State v. Kahn , 2017 Ohio 4067 ( 2017 )

  • [Cite as State v. Kahn, 
    Court of Appeals of Ohio
    No. 104360
    Civil Appeal from the
    Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
    Case No. CR-91-260993-ZA
    BEFORE: E.T. Gallagher, P.J., Laster Mays, J., and Celebrezze, J.
    Thomas A. Rein
    820 West Superior Ave., Suite 800
    Cleveland, Ohio 44113
    Michael C. O’Malley
    Cuyahoga County Prosecutor
    BY: Daniel T. Van
    Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
    The Justice Center, 9th Floor
    1200 Ontario Street
    Cleveland, Ohio 44113
    {¶1} Defendant-appellant, Michael Kahn (“Kahn”), appeals the trial court’s
    judgment classifying him a sexual predator under Megan’s Law.               He raises two
    assignments of error:
    1. The trial court erred by proceeding with the sexual predator hearing
    after counsel raised the issue of Kahn’s competency.
    2. The trial court erred when it classified Kahn as a sexual predator.
    {¶2} We find no merit to the appeal and affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    I. Facts and Procedural History
    {¶3} Kahn has a history of sex crimes convictions. In 1977, he was convicted of
    attempted gross sexual imposition (“GSI”) after he sexually molested a four-year-old girl.
    In 1980, he was convicted of GSI after sexually molesting a ten-year-old girl. In 1989,
    Kahn was convicted of felonious assault. It is not clear whether his victim was male or
    female. Nevertheless, in 1991, he pleaded guilty to rape of an adult woman and was
    sentenced to 25 years in prison. In 2001, while Kahn was incarcerated, the court ordered
    a sexual predator classification hearing to determine if Kahn was a sexual predator. At
    defendant’s request, the hearing was continued until after his release in 2016.
    {¶4} Dr. Michael Aronoff, of the court psychiatric clinic, evaluated Kahn for the
    sexual predator hearing in 2016. In his report, Dr. Aronoff reported that Kahn was
    “actively psychotic” during the clinical interview and appeared “distracted by auditory
    hallucinations.” Therefore, Dr. Aronoff concluded that the information Kahn provided
    during the interview was “of questionable validity.”
    {¶5} Nevertheless, Dr. Aronoff based his opinion on numerous sources outside of
    the interview. He referred to a record that indicated Kahn was sexually molested as a
    child. Other records showed that Kahn was born eight weeks prematurely in 1956 and
    that his mother took medications during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. He was only
    two pounds 13 ounces at the time of his birth.
    {¶6} At age 17, Kahn began living in a group home operated by the Parent
    Volunteer Association. His father indicated in a report that Kahn engaged in sexual
    misconduct and aggressive behavior in the home. During much of his life, Kahn either
    lived in a group home or in prison. He also received considerable psychological testing,
    numerous diagnoses, and treatment. In 1982, he was diagnosed with “conduct disorder,
    undersocialized, non-aggressive, and mild mental retardation.”        Dr. Aronoff had
    previously diagnosed Kahn as having pedophilia in 2001, and a psychologist at Mount
    Sinai Hospital diagnosed him with pedophilia in 1980. Kahn had also been diagnosed
    with various depressive disorders, personality disorders, developmental disorders, and
    schizoaffective disorder among other diagnoses.
    {¶7} Based on “subjective and objective measures of sexual interest,” Dr. Aronoff
    concluded that Kahn “has a significant sexual interest in young girls aged 8 to 10 years”
    and that he “appears to have a sexual interest in females aged 2 to 4 years, adolescent
    males and females, and adult females.”
    {¶8} At the sexual predator hearing, defense counsel raised concerns about Kahn’s
    competency. The state argued that because sexual predator classifications are civil in
    nature, the court was not required to hold a hearing to determine Kahn’s competency.
    The trial court agreed and proceeded without a competency hearing. At the conclusion
    of the hearing, the court found, by clear and convincing evidence, that Kahn was a sexual
    {¶9} Kahn now appeals the trial court’s judgment.
    II. Law and Analysis
    A. Competency
    {¶10} In the first assignment of error, Kahn argues the trial court erred by
    proceeding with the sexual predator hearing after his trial counsel raised concerns
    regarding his competency.
    {¶11} A criminal defendant may not stand trial if he is deemed legally
    incompetent. State v. Berry, 
    72 Ohio St.3d 354
    , 359, 
    650 N.E.2d 433
     (1995). R.C.
    2945.37(B), which governs a criminal defendant’s competency to stand trial, provides
    that a common pleas court must hold a competency hearing “[i]n a criminal action” if the
    prosecutor or defense counsel raises the issue of competency.
    {¶12} However, sexual predator hearings are civil in nature, not criminal. State v.
    93 Ohio St.3d 391
    754 N.E.2d 1252
     (2001) (Lundberg Stratton, J., concurring in
    part, dissenting in part); State v. Kendrick, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 98AP-1305, 
    1999 Ohio App. LEXIS 4622
     (Sept. 30, 1999).          Because sexual predator hearings are civil
    proceedings, R.C. 2945.37, which applies only to “criminal actions,” is inapplicable.
    {¶13} Kahn nevertheless argues that his right to due process required the court to
    hold a competency hearing and cites State v. Chambers, 
    151 Ohio App.3d 243
    783 N.E.2d 965
     (11th Dist.), to support his argument. In Chambers,
    the Eleventh District concluded that a convicted sex offender has the right to a
    competency hearing before being classified as a sexual predator under former R.C.
    Chapter 2950.    In reaching this conclusion, the Chambers court analogized sexual
    predator hearings to probation and parole violation hearings and noted that the United
    States Supreme Court held that a defendant’s due process rights at such hearings include
    the right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses. Id. at ¶ 10, citing Morrissey
    v. Brewer, 
    408 U.S. 471
    , 489, 
    92 S.Ct. 2593
    33 L.Ed.2d 484
     (1972), and Gagnon v.
    411 U.S. 778
    , 782, 
    93 S.Ct. 1756
    36 L.Ed.2d 656
    {¶14} The Chambers court reasoned that a defendant’s ability to be heard and
    confront adverse witnesses “may be rendered null if the defendant is not competent to
    understand and to participate in or to assist counsel in participating in the proceedings.”
    Id. at ¶ 10, quoting State v. Qualls, 
    50 Ohio App.3d 56
    , 58, 
    552 N.E.2d 957
    Dist.1988) (holding that the defendant was, as a matter of due process, entitled to a
    competency hearing before his probation revocation hearing.).
    {¶15} We find the Chambers court’s reliance on cases discussing the scope of a
    defendant’s due process rights in probation and parole violation cases is misplaced in the
    context of sexual predator hearings. As the United States Supreme Court explained in
    Whether any procedural protections are due depends on the extent to which
    an individual will be “condemned to suffer grievous loss.” Joint
    Anti-Fascist Refugee Commt. v. McGrath, 
    341 U.S. 123
    , 168 [
    71 S.Ct. 624
    95 L.Ed. 817
    ] (1951) (Frankfurter, J., concurring), quoted in Goldberg v.
    397 U.S. 254
    , [
    90 S.Ct. 1011
    95 L.Ed.2d 287
    ] (1970). The question
    is not merely the “weight” of the individual’s interest, but whether the
    nature of the interest is one within the contemplation of the “liberty or
    property” language of the Fourteenth Amendment. Fuentes v. Shevin, 
    407 U.S. 67
    92 S.Ct. 1983
    32 L.Ed.2d 287
    ] (1972).
    Once it is determined that due process applies, the question remains what
    process is due. It has been said so often by this [c]ourt and others as not to
    require citation of authority that due process is flexible and calls for such
    procedural protections as the particular situation demands. “Consideration
    of what procedures due process may require under any given set of
    circumstances must begin with a determination of the precise nature of the
    government function involved as well as of the private interest that has been
    affected by governmental action.” Cafeteria & Restaurant Workers Union
    v. McElroy, 
    367 U.S. 886
    , 895 [
    81 S.Ct. 1743
    6 L.Ed.2d 1230
    ] (1961).
    To say that the concept of due process is flexible does not mean that judges
    are at large to apply it to any and all relationships. Its flexibility is in its
    scope once it has been determined that some process is due; it is a
    recognition that not all situations calling for procedural safeguards call for
    the same kind of procedure.
    {¶16} In holding that a parolee’s due process rights include the right to confront
    adverse witnesses, the Morrissey court balanced the state’s interest in protecting the
    public from future crime against the parolee’s constitutional right to liberty as guaranteed
    by the Fourteenth Amendment. Obviously, revocation of parole or probation results in
    the defendant’s loss of liberty. Such is not the case in sexual predator proceedings, and
    Ohio Supreme Court precedent suggests the convicted sex offender’s right to due process
    is more limited than that of a parole or probation violator. See State v. Ferguson, 
    120 Ohio St.3d 7
    896 N.E.2d 110
    {¶17} In Ferguson, the court held, in part, that retroactive application of the sexual
    classification statute did not violate the defendant’s constitutional protection against the
    enactment of ex post facto laws because the sexual classification statute was remedial
    rather than punitive. Id. at ¶ 29.   In balancing the effect a sexual predator classification
    would have on the convicted sex offender against the state’s interest in protecting the
    public, the Ferguson court noted that former R.C. Chapter 2950 was “replete with
    references to the legislature’s intent to ‘protect the safety and general welfare of the
    people of this state’ and to ‘assur[e] public protection.’”      Id., quoting former R.C.
    2950.02(B). Moreover, the court explained:
    As we have before, we acknowledge that R.C. Chapter 2950 may pose
    significant and often harsh consequences for offenders, including
    harassment and ostracism from the community. [State v.] Wilson, 
    113 Ohio St.3d 382
    865 N.E.2d 1264
    , ¶ 46 (Lanzinger, J.,
    dissenting); [State v.] Cook, 
    83 Ohio St.3d 404
    , 413, 
    700 N.E.2d 570
    [1998]. We disagree, however, with Ferguson’s conclusion that the General
    Assembly has transmogrified the remedial statute into a punitive one by the
    provisions enacted through S.B. 5.
    *    *    *
    As an initial matter, we observe that an offender’s classification as a sexual
    predator is a collateral consequence of the offender’s criminal acts rather
    than a form of punishment per se.
    *    *    *
    We conclude that the General Assembly’s purpose for requiring the
    dissemination of an offender’s information is the belief that education and
    notification will help inform the public so that it can protect itself.
    “Widespread public access is necessary for the efficacy of the scheme, and
    the attendant humiliation is but a collateral consequence of a valid
    regulation.” Smith [v. Doe], 
    538 U.S. 84
    , 99, 
    123 S.Ct. 1140
    155 L.Ed.2d 164
    Ferguson at ¶ 32-38.    Thus, the Ferguson court found that the state’s need to protect the
    public from convicted sex offenders whose recidivism rates are known to be “alarming”
    outweighed the “significant and often harsh consequences for offenders” such that sex
    offenders at classification hearings are entitled to less due process protection than
    defendants facing criminal penalties. Id. at ¶ 32, 35, and 38.     Because sexual predator
    hearings are civil and remedial in nature, and            R.C. 2945.37 only mandates a
    competency hearing in “criminal actions,” the trial court was not required to hold a
    competency hearing before proceeding with Kahn’s sexual predator hearing.
    {¶18} In Chambers, the trial court determined the offender was incompetent and
    classified him as   a sexually oriented offender, by default, even though the trial court had
    determined he was a sexual predator.     Rather than restoring Chambers to competency to
    ensure that he understood the proceedings and the reporting requirements of his
    classification, the court classified him as a sexually oriented offender because “there is no
    evidence that an individual convicted of a sexually oriented offense could present at a
    hearing that would cause a trial court to determine that he is not a sexually oriented
    offender.”    Chambers at ¶ 14, citing State v. Hayden, 
    96 Ohio St.3d 211
    773 N.E.2d 502
    , ¶ 15.
    {¶19} A sexual classification by default does not solve the problem of the
    offender’s incompetence.     Admittedly, there is little the offender can do to defend
    against the statute’s automatic classification of sexually oriented offenders. However, a
    classification by default fails to achieve the legislature’s intent to protect the public from
    future crime if the incompetent offender fails to register a change of address because he
    did not understand his reporting requirements. And if the offender is a sexual predator,
    then more frequent reporting is necessary to protect the public than is required for
    sexually oriented offenders. Unfortunately, former R.C. Chapter 2950 does not address
    the rare, but real, circumstances of this case.   Nevertheless, because former R.C. Chapter
    2950 is civil and remedial in nature, the court was not required to hold a competency
    hearing before proceeding with the sexual predator hearing in this case.
    {¶20} We are cognizant that Civ.R. 17(B) provides that “when a minor or
    incompetent person is not otherwise represented in an action, the court shall appoint a
    guardian ad litem or shall make such other order as it deems proper for the protection of
    such * * * incompetent person.” However, the trial court’s obligation to appoint a
    guardian ad litem only arises when the incompetent person is not otherwise represented.
    Kendrick, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 98AP-1305, 
    1999 Ohio App. LEXIS 4622
     (Sept. 30,
    1999); Mihal v. Sargis, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 49532, 
    1985 Ohio App. LEXIS 8792
    (Oct. 3, 1985).
    {¶21} Kahn was represented by competent counsel at the sexual predator hearing.
    Effective assistance of counsel is sufficient to protect   the offender’s interests at a sexual
    predator hearing.   Therefore, Kahn’s right to due process was not violated by the court’s
    failure to hold a competency hearing before the sexual predator proceedings.
    {¶22} Accordingly, the first assignment of error is overruled.
    B. Sexual Predator Classification
    {¶23} In the second assignment of error, Kahn argues the trial court erred when it
    classified him as a sexual predator.
    {¶24} In 1996, the General Assembly enacted Ohio’s version of the federal
    “Megan’s Law” legislation, which created a comprehensive registration and classification
    system for sex offenders. State v. Bodyke, 
    126 Ohio St.3d 266
    933 N.E.2d 753
    , ¶ 6-7. Under Megan’s Law, a sentencing court was required to determine
    whether a sex offender fell into one of three classifications (1) sexually oriented offender,
    (2) habitual sex offender, or (3) sexual predator. Cook, 
    83 Ohio St.3d 404
    , 407, 
    700 N.E.2d 570
    {¶25} In 2007, the Ohio General Assembly enacted the Adam Walsh Act, which
    imposed a three-tiered sexual offender classification system. Bodyke at ¶ 20. Thus,
    sexual predator hearings were no longer necessary under the Adam Walsh Act, since
    classifications were automatically determined based on the offense committed.             
    However, the Ohio Supreme Court held that the Adam Walsh Act could not be applied
    retroactively to offenders who committed their offenses prior to the act’s effective date,
    January 1, 2008. Therefore, because Kahn committed the rape offense that triggered the
    sexual predator hearing prior to January 1, 2008, Megan’s Law is the applicable
    classification system. 
    {¶26} Under Megan’s Law, former R.C. 2950.01(E) defines a “sexual predator” as
    “a person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to committing a sexually oriented
    offense and is likely to engage in the future in one or more sexually oriented offenses.”
    The state has the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the offender
    was a sexual predator.       State v. Hendricks, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 102365,
    , ¶ 13.
    {¶27} In determining whether an offender is a sexual predator under Megan’s
    Law, former R.C. 2950.09(B)(3) instructs the court to consider (1) the age of the offender
    and criminal record, (2) the victim’s age, (3) whether the offense involved multiple
    victims, (4) whether the offender used drugs or alcohol to impair the victim, (5) if the
    offender has previously been convicted of any criminal offense, (6) whether the offender
    participated in any available program for sex offenders, (7) whether the offender
    demonstrated a pattern of abuse or displayed cruelty toward the victim, (8) any mental
    illness or disability of the offender, and (9) any other behavioral characteristics that
    contribute to the sex offender’s conduct. See former R.C. 2950.09(B)(3)(a)-(j).
    {¶28} Although the court must consider the factors set forth in former
    R.C. 2950.09(B), it is not required to make an individual assessment of those factors, nor
    is any one factor or combination of factors dispositive. State v. Caraballo, 8th Dist.
    Cuyahoga No. 89757, 
    , ¶ 8.
    {¶29} And since sexual predator classifications under Megan’s Law are considered
    civil in nature, the civil manifest weight of the evidence standard of review applies on
    appeal. State v. Nelson, 8th Dist. Cuyahoga No. 101228, 
    , ¶ 8. Under
    the manifest weight of the evidence standard, this court must give “great deference” to the
    trial court’s findings of fact. Wilson, 
    113 Ohio St.3d 382
    865 N.E.2d 1264
    , ¶ 26. Judgments supported by competent, credible evidence must be affirmed.
    {¶30} Kahn argues there was no evidence demonstrating that he was likely to
    engage in future sexual misconduct because all the evidence presented was stale.
    Therefore, he argues, the sexual predator classification was against the manifest weight of
    the evidence.
    {¶31} The trial court relied on evidence presented by Dr. Aronoff and determined
    that the following factors weighed in favor of adjudicating Kahn a sexual predator (1)
    Kahn’s criminal history, (2) the victim’s ages, (3) the fact that there were multiple
    victims, and (4) the nature of the conduct. The court recounted other incidents in which
    Kahn chased female victims, but his actions in those instances did not result in criminal
    prosecution. Most of his victims were children, many under 14 years of age.
    {¶32} The court also noted that Kahn admitted he was caught attempting to sneak
    under a bathroom stall to view a handicapped child using the toilet when he was a
    sanitation worker. Although Kahn was fired as a result of this incident, there were no
    formal legal charges.
    {¶33} The trial court also considered Kahn’s score on the STATIC-99 test, which
    indicated that he had a moderate to high-risk of reoffending, despite his age. Kahn’s
    responses to the ABEL Assessment indicated that he began engaging in inappropriate
    sexual conduct when he was 13 years of age and that the conduct continued until he was
    sentenced to 25 years in prison for rape when he was 32 years of age. Although the
    ABEL Assessment was completed in 2001, Dr. Aronoff was able to complete a revised
    STATIC-99, which indicated a “moderate high-risk * * * of reoffending.” Although the
    ABEL Assessment may have been stale if considered by itself, when considered with the
    updated STATIC-99 score, the two tests indicate a likelihood that Kahn will reoffend.
    {¶34} Finally, the court considered the fact that Kahn had not completed any
    sexual offender programs, suffers from mental illness and disability, and admitted being
    aggressive toward children. The court also referenced the fact that Kahn was sexual and
    aggressive towards children in the group home where he lived as an adolescent.
    {¶35} Dr. Aronoff’s opinions and Kahn’s test scores, considered with the facts of
    each of Kahn’s cases and his history of mental illness and sexual aggression, support the
    court’s determination that Kahn should be classified as a sexual predator.
    {¶36} Therefore, the second assignment of error is overruled.
    {¶37} Judgment affirmed.
    It is ordered that appellee recover from appellant costs herein taxed.
    The court finds there were reasonable grounds for this appeal.
    It is ordered that a special mandate issue out of this court directing the common
    pleas court to carry this judgment into execution. The defendant’s conviction having
    been affirmed, any bail pending appeal is terminated. Case remanded to the trial court
    for execution of sentence.
    A certified copy of this entry shall constitute the mandate pursuant to Rule 27 of
    the Rules of Appellate Procedure.
    {¶38}    I   respectfully   dissent   from   the   majority’s   determination   that
    defendant-appellant, Michael Kahn (“Kahn”), was correctly determined to be a sexual
    predator where the record shows that he was incompetent at the time of the trial court’s
    hearing. Without restoring Kahn to competency, I would, by default, classify him as a
    sexually oriented offender.
    I.    Background and Facts
    {¶39} In 1991, Kahn pled guilty to one count of rape with specifications and was
    sentenced to a term of 5 to 25 years.         On April 24, 1997, the Department of
    Rehabilitation and Correction (“DRC”) contacted the court, recommending classification
    of Kahn as a sexual offender pursuant to H.B. 180 (R.C. Chapter 2950, as amended in
    1996, commonly known as “Megan’s Law”). The court stated it “declines to make a
    finding in this matter and further finds the application of House Bill 180 to this defendant
    to be violative of the Ex Post Facto Clause of the U.S. Constitution and the Retroactive
    Clause of the Ohio Constitution.”
    {¶40} On January 17, 2001, the state directed the warden of the Southern
    Correctional Institution to send an H.B. 180 packet to the assistant Cuyahoga County
    prosecutor, including the master file, all records prepared during his incarceration,
    psychology and psychiatry reports, and security classifications. The court ordered, at the
    request of Kahn’s attorney, a general psychiatric evaluation, sexual predator evaluation
    and exam, and an intellectually disabled offender exam. Kahn’s motion to stay the
    proceedings was granted and his motion to dismiss was denied. The court ordered the
    DRC to notify the court six months prior to Kahn’s parole hearings.
    {¶41} On January 29, 2016, the state filed a motion for a sexual predator
    classification hearing. The DRC failed to notify the court six months prior to Kahn’s
    release date. On February 3, 2016, the trial court scheduled the H.B. 180 hearing and
    referred Kahn for examination. The entry notes that Kahn “has completed his sentence.”
    {¶42} The hearing was held on March 28, 2016. Defense counsel voiced serious
    reservations about Kahn’s competence after several meetings with him. Kahn indicated
    to counsel in the court’s presence that he attended Westminster college and was well
    versed in criminal law. Counsel also stated that Kahn was unable to understand the
    proceedings or the purpose. He was unable to assist counsel in preparing for his defense.
    Counsel added that he had never seen anyone “this severely mentally challenged and
    handicapped” in his 27 years of practice.
    {¶43} Defense counsel offered that his concerns were supported by the 2016 report
    of Dr. Aronoff (“Dr. Aronoff”), who also performed the 2001 evaluation. Dr. Aronoff
    determined that Kahn was psychotic during the interview, and distracted by auditory
    hallucinations. Dr. Aronoff was unable to perform a current present ABEL assessment
    due to the psychosis, a test to measure Kahn’s potential sexual interest in light of his
    pedophilic disorder history.
    {¶44} The state countered that the H.B. 180 proceeding under Megan’s Law is a
    civil proceeding. As a result, the court was statutorily obligated to conduct a sexual
    predator classification hearing within one year of Kahn’s release from prison. Kahn’s
    counsel acknowledged the proceeding was civil, but argued that, due to incompetence,
    Kahn’s inability to understand the nature of the proceeding and the ramifications for
    violating would subject him to a criminal violation and imprisonment.
    {¶45} I agree that the trial court’s actions will subject Kahn to an inevitable
    criminal violation and imprisonment because he is unable to comprehend the proceedings
    or to comply with the reporting requirements. Additionally, this quick action was an
    attempt to fix the state’s error in failing to notify the trial court six months prior to Kahn’s
    parole hearing to allow time for the court to pursue the possibility of restoring Kahn to
    competency prior to a hearing. I believe that this action violates Kahn’s rights as well, as
    the majority’s determination does nothing to protect the public from future crime.
    II.   Analysis
    {¶46} Ohio established sex offender registration in 1963 under “former R.C.
    Chapter 2950, 130 Ohio Laws 669.” State v. Cook, 
    83 Ohio St.3d 404
    , 406,
    700 N.E.2d 570
    .        R.C. Chapter 2950 was revised to incorporate
    elements of Megan’s Law (“Ohio Megan’s Law”):
    [I]n 1996, the General Assembly rewrote R.C. Chapter 2950 as part of
    Am.Sub.H.B. No. 180 (“H.B. 180”), 146 Ohio Laws, Part II, 2560, 2601.
    H.B. 180 was passed in May 1996 and signed by Governor Voinovich in
    July 1996. Some provisions became effective January 1, 1997, including
    the classification provision, R.C. 2950.09. Section 3 of H.B. 180, 146
    Ohio Laws, Part II, 2668. Other provisions, such as the registration and
    notification requirements, R.C. 2950.04, 2950.05, 2950.06, 2950.10, and
    2950.11, became effective July 1, 1997. Section 5 of H.B. 180, 146 Ohio
    Laws, Part II, 2669.
     The expressed legislative intent was “to protect the safety and general welfare of the
    people of this state.” R.C. 2950.02(B).
    {¶47} The major components of Ohio Megan’s Law were: classification
    registration and community notifications. There were three classification categories:
    sexually oriented offenders, habitual sexual offenders, and sexual predators.        R.C.
    2950.09. Registration requirements for sexual offenders was annually for ten years,
    habitual offenders was annually for 20 years, and predators must register every 90 days
    for life. Failure to comply with registration and verification was a felony where the
    underlying offense was a felony. R.C. 2950.06(G)(1) and 2950.99. Cook at 408.
    {¶48} Cook involved a constitutional challenge to the retroactive application of
    Megan’s Law, alleging that it violated Article II, Section 28 of the Ohio Constitution
    (“Retroactivity Clause”), and Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution (“Ex
    Post Facto Clause”). The court determined that there was no constitutional issue because
    R.C. Chapter 2950 is a civil, remedial promulgation, and is not punitive or criminal in
    nature. Cook at 417.
    {¶49} R.C. 2945.37 governs incompetent defendants in criminal proceedings.
    Thus, the question is what protection is available to a defendant who would possibly be
    deemed mentally incompetent to stand trial or unable to comprehend the nature of the
    proceedings against him in a Megan’s Law civil sex offender classification hearing?
    There are two lines of cases on this issue.
    {¶50} Kahn advocates our adoption of the rationale advanced by the Eleventh
    District Court of Appeals in State v. Chambers, 
    151 Ohio App.3d 243
    783 N.E.2d 965
     (11th Dist.). Chambers pled guilty to one count of kidnapping (R.C.
    2905.01); a second-degree felony, and three counts of gross sexual imposition (R.C.
    2970.02); felonies of the third degree.
    {¶51} On August 30, 2001, the trial court ordered a psychiatric evaluation of
    Chambers and held a sexual offender classification hearing per Megan’s Law. The
    examining doctor found that Chambers, now 83 years old, was unable to understand the
    nature of a sexual offender classification hearing.          Though finding Chambers
    incompetent, the trial court did not hold a hearing, but proceeded to classify Chambers as
    a sexually oriented offender, though the trial court observed that Chambers would not be
    able to comply with the registration requirements due to his mental incompetence. Id. at
    ¶ 4.
    {¶52} On appeal, Chambers argued that his due process rights had been violated,
    analogizing the offender hearing to probation revocation hearings where a defendant has
    a right to be heard and confront witnesses. Id. at ¶ 7. See, e.g., State v. Holman, 8th Dist.
    Cuyahoga No. 100468, 
    , ¶ 8. (“In a probation hearing, a defendant has a
    due process right to a competency hearing when there is a substantial basis for the
    suggestion that appellant is incompetent.”)       The court agreed that the legislature’s
    election to promulgate R.C. 2945.37 governing competence in criminal trials does not
    mean that the due process right does not exist otherwise. Id. at ¶ 9.
    {¶53} The Chambers court gave due consideration to the approach of the Tenth
    Appellate District in State v. Kendrick, 10th Dist. Franklin No. 98AP-1305, 
    1999 Ohio App. LEXIS 4622
     (Sept. 30, 1999), the case relied upon by the state here. Kendrick also
    entertained the question of the applicability of R.C. 2945.37 to a sexual classification
    hearing but held that, due to the civil nature of the matter, R.C. 2945.37 did not apply.
    {¶54} Chambers agreed with the civil categorization of the hearing, but
    determined that
    [W]e do not agree with the implication of the Tenth Appellate District’s
    analysis [in Kendrick] that a defendant’s right to be heard and to confront
    witnesses is not impinged by his lack of competency outside the context of
    a criminal trial. The fact that the Ohio legislature has chosen to enunciate
    the right to a competency determination in a criminal trial does not preclude
    the possibility of that right existing in other circumstances.
    State v. Chambers, 
    151 Ohio App.3d 243
    783 N.E.2d 965
    , ¶ 9
    (11th Dist.).
    {¶55} The Chambers court focused on the due process considerations afforded by
    the United States Supreme Court, and other states, including Ohio, for probation
    revocation and parolees, applying standards applicable to criminal hearings.1 Chambers
    at ¶ 10-12. All of the considered cases determined that the affected defendant was
    entitled to due process rights, which could not be exercised where a defendant is
    {¶56} Reiterating the civil nature of R.C. Chapter 2950, the court shifted its focus
    to R.C. 2950.09(B)(2)’s provision that
    “[T]he offender * * * shall have an opportunity to testify, present evidence,
    call and examine witnesses and expert witnesses, and cross-examine
    witnesses and expert witnesses regarding the determination as to whether
    the offender * * * is a sexual predator.” These are the same rights that
    courts, in the context of parole and probation revocation hearings, have
    recognized cannot be effectively exercised if the defendant is incompetent.
    We are in accord with those jurisdictions that have held that a defendant’s
    right to testify, present evidence, and confront adverse witnesses is
    effectively rendered meaningless by the defendant’s incompetency. In
    view of the foregoing, we hold that the trial court’s decision to proceed with
    appellant’s sexual predator hearing, after it found that appellant was
    incompetent, was a violation of the due process rights granted to appellant
    in R.C. 2950.09.
    1 Morrissey v. Brewer, 
    408 U.S. 471
    , 489, 
    92 S.Ct. 2593
    33 L.Ed.2d 484
    (1972); Gagnon v. Scarpelli, 
    411 U.S. 778
    , 782, 
    93 S.Ct. 1756
    36 L.Ed.2d 656
    (1973); State v. Qualls, 
    50 Ohio App.3d 56
    , 58, 
    552 N.E.2d 957
     (10th Dist.1988);
    Commonwealth v. Megella, 
    268 Pa. Super. 316
    408 A.2d 483
    , 486 (1979); Pierce v.
    Dept. of Social & Health Servs., 
    97 Wn.2d 552
    646 P.2d 1382
    , 1384 (Wash.1982);
    State ex rel. Vanderbeke v. Endicott, 
    210 Wis.2d 502
    563 N.W.2d 883
    , 888
    (Wis.1997); and People v. Davis, 
    127 Ill. App.3d 49
    468 N.E.2d 172
    Chambers at ¶ 13.
    {¶57} The court then determined that there was, in fact, a way to balance the due
    process concerns with the need to protect the community and related safety concerns of
    R.C. Chapter 2950.       The court relied on State v. Hayden, 
    96 Ohio St.3d 211
    773 N.E.2d 502
    , ¶ 15, which held that the classification of a defendant
    as a sexually oriented offender does not require a hearing:
    Once an individual is convicted of a sexually oriented offense, he is
    automatically classified as a sexually oriented offender and must comply
    with the registration requirements of R.C. 2950.04 [Holden at ¶ 15]. The
    Hayden court observed that there was no evidence that an individual
    convicted of a sexually oriented offense could present at a hearing that
    would cause the trial court to determine that he was not a sexually oriented
    151 Ohio App.3d 243
    783 N.E.2d 965
    , ¶ 14.
    {¶58} The Chambers court engaged in a colorful commentary that bears repeating
    This court is most aware of the concept that an intermediary appellate court
    is bound to apply the holdings and policies enunciated by its supreme court
    in the name of stare decisis. However, an occasional non-deferential
    rhetorical exercise may be good for the soul without casting what might be
    characterized as an animadversion. Query — Is it not a disharmonious
    paradox when an individual who is legally incompetent cannot during such
    state be tried for a crime; and that one who is competent when convicted
    and sentenced may not be the subject of the death penalty if incompetence
    ensues; yet, as a result of a proclamation “by operation of law,” the same
    incompetent individual may be anointed with a negative status without
    benefit of clergy or a meaningful substantive hearing?
    Perhaps even more puzzling is the evident resulting conundrum as to how
    an individual in the throes of Alzheimer’s disease would functionally be
    able to comply with the annual registration requirements for a period of ten
    years as set forth in R.C. 2950.07(B)(3). Again, ours “is not to reason
    why” why some logic defies logic, but to dutifully accept the syllogism.
    We will await the intervention of the serendipity singers and an applicable
    Polish proverb.
    Applying the holding of Hayden to the facts of the instant case, we
    conclude that although the trial court erred in proceeding with a sexual
    predator hearing after finding appellant incompetent, it did not err in
    finding that appellant was a sexually oriented offender, since appellant’s
    guilty plea to the three counts of gross sexual imposition automatically
    conferred upon him the status of sexually oriented offender.
    Chambers at ¶ 15-17.
    {¶59} This is a case of first impression for this court, and the issue has not been
    addressed by the Ohio Supreme Court. Until guidance is provided via the judiciary or
    legislature to resolve the current dichotomy, I find, under the narrow circumstances of this
    case, that the rationale adopted in Chambers and Hayden is the appropriate analysis.
    Kahn’s guilty plea to one count of rape “automatically conferred upon him the status of
    sexually oriented offender.” Id. at ¶ 17.