Carl Schwartz v. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , 840 F.3d 698 ( 2016 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    TODD SCHUENEMAN, on behalf of             No. 14-55633
    himself and all others similarly
    situated; WILLIAM SUTLIFF; JEAN              D.C. No.
    SUTLIFF; ARENA INVESTORS GROUP;           3:10-cv-01959-
    ANTHONY CARAVELLA,                          CAB-BLM
    and                        OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of California
    Cathy Ann Bencivengo, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted May 4, 2016
    Pasadena, California
    Filed October 26, 2016
    Before: Harry Pregerson, Jay S. Bybee,
    and N. Randy Smith, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Bybee
    Securities Fraud
    The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal of a
    putative securities class action in connection with defendants’
    public statements about their weight-loss drug, lorcaserin.
    The district court held that the plaintiffs did not
    adequately plead scienter because defendants and the FDA
    were engaged in a good-faith scientific dispute regarding the
    cause of cancer in lab rats that were given the drug.
    The panel held that a strong inference of scienter was
    properly pleaded under Federal Rule of Civil procedure 9(b)
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act because
    when the defendants touted the safety and likely FDA
    approval of lorcaserin, they referred to animal studies
    supporting their FDA application. Once they raised the
    animal studies, they were obligated to disclose the cancer
    studies on rats.
    Peter K. Stris (argued), Dana Berkowitz, and Victor
    O’Connell, Stris & Maher LLP, Los Angeles, California;
    Laurence D. King and Mario M. Choi, Kaplan Fox &
    Kilsheimer LLP, San Francisco, California; Robert N. Kaplan
    and Jeffery P. Campisi, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, New
    York, New York; for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    John C. Dwyer (argued), Cooley LLP, Palo Alto, California;
    Koji F. Fukumura, Mary Kathryn Kelley, and Ryan E. Blair,
    Cooley LLP, San Diego, California; for Defendants-
    BYBEE, Circuit Judge:
    Lead plaintiff Carl Schwartz filed a putative federal
    securities class action against Defendants Arena
    Pharmaceuticals, Jack Lief, Dominic Behan, William
    Shanahan, and Christen Anderson1 in connection with public
    statements made about Arena’s weight-loss drug, lorcaserin.
    At various times, Defendants all made positive public
    statements about lorcaserin’s safety and the likelihood of
    FDA approval. On certain occasions, Defendants claimed
    that lorcaserin was not carcinogenic and referred to
    supporting “animal studies.”         When Arena filed its
    application with the FDA, the FDA’s advisory panel
    published a briefing document that disclosed, for the first
    time, that Arena had been in a “highly unusual” back-and-
    forth with the FDA regarding the results of cancer studies on
    rats (the “Rat Study”). For years, Arena knew that the rats
    receiving lorcaserin were getting cancer. And the FDA
    wanted evidence that it was not a threat to humans. The
    market was surprised by the undisclosed Rat Study, and
    Arena’s stock dropped significantly. Schwartz filed suit after
    news of the Rat Study broke. After further study, the FDA
    ultimately signed off on lorcaserin, and the product is now on
    the market.
    The district court dismissed the First, Second, and
    Proposed Third Amended Complaints, holding that Arena and
    the FDA were engaged in a good-faith scientific dispute
    Lief, Behan, Shanahan, and Anderson were, during the Class Period,
    Arena’s CEO, Chief Scientific Officer, Chief Medical Officer, and VP of
    Clinical Development, respectively.
    regarding the cause of the rat cancer and that, therefore,
    scienter was not adequately pleaded. Schwartz filed this
    timely appeal. We conclude that Schwartz has properly
    pleaded scienter, and we reverse.
    A. Arena Pharmaceuticals and Lorcaserin
    Arena is a bio-pharmaceutical company that developed
    (and eventually marketed) a weight-loss drug called
    lorcaserin. Lorcaserin is a “serotonin agonist,” and functions
    in some ways similar to the notorious drug, “Fen-Phen.”
    Given the disastrous health consequences of Fen-Phen, the
    FDA gives close scrutiny to serotonin agonists when it comes
    to potential cardiovascular problems, and lorcaserin’s safety
    was of obvious importance to investors for the same reason.
    Prior to approving a drug, the FDA requires extensive clinical
    studies (testing on humans) and nonclinical studies (testing
    on animals and in labs). Clinical testing is done in three
    phases. Each phase of clinical testing attempts to gather more
    information on drug safety and efficacy in human subjects,
    and each phase requires a larger and larger population size.
    Between September 2006 and July 2009, Arena
    conducted two Phase III clinical tests with lorcaserin—known
    as the “BLOOM” (Behavioral modification and Lorcaserin
    for Overweight and Obesity Management) and “BLOSSOM”
    (Behavioral modification and Lorcaserin Second Study for
    Obesity Management) tests. They involved thousands of
    patients who used lorcaserin for up to two years. At the same
    time, Arena was conducting the Rat Study—a nonclinical
    study in which lorcaserin was given to lab rats to test
    lorcaserin’s carcinogenicity. The animal tests are run so that
    the FDA can see whether there is a risk of humans developing
    cancer from the drug. If the rats develop cancer, the burden
    is then on the drug developer to show the FDA that the
    carcinogenic mechanism is not relevant to humans. This is
    generally done in one of two ways: (a) demonstrating that the
    biological mechanism causing the cancer is unique to rats (or
    at least not present in humans), or (b) showing that there is a
    sufficiently large safety threshold to make risk to humans
    irrelevant (e.g., the cancer-causing dosage levels for rats is
    significantly higher than human prescription-level dosages).
    By February 2007, the Rat Study’s initial results indicated
    that lorcaserin was causing mammary tumors, brain cancer,
    skin cancer, and nerve sheath cancer in the rats. In May
    2007, Arena reported these results to the FDA. Arena
    believed that the cause of the carcinogenic mechanism was
    the hormone prolactin, a theory it deemed the “Prolactin
    Hypothesis.” Prolactin is a hormone that has been linked to
    cancer in rats. The FDA did not halt the clinical studies, but
    requested follow-up testing and bi-monthly updates on
    whether the rats taking lorcaserin experienced increased
    prolactin levels.2 Arena complied and submitted “initial
    readings” of the ongoing Rat Study.
    In April 2008, Defendants Shanahan, Behan, and
    Anderson sat down with the FDA to discuss these and other
    matters. Once again, the FDA did not put the BLOOM and
    BLOSSOM studies on hold, instead insisting that Arena
    The FDA’s regulations permit this sort of request. See 
    21 C.F.R. § 312.32
    (c)(1)(v)(3) (giving FDA regulatory flexibility in demanding
    interim safety reports). Arena’s CEO, Jack Lief, however, later called this
    request “highly unusual and not part of the normal process with the FDA.”
    He also referred to it as “an out-of-process type of procedure.”
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                           7
    submit a draft of the final Rat Study report as soon as
    possible. The FDA permitted the human testing to continue
    1) the updated informed consent forms
    included the nonclinical [Rat Study] findings;
    2) [it] learned that drug exposure in rats was
    nearly twice as high as predicted, which
    increased the safety margin to clinical
    exposure; 3) preliminary data showed a
    modest increase in serum prolactin levels after
    a single dose in male rats . . . ; 4) [it]
    acknowledged that the interim tumor
    incidence data would change (e.g., might be
    less worrisome) . . . ; 5) only with continued
    clinical study was it possible to assess
    whether long-term dosing with lorcaserin
    increased serum prolactin levels in humans;
    6) only with continuation of clinical dosing
    would [it] obtain an accurate assessment of
    lorcaserin’s weight-loss efficacy and safety in
    diabetics; and 7) given that lorcaserin is non-
    genotoxic, [it] believed that cancer risk was
    low under the conditions of use in the ongoing
    clinical trials . . . .3
    In February 2009, Arena put together the final report,
    concluding that follow-up studies substantiated the
    connection between prolactin and the cancer.
    From the record before us, there is no evidence that the FDA said
    anything further to Defendants about the Rat Study until September 2010.
    On March 12, 2009, less than one month after Arena put
    together the final Rat Study report for the FDA, CEO Jack
    Lief told investors that Arena was confident about
    lorcaserin’s approval. That confidence was “based on the
    Phase II data, the Phase I data, the preclinical studies that
    was [sic] done, [and] all the animal studies that have been
    completed.” (Emphasis added.) A May 2009 SEC filing,
    signed by Lief, similarly represented that “the long-term
    safety and efficacy” of lorcaserin had been “demonstrated,”
    in part, through “long-term preclinical toxicity and
    carcinogenicity studies. These preclinical, animal studies are
    required to help us and regulatory authorities assess the
    potential risk that drug candidates may be toxic or cause
    cancer in humans.” (Emphasis added.) In a shareholder call
    on September 18, 2009, Christen Anderson, Vice President of
    Clinical Development, represented that Arena “ha[d]
    favorable results on everything that we’ve compiled so far.”
    (Emphasis added.) During a shareholder call on November
    10, 2009, Lief stated that “at [that] time [they] ha[d] all of the
    data in hand that [would] be included” in the soon-to-be-
    submitted application. (Emphasis added.) Arena’s Chief
    Scientific Officer, Dominic Behan, told investors that “[a]s
    you can see from the data, we believe that lorcaserin is a
    game changer.” And when discussing the upcoming
    Advisory Committee meeting, Arena’s Chief Medical
    Officer, William Shanahan, said, “we’re not expecting any
    surprises associated with the panel.”
    In December 2009, Arena submitted its final application
    (which included all study data and the Rat Study conclusions)
    to the FDA. The FDA scheduled an Advisory Committee
    meeting to consider whether lorcaserin should be
    recommended for FDA approval. In preparation for this
    meeting, Arena hired Dr. Gary Williams, a world-renowned
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                           9
    toxicologist (specializing in carcinogenicity) to answer
    questions for the Committee.4
    On September 14, 2010, the FDA published Arena’s and
    the FDA’s briefing documents on the FDA’s website. In its
    briefing documents, the FDA disclosed the existence of the
    Rat Study and concerns about lorcaserin’s possible
    carcinogenicity for the first time. Investors and analysts were
    “caught off guard,” “surprised,” and “completely blindsided”
    by the “unforseen,” “[un]disclosed,” “significant concern”
    about “pre-clinical cancers in rats.” Arena’s stock took a
    plunge, declining in value by 40% in a single day.
    At a later meeting with the Advisory Committee, Arena
    interpreted the data to support the safety of lorcaserin. Arena
    explained that the Rat Study showed that (a) the dosage rates
    for rats getting cancer were 82 times higher than human
    exposure, thus creating an acceptable safety margin, and
    (b) the timing of prolactin increases substantiated the
    Prolactin Hypothesis and that the amount of prolactin
    increase should not be the focus of the inquiry.
    The FDA Advisory Committee disagreed, initially. It
    believed that in order to prove the Prolactin Hypothesis, the
    studies needed to show robust and sustained increases in
    prolactin levels in the rats, which the data did not show.
    Advisory Committee members recognized that there was a
    difference of opinion among its members regarding how to
    Dr. Williams would explain that the timing of prolactin increase
    relative to rat mammary development substantiated the Prolactin
    Hypothesis and that the amount of prolactin increase (which turned out to
    be pretty insubstantial in the Rat Study) should not be the focus of the
    translate the data to apply to humans, but ultimately voted 9
    to 5 against recommending lorcaserin for approval. A month
    later, the FDA denied the application and requested that
    Arena provide further independent pathological review of the
    Rat Study.
    An independent panel of pathologists later uniformly
    concluded that Arena had overreported the incidents of
    tumors to the FDA. Moreover, after Arena submitted a new
    application, the FDA Advisory Committee found that there
    was a high-enough safety margin for the drug and that the
    Prolactin Hypothesis was a “plausible” explanation for the rat
    cancer. The FDA approved lorcaserin in June 2012, and it is
    currently on the market.
    B. The Suit
    After the FDA posted the briefing documents online and
    Arena’s stock plummeted, Schwartz filed suit alleging
    violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934 and SEC Rule 10b-5. The district
    court dismissed the First Amended Complaint (FAC) without
    prejudice for failure to plead scienter. The court first held
    that the FAC failed to plead sufficient details permitting the
    court to infer that the Defendants had knowledge about the
    Rat Study or the FDA’s concerns. Second, the court held that
    reading the FAC holistically, it was more plausible that,
    assuming they did know about the results, the Defendants
    “reasonably believed the results to be positive” and thus they
    did not act with deliberate recklessness regarding the
    Schwartz filed a Second Amended Complaint (SAC) in
    May 2013, adding details regarding the Defendants and their
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                            11
    personal knowledge of the Rat Study and allegations from
    numerous confidential informants regarding Arena’s financial
    health. The district court dismissed the SAC, holding that the
    case boiled down to a scientific dispute between Arena and
    the FDA regarding the safety of lorcaserin. The court then
    invited a proposed Third Amended Complaint (TAC) to give
    Schwartz the opportunity to plead facts to “show this case to
    be about more than a difference of scientific opinion.”
    Schwartz proffered a TAC, but the district court denied
    leave to amend saying that amendment would be futile. In
    the district court’s view, the strongest inference from the
    alleged facts was that Arena experienced an unexpected
    scientific disagreement with the FDA, and that because there
    was a reasonable basis to believe that the data supported the
    Prolactin Hypothesis, the Defendants did not make their
    omissions with scienter. Schwartz filed a timely appeal.5
    Schwartz’s theory is simple. At the same time
    Defendants touted the safety and likely approval of
    lorcaserin, they referred to the animal studies supporting the
    FDA application. But once they raised the animal studies,
    Defendants were obligated to disclose the Rat Study’s
    existence to the market. Failure to do so, in Schwartz’s view,
    demonstrates scienter. Recognizing that this is a close case,
    we agree. First, we set out the background legal principles
    We review de novo the grant of a motion to dismiss, Nat’l Elevator
    Indus. Pension Fund v. VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (In re Verifone Holdings,
    Inc. Sec. Lit.), 
    704 F.3d 694
    , 700–01 (9th Cir. 2012), as well as denials of
    leave to amend based on futility, Zucco Partners, LLC v. Digimarc Corp.,
    552 F.3d 981
    , 1007 (9th Cir. 2009).
    governing private securities fraud claims. Second, we apply
    these standards to conclude that Schwartz has adequately
    alleged scienter.
    A. Background Legal Principles
    Under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of
    1934 (15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)) and SEC Rule 10b-5 (
    17 C.F.R. § 240
    .10b-5),6 Schwartz must allege “(1) a material
    misrepresentation or omission by the defendant; (2) scienter;
    (3) a connection between the misrepresentation or omission
    and the purchase or sale of a security; (4) reliance upon the
    misrepresentation or omission; (5) economic loss; and
    (6) loss causation.” Lloyd v. CVB Financial Corp., 
    811 F.3d 1200
    , 1206 (9th Cir. 2016) (quoting Erica P. John Fund, Inc.
    v. Halliburton Co., 
    563 U.S. 804
    , 810 (2011)). Only scienter
    is at issue in this appeal.
    Ordinarily, when we review a motion to dismiss under
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), we accept a
    plaintiff’s allegations as true “and construe them in the light
    most favorable” to the plaintiff, Zucco Partners, LLC v.
    Digimarc Corp., 
    552 F.3d 981
    , 989 (9th Cir. 2009),
    dismissing the complaint only if it fails “to ‘state a claim to
    relief that is plausible on its face.’” 
     (quoting Bell Atl.
    Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 570 (2007)). But because
    Schwartz here alleges that Defendants fraudulently violated
    Schwartz has also raised a claim under Section 20(a) of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, for controlling-person liability. Such
    claims hinge on an underlying violation of section 10(b). Zucco, 
    552 F.3d at 990
    . Accordingly, because we reverse the district court and hold that
    Schwartz has sufficiently pleaded scienter on his section 10(b) claim, we
    similarly reverse, without analysis, the district court’s dismissal on the
    section 20(a) claim. 
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                     13
    federal securities laws, the equation is altered by the “dual
    pleading requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    9(b) and the [Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
    (PSLRA), 15 U.S.C. § 78u-4].” Zucco, 
    552 F.3d at 990
    Rule 9(b) imposes “a heightened pleading requirement,
    which requires that a party ‘state with particularity the
    circumstances constituting fraud.’” Nat’l Elevator Indus.
    Pension Fund v. VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (In re Verifone
    Holdings, Inc. Sec. Lit.), 
    704 F.3d 694
    , 701 (9th Cir. 2012)
    (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b)). Under the rule, however, the
    “heightened pleading standard” only applies to the
    circumstances of the fraud and not to the defendant’s state of
    mind. ESG Capital Partners, LP v. Stratos, 
    828 F.3d 1023
    1031–32 (9th Cir. 2016). The PSLRA, however, ups the ante
    by requiring that “‘the complaint . . . specify each statement
    alleged to have been misleading, [and] the reason or reasons
    why the statement is misleading,’” VeriFone, 704 F.3d at 701
    (quoting 15 U.S.C. § 78u-4(b)(1)(B)) (alteration in original),
    and by requiring that the allegations give “rise to a strong
    inference that the defendant acted with the required state of
    mind.” 15 U.S.C. § 78u-4(b)(2)(A) (emphasis added). These
    “heightened pleading requirements for securities fraud cases
    . . . present no small hurdle for the securities fraud plaintiff.”
    VeriFone, 704 F.3d at 701.
    Schwartz’s burden, therefore, is to allege sufficiently
    particular facts to demonstrate a strong inference of
    scienter—a mental state that not only covers “intent to
    deceive, manipulate, or defraud,” Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v.
    563 U.S. 27
    , 48 (2011) (quoting Tellabs, Inc. v.
    Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U.S. 308
    , 319 (2007)), but
    also “deliberate recklessness,” Zucco, 
    552 F.3d at
    (quotation marks omitted).7 We have defined “deliberate
    recklessness” as more than “mere recklessness or a motive to
    commit fraud.” 
     (emphasis added). Instead, deliberate
    recklessness is “an extreme departure from the standards of
    ordinary care . . . which presents a danger of misleading
    buyers or sellers that is either known to the defendant or is so
    obvious that the actor must have been aware of it.” 
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks omitted); accord
    Ottmann v. Hanger Orthopedic Grp., Inc., 
    353 F.3d 338
    , 343
    (4th Cir. 2003). “A complaint will survive,” the Supreme
    Court has instructed, “only if a reasonable person would
    deem the inference of scienter cogent and at least as
    compelling as any opposing inference one could draw from
    the facts alleged.” Tellabs, 
    551 U.S. at 324
    . All in all,
    though not impossible, this “is not an easy standard to comply
    with—it was not intended to be—and plaintiffs must be held
    to it.” Eminence Capital, LLC v. Aspeon, Inc., 
    316 F.3d 1048
    , 1052 (9th Cir. 2003) (per curiam).
    Of particular importance to Schwartz’s theory is the idea
    that the securities laws “do not create an affirmative duty to
    disclose any and all material information.” Matrixx, 
    563 U.S. at 44
    . Instead, “companies can control what they have to
    disclose under these provisions by controlling what they say
    to the market.” 
    Id. at 45
    . But “once defendants cho[o]se to
    tout” positive information to the market, “they [are] bound to
    do so in a manner that wouldn’t mislead investors,” including
    Although the Supreme Court has never decided “whether reckless
    behavior is sufficient for civil liability under § 10(b) and Rule 10b-5,”
    551 U.S. at
    319 n.3, “[e]very Court of Appeals that has
    considered the issue has held that a plaintiff may meet the scienter
    requirement by showing that the defendant acted intentionally or
    recklessly . . . .” 
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                    15
    disclosing adverse information that cuts against the positive
    information. Berson v. Applied Signal Tech., Inc., 
    527 F.3d 982
    , 987 (9th Cir. 2008). Three cases are particularly
    relevant here: Matrixx, Berson, and In re AstraZeneca Sec.
    559 F. Supp. 2d 453
     (S.D.N.Y. 2008).
    In Matrixx, the makers of Zicam, Matrixx Initiatives,
    began receiving complaints from doctors saying that patients
    were losing their sense of smell when using Zicam to treat the
    common cold. 563 U.S. at 31. A research doctor, Dr.
    Linschoten, drew Matrixx’s attention to studies linking zinc
    (the main active ingredient in Zicam) to loss of smell. Id. at
    32. Matrixx told Dr. Linschoten that it had hired a consultant
    to review Zicam. A second researcher, Dr. Jafek, soon
    thereafter published an abstract noting about a dozen patients
    who had all lost their sense of smell after using Zicam. Id. at
    32–33. When Drs. Linschoten and Jafek prepared a
    presentation on Zicam and loss of smell, Matrixx told Dr.
    Jafek not to use Zicam’s name in the presentation. Id. at 33.
    Shortly thereafter, several product liability suits were filed by
    plaintiffs complaining of damage to their sense of smell. Id.
    Notwithstanding this information, Matrixx continued to
    make public statements promoting its belief in Zicam’s
    market growth in the upcoming months. Id. at 33–34. In all
    of its public statements, Matrixx failed to mention either the
    researchers’ concerns or the pending lawsuits over the loss of
    smell. Id. at 33–34, 45–47. Moreover, once investment
    analysts reported that the FDA was looking into the issue,
    Matrixx put out press releases saying that the allegations were
    “unfounded and misleading,” and that “[i]n no clinical trial”
    had the kind of zinc in Zicam caused “a single report of lost
    or diminished [smell].” Id. at 34. Within days, Good
    Morning America highlighted Dr. Jafek’s findings. Id. at 35.
    The defendants then told the SEC it had put together a panel
    of doctors and scientists to review Zicam. Id. Because of the
    volatility in Matrixx’s stock price, the plaintiffs filed suit.
    See id. at 36.
    Matrixx argued that in order to meet the deliberate
    recklessness standard of scienter, the plaintiffs would have to
    plead that the defendants “knew of statistically significant
    evidence of causation” of loss of smell. Id. at 48–49. In
    other words, Matrixx argued it was not required to divulge
    the information because the information was not strong
    enough to raise alarm bells. The Supreme Court rejected that
    argument, noting that there was a strong inference of
    deliberate recklessness based on Matrixx’s (1) telling Dr.
    Linschoten that it was having an outside consultant review
    the matter; (2) getting a panel of physicians and scientists to
    review Dr. Jafek’s presentation; (3) demanding that Dr. Jafek
    remove Zicam’s name from the presentation; and
    (4) suggesting that studies had been done that had not been
    done. Id. at 49. Matrixx was obligated to disclose the issue
    given its positive statements to the market and the fact that it
    had “received information that plausibly indicated a reliable
    causal link between Zicam and [loss of smell].” Id. at 45.
    In Berson, the defendant, Applied Signal Technology, had
    publically discussed the value of its “backlog”—defined as
    “the dollar value of the work it ha[d] contracted to do but
    ha[d]n’t yet performed”—to investors. 
    527 F.3d at 984
    However, Applied Signal failed to disclose that “four stop-
    work orders” had been issued by its clients, leading to a
    significant risk that the “stopped work” would be “cancelled
    altogether” and that the company would never actually earn
    the money from those backlogged orders. 
     We explained
    that, generally, Applied Signal had no obligation to discuss
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                   17
    the backlog at all: “Had [Applied Signal] released no backlog
    reports, their failure to mention the stop-work orders might
    not have misled anyone.” 
    Id. at 987
    . “But,” we continued,
    “once defendants chose to tout the company’s backlog, they
    were bound to do so in a manner that wouldn’t mislead
    investors as to what that backlog consisted of.” 
    In contrast, the defendants in AstraZeneca were
    developing a blood thinner, Exanta, to compete with the
    existing gold-standard drug, Warfarin. 
    559 F. Supp. 2d at 457
    . The defendants released numerous press releases, made
    SEC filings, and held teleconferences touting the likely
    approval of the drug and its safety profile. 
     at 458–62.
    However, as an Advisory Committee meeting approached,
    the FDA published a briefing document online that disagreed
    with the safety profile of the drug and took an overall
    negative view of it. 
    Id. at 462
    . When the stock price
    dropped, the plaintiff filed suit. But the district court
    dismissed the complaint on scienter grounds. 
    Id. at 472
    . The
    court noted that the collective statements of the defendants
    had disclosed risks of injury associated with the drug in
    public statements, and that, in the end, the FDA simply had
    a different interpretation of the safety profile. 
     at 470–71.
    Thus, because there were no allegations “to indicate that the
    [public] statements made did not reflect the honest belief of
    the authors,” the court held there was no strong inference of
    deliberate recklessness. 
     at 471–72.
    B. Analysis
    Applying these principles, we conclude that Schwartz has
    alleged scienter with sufficient particularity to survive a
    motion to dismiss. There is no question that Schwartz has
    alleged that Defendants knew that the Rat Study existed. See
    563 U.S. at
    31–32 (defendants made aware of
    negative studies); Berson, 
    527 F.3d at 984
     (defendants knew
    of stop-work orders). Similarly, Schwartz has alleged that
    Defendants knew that the FDA’s request for bi-monthly
    reports and follow-up studies was “highly unusual” and “out-
    of-process.” But in full knowledge of this, Defendants went
    ahead and told investors about their confidence in lorcaserin’s
    approval being based on “the preclinical studies that [were]
    done, [and] all the animal studies that have been completed.”
    (Emphasis added.) The public was assured that lorcaserin’s
    “long-term safety and efficacy” (and thus the likelihood of its
    imminent approval) were “demonstrated” through “long-term
    preclinical toxicity and carcinogenicity studies.” These
    “preclinical, animal studies” were done, according to Arena,
    “to help [Arena] and regulatory authorities assess the
    potential risk that drug candidates may be toxic or cause
    cancer in humans.”
    Defendants may not have had a duty to disclose the Rat
    Study had they not been representing that animal studies
    supported lorcaserin’s safety and therefore its likelihood of
    being approved. “[C]ompanies can control what they have to
    disclose under these provisions by controlling what they say
    to the market.” Matrixx, 
    563 U.S. at 45
    . But here, to
    paraphrase our holding in Berson, “once defendants chose to
    tout [lorcaserin’s likely approval by referencing allegedly
    positive animal and preclinical studies], they were bound to
    do so in a manner that wouldn’t mislead investors as to
    [potentially negative information within their possession].”
    527 F.3d at 987
    . Arena’s failure to inform the market
    about the risk of non-approval or delayed approval based on
    the FDA’s “concerns” about the Rat Study was “an extreme
    departure from the standards of ordinary care . . . [that]
    present[ed] a danger of misleading buyers or sellers that
    [was] either known to [Arena] or [was] so obvious that
    [Arena] must have been aware of it.” Zucco, 
    552 F.3d at 991
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Arena did more than just express its confidence in
    lorcaserin’s future. It affirmatively represented that “all the
    animal studies that [had] been completed” supported Arena’s
    case for approval. And at the time these statements were
    made by various Arena officials in 2009, Arena knew that the
    animal studies were the sticking point with the FDA.
    Contrary to Arena’s representations to investors, it was not
    true that the “preclinical, animal studies” demonstrated the
    “long-term safety and efficacy” of lorcaserin or “the potential
    risk that [it] may be toxic or cause cancer in humans.” It was
    also not true that Arena had “all of the data in hand” or that
    “everything that [they had] compiled so far” was “favorable.”
    These statements were representations about lorcaserin that
    Arena could not, in fact, support at the time they were made.
    Arena was free to express confidence in FDA approval. It
    might have represented that Arena was working through some
    requests from the FDA and was confident the data would
    vindicate lorcaserin. But what it could not do was express
    confidence by claiming that all of the data was running in
    lorcaserin’s favor. It was not.
    To be sure, as Defendants point out, there is not any
    specific allegation about the content of the FDA’s concerns
    with the Rat Study prior to the publication of the briefing
    document. But as Arena’s 2010 disclosure, following the
    FDA’s announcement, makes crystal clear:
    [W]e conducted long-term carcinogenicity
    preclinical studies of lorcaserin. The FDA
    identified in the [Complete Response Letter
    (“CRL”)] for lorcaserin issues related to such
    studies. We intend to provide in our response
    to the CRL data and other information to
    support our view related to such issues, but
    the FDA may disagree with our view or
    impose conditions that could delay or
    preclude approval of our lorcaserin
    (Emphasis added.) In other words, it seems quite clear that
    Arena understood that the FDA did not entirely agree with
    Arena’s views of the Rat Study. Indeed, FDA documents
    note that “[Arena] was made aware of [the FDA’s] concerns”
    and was asked to “defend continuation” of the clinical testing
    in light of the “nonclinical tumor/cancer data.” (Emphasis
    added.) Defendants obviously felt the need to respond by
    complying with the follow-up test requests. And they
    obviously felt the need to hire a pre-eminent expert to make
    the case that the Prolactin Hypothesis was supported.
    Defendants’ own response to the issue contributes to an
    inference of scienter here. Cf. Matrixx, 563 U.S. at 49–50
    (defendant’s decision to “convene[] a panel of physicians and
    scientists” in response to undisclosed allegations of negative
    health effects from the defendants’ product contributed to a
    “‘cogent and compelling’ inference that [the defendant]
    elected not to disclose the reports of adverse events not
    because it believed they were meaningless but because it
    understood their likely effect on the market”). This further
    buttresses our conclusion that Schwartz has adequately
    alleged scienter.
    Defendants attempt to avoid this conclusion by noting that
    all of the relevant statements contained in Schwartz’s
    pleadings came after the sit-down meeting with the FDA, and
    that the result of that meeting was to permit Arena to go on
    with the BLOOM and BLOSSOM studies. Moreover,
    Defendants heard nothing between the time they submitted
    the final Rat Study report in 2009 and the 2010 disclosure by
    the FDA. Thus, in Defendants’ view, because the last thing
    they heard from the FDA was “positive,” they were free to
    make the comments they did without disclosing the Rat
    Study. But the mere fact that the BLOOM and BLOSSOM
    studies were allowed to continue is insufficient to override
    the “highly unusual” nature of the procedures invoked by the
    FDA concerning the Rat Study. Nor can the FDA’s silence
    be taken as tacit approval such that Defendants were relieved
    from the duty to disclose the Rat Study when they chose to
    invoke “animal studies” as a grounds for their confidence in
    lorcaserin’s approval.
    Defendants contend that this case is really just like
    AstraZeneca: a good-faith scientific disagreement between
    the FDA and Arena about the meaning of the Rat Study and
    support for the Prolactin Hypothesis. If it were simply the
    case that this dispute turned on whether scienter could exist
    based on the reasonableness of Arena’s interpretation of the
    Rat Study versus the FDA’s interpretation, there would be
    little question Defendants would have the better argument.
    See AstraZeneca, 
    559 F. Supp. 2d at 471
     (“As of the time
    when the FDA Advisory Committee met . . . , AstraZeneca
    had its side of the case and the FDA staff had its side. The
    FDA staff view prevailed before the Advisory Committee.
    This does not mean that AstraZeneca was not conscientious
    in advocating the drug . . . before the FDA, nor does it mean
    that the information issued publicly over the course of more
    than a year was dishonest or recklessly disseminated.”).
    However, the simple fact that Arena had an explanation for
    its view of the data does not mean investors would not want
    to know that Arena and the FDA were at odds. Arena could
    have remained silent about the dispute or it could have
    addressed its discussions with the FDA head-on. But it could
    not represent that there was no controversy here because all
    the data was favorable. As Schwartz explains, his “theory of
    fraud is not that Defendants intentionally misled the market
    about the objective safety of lorcaserin. Rather, [Schwartz’s]
    theory of fraud is that Defendants intentionally withheld
    information material to the market’s assessment of whether
    and when the FDA would likely approve lorcaserin.” It is the
    failure to disclose “issues” and “concerns” with the Rat Study
    and the FDA’s interest in the outcome of those studies—not
    who was ultimately right about the underlying science—that
    matters. Cf. Matrixx, 
    563 U.S. at 43
     (“Given that medical
    professionals and regulators act on the basis of evidence of
    causation that is not statistically significant, it stands to
    reason that in certain cases reasonable investors would as
    well.”). And it sure mattered to investors, who were
    understandably concerned by the information revealed in the
    FDA’s 2010 briefing documents.8
    We reject Schwartz’s argument, however, that the vague and largely
    unsubstantiated allegations from confidential informants support a strong
    inference of scienter. We have cautioned securities plaintiffs that, absent
    some truly compelling allegations, we will not consider routine business
    behavior (like firing people or raising capital) to serve as the basis for
    scienter. See In re Rigel Pharm., Inc. Sec. Lit., 
    697 F.3d 869
    , 884–85 (9th
    Cir. 2012) (“[A]llegations of routine corporate objectives such as the
    desire to obtain good financing and expand are not, without more,
    sufficient to allege scienter.”). Holding otherwise “would support a
    finding of scienter for any company that seeks to enhance its business
    Id. at 884
    . Although this deprives Schwartz’s complaint of
    allegations about Defendants’ motives, “absence of a motive allegation,
    though relevant, is not dispositive.” Matrixx, 
    563 U.S. at 48
    SCHWARTZ V. ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS                          23
    Rule 9(b) and the PSLRA create a significant barrier for
    private securities plaintiffs. But it is not an impossible
    barrier; nor was it meant to be. We “must review all the
    allegations holistically” to determine whether Schwartz has
    met the relevant pleading standards. Matrixx, 563 U.S. at 48
    (internal quotation marks omitted). We conclude that he has.9
    Because the district court also dismissed the Section 20(a),
    controlling-person liability claim on scienter grounds, we reverse on that
    point as well. See supra n.6; Zucco, 
    552 F.3d at 990