Kathy Johnson v. Omega Insurance Company , 200 So. 3d 1207 ( 2016 )

  •           Supreme Court of Florida
    No. SC14-2124
    [September 29, 2016]
    LEWIS, J.
    This case is before the Court to review the decision of the Fifth District
    Court of Appeal in Omega Insurance Co. v. Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911
    (Fla. 5th DCA Sept. 5, 2014), which arose from a claim for insurance benefits by
    Kathy Johnson, the insured, submitted to Omega, her homeowner’s insurance
    provider. The decision is in conflict with both Universal Insurance Co. of North
    America v. Warfel, 
    82 So. 3d 47
    (Fla. 2012), and Ivey v. Allstate Insurance Co.,
    774 So. 2d 679
    , 683-84 (Fla. 2000). In conflict with our decision in Warfel, the
    court below improperly applied a presumption of correctness that is limited to an
    initial process for an investigative report during the litigation proceedings. In
    conflict with Ivey, the district court incorrectly interpreted section 627.428, Florida
    Statutes, which provides for an award of attorney’s fees when an insured recovers
    benefits from an insurer. Therefore, the two issues we address today are (1)
    consideration of whether the statutory presumption of correctness afforded to an
    insurer’s internal report during the investigation process in the sinkhole statutes
    extends to later trial proceedings, and (2) whether an insured’s recovery of
    attorney’s fees under section 627.428, Florida Statutes, requires that there be bad
    faith on the part of an insurance company in the denial of a valid claim, or simply
    an incorrect denial of benefits. We have jurisdiction. Art. V, § 3(b)(3), Fla. Const.
    We conclude that the decision below is in conflict with both Warfel and Ivey.
    Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, outlines the provision under which an
    insured may recover attorney’s fees incurred as a result of recovering on a valid
    claim for insurance benefits. See § 627.428, Fla. Stat. (2015). Today we address
    the interpretation of section 627.428, and we begin with a review of the actual text
    of the statute:
    (1) Upon the rendition of a judgment or decree by any of the
    courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any named or
    omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a policy or contract
    executed by the insurer, the trial court or, in the event of an appeal in
    which the insured or beneficiary prevails, the appellate court shall
    adjudge or decree against the insurer and in favor of the insured or
    beneficiary a reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured’s
    or beneficiary’s attorney prosecuting the suit in which the recovery is
    (3) When so awarded, compensation or fees of the attorney
    shall be included in the judgment or decree rendered in the case.
    § 627.428, Fla. Stat. (2015).1 We have consistently explained that the purpose of
    this statute is to provide an adequate means to afford a level process and make an
    already financially burdened insured whole again, and to also discourage insurance
    companies from withholding benefits on valid claims. See 
    Ivey, 774 So. 2d at 683
    84; Bell v. U.S.B. Acquisition Co., Inc., 
    734 So. 2d 403
    , 410-11 n.10 (Fla. 1999).
    This statutory provision is of significant importance to the citizens of Florida.
    Florida law also includes several statutory provisions which specifically
    address claims for sinkhole damage, commonly referred to as the “sinkhole
    statutes.” In part, the sinkhole statutes require insurers to provide policyholders
    the option of paying an additional premium for sinkhole coverage. §
    627.706(1)(b), Fla. Stat. (2015). In this context, a sinkhole is described as “a
    landform created by subsidence of soil, sediment, or rock as underlying strata are
    dissolved by groundwater.” § 627.706(2)(h), Fla. Stat. Sinkhole “activity” is
    defined as a “settlement or systematic weakening of the earth supporting the
    1. There has been no change in section 627.428, Florida Statutes, since the
    year litigation was initiated.
    covered building” resulting from “contemporaneous movement or raveling of soils,
    sediments, or rock materials into subterranean voids.” § 627.706(2)(i), Fla. Stat.
    An insurer may require an inspection of the property prior to issuing a policy
    which provides sinkhole coverage benefits. § 627.706(1)(b), Fla. Stat. Upon
    submission of a claim for sinkhole damage, a professional engineer or geologist
    selected exclusively by the insurer may examine the property to determine whether
    a sinkhole loss covered under the insurance policy exists and make
    recommendations regarding building stabilization and foundation repair. §
    627.7072, Fla. Stat. Thereafter, the engineer or geologist exclusively selected by
    the insurer tenders a report and certification to the insurer and the insured that
    outlines the analyses, any test methods, damages, and recommendations for repair.
    § 627.7073(1), Fla. Stat. During this initial claims process, these findings and
    recommendations by the insurer’s experts receive a statutory presumption of
    correctness. § 627.7073(1)(c), Fla. Stat (2015).
    If the insured disputes whether the insurance company’s report is correct, the
    sinkhole statutes also provide for a neutral evaluation procedure. § 627.7074, Fla.
    Stat. (2015). Neutral evaluation is mandatory if requested by either party, section
    627.7074(4), Fla. Stat. (2015), but the insurer bears the cost for the neutral
    evaluation. § 627.7074(6), Fla. Stat. Court proceedings are stayed pending the
    completion of any neutral evaluation. § 627.7074(10), Fla. Stat. Once the neutral
    evaluation is completed, the neutral evaluator prepares an independent report to
    address whether there was damage to the insured property caused by sinkhole
    activity, and an estimated cost for repairs. § 627.7074(12), Fla. Stat. Significantly,
    the results of the neutral, independent evaluation are not binding in any subsequent
    legal proceedings. § 627.7074(4), Fla. Stat.
    At the time of the events material to this case, Johnson was covered under a
    homeowner’s insurance policy issued by Omega, which included sinkhole
    coverage. On January 13, 2010, Johnson filed a claim with Omega to recover
    damages resulting from conditions which Johnson believed to be sinkhole activity.
    Specifically, Omega was alerted that there were cracks in the walls, as well as
    separations between the walls and ceilings of the kitchen, dinette, bathrooms,
    family room, bedrooms, foyer, windows, and garage of Johnson’s home. Cracks
    were additionally found in the closets and floorboards. The extent of the cracking
    was such that several of the doors inside the home were difficult to open. As a
    result, Johnson was forced to hire a drywall company to repair the cracks in the
    drywall and a carpenter to reset the doors. The fireplace and kitchen cabinets were
    also displaced by separation, and cracks were additionally observed on the exterior
    walls of the home and driveway. Moreover, in the utility room, a sag was
    observed along the top of the cabinet that housed Johnson’s washing machine and
    dryer. As a result, Johnson had been unable to perform routine maintenance on
    these appliances because the sag prevented these appliances from being moved.
    Omega selected and retained Rimkus Consulting Group to perform an initial
    sinkhole investigation. After performing three Standard Penetration Test borings,
    Rimkus concluded that there was no sinkhole activity present on Johnson’s
    property. Although Rimkus conceded that the property was damaged, it attributed
    the damage to causes that were not covered under the policy, such as volumetric
    changes of clay-based soil underlying the site, concrete shrinkage, and defective
    construction processes. As the insurance company’s initial report, these
    conclusions received the initial statutory presumption of correctness pursuant to
    section 627.7073(1)(c). Based on its report, Omega totally denied Johnson’s claim
    for insurance coverage.
    Upon receiving the denial of benefits from Omega to cover potentially
    hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages to her home, Johnson retained the law
    firm of Corless Barfield Trial Group. Corless Barfield in turn retained a local
    expert, Bay Area Sinkhole Investigation & Civil Engineering (BASIC), to perform
    an independent investigation, examination, and report to determine the cause of the
    damage to Johnson’s home. In its report, BASIC noted that the insurance
    company’s report was a very minimal, incomplete investigation with regard to the
    loss because it failed to perform a particle size analysis. The BASIC engineer
    opined that the exclusion of this required analysis rendered “an acceptable
    evaluation of the laboratory testing results to be questionable.” After performing a
    more extensive investigation, however, BASIC concluded that the damage to
    Johnson’s home was, in fact, due to sinkhole activity.
    Johnson also incurred the additional expert fee expense of $15,000 to retain
    BASIC. With the expenses looming larger and larger, Johnson attempted to save
    her rapidly dilapidating home and filed a legal action against Omega for breach of
    contract. In her complaint, Johnson requested the benefits to which she was
    entitled under her policy, along with the accompanying attorney’s fees under
    section 627.428. During the discovery process, Omega considered the BASIC
    report, which had found sinkhole damage on Johnson’s property. Thereafter,
    Omega continued to refuse payment and proceeded to request a neutral evaluation
    process pursuant to section 627.7074. The parties agreed to stay litigation pending
    the results of the neutral evaluation.
    Omega continued to reject the BASIC opinions and failed to pay any policy
    benefits. Instead, Omega hired WRS Consulting Engineers (WRS) to perform an
    additional evaluation. Following the WRS investigation, WRS agreed with BASIC
    that sinkhole activity was present on Johnson’s property. Based on the extensive
    damage observed, the WRS engineer recommended grouting, underpinning, and
    remediation programs to stabilize the land and home, as well as repairs to the
    foundation. The total cost of repairs was estimated to be in excess of $200,000.
    After this second adverse report, Omega finally advised Johnson that it would
    abide by the WRS evaluation report and provide payment for the damages pursuant
    to section 627.707(5)(b). Johnson was additionally advised that payment for the
    damages to her property was conditioned upon her executing a contract with a
    remediation company. In cooperation with that condition, Johnson entered into a
    contract with Foundation Services for building stabilization and foundation repairs.
    The cost of these repairs totaled $213,465.
    Following Omega’s acceptance of the WRS evaluation report and tender of
    payment to Johnson, Omega filed an Answer and Affirmative Defenses, in which
    Omega finally admitted that: (1) sinkhole damage was covered under the policy;
    (2) Johnson had applied for benefits to cover her sinkhole damage; (3) Omega had
    denied that claim; (4) sinkhole damage was, in fact, the cause of the damage; and
    (5) Johnson was therefore entitled to benefits to cover the damages. Johnson
    subsequently filed a motion for confession of judgment and a motion for attorney’s
    fees, costs, and interest, contending that Omega’s admissions amounted to a
    confession of judgment. Omega then changed its position and countered that
    Johnson had failed to provide adequate notice of the dispute, suggesting that
    Johnson was manipulating the dispute. Further, Omega asserted that Johnson was
    absolutely required to show that Omega had acted wrongfully or in bad faith to be
    eligible for any fees under section 627.428. Johnson, however, argued that the
    only facts necessary to recover fees under section 627.428 were those facts which
    were already admitted by Omega: that Johnson had properly reported sinkhole
    damage and made a claim for benefits, Omega denied the claim, and Omega
    ultimately conceded that Johnson was entitled to benefits for sinkhole damage to
    her home. In other words, Johnson’s position was that a finding of bad faith
    conduct on Omega’s part was not required as a prerequisite to entitle her to an
    award of statutory attorney’s fees.
    Before determining the motion for attorney’s fees, the trial court scheduled a
    full hearing. After hearing the parties’ arguments, the trial court rejected Omega’s
    contention that Johnson was abusing Florida law under section 627.428, and
    determined that the admissions of record constituted a confession of judgment:
    THE COURT: I can’t find that there was a race to the courthouse
    here or that there was no real dispute. Of course, there was a real
    dispute. The policyholder made a claim, the claim was denied. They
    think that their property was damaged. The insurance company hired
    somebody of their own choosing, and, based on that, they said, any
    damage you may have is excluded, and we don’t owe you a nickel.
    And it wasn’t until after suit was brought that it turned out that, yes,
    we do owe you some money, and they agreed to pay it. That amounts
    to a confession of judgment, and you didn’t have to race to the
    courthouse. There’s no indication that you were doing that.
    (Emphasis supplied.) Therefore, the trial court granted Johnson’s motion for
    confession of judgment and attorney’s fees, and thereafter entered an order for
    Omega to pay attorney’s fees, taxable costs, and prejudgment interest to continue
    to accrue at the statutory interest rate until paid in full.
    Omega subsequently sought review in the Fifth District Court of Appeal.
    From the beginning of its opinion, the district court below framed the issue before
    it with the presumption that section 627.428 requires some type of bad faith
    conduct on the part of the insurance company before fees can be awarded. See
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911. More specifically, in addressing that
    precedent has required a “wrongful” denial of benefits to recover attorney’s fees
    under section 627.428, the district court incorrectly understood “wrongful” in this
    context to mean that the insurer must have denied the valid claim in bad faith. 
    Id. The court
    rejected Johnson’s contention that bad faith conduct is not relevant to
    whether an insured is entitled to attorney’s fees under application of section
    627.428 and the confession of judgment doctrine:
    Johnson claims that it does not matter whether Omega wrongfully
    withheld the policy benefits and forced her to file suit. The simple
    facts asserted by Johnson are that Omega denied her claim, she filed
    suit, and Omega paid the policy benefits thereafter. Johnson argues
    that is all she must show to entitle her to fees under the statute. The
    trial court was persuaded by Johnson’s argument and rendered the
    order awarding fees that we now review. Analyses of section 627.428
    and the confession of judgment doctrine reveal that Omega is correct,
    not Johnson.
    Id. Relying primarily
    on State Farm Florida Insurance Co. v. Colella, 
    95 So. 3d 891
    (Fla. 2d DCA 2012), the district court reasoned that the confession of
    - 10 -
    judgment doctrine is only applicable when the insurance provider wrongfully
    forces an insured to pursue litigation to obtain proceeds. Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    Weekly D1911. The court further stated that Johnson had not rebutted the
    statutory presumption of correctness afforded to the original report performed by
    Omega’s expert, which failed to find sinkhole activity. 
    Id. Because the
    court determined that Omega did not act wrongfully or in bad faith, the court
    ultimately held that section 627.428 and the confession of judgment doctrine did
    not apply, and thus reversed the trial court’s order granting the attorney’s fees and
    cost award. 
    Id. This review
    Statutory Presumption of Correctness
    This question presents a pure question of law and is, therefore, subject to de
    novo review. See Jackson-Shaw Co. v. Jacksonville Aviation Auth., 
    8 So. 3d 1076
    , 1084-85 (Fla. 2008). The conflict between the case below and Warfel is
    generated by a misapplication of the statutory presumption of correctness afforded
    to insurer reports in the initial claims process under the sinkhole statutes, and the
    separate and independent statutory provision that provides for the award of
    attorney’s fees to insureds who recover benefits when an insurance company has
    denied benefits due to insureds. Today, we resolve this conflict by separating the
    - 11 -
    provisions that have been misapplied by the Fifth District and Respondent, Omega.
    Specifically, because we explicitly held in Warfel that the statutory presumption of
    correctness described in the sinkhole statutes does not extend to the litigation
    context, Johnson did not have the burden of separately rebutting that initial
    presumption to recover attorney’s fees under the terms of section 627.428, Florida
    Statutes, even though all subsequent expert reports refuted the initial insurance
    company report.
    In Warfel, we considered the proper application of an insurance statute in the
    sinkhole claim context. 
    See 82 So. 3d at 57
    . The plaintiff in Warfel filed an action
    for breach of contract after the insurer had denied the claim based on the report of
    the engineer selected and hired exclusively by the insurance company. 
    Id. at 50.
    Relevant here, section 627.7073(1)(c) had been amended to provide that the
    findings and recommendations made by an engineer selected and hired by an
    insurer during the initial claim investigation process are statutorily presumed
    Id. at 49-50.
    Based on this provision, and after the claim for benefits had
    proceeded into a legal action, the trial court instructed the jury that Warfel had the
    burden to overcome the statutory presumption of correctness afforded to the
    insurer’s expert report, which was also the reasoning of the court below. 
    Id. at 50-
    51. The Second District Court of Appeal reversed and remanded for new trial,
    - 12 -
    reasoning that the Legislature did not intend to create a burden-shifting
    presumption in section 627.7073(1)(c). 
    Id. at 51.
    This Court affirmed. 
    Id. at 65.
    On appeal, the issue before this Court was whether the presumption of
    correctness afforded to the insurer-engineer report during the initial claim process
    in section 627.7073(1)(c) extended to trial proceedings. See 
    id. at 51.
    There, we
    examined both the plain language and legislative history of section 627.7073(1)(c).
    With respect to the plain wording of the statute itself, this Court recognized that
    when the Legislature intends to incorporate a burden-shifting provision into a
    statute, overwhelming precedent indicates that it does so explicitly. See 
    id. at 58.
    However, no such explicit language exists in section 627.7073(1)(c). See 
    id. We thus
    concluded that to apply such a presumption absent direction in the statute
    would render section 627.7073(1)(c) unconstitutional. 
    Id. After a
    review of the
    legislative history of the statute, the Court likewise concluded that “the legislation
    is specifically designed to protect the public during the claims process,” not the
    insurance company during litigation. 
    Id. at 62
    (emphasis supplied). “If at all,” we
    explained, “the statutory plan is designed to require that insurance companies have
    expert reports in the [initial] claims process before denying a request for benefits.”
    Id. at 63
    (emphasis supplied). Ultimately, we held that the presumption of
    correctness in section 627.7073(1)(c) is specific and limited to the initial claim
    adjustment process, and should not be applied to the trial process. 
    Id. at 57-58
    - 13 -
    (“[B]ecause the sinkhole statutes do not apply to the litigation context, the trial
    court’s . . . treatment of this statute as evidentiary in nature in this case was
    Notwithstanding our explicit holding in Warfel, the Fifth District in the case
    below applied the presumption in 627.7073(1)(c) to the litigation between Johnson
    and Omega. Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911 (footnote omitted). Strangely
    enough, the Fifth District specifically acknowledged our holding in Warfel.
    Notably, however, the court below selected the following phrase from Warfel to
    support its application of the presumption: “[T]he presumption of correctness
    attached to the [professional engineer’s or geologist’s] report appears to be aimed
    at shielding the . . . insurance companies from claims of improper denials of
    Id. (quoting Warfel,
    82 So. 3d at 57). Yet, the court below failed to
    acknowledge the topic sentence of the same paragraph, where we plainly stated,
    “Nothing in section 627.7073, the statute in question here, justifies application of
    that statute to the litigation context.” 
    Warfel, 82 So. 3d at 57
    (emphasis supplied).
    Given that we explicitly declined to extend the statutory presumption of
    correctness in the sinkhole statutes to the trial process, it is clear that the court
    below acted in conflict with our decision in Warfel when it extended the
    presumption of correctness to the initial insurance company report, which was
    incorrect, during litigation and placed a burden on Johnson to further rebut it. The
    - 14 -
    court below and Omega mistakenly blur the lines between the reliance on reports
    of insurance company experts made during the initial claims process pursuant to
    the sinkhole statutes and the attorney’s fees to which insureds are entitled under
    section 627.428 when the insured prevails. Consistent with Warfel, we reiterate
    that the initial claims process in the sinkhole statutes does not supersede or justify
    an incorrect denial of benefits under section 627.428. We thus hold that the
    presumption of correctness granted to the insurer’s investigative report in section
    627.7073(1)(c) of the sinkhole statutes is only applicable to the sinkhole initial
    claims process, and does not continue to apply during the trial stage. Nor does it
    preclude an award of attorney’s fees under section 627.428 when an insured
    ultimately prevails by recovering benefits.
    Johnson’s Entitlement to Fees
    We next address the conflict between the case below and Ivey. Specifically,
    the reasoning in the case below indicates that there is confusion in the Fifth District
    as to whether a recovery of attorney’s fees under section 627.428, Florida Statutes,
    requires bad faith or malicious conduct on the part of the insurance carrier as a
    prerequisite for such an award. Because the precedent in this area of law clearly
    rejects a bad faith or maliciousness requirement and the court below relied on
    distinguishable jurisprudence, we decline to construct an additional hurdle of bad
    faith for insureds to overcome. Therefore, consistent with the opinions of this
    - 15 -
    Court and others, we make abundantly clear today that in the context of section
    627.428, a denial of benefits simply means an incorrect denial.
    Generally, the custom in American law is that each party is responsible for
    his or her own attorney’s fees, regardless of the outcome of the action. See State
    Farm Fire & Cas. Co. v. Palma, 
    629 So. 2d 830
    , 832 (Fla. 1993). An exception,
    however, arises when an agreement of the parties or a statute states otherwise. 
    Id. The Legislature
    created such a statutory provision in section 627.428, Florida
    Statutes, which allows insureds who prevail against an insurance company to
    recover attorney’s fees. § 627.428, Fla. Stat. Furthermore, it is well settled that
    the payment of a previously denied claim following the initiation of an action for
    recovery, but prior to the issuance of a final judgment, constitutes the functional
    equivalent of a confession of judgment. See, e.g., Pepper’s Steel & Alloys, Inc. v.
    850 So. 2d 462
    , 465 (Fla. 2003) (“[Section 627.428] clearly provides that
    attorneys’ fees shall be awarded against the insurer when judgment is rendered in
    favor of an insured. In Florida, the payment of a settlement claim is the functional
    equivalent of a confession of judgment or a verdict in favor of the insured.”)
    (citation omitted); 
    Ivey, 774 So. 2d at 684-85
    (“[W]here an insurer pays policy
    proceeds after suit has been filed but before judgment has been rendered, the
    payment of the claim constitutes the functional equivalent of a confession of
    judgment or verdict in favor of the insured, thereby entitling the insured to
    - 16 -
    attorney’s fees.”); Wollard v. Lloyd’s & Cos. of Lloyd’s, 
    439 So. 2d 217
    , 218 (Fla.
    1983) (“When the insurance company has agreed to settle a disputed case, it has, in
    effect, declined to defend its position in the pending suit. Thus, the payment of the
    claim is, indeed, the functional equivalent of a confession of judgment or a verdict
    in favor of the insured.”); Barreto v. United Servs. Auto. Ass’n, 
    82 So. 3d 159
    , 162
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2012) (“Here, because the insurer paid the full amounts claimed
    only after suit was filed, it essentially confessed judgment.”) (emphasis supplied);
    De Leon v. Great Am. Assur. Co., 
    78 So. 3d 585
    , 591-92 (Fla. 3d DCA 2011)
    (“[A]ny success in an action on an insurance policy, let alone the full payment of
    the asserted claim, requires an award of fees.”); Goff v. State Farm Fla. Ins. Co.,
    999 So. 2d 684
    , 688 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008) (policyholder was entitled to attorney’s
    fees because the insurer only agreed to grant benefits after the action was filed).
    Moreover, we have held that the bad faith or degree of “wrongfulness” of
    the insurance company is not relevant to a recovery of attorney’s fees under section
    627.428. See 
    Ivey, 774 So. 2d at 684
    (rejecting a bad faith requirement for section
    627.428 attorney’s fees); Ins. Co. of N. Am. v. Lexow, 
    602 So. 2d 528
    , 531 (Fla.
    1992) (“[The insurance company’s] good faith in bringing this suit is irrelevant. If
    the dispute is within the scope of section 627.428 and the insurer loses, the insurer
    is always obligated for attorney’s fees.”).
    - 17 -
    The need for fee and cost reimbursement in the realm of insurance litigation
    is deeply rooted in public policy. Namely, the Legislature recognized that it was
    essential to “level the playing field” between the economically-advantaged and
    sophisticated insurance companies and the individual citizen. 
    Ivey, 774 So. 2d at 684
    . Most assuredly, the average policyholder has neither the finances nor the
    expertise to single-handedly take on an insurance carrier. Without the funds
    necessary to compete with an insurance carrier, often a concerned policyholder’s
    only means to take protective action is to hire that expertise in the form of legal
    counsel. Counsel then have the ability and knowledge to hire an independent
    engineer or other expert to prepare a report that either confirms or denies the
    policyholder’s view of the cause of damages. For this reason, the Legislature
    recognized that an insured is not made whole when an insurer simply grants the
    previously denied benefits without fees. See 
    id. The reality
    is that once the
    benefits have been denied and the plaintiff retains counsel to dispute that denial,
    additional costs that require relief have been incurred. Section 627.428 takes these
    additional costs into consideration and levels the scales of justice for policyholders
    by providing that the insurer pay the attorney’s fees resulting from incorrectly
    denied benefits. Without this approach, we would leave the insured to foot the bill
    not only for attorney’s fees, but also for experts to overcome the denial, which
    would render insurance payments insufficient to cover the loss.
    - 18 -
    We directly addressed the issue of whether a wrongful denial of benefits in
    the context of section 627.428 encompasses a requirement of bad faith conduct in
    Ivey. The insured in Ivey applied for personal injury protection benefits after
    having been hit by a car that was insured by Allstate Insurance Company. 
    774 So. 2d
    at 681. Allstate failed to conduct a proper investigation and only covered one
    of the two injuries suffered by the insured. 
    Id. The insured
    thereafter filed an
    action seeking proper payment for the additional injury, and Allstate subsequently
    agreed to pay the proceeds. 
    Id. Because Allstate
    conceded that it had initially
    denied the benefits in error, the insured then requested attorney’s fees pursuant to
    sections 627.736 and 627.428. 
    Id. The county
    court denied the fees because,
    pursuant to section 627.736, the insurance company paid the balance within thirty
    days of learning it had denied coverage in error. 
    Id. The circuit
    court, sitting in its
    appellate capacity, reversed and granted the fees. 
    Id. However, the
    Third District
    granted certiorari and reversed the circuit court’s grant of fees to the insured
    because Allstate’s failure to pay the entire claim was due to an error in the doctor’s
    Id. Observing that
    the Third District was wrong, however, this Court accepted
    jurisdiction and addressed the burden of insureds under the provisions in section
    627.428 and the confession of judgment doctrine. There, we flatly rejected the
    notion that some type of bad faith or menacing conduct was required for an insurer
    - 19 -
    to have acted “wrongfully” under section 627.428. 
    Id. at 684.
    Rather, we clearly
    set forth that the existence of a dispute between the insurer and the policyholder
    coupled with a favorable judgment or payment without judgment for the insured is
    what justifies an award of attorney’s fees. 
    Id. In other
    words, a “wrongful” denial
    in this context means an incorrect denial, not one made in bad faith. As we said in
    Ivey, “It is the incorrect denial of benefits, not the presence of some sinister
    concept of ‘wrongfulness,’ that generates the basic entitlement to the fees if such
    denial is incorrect.” 
    Id. (emphasis supplied).
    Notwithstanding our rejection of the bad faith requirement in Ivey, the court
    below and Omega continue to assert that Omega must have acted in bad faith or
    maliciously to allow Johnson to recover fees under section 627.428. This position,
    however, ignores clear binding legal precedent to the contrary. The language in
    Ivey makes clear that the insurer’s intentions do not factor into a policyholder’s
    recovery of fees; it is the fact that the denial of benefits was ultimately incorrect
    that triggers the statute. Here, the facts are undisputed that Johnson submitted a
    claim, Omega denied that claim, Johnson filed an action seeking recovery, and
    Omega subsequently conceded that it had incorrectly denied the benefits based on
    an inaccurate report. These facts alone warrant an award of attorney’s fees to
    Johnson under section 627.428.
    - 20 -
    In avoiding our holding in Ivey, the court below primarily relies on an
    incorrect interpretation of Colella, 
    95 So. 3d 891
    , to support its conclusion that the
    confession of judgment doctrine should not be applied in this situation.
    Specifically, the court below and Omega place tremendous weight on the Colella
    court’s statement, “we are inclined to believe that ‘compliance with the sinkhole
    statute’ goes a long way toward fulfilling State Farm’s obligations under its
    contract.” See Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911 (quoting 
    Colella, 95 So. 3d at 895
    ). In simpler terms, Omega clings to that language and asks us to hold that
    Omega is sheltered from liability for attorney’s fees simply because it performed
    the minimum investigation required by law before erroneously denying Johnson’s
    claim—despite the fact that subsequent reports confirmed that Omega was wrong
    in denying the proceeds. However, this holding would not be justified under this
    Court’s prior rulings, or Colella for that matter. The insurance company controls
    the selection and hiring of its experts.
    While the initial facts of Colella may appear similar to those in the current
    case, a full picture of the events that occurred in Colella separate the case from
    Johnson’s situation here. As in this case, Colella also involved an insured who
    made a claim for sinkhole 
    damages. 95 So. 3d at 892
    . The insured was notified by
    letter that her claim was denied because the investigation performed by the
    insurer’s engineer indicated that sinkhole damage was not present. 
    Id. The insured
    - 21 -
    did not reply to the letter, and subsequently filed an action. 
    Id. at 893.
    similarities, however, end there. Unlike the instant case, Colella was wrought with
    indications of foul play by the insured. To begin with, Colella filed a civil remedy
    notice with multiple allegations, but could not explain or describe the practices and
    procedures that the insurer failed to perform. 
    Id. at 893.
    Over Collela’s
    objections, State Farm successfully sought a stay of proceedings pending the
    outcome of a neutral evaluation. 
    Id. Colella’s counsel
    refused to cooperate with
    the neutral evaluator, which rendered the neutral evaluator unable to access the
    inside of Colella’s home. 
    Id. at 893-94.
    Based on the neutral evaluator’s limited
    ability to investigate, he ultimately recommended that a third party be retained to
    perform additional testing. 
    Id. at 894.
    Rather than hire the additional engineer,
    State Farm decided to simply pay the insurance proceeds to Colella and sent her a
    letter conceding her entitlement to benefits. 
    Id. At that
    point, the district court
    noted that State Farm likely paid the claim to cut its losses and avoid the additional
    cost and expense of litigating a case with an uncooperative insured. See 
    id. The questionable
    conduct by the insured did not end there. Following State
    Farm’s payment of the claim, Colella moved for partial summary judgment,
    contending that the payment of the proceeds and the letter conceding her
    entitlement to those benefits constituted a confession of judgment. 
    Id. She further
    alleged a claim under section 626.9541(1), Florida Statutes (2006), or Florida’s
    - 22 -
    Unfair Insurance Trade Practice Act, in which wrongfulness or bad faith is an
    Id. In addition,
    Colella alleged that State Farm acted in “bad faith” as
    defined in section 624.11, Florida Statutes (2006). 
    Id. Under these
    counts, Colella
    made several unfounded accusations against State Farm, including that it issued
    unusable checks, conspired with the first engineer to certify a false report, and
    improperly sought a neutral evaluation. 
    Id. Moreover, in
    spite of her allegation
    that State Farm refused to pay her damages, the record revealed that State Farm
    had in fact offered to pay Colella’s attorneys fees and costs prior to the filing of the
    amended complaint. 
    Id. at 896.
    Ultimately, the district court concluded that
    Colella’s complaint offered many legal conclusions with little to no factual detail
    to support them, and thus held there was no breach of contract under these facts.
    Id. Although the
    Colella court expressed that it considered the insurer’s
    compliance with the sinkhole statutes, the full context of the opinion reveals that
    the court’s primary concern was with the questionable actions of the insured, not
    the insurer. Specifically, the district court’s repeated usage of the phrases “under
    the undisputed facts of this case” and “in this context” to qualify its reasoning
    indicated that the court was disturbed by the particular facts related to the insured
    in that case. Indeed, implicit throughout Colella is a concern with allowing an
    insured who litigates in bad faith to profit from a technicality. However, there is
    - 23 -
    nothing in Colella to imply that an outcome in favor of the insurance company
    should apply beyond those facts. We make no such assumption today.
    Contrary to the understanding of the court below and Omega, Colella does
    not support a requirement of bad faith or malicious conduct under section 627.428.
    The manipulation and foul play by the insured evinced in Colella is simply not
    present in the case below.
    Unlike Colella, Johnson did nothing to indicate that she was acting
    improperly or in bad faith. In fact, were it not for Johnson’s action in obtaining an
    independent evaluator, she would have been denied hundreds of thousands of
    dollars in benefits due to an apparently inadequate and incorrect investigation
    performed by and on behalf of Omega. If anything, Johnson was the one who
    made steps to correct a wrongful situation. All inspectors here, including an
    independent expert, had the full cooperation of Johnson and not only performed a
    full investigation, but admittedly performed a more thorough investigation than
    that originally performed by the insurance company’s expert. Johnson did not
    present her dispute with frivolous claims; she proceeded with cold, hard facts. We
    therefore cannot endorse the Fifth District’s reasoning that the outcome in Colella
    is justified in the case at hand.
    The court below similarly relies upon several cases in attempt to support its
    assertion that the “wrongful” denial of a claim required by section 627.428 must be
    - 24 -
    accompanied by the insurer’s bad faith; yet, a review of the facts of these cases
    also indicate that it was the policyholder’s misleading conduct—not the
    insurer’s—that was relevant to an award of attorney’s fees. See State Farm Fla.
    Ins. Co. v. Lorenzo, 
    969 So. 2d 393
    , 398 (Fla. 5th DCA 2007); Liberty Nat. Life
    Ins. Co. v. Bailey ex rel. Bailey, 
    944 So. 2d 1028
    , 1029-30 (Fla. 2d DCA 2006);
    Gov’t Emps. Ins. Co. v. Battaglia, 
    503 So. 2d 358
    , 360-61 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987).
    As we have discussed, the overwhelming case law on the subject dictates
    that both Omega and the court below were incorrect on the question of attorney’s
    fees. Once an insurer has incorrectly denied benefits and the policyholder files an
    action in dispute of that denial, the insurer cannot then abandon its position without
    repercussion. To allow the insurer to backtrack after the legal action has been filed
    without consequence would “essentially eliminate the insurer’s burden of
    investigating a claim.” 
    Ivey, 774 So. 2d at 684
    . We therefore disagree with the
    hypothetical reasoning in Clifton v. United Casualty Insurance Co. of America, 
    31 So. 3d 826
    (Fla. 2d DCA 2010), and disapprove of the suggestion that section
    627.428 requires a finding of bad faith on the part of the insurance company. 2
    2. Since the issuance of the decision below, the Fifth District has similarly
    denied attorney’s fees to a claimant who was originally denied coverage by his
    insurer, but received benefits after filing suit. Explorer Ins. Co. v. Cajusma, et. al.,
    No. 5D14-2608, 
    2015 WL 6757612
    (Fla. 5th DCA Nov. 6, 2015). Like the
    decision below, the denial in Cajusma contradicts well-established insurance
    - 25 -
    In sum, the law is clear. Section 627.428 provides that an incorrect denial of
    benefits, followed by a judgment or its equivalent of payment in favor of the
    insured, is sufficient for an insured to recover attorney’s fees. Extensive case law
    further provides that an insurer’s concession that the insured was entitled to
    benefits after a legal action has been initiated is the functional equivalent of a
    confession of judgment. Here, it is undisputed that Omega did not admit its error
    in denying benefits until after Johnson filed the action. Thus, there is no question
    that Johnson is entitled to attorney’s fees in this situation.
    We cannot, as the court below held and Omega requests here, discourage
    insureds from seeking to correct the incorrect denials of valid claims and allow
    insurers to deny benefits to which insureds are entitled without ramifications.
    Johnson proceeded with the only action that a non-expert claimant in conflict with
    a major insurance company could take: she retained counsel and thus obtained
    access to an independent expert. After performing a more thorough investigation
    than that of the insurance carrier, the independent expert did find sinkhole damage
    and confirmed that Johnson was right. These findings led to the hiring of a neutral
    evaluator, who also performed a more thorough investigation than Omega’s initial
    evaluator, and ultimately confirmed that Johnson’s claim for sinkhole damage was
    jurisprudence, and we thus disapprove of it to the extent that it conflicts with this
    - 26 -
    incorrectly denied. We will not punish Johnson for actively seeking a solution to
    the immense financial burden placed on her and the very real property damage to
    her home. Thus, consistent with our decision in Ivey, we hold that a recovery for
    attorney’s fees under section 627.428 requires an incorrect denial of benefits by the
    insurance company, not a bad faith denial.
    In light of the express and direct conflict between the decision below and our
    decisions in Warfel and Ivey, we quash the decision below and remand to the trial
    court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    It is so ordered.
    LABARGA, C.J., and PARIENTE, QUINCE, and PERRY, JJ., concur.
    POLSTON, J., concurs in result.
    CANADY, J., dissents with an opinion.
    CANADY, J., dissenting.
    Because I conclude that the decision of the Fifth District in Omega
    Insurance Co. v. Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911 (Fla. 5th DCA Sept. 5, 2014),
    does not expressly and directly conflict with the decisions of this Court in
    Universal Insurance Co. of North America v. Warfel, 
    82 So. 3d 47
    (Fla. 2012), or
    Ivey v. Allstate Insurance Co., 
    774 So. 2d 679
    (Fla. 2000), I would dismiss this
    - 27 -
    case for lack of jurisdiction under article V, section 3(b)(3) of the Florida
    Johnson and Warfel both deal with the same statutory presumption, but they
    address the application of that presumption in different contexts. In Johnson, the
    Fifth District addressed “whether Omega wrongfully withheld policy benefits to its
    insured, Kathy Johnson, after she filed a claim for sinkhole damage under the
    policy Omega issued to her, thereby forcing her to file suit to collect her policy
    benefits.” Johnson, 
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911. The Fifth District considered
    Omega’s actions under the detailed statutory process for investigating and
    obtaining a neutral evaluation of sinkhole claims. The court held that the statutory
    presumption of correctness in section 627.7073(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2009),
    applied in circumstances that occurred before any trial proceedings were
    conducted, and held that “application of the confession of judgment doctrine as a
    basis to award fees under section 627.428 was error.” 
    Id. The court
    recognized that “[t]his presumption is not an evidentiary presumption, but a pre-
    trial ‘vanishing’ presumption requiring the production of some countervailing
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Warfel—in contrast to Johnson—considered the insurer’s assertion of the
    statutory presumption at trial. We held in Warfel that “because the sinkhole
    statutes do not apply to the litigation context, the trial court’s application of section
    - 28 -
    90.304 to section 627.7073(1)(c) and the treatment of this statute as evidentiary in
    nature in this case was incorrect.” 
    Warfel, 82 So. 3d at 57
    -58. We further stated
    that “[t]he presumption applies to the initial claim process and investigation that
    insurance companies are required to follow in accepting or denying claims.” 
    Id. at 58.
    Warfel thus concluded that the statutory presumption does not apply at trial,
    but Johnson did not apply the presumption in the context of trial proceedings.
    Rather, in determining whether Omega’s conduct forced Johnson to file suit,
    Johnson applied the presumption to “the initial claim process and investigation,”
    which Warfel expressly recognized is the proper context for application of the
    presumption. Warfel does not suggest that the statutory neutral evaluation process
    is excluded from the pre-litigation context in which the presumption is applicable.
    Nothing in Warfel addresses the application of the confession of judgment doctrine
    as a basis to award fees under section 627.428. And both cases are in agreement
    that the presumption is not an evidentiary presumption. Warfel thus provides no
    basis for the Court to exercise conflict jurisdiction over Johnson.
    Nor does Johnson expressly and directly conflict with Ivey. The two cases
    deal with dissimilar statutory schemes. As explained previously, Johnson
    addressed whether Omega wrongfully withheld sinkhole policy benefits due to
    Johnson and thereby forced her to file suit to collect her policy benefits, and the
    - 29 -
    Fifth District held that application of the confession of judgment doctrine as a basis
    to award fees under section 627.428 was error in the context of the statutory
    process established for the investigation and neutral evaluation of sinkhole claims.
    39 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1911.
    In contrast, this Court in Ivey addressed the insurer’s burden of investigating
    and paying a claim under the requirements of Florida’s no-fault insurance
    scheme—specifically, the requirement to pay benefits within thirty days after
    receipt of notice of the claim—in conjunction with section 627.428. Ivey, 
    774 So. 2d
    at 684. We held that
    under PIP law, the focus is outcome-oriented. If a dispute arises
    between an insurer and an insured, and judgment is entered in favor of
    the insured, he or she is entitled to attorney’s fees. It is the incorrect
    denial of benefits, not the presence of some sinister concept of
    “wrongfulness,” that generates the basic entitlement to the fees if such
    denial is incorrect.
    Id. Ivey concluded
    that the “wrongfulness” of an insurer’s denial of a PIP claim is
    irrelevant when determining whether an insured is entitled to attorney’s fees under
    section 627.428. 
    Id. In contrast,
    Johnson concluded that in the context of the
    specific statutory process established for the investigation and neutral evaluation of
    sinkhole claims that the wrongfulness or unreasonableness of an insurer’s denial of
    a sinkhole claim is relevant when determining whether an insured is entitled to
    attorney’s fees under section 627.428. Although Ivey held that the insurer’s
    “payment after suit was filed operates as a confession of judgment,” nothing in
    - 30 -
    Ivey suggests that its holding should be extended beyond the context of the PIP
    Id. at 684.
    There is no express and direct conflict with Johnson.
    This Court lacks jurisdiction under the Florida Constitution to review
    Johnson. Accordingly, I dissent.
    Application for Review of the Decision of the District Court of Appeal - Direct
    Conflict of Decisions
    Fifth District - Case No. 5D13-1701
    (Marion County)
    Timothy Wayne Weber and Joseph Patrick Kenny of Weber, Crabb & Wein, P.A.,
    Saint Petersburg, Florida; and Morgan Barfield of Corless Barfield Trial Group,
    Tampa, Florida,
    for Petitioner
    Anthony John Russo and Ezequiel Lugo of Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP,
    Tampa, Florida,
    for Respondent
    - 31 -