LaChance v. Commissioner of Correction , 475 Mass. 757 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Essex.    March 10, 2016. - October 21, 2016.
    Present:     Gants, C.J., Spina, Cordy, Botsford, Duffly, Lenk, &
    Hines, JJ.2
    Civil Rights, Attorney's fees.    Practice, Civil, Attorney's
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    June 20, 2006.
    Following review by this court, 
    463 Mass. 767
     (2012), a
    motion for attorney's fees was heard by Robert A. Cornetta, J.,
    and a motion for reconsideration was considered by him.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    William D. Saltzman for the defendants.
    James R. Pingeon for the plaintiff.
    Additional defendants, sued in their individual or
    official capacities, or both, include the superintendent, the
    deputy superintendent for classification, and the former
    assistant director of classification at Souza-Baranowski
    Correctional Center (SBCC).
    Justices Spina, Cordy, and Duffly participated in the
    deliberation on this case prior to their retirements.
    GANTS, C.J.    This appeal concerns an award of attorney's
    fees under the Federal Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of
    42 U.S.C. § 1988
    (b), in a civil rights action brought by a
    Massachusetts prison inmate, Edmund LaChance.    LaChance claimed
    that the defendants violated his constitutional due process
    rights by holding him in essentially solitary confinement in a
    special management unit (SMU) for ten months, without a hearing,
    while waiting to transfer or reclassify him.    That litigation
    eventually resulted in our decision in LaChance v. Commissioner
    of Correction, 
    463 Mass. 767
     (2012) (LaChance I), where we
    announced "for the first time that segregated confinement on
    awaiting action status for longer than ninety days gives rise to
    a liberty interest entitling an inmate to notice and a hearing,"
    and a written posthearing decision.   
    Id. at 778
    .   See 
    id. at 776-777
    .   On remand, a Superior Court judge entered declaratory
    judgment in favor of LaChance and awarded him $28,578.69 in
    attorney's fees and costs under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1988
    (b).    The
    defendants are challenging that award in this appeal.
    The principal issue before us is whether LaChance qualified
    for an award of fees as a "prevailing party" under § 1988(b),
    even though he had already been discharged in 2006 from the SMU
    detention that was the subject of his suit, long before he won
    any relief in his favor.   The defendants argue that, in these
    circumstances, LaChance was not a prevailing party because the
    declaratory judgment he ultimately won was moot, and did not
    directly benefit him or materially alter his relationship with
    the defendants, at the time it was entered.     We conclude,
    however, that LaChance does qualify as a prevailing party in the
    circumstances of this case, where the record demonstrates that
    (1) the declaratory judgment he obtained was not moot when
    entered, because it concerned a deprivation of civil rights of
    short duration that was capable of repetition against LaChance;
    and (2) LaChance directly benefited from that judgment at the
    time it was entered.     We also reject the defendants' contention
    that the judge's award of fees to LaChance was unreasonable.
    Accordingly, we affirm the judge's award of attorney's fees and
    costs to LaChance.
    Background.      We briefly summarize the facts that gave rise
    to this litigation, which are detailed in LaChance I, 463 Mass.
    at 769-773.   LaChance has been in the custody of the Department
    of Correction (DOC) from the inception of this litigation
    through at least the submission of his brief on appeal.       During
    most of this time, he was an inmate at Souza-Baranowski
    Correctional Center (SBCC), a maximum security prison in
    Shirley.   In December, 2005, he was assigned to SBCC's SMU for
    fourteen days as a sanction for throwing a cup of pudding at
    another inmate and later threatening to harm him.     After
    completing this disciplinary detention, however, he continued to
    be held in the SMU for another ten months, from January to
    November, 2006, on "awaiting action" status pending his
    reclassification or transfer to another facility.3   LaChance did
    not leave the SMU and return to his previous placement until the
    other inmate involved in the altercation had been moved out of
    it.   During his ten-month detention in the SMU, LaChance was in
    solitary confinement for all but a few hours per week.    He was
    shackled whenever he left his cell; allowed only one hour of
    recreation per day, five days per week, in an unsheltered,
    outdoor cage; barred from educational, religious, vocational,
    and rehabilitative programming available to other inmates; and
    permitted only very limited visitation and library privileges.
    Although a prison official informally reviewed LaChance's status
    on a weekly basis and gave him written reports of the reviews,
    he was not given a hearing.
    In an amended complaint filed in Superior Court in May,
    2008, LaChance asserted claims under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     and G. L.
    c. 12, § 11I, alleging that the conditions of his SMU detention
    In LaChance v. Commissioner of Correction, 
    463 Mass. 767
    769 n.5 (2012) (LaChance I), we noted that, although "awaiting
    action" was not defined in Department of Correction (DOC)
    regulations pertaining to detention in a special management unit
    (SMU), the phrase was used in other contexts, generally
    referring to confinement pending investigation or a final
    placement or transfer decision. See 103 Code Mass. Regs.
    § 421.06 (1994); 103 Code Mass. Regs. § 430.21(1) (2006).
    were at least as harsh as those in a departmental segregation
    unit (DSU), but he was denied the right to a hearing guaranteed
    in DOC regulations governing DSU confinement.   See 103 Code
    Mass. Regs. §§ 421.00 (1994).   He requested compensatory and
    punitive damages, a declaration that the defendants' actions
    were unlawful, and an award of costs including reasonable
    attorney's fees.
    On April 6, 2010, a judge granted LaChance's motion for
    partial summary judgment on his claims for declaratory relief.
    Citing our decision in Haverty v. Commissioner of Correction,
    437 Mass. 737
     (2002), the judge concluded that LaChance's
    confinement in the SMU was substantially similar to confinement
    in a DSU, and that the defendants violated his constitutional
    due process rights by failing to provide him with the same
    procedural protections afforded by the DSU regulations.
    In the same order, the judge allowed in part and denied in
    part the defendants' cross motion for summary judgment.     The
    judge granted summary judgment in favor of all defendants on
    LaChance's claim under the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, G. L.
    c. 12, §§ 11H and 11I, on the ground that LaChance had offered
    no evidence that the defendants had employed threats,
    intimidation, or coercion, a necessary element of that claim.
    See Layne v. Superintendent, Mass. Correctional Inst., Cedar
    406 Mass. 156
    , 158 (1989).   The judge also granted
    summary judgment in favor of two defendants on LaChance's claims
    for money damages against them in their official capacities
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , because money damages against State
    officials are available only if they are sued in their
    individual capacities.   See Will v. Michigan Dep't of State
    491 U.S. 58
    , 71 (1989); O'Malley v. Sheriff of Worcester
    415 Mass. 132
    , 140-141 (1993).   The judge denied the
    defendants' summary judgment motion, however, insofar as they
    argued that they could not be sued in their individual
    capacities because they enjoyed qualified immunity as government
    officials.   He reasoned that after this court's decision in
    Haverty, supra, it should have been clear to the defendants that
    the conditions of LaChance's SMU confinement were substantially
    similar to those in a DSU and that LaChance was therefore
    entitled to the same procedural protections.   The judge
    concluded that the defense of qualified immunity would therefore
    be unavailable to the defendants if they directly participated
    in this violation of LaChance's clearly established rights.     See
    415 Mass. at 142
     (plaintiffs can overcome government
    officials' qualified immunity defense by showing that defendants
    directly participated in violating plaintiffs' clearly
    established rights).
    The defendants sought interlocutory appeal under the
    doctrine of present execution from the judge's ruling on
    qualified immunity,4 and we transferred the case on our own
    motion.   We held that the defendants were entitled to qualified
    immunity and directed the Superior Court to enter summary
    judgment in their favor as to the damages claims against the
    individual defendants under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    .   We noted,
    "[g]overnment officials performing discretionary functions . . .
    generally are shielded from liability for civil damages insofar
    as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory
    or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have
    known."   LaChance I, 463 Mass. at 777, quoting Rodriques v.
    410 Mass. 878
    , 882 (1991).   We concluded that it would
    not have been clear to reasonable officers that their behavior
    violated LaChance's due process rights, because "neither State
    nor Federal law ha[d] clearly articulated the outer limit of
    what constitutes 'reasonable' segregated confinement on awaiting
    action status without the safeguards of procedural due process."
    LaChance I, supra at 778.
    "The doctrine of present execution is a limited exception
    to the finality rule. It permits the immediate appeal from an
    interlocutory order if the order will interfere with rights in a
    way that cannot be remedied on appeal from a final judgment."
    Kent v. Commonwealth, 
    437 Mass. 312
    , 315 n.6 (2002). Where a
    public official asserts immunity from suit as a defense, a
    ruling allowing the suit to proceed may be appropriate for
    appeal under the doctrine of present execution because otherwise
    the benefits of immunity would be irrevocably lost. See Breault
    v. Chairman of the Bd. of Fire Comm'rs of Springfield, 
    401 Mass. 26
    , 31 (1987), cert. denied, 
    485 Mass. 906
    We then clearly articulated the outer limit of what Federal
    due process requires for reasonable segregated confinement on
    awaiting action status.5   We declared that, given the
    restrictions imposed on LaChance in the SMU, his ten-month
    detention on awaiting action status was not reasonable and gave
    rise to a liberty interest that was entitled to the protection
    of due process.   LaChance I, 463 Mass. at 775-776.   We further
    held that the procedures followed by the DOC were insufficient
    to safeguard that interest.   We concluded that "an inmate
    confined to administrative segregation on awaiting action
    status, whether such confinement occurs in an area designated as
    an SMU, a DSU, or otherwise, is entitled, as a matter of due
    process, to notice of the basis on which he is so detained; a
    hearing at which he may contest the asserted rationale for his
    confinement; and a posthearing written notice explaining the
    reviewing authority's classification decision."   Id. at 776-777.
    We left it to the DOC to promulgate appropriate regulations,
    balancing the inmate's interest in challenging potentially
    arbitrary detention with prison officials' interest in securing
    reclassification or transfer of inmates.   But we concluded that
    In considering the defendants' appeal in LaChance I, "it
    was necessary to focus on LaChance's Federal due process claims
    because LaChance would be entitled to damages under his § 1983
    claims only if the defendants knowingly violated LaChance's
    rights under the United States Constitution." Cantell v.
    Commissioner of Correction, 475 Mass.    ,     (2016).
    "in no circumstances may an inmate be held in segregated
    confinement on awaiting action status for longer than ninety
    days without a hearing."   Id. at 777.
    Upon remand, a different judge6 issued an order for entry of
    a final judgment in favor of LaChance, declaring that the
    defendants had violated LaChance's constitutional due process
    rights by failing to provide him with the procedural protections
    that we announced in LaChance I.   The judge allowed the
    defendants' motion for summary judgment as to all of LaChance's
    remaining claims.   Final judgment was entered in accord with
    this order on August 21, 2013.
    LaChance subsequently requested an award of $56,504.59 in
    attorney's fees and $392.69 in costs under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1988
    Mass. R. Civ. P. 54, as amended, 
    382 Mass. 829
     (1981).     The
    judge who had entered judgment in favor of LaChance concluded
    that LaChance was a "prevailing party" and therefore entitled to
    reasonable attorney's fees under § 1988, even though he had not
    prevailed on his claims for money damages and no injunction had
    entered.   The judge held that LaChance "clearly prevailed in
    proving his constitutional claim" and "won a significant victory
    for himself as well as any other inmate that could possibly be
    held in segregated confinement" because, as a result of his
    The judge who had decided the summary judgment motions had
    litigation, "the DOC is not permitted to hold an inmate in
    segregated confinement for longer than ninety days without
    providing procedural protections."   The judge also concluded
    that the significance of this victory was not affected by the
    issuance of a declaratory judgment rather than an injunction
    because "the courts rely on public officials to comply with the
    law as judicially defined and thus, injunctive orders are
    redundant."   In determining the amount of the award, the judge
    first calculated the total amount of attorney's fees under the
    traditional "lodestar" formula,7 and then reduced this amount
    ($56,372) by fifty per cent to $28,186 "due to the discrepancy
    between the claims brought and the claims won."   With the
    addition of $392.69 in costs, the judge ordered a total award of
    The defendants asked the judge to reconsider this award in
    light of a decision by the United States Court of Appeals for
    the First Circuit, Ford v. Bender, 
    768 F.3d 15
     (1st Cir. 2014),
    that issued five days after the award was entered.   In Ford, the
    court held that, where a pretrial detainee in a civil rights
    action obtained declaratory relief regarding his pretrial
    disciplinary segregated confinement that was moot when judgment
    entered because the plaintiff was no longer a pretrial detainee,
    The "lodestar" figure is derived by multiplying hours
    reasonably spent by a reasonable hourly rate. See Stratos v.
    Department of Pub. Welfare, 
    387 Mass. 312
    , 322 (1982).
    the plaintiff was not a prevailing party, and therefore not
    entitled to attorney's fees and costs under § 1988.     Id. at 31.
    The defendants argued that LaChance was similarly not a
    prevailing party because he had been discharged from the SMU
    before the declaratory relief was entered, so his declaratory
    judgment was moot.
    The judge denied the defendants' motion for reconsideration
    on the ground that mootness was not a new issue and could have
    been raised earlier by the defendants.    The judge further held
    that, even assuming that the Ford decision changed the governing
    law, that change was not a sufficiently extraordinary
    circumstance to justify reopening a final judgment under Mass.
    R. Civ. P. 60 (b), 
    365 Mass. 828
     (1974).8    The defendants
    appealed the award of attorney's fees, and we transferred the
    case on our own motion.
    Discussion.     Title 
    42 U.S.C. § 1988
    (b) provides that in an
    action to enforce certain Federal civil rights statutes,
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , "the court, in its discretion, may
    allow the prevailing party . . . a reasonable attorney's fee as
    part of the costs."    Section 1988 thus creates an exception to
    the "American Rule" that litigants must ordinarily bear their
    The court reviewed the defendants' motion for
    reconsideration under Mass. R. Civ. P. 60 (b), rather than Mass.
    R. Civ. P. 59 (e), 
    365 Mass. 827
     (1974), because it was filed
    more than ten days after entry of the award of fees.
    own attorney's fees and expenses.   By authorizing awards of fees
    to prevailing plaintiffs in civil rights actions, the statute
    serves "to encourage suits that are not likely to pay for
    themselves, but are nevertheless desirable because they
    vindicate important rights."   Stratos v. Department of Pub.
    387 Mass. 312
    , 323 (1982).   It "promote[s] civil rights
    enforcement and . . . deter[s] civil rights violators, by
    encouraging private lawsuits aimed against civil rights abuses."
    Kadlick v. Department of Mental Health, 
    431 Mass. 850
    , 852
    "Congress enacted § 1988 specifically because it found that
    the private market for legal services failed to provide many
    victims of civil rights violations with effective access to the
    judicial process. . . .   These victims ordinarily cannot afford
    to purchase legal services at the rates set by the private
    market."   Riverside v. Rivera, 
    477 U.S. 561
    , 576 (1986)
    (plurality opinion), citing H.R. Rep. No. 94-1558, at 1, 3; S.
    Rep. No. 94-1011, at 2.   "[Fee] awards have proved an essential
    remedy if private citizens are to have a meaningful opportunity
    to vindicate the important Congressional policies which these
    laws contain. . . .   If private citizens are to be able to
    assert their civil rights, and if those who violate the Nation's
    fundamental laws are not to proceed with impunity, then citizens
    must have the opportunity to recover what it costs them to
    vindicate these rights in court."    Riverside, supra at 577-578,
    quoting S. Rep. No. 94-1011, at 2.
    Congress also recognized that a successful civil rights
    plaintiff acts "not for himself alone but also as a 'private
    attorney general,' vindicating a policy that Congress considered
    of the highest importance."     Riverside, 
    supra at 575
    , quoting
    H.R. Rep. No. 94-1558, at 2.    Thus, in enacting § 1988, Congress
    also "meant to promote" a "'private attorney general' role" for
    plaintiffs in enforcing the civil rights laws.     Texas State
    Teachers Ass'n v. Garland Indep. Sch. Dist., 
    489 U.S. 782
    , 793
    In this appeal, the defendants have challenged the judge's
    award of fees on two grounds.    First, they assert that the judge
    erred in concluding that LaChance is a prevailing party.
    Second, they contend that the award of fees is excessive.        We
    address each issue in turn.
    1.    Prevailing party.   Whether LaChance is a "prevailing
    party" is an issue of law that we consider de novo.     See Newell
    v. Department of Mental Retardation, 
    446 Mass. 286
    , 298, cert.
    549 U.S. 823
     (2006).    In general, under § 1988,
    "plaintiffs may be considered 'prevailing parties' for
    attorney's fees purposes if they succeed on any significant
    issue in litigation which achieves some of the benefit the
    parties sought in bringing suit."    Farrar v. Hobby, 
    506 U.S. 14
    103, 109 (1992), quoting Hensley v. Eckerhart, 
    461 U.S. 424
    , 433
    (1983).   Following Farrar, we have held that to qualify for an
    award of fees as a "prevailing party" under § 1988, first, a
    civil rights plaintiff "must obtain at least some relief on the
    merits of his claim"; second, the "plaintiff must obtain an
    enforceable judgment against the defendant from whom fees are
    sought"; and third, "[w]hatever relief the plaintiff secures
    must directly benefit him at the time of the judgment or
    settlement."   Mendoza v. Licensing Bd. of Fall River, 
    444 Mass. 188
    , 210 (2005), quoting Farrar, supra at 111.   We have further
    said that "for a party to be considered a 'prevailing party'
    under Federal fee-shifting statutes there must be a 'material
    alteration of the legal relationship of the parties,' . . . and
    there must be a 'judicial imprimatur on the change.'"   Newell,
    supra at 297-298, quoting Buckhannon Bd. & Care Home, Inc. v.
    West Virginia Dep't of Health & Human Resources, 
    532 U.S. 598
    604, 605 (2001).   See T & D Video, Inc. v. Revere, 
    450 Mass. 107
    , 108 (2007), quoting Buckhannon, 
    supra at 605
    "prevailing party" as "one who obtains a 'judicially sanctioned
    change in the legal relationship of the parties'").
    Here, the defendants acknowledge that a declaratory
    judgment in favor of a plaintiff, like that won by LaChance,
    will usually suffice to establish that the plaintiff is a
    "prevailing party" under § 1988. See Lefemine v. Wideman, 133 S.
    Ct. 9, 11 (2012).   They also acknowledge that, where the
    declaratory judgment is directed to public officials, an
    injunctive order is not necessary to create an enforceable
    judgment and confer prevailing party status on a plaintiff,
    because Massachusetts courts "assume that public officials will
    comply with the law declared by a court and that consequently
    injunctive orders are generally unnecessary."   Massachusetts
    Coalition for the Homeless v. Secretary of Human Servs., 
    400 Mass. 806
    , 825 (1987).
    The defendants contend, however, that LaChance did not
    qualify as a "prevailing party" because he was discharged from
    the SMU in November, 2006, so the declaratory judgment he won
    (1) was moot when entered,9 and (2) did not directly benefit
    LaChance or materially alter his legal relationship with the
    defendants.   We conclude that the declaratory judgment was not
    moot when entered, and that it both directly benefited   LaChance
    and materially altered his legal relationship with the
    As noted above, the Superior Court judge declined to
    address the defendants' mootness argument on the merits when he
    denied their motion for reconsideration because, in his view,
    the defendants should have raised the issue previously but
    failed to do so. In fact, however, the defendants presented the
    mootness argument in their opposition to LaChance's motion for
    attorney's fees. Moreover, as LaChance concedes, the defendants
    raised mootness in moving to dismiss his complaint and in
    opposing his motion for partial summary judgment. We address
    the issue in light of those facts and because the question of
    mootness implicates the justiciability of the underlying case.
    defendants, and therefore LaChance was correctly determined to
    be a "prevailing party" under § 1988.
    The concept of mootness, as applied in the Federal courts,
    derives from the case or controversy requirement of art. III,
    § 2, cl. 1, of the United States Constitution.    Under art. III,
    the subject matter jurisdiction of the Federal courts is limited
    to "cases" and "controversies."   See Campbell-Ewald Co. v.
    136 S. Ct. 663
    , 669 (2016).   To meet this jurisdictional
    requirement, there must be an "actual controversy" between the
    parties at all stages of the case.   See id.; Hollingsworth v.
    133 S. Ct. 2652
    , 2661 (2013) ("Article III demands that
    an 'actual controversy' persist throughout all stages of
    litigation").   An actual controversy exists only when the
    parties have a "personal stake" in the outcome.   See Genesis
    Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk, 
    133 S. Ct. 1523
    , 1528 (2013);
    Camreta v. Greene, 
    563 U.S. 692
    , 702 (2011) ("So long as the
    litigants possess [a] personal stake . . . , an appeal presents
    a case or controversy . . .").    This personal stake "requirement
    ensures that the Federal Judiciary confines itself to its
    constitutionally limited role of adjudicating actual and
    concrete disputes, the resolutions of which have direct
    consequences on the parties involved."    Genesis Healthcare
    supra at 1528
    .   If a plaintiff's circumstances change
    such that he or she no longer has a personal stake in the
    outcome of the case, the case becomes moot; there is no longer
    an actual controversy as required for Federal court
    jurisdiction, and the case must be dismissed.   See 
     ("If an
    intervening circumstance deprives the plaintiff of a 'personal
    stake in the outcome of the lawsuit,' at any point during
    litigation, the action can no longer proceed and must be
    dismissed as moot" [citation omitted]); Already, LLC v. Nike,
    133 S. Ct. 721
    , 726-727 (2013), quoting Murphy v. Hunt,
    455 U.S. 478
    , 481 (1982) ("A case becomes moot -- and therefore
    no longer a 'Case' or 'Controversy' for purposes of Article III
    -- 'when the issues presented are no longer "live" or the
    parties lack a legally cognizable interest in the outcome'").
    Plaintiffs cannot ordinarily "prevail" under § 1988 where
    the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to enter relief in
    their favor because the case has become moot.   In Rhodes v.
    488 U.S. 1
     (1988), one of the principal cases cited by
    the defendants, the United States Supreme Court held that two
    plaintiff inmates were not entitled to attorney's fees as
    prevailing parties under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1988
    , even though they had
    won a favorable judgment, because their claims had become moot
    long before the judgment entered.   The plaintiffs claimed that
    their constitutional rights had been violated by correctional
    officials who had refused them permission to subscribe to a
    magazine.   A Federal District Court ruled that the officials had
    not applied the proper standards in denying the inmates'
    request, ordered compliance with those standards, and
    subsequently awarded attorney's fees to the plaintiffs.      See id.
    at 2.   It later came to light, however, that one of the
    plaintiffs had died, and the other had been paroled and given a
    final release, long before the District Court entered its order.
    See id. at 3.   Based on those facts, the Supreme Court
    overturned the judgment and award of attorney's fees, reasoning
    that "[a] modification of prison policies on magazine
    subscriptions could not in any way have benefited either
    plaintiff," and consequently "[t]he case was moot before
    judgment issued, and the judgment therefore afforded the
    plaintiffs no relief whatsoever."    Id. at 4.
    Similarly, in Ford, 768 F.3d at 31, as earlier noted, the
    United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit held that
    the plaintiff inmate was not entitled to an award of attorney's
    fees as a prevailing party under § 1988 for declaratory relief
    he won in a Federal District Court arising from his pretrial
    detainment because the defendant was no longer a pretrial
    detainee when judgment entered.   The court reasoned that the
    case was moot as to that issue when the relief was granted, so
    there was no case or controversy and therefore no Federal court
    jurisdiction to grant that relief.   See id.     See also id. at 29-
    A case is not moot under Federal law, however, where "it
    falls within a special category of disputes that are 'capable of
    repetition' while 'evading review.'"     Turner v. Rogers, 
    564 U.S. 431
    , 439 (2011), quoting Southern Pac. Terminal Co. v.
    Interstate Commerce Comm'n, 
    219 U.S. 498
    , 515 (1911).     "A
    dispute falls into that category, and a case based on that
    dispute remains live, if '(1) the challenged action [is] in its
    duration too short to be fully litigated prior to its cessation
    or expiration, and (2) there [is] a reasonable expectation that
    the same complaining party [will] be subjected to the same
    action again.'"   Turner, 
    supra at 439-440
    , quoting Weinstein v.
    423 U.S. 147
    , 149 (1975).    The Federal requirement
    that a case must be capable of repetition as to the same
    plaintiff ensures that the plaintiff still has an ongoing
    personal stake in the matter sufficient to meet the case or
    controversy requirement of art. III.10    See United States Parole
    The Federal courts have not always applied this
    requirement with strict consistency. See, e.g., Honig v. Doe,
    484 U.S. 305
    , 335-336 (1988) (Scalia, J., dissenting) ("Roe, at
    least one other abortion case, . . . and some of our election
    law decisions, . . . differ from the body of our mootness
    jurisprudence . . . in dispensing with the same-party
    requirement entirely, focusing instead upon the great likelihood
    that the issue will recur between the defendant and the other
    members of the public at large" [citations omitted]); 13C C.A.
    Wright, A.R. Miller, & E.H. Cooper, Federal Practice and
    Procedure § 3533.9, at 488 (3d ed. 2008) ("Although it has not
    been abandoned, the requirement that the individual plaintiff is
    likely to be affected by a future recurrence of a mooted dispute
    has been diluted in some cases"; citing cases).
    Comm'n v. Geraghty, 
    445 U.S. 388
    , 398 (1980) ("Since the
    litigant faces some likelihood of becoming involved in the same
    controversy in the future, vigorous advocacy can be expected to
    continue").   The plaintiff need only show that "the controversy
    was capable of repetition"; the plaintiff need not show "that a
    recurrence of the dispute was more probable than not" (emphasis
    in original).   Honig v. Doe, 
    484 U.S. 305
    , 318 n.6 (1988).
    In Turner, 
    564 U.S. at 440
    , the Supreme Court held that a
    father's due process challenge to his incarceration for civil
    contempt based on his failure to make child support payments was
    not moot even though he had completed his twelve-month sentence,
    because his imprisonment was too short to be litigated fully
    before its expiration and there was a reasonable likelihood that
    he would again be subjected to the same action.    In so holding,
    the Court cited evidence that the father had been the subject of
    several civil contempt proceedings for which he had been
    imprisoned on several occasions, including another six-month
    term imposed shortly after his release from the imprisonment at
    issue in his action.   See 
    id. at 436-437, 440
    .   Other Federal
    decisions involving plaintiff inmates have also held that their
    cases were not moot because the alleged wrongs were likely to
    recur in the future, based on evidence that the plaintiffs had
    been repeatedly subjected to similar conditions.11
    LaChance's circumstances in this case are similar to those
    in Turner and the other cases just cited.   LaChance has remained
    in DOC custody throughout the course of this litigation, and he
    has demonstrated through an unrebutted affidavit that there was
    a reasonable expectation when judgment entered that he would
    again be subjected to segregated detention, because he has been
    repeatedly confined in segregation units during his
    See Washington v. Harper, 
    494 U.S. 210
    , 218-219 (1990)
    (Court could properly decide case concerning administration of
    antipsychotic drugs to prisoner against his will, even though
    State had stopped doing so, because situation was likely to
    recur; prisoner was still in custody, was still mentally ill,
    had been twice transferred to center for treatment of felons
    with serious mental illness, and remained subject to transfer);
    Demery v. Arpaio, 
    378 F.3d 1020
    , 1026-1027 (9th Cir. 2004),
    cert. denied, 
    545 U.S. 1139
     (2005) (detainees' suit challenging
    sheriff's policy of placing photographs of detainees on Internet
    while they were held in jail awaiting trial was not moot, even
    though they had been released from jail, because there was
    evidence that they would likely again be detained there; one
    plaintiff had been detained there twenty times, and eleven
    others had been detained there on more than one occasion);
    LeMaire v. Maass, 
    12 F.3d 1444
    , 1462 n.5 (9th Cir. 1993)
    (prisoner's constitutional challenge to conditions in
    disciplinary segregation unit was not moot, even though he was
    no longer being held there, because he remained under control of
    prison system, and practices and sanctions of which he
    complained were capable of repetition); Ferreira v. Duval, 
    887 F. Supp. 374
    , 382 (D. Mass. 1995) (prisoner's suit alleging
    constitutional violations during his departmental disciplinary
    unit confinement was not rendered moot by his discharge from
    unit because alleged violations were capable of repetition, yet
    evading review, where plaintiff had poor disciplinary record and
    five years left on his prison sentence and therefore had
    reasonable expectation of again being confined in unit).
    incarceration.12    LaChance's affidavit also supports the
    conclusion that SMU detentions are too short for prisoners to
    obtain judicial relief before they are discharged, so that the
    practice would evade review if LaChance's case and others like
    it were dismissed on mootness grounds.
    These facts distinguish LaChance's case from the cases
    cited by the defendants where prisoners' civil rights claims
    were held to be moot, such as Rhodes v. Stewart, 
     and Ford
    v. Bender, supra.    The plaintiffs in those cases were either
    dead or released from the custody at issue when declaratory
    judgment entered, and therefore there was no reasonable
    possibility that they would again be subjected to the same
    LaChance submitted the affidavit in response to the
    defendants' motion for reconsideration of the award of
    attorney's fees. He stated that he had been placed in
    segregation units many times during his incarceration, including
    placement in the SMU at SBCC as a pretrial detainee for
    approximately fourteen months in 2000-2001; placement in a
    segregation unit at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution
    at Concord as a sentenced prisoner for about three months from
    late 2001 to early 2002; subsequent placements in the SMU at
    SBCC from September 29, 2002, to February 10, 2003, and from
    December 21, 2005, to November 15, 2006 (the placement
    challenged in this action), plus "at least a few other occasions
    in 2007-2009" for which he did not recall the dates; placements
    in the segregation unit at the North Central Correctional
    Institution at Gardner "on at least three occasions," for which
    he did not recall the dates; and a placement in the segregation
    unit at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Cedar
    Junction from June 5 to July 22, 2014. Although the motion
    judge did not make any findings based on LaChance's affidavit,
    the defendants did not dispute the assertions therein, and we
    are in as good a position to assess it as the judge below. See
    Gulf Oil Corp. v. Fall River Hous. Auth., 
    364 Mass. 492
    , 493
    wrongs.   Here, by contrast, LaChance was still in custody when
    judgment entered and, based on his prior history of segregated
    confinement, there was a reasonable expectation that he would
    again be returned to such confinement.13   Therefore, applying
    Federal principles of justiciability, the denial of due process
    at the SMU that was the basis of LaChance's civil rights claim
    was capable of repetition as to him, so his claim was not moot
    when judgment entered.
    The declaratory judgment won by LaChance also benefited him
    and materially altered his legal relationship with the
    defendants because that judgment required the defendants to
    provide him with additional procedural protections that he had
    not previously received if he were again placed in segregated
    detention on awaiting action status.   See Lefemine, 133 S. Ct.
    at 11 (where Federal District Court ruled that defendants had
    violated plaintiff abortion protester's rights and enjoined them
    We are mindful of the United States Supreme Court's
    observation that, "for purposes of assessing the likelihood that
    state authorities will reinflict a given injury," it has
    "generally . . . been unwilling to assume that the party seeking
    relief will repeat the type of misconduct that would once again
    place him or her at risk of that injury." Honig, 
    484 U.S. at 320
    . But we note that the DOC's SMU regulations provide that an
    inmate may be placed in administrative segregation for
    nondisciplinary reasons such as pending transfer or
    classification, pending an investigation or hearing, or for the
    inmate's own safety. 103 Code Mass. Regs. § 423.08(1) (1995).
    Thus, we need not presume repeated misconduct by LaChance to
    conclude that there was a reasonable expectation when judgment
    entered that he would again be subjected to segregated
    from engaging in similar conduct in future, that ruling
    materially altered parties' relationship and therefore justified
    award of fees because police had intended to stop plaintiff from
    protesting with his signs but, as result of ruling, could not
    prevent him from demonstrating in that manner).   Although
    LaChance could only take advantage of this benefit in the
    future, it was nevertheless a tangible present benefit to him.
    See Mendoza, 444 Mass. at 210-211 (judgments that invalidated
    adult entertainment ordinances challenged by plaintiff bar owner
    materially altered his relationship with defendants, even though
    he was still barred from presenting nude dancing by limitations
    in zoning variance, because plaintiff was "eligible to apply for
    a zoning variance that would permit nude dancing").
    In short, because LaChance has adequately shown that there
    was a reasonable expectation when judgment entered that he would
    again be held in segregated detention on awaiting action status,
    he had a sufficient ongoing interest in his suit for it not to
    be moot, even if he was no longer held in the SMU when
    declaratory relief was entered in his favor.   And because he had
    an ongoing interest in the outcome of his suit, the favorable
    rulings he obtained benefited him.   We therefore conclude that,
    even if this case had been brought in Federal court under the
    constraints of Federal subject matter jurisdiction, LaChance
    would qualify for an award of fees as a "prevailing party."14
    We note that, because Federal limitations on
    justiciability are grounded in the case or controversy
    limitation in art. III of the United States Constitution, and
    because art. III does not apply to State courts, State courts
    remain free to define their own jurisdictional limits even when
    adjudicating Federal claims. See ASARCO Inc. v. Kadish, 
    490 U.S. 605
    , 617 (1989) ("We have recognized often that the
    constraints of Article III do not apply to state courts, and
    accordingly the state courts are not bound by the limitations of
    a case or controversy or other federal rules of justiciability
    even when they address issues of federal law, as when they are
    called upon to interpret the Constitution or . . . a federal
    statute"). In Massachusetts, "we have on occasion answered
    questions in moot cases where the issue was one of public
    importance, where it was fully argued on both sides, where the
    question was certain, or at least very likely, to arise again in
    similar factual circumstances, and especially where appellate
    review could not be obtained before the recurring question would
    again be moot." Commonwealth v. Humberto H., 
    466 Mass. 562
    , 574
    (2013), quoting Lockhart v. Attorney Gen., 
    390 Mass. 780
    , 783
    (1984). Notably, under our principles of justiciability -- in
    contrast with Federal jurisprudence -- it is not "indispensable
    that the case be capable of repetition in respect only to the
    particular claimant," because the "doctrine is designed to
    assist in the clarification of the law generally, and not simply
    to assist the situation of a particular party." Mendonza v.
    423 Mass. 771
    , 777 (1996).
    We recognize that there is an unanswered question whether a
    plaintiff may be a "prevailing party" under § 1988 in a
    Massachusetts court where the plaintiff obtains a declaratory
    judgment or injunctive relief after the case became moot, even
    though the plaintiff could not be a "prevailing party" had the
    case been brought in Federal court, where mootness would have
    resulted in dismissal of the plaintiff's claims. It arguably
    would thwart the congressional purpose in enacting § 1988 if a
    Massachusetts court were to exercise its broader subject matter
    jurisdiction to allow a moot civil rights case brought under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     to proceed to judgment where the challenged
    conduct is likely to recur against others, and then, when the
    plaintiff succeeds in obtaining a declaratory judgment or
    injunctive relief, conclude that the plaintiff's attorneys are
    2.   Reasonableness of the award of fees.   Having concluded
    that LaChance was a prevailing party, we now address whether the
    judge abused his discretion in his award of attorney's fees.
    The defendants contend that the judge abused his discretion in
    concluding that $28,186 was a reasonable award of attorney's
    fees, because LaChance's success in relation to his goals was
    minimal and his attorneys devoted considerably more effort to
    claims on which they failed than to those on which they
    succeeded.15   We do not agree.
    Section 1988(b) permits a prevailing party to recover "a
    reasonable attorney's fee" (emphasis added).     The determination
    of the amount of reasonable attorney's fees rests in the sound
    discretion of the judge, to be exercised in accord with certain
    governing principles.   See Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 436-437
    387 Mass. at 321
    .   This determination should ordinarily
    begin with the lodestar calculation, based on the number of
    hours that are reasonably expended and adequately documented,
    multiplied by a reasonable hourly rate.   The judge may then
    adjust the lodestar calculation upward or downward in light of
    not entitled to an award of attorney's fees because the
    plaintiff himself or herself did not "prevail." Because the
    plaintiff here would be a "prevailing party" even if his case
    had been brought in Federal court, we need not reach that
    unanswered question in this case.
    The defendants do not challenge the $392.69 in costs
    awarded by the Superior Court.
    the results obtained.    See Hensley, 
    supra at 433-434
    .   Where the
    plaintiff has obtained only partial success, it may be feasible
    to exclude time devoted to claims on which the plaintiff did not
    succeed.   In many civil rights cases, however, it may be
    difficult to divide the hours expended on a claim-by-claim
    basis, because "the plaintiff's claims for relief will involve a
    common core of facts or will be based on related legal
    theories," and "[m]uch of counsel's time will be devoted
    generally to the litigation as a whole."    
    Id. at 435
    .   In those
    cases, the "court should focus on the significance of the
    overall relief obtained by the plaintiff in relation to the
    hours reasonably expended on the litigation," and "it may simply
    reduce the award to account for the limited success."      
    Id. at 435, 436-437
    .   "There is no precise rule or formula for making
    these determinations."    
    Id. at 436
    Bearing in mind the deference due the judge's "superior
    ability to calibrate such awards to the nuances of the case,"
    Diffenderfer v. Gomez-Colon, 
    587 F.3d 445
    , 452 (1st Cir. 2009),
    we conclude that the judge did not abuse his discretion.      In our
    view, the judge carefully and thoughtfully applied these
    governing principles in determining an appropriate award of
    fees.   He scrutinized the number of hours worked by the
    plaintiff's counsel, noting that hours devoted to certain
    claims, motions, and issues were properly excluded where they
    were unsuccessful, not related to the principal case, or not a
    proper basis for an award of fees.    He also reduced the rates
    proposed by the plaintiff's counsel based on the limitations in
    the Prison Litigation Reform Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(d)(3).      He
    multiplied these rates by the number of hours reasonably
    expended to obtain a lodestar calculation of $56,372, which he
    then assessed in light of "the degree of success obtained,"
    Farrar, 506 U.S. at 114, quoting Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 436
    including "the extent of relief, the significance of the legal
    issue on which the plaintiff prevailed, and the public purpose
    served" by the litigation, Farrar, supra at 122 (O'Connor, J.,
    concurring).   The judge noted that LaChance did not succeed on
    all of his claims.   Nevertheless, the judge concluded that our
    ruling in LaChance I constituted a significant victory that
    served a public purpose by establishing the due process rights
    of inmates held in administrative segregation.    Taking into
    account these factors and the common core of facts and related
    legal issues involved, the judge reduced the lodestar
    calculation by fifty percent "due to the discrepancy between the
    claims brought and the claims won."
    In challenging this award, the defendants emphasize the
    point that LaChance did not succeed on all his claims.     But our
    holding in LaChance I was nevertheless a substantial victory for
    LaChance on his most fundamental claim:    that his confinement in
    administrative segregation without a hearing violated his
    Federal constitutional right to due process.    It also led to a
    significant new statement of law, since we announced "for the
    first time that segregated confinement on awaiting action status
    for longer than ninety days gives rise to a liberty interest
    entitling an inmate to notice and a hearing" and a written
    posthearing decision.     LaChance I, 463 Mass. at 778.   See id. at
    776-777.    This was much more than a de minimis success, even
    when considered in the context of the other goals of LaChance's
    The defendants also argue that LaChance's award should have
    been reduced further because his counsel devoted substantially
    more effort to his unsuccessful claims than to his successful
    claims.     In making this argument, the defendants primarily rely
    on counting the relative number of claims in the pleadings and
    the relative number of pages in briefs concerning LaChance's
    successful and unsuccessful theories.     But such a mathematical
    "ratio provides little aid in determining what is a reasonable
    fee in light of all the relevant factors."     Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at
    435 n.11.
    In sum, given that the Superior Court judge already reduced
    the award of fees to half of the amount requested in light of
    the discrepancy between the claims brought and the claims won by
    LaChance, and considering that "[t]here is no precise rule or
    formula" for determining an appropriate fee reduction where, as
    here, a civil rights plaintiff has achieved only partial
    id. at 436
    , we conclude that the judge did not abuse
    his discretion in calculating the award of attorney's fees.
    3.    Fees awarded on appeal.   Both LaChance and the
    defendants have requested their attorney's fees and costs for
    this appeal.   In light of our rulings above, we conclude that
    LaChance is also entitled under § 1988 to recover his reasonable
    attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with this
    appeal.   See Mendoza, 444 Mass. at 212 n.28, citing Ustrak v.
    851 F.2d 983
    , 990 (7th Cir. 1988) (prevailing party
    entitled to reimbursement of fees incurred in defending trial
    court's award of fees).    We therefore invite LaChance to file
    with the clerk of this court the appropriate documents detailing
    and supporting his request for such fees and costs within
    fourteen days of the issuance of the rescript in this case, in
    accord with the procedure established in Fabre v. Walton, 
    441 Mass. 9
    , 10-11 (2004).    The defendants' fee request is denied.
    Conclusion.   For the reasons stated above, we affirm the
    award of attorney's fees and costs entered by the judge in favor
    of LaChance and conclude that LaChance is also entitled under
    § 1988 to recover his reasonable attorney's fees and costs
    incurred in connection with this appeal.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: SJC 12016

Citation Numbers: 475 Mass. 757

Filed Date: 10/21/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (30)

Stephen Ustrak v. James W. Fairman , 851 F.2d 983 ( 1988 )

Samuel Lemaire v. Manfred Maass, Superintendent, Samuel ... , 12 F.3d 1444 ( 1993 )

Demery v. Arpaio , 378 F.3d 1020 ( 2004 )

O'MALLEY v. Sheriff of Worcester County , 415 Mass. 132 ( 1993 )

Breault v. CHAIRMAN OF BD, FIRE COMMR. OF SPRINGFIELD , 401 Mass. 26 ( 1987 )

Ferreira v. Duval , 887 F. Supp. 374 ( 1995 )

Murphy v. Hunt , 102 S. Ct. 1181 ( 1982 )

Texas State Teachers Ass'n v. Garland Independent School ... , 109 S. Ct. 1486 ( 1989 )

Will v. Michigan Department of State Police , 109 S. Ct. 2304 ( 1989 )

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Layne v. SUPT MASS CORRECTIONAL INST., CEDAR JUNCTION , 406 Mass. 156 ( 1989 )

Rodriques v. Furtado , 410 Mass. 878 ( 1991 )

Stratos v. Department of Public Welfare , 387 Mass. 312 ( 1982 )

Gulf Oil Corp. v. Fall River Housing Authority , 364 Mass. 492 ( 1974 )

Southern Pacific Terminal Co. v. Interstate Commerce ... , 31 S. Ct. 279 ( 1911 )

Buckhannon Board & Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Dept. ... , 121 S. Ct. 1835 ( 2001 )

United States Parole Commission v. Geraghty , 100 S. Ct. 1202 ( 1980 )

Camreta v. Greene Ex Rel. S. G. , 131 S. Ct. 2020 ( 2011 )

Turner v. Rogers , 131 S. Ct. 2507 ( 2011 )

Hensley v. Eckerhart , 103 S. Ct. 1933 ( 1983 )

View All Authorities »