
    attempt.   We have rejected such requirements").   See also United
    States v. Rivera-Relle, 
    333 F.3d 914
    , 919-921 (9th Cir.), cert.
    540 U.S. 977
    (2003) (failure to complete entry into
    United States was not element of offense of attempting to
    reenter United States without consent of Attorney General;
    discussing Federal and State decisions on whether nonachievement
    must be proved as element of attempt); Lightfoot v. State, 
    278 Md. 231
    , 238 (1976) (where no joint venture theory existed,
    robbery was complete, but uncertainty existed about whether
    defendant himself had completed robbery, defendant charged with
    attempted robbery because "failure to consummate the crime is
    not an indispensable element of criminal attempt").
    Our conclusion that nonachievement of murder is not an
    element of attempted murder essentially disposes of the
    defendant's challenge to the judge's instructions on this crime.
    The judge instructed the jury that the Commonwealth "[does not]
    have to prove that the defendant caused the death of [Peter].
    It's instead attempted murder, that is she had the intent with
    malice and then she makes some overt act toward the murder
    . . . .    Attempted murder only exists if there's not an actual
    murder, of course."     The judge further instructed the jury on
    the element of an overt act, stating that they must find "some
    actual outward physical action as opposed to mere talk or plans.
    . . .     [A]n act . . . that is reasonably expected to bring about
    the crime [of murder]."     We conclude that the judge's
    instructions correctly explained the elements of attempted
    2.    Assault and battery charges.   The defendant challenges
    her convictions of assault and battery upon a child, in
    violation of G. L. c. 265, § 13J (b), fourth par. (§ 13J [b],
    fourth par.); and of assault and battery upon a person with a
    disability, in violation of G. L. c. 265, § 13K (e) (§ 13K [e]).
    Section 13J (b), fourth par., punishes a caretaker of a child
    who "wantonly or recklessly permits substantial bodily injury"
    to the child,22 and § 13K (e) punishes a caretaker of a person
    with a disability who "wantonly or recklessly permits serious
    bodily injury" to the person with a disability.23,24   The
    General Laws c. 265, § 13J (b), fourth par. (§ 13J [b],
    fourth par.), provides in relevant part:
    "Whoever, having care and custody of a child, wantonly or
    recklessly permits substantial bodily injury to such child
    or wantonly or recklessly permits another to commit an
    assault and battery upon such child, which assault and
    battery causes substantial bodily injury, shall be punished
    . . . ."
    General Laws c. 265, § 13K (e) (§ 13K [e]), provides in
    pertinent part:
    defendant contends that although the Commonwealth may have
    presented sufficient evidence to prove that the defendant caused
    a substantial risk of death to Peter by not giving him the
    prescribed chemotherapy and related medications, it did not
    present evidence sufficient to prove "substantial bodily
    injury."    She further argues that the judge's instructions to
    the jury incorrectly defined the meaning of substantial bodily
    injury.25   We agree with the defendant on both points.
    "Whoever, being a caretaker of [a] . . . person with a
    disability, wantonly or recklessly permits serious bodily
    injury to such . . . person with a disability . . . shall
    be punished . . . ."
    Section § 13J (b), fourth par., concerns "substantial
    bodily injury" to a "child," and § 13K (e) concerns "serious
    bodily injury" to a "person with a disability." In this case,
    the Commonwealth’s position is that Peter fit the definition of
    "child" in the first of these statutes, and of "person with a
    disability" in the second. The defendant does not argue
    otherwise, and we agree. We have previously concluded that the
    definitions of "substantial bodily injury" in § 13K (b) and
    "serious bodily injury" in § 13K (e) are substantively the same.
    See Commonwealth v. Roderiques, 
    462 Mass. 415
    , 423 n.2 (2012).
    Because of this, and because the remaining provisions in the two
    statutes are also substantively identical, for ease of
    reference, the discussion in the text that follows considers
    only the charge under § 13J (b), fourth par., but the discussion
    applies equally to the charge under § 13K (e).
    At trial, the defendant moved for a required finding of
    not guilty on both these charges, arguing that the Commonwealth
    failed to prove the defendant had caused actual bodily injury to
    Peter. The trial judge denied the defendant's motion for a
    required finding of not guilty, explaining that under the common
    law the defendant's argument might be sound, but under the
    statutory causes of action at issue proof of a substantial risk
    The term "[b]odily injury" is defined in G. L. c. 265,
    § 13J (a), as a
    "substantial impairment of the physical condition including
    any burn, fracture of any bone, subdural hematoma, injury
    to any internal organ, any injury which occurs as the
    result of repeated harm to any bodily function or organ
    including human skin or any physical condition which
    substantially imperils a child's health or welfare."
    The term "[s]ubstantial bodily injury" is defined in the same
    section to mean "bodily injury which creates a permanent
    disfigurement, protracted loss or impairment of a function of a
    body member, limb or organ, or substantial risk of death."      We
    previously have stated, in discussing § 13J (b), fourth par.,
    "[the term 'bodily injury'] defines the bodily injuries the
    Legislature intended to be punishable under the statute,
    i.e., burns, fractures, injuries to internal organs, and
    perilous physical conditions, while ['substantial bodily
    injury'] lays the foundation for greater sanctions based on
    the gravity and consequences of the bodily injury
    sustained. Read together, . . . a substantial bodily
    injury includes any substantial impairment of the physical
    condition that causes a protracted impairment of the
    function of an internal organ or a substantial risk of
    death. As it appears in the context of the statute, death
    is not an injury, but one risk of injury."
    Commonwealth v. Chapman, 
    433 Mass. 481
    , 484 (2001).     See
    Commonwealth v. Roderiques, 
    462 Mass. 415
    , 423 (2012)
    ("substantial bodily injury" under § 13J [b], fourth par.,
    of death was sufficient. The jury instructions reflected the
    judge's stated understanding of the law.
    requires risk of injury to "come to fruition in the form of an
    actual injury").
    The evidence at trial permitted the jury to find, based on
    Friedmann's testimony, that the defendant's failure or refusal
    to give Peter the medications that were part of his treatment
    plan caused an increased risk of death for Peter.    However, if
    death itself does not qualify as a "bodily injury" or "serious
    bodily injury" under the statute, see 
    Chapman, 433 Mass. at 484
    neither does an increased risk of death.   The Commonwealth
    asserts, however, that the defendant's withholding of
    medications led to Peter's cancer returning in a more virulent
    and treatment-resistant form, and that this more potent illness
    was itself a "bodily injury" that, in the words of § 13J (b),
    fourth par., the defendant wantonly or recklessly permitted to
    The Commonwealth's argument fails.    Although the presence
    of a stronger, more treatment-resistant form of cancer may
    qualify as a "bodily injury" under the statutory definition, see
    G. L. c. 265, § 13J (a) ("bodily injury" defined to include "any
    physical condition which substantially imperils a child's health
    The evidence that the Commonwealth appears to rely on was
    the following. In responding to a question by the prosecutor as
    to whether Peter's receipt of some but not all his medications
    affected her ability to treat him once he relapsed, Friedmann
    responded, "Yes. I believe that likely made the chemotherapy
    less effective the second time around and the leukemia more
    or welfare"), an opinion that a particular result is "likely"
    does not appear to be sufficient to permit a finding that the
    defendant's actions actually caused the more treatment-resistant
    form of cancer to occur.27   Given that, according to the
    evidence, even with full treatment ten to fifteen per cent of
    children still succumb to the cancer, just as the Commonwealth
    admittedly could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the
    defendant's actions caused Peter's death from cancer, so it
    appears that the Commonwealth would not be able to prove that
    the defendant's actions caused him to relapse and become ill
    with a more treatment-resistant form of cancer.
    We thus conclude that the trial evidence was insufficient
    to support the defendant's assault and battery convictions under
    §§ 13J (b), fourth par., and 13K (e), and those convictions must
    be vacated.28   The defendant also was convicted of reckless
    Section 13J (b), fourth par., punishes a caretaker who
    "wantonly or recklessly permits substantial bodily injury to"
    the child. The word "permits" signifies that the Commonwealth
    is not required to prove the caretaker actually inflicted the
    bodily injury -- failure to act when there is a duty to do so
    may suffice -- but the word "permits" does not remove the
    Commonwealth's burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the
    causal connection between the caretaker's actions or nonactions
    and the claimed substantial bodily injury.
    In light of our conclusion, it is not necessary to
    resolve the defendant's challenge to the jury instructions on
    the two assault and battery charges. We agree with the
    defendant, however, that these instructions appear to be based
    on an incorrect reading of the (identical) definitions of
    "substantial bodily injury" and "serious bodily injury" in G. L.
    endangerment of a child in violation of G. L. c. 265, § 13L.29
    She challenged that conviction as duplicative in light of her
    conviction under § 13J (b), fourth par., see 
    Roderiques, 462 Mass. at 424
    , but agrees that if the conviction under § 13J (b),
    fourth par., is vacated or reversed, the conviction under § 13L
    may stand.
    3.    Motion for new trial:   ineffective assistance of
    counsel.    Finally, the defendant claims that the judge abused
    his discretion by denying the defendant's motion for a new trial
    on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel.     She argues
    that counsel was ineffective in three ways:     (1) failing to
    consult an independent oncologist;     (2) agreeing to order his
    expert witness, Krell, to turn over his records to the
    c. 265, §§ 13J (a) and 13K (a), respectively. The judge's
    instructions appear to define the terms to mean "[either] bodily
    injury which results in a permanent disfigurement, protracted
    loss or impairment of bodily function, limb or organ, or a
    substantial risk of death" (emphases added). However, we read
    the statute to define "substantial bodily injury" as a "bodily
    injury" that results in (1) a permanent disfigurement, or (2)
    protracted loss or impairment of a bodily function, limb, or
    organ, or (3) substantial risk of death. See Instruction 6.160
    of the Criminal Model Jury Instructions for Use in the District
    Court (2009) (reckless assault and battery causing serious
    General Laws c. 265, § 13L, provides in relevant part:
    "Whoever wantonly or recklessly engages in conduct that
    creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury or
    sexual abuse to a child or wantonly or recklessly fails to
    take reasonable steps to alleviate such risk where there is
    a duty to act shall be punished . . . ."
    Commonwealth's expert, Kelly;30 and (3) failing to present
    evidence concerning the defendant's history with DCF.31     We
    conclude that counsel's failure to consult an independent
    oncologist fell measurably below the standard of "an ordinary
    fallible lawyer."   Commonwealth v. Saferian, 
    366 Mass. 89
    , 96
    (1974).   In the circumstances of this case, this failure
    deprived the defendant of "an otherwise available, substantial
    ground of defense" to the charge of attempted murder.     
    Id. a. Background.
      Represented by new counsel on appeal --
    her present counsel -- the defendant filed a motion for a new
    trial on June 6, 2013.     The trial judge held an evidentiary
    hearing on the motion, at which three witnesses testified on
    behalf of the defendant:     Kevin James, the defendant's trial
    counsel; Dr. Paul Pitel, a board-certified pediatric
    hematologist-oncologist; and Krell.     In addition, the affidavits
    With the assent of defense counsel, a Superior Court
    judge ordered information and records relating to the defendant
    to be sent to the Commonwealth's expert, Dr. Martin Kelly. The
    defendant's counsel directed the defendant's expert, Dr.
    Frederick Krell, to comply with the order. Krell produced over
    200 pages of materials, including the results and raw data from
    psychological tests he had performed.
    The defendant's trial counsel agreed to represent her pro
    bono in the District Court at a point in time when she had been
    charged only with reckless endangerment of a child under G. L.
    c. 265, § 13L. Trial counsel continued to represent the
    defendant in the Superior Court when she was later indicted for
    attempted murder and two charges of assault and battery. This
    was trial counsel's first criminal case in the Superior Court
    and first criminal case in which a mental health defense was
    of trial counsel and Pitel that had been filed in support of the
    motion for a new trial were introduced in evidence as motion
    At the motion hearing, James testified that he sought funds
    to retain an independent oncologist in order to rebut the
    testimony of Friedmann, a key witness for the Commonwealth's
    case, but later decided not to consult an oncologist on the
    grounds that (1) an effort to establish that the failure to
    medicate was harmless would be unsuccessful, especially with the
    Commonwealth's opportunity to cross-examine the expert; and (2)
    seeking to belittle Friedmann's testimony would reflect poorly
    on the defendant.   At the motion hearing, Pitel, chair of the
    department of pediatrics at Nemours Children's Clinic in
    Jacksonville, Florida, testified that he has treated children
    with lymphoblastic lymphoma since 1978.
    Consistent with his affidavit,32 Pitel testified at the
    motion hearing that the professional literature makes clear that
    Pitel stated in his affidavit:
    "[I]t is unfortunately not rare to care for children
    whose parents do not fully comply with the demands of
    extended chemotherapy protocols. Many of these parents
    find the regimen too difficult and burdensome to follow,
    and some cannot understand the risks associated with a
    failure to do so. This occurs despite all efforts by
    hospital and clinic staff to educate, urge compliance, and
    warn of the risks of noncompliance. . . . Over the years,
    I have helped care for a significant number of patients
    whose parents were less than compliant. More than a few of
    the adherence rates33 for many long-term drug therapies are no
    more than forty or fifty per cent.   Noncompliance with cancer
    treatment protocols is lowest when the patient is an adolescent,
    but a major concern with pediatric populations generally;
    adherence is a considerable issue with drugs that are used to
    treat an asymptomatic illness or to prevent illness.     Based on
    his experience, Pitel offered several reasons parents do not
    adhere to the treatment protocol:    the immediate side effects of
    the medications are much more obvious than any benefits;
    noncompliance often has no visible detrimental effect, and thus
    parents do not fully appreciate the consequences; when the child
    appears healthy parents often stop complying, especially when
    the child resists the medications; and parents may not believe
    the treatment will work and do what they think will work.    Pitel
    opined that, in this case, the defendant's personal
    circumstances signaled a higher risk of noncompliance, and the
    defendant likely did not understand that her lapses in
    compliance could be lethal, especially given that, according to
    his medical records, Peter achieved remission early on and his
    doctor ordered repeated holds on chemotherapy and told the
    defendant that Peter was doing well throughout the treatment.
    these parents were personally limited and/or had children
    with complex disabilities and/or emotional disorders."
    The degree of adherence varies and may include partial
    adherence or erratic adherence.
    In denying the defendant's motion for a new trial, the
    judge concluded that defense counsel "chose the best possible
    defense and presented it well at trial."     The judge dismissed
    the importance of Pitel's testimony, reasoning that Pitel agreed
    with Friedmann's treatment plan and Friedman's stated opinion
    that compliance is critically important.     The judge noted that
    Pitel would be unable to opine about the defendant's own intent
    or state of mind.   Although recognizing that the literature
    exploring reasons for noncompliance with similar chemotherapy
    protocols could have been instructive to trial counsel, the
    judge concluded that such "general education would not have
    accomplished 'something material to the defense.'"
    b.   Standard of review.   When evaluating an ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim, we consider "whether there has been
    serious incompetency, inefficiency, or inattention of counsel --
    behavior of counsel falling measurably below that which might be
    expected from an ordinary fallible lawyer -- and, if that is
    found, then, typically, whether it has likely deprived the
    defendant of an otherwise available, substantial ground of
    Saferian, 366 Mass. at 96
    .   "In cases where tactical
    or strategic decisions of the defendant's counsel are at issue,
    we conduct our review with some deference to avoid
    characterizing as unreasonable a defense that was merely
    unsuccessful" and ask whether the decision was manifestly
    unreasonable when made (citation omitted).     Commonwealth v.
    471 Mass. 664
    , 673-674 (2015).    Strategic choices
    made before a complete investigation are reasonable "[only] to
    the extent that reasonable professional judgments support the
    limitation on investigation" (citation omitted).    Commonwealth
    v. Lang, 
    473 Mass. 1
    , 14 (2015).    With respect to our review of
    the denial of a motion for a new trial, we recognize that the
    decision to allow or deny such a motion rests within the sound
    discretion of the motion judge, and we give deference to the
    factual findings of that judge, particularly when he or she was
    also the trial judge.   See Commonwealth v. Pillai, 
    445 Mass. 175
    , 185 (2005).
    c.   Discussion.    Trial counsel's decision not to consult
    with an independent oncologist appears to have been a strategic
    decision.   However, given the salient and essentially undisputed
    facts about Peter's life-threatening cancer, his excellent
    prognosis with continued treatment, and the defendant's failure
    to give the prescribed medications over a long period of time,
    it was clear that the defendant's intent would be the key issue
    at trial.   The Commonwealth's theory was that, unlike other
    parents, the defendant failed to administer life-saving
    medications to her son, and she lied about her noncompliance;
    the only explanation for this behavior was that she intended to
    kill her son.   In the circumstances, it was patently
    unreasonable for the defendant's counsel not to consult with a
    qualified pediatric oncologist to explore the disease, its
    treatment, and in particular whether experience dealing with
    other caretaking parents might help to identify explanations
    other than an intent to kill the child for a parent's decision
    not to give medications.     See Commonwealth v. Haggerty, 
    400 Mass. 437
    , 442-443 (1987).
    The information provided by Pitel in his affidavit and his
    testimony at the motion hearing concerning the noncompliant
    behavior of parents with children suffering from cancer show
    that parental noncompliance is not uncommon.     Many parents do
    not adhere to the treatment protocol for a number of reasons
    other than an intent to kill the patient, including a patient's
    healthy appearance during remission, a parent not wanting to
    make the child sicker, and the absence of apparent adverse
    effects resulting from noncompliance.     Such evidence would have
    been significant in the defendant's case, offering an
    explanation for the defendant's conduct that placed her squarely
    within a group of parents of children similarly situated with
    Peter, and thereby offering an explanation for her conduct that
    was understandable and within some available norm of parental
    behavior -- and not, as the Commonwealth argued, the actions of
    a woman who "seethed" with anger at her former husband and
    intending to kill her son as an act of retaliation against the
    father.   As such, this evidence had the potential of raising a
    reasonable doubt about the existence of the defendant's criminal
    intent.34,35   See Commonwealth v. Martin, 
    427 Mass. 816
    , 822
    (1998) (affirming allowance of motion for new trial on grounds
    of ineffective assistance where defendant's trial counsel failed
    to call expert to challenge Commonwealth's vulnerable cause-of-
    death theory; new evidence on cause of death "could have raised
    a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury").    See also
    Commonwealth v. Roberio, 
    428 Mass. 278
    , 281-282 (1998), S.C.,
    440 Mass. 245
    (2003) (defendant's trial counsel's failure to
    investigate defendant's lack of criminal responsibility and call
    expert witness constituted ineffective assistance of counsel;
    defendant's motion for new trial should have been allowed).     And
    quite apart from testifying at trial, an expert such as Pitel
    could have educated and informed the defendant's counsel about
    Although a pediatric oncologist could not have testified
    on direct examination about the substance of the literature
    supporting the opinions he or she had derived from personal
    experience with children and their parents, see Department of
    Youth Servs. v. A Juvenile, 
    398 Mass. 516
    , 532 (1986), the issue
    of literature might well have been raised on cross-examination,
    and then available for defense counsel to explore further on
    redirect examination; the issue might have been raised as well
    if the prosecutor challenged the credibility of the witness's
    There was no "inhibiting conflict" between Pitel's
    testimony and the theory of the defendant's defense. See
    Commonwealth v. Martin, 
    427 Mass. 816
    , 822 (1998). The defense
    sought to portray the defendant as an overwhelmed single mother,
    overburdened by the circumstances, who did not want to make her
    son even sicker. Peter went into remission early on in
    treatment, and the lapses in medications appeared to make no
    difference in his health. Pitel's testimony at the motion
    hearing supported the defendant's proffered explanation at trial
    of her motivation and conduct.
    the disease, the treatments, and what the medical literature
    teaches concerning treatment compliance by parents --
    information that would have greatly aided defense counsel in his
    cross-examination of Friedmann and other medical personnel from
    the hospital.
    In rejecting the potential value and significance of
    Pitel's testimony, the judge focused particularly on the fact
    that Pitel agreed with Friedmann's treatment protocol,36 that
    Pitel could not testify to the defendant's own state of mind,
    and that the defendant repeatedly had lied.   These reasons are
    not persuasive.   With respect to the lying, Pitel's motion
    testimony suggests he would have been able to offer noncriminal
    reasons why a person in the defendant's circumstances might lie
    about withholding medications.   And although Pitel certainly
    could not testify about the defendant's own state of mind, he
    could explain, based on his own professional knowledge and
    experience, the common patterns of behavior of parents who fail
    to comply in cancer treatment and whether the defendant's
    reported behavior was consistent with those patterns.   See,
    e.g., Commonwealth v. Dockham, 
    405 Mass. 618
    , 628 (1989) (expert
    testimony concerning general patterns of behavior of sexually
    abused children).   See also Commonwealth v. Pike, 
    431 Mass. 212
    221-222 (2000) (expert testimony on battered woman syndrome).
    The fact that Pitel agreed with Friedmann's treatment
    protocol is irrelevant to the introduction of evidence regarding
    the treatment compliance of parents.
    In sum, we conclude that trial counsel's decision to forgo
    any consultation with an oncologist was manifestly unreasonable,
    and likely deprived the defendant of a substantial ground of
    defense on the central disputed issue in the case, namely, the
    defendant's intent.     To deny her motion for a new trial would be
    unjust.   The defendant is entitled to a new trial on the charge
    of attempted murder.37
    Conclusion.    The judgment of conviction on the indictment
    charging a violation of G. L. c. 265, § 13L, is affirmed.     The
    judgments of conviction on the indictments charging violations
    of G. L. c. 265, § 13J (b), and G. L. c. 265, § 13K (e), are
    vacated, and judgment is to enter for the defendant on each
    indictment.   The order denying the defendant's motion for a new
    trial on the indictment charging a violation of G. L. c. 265,
    § 16, is vacated.     The case is remanded to the Superior Court
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.
    In light of our conclusion, we comment briefly on the
    defendant's remaining two claims of ineffective assistance.
    With respect to the ineffectiveness claim concerning Krell's
    records, in light of Commonwealth v. Hanright, 
    465 Mass. 639
    644 (2013), the disclosure of Krell's records to the
    Commonwealth's expert does not appear to have been
    inappropriate. As for the ineffectiveness claim relating to the
    defendant's history with the Department of Children and
    Families, trial counsel's strategic decision to forgo evidence
    of that history was not manifestly unreasonable.