Lyons v. Hoover , 498 S.W.3d 297 ( 2016 )

  •                                 Cite as 
    2016 Ark. App. 322
    No. CV-15-615
    Opinion Delivered: JUNE 8, 2016
    [NO. DR-12-3955]
    This is a domestic-relations case, and the issues on appeal involve the modification
    of child custody. Appellant Melanie Lyons and appellee Joel Hoover were married in 2002.
    During the marriage, the parties had three children. The parties divorced on February 21,
    2013, and the parties agreed to joint legal custody with Melanie being the primary custodial
    parent subject to Joel’s standard visitation. Joel later filed a motion to modify custody. On
    May 19, 2015, the trial court entered an order modifying custody from “joint legal custody
    of the minor children with mother being the primary custodial parent charged with day to
    day decisions” to “joint custody of the minor children in accordance with the division of
    responsibilities as set out [therein].” The trial court adopted the recommendation of the
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    attorney ad litem and ordered the parties to share physical custody of the children on an
    alternating weekly basis.1
    Melanie now appeals from the May 19, 2015 order that changed joint custody with
    physical custody with her to joint custody with shared physical custody. For reversal,
    Melanie argues (1) that the trial court erred in finding a material change in circumstances,
    and (2) that joint shared physical custody is not in the best interest of the children. We
    This court performs a de novo review of child-custody matters, but we will not
    reverse the trial court’s findings unless they are clearly erroneous. Taylor v. Taylor, 
    353 Ark. 69
    110 S.W.3d 731
    (2003). A finding is clearly erroneous when, although there is evidence
    to support it, the reviewing court is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake
    The legal lexicon used in the original divorce decree awarding custody and the
    order modifying custody on appeal present a challenge to avoid a misunderstanding on
    appeal. In the original divorce decree the parties agreed, and the trial court ordered, “joint
    custody of the minor children with the mother being the primary custodial parent charged
    with day to day decisions.” The father was awarded standard visitation. The children
    resided with their mother and had standard visitation with the father. That is not what is
    typically referred to as true joint custody and could, therefore, cause confusion herein.
    When the trial court ordered the modification of custody that is on appeal, the court
    awarded “joint custody of the minor children in accordance with the division of
    responsibilities as set out above.” Most importantly, the trial court ordered that the children
    reside alternate weeks with each parent; and, that the father would have the responsibility
    for all educational issues and the mother would have the responsibility for all medical and
    other issues. Again, this arrangement is not what is typically referred to as true joint custody,
    and again, it is ripe for confusion. It appears to this court that the trial court modified one
    version of joint custody to another version of joint custody. Regardless of the accuracy of
    the lexicon used, the issue on appeal is the same: whether the trial court abused its discretion
    in modifying the custody arrangement of the minor children. To avoid confusion, we are
    going to refer to the mother’s position herein as “the trial court erred in changing joint
    custody with primary physical custody in mother” to “joint custody with shared physical
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    has been made. Smith v. Parker, 
    67 Ark. App. 221
    998 S.W.2d 1
    (1999). We recognize
    and give special deference to the superior position of the trial court to evaluate the witnesses,
    their testimony, and the child’s best interest. Sharp v. Keeler, 
    99 Ark. App. 42
    256 S.W.3d 528
    (2007). For the trial court to change custody of children, it must first determine that a
    material change in circumstances has transpired from the time of the divorce decree, and
    then determine that a change in custody is in the best interest of the children. Lewellyn v.
    351 Ark. 346
    93 S.W.3d 681
    (2002). It has often been said that we know of no
    case in which the superior position, ability, and opportunity of the trial court to observe the
    parties carry as great a weight as when the interests of minor children are involved. Carver
    v. May, 
    81 Ark. App. 292
    101 S.W.3d 256
    Not long after the parties’ divorce the parties filed countermotions for contempt.
    Joel alleged that Melanie was denying him visitation and threatening to relocate with the
    children out of state, while Melanie alleged that Joel had been abusive to the children and
    was uninvolved with their schoolwork. These contempt motions were ultimately denied
    by the trial court. However, the conflict between the parties continued, with Joel filing
    another contempt motion and accompanying motion to modify custody, and Melanie filing
    for an order of protection against Joel, alleging that he had physically abused both her and
    the children. Melanie also filed criminal domestic-battery charges against Joel, resulting in
    his arrest. Melanie’s petition for the protective order was subsequently dismissed, and she
    later dropped the criminal charges.       Joel’s contempt motion, as well as a subsequent
    contempt motion filed by Melanie, were ultimately dismissed.
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    A four-day hearing on Joel’s motion to change custody was held in April and May
    of 2015. Much of the testimony demonstrated that since the time of the divorce, the parties
    have had, at times, considerable difficulty cooperating and communicating.
    A particularly acrimonious event between the parties occurred on July 15, 2014,
    when Joel was attempting to transport the children to Fort Smith to drop off the children
    for a week to see his parents during his visitation. Prior to them leaving Little Rock,
    Melanie advised Joel that their youngest child did not want to go, and she claimed that Joel
    grabbed the child from her arms and knocked her down. After Joel left with the children
    for Fort Smith, Melanie called 911 and reported that the children had been kidnapped. In
    response to Melanie’s call, Joel was stopped on Interstate 40 near Mayflower by officers
    with the Arkansas State Police, Little Rock Police Department, and Mayflower Police
    Department, with the children present in his vehicle. After being detained by the police
    for a couple of hours, Joel was eventually allowed to proceed to Fort Smith with the
    children. This event was the impetus for Melanie’s filing for a protective order and criminal
    charges against Joel, and the event occurred just one day before Joel filed his motion to
    change custody.
    Melanie testified that after the parties divorced in February 2013, she remained in
    the marital home with primary physical custody of the three children. It is a four-bedroom
    home, and Melanie still lives there. Melanie married a man named Chris, who lives in
    Georgia and splits time between Georgia and Arkansas. Chris has two children from a prior
    marriage who live in Georgia and with whom he exercises visitation. Melanie’s three
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    children have met Chris’s children and get along with them well. There was testimony that
    Melanie is involved with the children’s education and activities and is a good mother.
    Joel also lives in a four-bedroom home. Joel testified that he and his fiancée, Lauren,
    were getting married about a month after the custody hearing. Lauren has custody of her
    two boys from a prior marriage. After Joel and Lauren married, they planned to live in his
    house with all five children. Joel’s children and Lauren’s children get along well, and they
    were all scheduled to attend Holy Souls private school for the next school year. Joel has a
    sister who lives in Little Rock and helps transport the children home from school and to
    certain activities. If awarded custody, Joel said that he would arrange for the children to
    attend after-school child care. Joel has remained involved in the children’s activities, acting
    as a coach and helping with boy scouts. There was testimony that he is a good father.
    After the hearing on Joel’s motion to change custody, the trial court entered an order
    specifically finding that there had been a material change in circumstances since entry of the
    divorce decree. The trial court found that there had been constant turmoil caused by
    Melanie since the divorce, highlighted by her petition for an order of protection and
    criminal charges filed against Joel. The court also considered the fact that Melanie had
    remarried and that Joel was soon to be remarried. The trial court further found that Joel
    was not without fault in that he had displayed anger on occasion in front of Melanie and
    the children. Without expressly stating that a change of custody was in the best interest of
    the children, the trial court then awarded joint shared physical custody of the children to
    the parties. Because there is a presumption that a trial court made the findings necessary to
    support its judgment, see Tillery v. Evans, 
    67 Ark. App. 43
    991 S.W.2d 644
    (1999), we
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    presume that the trial court considered the best interest of the children when awarding joint
    shared physical custody. In its order, the trial court made Joel responsible for all educational
    matters regarding the children, while making Melanie responsible for all medical and other
    needs of the children, with each party having final decision-making authority in their
    assigned areas.
    On appeal from the trial court’s order changing the custody arrangement to joint
    shared physical custody, Melanie first argues that the trial court erred in finding a material
    change in circumstances. While Melanie concedes that there was discord between the
    parties, she attempts to minimize this as a “scattering of petty complaints,” and she posits
    that there was no evidence that the parties’ animosity had a negative impact on the children.
    Melanie argues, in the alternative, that even had there been a material change, joint shared
    physical custody is not in the best interest of the children. Melanie contends that the stability
    of the children is not served by joint shared physical custody, and suggests that the trial court
    only awarded joint shared physical custody to punish her.
    We conclude that there was a material change in circumstances sufficient to reopen
    the issue of child custody. The record shows that Melanie has remarried and that Joel was
    scheduled to be remarried a month after the custody hearing. Although remarriage alone is
    not a sufficient reason to change custody, it may be considered as a factor in a change-of-
    circumstance analysis. Baker v. Murray, 
    2014 Ark. App. 243
    434 S.W.3d 409
    . In addition
    to the parties’ remarriages, there was evidence that Melanie had caused considerable turmoil
    since the divorce, and that Joel had on occasion displayed anger toward Melanie during the
    parties’ confrontations in the presence of the children. Some of the problems were evidently
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    attributable to the hostile relationship between Melanie and Joel’s girlfriend, to whom Joel
    would soon be married. Also contributing to the discord was the parties’ original agreement,
    which granted each other the right of first refusal for babysitting in the event the parent
    with the children required babysitting services. Joel alleged in his petition to change custody
    that the court should “terminate the right of first refusal due to the problems being caused
    by the flexible summer schedule and the right of first refusal.” In addition, there were
    hundreds of texts introduced reflecting the acrimony between the parties. Citing the
    elevated degree of discord between the parties since they had been divorced, the trial court
    found a material change in circumstances, and we cannot say that this finding was clearly
    We next address Melanie’s argument that the trial court clearly erred in finding that
    joint shared physical custody was in the best interest of the children. Both parties note in
    their briefs that, in 2013, our legislature enacted an amendment providing that, “In an action
    for divorce, an award of joint custody is favored in Arkansas.” Ark. Code Ann. § 9-13-
    101(a)(1)(A)(iii) (Repl. 2015) (emphasis ours). In our recent opinion in Stibich v. Stibich,
    2016 Ark. App. 251
    , we reversed an order changing custody to joint custody in a post-
    divorce proceeding, and wrote, “Regardless of whether joint custody is favored, our law
    remains that ‘the mutual ability of the parties to cooperate in reaching shared decisions in
    matters affecting the child’s welfare is a crucial factor bearing on the propriety of an award
    of joint custody, and such an award is reversible error when cooperation between the parties
    is lacking.”’ 
    2016 Ark. App. 251
    , at 5 (citing Gray v. Gray, 
    96 Ark. App. 155
    239 S.W.3d 26
    (2006)). In the case at bar, Melanie argues that joint shared physical custody was
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    improper because the parties lacked the ability to cooperate in reaching shared decisions in
    matters affecting the children’s welfare.
    Recognizing the superior position of the trial court to evaluate the witnesses, their
    testimony, and the children’s best interest, we are not left with a definite and firm conviction
    that the trial court made a mistake in awarding joint shared physical custody. Although the
    record demonstrates that there is a significant level of animosity between these parties, the
    record also shows that both parties are capable parents who love their children and are
    equally involved with their activities. The attorney ad litem stated on the record that all
    three children expressed the desire to spend significantly more time with their father, and a
    joint shared physical custody arrangement accommodates those wishes. Although the trial
    court could have decided to leave primary physical custody with Melanie or award primary
    custody to Joel, we cannot conclude on this record that awarding joint shared physical
    custody was clearly erroneous. Nor do we find any evidence to support Melanie’s claim
    that joint shared physical custody was ordered by the trial court to punish her.
    The dissenting opinion cites Stibich v. 
    Stibich, supra
    , where we reversed an award of
    joint custody on the undisputed evidence that the parties fought constantly and were
    unwilling to agree on anything. While the parties herein often times displayed unpleasant
    and undesirable conduct, we observe that the level and duration of friction between the
    parties in Stibich far exceeded that which was present in this case. The trial court’s order
    elucidates on this difference:
    The right of first refusal contained in the decree of divorce is hereby set aside and
    held for naught. Even though the parties negotiated this provision in the decree, it
    has caused nothing but problems and has possibly led to more turmoil than any other
    thing in the divorce decree. Even though the parties cannot get along at this time,
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    the Court sees a glimmer of hope in both of them in that both are bright, articulate
    and caring parents for their children even though their actions have, or should have,
    embarrassed both of them. When each parent is alone with their children, this Court
    has no doubt that the children receive excellent care, love, nurture and all the
    attention the children need and deserve. The Court hopes that after this litigation is
    completed, the Plaintiff and Defendant, and their spouses, can reach a level of
    understanding and trust that will not hinder the development of the children and will
    place the children in an environment that is peaceful and secure.
    More importantly, in the instant case, the trial court’s modified custody order was carefully
    fashioned in such a way as to reduce the need for the parties’ interaction in reaching shared
    decisions involving the medical and educational needs of the children and by eliminating
    the requirement of right of first refusal for babysitting. Each child-custody determination
    ultimately must rest upon its own facts, and on the facts presented in this case we conclude
    that the trial court’s custody award was not clearly erroneous.
    ABRAMSON, J., dissents.
    RAYMOND R. ABRAMSON, Judge, dissenting. Initially, I agree with the
    majority that the circuit court was correct in finding a material change in circumstances.
    However, I strongly disagree with my brethren that the award of joint custody to parties
    who cannot cooperate was in the best interest of the children.
    Also before this court is a motion by the appellee for fees and costs associated with
    his paying for a short supplement to the record and filing an eighty-page supplemental
    abstract. However, we conclude that the appellant’s abstract was sufficient and in
    compliance with our abstracting rules, and that none of the material provided by the appellee
    in his supplemental abstract was necessary for our review of this appeal. Therefore, appellee’s
    motion for fees and costs is denied.
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    The majority asserts that this case is distinguishable from Stibich because the level of
    friction in Stibich exceeded the friction in this case. Law enforcement intervention, criminal
    charges, and a petition for a protective order are far from petty. The court specifically
    described the parties’ relationship as “constant turmoil.” Moreover, the majority ignores
    that the attorney ad litem recommended that the court award Joel sole legal custody, citing
    the parties’ disagreements. In her closing arguments, the ad litem noted that she had made
    a list of nineteen separate issues that Melanie and Joel could not agree on. The list included
    a range of issues from G.H.’s dyslexia accommodations to his haircut. This level of discord
    surpasses “unpleasant and undesirable conduct,” as the majority describes the parties’
    behavior, and an award of joint custody in these circumstances is diametrically opposed to
    our case law. The circuit court saw “a glimmer of hope” that the parties could improve
    their behavior, but it is not in the best interest of these children to continue to be the center
    of turmoil on the off chance that their parents will cooperate in the future when they have
    been at each other’s throats since the divorce.
    The majority also asserts that the circuit court’s division of decision-making duties
    will diminish the parties’ friction. I disagree. I fear that the majority’s decision will cause
    confusion among the bar and bench in future custody cases. At what level of noncooperation
    are parties precluded from sharing joint custody? Of greater concern is the evidence that the
    parties disagreed on accommodations for G.H.’s dyslexia, an issue that straddles the line
    between educational and medical decisions.
    Accordingly, given our precedent, the circuit court’s own recognition that the parties
    cannot cooperate, and the overwhelming evidence demonstrating their discord, I would
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    reverse the circuit court’s order of joint custody and remand the case for an award of custody
    based on its determination of the best interest of the children.
    Cullen & Co., PLLC, by: Tim J. Cullen, for appellant.
    Hoskyn Law Firm, by: Charles R. Hoskyn, for appellee.