Ever Serrano-Alberto v. Attorney General United States , 859 F.3d 208 ( 2017 )

  •                                      PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 15-3146 & 16-1586
    On Petition for Review of Orders of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals
    (BIA No. A206-801-902)
    Immigration Judge: Honorable Mirlande Tadal
    Argued: October 25, 2016
    Before: VANASKIE, KRAUSE, and NYGAARD, Circuit
    (Opinion Filed: June 12, 22017)
    Zachary Nightingale, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Alisa R. Whitfield, Esq.
    Van Der Hout Brigagliano & Nightingale
    180 Sutter Street
    5th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94104
    Counsel for Petitioner
    Thomas W. Hussey, Esq.
    Lindsay M. Murphy, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Song E. Park, Esq.
    United States Department of Justice
    Office of Immigration Litigation
    P.O. Box 878
    Ben Franklin Station
    Washington, DC 20044
    Counsel for Respondent
    KRAUSE, Circuit Judge.
    The Fifth Amendment protects the liberty of all
    persons within our borders, including aliens in immigration
    proceedings who are entitled to due process of law—that is, a
    meaningful opportunity to be heard—before being deported.
    In this case, we are called upon to clarify our case law and to
    demarcate the boundaries of the due process owed to aliens in
    removal hearings. Because we conclude that the Immigration
    Judge here denied Petitioner this fundamental right by
    actively preventing him from making his case for asylum,
    withholding of removal, and protection under the Convention
    Against Torture (CAT), we will grant the petition for review
    of the Board of Immigration Appeals’ affirmance and will
    vacate and remand for rehearing, urging reassignment on
    remand to a different Immigration Judge.
    I.    Factual and Procedural Background1
    Petitioner Ever Ulises Serrano-Alberto, a widely
    acclaimed professional soccer player, fled to the United States
    from his native country of El Salvador to escape violence at
    the hands of the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang, commonly
    known as MS13. Serrano-Alberto was born and raised in the
    town of Apopa outside of San Salvador, the capital city of El
    Salvador, a nation consumed by gang warfare in recent years.
    Between approximately 2000 and 2008, Serrano-Alberto
    enjoyed a high-profile career in the Salvadoran national
    We begin with this factual summary of the events
    precipitating Serrano-Alberto’s case, the substance of which
    is principally derived from the evidence and allegations
    presented to the IJ before and during Serrano-Alberto’s
    removal hearing, to provide context for our discussion of that
    hearing. It is, of course, within the exclusive province of the
    agency to make factual findings, Camara v. Att’y Gen., 
    580 F.3d 196
    , 201 (3d Cir. 2009), and here—where we evaluate a
    petition for review alleging denial of due process and will
    grant the petition and remand for rehearing on that basis—the
    assigned IJ will determine the facts based on the new
    evidentiary record assembled before it. See Johnson v.
    286 F.3d 696
    , 702-03 (3d Cir. 2002); Matter of Y-S-
    L-C-, 26 I. & N. Dec. 688, 690-92 (BIA 2015).
    soccer league, garnering significant attention as a result of his
    Serrano-Alberto’s fame, however, did little to insulate
    him from MS13 gang violence, and, indeed, appears to have
    made targets of both him and his family since at least 2007.
    At that point, suspected gang members shot his brother,
    Edwin, leaving him paralyzed. The following year, according
    to Serrano-Alberto, the MS13 gang began to extort him for
    cash under threat of death. Although he first acquiesced out
    of fear for his family members’ lives, and made six payments
    that fall, in November of 2008 he rejected the gang’s
    persistent demands and communicated that he would no
    longer comply. Two weeks later, three suspected gang
    members shot Serrano-Alberto, his nephew, and a neighbor
    outside of Serrano-Alberto’s mother’s house, killing the
    neighbor and leaving Serrano-Alberto and his nephew
    hospitalized and in serious condition.
    The police came to speak with Serrano-Alberto once
    during his hospital stay. Given the frequent collusion
    between the police and gang members, Serrano-Alberto was
    hesitant but willing to provide information. The police,
    however, refused to take a report because Serrano-Alberto did
    not know the names of the people who shot him, and although
    the police said they would return to the hospital to talk with
    him further, they neither returned nor pursued an
    investigation. In 2009, fearing further gang reprisal, Serrano-
    Alberto twice attempted to flee the country but he was
    returned both times by Mexican authorities.
    Between late 2009 and May 2012, Serrano-Alberto
    was imprisoned in El Salvador on extortion charges of which
    he was ultimately absolved. Even while he was imprisoned,
    however, gang members continued to search for him, and
    they shot another one of his brothers when that brother
    refused to divulge Serrano-Alberto’s whereabouts.
    Immediately following his release from prison in 2012,
    Serrano-Alberto was targeted in yet another shooting—once
    again in his mother’s neighborhood—by unknown assailants
    on a motorcycle. He narrowly escaped harm by diving under
    a nearby car.
    After that incident, Serrano-Alberto moved multiple
    times to evade detection by MS13, settling in October 2013 in
    La Gloria, San Salvador, where he lived and worked with an
    older brother. During this time, his mother called and warned
    that gang members were continuing to pursue him with the
    intention of killing him, and soon after, in 2014, Serrano-
    Alberto observed what he believed to be those gang members
    in his new neighborhood. At that point, Serrano-Alberto fled
    to the United States.
    In July 2014, not long after crossing into Texas,
    Serrano-Alberto was apprehended and detained by
    Department of Homeland Security Border Patrol.       In
    December 2014, Serrano-Alberto applied for asylum,
    withholding of removal, and protection under the CAT,
    contending he feared persecution by gangs based on his
    membership in an unspecified particular social group (PSG).2
    The manner in which the presiding IJ conducted Serrano-
    Alberto’s removal hearing, which is the subject of this appeal,
    is discussed in more detail below. In sum, the IJ was
    confrontational, dismissive, and hostile, interrupting and
    belittling Serrano-Alberto’s testimony, time and again cutting
    off his answers to questions, and nitpicking immaterial
    inconsistencies in his account. The next day, she ordered his
    removal from the United States. Serrano-Alberto appealed to
    the BIA, which twice rejected his entreaties, first affirming
    the IJ and then summarily denying Serrano-Alberto’s motion
    to reopen his case in a one-and-a-half page opinion.
    Serrano-Alberto now petitions this Court for review of
    both orders of the BIA, asserting, inter alia, that the BIA
    misapplied the law in rejecting his due process challenge to
    the IJ’s order of removal. For the reasons that follow, we
    II.   Jurisdiction and Standard of Review
    Although our jurisdiction is limited to final orders of
    the BIA under 8 U.S.C. § 1252, where the BIA affirms the IJ
    for the reasons set forth in his or her opinion, we review the
    Whether a social group constitutes a PSG, and is thus
    cognizable under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA),
    see 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(A), is a continuously developing
    question of law and one that must be answered on a case-by-
    case basis, see Valdiviezo-Galdamez v. Att’y Gen., 
    663 F.3d 582
    , 594-609 (3d Cir. 2011).          Here, Serrano-Alberto
    identified his putative PSGs as soccer players perceived as
    wealthy and “professional soccer player[s] actively resisting
    gang control.” Appellant’s Br. 36.
    IJ’s decision directly. Huang v. Att’y Gen., 
    620 F.3d 372
    , 379
    (3d Cir. 2010). We will affirm findings of fact supported by
    substantial evidence and are bound by those findings “unless
    a reasonable adjudicator would be compelled to arrive at a
    contrary conclusion,” 
    Camara, 580 F.3d at 201
    , while we
    exercise plenary review over legal determinations, including
    whether a petitioner’s due process rights have been violated,
    see Abdulrahman v. Ashcroft, 
    330 F.3d 587
    , 595-96 (3d Cir.
    2005). By contrast, we review the denial of a motion to
    reopen for abuse of discretion and will reverse only if the
    denial was “arbitrary, irrational, or contrary to law.”
    Abulashvili v. Att’y Gen., 
    663 F.3d 197
    , 202 (3d Cir. 2011).
    III.   Discussion
    This appeal requires us to carefully examine the
    underlying administrative proceeding that gives rise to this
    appeal and to situate that proceeding in the landscape of our
    precedent governing due process in removal hearings.
    Below, we first address the legal standards governing due
    process claims and the grounds for relief from removal raised
    by Serrano-Alberto. Next, we review in detail Serrano-
    Alberto’s removal hearing and the process that led to his
    denial of relief. And finally, we consider our due process
    cases to date and their implications for the removal
    proceedings in this case.
    A.     Legal Standards Governing Serrano-
    Alberto’s Due Process Claims and
    Underlying Claims for Relief
    Throughout all phases of deportation proceedings,
    petitioners must be afforded due process of law. See Abdulai
    v. Ashcroft, 
    239 F.3d 542
    , 549 (3d Cir. 2001). The Fifth
    Amendment thus guarantees aliens who are seeking to
    forestall or terminate removal proceedings an “opportunity to
    be heard at a meaningful time and in a meaningful manner.”
    Dia v. Ashcroft, 
    353 F.3d 228
    , 239 (3d Cir. 2003) (en banc)
    (quoting Mathews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 333 (1976)).
    This guarantee comprises three key protections: (1)
    “factfinding based on a record produced before the
    decisionmaker and disclosed to him or her”; (2) the
    opportunity to “make arguments on his or her own behalf”;
    and (3) “an individualized determination of his [or her]
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). In other
    words, petitioners must receive “a full and fair hearing that
    allows them a reasonable opportunity to present evidence on
    their behalf,” 
    Abdulrahman, 330 F.3d at 596
    quotation marks omitted), and a decision on the merits of
    their claim by a “neutral and impartial arbiter,” 
    Abulashvili, 663 F.3d at 207
    A petitioner claiming a procedural due process
    violation because he was not afforded the opportunity to
    argue on his own behalf is required to show “(1) that he was
    prevented from reasonably presenting his case[,] and (2) that
    substantial prejudice resulted.” Fadiga v. Att’y Gen., 
    488 F.3d 142
    , 155 (3d Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). The nature of this right is one that focuses on the
    fairness of the process itself, see Cham v. Att’y Gen., 445
    8 F.3d 683
    , 691, 693 (3d Cir. 2006), and the substantial
    prejudice standard “is not so high” as to require a petitioner to
    prove he “would have qualified for asylum, withholding of
    removal or CAT relief” but for the alleged violation, 
    id. at 694.
    Rather, a petitioner establishes a due process claim by
    showing that the infraction has “the potential for affecting the
    outcome of [the] deportation proceedings.” 
    Id. (quoting Shahandeh-Pey
    v. INS, 
    831 F.2d 1384
    , 1389 (7th Cir. 1987))
    (alteration in original).
    Because the potential for affecting the outcome of any
    given deportation proceeding requires the court to consider
    the record in relation to the potential grounds asserted for
    relief, we briefly summarize the three grounds urged by
    Serrano-Alberto; asylum, withholding of removal, and
    eligibility for CAT protection, each of which carries different
    A petitioner seeking asylum must establish a well-
    founded fear of future persecution in his home country “on
    account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a
    particular social group, or political opinion,” 8 U.S.C.
    § 1101(a)(42)(A); see 
    id. § 1158(b),
    by demonstrating a
    subjective fear that is objectively reasonable, Guo v. Ashcroft,
    386 F.3d 556
    , 564-65 (3d Cir. 2004). While not sufficient on
    its own to establish eligibility for asylum, substantial
    evidence of past persecution “triggers a rebuttable
    presumption of a well-founded fear of future persecution, as
    long as that fear is related to the past persecution.” Singh v.
    406 F.3d 191
    , 195-96 (3d Cir. 2005).
    Although asylum is ultimately granted at the Attorney
    General’s discretion, withholding of removal, if established,
    is mandatory. 
    Id. at 196.
    An applicant must make the same
    showing as that required for asylum, but must meet a more
    stringent “clear probability” standard, “that is, that it is more
    likely than not that h[is] life or freedom would be threatened
    if returned to h[is] country” because of his membership in a
    statutorily protected class. Kaita v. Att’y Gen., 
    522 F.3d 288
    296 (3d Cir. 2008) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    To qualify for protection under the CAT, a petitioner is
    required to demonstrate that “it is more likely than not that he
    . . . would be tortured” if returned to his country of origin. 
    Id. at 300.
    Unlike asylum and withholding of removal, the
    petitioner’s protected status is irrelevant, but he must show
    that “severe pain or suffering” will likely be “inflicted by or
    at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a
    public official or other person acting in an official capacity.”
    Id. (quoting 8
    C.F.R. § 208.18(a)(1)) (additional citation
    Following an adverse ruling with respect to any of
    these three grounds for relief, an applicant may appeal to the
    BIA, which reviews an IJ’s conclusions of law and
    discretionary exercise of authority de novo but accords
    deference to factual findings, reversing the latter only for
    clear error. See 
    Huang, 620 F.3d at 381
    . Once removal
    proceedings have concluded, a petitioner may file a motion to
    reopen, which will be granted only in “compelling
    circumstances,” Shardar v. Att’y Gen., 
    503 F.3d 308
    , 313 (3d
    Cir. 2007), and will be denied if the BIA determines “(1) the
    alien has not established a prima facie case for the relief
    sought; (2) the alien has not introduced previously
    unavailable, material evidence; or (3) in the case of
    discretionary relief (such as asylum), the alien would not be
    entitled to relief even if the motion was granted,” 
    Huang, 620 F.3d at 389
    (internal quotation marks omitted). With these
    standards in mind, we turn to the process that was afforded
    B.     Serrano-Alberto’s Removal           Proceedings
    Before the IJ and BIA
    Two patterns emerge from the record concerning
    Serrano-Alberto’s removal proceedings, spanning from his
    initial credible fear interview and application paperwork
    submitted to the Immigration Court to the actual removal
    hearing and denial of relief by the IJ and the BIA. First,
    Serrano-Alberto consistently asserted facts in his submissions
    that on their face offered strong support for his claims for
    relief. Second, at the hearing itself, his attempts to convey
    those facts were undercut by the IJ’s hostile and impatient
    attitude, repeated interruptions and castigations, constrictions
    on relevant responses, and inexplicable focus on irrelevant
    We begin our review of this record with the written
    materials assembled before the hearing and available for the
    IJ’s review.      These included Serrano-Alberto’s I-589
    application for relief, a DHS worksheet detailing his credible
    fear interview, documentary evidence submitted by Serrano-
    Alberto, and additional agency records and a country report
    provided by the DHS. In his I-589 application, Serrano-
    Alberto sought asylum or withholding of removal based on
    his membership in an unspecified PSG, and he responded
    affirmatively when asked whether he, his family, or his close
    friends had ever experienced harm, mistreatment, or threats,
    explaining, “In 2008 they tried to kill me, they asked for
    money in exchange of my life and my family the gangs,
    because I played futbol in the first division, . . . they I [sic]
    made a lot of money.” AR 686.3 In answering whether he
    feared harm or mistreatment if returned to his home country,
    he stated, “[T]he gangs would kill me, because they keep
    trying to find me. 2 years ago they shot at me again 2 people
    on a motorcycle. My little brother as well has gotten injured
    and was left on a wheel chair and my brother who is older
    they tried to kill days after.” AR 686. Additionally, with
    respect to whether he had ever been “accused, charged,
    arrested . . . or imprisoned in any country other than the
    United States,” he explained that he “was detained . . . and . . .
    investigated” in El Salvador, but eventually released and
    exonerated “because [he] did not have relation with the case.”
    AR 687. Finally, Serrano-Alberto also expressed in his
    application a fear of “being subjected to torture” if returned to
    El Salvador because “the gang already tried to kill also my
    brother have been injured [sic] in my country the gang
    operate with a final of causing fear, death, torture, &
    extorture, kidnap at a . . . national level.” AR 687.
    Serrano-Alberto’s credible fear worksheet offered
    similar insight into the factual grounds he alleged in support
    of his claims. The DHS agent who interviewed Serrano-
    Alberto after he was apprehended crossing the border found
    him to be fearful of persecution if returned to El Salvador,
    noting on the worksheet that Serrano-Alberto feared
    deportation “because the gangs will kill [him]”; that after
    Serrano-Alberto was shot six times in 2008—an incident
    reported in the news—“the police would not take [his] report,
    Throughout, we cite Serrano-Alberto’s Appendix
    (App.) whenever possible and the Administrative Record
    (AR) as necessary.
    because [he] did not know the names of the people who shot
    [him]” and never asked him to describe what he witnessed
    that day; that Serrano-Alberto was the target of a shooting
    three years later because, he believed, he had witnessed the
    murder of his mother’s neighbor in 2008; and that Serrano-
    Alberto did not believe he could relocate within El Salvador
    because the gang would be able to find him. App. 172.
    Serrano-Alberto confirmed the accuracy of this account to the
    interviewing agent.
    Also contained in the written record was Serrano-
    Alberto’s documentary evidence, which included newspaper
    articles regarding both his professional soccer career and the
    2008 shooting; affidavits attesting to his good character;
    records of his 2012 acquittal; and his brothers’ and his own
    medical records corroborating their bullet wounds from the
    shootings. The documentary evidence also included materials
    submitted by the DHS, such as Serrano-Alberto’s initial
    detainment records, and a U.S. Department of State country
    report on human rights practices in El Salvador.
    While the written materials in the record provided
    significant support for granting Serrano-Alberto relief,
    Serrano-Alberto was far less successful in his efforts to
    communicate the basis for his claims at the removal hearing
    itself. That hearing took place in February 2015, before IJ
    Mirlande Tadal in Elizabeth, New Jersey.4 Serrano-Alberto,
    at that point, was proceeding pro se and participating
    remotely by videoconference from the detention facility
    where he was housed. In addition to the IJ and Serrano-
    Alberto, a Spanish interpreter and a DHS representative were
    From the outset, the IJ took an argumentative tone and
    expressed exasperation. Her first exchange with Serrano-
    Alberto was a contentious one, precipitated by Serrano-
    The Government produced the audio recording of this
    hearing on the Court’s request, although it urged that the
    recording not be considered because the BIA was not
    obligated to listen to it and Serrano-Alberto failed to request
    that it be included in the record before the BIA. See generally
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.5(a) (requiring that the record from the
    Immigration Court be forwarded to the BIA on appeal and
    directing the expeditious transcription of all relevant
    proceedings); Executive Office of Immigration Review,
    Immigration Court Practice Manual at 68 (Apr. 11, 2017),
    2016/12/02/practice_manual.pdf (“If an Immigration Judge’s
    decision is appealed to the [BIA], the hearing is transcribed in
    appropriate cases and a transcript is sent to both parties.”).
    Although we note that, whether on its own initiative or upon
    request of counsel, the BIA’s review of such recordings could
    more fully inform its evaluation of a due process claim and
    facilitate appellate review, we agree with the Government that
    where, as here, it is not apparent the audio recording was
    made part of the record before the BIA, we will not consider
    it part of the record on appeal. We therefore do not rely on
    the recording for purposes of this opinion.
    Alberto’s misunderstanding of a question she asked regarding
    his I-589 application. Specifically, after confirming a packet
    of documentary evidence she received prior to the hearing
    was indeed submitted by Serrano-Alberto, the IJ asked
    whether he wished to make any corrections to his application,
    and he responded by attempting to verify the packet included
    a letter he had submitted from one of his brothers. The IJ
    reacted by immediately admonishing him to “[P]lease answer
    my questions. I am having problems today. No one wants to
    answer my questions.” App. 26.
    Resuming her questioning, the IJ then asked where in
    El Salvador Serrano-Alberto resided when he fled the country
    and how long he had lived there. When Serrano-Alberto
    proved unable to answer with a single residence and fixed
    time period because of his frequent moves to avoid detection
    by the gang, the IJ quickly became frustrated, stating on the
    record: “Okay, let’s start again, sir. Please listen to the
    question. If you did not understand it, ask. I will repeat it.
    Ask me to repeat the question.” App. 31. The second time
    around, Serrano-Alberto again attempted to explain his moves
    and why he could not provide precise dates, testifying: “Well,
    as I said before, I didn’t live there [in Residencial La Gloria]
    for too long because I had to change my place of residence. I
    had to go from one place to another.” App. 31-32. The IJ
    then interrupted even before the interpreter had the
    opportunity to translate Serrano-Alberto’s next answer into
    English: “No, no, excuse me. All right, I understood that part
    of Spanish. You refuse to answer my question. You may
    have lived in other places -- . . . provide me with the year, the
    month and year you began living there until, a month and
    year and then after that you’ll be able to tell me after you left,
    you left this place you went to live to [sic] another place. All
    right, sir?” App. 32.
    The tenor of the hearing only deteriorated from there.
    In addition to maintaining her hostile tone, the IJ interrupted
    Serrano-Alberto’s testimony on multiple occasions and
    directed him to provide only “yes or no” answers to her
    questions, effectively precluding Serrano-Alberto from
    making his case. App. 37-38, 48. For example, during
    Serrano-Alberto’s testimony regarding the police response to
    the 2008 shooting, the IJ’s interjections repeatedly prevented
    Serrano-Alberto from presenting evidence critical to the
    element of government acquiescence in Serrano-Alberto’s
    claim for protection under the CAT. First, the IJ asked
    whether Serrano-Alberto was able to provide the police with
    the names of the shooters, as they had requested, and Serrano-
    Alberto replied, “To me, it was not so easy because it is very
    hard to give information to the police in my country.” App.
    37. Failing to recognize the significance of this assertion, the
    IJ instead simply repeated her question, asking, “Did you
    provide, did you provide, when the police made this inquiry,
    did you provide information to the police? Yes or no, sir.”
    App. 37. When Serrano-Alberto responded, “I didn’t do it
    because they said they were going to come back and they
    didn’t,” App. 37, the IJ retorted, “No, when they asked you
    the information that day, sir, they asked you if you knew the
    name, the nickname, of those who may have assaulted you or
    shot at you. Did you give the police information right there
    and then? It was a simple question. Yes or no? Yes or no,”
    App. 37. And when Serrano-Alberto explained that he “did
    not know who the[] [shooters] were” and he “could not
    identify them directly,” the IJ reprimanded: “Sir, please listen
    to me. Just answer the question. You have a habit of not
    answering the question. All right, we’re going to be here all
    afternoon if you don’t answer the question. All right, did you
    know who these people were, sir, yes or no?” App. 37-38.
    Serrano-Alberto tried one more time, saying, “I just know that
    they were gang members.” App. 38. Again the IJ interjected:
    “When the police asked you to identify them, were you able
    to identify them to the police, yes or no?” App. 38. Serrano-
    Alberto finally replied, “No.” App. 38.
    The IJ’s interference with Serrano-Alberto’s
    presentation of his case was further exacerbated by the IJ’s
    surprising lack of familiarity with the record at the hearing.
    For example, she incorrectly believed Serrano-Alberto had
    been convicted of extortion in El Salvador, apparently having
    overlooked the evidence he submitted of his acquittal.
    Additionally, she was unaware of Serrano-Alberto’s career as
    a professional soccer player, going so far as to chide him for
    identifying his occupation as “playing football” and rejoining,
    “Did you work, sir? Please answer my question. We’ll get to
    everything, sir. Did you work in El Salvador?” App. 33.
    In another instance, although the written record before
    the IJ disclosed that the reason Serrano-Alberto fled to the
    United States was that he believed gang members would find
    him in his last place of residence, La Gloria, the IJ
    repetitiously asked only whether he “ha[d] any problems in
    La Gloria.” App. 48. Frustrated by his answers that: “I didn’t
    have any problems there because I didn’t spend a lot of time
    there,” and, “Well, I always found a way not to spend too
    much time where I lived,” App. 48, the IJ interposed, “I’ll ask
    the question again for the third time. Did you experience any
    problems in La Gloria? Yes or no,” App. 48. At that point,
    Serrano-Alberto replied, “Directly, no, I didn’t have any
    problems, but, yes, they were looking for me.” App. 48.
    Even then, when Serrano-Alberto tried to explain that his
    family members in other parts of the country had been
    approached by gang members who were looking for him
    during the time he was living in La Gloria, the IJ remained
    tightly focused on the fact that he had no direct, face-to-face
    contact with gang members in that location, stating, “Let’s
    focus on your situation, sir. You claim that gang members
    were looking for you. How did you . . . come to the
    conclusion that gang members were looking for you while
    you were in La Gloria?” App. 48. When Serrano-Alberto
    again described the warnings he had received from family
    members living elsewhere in El Salvador that the gangs were
    attempting to locate him, instead of inquiring further about
    these warnings, the IJ asked, “Did you have any direct contact
    with gang members in La Gloria, sir? Did you have face to
    face contact with them?” App. 49. Serrano-Alberto replied
    that, other than observing “suspicious things going on” such
    as an “unknown car driving around” his neighborhood, he had
    not had face-to-face contact with gang members. App. 49.
    The IJ then moved on.
    At the same time the IJ curtailed Serrano-Alberto’s
    ability to explain himself or finish his answers, she repeatedly
    steered Serrano-Alberto away from matters directly relevant
    to his eligibility for relief, focusing instead on inconsequential
    details and inconsistencies that were easily reconcilable with
    Serrano-Alberto’s narrative. For example, when Serrano-
    Alberto explained that the reason he was shot in 2008 was
    that he had refused to make any additional payments to the
    gang—payments demanded “in exchange of not killing [him
    or his] family,” App. 42—the IJ, instead of eliciting further
    testimony on this point, chastised Serrano-Alberto for
    confusing the frequency and exact dates of his prior payments
    to the gang. Even though he was able to recall making
    approximately six payments “between September and
    November of 2008,” App. 42, his inability to provide the
    exact date and amount of each payment prompted the IJ to
    retort: “[W]hen I ask you a question, sir, there is a reason why
    the question was asked. When you answer my question, I
    listen to you, sir, and . . . your answers are being recorded.
    All right. So, we are listening to you sir. I am listening. I’m
    paying attention to every word that you say, sir.” App. 42-43.
    In another example, Serrano-Alberto attempted to
    describe the corrupt affiliation between the police and the
    gangs, testifying in response to questioning by DHS counsel
    that if he had reached out to the police after being released
    from the hospital, the gang would have “go[ne] directly to my
    house and kill[ed] me,” App. 52.              The IJ, however,
    spontaneously changed the topic and began berating Serrano-
    Alberto for submitting, without more explanation, his
    brother’s medical records, i.e., those records corroborating the
    brother’s shooting by gang members in 2007. When Serrano-
    Alberto then attempted to explain the significance of the
    records, the IJ cut him off, stating dismissively: “It does not
    provide the cause of the injury, sir. . . . I’ll move on.” App.
    At another point, after Serrano-Alberto recounted the
    2008 incident where he was shot and hospitalized—testimony
    that he corroborated with the submission of his own medical
    records—the IJ, instead of inquiring about the shooting,
    honed in on the exact length of Serrano-Alberto’s inpatient,
    as opposed to outpatient, hospital treatment—a detail of no
    particular relevance to his claims. Although Serrano-Alberto
    first tried to explain, “I couldn’t tell you how many days
    because I was several days under anesthesia because of my
    wounds and the pain,” the IJ continued aggressively, “So you
    were discharged from the hospital when? A week? Two
    weeks? A month? Three months? A year,” App. 36, and
    Serrano-Alberto eventually acquiesced in providing an
    estimate of “[a]pproximately a month,” App. 36—placing his
    release in January of 2009.
    Later in the hearing, however, the IJ again took up the
    issue when she noticed that the medical records Serrano-
    Alberto submitted reflected a discharge date of December 7,
    2008, with “reference to outpatient for follow-up.” AR 655.
    Accusing Serrano-Alberto of intentionally misrepresenting
    the length of his inpatient treatment, the IJ charged: “You
    testified, sir, that you were admitted at the hospital for a
    month. You submitted a document, sir, according to this
    document you were admitted . . . . less than what, nine days?
    . . . . And after that you were an outpatient. Is this correct?”
    App. 55. Serrano-Alberto agreed, but attempted to explain
    his continued hospital care (presumably as an outpatient)
    because “[w]hat happened was they made me walk and my
    wounds bled.” App. 55. Incredulous, the IJ rejoined: “That
    wasn’t the, you didn’t answer the question, sir. . . . So which
    is correct, your testimony that you were discharged in early
    January 2009 or your submission, the written document that
    you were discharged on December 7, 2008? One is correct
    and one is not correct. Which one is correct and which one is
    not correct? There’s no gray area. Which one is correct?”
    App. 55. Serrano-Alberto replied, “With all due respect, I
    made a mistake. The document is correct.” App. 55. The IJ
    promptly announced she was finished with her questioning
    and asked Serrano-Alberto whether he wished to add
    anything else. Not surprisingly after this browbeating, he
    responded “[n]o.” App. 55.
    The day after the hearing, the IJ issued an oral decision
    denying Serrano-Alberto’s application for relief and ordering
    his removal to El Salvador. Although Serrano-Alberto’s
    testimony was presumptively credible as the IJ rendered no
    adverse findings to the contrary, see 8 U.S.C.
    § 1158(b)(1)(B)(iii); 
    Camara, 580 F.3d at 201
    , she found
    “there is no objective evidence whatsoever that the gang
    members were targeting him due to his refusal to pay the
    rent,” App. 18. Based on that finding and her observation
    that the shooters from 2008 and 2012 themselves “did not
    give him any indication as to why they were shooting at him,”
    App. 18, the IJ concluded that Serrano-Alberto’s fear of
    persecution was not objectively reasonable. The IJ also held,
    with respect to asylum and withholding of removal, that
    Serrano-Alberto did not meet his burden of establishing “that
    individuals perceived as wealthy who refuse to pay gang
    taxes” constitute a PSG eligible for protection under the INA,
    App. 17, or that there was a nexus between his membership in
    any PSG and his fear of persecution. As for CAT protection,
    the IJ determined Serrano-Alberto failed to show that the
    Salvadoran government would consent or acquiesce if a gang
    attacked him, finding—again, despite Serrano-Alberto’s
    presumptively credible testimony—that the police “repeatedly
    attempted to investigate the 2008 shooting.” App. 20.
    After retaining counsel, Serrano-Alberto timely
    appealed to the BIA, contesting the IJ’s rulings and arguing
    the IJ violated his right to due process. The BIA adopted and
    affirmed the IJ’s decision, dismissing the appeal. In its
    opinion, the BIA assumed, without deciding, that Serrano-
    Alberto had established membership in a PSG and/or had
    established an imputed anti-gang political opinion, but held
    that he failed to demonstrate the required nexus—that is, that
    any protected ground was a central reason for the harm he
    experienced.5 With respect to persecution, the BIA noted,
    In a number of recent cases, the BIA likewise has
    assumed a cognizable PSG or imputed political opinion and
    disposed of the appeal by finding no nexus. See, e.g., Bol-
    Velasquez v. Att’y Gen., No. 15-3098 (3d Cir. filed Aug. 28,
    2015) (ECF Agency Case Docketed); Bell v. Att’y Gen., No.
    14-4781 (3d Cir. filed Dec. 18, 2014) (same); Santos v. Att’y
    Gen., No. 14-1050 (3d Cir. filed Jan. 8, 2014) (same); Ulloa-
    Santos v. Att’y Gen., No. 12-2781 (3d Cir. filed June 25,
    2012) (same); Orellana-Garcia v. Att’y Gen., No. 12-2099
    (3d Cir. filed Apr. 20, 2012) (same). This practice, however,
    can have troubling consequences. First, it places the
    analytical cart before the horse in cases like this one, where
    the very definition of the PSG is then at issue, for denying
    relief based on the absence of a nexus begs the question:
    nexus to what? See, e.g., Bol-Velasquez, No. 15-3098. Even
    the Attorney General has observed “it would be better
    practice for Immigration Judges and the Board to address at
    the outset whether the applicant has established persecution
    on account of membership in a [PSG], rather than assuming it
    as the Board did here. Deciding that issue—and defining the
    [PSG] of which the applicant is a part—is fundamental to the
    analysis of which party bears the burden of proof and what
    the nature of that burden is.” Matter of A-T-, 24 I. & N. Dec.
    617, 623 n.7 (U.S. Att’y Gen. 2008). Second, even where the
    PSG definition is undisputed—so that the BIA would
    certainly have discretion to conclude that the efficiency of
    assuming a given PSG weighs in favor of resolution at the
    nexus stage—a reflexive practice of simply assuming a PSG
    first, that it was unclear whether Serrano-Alberto was targeted
    in the 2008 and 2012 shootings, and second, that Serrano-
    Alberto lived in El Salvador unharmed between 2012 and
    2014, undermining the potential relevance of any earlier
    has been established and is cognizable does not account for
    the very real benefits on the other side of the scale. Just as
    the Supreme Court has observed in the qualified immunity
    context, adjudication at every step is generally “necessary to
    support the Constitution’s ‘elaboration from case to case’ and
    to prevent constitutional stagnation” because “[t]he law might
    be deprived of this explanation were a court simply to skip
    ahead,” Pearson v. Callahan, 
    555 U.S. 223
    , 232, 236 (2009)
    (holding the two-step protocol announced in Saucier v. Katz,
    533 U.S. 194
    (2001) is no longer mandatory “but often
    beneficial”), so here, the BIA’s practice of assuming PSG and
    resolving cases on nexus grounds often inhibits the proper
    and orderly development of the law in this area by leaving the
    contours of protected status undefined, precluding further
    appellate review under the Chenery doctrine, see SEC v.
    Chenery Corp., 
    332 U.S. 194
    (1947), and ultimately
    generating additional needless litigation because of the
    uncertainty in this area, see 
    Valdiviezo-Galdamez, 663 F.3d at 594-609
    ; Fatin v. INS, 
    12 F.3d 1233
    , 1238 (3d Cir. 1993);
    Matter of M-E-V-G-, 26 I. & N. Dec. 227, 230 (BIA 2014).
    This is a case in point, where the IJ articulated the relevant
    PSG as “individuals perceived as wealthy who refuse to pay
    gang taxes,” App. 17, although other definitions were
    reasonable, and the BIA, despite being presented with
    alternative formulations, declined to rule on the question
    altogether. In sum, for both of the reasons stated, we strongly
    encourage IJs and the BIA to define the PSG in question and
    to adjudicate the existence and cognizability of that PSG.
    events. Finally, the BIA summarily affirmed the IJ’s decision
    on CAT protection and “disagree[d] with” Serrano-Alberto’s
    contention that the IJ did not fully develop the record,
    asserting that the IJ had considered the entire record and had
    provided Serrano-Alberto with a reasonable opportunity to
    present testimony, documents, and arguments, and finding
    “no indication that the actions of the [IJ] amount[ed] to a
    violation of due process.” App. 13.
    The BIA also denied Serrano-Alberto’s subsequent
    motion to reopen. That motion reiterated his due process
    allegations, and highlighted additional evidence and
    testimony that he contended he would have offered if given a
    fair opportunity. For example, Serrano-Alberto offered sworn
    statements in the accompanying affidavit that when the gang
    members called him to collect rent, they “said they knew who
    I was because I was a soccer player, and they could track my
    movements by looking in the paper or the radio, so they
    would easily know where I was going to be playing. . . . I was
    afraid, because I knew other soccer players had been
    killed,”—statements suggesting that Serrano-Alberto’s
    position as a soccer player placed him prominently on the
    gangs’ radar and thus supporting his claim of membership in
    a PSG. App. 70. With respect to the gang’s asserted reason
    for targeting him, Serrano-Alberto explained that his “soccer
    organization was explicitly opposed to gangs,” and that he
    “would talk to the young men in [his] neighborhood about
    how they could play soccer too, and then they wouldn’t need
    to be involved in any bad activities.” App. 69. And finally,
    relevant to his claim for protection under the CAT, Serrano-
    Alberto attested to having “problems with the police,”
    explaining that they often harassed and searched him, that in
    2009 they “were threatening [him],” and that sometimes they
    would stop him and “push [him] up against the wall, or hit or
    kick [him].” App. 71. He described one incident where
    officers hit him in the chest, held his head up so they could
    take a picture of him, laughed and made fun of his soccer
    team, made sarcastic comments, and used vulgar language
    before releasing him. App. 71.
    C.     Serrano-Alberto’s Due Process Claim
    Serrano-Alberto now argues to this Court, as he did
    before the BIA on direct appeal and in his motion to reopen,
    that the IJ’s conduct of the removal hearing violated his right
    to procedural due process.6
    While in the vast majority of cases, IJs diligently
    comport with their constitutional and statutory obligations,
    and while it is only on rare occasion that we have held an IJ’s
    conduct crosses the line, the record here compels us to
    conclude this is one of those rare cases. Because we reach
    this conclusion against the backdrop of the three main cases
    to date in which we have distinguished between permissible
    Serrano-Alberto also argued on appeal that the new
    evidence he presented in support of his motion to reopen
    could not have been presented previously, that this evidence
    demonstrates he was prejudiced by the due process violations
    at his removal hearing, that his expert testimony submitted in
    support of reopening makes a prima facie showing of his
    eligibility for relief, that he can establish persecution based on
    political opinion or membership in a PSG, and that the BIA
    failed to address Serrano-Alberto’s eligibility for CAT
    protection in its opinion denying his motion to reopen. For
    the reasons set forth below, we need not reach these claims.
    See infra n.9.
    and impermissible IJ conduct under the Due Process Clause,
    we will review each of those cases before addressing Serrano-
    Alberto’s claims for relief.
    First, in Wang v. Attorney General, 
    423 F.3d 260
    Cir. 2005), we held the petitioner did not receive due process
    where the IJ employed a disparaging and sarcastic tone
    throughout the petitioner’s removal hearing and expressed
    great disapproval of aspects of the petitioner’s personal life
    that were irrelevant to his claims, 
    id. at 263-65.
    Among other
    things, the IJ repeatedly badgered the petitioner for paying a
    smuggler to help him abscond from China to the United
    States and pointed out that the petitioner had hired an
    immigration attorney and wore a suit and tie to court,
    assuming for these reasons that the petitioner must have
    significant financial resources. 
    Id. at 263-64.
    The IJ also
    berated him for failing to pay a penalty levied against his
    parents in China for his wife’s illegal second child, despite no
    evidence in the record that the petitioner had sufficient funds
    to do so at his disposal, 
    id. at 263,
    and inexplicably chastised
    the petitioner in a derisive tone on the extent of his
    commitment to his disabled daughter in China, stating, for
    example, “Have you ever had medical records about your
    darling first child Ming Wang brought to the United States of
    America? Yes or no. . . . Well why don’t you have any
    medical records here to prove to me that you care enough
    about your daughter to have asked the doctor here about her
    Id. at 264.
    Based on such comments, we concluded that the IJ’s
    conduct in that case evinced bias against the petitioner, 
    id. at 269-71,
    that “many of the issues addressed by the IJ at length
    . . . were irrelevant to” the petitioner’s claims for relief, 
    id. at 269,
    and that “[w]hile the IJ explicitly deemed her broad
    character judgments relevant to her decision, they were not,”
    id. at 270.
    We therefore granted the petition for review,
    explaining that the IJ’s opinion was grossly insufficient to
    support her adverse credibility finding and that her “conduct
    so tainted the proceedings below that we [could not] be
    confident that [the petitioner] was afforded the opportunity
    fully to develop the factual predicates of his claim.” 
    Id. at 271.
    We also expressed our “sore[] disappoint[ment] that the
    IJ . . . chose to attack [the petitioner’s] moral character rather
    than conduct a fair and impartial inquiry into his asylum
    claims,” and we described “[t]he tone, the tenor, the
    disparagement, and the sarcasm of the IJ” as “more
    appropriate to a court television show than a federal court
    Id. at 269.
    Similarly, one year later, in Cham v. Attorney General,
    445 F.3d 683
    (3d Cir. 2006), we held due process was
    violated by an IJ who “continually abused an increasingly
    distraught petitioner, . . . wholesale nitpick[ed] . . . with an
    eye towards finding inconsistencies and contradictions,” and
    denied that petitioner the opportunity to present testimony
    from critical witnesses who were only available on dates after
    the hearing, 
    id. at 691-93.
    The numerous belligerent
    statements by the IJ included: “I don’t want you speaking
    English. I gave you the opportunity and you flubbed the
    opportunity. You were tripping all over the words in English.
    Your English is not that good . . . . You’re just delaying
    everything here. . . . Would you stop with the sorry. Just give
    me an answer. . . . Now, you better come up with an answer
    pretty quickly or I’ll find that you’re non-responsive.” 
    Id. at 688.
    After reviewing the record, we concluded the IJ’s
    hostility infected the hearing and vitiated his adverse
    credibility determination, and we vacated and remanded for
    Id. at 694.
    Although the Government in Cham contended that,
    regardless of the IJ’s conduct, the petitioner’s application did
    not merit relief, we explained, “The issue here . . . ‘is not
    whether the evidence as it stands supports the result reached
    by the immigration judge and the BIA,’ but instead ‘is
    whether the original deportation hearing was conducted in a
    fair enough fashion for one to determine that the BIA’s
    decision was based on reasonable, substantial, and probative
    Id. at 693
    (quoting Podio v. INS, 
    153 F.3d 506
    509 (7th Cir. 1998)). It was sufficient, we explained, that the
    IJ’s conduct “had the potential for affecting the outcome” of
    the proceedings, 
    id. at 694
    Shahandeh-Pey, 831 F.2d at 1389
    ), and we concluded the “brow beaten” petitioner,
    verbally abused and deprived of the opportunity to present
    testimony essential to his case, deserved “a second, and a real,
    chance to create a record in a deportation hearing that
    comports with the requirements of due process,” 
    id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).7
    In contrast, in Abdulrahman v. Ashcroft, 
    330 F.3d 587
    (3d Cir. 2003), although we acknowledged “the language
    In at least three additional cases, we determined the
    IJ’s adverse credibility findings to be unsupported by
    substantial evidence, remanding for rehearing and urging the
    reassignment of a different IJ. See Sukwanputra v. Gonzales,
    434 F.3d 627
    , 637-38 (3d Cir. 2006); Shah v. Att’y Gen., 
    446 F.3d 429
    , 430, 437 (3d Cir. 2006); Fiadjoe v. Att’y Gen., 
    411 F.3d 135
    , 155, 163 (3d Cir. 2005). Although not decided on
    constitutional grounds, the due process implications in each
    case are obvious and noteworthy. See 
    Sukwanputra, 434 F.3d at 638
    (“[E]ven if the IJ was not actually biased—and we do
    not speculate here as to h[is] state of mind—the mere
    appearance of bias on h[is] part could still diminish the
    stature of the judicial process []he represents. As stated by
    the Supreme Court, ‘justice must satisfy the appearance of
    justice.’” (quoting Offutt v. United States, 
    348 U.S. 11
    , 13
    (1954)) (additional internal citation and quotations marks
    Shah, 446 F.3d at 437
    (“Although we don’t expect
    an Immigration Judge to search for ways to sustain an alien’s
    testimony, neither do we expect the judge to search for ways
    to undermine and belittle it.” (quoting Zhang v. Gonzales, 
    406 F.3d 150
    , 158 (3d Cir. 2005) (McKee, J., concurring));
    Fiadjoe, 411 F.3d at 155
    (“The conduct of the IJ by itself
    would require a rejection of his credibility finding.”); see also
    Myrie v. Att’y Gen., 
    855 F.3d 509
    , 511, 518 (3d Cir. 2017)
    (remanding on alternative grounds but expressing due process
    concerns with the IJ’s conduct and urging reassignment on
    used by the IJ during the hearing and in her opinion [did]
    reflect an annoyance and dissatisfaction with [the petitioner’s]
    testimony that [was] far from commendable,” we held that
    this palpable “lack of courtesy” did not, without more, violate
    his due process rights, 
    id. at 597.
    Critical to our conclusion
    was our determination that the IJ “did not obstruct or
    denigrate [the petitioner’s] . . . testimony” and “interjected
    only to allow [the petitioner] to clarify inconsistent responses
    or to give him the opportunity to respond in further detail.”
    Id. Even though
    “her commentary was not confined to the
    evidence in the record and smacked of impermissible
    id. at 598,
    we determined the IJ’s findings and
    credibility determination were “supported by substantial
    evidence,” and thus her conclusions were “reasonable,” 
    id. at 599.
    What these cases teach us is that, where a petitioner
    claims to have been deprived of the opportunity to “make
    arguments on his or her own behalf,” 
    Dia, 353 F.3d at 239
    there is a spectrum of troubling conduct that is fact-specific
    and must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if
    (1) the petitioner “was prevented from reasonably presenting
    his case[,] and (2) . . . substantial prejudice resulted,” 
    Fadiga, 488 F.3d at 155
    (internal quotation marks omitted). At one
    end of the spectrum, the “lack of courtesy,” “interject[ions]”
    to clarify and develop the record, and “annoyance and
    dissatisfaction with . . . testimony” in 
    Abdulrahman, 330 F.3d at 597
    , were not sufficient to establish a due process claim.
    At the other end, the “contemptuous tone,” focus on “issues
    irrelevant to” the petitioner’s claims, and findings
    unsupported by the record in 
    Wang, 423 F.3d at 270
    , and the
    “wholesale      nitpicking,”     “continual[]     abuse[]”    and
    “belligerence,” and “interrupt[ions] . . . preventing important
    parts of [the petitioner’s] story from becoming a part of the
    record,” in 
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 691
    , 694, were flagrant enough
    to violate due process. Where these component parts of an
    IJ’s conduct are sufficiently egregious, at least in
    combination, a petitioner’s procedural due process rights are
    In Serrano-Alberto’s case, we conclude the IJ’s
    conduct falls on the impermissible end of the spectrum.
    Indeed, the IJ’s conduct here shares many of the attributes of
    the conduct we found unconstitutional in Wang and Cham,
    including a hostile and demeaning tone, a focus on issues
    irrelevant to the merits, brow beating, and continual
    See supra
    Sec. III.B. And in contrast to
    Abdulrahman where the interruptions assisted the petitioner
    in answering questions and appropriately refocused the
    hearing, 330 F.3d at 596-98
    , the IJ’s interruptions here
    repeatedly shut down productive questioning and focused
    instead on irrelevant details, 
    see supra
    Sec. III.B.
    Also in contrast to Abdulrahman, the IJ’s most critical
    findings and conclusions were not “reasonable” and
    “supported by substantial 
    evidence,” 330 F.3d at 599
    , but
    rather were directly contradicted by the record and otherwise
    inexplicable. Serrano-Alberto had testified that he was shot
    in 2008 shortly after refusing to continue making rent
    payments to the gang (corroborated by medical records, AR
    655, 663), that “when I was detained, the gang members
    found [my brother] to ask him about me . . . . [telling] him
    that if they couldn’t find me, that they were going to kill him
    and so they shot him and almost took his life,” App. 53
    (testimony also corroborated by medical records, AR 614-15),
    that he was the sole target of another shooting in 2012—
    immediately after he was released from prison, and that “my
    mother and my brother told me that [gang members] were
    asking for me [in 2013] . . . . and . . . they were going to find
    me because their intention was to kill me,” App. 46. Yet, the
    IJ, without making any adverse credibility determination,
    found that “nothing in the record suggests that [Serrano-
    Alberto] was the intended victim of the 2008 shooting . . . .
    [and] [t]he 2012 attack is similar,” App. 18, and, remarkably,
    rested her conclusion that Serrano-Alberto’s fear of
    persecution was not objectively reasonable on her observation
    that the drive-by shooters in 2008 and 2012 did not stop to
    tell him the reason “why they were shooting at him,” App. 18.
    Just as remarkably, the BIA summarily stated: “The
    Immigration Judge correctly noted that the respondent has not
    shown that gang members or any other individuals or groups
    have any interest in him, or that he was the intended target in
    2008 or 2012.” App. 12.
    Likewise, despite Serrano-Alberto’s testimony, “I
    couldn’t [report the 2008 shooting] because the police is
    associated with the gang . . . . If I went and reported them, I
    knew that they will go directly to my house and kill me,”
    App. 51-52, and his sworn statement in his credible fear
    interview that police officers give information to gangs, App.
    170, the IJ found that “[t]his record . . . does not establish that
    the . . . government would exercise willful blindness with
    respect to any hypothetical torture respondent might
    experience,” App. 20, and the BIA simply “agree[d] with the
    Immigration Judge’s conclusion that the respondent did not
    meet his burden to establish eligibility for protection under
    the CAT,” App. 13.
    All told, although the IJ neither denied a request from
    Serrano-Alberto to submit evidence, as in 
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 691
    -93, nor belittled him for his life choices, as in Wang, 423
    32 F.3d 263-65
    , the pervasiveness and egregiousness of the other
    problematic conduct here—the IJ’s interrupting and cabining
    Serrano-Alberto to “yes or no” answers during critical
    testimony, honing in on various and sundry irrelevant details,
    making findings contradicted by the record, and maintaining a
    condescending and belligerent tone throughout the hearing,
    see supra
    Sec. III.B—evinced bias and created an intolerable
    atmosphere of intimidation. Combined with the IJ’s lack of
    familiarity with the written record and failure to develop the
    record,8 the IJ’s conduct deprived Serrano-Alberto of “a full
    and fair hearing [with] . . . a reasonable opportunity to present
    evidence on [his] behalf,” 
    Abdulrahman, 330 F.3d at 596
    To be clear, we do not hold today that due process
    imposes on an IJ an affirmative obligation to develop the
    record or to gain a particular level of familiarity with a
    petitioner’s case before presiding over her hearing. Like the
    Second Circuit, which has recognized the relevance of failure
    to develop the record to determining whether substantial
    evidence supports an IJ’s decision, see Yang v. McElroy, 
    277 F.3d 158
    , 162 (2d Cir. 2002), we have held previously that
    failure to develop the record is a relevant consideration in
    such circumstances as evaluating whether an IJ’s adverse
    credibility determination is supported by substantial evidence,
    see Senathirajah v. I.N.S., 
    157 F.3d 210
    , 220 (3d Cir. 1998),
    or whether the IJ has given the petitioner a fair opportunity to
    provide corroborating documentation, see Toure v. Att’y Gen.,
    443 F.3d 310
    , 325 (3d Cir. 2006). Although the Eighth and
    Ninth Circuits have suggested that an IJ may be
    constitutionally obligated to develop the record under the Due
    Process Clause, see Al Khouri v. Ashcroft, 
    362 F.3d 461
    , 465
    (8th Cir. 2004); Agyeman v. I.N.S., 
    296 F.3d 871
    , 877 (9th
    Cir. 2002), we have not so held and do not go so far today.
    (internal quotation marks omitted), and most certainly had
    “the potential for affecting the outcome of [the] deportation
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 694
    (quoting Shahandeh-
    Pey, 831 F.2d at 1389
    ). In short, as in Cham and Wang, the
    IJ’s conduct here “so tainted the proceedings below that we
    cannot be confident that [Serrano-Alberto] was afforded the
    opportunity fully to develop the factual predicates of his
    Wang, 423 F.3d at 271
    ; see 
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 694
    Strikingly, the Government, instead of engaging
    Serrano-Alberto’s due process argument, dedicated a mere
    two pages of its brief to the issue. And while the Government
    acknowledged at oral argument that there were instances
    “where the Immigration Judge stop[ped] him short when he
    [was] beginning to answer a question,” Oral Arg. 39:36-41, it
    attempted to explain those instances away as “something
    getting lost in translation or something not necessarily being
    understood the first time around,” Oral Arg. 39:47-52,
    arguing that “the fact that she became frustrated or a little bit
    annoyed that she wasn’t getting direct answers from the
    petitioner isn’t reason in and of itself to send this case back as
    a result of a due process violation,” Oral Arg. 40:14-27. That
    explanation falls flat given the nature, number, and effect of
    the IJ’s interruptions. 
    See supra
    Sec. III.B.
    We are also unmoved by the Government’s suggestion
    that any errors by the IJ were cured because Serrano-Alberto
    “had an opportunity to file a motion to reopen to submit all
    this additional evidence.”       Oral Arg. 40:35-39. That
    argument is precisely the one we rejected in Cham, where we
    explained “[t]he issue . . . ‘is not whether the evidence as it
    stands supports the result reached by the immigration judge
    and the BIA,’ but instead ‘is whether the original deportation
    hearing was conducted in a fair enough fashion for one to
    determine that the BIA’s decision was based on reasonable,
    substantial, and probative 
    evidence.’” 445 F.3d at 693
    Podio, 153 F.3d at 509
    In sum, we have no occasion to address the merits of
    Serrano-Alberto’s application for asylum, withholding of
    removal, and CAT protection because we conclude Serrano-
    Alberto is entitled to present his case anew and will grant his
    petition for review. We also urge the BIA, upon its further
    remand, to reassign this matter to a new IJ. As the BIA itself
    has recognized, “Conduct by an Immigration Judge that can
    be perceived as bullying or hostile can have a chilling effect
    Indeed, if anything, Serrano-Alberto’s motion to
    reopen before the BIA would appear to reinforce the
    conclusion that the IJ’s interference in Serrano-Alberto’s
    presentation of his case had “the potential for affecting the
    outcome of [the] deportation proceedings,” 
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 694
    Shahandeh-Pey, 831 F.2d at 1389
    ), in view of
    the proof it proffered in support of Serrano-Alberto’s claims
    for relief, see, e.g., App. 69-71. Given our disposition of
    Serrano-Alberto’s due process claim, however, we need not
    reach the question whether this motion was denied in error.
    Instead, Serrano-Alberto’s petition for review of that order
    will be denied as moot because the IJ assigned on remand
    from the BIA will have jurisdiction to consider “any and all
    matters which [he] deems appropriate in the exercise of his
    administrative discretion or which are brought to his attention
    in compliance with the appropriate regulations,” 
    Johnson, 286 F.3d at 701
    (quoting Matter of Patel, 16 I. & N. Dec. 600,
    601 (BIA 1978)), including the evidence incorporated into
    Serrano-Alberto’s motion to reopen, see Matter of Y-S-L-C,
    26 I. & N. Dec. at 691.
    on a respondent’s testimony and thereby limit his or her
    ability to fully develop the facts of the claim,” Matter of Y-S-
    L-C-, 26 I. & N. Dec. at 690, and when this type of “belittling
    . . . and insensitive” conduct occurs, 
    id. at 691,
    it is
    “appropriate to . . . remand . . . for a new hearing before a
    different Immigration Judge,” 
    id. Such was
    the case in both
    Wang and Cham, where we urged reassignment in view of the
    due process violations we identified in those cases, see 
    Wang, 423 F.3d at 271
    Cham, 445 F.3d at 694
    ; see also 
    Myrie, 855 F.3d at 511
    , 518. And such is undoubtedly the case here as
    IV.    Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we will grant Serrano-
    Alberto’s petition for review of the BIA’s order denying his
    applications for asylum, withholding of removal, and
    protection under CAT, vacate that order, and remand to the
    BIA for proceedings consistent with this opinion. We will
    also deny as moot Serrano-Alberto’s petition for review of the
    BIA’s denial of his motion to reopen.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-3146

Citation Numbers: 859 F.3d 208

Filed Date: 6/12/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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