Commonwealth v. Hebb , 477 Mass. 409 ( 2017 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Suffolk.    February 7, 2017. - June 30, 2017.
    Present:     Gants, C.J., Lenk, Hines, Gaziano, Lowy, & Budd, JJ.
    Motor Vehicle, Operating under the influence. Constitutional
    Law, Double jeopardy. Practice, Criminal, Double jeopardy,
    Civil action commenced in the Supreme Judicial Court for
    the county of Suffolk on July 19, 2016.
    The case was reported by Spina, J.
    Christopher DeMayo for the defendant.
    Donna-Marie Haran, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Timothy St. Lawrence, pro se, amicus curiae, submitted a
    HINES, J.      In this case, we decide whether double jeopardy
    principles preclude the Commonwealth from retrying the defendant
    on a complaint charging a violation of G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1), on the theory of operation of a motor vehicle
    with a percentage of alcohol in his blood of .08 or greater (per
    se violation), after a jury acquitted him on the theory of
    operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of
    intoxicating liquor (impaired ability violation).    The
    Commonwealth prosecuted the one-count complaint on both
    theories, and after the jury returned a verdict on the impaired
    ability violation only, the judge declared a mistrial on the per
    se violation.   A new complaint issued charging only a per se
    violation of G. L. c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1).   Claiming that
    retrial violated his double jeopardy rights where the complaint
    issued after an acquittal on the impaired ability violation, the
    defendant filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.    The judge
    denied the motion.
    The defendant sought relief in the county court pursuant to
    G. L. c. 211, § 3.   The case is before us on a reservation and
    report from a single justice of this court.   We conclude that
    double jeopardy principles do not preclude retrial where the
    Commonwealth prosecuted the case on both theories and the jury
    reached a verdict on only one of those theories.
    Background.   We set forth the facts the jury could have
    found.   On May 16, 2013, the defendant was struck by a vehicle
    while he was operating his motorcycle on a public way.1    At the
    scene of the collision, the defendant admitted to having had
    The parties stipulated that the defendant was operating
    his motorcycle on a public way.
    several alcoholic beverages and was uncooperative with the
    paramedics.   After the defendant complained of pain, he was
    transported to the Milford Hospital emergency department.
    The treating physician observed that the defendant's skin
    appeared "flushed" and that his speech was slurred, and detected
    "an odor of alcohol on [his] breath."   Based on these
    observations, the physician determined that the defendant was
    "intoxicated[,] probably with alcohol."   With the defendant's
    consent, medical personnel drew blood samples for alcohol levels
    to be determined.   Subsequent testing of the blood samples by a
    blood analyst in the State police crime laboratory showed a
    blood alcohol level of .133.   On cross-examination, the blood
    analyst acknowledged that the tubes holding the defendant's
    blood samples also contained an anticoagulant to prevent blood
    clotting and that if the anticoagulant is not properly
    activated, the blood sample could clot, and yield an
    artificially high blood alcohol test result.
    During closing arguments, defense counsel urged a finding
    that the defendant had not been impaired while operating his
    motorcycle, and that the blood alcohol test results were
    unreliable because the Commonwealth failed to present evidence
    that the anticoagulant was properly activated prior to testing.
    The prosecutor argued that (1) the defendant's behavior and
    appearance at the scene of the collision and at the hospital
    proved the impaired ability violation; and (2) the defendant's
    blood alcohol level of .133 proved the per se violation.
    The verdict slip conformed to the complaint, charging both
    the impaired ability violation and the per se violation, and
    provided the jury the following options:      (I) "Operating a Motor
    Vehicle Under the Influence of Liquor:      1.   Not Guilty; 2.
    Guilty"; and (II) "Operating a Motor Vehicle with a Blood
    Alcohol Level of .08% or greater:   1.     Not Guilty; 2.   Guilty."
    During the deliberations, the jury reported in writing the
    following:   "Made decision on first count; however, saw evidence
    that was supposed to be redacted, swaying our decision [on the
    second count].   What is our next step?"     In response, the judge
    summoned the jury to the court room and conducted a voir dire.
    During the colloquy, the judge learned that although the
    information indicating that the defendant was being prosecuted
    for a fourth offense had been redacted from the exhibits, the
    jury were able to discern the word "fourth" next to OUI.          This
    information swayed the jury's decision as to option II, the per
    se violation, but not as to option I, on which the jury returned
    a not guilty verdict.   The jury left the verdict slip blank for
    option II, marking neither "not guilty" nor "guilty."
    Accordingly, the judge accepted the verdict on option I and
    declared a mistrial on option II.
    In December, 2015, a second criminal complaint issued
    against the defendant, charging one count of operating with a
    blood alcohol level percentage of .08 or greater, fourth
    violation, under G. L. c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1).    The defendant
    filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that retrial violated his
    double jeopardy rights.    A second judge denied the motion, and
    the defendant filed a petition pursuant to G. L. c. 211, § 3,
    seeking review of that judge's order.    A single justice of this
    court reserved and reported the case to the full court on August
    12, 2016.
    Discussion.     Generally, "[t]he denial of a motion to
    dismiss in a criminal case is not appealable until after trial,
    and we have indicated many times that G. L. c. 211, § 3, may not
    be used to circumvent that rule."    Jackson v. Commonwealth, 
    437 Mass. 1008
    , 1009 (2002).    However, we have recognized a limited
    exception "where a defendant's motion to dismiss raises a double
    jeopardy claim of substantial merit."    Azubuko v. Commonwealth,
    464 Mass. 1002
    , 1003 (2012).    Because the double jeopardy issue
    raises a question of law, our review of the judge's decision is
    de novo.    See Commonwealth v. Rodriguez, 
    476 Mass. 367
    , 369
    (2017); Commonwealth v. Carlino, 
    449 Mass. 71
    , 72 n.7 (2007).
    In its broadest sweep, "[t]he double jeopardy principle
    'protects against three specific evils -- "a second prosecution
    for the same offense after acquittal; a second prosecution for
    the same offense after conviction; and multiple punishments for
    the same offense"'" (citation omitted).       Commonwealth v. Brown,
    470 Mass. 595
    , 603 (2015).     The "evil" to be prevented by the
    double jeopardy principle in the circumstances presented by this
    case is a second prosecution after an acquittal.      Thus, the
    issue to be decided here is whether an acquittal of only one of
    the charged violations is, in effect, an acquittal of both
    violations.     We conclude that it is not.
    First, the statute as written provides that a defendant may
    be convicted on one or both violations.       In 2003, the
    Legislature amended G. L. c. 90, § 24 (OUI statute), "to
    strengthen the protections afforded the public from drivers who
    might be impaired by the consumption of alcohol."       Commonwealth
    v. Colturi, 
    448 Mass. 809
    , 813 (2007).    With this amendment,
    "the Legislature added language to the OUI statute, making it a
    violation to operate a motor vehicle not only under the
    influence of intoxicating liquor [(impaired ability violation)],
    but also with a blood alcohol level of .08 or more [(per se
    Id. at 811.
      Thus, the statutory framework
    created by the 2003 amendment established alternative theories
    under which a violation of the OUI statute could be charged and
    proved, each containing a factual element not necessary to prove
    the other.    See Commonwealth v. Filoma, 
    79 Mass. App. Ct. 16
    , 20
    (2011).   In other words, to prove a per se violation of the OUI
    statute, the Commonwealth need not establish that the defendant
    was under the influence of intoxicating liquor.    See G. L.
    c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1).     See also 
    Filoma, supra
    .   Likewise, to
    prove an impaired ability violation of the statute, the
    Commonwealth need not show that the defendant's blood alcohol
    level was .08 per cent or more.    See 
    id. at 20-21.
    Here, the complaint charged the defendant with an impaired
    ability violation and, in the alternative, a per se violation.
    Thus, the charging decision was consistent with the legislative
    purpose to minimize the risk to public safety from drivers who
    are either actually impaired or presumed to be impaired based on
    their blood alcohol level.    Consistent with its charging
    decision, the Commonwealth affirmatively pursued both
    alternatives at trial, and the verdict slip permitted the jury
    to choose either or both alternatives.
    Second, "the protection of the [d]ouble [j]eopardy [c]lause
    by its terms applies only if there had been some event, such as
    an acquittal, which terminates the original jeopardy."
    Commonwealth v. Johnson, 
    426 Mass. 617
    , 625 (1998), quoting
    Richardson v. United States, 
    468 U.S. 317
    , 325 (1984).       And, as
    we have said, "where a verdict does not specifically resolve all
    the elements of the offense charged, it is defective and cannot
    operate as either an acquittal or a conviction," 
    Brown, 470 Mass. at 603-604
    , and thus does not trigger double jeopardy
    protections.   Therefore, double jeopardy protections were not
    triggered here, because the jury's not guilty verdict on the
    impaired ability charge did not resolve the factual element
    necessary to establish a per se violation -- that the defendant
    operated a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of .08 per
    cent or greater.   The jury's resolution of that factual element,
    a live issue in the prosecution, was foreclosed by the mistrial
    declaration.   In sum, the double jeopardy bar does not prohibit
    the Commonwealth from seeking to retry a defendant "where other
    theories (supported by evidence at a first trial) would support
    a defendant's conviction in the second."   Marshall v.
    463 Mass. 529
    , 538 (2012).
    Our conclusion that double jeopardy principles do not bar
    retrial on the per se violation where the defendant was
    acquitted on the impaired ability violation is consistent with
    this court's application of double jeopardy principles in cases
    involving trials for murder under multiple theories.     For
    example, in Commonwealth v. Zanetti, 
    454 Mass. 449
    , 459-461
    (2009), we held that the Commonwealth could retry a defendant
    for murder on a theory on which the jury had not reached a
    verdict at the first trial.   Likewise, in 
    Brown, 470 Mass. at 605-606
    , we held that where the jury in the first trial failed
    to reach a verdict on the "facts and merits" of the charge of
    murder in the first degree on the theory of deliberate
    premeditation, double jeopardy principles did not prohibit the
    Commonwealth from retrying the defendant on that theory at a
    second trial.   "The 'interest in giving the prosecution one
    complete opportunity to convict those who have violated its
    laws' justifies treating the jury's inability to reach a verdict
    as a nonevent that does not bar retrial."   Yeager v. United
    557 U.S. 110
    , 118 (2009), quoting Arizona v. Washington,
    434 U.S. 497
    , 509 (1978).
    The defendant contends that the United States Supreme
    Court's decision in Sanabria v. United States, 
    437 U.S. 54
    (1978), forecloses retrial on the per se violation because the
    jury acquitted him on the impaired ability violation.     We
    disagree.   In Sanabria, the trial judge entered an acquittal on
    the entire count charging violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1955,
    "without specifying that [the judge] did so only with respect to
    one theory of liability."   
    Id. at 67.
      Because Sanabria is
    distinguishable from this case, it does not advance the
    defendant's argument.
    Conclusion.   For the reasons explained above, we remand the
    matter to the county court for entry of an order denying the
    defendant's G. L. c. 211, § 3, petition.
    So ordered.