Devney v. Devney , 295 Neb. 15 ( 2016 )

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    10/21/2016 09:08 AM CDT
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    Clarence W. Devney, appellee, v.
    Elizabeth A. Devney, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed October 21, 2016.   No. S-15-937.
    1.	 Statutes: Appeal and Error. To the extent an appeal calls for statutory
    interpretation or presents questions of law, an appellate court must reach
    an independent conclusion irrespective of the determination made by the
    court below.
    2.	 Divorce: Appeal and Error. In actions for dissolution of marriage, an
    appellate court reviews the case de novo on the record to determine
    whether there has been an abuse of discretion by the trial judge. This
    standard of review applies to the trial court’s determinations regarding
    division of property.
    3.	 Judges: Words and Phrases. A judicial abuse of discretion exists if the
    reasons or rulings of a trial judge are clearly untenable, unfairly depriv-
    ing a litigant of a substantial right and denying just results in matters
    submitted for disposition.
    4.	 Statutes. Statutes which effect a change in the common law are to be
    strictly construed.
    5.	 Contracts: Marriage. All postnuptial agreements were void at com-
    mon law.
    6.	 Estates: Divorce: Property Settlement Agreements: Waiver. The lan-
    guage of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 30-2316(d) (Reissue 2008) contemplates the
    waiving of the spouse’s rights of inheritance only. It makes no reference
    to agreements allocating property rights upon separation or divorce.
    7.	 Divorce: Property Settlement Agreements. An agreement between a
    husband and wife concerning the disposition of their property, not made
    in connection with the separation of the parties or the dissolution of
    their marriage, is not binding upon the courts during a later dissolution
    proceeding under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-366 (Reissue 2008).
    8.	 Marriage: Property Settlement Agreements: Public Policy. Post­
    nuptial property agreements are against the public policy of Nebraska
    because of the deleterious effect such agreements have on marriages.
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    9.	 Marriage: Property Settlement Agreements: Statutes. Nebraska has
    no statutory authority supporting property agreements postnuptially.
    10.	 Marriage: Property Settlement Agreements: Public Policy. Post­
    nuptial property agreements are void as statutorily unauthorized, and
    such agreements both were prohibited under common law and violate
    the public policy of Nebraska.
    11.	 Contracts: Public Policy. Any contract which is clearly contrary to
    public policy is void.
    12.	 Courts: Divorce: Property Settlement Agreements: Appeal and
    Error. A district court abuses its discretion by relying exclusively on
    void portions of an agreement to make property distributions in a dis-
    solution proceeding, such reliance being clearly untenable.
    Appeal from the District Court for Saunders County: M ary
    C. Gilbride, Judge. Vacated in part, and in part reversed and
    remanded with direction.
    Michael B. Lustgarten, of Lustgarten & Roberts, P.C.,
    L.L.O., for appellant.
    Frederick D. Stehlik and Zachary W. Lutz-Priefert, of Gross
    & Welch, P.C., L.L.O., for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    Funke, J.
    This matter commenced as a petition for dissolution of mar-
    riage between Clarence W. Devney and Elizabeth A. Devney.
    The district court dissolved the marriage between the parties
    and divided the parties’ assets and debts. In doing so, the dis-
    trict court found that a postnuptial property agreement entered
    into by the parties was valid and enforceable and that the divi-
    sion of the marital estate was fair and reasonable. Elizabeth
    appeals from both of these findings.
    The main issue presented is whether a property agree-
    ment in a postnuptial agreement that was not attendant upon
    the spouses’ separation or divorce is valid in Nebraska.
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    We conclude that such property agreements remain void in
    Nebraska. Accordingly, the district court erred in enforcing the
    property agreement provision of the parties’ postnuptial agree-
    ment. For the reasons set forth herein, we reverse in part, and
    vacate in part, the judgment of the trial court and remand the
    cause with direction.
    Clarence and Elizabeth were married in August 1998. No
    children were born of their marriage, but each party had chil-
    dren from previous marriages, all of whom have reached the
    age of majority. Clarence commenced a marital dissolution
    proceeding in April 2014. After a trial, the court issued its
    decree in September 2015.
    At trial, Clarence sought to enforce the parties’ postnuptial
    agreement. Clarence and Elizabeth executed the postnuptial
    agreement in January 1999, 5 months after their marriage. The
    parties had discussed a prenuptial agreement with Clarence’s
    attorney to protect the interests of their children from previ-
    ous marriages but failed to execute one before the marriage.
    Instead, the parties included a clause in the postnuptial agree-
    ment stating that the agreement was effective as of August
    1998 and enforceable as if it were a prenuptial agreement.
    The parties created the postnuptial agreement to address
    “the disposition of their respective assets upon the death of
    either party or in the event that the parties should terminate
    their marriage.” In the event of Clarence’s death, Elizabeth
    waived her statutory rights in his estate, such as homestead
    allowances, exempt property, family allowances, and the right
    of election of her statutory share of Clarence’s augmented
    estate; but she was entitled to receive the marital residence and
    the residuary of Clarence’s estate, excluding specific legacies
    in his will. In the event of Elizabeth’s death, Clarence waived
    his statutory rights in her estate as well, but was entitled to
    receive the residuary of her estate, excluding specific legacies
    in her will.
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    If the marriage were dissolved, each party waived and relin-
    quished all interest in the other spouse’s premarital property,
    identified in exhibits A and B of the postnuptial agreement.
    Elizabeth was entitled to 50 percent of the assets acquired by
    the parties after the marriage. Exhibits A and B were purported
    to be lists of the parties’ premarital assets and debts and the
    values of the same.
    Clarence’s attorney, Ronald L. Eggers, drafted the post-
    nuptial agreement and represented him through the execu-
    tion. Elizabeth was not represented by an attorney. Eggers
    testified that he would have clearly explained the agreement’s
    “Representation by Counsel” section to Elizabeth, informing
    her that he did not represent her and that she was free to obtain
    her own counsel.
    Clarence purchased the marital residence 7 years before
    the parties married, for $130,000. Prior to the marriage, few
    improvements were made to the marital residence, and the
    residence had an assessed tax value of just over $103,000.
    Elizabeth moved into the marital residence after the parties
    married. During the marriage, the parties made substantial
    improvements throughout the residence. At trial, Clarence esti-
    mated the home to be worth about $310,000; Elizabeth had
    the home appraised at $330,000. When the parties married, the
    debt against the marital residence was $90,000; it had been
    reduced to $18,000 by the time of trial.
    Exhibit A of the postnuptial agreement listed the premarital
    value of the marital residence as $250,000. Clarence signed a
    deed transferring the marital residence into both parties’ names
    after the postnuptial agreement was executed, under the belief
    it was required by the agreement. The language of the agree-
    ment stated, “The transfer of title of any asset by Clarence to
    [the parties] shall not affect the terms and provisions of this
    Agreement, notwithstanding the creation of a joint tenancy or
    other relationship by such transfer.”
    The parties’ trial testimony is in contradiction on four fac-
    tual circumstances regarding the execution of the postnuptial
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    agreement. Eggers also testified about the circumstances sur-
    rounding the execution of the postnuptial agreement, but he
    lacked a strong recollection of the events and testified mostly
    from the exhibits he provided.
    First, Clarence stated the parties decided that $250,000 was
    a fair assessment of the marital residence’s value at the time of
    their marriage, after taking the county assessment into consid-
    eration. However, Elizabeth denied being involved in any of
    the valuations in exhibit A or B. Eggers stated he would not
    have prepared exhibit B, the valuation of Elizabeth’s separate
    property, without consulting Elizabeth.
    Second, Clarence testified that Eggers went over the post-
    nuptial agreement “word for word” with Elizabeth the day it
    was signed, but Eggers could confirm only that he discussed
    the agreement with Elizabeth in May 1998 for “8/10ths of
    an hour.” He could not confirm that he explained it to her in
    January 1999 or that she ever saw the final postnuptial agree-
    ment. Elizabeth stated that she was presented with only the
    signature page and never saw the contents of the postnuptial
    agreement or the exhibits, but that she signed the agreement
    pursuant to Clarence’s demand.
    Third, Clarence stated that the parties signed the postnuptial
    agreement in Eggers’ office, but Elizabeth testified that she
    signed it at her kitchen table without the presence of a notary
    public. Eggers believed that he did not travel out of his office
    for the signing because he billed only 0.3 hours on that date
    and that he would have billed more time if travel had been
    involved. Eggers identified the notary public as a deceased for-
    mer secretary at his law firm. Eggers stated that he would have
    never asked a secretary to notarize a document unless she had
    seen the document and witnessed its execution.
    Fourth, Clarence testified that the parties also executed wills,
    essentially mirroring the terms of the postnuptial agreement,
    on the same day the parties signed the agreement. Elizabeth
    confirmed her signature on her will, but she stated that she
    would not have consented to its terms and could not recall ever
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    having read it or recall the circumstances behind her signing it.
    Eggers testified that he represented Elizabeth in executing her
    will and that he would not have prepared it without Elizabeth’s
    direction on the contents. Elizabeth’s will does not contain a
    valuation of the marital residence or any of the other items
    present in the exhibits.
    The trial court determined that the postnuptial agreement
    should be enforced as written. Accordingly, the court con-
    cluded that $250,000, the agreed-upon premarital value of the
    marital residence, should be set off from the marital estate for
    Clarence. Additionally, the court found that the marital resi-
    dence increased in value by $80,000 during the marriage, and
    the court equally divided the increase because it had resulted
    from the parties’ joint efforts and expenditures on the property
    after the postnuptial agreement was signed. The district court
    then ordered the division of other assets and ordered Clarence
    to pay Elizabeth an equalization payment of $116,747 within
    90 days from the date of the decree.
    Elizabeth assigns that the district court erred as follows:
    (1) in not finding the postnuptial agreement void and
    (2) in determining that the value of the marital residence
    was $250,000 at the time of the marriage; and
    (3) in finding that Clarence was entitled to a setoff, as a
    nonmarital asset, of the first $250,000 in equity in the mari-
    tal residence.
    [1] To the extent an appeal calls for statutory interpretation
    or presents questions of law, an appellate court must reach an
    independent conclusion irrespective of the determination made
    by the court below.1
    SID No. 1 v. Adamy, 
    289 Neb. 913
    858 N.W.2d 168
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    [2,3] In actions for dissolution of marriage, an appellate
    court reviews the case de novo on the record to determine
    whether there has been an abuse of discretion by the trial
    judge.2 This standard of review applies to the trial court’s
    determinations regarding division of property.3 A judicial abuse
    of discretion exists if the reasons or rulings of a trial judge
    are clearly untenable, unfairly depriving a litigant of a sub-
    stantial right and denying just results in matters submitted
    for disposition.4
    Property Agreements in
    Postnuptial Agreements
    A re Void
    Elizabeth contends that postnuptial property agreements
    are neither permitted by statute nor Nebraska’s public pol-
    icy. Historically, this court has held that postnuptial property
    agreements were invalid because of a common-law prohibition
    and on the grounds of public policy.5
    In contrast, we have long accepted postnuptial separation
    agreements to divide the parties’ property. In 1921, this court
    described a separation agreement as one
    where husband and wife find it impossible to dwell
    together in harmony, because of the misconduct of one
    which would warrant a legal separation, decide to enter
    into a contract adjusting all the property rights, and each
    Sellers v. Sellers, 
    294 Neb. 346
    882 N.W.2d 705
    (2016); Coufal v. Coufal,
    291 Neb. 378
    866 N.W.2d 74
    See Sellers, supra note 2.
    Stanosheck v. Jeanette, 
    294 Neb. 138
    881 N.W.2d 599
    Chambers v. Chambers, 
    155 Neb. 160
    51 N.W.2d 310
    (1952); Focht v.
    145 Neb. 568
    17 N.W.2d 627
    (1945); Smith v. Johnson, 
    144 Neb. 769
    14 N.W.2d 424
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    relinquish any rights in the property of the other, and
    provid[e] for the immediate separation of the parties.6
    In In re Estate of Lauderback,7 we held that such agreements
    are valid and enforceable. In Smith v. Johnson,8 we affirmed
    that holding: “Separation agreements founded on this broad,
    equitable doctrine do not contravene public policy.”
    However, Smith also clarified that In re Estate of Lauderback
    did not recognize the right of husband and wife to “enter into
    a postnuptial agreement barring their respective rights in the
    other’s real property while the complete marriage relation
    exists.”9 We held that such contracts are void under common
    law and that the Legislature had not abrogated that rule.10
    In Focht v. Wakefield,11 we reiterated the holding of Smith:
    “‘Postnuptial contracts entered into between husband and wife
    while residents of [Nebraska] in which they settle their prop-
    erty rights, including their respective rights of inheritance in
    the property of the other, are not authorized by express statute
    and are invalid and unenforceable.’” We reasoned that inher­
    itance rights are controlled by statute and that the Legislature
    had authorized prenuptial agreements only as a vehicle to
    waive a right to inherit from his or her spouse’s estate.12 We
    interpreted this specific authorization to preclude such agree-
    ments postnuptially.13
    In re Estate of Lauderback, 
    106 Neb. 461
    , 465, 
    184 N.W. 128
    , 130 (1921).
    Accord, Smith, supra note 5 (distinguishing cases that are commonly
    called separation agreement cases); Ladman v. Ladman, 
    130 Neb. 913
    267 N.W. 188
    In re Estate of Lauderback, supra note 6.
    Smith, supra note 
    5, 144 Neb. at 772
    , 14 N.W.2d at 425.
    Id. at 771,
    14 N.W.2d at 425.
    Id. 11 Focht,
    supra note 
    5, 145 Neb. at 573
    , 17 N.W.2d at 630. See, also, Neb.
    Rev. Stat. § 30-106 (1943).
    Focht, supra note 5.
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    Clarence relies heavily upon the Nebraska Court of Appeals’
    decision In re Estate of Kopecky,14 where the court held that
    by amending § 30-106—permitting spouses to also waive
    inheritance rights in their spouses’ estate postnuptially—the
    Legislature authorized all postnuptial agreements. The In re
    Estate of Kopecky court concluded that the amendment of
    § 30-106 nullified the holdings of this court in Chambers v.
    Chambers15 and Focht and Smith, all of which had held post-
    nuptial agreements void against public policy.
    At the time the agreement at issue in In re Estate of Kopecky
    was executed, § 30-106 (Cum. Supp. 1969) was in effect and
    A man or woman may also bar his or her right to
    inherit part or all of the lands of his or her husband or
    wife by a contract made in lieu thereof before marriage
    or after a second or subsequent marriage where one or
    both of the parties have children of a previous marriage,
    or where either spouse has been married previously
    and the other spouse has not been previously married.
    Such contract shall be in writing signed by both of the
    parties to such marriage and acknowledged in the man-
    ner required by law for the conveyance of real estate,
    or executed in conformity with the laws of the place
    where made.
    In 1974, the Legislature simultaneously repealed § 30-106
    and adopted the Uniform Probate Code, including Neb. Rev.
    Stat. § 30-2316 (Cum. Supp. 1974).16 Section 30-2316 (Reissue
    2008) currently states:
    (a) The right of election of a surviving spouse and
    the rights of the surviving spouse to homestead allow-
    ance, exempt property, and family allowance, or any of
    them, may be waived, wholly or partially, before or after
    In re Estate of Kopecky, 
    6 Neb. Ct. App. 500
    574 N.W.2d 549
    Chambers, supra note 5.
    See 1974 Neb. Laws, L.B. 354, § 38.
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    marriage, by a written contract, agreement, or waiver
    signed by the surviving spouse.
    (d) Unless it provides to the contrary, a waiver of “all
    rights”, or equivalent language, in the property or estate
    of a present or prospective spouse or a complete property
    settlement entered into after or in anticipation of separa-
    tion, divorce, or annulment is a waiver of all rights to
    elective share, homestead allowance, exempt property,
    and family allowance by each spouse in the property of
    the other and a renunciation by each of all benefits that
    would otherwise pass to him or her from the other by
    intestate succession or by virtue of any will executed
    before the waiver or property settlement.
    While the amendment to § 30-106, and the subsequently
    adopted § 30-2316, overruled the language of Focht inter-
    preting previous statutes to prohibit postnuptial estate agree-
    ments, the holdings of Chambers, Focht, and Smith were much
    broader than the issue of estate agreements in postnuptial
    agreements.17 Furthermore, in In re Estate of Kopecky, the
    Court of Appeals was concerned only with determining the
    applicability of an estate agreement.18 Accordingly, any state-
    ments in In re Estate of Kopecky that could be interpreted as
    broadly upholding postnuptial property agreements are not
    applicable here.
    [4,5] We have consistently held that statutes which effect a
    change in the common law are to be strictly construed.19 We
    have also held that all postnuptial agreements were void at
    common law.20 So to determine if postnuptial property agree-
    ments are statutorily permitted or the public policy against
    See cases cited supra note 5.
    In re Estate of Kopecky, supra note 14.
    Alisha C. v. Jeremy C., 
    283 Neb. 340
    808 N.W.2d 875
    (2012). See, also,
    Blaser v. County of Madison, 
    285 Neb. 290
    826 N.W.2d 554
    Smith, supra note 5.
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    such agreements has been superseded by statute, we look to
    the statutes permitting other types of nuptial property agree-
    ments. We conclude that Nebraska statutes do not authorize
    postnuptial agreements to allocate the parties’ property rights
    upon separation or divorce unless such agreements are concur-
    rent with a separation or divorce.
    [6] First, the language of § 30-2316(d) contemplates the
    waiving of a spouse’s rights of inheritance only. It makes no
    reference to agreements allocating property rights upon separa-
    tion or divorce.
    Second, the Legislature statutorily approved of premarital
    agreements through the adoption of the Uniform Premarital
    Agreement Act,21 which defines a “premarital agreement” as
    an agreement between prospective spouses made in contem-
    plation of marriage and to be effective upon marriage.22 The
    act further sets forth authorized content of a premarital agree-
    ment and the enforcement standards for such agreements.23 We
    find it informative that our Legislature has not adopted the
    Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act,24 created in
    2012, which authorizes property agreements when separation
    or divorce is not imminent. The Legislature has enacted each
    of the previous uniform acts on the subject of prenuptial and
    postnuptial agreements but has not yet seen fit to adopt the
    Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act.
    Third, in 1972, the Legislature adopted the Uniform Marriage
    and Divorce Act’s provision permitting separation agree-
    ments.25 The language of § 42-366 essentially incorporates
    Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 42-1001 through 42-1011 (Reissue 2008). See Unif.
    Premarital Agreement Act, 9C U.L.A. 39 (2001).
    § 42-1002(1).
    §§ 42-1004 and 42-1006.
    Unif. Premarital & Marital Agreements Act, 9C U.L.A. 13 (Supp. 2016).
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-366 (Reissue 2008). See Unif. Marriage & Divorce
    Act § 306, 9A (part II) U.L.A. 11 (1998).
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    the definition of a separation agreement in Smith26 and our
    earlier cases:
    (1) To promote the amicable settlement of disputes
    between the parties to a marriage attendant upon their
    separation or the dissolution of their marriage, the parties
    may enter into a written property settlement agreement
    containing provisions for the maintenance of either of
    them, the disposition of any property owned by either of
    them, and the support and custody of minor children.
    (2) In a proceeding for dissolution of marriage or for
    legal separation, the terms of the agreement, except terms
    providing for the support and custody of minor children,
    shall be binding upon the court unless it finds, after
    considering the economic circumstances of the parties
    and any other relevant evidence produced by the parties,
    on their own motion or on request of the court, that the
    agreement is unconscionable.
    (Emphasis supplied.) However, § 42-366 makes no references
    to using postnuptial agreements to promote amicable settle-
    ments when separation or divorce is not imminent, as is the
    case currently before us.
    [7,8] In Snyder v. Snyder,27 we considered an agreement
    between a husband and wife concerning the disposition of their
    property, not made in connection with the separation of the
    parties or the dissolution of their marriage. We reiterated our
    earlier holding from Smith that such property agreements “are
    not binding upon the courts during a later dissolution proceed-
    ing, as not being within the intendment of section 42-366.”28
    Additionally, we affirmed Nebraska’s public policy against
    postnuptial property agreements because of the deleterious
    effect such agreements have on marriages.29
    Smith, supra note 5.
    Snyder v. Snyder, 
    196 Neb. 383
    243 N.W.2d 159
    Id. at 387,
    243 N.W.2d at 161.
    Id. - 27
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    [9-11] Therefore, we find no statutory support for uphold-
    ing postnuptial property agreements. We find it outside the
    province of this court to read into Nebraska’s current statutory
    authority the effectiveness of postnuptial property agreements
    when such agreements both were prohibited under common
    law and violate the public policy of Nebraska. Accordingly,
    the parties’ property agreement in their postnuptial agreement
    is void.30
    We recognize that in 1999, when the postnuptial agree-
    ment in this case was created, the majority of states had
    abandoned the public policy prohibition against postnuptial
    property agreements.31 However, about half of those states had
    done so through legislative action.32 Based on our decision in
    Snyder33 and our Legislature’s acquiescence to that decision,
    we decide that Nebraska’s public policy against postnuptial
    property agreements has not been abrogated by statute.
    Here, the postnuptial agreement was entered into 5 months
    after the parties married. There is nothing in the record to
    indicate that when the parties executed the agreement they
    Johnson v. Nelson, 
    290 Neb. 703
    , 711, 
    861 N.W.2d 705
    , 712 (2015) (any
    “contract which is clearly contrary to public policy is void”).
    See, e.g., Tibbs v. Anderson, 
    580 So. 2d 1337
    (Ala. 1991); Casto v. Casto,
    508 So. 2d 330
    (Fla. 1987); Matter of Estate of Gab, 
    364 N.W.2d 924
          (S.D. 1985); Sanders v. Colwell, 
    248 Ga. 376
    283 S.E.2d 461
    In re Estate of Harber, 
    104 Ariz. 79
    449 P.2d 7
    (1969); Sims v. Roberts,
    188 Ark. 1030
    68 S.W.2d 1001
    (1934); D’Aston v. D’Aston, 
    808 P.2d 111
    (Utah App. 1990); Lurie v. Lurie, 
    246 Pa. Super. 307
    370 A.2d 739
    See, e.g., Del. Code Ann. tit. 13, § 1513 (2009); 750 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann.
    5/503 (LexisNexis Cum. Supp. 2009); La. Civ. Code Ann. art. 2331 (West
    2009); Minn. Stat. § 519.11 (2014); N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 40-2-4 and 40-2-8
    (2006); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 50-20 (2007); Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 4.102
    (West 2006); Va. Code Ann. § 20-155 (2008); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 766.58
    (West 2009); Epp v. Epp, 
    80 Haw. 79
    905 P.2d 54
    (Haw. App. 1995)
    (interpreting Haw. Rev. Stat. § 580-47 (West 1993)).
    Snyder, supra note 26.
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    were contemplating separation or divorce or that either was
    imminent. Therefore, the district court erred in finding that
    those portions of the agreement settling the parties’ property
    rights upon divorce but not attendant upon an immediate sepa-
    ration or divorce were void and unenforceable.
    District Court Erred in
    Determining Premarital
    Value and Setoff A mount
    of M arital R esidence
    [12] Our holding that the postnuptial property agreement
    was void to the extent it settled the parties’ property rights
    upon unanticipated separation or divorce means that the agree-
    ment’s valuation of Clarence’s premarital interest in the marital
    residence is void accordingly. The trial court’s valuation of the
    marital residence, at $250,000, is untenable because it relies
    exclusively on the void postnuptial property agreement. We
    therefore hold that the district court abused its discretion in its
    determinations of the marital residence’s value, the setoff owed
    to Clarence from the marital residence, and its division of the
    marital debts and assets. The district court’s decree is vacated
    in each of these regards.
    We leave the determination of the premarital value of the
    marital residence, and whether Elizabeth shared Clarence’s
    opinion as to the premarital valuation of the marital residence
    independent of the property agreement and the weight given
    to any such opinion, to the district court. Further, we advise
    the district court to consider the mortgage debt on the marital
    property in determining the appropriate setoff value.
    We find merit in Elizabeth’s assignments of error that the
    trial court improperly relied on the postnuptial agreement
    to determine the value of the marital residence and to set-
    off the first $250,000 in equity from the marital residence
    to Clarence.
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    Cite as 
    295 Neb. 15
    The decree of the trial court is reversed to the extent it
    enforced the postnuptial agreement and otherwise is vacated as
    to the premarital value of the marital residence, the appropri-
    ate setoff for the marital residence, and the related division of
    marital debts and assets. Accordingly, we remand the cause to
    the district court with directions to determine the premarital
    value of the marital residence for setoff to Clarence and divide
    the marital property independent of the terms of the postnup-
    tial agreement.
    Vacated in part, and in part reversed
    and remanded with direction.

Document Info

Docket Number: S-15-937

Citation Numbers: 295 Neb. 15

Filed Date: 10/21/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/30/2019

Cited By (69)

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Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Bergmeier v. Bergmeier , 296 Neb. 440 ( 2017 )

Bergmeier v. Bergmeier , 296 Neb. 440 ( 2017 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Chambers v. Bringenberg , 309 Neb. 888 ( 2021 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

Simons v. Simons , 312 Neb. 136 ( 2022 )

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